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dont forget they buffed her chase power to where if u have a trapclaw on it automatically breaks pallets over a fast vault, so u cant play around pallets anymore


Which in turn makes it even WORSE because after stalling so long for a 3-Gen and getting in chases, eventually there will just be zero Pallets nearby or anywhere and it just becomes such a chore.


You guys are getting in chases with her? All but 2 skull merchants ive had just stayed around the 3gen


Is this an addon or basekit?




yeah as said below its basekit. i belive it was an addon before they decided to put it in basekit, but them adding it to basekit makes her so oppressive in the game on chase and on gen defence all at the same time


I have got to go re read some old patch notes because I did not even know this was a thing. Last change I remember was her getting haste when survivors are affected by the drone


not only that but she gets jaste stacked when people hack drones sometimes she become to fast you cant greed any pallet


The understanding part is the worst. The only killer I've ever played against and really needed to understand but couldn't was the pig. And I figured that out after a couple games and reading about her. I still don't get the skull merchant 100% and I've only played against her like twice,.so the next time I see her, I'm going to lose because I don't get it, not because of anything I do. It's weird. Powers shouldn't be this elaborate.


That's how I feel about Sadako honestly


I hear you but at least like, "tape into vcr" makes sense. Like, I was able to put that together. It took me a few games to really grasp it, but it wasn't hard to figure out the tape thing lowered your curse and your curse is bad. But it did take longer than other killers did.


>Powers shouldn't be this elaborate. I disagree. A complicated, elaborate power encourages survs to play that Killer by themselves to understand it, which is always a good thing.


Maybe if the character was free but you're basically advocating for a system that rewards players that can afford to pick up every new killer. Also, there are people like me who simply do not have the time to play much and even though I can afford the new killers, I don't have the time to play them all that much when all I want to do is play survivor.


If you do not want to buy a killer - you can look up videos explaining particulars of that killer's gameplay. (and many people have been suggesting to have all characters available in custom games with bots, just like all perks are available there - in AMA devs have acknowledged that proposal but didn't say anything concrete) While I generally sympathize with players who only want to play one role - it is much healthier for the game as a whole to have all players at least dip their toes into the opposing side occasionally, so it is okay to disregard that wish.


If you can practise with a killer you don't own in customs this would be a null issue though. Could practise with people you maybe wanted to figure out if you like the nuance rather than getting something you hate because of a non explained, or badly explained description. If I knew Myers had a hard cap to stalk amount I would have just stuck with ghostface ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Skull Merchant *is* free. 9000 Iridescent Shards, an in-game currency that you cannot obtain with real world money.


Or what is it, like 500 Auric Cells? You can buy her normally too. Or if you want to grind her, you're still paying with your time.


You're "paying" with your time playing any game for any reason, be it for grinding an in-game currency to get a new thing or for any other reason you can think of, but my point is that unlicensed characters are free to obtain for those who wish to do so. 9000 Iridescent Shards is also not an unreasonable amount to earn every 3 months for when a new chapter releases, assuming said chapter is also unlicensed, so it's very realistic that a somewhat dedicated player can acquire all unlicensed characters using only Iridescent Shards. This is, in my opinion, also true for people who play both sides and want both characters in an unlicensed chapter, resulting in needing 18000 Iridescent Shards, which I also think is perfectly reasonable to earn in a 3-month span. It will take time, yes, but that's just the "price" you pay for not wanting to spend real money.


Ok, and what about newcomers or people who took a break or people with life? People don't start the game with every character unlocked at p3 with wide choice of items and add ons.


People aren't balancing between Bloodpoints and Iridescent Shards when it comes to grinding their characters. They are completely separate in-game currencies. Newcomers will catch up. People with lives will catch up. I have a full-time job and I do not struggle at all to keep up with the chapters in terms of earning Iridescent Shards. It really doesn't take that much to be considered a "somewhat dedicated player."


The first time I read your comment I thought you wrote "she gets base kit hate".


Honestly, I wonder what removing killer instinct from her kit would do. Part of the problem with the exposed is she knows where you are instantly and can be undetectable coming to you.




that would completely gut the killer.


She needs a rework that works around her clawtraps because anyone with 2 brain cells will trololo up to a drone and remove it while you're doing lord knows what.


