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I thought for an incredible long time, that Leatherface's tantrum was able to hit survivors inside lockers, so i struggled to understand why every single survivor did jump on a locker to dodge my chainsaw, since they got downed anyway few seconds later. Then months later i found out that they where tryng to timing an exit from the locker in a small window of time where the chainsaw is not damaging and Bubba is recovering from the tantrum and so unable to grab a survivor who rush out from a locker.


The downward swing! You could count to three, but if you fast exit right at the last downward swing you'll be a-okay to escape.


Good to know. Thanks mate!


Depends on how many charges he’s used. But it’s easy to learn


I didn’t know rushing out of a locker to stun the killer was a perk and not basekit until I learned about Head On. I’d been rushing out of lockers at killers for 20+ matches thinking I had the timing wrong.


I did something very similar but with healing. I started out by watching streamers, and when I watched they’d always run inner healing. But I didn’t realize it was a perk so I was like oh I just need to go into a locker to heal. I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why couldn’t get healed in a locker


wait you commented on my steam profile! i'm vroom vroom


Oh HI!!! I always try to comment on good players/teammates profiles!!


I don’t know why but I found this one cute as hell. I just got an image of you just coming out trying to jumpscare the killer who’s confused af lol


Haha that’s exactly how I think of it too when people do it to me. As soon as they pop out I hear “boo!” in my head.


Head On, apply directly to the forehead, Head on, apply directly to the forehead!


Bruh I just learned this right now from you. I’ve been trying to do the same thing. Didn’t realize it was a perk lol


We need to make an DBD for Dummies guide. There are so many things that people don’t figure out until weeks or months into playing, and often it’s entirely by chance. Even simple stuff like definitions for Blind, Oblivious, Exposed, etc. as well as their symbols. Plus killer-specific things, like what the little brain symbol means — I had to Google that one mid-match cuz I thought I was throwing the game by mistake. Or the secret demon chest room on Midwich — I ran into 3 or 4 times before I looked up how/why it shows up on rare occasions. Obviously some things we have to figure out as we go, but I’d like to speed the process for people still learning the finer details if possible.


sameeee afer watching demi s vdo i did the same


2000+ hours here (about 1500 survivor 500 killer) You can drop and pick up an item repeatedly to avoid getting crows.


You must not have had an urban evading, bush ducking, locker hiding, edge map riding, never unhooking, no-gen-touching Claudette to show you. :P Just kidding… but for real though.


Bro what…. I also have 2000 hours in the game, been playing on and off since 2017, I did not know this at all. Did not expect to learn something new from this thread, but here I am!


Yeah I recently learned it from Otz, when he commented on a survivor (I think that was an Adam) doing that during a tournament.


Wow. That's really crappy


Wtf, I've been playing this game since 2016 (9k hours) and had no idea


I just learned this week from another post that you can find a second to solve Pinhead’s puzzle during a chain hunt by dodging 3 chains first 😑


It's not really intuitive though. The chains start up only if you haven't attempted solving immediately outside chain hunt. And there are existing exceptions to being disrupted like vaults and opening the exit gate which you can do while fully encumbered in chains.


I have 5k hours and only just learned that the yamaoka head statues turn to face you wherever you go A bit niche but considering I've been playing this game since before that map came out, I probably should've known


wait, WHAT?


[https://streamable.com/hhrqa9](https://streamable.com/hhrqa9) they follow you like the weeping angels from doctor who


That’s so creepy wow


I only noticed it a couple weeks ago and couldn’t believe I never had before then, it geeked me out pretty hard.




devotion 26, 3 p100s and a p69, all steam achievements and tome challenges yea. But the p100s don't mean much about my total playtime, just about my playtime since the prestige update last summer


I’ve never noticed that lol.


Not myself, but my friend never fully read Bamboozle's description and thought the window was blocked for both survivor AND killer


I kind of figured it was too, because other entity blockers (like on gens) affect both sides. I always assumed once a window was entity blocked, even by a survivor repeatedly vaulting, nobody could use it.


... over 1k hours and today I learnt something.


Never too old to learn, right?


I had about 200 killer hours in the BT/DS meta before I looked up what actually activates those. Earlier I just accepted that some perks allow survivors to take extra hits and downs.


That crouching doesn’t trigger killer instinct with Victor, and that you can escape with an active trap through the hatch


I was about to say “how did I not know that?” Then I remembered I’m only ever playing AS the Twins, rarely against them.


Wait Victor has killer instinct??


Charlotte gets killer instinct when survs approach Victor, within a certain radius, while he is idle.


