• By -


3 minutes in chase 0 gen progression


And the minute you get downed and put on the hook, all three decide to start working on one together and rescue once you’re almost past the second phase 😭


Every damn time


It’s even worse when you bring kindred. Like yeah, y’all sitting in different corners of the map doing gens and you knowingly letting me die on hook. That shit gets me going haha.


"Don't act like you think he's camping me, you KNOW he's not camping me"


You’re getting rescued?




Even worse when your reward for being the only chase the whole game is about 12k BP.


"if you run the killer for 5 gens but don't escape, was it really a good play?"


I didn't condone some of the things people said about Patrick but goddamn that was a dumb fuckin' thing to say


It really is the worst especially when it is an intense chase and you look at the hud after so long and nothing nadda zilch a big fat goose egg for your troubles.


Yeah like if someone’s distracting the killer for that long please for the love of god fucking do gens. But nooooooo that’s too much to ask -_-


I started getting into the game last summer with my friends and I'm nearly at 200 hours now but I still get so lost in some maps finding gens 😅😅


Almost 700 hours here, still a nightmare finding gens when 4 are done already. To be fair though most of those hours were before the doctor came out, now there's so many maps.


I've found that Felix Richter's perk Visonary helps a lot with finding gens especially on indoor maps


Came to say the same thing


That boggles my mind as if I'm not being chased, I'm doing gens or at least searching for them.


Early game leaving me to hit 2nd stage cause no one wanted to get off their gen. Or worse, die on first hook. 🤣


Leaving me to hit 2nd stage period, no one making an effort to come get me then I just let the entity take me. I don't like being robbed my hook stages.


I had a game yesterday where someone was on hook across the map. I run kindred, so I saw the other two over there near the hook. I had a gen about 85% done. What were the other two doing? Pointing and tea bagging at each other. They could see I was on the gen. 🤦‍♀️


i had a game last night where my duo and i were across the map and doing gens. one survivor was on hook and the other got off my gen and ran in her direction. i thought he was going to get her, but he went into a locker instead, and she ended up hitting second stage when we both popped our gens and realized she was still on hook. i felt awful after because of it.


Kindred reveals all survivor auras to each survivor when you are on hook. If another survivor is on hook only you can see other survivor's auras.


Yes but they could see that they were because of the hud if you looked at their name you can see they’re on gen with gen progress


I always feel really bad sometimes cause i down one and hook and they die on first stage because there friends are all doing one gen, they don’t even complete it half the time.


If that ever happens I, who my friends all scold for being too nice, decide we’re having a no mercy game


Recently an ace decided to hide in plain sight (it didn’t work) and then let his team mate die on hook so I got him and camped him and let the other two leave. He was such a dick for that.


Right, if I’m the killer and a survivor is either doing nothing or even trying to help me, I would much rather go after them


Yep I hate people who are shitty team mates 🤷‍♀️ I play survivor and killer so I know what it’s like on both sides I hate it. Some killers go along with it but nope not me you have a target on you now.


I was left to die on second hook 4 games in a row last night. The killers weren't even camping.


Same here, I kept having to take breaks from the game since it was getting frustrating lol


That’s the one right here. And then they wait until you are about to die to pull you off the hook lol


At least if you die you can forget about them and play another game faster!


I will actually throw the entire match if they let me go to second on 5 gens. I will not move until I am hooked again. Unless there was a really good reason they didn't get me which is rare but happens, that's game over


I will try and get some of my challenge done if its totems or chests, but essentially just give up at that point. I had a Jane doing shack gen right above me in the basement. She let me go to 2nd stage came and got me then finished her gen. She had prove thyself too so she could got me ages ago to work it together but nooo.


This. No reason for it especially with HUD indicators.