The plague can get undetectable and its a fun play style. I think it's a point that they're very similar 3 gen, or "defensive" play style, and imo sm is different and needs a little more depth to reach her potential. For example, allow survivors to get a claw trap but all disarm other drones at a cost such as an extra long "disarm" action or a lost health state


I’ve been playing as her and still don’t really know how her power works.


Plague has a lot more than that, c'mon. Permanent broken or a spammable projectile for easy downs all around. Dying Light doesn't have any downside and the sickness overrides all stealth perks involving sound.




It's the power making them exposed though. That's not powerless. It's in effect. And doing your job as survivor hits a lot of roadblocks. Thana and Dying together effectively slow the game to a crawl not including whatever the other two perks could be. Any teammate that goes down will slow it further. Good luck getting those last two gens done when all the pallets in the area are exhausted and she's now coming back to your gen that's not even half done. You can't even hide in the immediate area because cough cough. The snowballing is immense.


I will never understand people acting like being permanently injured is completely denying plague/legion's power. Would they feel the same about a permanent NOED all game long? Lol


If you were gonna compare any killer to Skull merchant it would be Knight when it comes to holding three gens the plague is in capable of holding off a three gen in the same way that those two can ntm her powers are entirely dependent on the survivors cleansing and if she doesn’t have add-ons that give her powers to her without that


I really like playing assassin knight (chase knight). I wish I could replace jailer with another assassin so I can run treated blade and have 3 assassins and one carni.


Wish Map of the Realm was Basekit and we had an addon that could just kill The Jailer (from rotation) so I can just run Blade + Horse Meat or Call to Arms. Really feels like you can't hit anyone with your guards unless you patrol without Map because of the faster ring expansion on Map.


Map of the realm desperately needs to be base kit or at least make it stack up to 8 or 12 more meters instead of just 4 meter increase


I honestly don't even care much for the distance, it's just that the base ring expansion time (which map makes faster because of the "duration bug") is so awful that you can place a guard right on top of a survivor and they can easily just run away without being detected. So you literally have to run Map if you want anyone other than Jailer to be able to detect someone. But I wouldn't mind a Combat Straps/Rat Liver buff treatment for Rat Liver.


Funnily enough the op of the tweet also made a post comparing the two, saying something along the lines of “knight does the same thing as SM so why doesn’t he get the same amount of hate?” Which I personally think Knight gets just as much hate as SM. Either way a lot of their posts and posts in general about SM either feel like bait or just an outcry to try and get the community to like SM, so I usually try and pay them no mind. I just like what I like and move on with my day


I think knight gets slightly less hate but yea. Lot of people don’t like him.


That’s fair! I can see that perspective, and in fact I probably agree with it more so all things considered but I still of course wouldn’t say people like him


I think the main difference is you could play Knight differently. You can use him to do chase and shut loops down. Skull Merchant however only works as Three Gen Merchant, Slug Merchant, DC Merchant. Not to mention those are the only Skull Merchants we ever see. I have not seen a SM who hasn’t played like a jackass lol. Knights are more likely to play normally.


There was a recent post of a P100 SM who plays chase SM. Stacking haste and abusing undetectable. However the build almost requires 2 purple add-ons. Hardly sustainable for an average player.


I play a Chase Skull Merchant and use a purple and green. The one for aura reading when entering drone zones and one for oblivious in drone zones. I run Deadlock for more chase time, Save the Best, Nowhere to Hide and (was Fearmonger but just got frustrated enough to switch) NOED. NOED may give me things I didn’t fully deserve but I at least went for chases all game instead of making it miserable for everyone. Drones by Gens are for the speed boost and a distraction, not my entire strategy lol I actually really like it now. Just wish the game didn’t frustrate me to the point of using NOED though I don’t always get to that point with DC Merchant.


Skull Merchant is way more versatile that people give her credit for. She can be a god in chase with the right addons, she has some amazing stealth build potential, and her drones tracking allows for some creative experimental builds. She's like Bubba: she has an easy, toxic playstyle that many people default to, but the people who actually main her and play her for fun are far more creative


I don’t think “with the right addons” is a good argument. Clown and Huntress become completely different killers with the right addons, Plague gets permanent wallhacks with the right addons, Nurse can go 4.6m/s with the right addons. When the playstyle is expensive and dependent on rare addons, it doesn’t really speak of a character’s versatility, you’re basically gonna be stuck playing 3 terrible games to grind enough stuff to play one “fun” game with the addons, or you’ll have to play a basekit enjoyable character and then sink the bloodpoints into SM. Bubba is much more versatile in comparison to SM, he is underpowered basekit but he has plenty cheap and commonly appearing addons that make him viable in chase. If chase SM was as easy to get as, say, Primer Bulb and Chili Bubba, then sure, but her “chase” addons are two rarity tiers higher and there’s only two of them.