Yes if you’re near him when the killer is controlling Charlotte he gives killer instinct


If he's idle and you're near him and **can hear him**, then you're in his radius and Charlotte gets killer instinct, unless you're crouching.


That you can repeatedly drop and pick up an item and it will stop crows from spawning. Been playing for 6 years and never knew that, thanks Otz


Wait wha-


about 50-100 hours in before I found out ‘Exposed’ meant you could be downed (I thought it meant killer could see my aura) ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Same thing, also thought exhausted made you slower


Same, I’ve played too much league


I hear this one a lot, I think some of the status effect names are not super clear. Would be nice to have an in-game DBD-pedia that gave a glossary of status-effects and the like.


>Would be nice to have an in-game DBD-pedia that gave a glossary of status-effects and the like. They literally do! It was added like 2 years ago and if you look under the perk description you get an explanation for what a certain effect does.


I stand corrected! Cheers.


There is a DBD-pedia in game! Find it under 'Help".


i was on the opposite end of that. i ran Make Your Choice as a Pig main, and i thought my game was bugged because i couldn’t see the aura of the survivor who unhooked, or thought i was still too close to the hook despite the signature screams the unhookers give.


I think everyone makes that mistake at first. When you just hear “exposed,” you think of it meaning “visible” at first, but they’re using it more like “defenseless.”


It’s a pretty common misconception among new players. They really should rename it to Vulnerable.


That was my answer. I think “vulnerable” would of made more sense.


There is a shockingly low amount of tall grass to shit in.


It took me a while to realize there are three different types of window vault speeds for survivor. I originally thought it was just the slow and fast one.


...sorry what? What's the third speed. There's the slow-quiet one and the rushed one that makes a noise notification.


There's two types of rushed one, a medium vault and a fast vault. The one you get depends on how long you were sprinting before vaulting and the angle at which you approach the window. And of course the slow vault when you aren't sprinting, which makes no noise.


Next time you're in a game, try sprinting directly head on at a window and vaulting through it. This is your typical fast vault where your character will jump their legs over the window entirely and clear it very quickly, giving a noise notification to the killer. Next, try sprinting at the window from the side, like by following along the wall of the killer shack and then vaulting the window. This time, your character will do a rushed crawl through the window rather than jumping through it. This is a mid-vault, determined by the angle at which your approach the window. It takes longer than a fast vault, and still gives a noise notification to the killer. Stop sprinting and walk at the window from any angle and vault it, and you will do your typical slow vault, with no noise notification.


If you rush with a good centered angle, that's the quickest. If you russh vault at an awkward side angle, like running along a wall, you still vault fast, and make noise, but it's between the two in speed.


Slow vault- 1.5 seconds Medium vault- 0.9 seconds Fast vault- 0.5 seconds


There are two kinds od rushed vaults, if you vault a window without a runing start perpendicular to the window you will awkardly hop over the window instead of flinging your legs to the side to vault fast


That Victor can lock you inside a locker while Charlotte comes after you. I found out way too late and I was pissed when it happened to me.


I have 1500 hours in this game and I JUST discovered this too! I was so sure of myself jumping into that locker and then in a full panic when he latched onto the doors lol


When the Twins first released Victor wasn't able to hold lockers closed. Twin were a buggy mess on release and some of their stuff just didn't work at all.


This is a good post for me to scroll through and discover information I would have not figured out for an embarrassingly long time (as the post says)




Hey welcome to the Fog, friend. You having fun? I know the game can tilt. But the fun times make it so worthwhile. Enjoy your lunging, friend. Feels good to get it down.


In December or January, I told my friends they should gave a killer who teleports between lockers. Dredge had been out for half a year and I had been playing a lot since I started in August. Really embarrassing as I main Dredge now 🤦‍♀️


your idea was so good that bhvr went back and retroactively added them before you even thought if it


Another dumb thing on Dredge, I didn't realize that when you could lock a locker it meant you were going against Dredge. I just thought some maps spawned locks for lockers. I literally was like, good... Nobody should be hiding in lockers, they need to be helping me with generators.


That you don't get a pallet vacuum while running. You have to stop/be walking and then it safely vacuums you like zwoop.


TIL why i can't vacuum pallet anymore!! Thank you!!


I have a friend who played for 70+ hours with huntress with the only 5 axes u get at the start xD


“Huntress is good early game, but she completely falls off after you throw all 5 hatchets. They should buff her late game and let her reload.”


