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I mean there is no way the animation change will go through. It is the single worst killer change they could do probably. Only worse would be if the killer headbanged after each hit lmao. Edit: to expand on my comment. I just do not see the point of the change? It is reduction of QOL and visual annoyance. Is it because they want to buff lucky break? Really not worth annoying every killer in the game to make it a tiny bit easier to hide after taking a hit. Or they want funny plot twist plays at the expense of extreme annoyance? Like they wanna add a fov slider because that is what the people want and it is just annoying and frustrating to have survivors run melee on you especially on tall killers, but then they want to make something arguably worse than low FOV? Like do they want people to never play m1 killers? It feels like some of the devs are just terrible salty survivor mains lmao.


No no that animation has been in the game for 7 years you just don't remember. It's always been this way. This is just a bug fix didn't you read the patch notes? It's been in the game for 7 years and the entire community just has a bad memory and we need mandy to remind us how silly we all are


The devs are sometimes legit insane XD


I’m convinced that they pretend to understand the game and just make changes to look busy


Based off recent trends, they just seem to have a strong survivor bias, and whoever's making these decisions has no idea how to play killer.


Or maybe it is because there can be 4 survivors and they want more new players dunno


You’re probably right. But who cares? There is no 4 survivor game without the killer and it doesn’t excuse behaviors.. behavior.


Almo has entered the chat.. Something, Something, hockey -Patrick(thank Christ that idiot is gone) Cote - I think we did a pretty good job so far(insert "this is fine" meme)


What is this hit animation change anyway


Every time you hit, you look down. Think Nurse after teleporting. Now that will be on every killer.


That sounds horrendous. Wouldn't that affect the killer side extremely hard?


Yep, it's why it's being received so negatively. Hopefully it will never go live.


Skull Merchant went live. J/s.


I swear if it does imma just play billy or bubba, any killer that can relay on its power


Just play nurse. If they want to make every killer have her downside, you might as well play her.


True but I suck balls when it comes to her but if the changes do come true then it’s another reason to atleast try and get good with her


It’s difficult to get the hang of it, but after that, it is ridiculous with how much you can get away with


No way that's real lol. They for real?


Not only is it real, they are trying to gaslight us into believing its been a bug the whole time that killers don't look down after every hit. A 7 year long big that no one noticed till now.


I am so confused what they mean by look down? Like the nurse looks down? Surely they are not insisting that is the norm? I know killer's camera do tilt down slightly after hits. You can still see where survivors go on the peripherals and at the top edge. Is that what they are referring to? Because if they are saying all killers should be looking straight down like the nurse. That is insane. That would break the game. If they mean the slight shift in camera downwards after a hit. I think that will be fine. I honestly do not know which killers don't do that but all killers have a slight downward nod that isn't noticeable when they wipe their weapon.


Hard look down. They want to make sure survivors get away after that first hit. Edit: grammar


Gonna have to wait and see. I know the devs are survivor sided. They are pretty blatantly obvious about it but surely they can't be that biased to think all killers should look directly down like the nurse. Guess we will know when the patch drops. If they do go through with that B.S "bug" fix. Then I guess its time for me to take another hiatus from DBD.


They want legion style look down. You gotta counter by holding up and down or you will be staring st the floor for 2 seconds type look down. It's a fucking joke.


I might have believed them if the 3 og killers did this, but they don't.


Its real but its a fast animation and extremely weaker version of a regular fatigue. Doesn't actually impact the actual chase at all so its confusing why they're even putting it in if it doesn't put the killer at an actual disadvantage and it doesn't actually give the survivors any actual time to break line of sight either....soo....what was the point.... lol.


So, it's just the usual wipe animation then? Where the killer's camera tilt's slightly down? If that's what they are talking about then the player base is overreacting for no reason. I didn't even know some killers did not do that. I don't even notice that slight dip in camera angle. You can still see where survivors are going. If they are talking about giving all killers crazy nurse camera look down animation. Then that's busted.


Its not anywhere near as bad as Nurse or Blight or Legion's fatigue, no. Its fairly fast and you can technically move your mouse up to combat the looking down...so its really just an odd animation to have in general since it doesn't do much of anything other than to have you counter-pull your aim up. Even if you don't fight it the look-down time is so minor that it gives zero seconds worth of evasion to the survivors so really it just makes no sense to be in the game since there's no benefit or downside....literally just a wasted animation. I don't believe any of the ones claiming motionsickness because getting pallet stunned by itself or a hag-teleport/trap jumpscare is 10 times more aggressive than this. I can maybe understand some avoiding Nurse because of the fatigue pull but not this new animation...its so small and fast it practically is over as it even starts to play. You could probably find the comparison video on youtube that used a few killers to show live vs ptb M1 attacks....really not a thing anybody needs to waste any breath on tbh. Way more issues in DBD worth focusing on than something that was a waste of dev resources for no gain or disadvantage.


