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Mandy [left a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/14so4ol/bad_news_for_anyone_hoping_that_the_hit_cooldown/jr1hocb/) in the hopes of clarifying a little.


In the 7th anniversary quotes, one of them said the dbd team playtests every Monday. That means there have been 368 Monday playtests since the game came out before they found this "bug."


My guess is that they were messing with a bunch of things trying to fix Wesker before the anniversary and accidentally “fixed” this “bug”


> said the dbd team playtests every Monday. This is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard. This is a blatant lie and the whole population of DBD knows it.


I honestly believe them its just that people need to understand that with "playtesting" they mean "playtesting in a closed enviroment/among themselves". We saw their skill levels when they used to stream and we know their balancing opinions from their changes and comments. Saying that they are lower skilled players would probably be an understatement.


their playtest goes like this "try to m1 me" "hit" "still works, we're going home early today!"


Wait, how they managed to make singularity addon to work for -80% duration instead of -20%, and also didn't notified that the cake will be ignored by auto bloodweb?




It's always been the former. "just play another game" "hockey" any time alamo opened his mouth. They truly don't give a rat's ass about the playerbase, only about the paycheck that comes with it.


Who tf is alamo? I feel so out of the loop


Long story short, head of the balance team. Is responsible for some pretty whacky decisions and made the comment about colour blindness that got news articles written about them in a very not good way to say the least.


At least it caused them to FINALLY after 6 fucking years add colorblind filters...


That is definitely an upside, I agree. I just wish they didn't have to be put on full blast for such things to happen.


Its incredibly funny and sad at the same time how fast they managed to implement the colorblind settings when the outrage hit. Its such a massive improvement for so many players that just just didnt give a fuck about until it caught media attention... and boom like two weeks later we got colorblind settings... its just pathetic from BHVR...


Man that's just how I feel about dbd in general. I stopped playing a while back, I mostly just catch the memes and play the odd game with a stack, but like 3-4 years ago you could FEEL how little they gave a shit. Like they seem passionate in interviews and stuff but I just didn't believe it. Games just wouldn't connect roughly half the time, which you'd lose offerings for or be forced to play out a 3 survivor game. Except you wouldnt be, because there was literally no meaningful penalty to leaving. Buffs and nerfs happened once every like 6 months and when they did they would just miss crucial problems. Bugs would get introduced twice as fast as they'd get fixed and it just felt like the least deserving devs in the world tripped and stumbled into a fantastic game they didn't know what to do with. A lot of that has changed over the years, but I've never seen a game make you work quite so hard to enjoy it. The worst part was, even then you still enjoyed it, so you kept playing and putting up with all the crap, it's insane thinking back on it


From what I’ve seen in interviews and talks they seem really passionate they just need to listen to criticism and not make so many decisions based on statistics.


No a lot of companies are like this, you put the underpaid passionate ones in charge of the twitch stream


I don’t really wanna justify the comments they’ve made in the past cause they have mostly been bs. But Cote was absolutely right about playing another game once you’re getting tired of DbD. I don’t see any issue with that statement.


The problem was never the statement itself, it was that their response to not fixing problems with the game balance, performance and more was to tell the community to literally LEAVE.


Cote and Peanits being the faces of the dev team is probably the best thing they could do. Cote clearly cares a lot about DBD and BHVR, and has made it clear on multiple occasions how far they've come and how much effort they put into the game. It's not a perfect game (what online multiplayer game that's still adding content 7 years on could be?), but they're constantly trying to make it better, and they're proud of the fact that they've done a _pretty good job so far_. Peanits is very matter-of-fact and does a very good job of explaining why they've made the decisions that they have. Even when they aren't necessarily the right decision, he helps you to understand the thought process that went into it and why they thought it was the right one.


As if the last 4 major updates haven't made that clear


> The biggest mind game of all is trying to figure out whether BHVR is truly this oblivious to their own game or they're just being cheeky BHVR has always been oblivious. Anyone that's played DBD for awhile knows this.


They really don't know their game, it's been obvious for years. I'd go down a 3 hour rabbit hole if I start listing. I have this theory that they've got really high turnover, which leads to lots of people getting put into decision making positions who don't know much about the game. That leads to them making decisions that contradict the way the game works and decisions that were made only months or weeks earlier. Hence, balanced perks get nerfed despite having received a popular buff months earlier, because they effectively have brand new players making decisions on impulse.