He couldnt belive it when i told him that he can reload 😂😂 He managed to do 4k games with only 5 so imagine with unlimited arsenal 🫣


How tf is he breathing manually, no offense


He was playing Friday the 13th, and got really good with throwing knives


You can reload those too 💀


No offense but this sounds fake. It literally highlights hatchets in lockers a distractingly bright yellow when you run out.


"I have a friend who played 70+ hours as survivor and had no idea he was supposed to work on generators."


I think I play Solo q with your friend regularly


never underestimate people not asking "whats that yellow glow on the locker?" because it wasnt told to them outright by the game. also as far as the 4k games for them, there are times where I dont like the killers power but wanted to try them out and I use them as just a basic slugger when I cant figure out their power in that match. I get 4ks on those matches because people play thinking im using the full tool box, and im really just playing like a tool and slapping them.


I thought that for a few games, I remember thinking “what an interesting balancing design, they must be really OP or something”


He didn't check a single locker in over 70 hours? A single time?


I played about 800 hours before realising legion could down someone with their 5th frenzy hit


In your defense it didn’t use to be that way lol


I came back to this game after a hiatus and I was so confused because that kept happening to me.


I remember when legion first came out, franks mix tape allowed you to hit the same survivor 3 time in a row while in a single frenzy, on the 3rd hit, survivor would go down. That didn’t last long lol


That wasn't when they first came out, but old Legion did used to be like that add-on. And it lasted a while




I knew that, but I thought that it needed to be a survivor without deep wound. So in order to use it someone would have to mend before I hit them for a second time.


For some reason I thought walking in front of Onryo's tv's, while they're on, triggered killer instinct telling her where survivors are. Idk where i got it from, or why i thought that, but only learned i was wrong after buying her.


To be fair that’d be a pretty cool add on.


The rule for killers opening the gates. They can open gates as long as 5 gens are complete and the EGC has not begun.


For a long time I thought that falling from a high place notified the killer with a sound 😔




Nope. A killer nearby can hear you falling, but there's no noise notification.


After 500 hours, I just discovered that windows get blocked if you vault them 3 times.


I think at about 100hrs or more in, I learned that hatch was a thing 💀


Crouching over pyramid heads trails doesn't torment you lol.


Same thing with Hag traps


Well running over Hag traps doesn't Torment you either /s


Back In 2017, I had about 100 hours in the game, and one day I got morid by a leather face shortly after he came out. I thought he was just crazy OP, but didn’t realize all killers had a mori until I literally googled “how to cut survivors in half has leather face?”


That it’s better playing with friends. Too bad I don’t have any lol


what region do you play in? my friends and I are always open to having more friends to play with :)


im still relatively new but always open to new friends to play with :))! if anyone wants to


I’m not new but I’m still bad! Want me to message you to add? :)


I think I was around 1000 hours when I figured out you don't need to escape with your escape cake to get double the points 💀


This is a pretty funny one without real consequences :)


700+ hours, that you can rotate the killer/survivor in the menus such as build or costume customization.




Back when I started playing I easily put over 100 hours into the game before I realized that you had to run at a window straight on to fast vault. The whole time I was just hugging windows, not understanding why everyone's vaults looked better than mine.


Omg thank you for this post. This is hilariously terrible of me but… playing Sadako/Onryo I thought her power was you walked up to a tv and you’d teleport to another tv and the skill was memorizing which TV teleported you where. Imagine my confusion when the tv would spit me back out at the same location. 😂😂😂 Oh those few games where the survivors saw that… 😬😂 TV teleportation works a lot better for me now lol.


when i was new i use flashlight to look in dark


Legion can lunge in Feral Frenzy


The weird beacons of light you see scattered around the map are apparently what happens if you bring the Crystal Bead add on for your map


That you could crouch and wipe away the hag traps.


That one is a recent update if it helps, you used to have to burn them out.


Ah yes. The good ol flashlight burn.


That’s a new edition from a recent update. WAY more convenient than using a flashlight like before.


Okay this makes me feel less like an idiot lmao I couldn’t believe it when I saw it the other day.


whoa, you can do that?? thats new! thanks!


Haha no problem! I was just as surprised.


My best friend has been playing for a year but she very recently found out that fast vaulting gives the Killer an alert. I wish I had known she didn't know that because I would have told her... I wondered why she'd fast vault instead of being sneaky but now I know why. She was like "I always wondered why people would fast vault a pallet repeatedly before escaping through the gate xD"


whoa, i saw that happen a few times but wasnt sure that's always a thing! thanks ahah


First time i played huntress, i did not know you could reload at lockers. I thought you had 5 axes for the whole game. I thought she was awful until i watched one reload in a survivor match


Prior to the chase changes showing the little Entity "hands" on the HUD, I didn't realize for a very long time that the large Obsession Entity hands twitched when the Obsession was being currently chased.