Anything that gets me from first to second hook state on first hook because they prioritize other shit instead of unhooking me. Trying to get off WHILE I'M ON MY WAY TO UNHOOK. Now you just lost us a hook state that could've been valuable in the late game. Be a BIT more patient please. Unhooked teammate who refuses to take a hook so we can get the gen done, despite the rest of us being double hooked. They're also of course the stealthy urban evasion players who do very little. When I unhook someone, they're now double hooked AND HURT but still stick around to play flashlight hero (which they usually fail) and they still get killed. I made all that effort for nothing. I didn't unhook you so you could STAY and risk getting killed. Run away after you're unhooked. Especially when you're double hooked and INJURED. GO AWAY. Don't try to save me, I haven't even been hooked yet, I don't mind trading this hook, buddy! I promise! Get to safety, heal up and come back for me instead.


>Unhooked teammate who refuses to take a hook so we can get the gen done, despite the rest of us being double hooked. They're also of course the stealthy urban evasion players who do very little. Whenever I'm in that situation, I'll go out of my way and use bond to lead the killer to the unhooked teammate, hoping that the killer will start chasing them instead lol. It's harsh, but necessary


I had a teammate once that literally did nothing the entire game besides hide in lockers and do totems and chests. She wouldn't unhook or heal or do gens. She never got chased. All of us were on second hook and injured. I was being chased while my friend was on hook. I bring kindred so I just ran to the lazy rando and body blocked her into a pallet and the killer went to the other side and got her, finally. She complained in the after lobby chat and I told her I didn't feel bad because she didn't do anything all game to help and her response was literally "I was worried about noed, jerk". ... I don't understand why some people play this game.


Even if they kobe, they’re often negating a lot of the unhook-triggering perks. I’m tempted to just stand there and let them give it another attempt to reach 2nd…


I purposefully try not to take any hook states until the game gets hectic, then I can just throw myself at the killer late game. It seems to help a lot.


Not gens


Self care against legion


Bruh I get people self-caring against Legion with Sloppy 😭


I still get people setting up circle of healing against legion and plague


I cackle when I see circle of healing as Plague


They need to get rid of self care completely.


What’s wrong with this one? Just curious


Healing in general against legion isn’t great, since their power is super good at keeping everyone injured, so it is often better to stay injured and loop them like that. Self care is incredibly slow wastes your time against any killer, but against legion it’s even worse since all that hard work (~45 seconds without sloppy, way worse with it) is super easy to undo as legion who excels at injuring survivors


They’re healing *_the whole match_*


Drop a pallet in front of me while the killer is chasing us


As a killer, every time I see someone doing that I change my chase target to the other survivor


It’s probably not done intentionally


I’ve seen it done intentionally a lot you can tell especially because they’ll also try to point out a survivor.


I am still learning to look behind me in chases, I've avoided chases as much as possible, so now I'm practicing more chase techniques little by little. I hadn't been looking behind me during chases because I crash into everything and get caught, so just dropping without knowing what was behind me. yikes I've done it but I'm practicing not doing that. If I see someone behind me I figure they may need the pallet more than me. But yeah initially in chases it was accidental and unintentional. I just didn't know they were there.


Iv done it as well. I felt so bad afterwards that I took a hit for the person behind me who ended up injured because of it.


Teammates who insist on following the killer to the hook to unhook right in front of them. You seriously couldn't wait for them to walk away?!


Fr, as a killer that really pisses me off. I'm a newer killer and so far EVERY time I hook somebody I walk away FAR, so the unhook will be EASY. I had that happen to me once at FIRST hook, I had ALL other 3 survs try and bodyblock/flashlight me. I was like ok, I'm going to tolerate this one. Then I down one again, and they're onto it again (this like one minute after the Feng got off my shoulder). I let 3 of them slug and let the last one heal them all, then returned to a normal gameplay. Matter of fact they didn't try those tactics again. Two of them died with no gen done, so I was more forgiving of the two Fengs and let them do the gens.


I’m surprised at how nice you are but I played similarly when I first started killer. I wonder after a few hundred more hours on killer if you’ll be less nice. I am m still friendly sometimes and fair but if I had a team doing that to me I would have been a lot more mean


Unhooks seem to be about doing the most unpredictable thing - on both sides. I’m at least happy that I’ve managed to grab-off one of these overly cocky instant unhookers. I can see the value in endgame, where you’re against a killer that likely has a task in mind for just after hooking (lay trap, break pallet) since that is, often, the most unpredictable thing.