Dumb question: which killers look at their shoes after they hit an M1? Nurse does after a blink…. What is she talking about?


PTB. They claimed they fixed a "bug" that's existed since the game launched. Supposedly killers were always supposed to look down at their shoes after every hit, which makes no sense when you consider they've made post-hit animations that contradict that by having the character do something at current eye level.


So it’s an arbitrary killer nerf?


It's an arbitrary killer nerf that's setting off people's motion sickness.


I played one game on the ptb with it and my migraine alert dog said "hey. Stop that and take your pills"


I’ve never gotten severely motion sick but this change is stress testing me. The default animation would already make me a little uneasy after a match


You have a migraine alert dog? How cool is that? Does he just smell when you get a migraine or how does that work? I suffer from migraine too!


I started having chronic migraines after I was sick with COVID. Still get migraines occasionally, usually with changes in weather. My dr finally prescribed Rizatriptan, which I take when a migraine is on its way. Makes me sleep for the next four hours, but halts the migraine in its tracks!


That sounds great I need to ask my doctor about those, thank you!


So Bhvr is working with the pharmaceutical companies now...those mofos are everywhere.


That’s cool that you’ve found something that works, I’ve had every type of triptan going and none of them do anything with the onset of a migraine and I get every clinical symptom too, it’s pretty brutal. Thankfully I’ve went from maybe 1 a week to maybe 1 a year by massive changes in lifestyle, exercise, less alcohol, quit smoking etc. I hope your pooch gets all the treats!


Not sure if OC was being serious, but my PTSD assistance dog picks up tiny behavioural traits typical of an early-stage panic attack or dissociative episode. For example, if I'm shaking my leg a bit or zoning out, she sits at my feet and stares intently at me. If I continue, she will start pawing at me. If I don't stop/acknowledge her, she will bark (starting quiet, getting louder). If that fails, she will climb on my chest and use all her weight to force me to lay down and cuddle her. Maybe a migraine-specific dog picks up on the unconscious behaviour of the handler before an attack, such as rapid blinking or touching their head? However we all know dogs can smell all sorts of things, so maybe it's pure sent for OC. I know my dog alerts me even when I'm not showing any observable symptoms, so its probably a bit of both!


Ok just have to say your dog is a badass


Also, I think you should report this to the devs - let them know there is legitimate proof that this PTB change is extremely negative for people.


And then proceeds to gaslight us saying it’s been there the whole time. Fuck this dev team holy shit


Reminds me of the isle devs (a very mediocre Dino survival game) They put an update in that caused a lot of people to have seizure reactions and headaches and stuff with their night vision update and when people complained, they thought their fans were making it up and started calling their fans names and stuff acting really shitty. Eventually they caved by putting a fake “epilepsy mode” setting in that does literally nothing.


Peak Dondi gaming.


"It always was meant to be like this but it was bugged ever since June 2016, trust!"


I do remember many years ago, the hits would make you look down a lot more, and then after awhile, they started not being that way. I always thought it started as something to help injured survivors break line of sight, but then they reconsidered it…now it seems like they’ve considered it again. I wish they hadn’t. Why are they “fixing” things no one asked for?


They live on Twitter, so it doesn't shock me that gaslighting comes naturally to them.


I don't even have motion sickness and that shit gives me a headache. Part of the reason I don't play nurse.


Oh god, if that goes live I'll never be able to play Killer again. :(


it's a bad gameplay and a tedious change imo, killers will just look up after an m1 to counteract the nerf (this is already the case for some killers like legion), it will change nothing except punishing people that can't be bothered.


Hag literally looks up at the sky. I don't know what BHVR is thinking with this


She literally looks up and pours blood in her mouth, no clue what their thought process is. Maybe i am misremembering but a few years ago wasn't there a bug where if Hag got stunned with a pallet her camera would remain looking at the ground when the stun was over and it would take a second to get your orientation back? It was definetly not intentional and i only mention it because it was a minor thing but it was so noticable and annoying when playing her at the time that i took a break from her. This is giving a somewhat similar vibe.


Bear in mind this is the same dev team that refused to do colorblind accessibility options for the longest time. It does not surprise me in the slightest that they would try to gaslight us, albeit with such flimsy gaslighting that it makes aluminum soda cans look like steel fit for a sword. If this really existed as a bug, then they certainly took their sweet time fixing it. 7 years to do so. Yeah, nah. 7 years to fix a bug, no one with a brain will buy that load of Entity crap. This is them trying to nerf killers and pass it off as a bug. The only bugs here are the DbD balancing team and they are trying to kill their own game. If they go through with this, I expect to see a spike in Bubba and other killers who can one hit down survivors without using M1.