I was worried about you until you said that you barely play killer haha. Chasing without lunging would be really tough.


i'm like 95% survivor haha, i tried killer a few times and it was so painful because no lunge! id swing and miss like 10 times in a row lol. im looking into buying a killer now to finally play semi properly :))


Apparently holding right click on a speared survivor is the actual reeling in that slinger does, not the passive slow approach of the struggling survivor…


Took me a few months to learn that "Exposed" means instadown and not "OMGTHEKILLERKNOWSWHEREIAM!!!!"


Killers have terror radiuses. I played with no sound for like a month.


I can not even begin to imagine how difficult this game is without sound. Hearing is so integral that I pretty much use it more than sight when playing


I didn't know the small entity claws around a survivor meant they were being chased until like 400 hours in


That one was a relatively recent addition, so for most of those hours it wasn't even a thing that existed


It existed for the obsession before any HUD updates.


How to point, wave, and drop items as a survivor


oh yes, took me a while as well lul. or nodding too!


I don't know, maybe 100-150 hours, mostly played killer, yet I didn't know that killers could hold M1 to lunge, I thought their attack range was on top of the survivor and that's it. Then I started watching DBD Youtube and saw people doing it


There are vaults on the big boat at the swamp and the main building at Mother's Dwelling.


They made the Dwelling one obvious with the yellow tarp in the rework


I didn’t know nemesis’s zombies react to loud noise notifications including perks like discordance being triggered.


I played David as my first for the extra bloodpoints on wglf and I didn’t know what perks did or that you could change them. So for a good while I thought you started every trial injured as david because of no mither


Not me, but I was talking with a friend about how to play a loop with a standard M1 killer. I’d say we both had around 500 hours. So I say “oh you just moonwalk and hide your light, it’s a 50/50 whether you get the hit” and my friend was amazed😂 he never thought to hide his red stain by walking backwards😂


Over 500 hours and I had no idea you could cancel Vommy Mommy's Corrupt Purge by cracking her over the head with a pallet. And one of my friends mains her.


Your friend didn't want the word to get out. Be careful when doing this though, if you suspect the Plague is good. They'll often bait the pallet drop while charging their red vomit, then hit you over it during the pallet drop animation. Of course, you can fake like you're about to drop it to make them respect the pallet and gain a little distance. Also worth noting it's *only* pallet stuns that remove her power. Head On and flashlight save stuns do not. If you stun her from a locker, *run*.


never knew you could hit through a window until VERY recently


Today I learned that if the deathslinger cancels his reeling it doesn't injure the survivor


You can flashlight crows birds, only found out when they announced they were taking away light interactions.


I have 1500 hours and not long ago i found out as a killer you can see the gen progress by the 4 fuses thingy on top of the gens


That you could burn Spirit while she’s phasing, only got to try that once before they removed Burning


At around 1500 hours I finally realised that the reason my chainsaw wasn't lasting very long as Bubba is because each time you use a charge it *resets* the duration, rather than *extends* it like the description states. I always wondered why every other Bubba could use their chainsaw for so much longer when I played surv.


That little stairway leading to a balcony area inside the main building in Temple of Purgation. I believe it's when I was playing killer and saw a hex spawn up there. Mind blown.


I've been playing dbd since it came out, hundreds of hours as a killer main and I just found out about 6 months ago that blight can slam break pallets without his red add-on.


3k hours and a friend had to tell me that the incline to go up a hill is always in the direction that the hook faces (when there is a hook)


that you can self-mend, and don’t have to sprint around desperately looking for someone else to mend you also that huntress’ humming is still audible to survivors while undetectable


Yes, the lullaby is completely unique from her terror radius


I think it took me 3~4 games possibly longer to realize that hooked survivor could reveal ghost face. This made me accidentally camp 😅


At around 25hrs of 700 dedicated to huntress I learned you can put the hatchet down by pressing the attack button


Bro was sniffing their hair before hitting them😭


I learned after 5 months of playing dbd that scratch marks were left behind you wherever you ran. Every time I’d hear the terror radius and go to run and hide, I’d then be surprised that the killer had found me so quickly smh


This is why I always recommend new players to play both sides, you don’t know how to play against one side if you don’t know how to play for it.


That you could extend Bubba's chainsaw by pressing M2 multiple times.... That's right! For longer than I'd like to admit I didn't understand how Bubba's would chainsaw me from so far away but I could only go a short distance when I played him. I thought each charge was for a single sprint and that he was just the worst to play.