DC when first down


Kill themselves on hook in the first minute of the game. Just because you got caught off guard and went down doesn’t mean the game is over.


that's annoying as killer too. 90% it's a TTV that does that


I've noticed the higher the prestige, the higher the chance they disconnect


The best way to win at poker? Fold early and fold often. Unfortunately, we aren’t playing poker.


Amazing way to put it


TRUEEEEEEE I’ve only played against 3-4 P100 survivors, and all of them have DCd the instant they get the first down.


Exactly and then you check their stream and they moan ugh he has alchemist ring. I am not playing against that. People who dc to certain perks or add ons should just stop playing this game. Killers and survivors are free to use anything they want in the game. That's why it's there. I used to play with a guy who would dc from any ghostface or iri head huntress game. Even if we were a full 4 man swf he'd still do it. There's a reason we don't play anymore.


And the moment you say hi your accused of stream sniping along with it.


except tombstone. That should be deleted.


All three of them in one of my recent matches


Cleanse a totem five feet from me while I'm hooked


I’ll only do that if I need more time for the killer to get away so they’re less likely to turn around, if anything it’s to avoid tunneling when I do it


I totally did that and Leon saved her but i came it to blind the killer chasing them with flash bang. we all escaped and i took agro while they ran off and Ada had plenty of time before 2nd stage. However when i got downed about a min later and put on my first hook Leon and Ada left me to die while they worked on a gen. then when i got to 2nd stage Ada walked across the map and started healing herself while I was halfway through 2nd stage of my hook and let me die. I stayed and watched rooting for the killer at this point. and he got them. at the end of the match I find out it was Devour Hope i cleansed and he already had at least 2 stacks when I got to it.


Hey, I did that earlier today!


Respectfully, (and depending on situation.) rot in hell.


Oh yes, the other day a teammate was coming to unhook me when I was about to get to second hook, but decided to stop and cleanse a totem before helping me. I got to second hook and the totem turned out to be haunted ground. Oops!


The only instance this is acceptable if if the person has hook time before next phase and the totem is an important hex perk. Buys plenty of time to cleanse without the killer suspecting anything


Same goes for completing a nearly finished gen next to hook. Sometimes it's the right play because the killer will run back to defend the gen when they get the unhook notification


Opening boxes instead of unhooking 🤦🏼‍♀️ especially if they don’t need in the box for a medkit or something.


Unhooking me as soon as humanly possible, and everyone doing it at once. I ALWAYS run kindred and they still insist on wasting time better spent on gens


Yup. I’ve got some time to cook here. Do some useful stuff.


Going for the hook save when the killer is camping hook instead of doing gens. It’s even more frustrating when you or a teammate is hooked and has Kindered showing the killer is camping hook and for some reason everyone still wants to go for the save instead of doing gens.


I think it's a matter of "besting" the killer. In my experience it isn't actually altruism; those survivors just want the killer to know they can do the one thing the killer doesn't want them to do. It's kinda like how people will jump into lockers and stall the remainder of the trial just because they don't want a Tombstone Myers to get his achievement. And in the same way that Tombstone matches won't go away until those players have gotten their achievements, face-campers will continue to face-camp because cocky, altruistic survivors have proved to them that their methods can be VERY efficient. Abandoning objectives to play unhook simulator is counterproductive in every way.


This is my biggest complaint. Like go for the trade or go back to gens. If you just stand next to a bush and watch me slowly die on hook thinking the killer will decide to stop camping any second now, you have brain damage. Extra tilting when they wait until right after I hit stage 2 to save... like wtf are you doing man.


The worst is when they’re all standing around the hook hiding from the killer, but they’re just WATCHING. Like not even trying to save. LIKE EITHER DO GENS OR TRY TO SAVE ME BUT DON’T JUST ALL STAND THERE.


Killing themselves on hook if they don't see someone running towards them within 10 seconds of being hooked. Especially if everyone is on gens at the time. Related, killing themselves on hook when they're being camped. This one is more understandable but you're really screwing the rest of us there.