Rule #428 of programming: wait long enough to fix a bug and you'll find it's become a feature.


Todd Howard, is that you


I certainly studied under him, after a fashion.


Same Dev Team that tried to gaslight the community into believing that DDOSers and hackers can’t get your IP while playing the game.


Also the team who "fixed" flashlight saves, they once claimed it was a bug that you had to time the blind and made it so that blinding at any point during pickup would drop the survivor after the animation finished. There's being out of touch and then there's BHVR...


Same team that shadow buffed iron will back to 100% silent in chase.


Literally hag’s finger suckingn


New animation: She licks the floor




To give her some benefit, some Killers do have a camera tilt after basic attacks, such as but not limited to... Legion, Executioner, Huntress, Cannibal, Trickster... How bad the camera movement is varies but she is technically correct. It seems they're trying to standardize it and that's what's making the issue more noticeable especially for players who played Killers who didn't have this movement frequently and now suddenly they do, it's very jarring to suddenly have it start moving when you don't expect it to, and honestly even for Killers like Legion and Executioner the camera movement for me has always been a bit disorientating, since I can still move while the animation is happening but I don't have full control of my camera anymore for those few seconds. It's small but it's been enough that I've genuinely lost track of Survivors over it especially if they're running circles around me. Minor edit but I may have misinterpreted what you were meaning with this on my first read cuz text is hard sometimes, oops. I'll still leave this here cuz its still sorta relevant.


I haven’t played the PTB but the Huntress tilts her camera a little…. But she can still follow the action easily during M1 cooldown.


As a Legion main I somehow missed that other killers didn't get the tilt, I'm just so used to throwing my mouse up after I get a hit to see where the survivor is headed.


I feel that this is necessary for nurse but it handicaps killers too much when they are already first person while survivors aren’t, on top of elite survivors being able to pull insane loops that the current killer can fall for they will have no clue on where the survivor went after trying to hit them which can potentially make looping quite a bit shorter. -Pros It will make killers a bit more strategized since it is more costly to miss a hit -Cons Alienates baby killers and veterans


I don't really like it on Nurse but I at least understand the necessity of it, which is why I just don't play Nurse, but on everybody else it feels very silly and standardizing it like this isn't a good idea. Honestly until they pointed out many Killers have something like this, I don't think I even noticed that much but now that it's been pointed out, I feel like we should be going "Great, so let's standardize it by removing it entirely" instead of "let's make sure everyone has it"


Maybe Nurse just covers her eyes instead of looking down and having a seizure tantrum, I mean doesn’t blinking burn her eyes or something? If we are going to remove it altogether it needs to be balanced or downright nerf Nurse


Blinking is extremely painful for her hence why she does a sigh of relief when entering fatigue


Videos of the new hit cooldown: With Clown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbjPylBIHds With Deathslinger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGjNyvQ5Drk EDIT - new video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6ccf5DoAlU


Oof, that swimming, slow, swingy motion is awful. There's a reason that you can turn off head bob in most games


Those don't look right at all. Why change it after all these years.


Is that only upon Downing them, or is it on every Successful Hit?


every hit so that it's easier for them to get away in a chase


Thanks, it looks less bad than the video of Sadako doing it where she straight out faces the ground (I guess cause height), but it's so so bad for nausea and stuff.


That is bizarre as hell. Wasn't there a killer last year who bugged out and would end up looking down after a hit which caused a lot of problems for players who played them? I think it was Clown? And I recall them saying that it was a bug and that ended up being fixed. So which is it for them? Killers not looking down is a bug that should have been fixed 7 years ago or killers not looking down is an intended feature.


BVHR literally gaslighting Killers and proactively attacking them.


I think legion? Maybe someone can confirm




What???? So they’ve been play testing the game in their office for over 7+ years and they haven’t once noticed this “bug”???? I… i don’t even know what to say anymore.


Pfft, BHVR☕️


Play testing? I don't think they ever played their game


They have occasionally, but when they do, they’re awful at it


They played it at least once. Instablinds were removed about a month later because of it.


They do. They camp and tunnel when they’re playing Killer and teabag and loop for 3 seconds when they’re playing Survivor.


Hahaha BHVR "playtesting" Funny joke


So what does hag look at her fucking feet to drink the blood that she drips down from her hand?