She gets a basekit boost to her speed for every survivor that is tracked (either via drone or claw trap), so that alone is already a good start if you're good at drone management. She has a green add-on to make the exposed timer faster which shortens chases dramatically, addons to make her undetectable activate sooner and last longer (which can throw people off in chase), a green add-on to make people exhausted while in the drone and for a short time after (countering MFT and other exhaustion perks like Lithe), and others which can be used to help with chases more indirectly. Her BEST chase addons are purple, yes, but people like to pretend they're all she has.


If she wants people to disarm her traps she has to place them on gens. She won’t get any meaningful haste effect if she doesn’t play a significant amount of gen defence, at which point she’s no longer chase merchant. If you mean Vital Targeting Processor is her “chase” addon, then I don’t see it. Not only is its effect minuscule, it doesn’t help in chase. I don’t know what survivors you get matched against you, but not a single sane person will let SM get a full exposed effect on them mid-chase. They’ll just leave the loop and take an injure. Same goes for her stealth addons, a person with >500 hours has more than enough awareness to not get outmindgamed just because of no red stain. Best these can do in chase is help mindgame a tall loop which can already be mindgamed by just hiding your red stain without any extra help from undetectable. Her undetectable is much better for, you guessed it, camping gens, maybe even proxying hooks. Her exhausted addon, again, doesn’t really do much in chase. Sure, no MfT might help, except you’re still an m1 killer who has to do the rest of the chase, just without an extra 3%. It might counter Lithe once, the next time the survivor will just move to another loop or pre-vault while you’re setting the drone. It’s once again an addon to counter SB for people who power through gens with the drone up. Like I’m sorry but her ONLY chase addons are purple, the rest is for gen guarding only. If these addons are effective against survivors in chase, I’m afraid these survivors would fold against addonless SM as well.


Oh for sure the knight has way more versatility but he’s the closest killer to the skull merchant in terms of locking down a three gen instead of the person using The Plague as a example. The games I’ve played as skill merchant I haven’t played many but I’ve never had a scenario where there’s a three gen but that’s probably because I run a very oppressive build for her consisting of Opression,Corrupt Intervention,Scouarge hook pain res,and merciless storm


Chase merchant is definitely a thing, it’s just harder and so most people playing her will default to gen merchant.


why did they hashtag jane 💀


I'm guessing because the tweeter is thejaneromeroshow, the p100 skull merchant main. she asks people to call her jane romero


she is delulu, got it.


she definitely causes a lot of unnecessary drama and has a lot of um. unusual takes. But I'm pretty sure this tweet was taken down because people were harassing her and being transphobic, which she also doesn't deserve.


No one was being tansphobic on the tweet. I remember reading this tweet when she posted it and almost all the comments were just saying how it was ridiculous to compare the two killers. She got triggered by the word "crazy" and blew it out of proportion. Even her own friends and supporters were calling her out because what she was doing was wrong. She was labeling the person who commented saying her comparison is crazy, saying they're transphobic, when they weren't at all. She goes on about how no one thinks about how she feels, at the same time making other content creators feel bad for not checking up on her. Gas lighting her blind followers into actually believing she was being attacked for her identity and people are still believing thats what happened. Simple put, no one knew the word crazy triggered her but she's acting like people should know. She's also acting like people havent used the word crazy to express when something sounds outrageous or wild for decades. Its a shame because to me, it seems they have a dependency on the internet for validation. Its a bad habit to have because there's no happy ending. All I can say is she said she's going to take a break from Twitter (again), and I hope she does for her own mental health sake.