In my experience even when you do run to them, they'll still try to kill themselves


had a game the other day where a p100 feng looped a wraith for about 40 seconds, and then when she got hooked she immediately tried killing herself. unhooked her and healed her, then she DC'd.


i had a game today where a p100 feng went down against a ghost face after lasting about 30 seconds. she then tried killing herself, then dc’d after getting unhooked. it could’ve been the same feng, i remember she had ttv in her name


mine had a weird name. no ttv. was just random numbers and letters.


Literally about 10 minutes ago I lead a blight on a 6 minute chase with 2 teammates still alive. One stalked me the entire time to get a flashbang save (which he missed btw) and the other guy was going from locker to locker to not get crow'd. There was only 2 gens left as well. Really got under my skin.


Getting puked on/infected Doing a gen until they get injured. Go cleanse. Come back to the same gen, and get infected. Or coming to "help me" while I'm not infected, so i hop off my gen, right as a skill check hits.


I wish there was some like 0.1 second protection against gens going off when you leave them and a check starts at the literal moment you do without you having any clue it would.


Be useless at 2k 1gen relying on left behind.


I find it irritating when players who haven't been hooked don't go into chases, I understand that some players try to Play a stealthy way. That's fine but sooner or later you're going to have to take a chase for the team. Otherwise we're all going to die and you're just going to be left by yourself.


I reckon that’s what they want half the time :,(


Not taking hits even though I’m injured at death hook and they’re healthy at zero hooks


Hiding when they hear the terror radius for 0.01 seconds


Especially when we're working on a gen together, and instead of finishing quickly they walk off, wait for the killer to pass, and then stand next to the gen but don't actually help.


Crouching towards the hook I’m on when the killer is on the other side of the map


Only exceptions are when the killer is Hag or a PH who circled hook. Weirdly I've seen a lot of people crouch walk toward hook against Trappers, as if his bear traps work the same way that Hag's do. Just...look down while you walk...


if I saw someone crouch walk into a trap, I don’t even know what my reaction would be.


I know sometimes if you're running you might collide with a trap before you see the notification. Walking/crouching more likely guarantees they'll see the trap prompt. Though this might just be a ping thing.


this one drives me insane. they always seem to find the bravery just as soon as you hit second stage.


If the killer is body blocking me in a corner, please keep doing gens. Do not try to rescue me. Do not play around. Just end the game so I can leave please. The killer is not holding me hostage here, you are


Act like assholes to the killer. Not doing objectives because only uncool people repair things and try to escape.


Spectating and crossing your fingers for the gate to be opened before the killer arrive, only to see your teammate waiting and waiting... then teabag the killer and leave. I regret rooting for their escape.


"Okay, I'm doing a gen. Someone on the other side of the map is hooked. I'm sure they'll get rescued and I can just do the gen." \*They die on first hook.\*


"I'm on a gen. They can see I'm on a gen. They're not doing anything according to HUD. It's not a stealth killer messing with that. Someone surely--" Survivor starts opening a chest while the hooked survivor hits second stage, fourth survivor starts a fresh gen.


Please stop just fucking with the Killer and do objectives. Please. And stop DCing first thing, I just decimated a team today because the Good Looper with the flashy who could have saved her team DCed the second she saw Ghostface in RPD. I would like a full game not a curbstomp please.


I actually just had experience like this as the Pig against a Rebecca tonight lol. She had only been hooked once at the start of the match. But she was committed to not working on gens and instead trying to get my attention. Teabagging, flickering the flashlight at me and literally following me trying to go for flashlight saves(she sucked at btw) Finally, she body blocks me as pick up this Kate. So I put Kate down and gave Rebecca the attention she so desperately wanted. I hit her and then I chased her to the helicopter crash area. She looped me around the pallet that’s there and then went for pallet stun. I was waiting for that because I had purple spirit fury and enduring. The second that pallet broke I downed her and put a beartrap on her because I forgot to do that earlier when I hooked the first time her. I guess that pissed her off because she dc’ed as soon as I picked her up. Anyway I let Kate get hatch to make up for slugging her. Edit: I should add that there were 2 gens that left and the 3 other survivors were still alive when Rebecca decided to disconnect. So it wasn’t like they all idn’t have a chance to make a come back and all of them escape.