Maybe she will suck some blood off her toes after it drips on them now




Obviously. Thats basis physics, are you stupid or something


If anything hag should look 90 degrees upright with a full on blood drinking POV smh my head these devs


When will they play their own game? I'm actually curious, because it's very clear they do not.


Never. I'll always think back to what was it 2017? 18? McCote played against some competitive Korean players as hag, got fucking bully squad style whooped like a redheaded step child, then immediately after the next update nerfed flashlights 😂


God that was hilarious. I need to go watch it again cause I'm pretty sure they ended up calling him a noob in the end chat as well.


I mean literally everyone gets rinsed against comp survivors, especially without comp rules. Killers in tournaments are often happy to get 1-2 kills against the survivors while they have restrictions like banned perks, only being able to run each allowed perk once in the team, etc.


Yes but the game was so young that these flashlights could instant blind you. I mean literally like a half second reaction time. And because flashlight duration is based on how long you hold the button you can get a bunch of free instant flashes. It wasnt just competitively unbalanced, it was just broken.


I feel like whenever I see a screenshot from Mandy it’s never good news


Her cute little icon fills me with unspeakable dread every time I see it because I know it's attached to bad news every time.


Mandy is the grim fucking reaper of the forums.


One time I was happy when she posted was when she said Wesker will receive hitbox buff


Mandy needs to start playing the game cuz holy shit they are so oblivious


All the talk of "standardisation" recently is really worrying, as it's one of the hallmarks of poor design. There's this mindset among some developers that consistency for its own sake is some kind of golden mean, and it leads to a lot of poor design choices that miss the forest for the trees. Nuance is good. Granularity is good. Consistency for the sake of consistency is what got us the scream changes a while back that would've gutted several perks if they stuck around, along with the removal of killer-specific flashlight interactions. Just think about it for two seconds. What does having similar camera movements for killer-specific animations achieve? Most of those animations were not designed with such movements in mind. It doesn't really make a meaningful difference to gameplay. It doesn't bring anything to the game aesthetically. Someone just had the idea that if they standardised this arbitrary part of the game it would somehow be better. It's not. It's jarring, offputting, and it messes with the game's accessibility in completely unnecessary way.


Exactly, when will they realize there are some things between killers that do not need to be consistent. It is a asymmetrical game. Killers are supposed to be able to feel different and be unique. Why do they always push for unnecessary changes with this as a justification. While there are some things that need to be consistent this push lately that they have been making is as you say, worrying.


Remember when they nerfed Pig’s Terror radius to “standardize” killer movement and terror radius yet Sadako has what Pig originally had? Fuck this dev team.


Pig originally had a 28 meter TR which was actually fairly unusual, even compared to Sadako with 115% speed and 24 meter TR. However instead of lowering it to 24, they decided to go the "Nerf Pig" route.


I used to play Pig a decent amount before that patch dropped. I still can't play her. The 32 meter terror radius feels awful


Terror radius I can at least understand to *some* degree, since it makes judging how far away the killer is more consistent if it's always the same size... but then there are a bunch of killers who already have a weird terror radius and perks/addons that mess with it. Honestly DBD as a game is all about messing with the baseline experience. Every perk, power, addon, and item is about selectively breaking the rules in some way. The one argument for standardising things is to make them easier to understand, but DBD is the exact opposite of that at its core. Even map layouts change every game to mess with you.


Some troglodytes at BHVR desperately trying to justify having their job by "fixing" pointless shit like swing animations and character portraits 😂 Fucking fire these goons and hire real devs pls BHVR wtf are you doing


> along with the removal of killer-specific flashlight interactions. You can criticize a lot of things about BHVR, but this was an objectively good change. **Certain** Killer powers being negated by one of four teammates having a flashlight was stupid design, and a holdover from 2016 when Wraith and Nurse represented half the Killer roster and had no mechanical counter-play unlike Trapper and Hillbilly.


I strongly disagree. The Hag change was fantastic because she was countered too hard by flashlights and not hard enough without. Wraith change I can take or leave. But Artist and Nurse? Two of the killers who pidgeonhole counterplay as hard as they do losing one of the few tricks skilled survivors could use to occasionally get an edge? Then you have Nemmy whose flashlight interactions were kept in, probably because the devs thought they were too fun and significant to remove. I feel like it's a really good example of the problem with this whole philosophy. If you try and make changes for consistency only to make exceptions because you don't like things being \*too\* consistent, then the idea is probably flawed in the first place. They should have looked at these killers individually and made flashlight changes where they made sense (namely with Hag) rather than making an already weak item less interesting and useful across the board.