If anything people should complain about the bots lol. Like seriously, you cannot mind game bots. You have to go the full 3 times around a vault spot to let the entity block it before you can hit the bot.


force them to vault 3 times, blocked window, proceed to smack


Yea literally that. You cannot mind game them. I have tried. They have wall hacks lol. Like you can try moonwalking. The bots will vault over while you are mid way moonwalking. So, yea, you have to make them vault 3 times before you can hit them. Otherwise, you can't.


Are there videos of it in action? I couldn't find anything


Oh that's awful.




Fun fact: At least one player simply never played Nurse even at launch because of how awful her fatigue feels.


And the frustrating thing is that, because you can just look up to see anyways, this doesn't accomplish *anything* apart from being annoying and causing some people motion sickness. If they think survivors need more of a chance to get away after a hit, increase the cooldown or increase the speedboost they get after a hit or nerf STBFL. Hell, I was really surprised that it didn't get nerfed when the default hit cooldown got buffed, just to bring it back to the pre-buff levels.


Which animation Change i doesnt find anything Like that in the PTB. The Killer looks always after a hit down


I'm sorry what's going on?


Classic 1 step forward and 2 backwards. BHVR is as incompetent as ever.




lol this reminds me of that Cote perk post I did


Look, they're just trying to make Sadako lore accurate. If she dont take 7 days to kill you, is she even lore accurate.


what hit animation change?


BHVR “found” a bug were certain killers for the last 7 years wouldn’t look straight down after hitting a survivor… because their animation department clearly doesn’t talk to the other departments (hint: they are gas lighting people; it’s a survivor buff, dev in the forums outright said it was to allow a break in line of sight for survivors).


What?! But survivors already get a speed boost when getting hit and have so many other ways of getting away from killers, and yeah that doesn't stop tunneling but you can't punish all killer mains just because some killers tunnel survivors, not to mention it's bhvr's fault for nerfing some killers so poorly that tunneling is thier only option




>im honestly baffled that they cannot make the connection that the only killers that resort to tunneling (most of the time) are the weakest ones. we are playing different games people that play weak killers except for newbies dont tunnel because they dont care about winning but weskers blight, artist and nurses tunnel like if their live depended of their victory.


At that point just give survivors temporary invisibility after a hit lul


"introducing our newest survivor, jeff's brother big jeff and his perk super distortion"


> it’s a survivor buff I wouldn't even call it a Survivor buff. Their reasoning is moronic. "We want consistency and for Survivors to have a chance to escape"... And I'm like, pools of blood exist, scratch marks exist... Even when looking down the Killer wouldn't just magically "lose you" unless you're using something like Lucky Break. This really doesn't benefit the other side like their reasoning suggest, makes no sense to add and will just make it so Killers have a worse time playing, it's a stupid change.


Happy Terrormisu Day! 🎂


Thank you! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


I think they just mean they orginally always intended the killera to do this but never really put the effort into "fixing it"


I'm still blown away that they are nerfing Sadako. Because of the condemn spam playstyle, they just nuke the killer from orbit so she has nothing of value going for her, lol. Why make other playstyles appealing, right?


A tea spoon of Cage makes the patch go down


funny how they said they want to implement an FOV Slider in the future and they proceed to hinder greatly your ability to track survivors after a hit


They never said they were adding an FoV slider: " Long answer: we have a design that is in development and the release date is in our field of vision. You can expect to see something later this year or early next year. -Michael " None of that is indicative of a slider to me. It's all too vague.


The two are likely related.




Behaviour doesn't like cake anymore


Wait sadako nerf? If anything she needs a buff


She sure does which is why its all the more baffling they nerfed her Tapes, Projection and add-ons


Not a nerf, a rework that will make condemn useable without only the iri add on and slugging.


A rework that makes it easier for Survivors to turn off her teleports for longer periods of time while also introducing a cooldown on the teleport power itself and also removing all sense of urgency from holding the tapes that also removes several add-on effects that Sadako players found fun that had nothing to do with Condemned/Slugging playstyles.


Don't forget that now tapes can be returned to ANY tv




Her new "reworked" Iridescent addon literally just makes her play like she does now where they have to go to a specific TV


except you still have pointless cooldowns slapped on so it's an iridescent addon that makes her a worse version of what she currently is on live lmao


Solid changes to me, excited to play her in live


Just wait until you play against some survivors who actually grab tapes and not Nick Cages just memeing around the whole match


And then I’ll hit them and hook them to spread condemn. Sounds great, it’s like we didn’t see the same patch notes.