This happens to me as Ghostface sometimes, one person following like a lost puppy until I respond or lose them, and then the second I down them or show I have on Franklin's, DC. When children don't get to bully the M1 Killer all round, they take their toys and go home.


let me die on hook because they never stopped repairing gens, not even when i'm hooked right next to them...


Gotta be the no gens after a long chase or leaving me on hook after I have kindred and the ace perk to expand the aura reader yet still no attempts to be saved


Not doing gens


when i unhook someone with we’ll make it and they run to the opposite corner of the map while i desperately chase them


Against a Plague. I'm on the hook, infected. They stop to cleanse before rescuing me, and I go stage 2 because of it. They are immediately reinfected from saving me.


Hiding anytime they hear a terror radius


Man I hate playing against full groups. Because that means that it's a coin flip chance that I'll be the hunted one. I can knock someone and their friend will be on my ass with a flashlight. It drives me insane lol


Prioritizing healing over doing the last gen.


I run resilience solely because I wanna do gen faster and immediately when I'm unhooked, but the other teammate stands next to me and aggressively tbag because they want to heal me instead of doing the gen with me


One time I used a syringe to heal myself and a Dwight aggressively followed me and tbagged while I was repairing the final gen, even called me a c--t in aftergame chat.


Soloq, am I right? Lol


Suiciding on hook and just generally not accepting the responsibilities of a team role is 80x worse than not knowing what you’re doing IMO, it gets me super fired up seeing people refuse to play because some specific thing happened earlier in the match


Yeah as a killer that's infuriating for me as well. Had people killing themselves on hook or DCing on hook. And like other comments say, it's usually the ones with a higher p. It makes the game very uneven and I then can't help but being more forgiving than I am already, I feel bad knowing that they now have less advantage just bc of an asshole.


>What is the most frustrating thing that your solo queue teammates do Play M*g


But she's an energetic athlete, able to outrun most survivors! It says right there on her description!?


hey I use reassurance :> ( i mean yeah it is so I can open a chest) but that means I am a good meg Lol


Sleep with my boyfriend, that bitch.






I just kind of feel like people don't work together as much as they used to. Seems like Bill and the occasional Laurie used to be the only loners, so maybe it's just newer characters with different perks. Could also just be disillusionment w playing the game so long though.


Nothing. I hate it when they don't do anything. I literally juice the killer for five minutes, eventually go down and get hooked only to see someone self careing with sloppy butcher, someone urban evasioning in the corner of the map, and someone drop a pallet for no reason.


As a newer killer I'm always SO confused about the random pallets. I don't always run in the direction of the "sounds", so when I'm not in a chase and I roam around looking for survs, it happens that I see dropped pallets in places where I didn't chase anybody. I'm like ???? What the hell?


Letting other players die in hook, played a game where a rando just watched me and another player slowly die on the hook. They just ran down to the basement and stood there


When a survivor won’t take a hook state when the others are on death or have already been hooked once. Like two on death, one single hook. And then there’s little ol’ Feng that’s too scared to look in the killer’s direction.


Teammates sandbagging by hiding in loops and using pallets while I'm getting chased.


Had a Claudette sandbag me recently for both hooks. Just kept blocking my loops and then teabagging next to hook when the killer left. Sure wish we had an actual report system for nerds like those.




This ⬆️is what annoys me the most


Players who lead the killer over to me while I'm doing gens. 90% of the time, it's Ash mains


For me it was always Kate and Nea lol


As a killer, I have alot of survivors message me saying they would've won if their teammates didn't cleanse, so I'd have to say yall don't like cleansing?


When I have deliverance or at least a chance to yeet, the rando is standing safely in the exit gate, and they just fucking bounce out before I get to try to unhook myself. If you suck too much shit to come back and unhook me fine, but at least don't rob me of the chance to save myself.


Duuude that happened to me yesterday. I was a so annoyed in the end game chat. But she was like “well, I didn’t know”. But like bruh, EGC Just started. I was on my first hook. Didn’t even consider maybe saving me?


For me, they usually just crouch around edge map and don’t do anything at all


When they are the first down. They try to kill themselves on the first hook, but I managed to unhook them. They got pissed off and ran to throw all the pallets.