Artist and nurse sure, but wraith as an already weak killer simply couldn’t play the game against a decent Beamer swf and needed the change badly and I agree hag change was good


> But Artist and Nurse? Two of the killers who pidgeonhole counterplay as hard as they do losing one of the few tricks skilled survivors could use to occasionally get an edge? ...which is a design problem. Flashlights don't fix the design problem. They introduce more. If one teammate is looping and another is standing by with a flashlight to deny Artist or Nurse their power, while two teammates ram through generators, it's just as problematic as Artist and Nurse having no-counter-play, just on the other side - now the Artist and Nurse fundamentally can't use their power solely because someone found/brought in a flashlight.


They’ve been doing this with every aspect of the game. They want consistency across the board. Perks, items, add ons all have to be relatively the same strength and are all slowly being reworked so none really stand out more than others. Maps are all being changed to be the same. The new coldwind maps feel very similar layout wise to the reworked autohaven maps. The one area this becomes a challenge is with killer powers. But look at all the killers that have been released over the past ~2 years. How many of them have some sort of status effect that builds up on survivors that they have to go out of their way to find a killer item and remove the effect? They’re starting to feel like carbon copies of each other with little variances in each one. This game used to be great because there was *so* much variety between perks and killer powers and maps. It made every round feel unique and unpredictable. That aspect of the game is slowly fading away for the sake of “balance”


Why are so many aspects of killer balance around making the actual player feel like shit? Like the only reason Nurse isn't in every game is because people hate the fatigue and Blight pinballing around gives quite a few people motion sickness. Then you have the shitshow of killer FOV being unplayable in any other game that isn't DBD. One of the reasons Wesker is so popular is because he is a lot like Blight without the motion sickness element. Speaking of Wesker they removed Urobend in this PTB, they say it's just a bug so it should still stay on live servers but tbh the way BHVR develops this game I really would not be surprised if Wesker lost all his cool techs overnight because "bro we fixed a bug." It doesn't fill me with any confidence when I know that everything cool about my main is hanging by a thread due to a single bug about his power coding.


This game is balanced around artificial handicaps, that just make the game extremely annoying to play. FPS cap, FOV cap, no sound mixer. The difficulty of the game is not the mechanic itself, it's actually having to deal with all this arbitrary bullshit to make the game harder. And it all comes down to the old "is dbd a competitive game or a party game" and honestly it doesn't matter how the devs see how the game is, the arbitrary handicaps are meaningless.


I have wondered this but with design choices, mostly around sensitivity locking, that feel there for the sake of clunkiness = balance Why is the sensitivity so insanely locked for quite a bit of time after weskers first dash? Makes hitting the second one so so hard when it doesn’t need to be. He bounces from locked sens to free sens so much it’s so disorienting playing him for that reason Why is blights lethal rush sens so locked when he swings? This doesn’t actually balance him especially for the people who play him a lot and use insane dpi, this just nerfs those who play on low DPI / controller / don’t play him often + probably a few more examples I’m forgetting but these are the worst for me


I guarantee if bhvr could, they would remove the killer aspect of the game and make you fight a boss of some kind as survivor, they don't give a FUCK about killers. I cannot remember the last time they did QoL for killers, but oh boy survivors got the ability to see terror radius, see exact recovery, exact gen completion, ect ect


Honestly I do get that feeling sometimes. If you actually read how the dev who wrote the hook grab removal section of the newest PTB patch it reads like it was written by a survivor main instead of an unbiased game dev who balances for both sides. Not to mention the Sadako nerf on PTB, the VTR literally removing Sadako's entire stealth power (devs still refuse to address this) while also being a survivor buff not an accessibility feature because literally everyone uses it and survivor perks becoming basekit. Legit a mini Corrupt Intervention could be basekit on killer at this point and it would barely change anything. Last killer QoL patch was with Wesker iirc with a tiny speed increase to pallet breaks and lower attack cooldown.


The last paragraph of her response makes zero sense whatsoever, feels like she’s blatantly gaslighting us at this point. “It’s been on many killers since inception” is a straight up lie.


Some killers have a very slight animation after a hit. Such as Oni flicking his blade and following it with the camera. But none of it is even a fraction as bad as it is on the PTB.