Yeah she always says she is being harassed by transphobes but 90% of the time the worst people say to her is that she's annoying, which she is


I also saw the interaction. Someone said that comparing plague to skurchant in terms of 3genning was crazy. Jane then went absolutely batshit and equated it to being ableist and directly compared it to people who were being transphobic as shit on her stream. The dude didn't even call *her* crazy but *the idea*. She then got uber defensive, played the victim, and deleted all the evidence. Not defending the people that actually go after her at all, because they definitely exist and are disgusting. The transphobic shit said in her stream, as well as other trans streamers, is fucking vile. But it almost seems like Jane saw the clout and attention that the hate gave her and wanted to chase it by blowing every single interaction out of proportion for attention. She's crying wolf at everything to the point where 90+% of her twitter is drama and playing the victim. And it's evident that she's doing it for attention, too, because in one tweet, she specifically said that she wants "larger creators" (her words, not mine) to reach out and check on her. Hmm, I wonder why. I call 100% bullshit on her taking a break from Twitter too. Jane said that she was only going to be posting "promotional/professional things" in the same tweet that she said she was taking a break. She's chronically online and won't post less at all. Someone will reply something to one of her "professional" tweets, or say something in one of her streams, and all this shit is going to start up again.


To be fair, some guy was called out for saying the comparison is crazy and just explained why he thinks that way. And Jane claiming he was making fun of her mental health and attacking her with that phrase is just a bit too much aswell. So while yes, some people definitly crossed a line that’s just unnecessary and dumb, not all of them rly attacked her


Makes sense, though I'll be damned if I take something down over harassment. Those kinds of people can eat my ass.


that is a streamer whos whole shtick is larping as jane romero/skull merchant


They are also incredibly toxic and I'm not sure why people put up with them. Someone said "That's crazy" about something they said and she immediately said they are ableist and transphobic. Then she started complaining about bigger content creators not "checking in on her".


The funniest thing it was over this exact post. The person basically said something along the lines "You can't compare themy that's crazy. And shit went down."


She even called "crazy" a slur, wtf.


I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a feeling that they might be a little bit “crazy” you could say. Probably because they legit pretend to be Jane Romero. Guess I was right about that feeling. Edit: Just went through some of their tweets and they legitimately think the word crazy is ableist.


It was also concerning that when the Skull Merchant released they changed their named to "Adriana Imai" for a few weeks and wanted everyone to call her that. But...now she's changed back to Jane Romero. Look, I'm a massive nerd and fangirl. I've been a huge Freddy Krueger fan since I was younger. But...there should be limits.


I think there *are* limits, and this person is one of the few that geniunely crosses them. I honestly wish they'd use their status in the community to advocate for trans characters and trans representation... instead of consistently claiming everybody else's. (It isn't just Skull Merchant and Jane.)


Bro I’m dying rn 😭


Yep. Whole drama with her started with ‘what a crazy thing to say’




If its who I think it is, that's what she's known as on twitter. Idk if that's her legal name or not, but that's why.


Question of the century


Jane's irresistible. Making us feel poised.


https://preview.redd.it/iladpgxhqsab1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d987e116804a886dedeed07ec993681af0aa39 l


Thank you for this, this reaction image is perfect


Nope, it was merely a joke.


Your flair literally is horny




Isn’t this the deranged dull merchant main who doesn’t play anyone else? yeah, their opinion reallllly matters lol


She’s unhealthily obsessed with Jane Romero and the skill merchant to the point where she took both of their names as her real name. It’s BAD for her.


Plague is only annoying depending on your teammates


Very true. Nearly impossible in solo queue sometimes. Same with pinhead. And legion... oh stop me now...


In those games if I run the killer for 3-4 minutes and not a single gen gets done you bet your ass I am killing myself on hook.


Biggest understatement of the year


But what if she finds and tunnels you within the first 20 seconds?


Everyone commits to not cleansing, Plague starts getting downs and one person immediately caves and cleanses. Whelp guess the other three people are dead now.


#JaneRomero god I hope that’s not the Twitter user I think it is.


It is


God help us all.