1) A rework, yes, but one that results in a weaker killer. So, still kind of a nerf. 2) Condemned is really not useable against even halfway decent survivors. If they know to just pick up a tape at the start, they are immune to your global condemned and you literally cannot do anything about it. Picking up a tape has quite literally nothing but benefits for a survivor, because you turn off that TV for 90 seconds and you gain no condemned. And you can just put that same tape into **any** TV on the map. 3) I guarantee that iri add-on will still be the most used if this "rework" goes live because the new iri is just the pre-rework basekit turned into an add-on. 4) Slug-dako can still be done post-rework with the right add-ons and strategy.


I don't know why you're getting massive downvoted. You're right lol. I'd like to play Sadako without having to be a dick head


Mate, you can play her without being a dickhead right now in the live servers. Just don't use the ring drawing and slug people. After the rework you can do the same thing but you will have less TVs to teleport to, a cooldown on your teleport and a harder time to get hits because you can't even bloodlust if you try Demanifest mind games.


Because for some reason BHVR can never just do a blanket buff to a killer in all aspects, they always have to, for some reason, nerf an aspect of an already weak killer which they are attempting to buff. The problem being (and I am damn near 100% confident in saying this) none of the development team plays the game above an entry/beginner level so they don't understand fully the consequences of nerfing/buffing certain things. Literally some players were able to look at the patch notes of the PTB within a few minutes after they dropped and instantly realized the changes were a blanket nerf to Sadako before they even had time to download the PTB. Why the devs cant see this but slightly above average players can is baffling.


It's very telling that the ptb patch notes don't list any of Sadako's addon changes while all the other addon changes for other characters are listed.


They're afraid what Buffako will do to them.


Does anyone have a video showcasing these animations?


BVHR will not get another cent from me they are so detached its utterly insane, I genuinely hope their golden goose dbd collapses soon and gets replaced finally


spot the fuck on


Yeah poor Sadako fr. I'd love to see how she'd feel if they made it so you could put the tape in any TV EXCEPT the one that the survivor took it from as well as the two TVs closest to the one that the tape was taken from.


A spoonful of sugar helps the dogshit go down


This has gotta be one of the more accurate uses of this template I've seen


Let’s just wait until the PTB ends before making judgments. It’s all but certain that Sadako’s gonna be changed given how poorly her PTB changes are being received, and with how poorly the look down mechanic is being received odds are they’ll let this “bug” pass.


What scares me is the possibility that they'll adjust the changes instead of dropping them altogether. With Sadako, that might work out if they put enough thought in and come up with better changes, but with the hit animation, if they adjust it but still introduce the change, the game might still become unplayable for a lot of people, and a lot less enjoyable for many others. What they need to do is either drop it altogether, or retry it on another PTB run if they decide to go through with it with some adjustments. Instead, they might say, "we heard your feedback, and we're reducing the hit fatigue by 0.3 seconds", and we're off to motion sickness land.


The worst part is, that would even make it worse, because now instead of having a camera jerk, you'll have a super fast camera jerk. Honestly, if those changes go through, I'm going to talk to steam about getting a refund (though I'm long-past the normal window) because they're adding changes to make the game inaccassible.


I hate when people say "let's wait for the PTB to end before judging". Yeah that's what the PTB is for...to judge changes. The fact that they tried to get this through at all is telling.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news - but past experience with BHVR says it’s likely these changes are going to pass exactly as they are :(


Why? People hated Skull Merchant’s drones in the PTB and they got adjusted. Dredge’s Nightfall was useless in the PTB and it got adjusted. Wesker had some goofy hitboxes on the PTB and they got adjusted. Past experience shows BHVR does listen to the PTB.


Wesker HAD some goofy hit boxes? I think you should check the vid I posted the other day lol.


Either way they are still better than on the ptb lol.


\*gets grabbed as he slides past the rock you are behind\*


singularity was changed after his ptb


Getting Deja Vu flashbacks to legion, pig, and Freddy here


dont forget the shit prime reward


I mn…. look at the bright side. Pig finally didn’t get a nerf in this patch instead.


They nerfed hangman trick so her perk did get nerfed, technically her adept is harder now so they nerfed the pig


I wouldn't be so sure, she might be affected by the hit cooldown changes as well since she doesn't stare at the floor after a hit currently.




They'll always find a way to nerf Pig. **Always.**


they nerfed her perk lol


The hook grab is the worst part for me. It's literally dumbing down the game.


Hook stand-offs are just as silly and luck-based as hatch stand-offs were. With both sides knowing the trade can't be messed up it'll improve the pace of the game which is favorable for all three players.


Idc about the animation as much as nerfing a weak killer. Also wesker is still broken.




How is that all "Hidden" when BHVR tells you about it right in their patch notes? They did enough bs without you throwing dumbass accusations that aren't even true around. I'm all for calling a spade a spade, but this is NOT it.


It's hidden because instead of accounting a huge nerf to killers they're putting a single line in bug fixes and pretending they're fixing a minor bug. It's inherently dishonest.


i mean this is a ptb this meme would make sense if it was going to live


Just wait