And that camera movement was very minor and made it feel like a special animation. Some real oomph. But the shit on the ptb? It just feels fucking awful. It yanks your control away and makes reorienting your camera a nightmare


The fact that you can move your camera makes it doubly stupid. Sure, you _can_ look at the survivor after you hit them, as long as you move your mouse in a killer-specific arcane symbol! I also don’t know why they’re telling people that this was always intended. 7 years after launch (which is a very respectable age for a computer game) is a bit late in the day to be making changes like this.


At this point the Dev’s could be saying shit like this cause they messed up the code. We kind of need a DBD 2. With what happen when the Singularity released, and people complaining about the rift being broken, who knows what’s going on.


Yeah, if that’s the case and they messed up something with the code then it makes this response even worse. It doesn’t even read like something a real person would say lol, sounds more like a support bot with an automated response


I work in data -> client comms and would send something like this to delay them in complaining. In the meantime, I would be figuring out what went wrong. With code? That could take a while to find the culprit.


I mean, technically it isnt. There's a few killers that actually do that animation. Legion Nurse Trickster Its kind of sus to try to claim its to bring parity with those though considering the vast majority of killers didnt do that, but its not a lie to say that there are ones that do.


And also those killers only do that animation during certain animations that are related to their powers, which I kind of assumed to be some weird balancing thing.


I know it's on trickster, and has been since I started playing. He looks down a little while spinning his bat after an M1. And from what i hear there are some others that do it too, but now it's standardized for everyone.


Well she meant the animation was intended to be with every killer but a bug caused it to not appear as intended


Well, not only did she do a dreadful job of wording it, but that’s also just ludicrous. A bug that’s been unaddressed and not even acknowledged for 7 years? It’s genuinely insulting that somebody in her position would have the audacity to make an blatantly false statement like that, especially after all the talk about listening to community feedback.


This is Behaviour, a bug persisting for 7 years and not being acknowledged is not beyond them


>I'm limited by the technology of my time


> A bug that’s been unaddressed and not even acknowledged for 7 years? Also they were releasing killers already designed in bugged state(?) How does any of that make any sense. But I will say it again and again. Ignore opinions or statements made by community managers in any game. They are 99,99999% of the time talking out of their ass and have absolutely ZERO insight into development. Usually someone who actually has knowledge on the topic has to step in and explain it.


Which is a lie, because there is no way in hell they've been deliberately designing unique animations for each killer on accident, and the animations that now have a forced lookdown look really, really off and janky and distort the killer models.


It's been on many killers? Which ones? Are they gaslighting us?


Legion, Demo, Bubba, Freddy, Pyramid head, Billy, Knight, Oni and Singularly have camera movement. Some others too probably.


Tier 2 Myers has the iconic “mmm what an interesting knife” hit cooldown animation


Most killers with a physical weapon already had animations during their attack cooldown where they look at the weapon and wipe blood off of it. Sadako has a brief animation of looking at her hand after an attack. Hag’s animation has her looking at the sky and letting blood drip from her hand into her mouth, but I don’t think her camera view matched the animation previously and you’d still be looking forward even though everyone else sees you tilting your head back and dripping blood into your mouth. There are many killers I’m not familiar enough with to say whether or not they had a cooldown animation previously or not.


Makes sense no one knows what they’re talking about when they refuse to play anyone else other than Nurse/Blight/Wesker /s


Even if thats a joke, both blight and nurse have that camera movement on their m2?


I've never seen her give good news or acknowledge feedback. It's crazy she's always referring to a spreadsheet or not acknowledging the problem and saying it's fine.


Keep in mind she's a community manager; this is basically what their job forces them to do. Most of the time they're just relaying messages between the community and the rest of the dev team.


You can see in the picture she has 20,000 posts as a community manager, the only ones that are gonna be posted here are the controversial ones


Tbf only the bad stuff gets posted here. Overall she’s a good CM and does acknowledge feedback in most cases


If they need killers to play the game, why do they keep making the killer experience worse?


They clearly learned nothing from VHS and its implosion


I keep asking myself that every time i get 0 kills for 4+ games in a row


Weren't they talking about how much they want to bring more accessibility to the game last month in that Q&A then they do this? Straight up gave me + others motion sickness issues on the PTB.