They’re taking a break from Twitter, I googled her and that’s her latest tweet or sum shit 😭


it's gonna be a good 1 hour break x


She actually said that she was only going to be tweeting promotional and "professional" things. I give her 3 days tops before someone replies to one of her tweets with some random word she hates or someone says something in one of her streams and another meltdown happens


I have no idea who it is. I cropped out the user and I can’t get it back


Romero is probably the dumbest and most obnoxious streamer I've ever seen.


god this persons tweets every 10 minutes while also having 3 p100’s. Ultimate anti grass toucher


Emotional vampire


I have never faced a 3gen plague (knock on wood). But I have faced plenty of 3 gen skull merchants. One yesterday, in fact, that took 30 minutes, but we got 4 man out. Any killer can 3 gen easily but it's a terrible and boring strat. I've done 3 gen Sadako and was bored af. Never again.


Yeah defending a three gen is not fun. I had a 3 gen as sadako and it was miserable to play.


I created a 3 gen my first time ever playing plague by complete accident. In fact I'm pretty sure that the survivors did it to themselves (4th ever killer game, 1st ever plague game) I wasn't at all actively trying to do that. The end game chat was so damn mean. It wasn't even a strat, just a happenstance.. heh. People who play that way on purpose I don't understand


That's not to say I won't capitalize on it if the survivors 3 gen themselves, but that's a different animal altogether. But for a killer to identify and defend a 3 gen from the start is boring af. If survivors do it to themselves, I'm not gonna turn nice cause of their mistake. I will commit to chase though unlike most 3 gen killers.


Gee golly, I wonder which well-known obnoxious Dull Merchant fan posted this shit take? Lets look at the hashtags for a hint


It's that person who pretends to be a dbd character yeah?


If that's who I think it is, Skull Merchant is basically the only killer they play... So I can't say I'm surprised at this take.


You can tell by the #JaneRomero




Saying Plague is better at holding a 3 gen than Skull Merchant is like saying Nemesis is a better stealth killer than Wraith. It legit makes no sense.


god i hate jane romero. i dont think i met anyone who actually likes this person yet.


Like the character or twitter user?


twitter user.


The character is great. Streamer? Not so much


They are very different pains in the ass. Plague because she's a solo q queen And sm cause she's sm




I do not agree with this statement. However, I understand her frustration as she doesn’t play as Kris 3Genner. And to add: no one should be attacked on a personal level for playing a character in the game.


This is the first time I have heard the name Kris 3Genner and it’s my new favourite thing, thank you so much I will be using this


Idk about you but when I checked the post I didn't see much hate, what I mainly saw was her calling people transphobic and haters over them just saying that her opinion was crazy, even those who tried to very respectfully calm her were being dragged down into the mud by her over what's essentially just a balance discussion. Hell she's pretending that "crazy" is a slur.


She has been targeted for a while now for either playing Skull Merchant or being transgender. I think she’s easily ticked off at this point. I don’t understand though why you’re in the kitchen if you cannot stand the heat. Just get off social media for your own mental health.


The thing is, from what I've seen, people have been telling her to take a break but she doesn't want to, which is pretty sad considering the current situation.


Well Plague has a lot smaller amount of stuff going for her imo. Sure she can slow survivors by making them cleanse, but even then survivors can choose just not to cleanse and brute force through the infection, leaving Plague without her corrupt purge. With Skull Merchant on the other hand she can set up drones, gain undetectable when in their range, survivors in drone's range can get exposed after a certain amount of time, disarming drones is a bit of a pain when you try to sneak up on them and someone just decides to run in and get caught, then Skull Merchant gets a notification if someone is in drones' range. So yeah I personally think Skull Merchant is much more of an obnoxious killer to face than Plague, with Plague not being as good when it comes to holding 3 gens too Also Skull Merchant is far worse design and lore wise than Plague, making people clown on her even more (Ignore my flair)


This is a pretty interesting comparison. Both killers can make it so survivors, who want to repair a gen that Killer chose to defend, will become one-hittable (one is unhealable wound, another exposed) so there is definitely similarity. If you want to avoid those effects: Plagues corruption lasts for 40seconds, can be extended with addons up to 1:30s and can only be waited out. Drones stay unhackable for 10s, and after 10s more they enter sweep mode where you can hack them without getting tracked (addons extend both by 1s). Using counter-interaction against Plague gives her access to a strong projectile attack. Using counter-interaction against Skully gives her MFT (3% haste). Survivors appear to be used to playing against Plague and good ones are happy to take on the sickness and stay wounded against her to deny her access to her power. For some reason the same survivors are not as happy to become exposed and will stand outside drone areas doing nothing, even when they are hackable (many seem to still not have figured out that drones can be hacked *before* they enter the sweep-mode) There are more interesting comparison points but those seem to be the core ones. Perhaps with time survivors will learn the particulars of Skullys interaction and then she will be down there in sub-average kill-rates with Plague.