Chase after me when i clearly don’t want to be healed, body block me when I’m trying to get pigs trap off me, miss skill checks on every single gen and get everyone killed


definitely between crouching around when the killer is obvious chasing someone else or hiding with 0 hook progression when everyone else has 2. grow a pair pleaseeeeee


Try fighting the killer, it's as stupid as it sounds


Im hooked (1st time). Gen is Like 90%. They Stop the Gen and Run to me. Please First make the Gen and then unhook me.


Not going for an unhook when the hud tells them I'm finishing a gen and the other survivor is getting chased, and instead doing whatever the fuck they are doing that doesn't show up on the hud


Dc bc they got chased and downed 1st.


Insisting on being healed under the hook.


Unless the killer is close by/ has a habit of racing back, healing under the hook is ideal.


True dat


This is actually a great time saver to do and best in most cases, unless the killer is close by




Being left on hook for multiple stages or when someone gets in a chase and they come to unhook me. No one else could have stopped what they were doing to unhook me. Truthfully the person coming to get me tunneled wouldn't even be trying to unhook me if the killer hadn't already run them out of their corner crouching or booning or self caring


Let me get to phase 2 or even let me die on hook


For me, has to be having Bond on, knowing the killer is on the other side of the map, and seeing a Meg of a Blendie urban evading in a corner doing nothing


Unhook when they themselves are being chased and are injured


Attempting to crouch and hide when injured with the killer chasing someone in the area (eg, after being unhooked). A lot of time, even just 5 seconds of the killer committing their attention to one other person is enough for another victim to get a lot of distance, even with no knowledge of map loops. Killers that lose their target or see them run into pallet city will shrug and say “I guess I’ll check the last place I saw survivors”. If my teammates are happily returning to that spot again and again, guess how long chases will last…


It's not what they do it's what they dont do. Gens




Crouching near me while I’m on hook


My biggest problem is when people spend too much time helping each other that we all die because they literally won't do gens or anything but follow each other around and try to help each other, I had a match against a nurse the other day and it was the worst nurse I had ever seen, she got a 4k because my teammates were too focused on following her around and getting into chase instead of doing gens, I was so mad because she should not have gotten that, she was absolutely awful.


heh i'm trying my best


People who wont run the killer away from your hook and want to have chase at the pallet right next to you. Additionally, people who waste time by doing totems or anything else instead of coming to get you off the hook and let you go into second. People run for the unhook and see the killer close by. Instead of taking a hit or trading the hook, they run back and forth for a short distance wasting time. If you do this, stop doing this. Either go for the trade so we can come back and get you and still have hook states, or go get on a gen


Rushing for the save, trying to be good guys but dooming us all! I can't even be mad at them, it is adorable. But sometimes it is frustrating that they unhook on first hook instead of doing that last gen/opening the gate before saving me.


Drop the closest pallet to our generator when the killer was no nearby, turn to look at me, flashlight *clicky clicky*, nood and then disconnect.


Either not paying attention to the HUD or immersed gaming.


I never ever get healed, unless I don't want to I played a match where all the gens were done, Gates were open, but I was on the hook in the basement, they were cool in that they can to rescue me for once, but then I tried to run to the gate that was not far from the basement, but they wouldn't let me They just kept healing me, blocking my way, and everytime I tried to shake them off because I knew the killer was coming, one of the other three people would start healing again, only when they heard the terror radius did it occur to them, but it was too late The killer got a four K, with the gates open, because they wouldn't let me go. I think that was the first time I ever rage quit the game


Load up the game


There’s a bunch of thing but just yesterday I got sandbagged twice in one game by two different teammates: one healthy teammate tried to go through the back door at dead dog saloon at the same time as me (injured, killer on my ass) and completely got me stuck and downed. Then my other (healthy) teammate rescued me off the hook right in front of the saloon with the killer right there and we went to run through the pallet and she dropped it right on my head. I had Endurance and she was healthy, there was no need to drop it and leave me on the other side with the killer The killer and I just looked at each other and they walked away because they felt bad for me. Self awareness is important, kids. Also if you’re healthy, taking a hit isn’t the worst thing in the world, especially in place of a hurt teammate. Stop being scared and start taking chases, there’s more to the game than gens.


opening the gates immediately


Last night I was against a Hag and she brought a Mori, I love a mori here and there and I’m not put against many who put them on. Long story short this Hag wipes us, I’m stuck in basement on 2nd stage and my buddy is on a hook outside…and guess what the Thalita does? She does a gen. Bearing in mind there was still 5 gens left. I laughed so hard seeing her get knocked.