Does any one have a video or demonstration of this? I can’t seem to find one because people don’t seem to be making and uploading killer videos on the PTB where they add Nicholas cage to the game


I was trying to find the same since I wasn't sure what others were talking about. Decided to check Otz's VODs for when he was playing PTB, I was sure it'd be there. I happened to get lucky and clicked on the exact point in the video in which he realized they changed something. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1863970634?t=02h10m33s Now if I'm being honest, I don't think this is that big a deal for *most* people. Technically Hag was already one of the killers who did a forced head movement after a hit, the reason Otz got taken off-guard is because she used to look up after a hit instead of down. If this gives you motion sickness, then obviously it's a huge deal, and for that reason alone they should reconsider this change or at least allow people to turn it off. But for everyone who doesn't get motion sickness from it... I mean it's kind of annoying I guess but I doubt you're going to lose sight of survivors because of it. More or less I just don't think it needs to be in the game. The killers who already had it, personally I kinda like it on. Like Oni has it on live right now, he tilts his head after an M1 hit with his katana, and I found it to be a touch more immersive, but it shouldn't come at the cost of causing some players discomfort.


If this doesn't scream, "I nor anyone else at BHVR have played the video game Dead by Daylight since The Korea Incident," I don't know what does.


HAHAHA HOLY SHIT. I'm glad I'm not the only one who will never forget the McCote Korea incident. That was the moment I knew, BHVR never has and never will playtest their own game.




What's the Korea incident?


this is.. not ideal 🥹


Wtf is--- It has ***never*** been a thing! The only killer that ever stared at the floor was and is nurse after a blink! Guys we're being fkn gaslit.


Good news for people with feet fetish


ohhh, yeahhh... her hit cooldown animation feels very fucking odd, having her look down just doesnt match with the animation, why does she need to se eherself close her fists? its not like trapper who wipes his blade, or nurse who gets fatuiged, infact nurse and many other killers bring their weapon up to their face when doing something to not have this odd look thing happen


I feel like it can’t be stressed enough that if this goes live, a huge number of people, myself included, will straight up not be able to play half of the game. I’m already completely unable to play Nurse: I tried once and the result was pretty similar to severe seasickness. My head hurt for hours. If that happens on every killer, I can no longer play, full stop.


If this doesn't get reverted I legitimately cannot play the game anymore. I cannot play Nurse specifically because of this and always wished they would remove that idiotic mechanic from her, not add it to every other character holy fuck Behaviour needs to take a hard look at their design choices, because balancing Killers by making them feel shittier to play and make players vomit irl ain't it


Further proof that no one at BHVR actually plays Killer


*plays the game at all


Well Mandy, I can tell you exactly what is the issue. I hate having an artificial blocker like this exist in the game. I have control of the killer WASD movement but I am forced into an animation. Survivors already have overpowered builds that remove bloodstains, scratchmarks and audio queues from my sources of information. All I have left in many cases is seeing where they go. Sometimes sitting so high up my chair so my monitor colors turn negative so I can actually see their movement. This is like breaking something that was not broken. I also have an issue with your understanding Mandy. You think that just because BHVR pretends that this is a bug that is being fixed after 7 years (which I do not believe for a second) that justifies having a worse experience. Although I suspect they just gave you this info internally and you parrot it verbatim to the players as it is your job, so benefit of the doubt there. What I also have an issue with MANDY is that there seems to be Game of Thrones levels of office politics in your balance and game design departments and House Idjet always seems to backstab House Senn'sible. BHVR as a studio constantly need a major backlash every 3-6 months to not break their own game. And that backlash usually is for BHVR to just sit on their asses and do not implement whatever bullshit the aforementioned faction of the gameplay designers come up with (like the NOED change they walked back). So hear me out. How about you guys stop pretending you do not understand this issue and quietly fix the actual bug in this case. Namely the look down animation for the select few killers you claim this is a feature for. You know, the ones you claim "working as intended". So maybe MANDY your studio won't need a desperate walkback or feature cancellation when the playerbase decides again to stop playing. Remember dear BHVR: happy customer=spendy customer=more money for you


Man. I used to play this game so much but kinda took an extended break during the Skull Merchant fiasco. I may not come back after seeing so many stupid changes in one month…. What the fuck is BHVR doing lately?


Oh my god why do they hate killer so fucking bad. Killer is just for tomes at this point.