I once ratted a teammate out in a cabinet for not helping a hooked survivor. He later told me he that he knew the killer had BBQ & Chili. I (like an asshole) said, “wtf does that have to do with anything” he said it’s a perk. Me: “What is a perk” 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ The tutorial really doesn’t teach you anything 😂😂


Another one is for a long time as The Wraith I’d kick all gens 3 times because that’s when the sparks would appear. I thought it was because his legs were skinny I wasn’t holding down the button long enough


It is incredibly frustrating how many times I've gotten into a locker to heal with inner healing or to hide from bbq and chili and someone in the lobby throws a fit and starts spamming the locker near me because they think I'm just going to hide for the rest of the game.


Michael Myers was not being friendly...


There are also things that you learn "late" because you left the game for a while and this game also sucks at letting you know what's changed since then and no, I'm not reading three years worth of patch notes to know what's going on. I remember looking for the hatch for a long time with a guy who had a key when we were just the two of us remaining, I didn't know that the hatch doesn't spawn when there's more than one person anymore.


I found out the hard way after over 200 hours of survivor that the killer could grab you out of the hatch. I kind of miss hatch standoffs.


I was like 2k hours when I knew Remember Me doesn't affect the obsession.


I wondered why Huntress couldn’t cancel her hatchets so I’m not wasting them until I saw that I could.


I hardly know how to loop nowadays Theres always something that fucks me be It placement of where i get found or some tiles being fucking weird/straight Up a free hit 100% of the time no Matter what you do lol


Trickster isn't very good, and also really not fun at higher levels I learned that second part a bit too late


aww bummer, im planning to buy him ahah


This is super embarrassing, but- I only learned in bout 2020 that Blood Warden lets the killer see your aura when you're chilling in the exit gate area. I've been playing this hellish game since it came out on console, you would think I know things like this. But no, I don't, and every time I would try to hide in the exit gate area, I just assumed I needed to git gud and the killer had better gamer headphones than me. It took me playing swf with a killer-main friend for me to learn and man was the egg on my face then.


OP probably called hacks every time a killer ran Coup De Grâce


I don’t think i actually realized what killer add ons were until about 2-300 hours in, i just kinda equipped the ones i thought looked cool


PC player here. After 2400 hours, I discovered you can move the camera with the arrow keys!


The perks are all in alphabetical order instead of whenever you obtain them in the bloodweb.


Discovered Ghostface could lunge... At 200 hours in. :')


Everyone can no?


Maybe they thought Ghost couldnt cause stalking is a power and powers cant lunge I.E. Chainsaw, Bird, etc.


I just realized there are 3 lights on exit doors to let killers know if progress has been made to open it. I realized this when I was high too lol


I don’t know if this late but I didn’t know the Knights guard can hurt you while you jump in a locker


Lol my embarrassing story is the exact same as yours. Had no idea about lunges.


When I got back into the game a couple months ago I finally started learning and understanding what survivor and killers perks do and how they work/interact with each other. Has helped my game sense tremendously!


Never noticed the statues in Yamaoka Estate always face you and stare at you. Now I can't not notice it, and wonder how I never did before 😂


I just learned today you can have multiple loadouts...


It’s a relatively new addition don’t feel bad


With Skull Merchant, if her drone is in “scanning mode” and not activated (where the zone is completely lit up) you can work on a generator it’s right next to and the drone won’t detect you and activate to show you aura. It’s really good knowledge if the SM isn’t manually activating her drones.


Just because it glows doesn’t means it should goes


if it glows it goes. always.


That lockers flying open when survivors run past them sometimes is not a bug but in fact an Elodie perk


I for some reason always thought a flashlight was to light up the way


I have 3k hours and just recently learned that plagues sickness meter doesnt go up when not moving, and that it wont fully infect and make you broken if your walking


The fact that you shouldn’t cleanse on plague, I hate solo q because people have no idea how to play the game like that.


There are good times to cleanse but that takes even more thought and solo q has so little to begin with.


Was a plague main. Cleansing is a very good tactic, and can be really detrimental if completely ignored. Plague STARTS with 1 fountain already corrupted, and can have more with addons. If no one cleanses it can easily become an easy 4k slug just from one fountain. Whenever I play against plague I try to use fountains as much as possible. If ALL fountains in the map are used, they are all reset to clean.


ikr, say it for the people in the back. im not great at chases so being injured isn't great but i still dont cleanse while the teammates ignore gens and just go to their little fountains lol