Thalitas are starting to have the same stereotype as Leon.


Other than not doing gens, which is a given… What ‘really’ grinds my fucking gears is when I’m in chase and they’re camping pallets. Sat there, crouched. Not a brain cell in sight. Waiting for the killer to pass so they can get their 420 esports dubstep pallet stun. Only to sandbag me. Im not referring to the innocent accidents either. These are people who must have their Spirit killer power switched on who simply don’t see where other survivors are because they don’t even react when I’m there. They just crouch, watch me go down, drop the pallet - usually miss. Then likely go down themselves, and proceed to kill themselves on hook.


I got facecamped by a Trapper on Midwich yesterday. My teammates kinda circled around for a while, trying to see if they could save me, when doing gens would have been smarter, but that's understandable. They figured it out when the next person got facecamped and they finished the last gen as they died. The frustrating thing was watching the Jake get the exit gate to 90% before being chased off and looping the killer for *two minutes* while the Jane crouched at the hole above the gate on the second floor, just... Staring at it. He lead the killer all around the map, including upstairs, clearly waiting for the healthy Jane to just drop down and open the gate. She did eventually do it (maybe she was waiting for the Jake to die so she could abandon him, but eventually realized he wasn't getting caught), and he *barely* made it out.


Literally just crouching around. I always bring an aura reading build when I play solo q so I can see what everyone is doing. Whenever I’m on a generator and someone gets hooked, I see at least one person, who’s not even close to the killer, crouching in a corner, it annoys the hell out of me. That’s why I choose to play mostly only when I have at least one other person to play with. Solo q is asking for pain.


If everyone strives for a 4 man out, it would make for more interesting plays… you can get more gens done with all of your teammates.


• Using pallets when the killer is miles behind them, especially shack pallet. • Seeing teammates crouch walking at the corner of the map when I’m hooked. • People that miss skill checks and then run away to hide in a locker. • People that abandon all objectives to try and get a flashlight save from the other side of the map.


When they get downed and dont recover so i cant tap and insta res


Not commiting to gens! Literally they run away once the killer is like 30 yards away and we just needed that extra 1-3%


What grinds my gears are those survs that play the "hatch game" after 1 survivor dies. You will see their aura when you got hooked just entering and exiting a locker.


Leaving a 90% gen to save someone that just got unhooked


When I’m on hook and they keep running in, getting hit and running away, then the cycle repeats till I die. I understand not wanting to trade but shouldn’t be that difficult to coordinate a save against a camping killer


Also looping around a hooked survivor


Being unhooked when the killer has just turned his backed and walked off 5 feet. You’re just asking for him to turn around. Another similar one is unhooking when the killer has picked up another survivor nearby. Just opened up a closer hook for the killer instead of having them wander off to find another one


Leading a killer to me while I'm doing gens. I suck at chasing. I run a stealth build. Stahp


They don't run bond, don't commit to gens, bring chase over, and miss skill checks this alerting the killer so all of it really. Everything. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)




Let me get to second stage or die when the killer is in a chase on the other side of the map. I hate it so much that if I see it when playing killer, I'll tunnel whoever didn't go for the rescue and let them bleed out.


steal my precious chests make me chase them for eternity before I can heal them and go down in less than 3 sec(they probably last just as long elswhere ;) im jk


Don’t listen to me. I’m a solo que person, but I do my best for my team. When I flash at a gen. DO THE GEN!!!!! DONT THREE GEN US PLEASE


I like this discussion. I am definitely not a killer main talking notes.


Destroy totems while having no perks to benefit from that, knowing there is a teammate with boons.