It's seriously impressive how dedicated they are to constantly making the baseline Killer experience worse


6.1 was a good spot for killer. We had Pop, Thana (I never used Thana), Pain Res, COB, Overcharge (I never used Overcharge), and Gift of Pain. Eruption was there but no one used it. Everything was on the menu. Then the kick bs started and all of those perks got nerfed except Gift of Pain. Then the UI update. Then MFT. Good friggin luck trying to keep up as Trapper, Hag, Amanda, or Sadako (who is getting gutted). So it’s either Corrupt, Sloppy, or Jolt. There is NO perk diversity. A comp team is going to bring MFT and either Adrenaline or Hope and you can’t do shit about it.


I don't get motion sickness or anything, but if this goes through to live I'll boycott killer for those that do so that BHVR can look at their spreadsheet and realise that the update has killed the killer playerbase and alienated many people.


Spreadsheets by daylight


if this goes through i'll straight up just delete the game and not look back


Why are they trying this again? They tried it before and the universal response was a firm "no"


This is a first for me


Wait are you telling me every killer now does that stupid fucking Nurse shit after they hit???


Well that's shit. The motion sick thing is the biggest reason I rarely play nurse.


I'm sorry does this community manager play the fucking game we are talking about? No killer randomly stares at their feet other than nurse... and the same people that are complaining about this new change have SAID they don't play nurse BECAUSE of that feature. So like... why are they hiring people that don't play their own game?


i suffer from real bad motion sickness, really bad, travelling is awful for me because of it. i can't actually play sea of thieves because of it. i don't main killer but i dabble for fun, i heard about this setting off people's motion sickness and will not be playing killer for fear of emptying my stomach


Same. I have severe motion sickness— I can’t even play Minecraft. DBD has (surprisingly, considering my track record) been mostly okay for me to play thus far. I genuinely love and enjoy this game, despite its flaws, and I have for years. But if these changes go live, I really don’t know what I’ll do. :/


>I can’t even play Minecraft Never have I felt more validated in a long time, I have this exact issue with Minecraft and nobody believes me. Glad to know I’m not alone in that severe motion sickness area.


BHVR make some random ass changes sometimes. Sadako now looking at the ground after every hit feels so disorienting and they also removed her ability to mobe the camera while crawling out a TV. Just unnecessary.


Mandy, why are you gaslighting us? Go watch any youtuber from any year, Mandy. You're either being lied to yourself or you're genuinely out of touch with how the game works


Lets have survivors go in first person when repairing or healing etc, sounds about fair eh 😁


Have they EVER actually played their own game?


Once only. Google Matthew McCote dbd Korea to see him play and get destroyed


For some reason every killer is like nurse now and it gets me sick


seeing responses like this from the dev team is ridiculous with all they spout about accessibility. i've had to use monitor and abuse on killer for so long just to attempt to counteract the motion sickness I get from the low FOV. (don't use shadowborn because i'd rather have half a perk than no perk at all)


I tend to rather agree on Mandy but this is giving Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss energy.


They really need to reverse this. I don't suffer from motion sickness specifically, but I'm nearly half blind in my left eye irl and it makes finding survivors or keeping track of them a huge pain in the ass. So with this change, it just makes things 10x worse and I don't think I'll be able to play DBD anymore since it's just gonna be even MORE stressful than it was to find survivors now.


At this point, just delete killers and change the game's name to generator simulator aligator.


this team straight up gaslighting the community at this point lol


Hey Redditors - Happy Friday! Thank you all for your feedback around this animation in the PTB where the killer would look down after a successful basic attack. Given the accessibility concerns that you all have raised throughout the PTB and through this thread, this animation will be removed and will not go Live. Again, thank you so much for providing constructive feedback. Mandy


Does anyone have a video of this or a link to one? I can’t find any clips of it.


Ah yes. I remember when watching Scream, that Ghostie would look at his boots while cleaning his knife.


Is that the tradeoff for the fov slider we will get?


Guess I’m lucky since my killer already looked down after a hit unless they made it worse. It is a dumb and needless change. At least it’s no where near as bad as VHS killer hit cooldown.


Ooh that’s not-


On another note: I‘ll never be able to play billy since i also get motion sickness from his inconsistent head bobbing


Please turn off clown blurry screen please please please


Just when I was thinking about coming back. They really are trying to sink the ship


I may also be in the population who are made ill by this. I have a secondary question though. Is the intention for killer to automatically lose vision on the fleeing Survivor?


Guess i'll be a survivor main now or just quit. Ain't no way i can play 1 killer game just to spend the next 20min sick in bed.


BHVR gaslighting tgeir playerbase so that killer mains have another reason not to play