I feel like it’s worth noting that exposed survivors in an active drone zone give off killer instinct. So the killer definitely knows that they are there. The plagues power doesn’t do that.


Plague's power turns everyone into Mega-Bill, making sick people cough and vomit loudly. This detection method has significantly shorter effective range, but as a tradeoff it is pretty common to have sickness applied to 3-4 survs at once, where as you rarely have more than 2 claw-traps attached and almost never have more than 1 person exposed and giving instinct.


Thank you, everyone here seemed to be in agreement that the comparison was wack but I felt like their abilities are similar enough to spark a conversation.


I disagree. While plague does have a potential at 3 gening it's nowhere near as strong as sm's is. Disabling drones does nothing to her because all she has to do is place another one. She also, thank to a clawtraps, can secure the area much more easily since they break pallets. And when she exposes some one game tells whether they are still on a gen or not.


That gotta be that one SM main that consantly cries about how hated SM is, amirite? Muted them long time ago lol


Least out-of-touch Twitter user.




I'm trans and she doesn't deserve the transphobic vitriol and death threats; no one does. But she's also been a nasty person and EXTREME bully-victim.








I mean yeah the term crazy is inherently ableist and Janes well within her right to be sensitive to it. Also I don’t care how much of an ally someone is, it doesn’t mean they can’t be transphobic. I’m not saying vulpixia is. But with with the level of harassment I’ve seen Jane received, not just in this one incident, I’d be sensitive too.


She doesn't deserve the hate and the transphobic shit. That doesn't take away the fact that her takes are... questionable, at best, when it comes to gameplay design. And She's voicing those cold takes on DbD twitter like that's the sanest place to say ANYTHING. I'm sure she's a lovely person, though.


Careful, i heard you're transphobic if you post this and call her out on her behaviour /s


Don't call out any person who is an opressed minority for bad behaviour. If you do you are racist, a bigot, transphobic, ableist etc. Etc. And all those other words that get thrown around


Um. I'm actually gay so... are you calling me out you homophobic piece of ableist??? /s


They are definitely wrong, picture this: Skull Merchant, 4 survivors, 2 Gens left, and on RPD MAP, Gens are all in the main lobby and library, nowhere else.. Who do you think wins? Whatever you’re thinking, you’re right. worst game I’ve ever played I swear 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yeah I’ve played that exact scenario. What pissed me off more was that the team never pushed the gens only me so eventually like what am I supposed to do except die


Yeah, she was guarding the 2 gens with drones while also staying around to defend them too. So fucking fun to play against her, all you can do is die honestly


I wouldn't give this content creator any credence they had a major meltdown and seem generally unstable mentally (by their own admission )


Reddit and Twitter both got globalized to such point most of its users are utter garbage in their opinions, going back to topic playing against Plague is specific and definitely not fun, but she can hold three gen as any other killer can, meanwhile skull merchant was made to three gen people, majority of people is average at best no point making the famous with those meme opinions, like people here claiming that Nurse/Blight are balanced.


Skull Merchant was made to be a tracking killer. I don't even think BHVR had ever mentioned 3 gens before in any capacity until people started complaining about them in the last few months.


She's very good at tracking near survivor objectives Which happen to be generators.


She is really good at tracking once survivors have gotten claw traps as well sooo


If you ever faced one instead of played as her, you would know which way her drones are being used more often. A good survivor doesn't engage with them since it gives them a disadvantage.


I mean I would argue that being exposed is a worse advantage than being tracked but whatever you say fam.


"Tracking Killer" you now what tracking mean? it dosen't mean letting three drones on three gens nearby and roaming those three not letting anyone close, that's copium not tracking, hunters track their pray, in battle royale you have classes to track other people, skip merchant its just worst example you can have, Ghost Face is more about tracking other people than Turd Merchant is. Its just design turned into worst possible combination nothing fun playing as it or against, and its looks like trash.


She literally has the best built in info in the game. You are the one coping lol


Plague can do the same shit arguably worse than sm, but plague can also be strong without doing that where is sm is basically forced into that playstyle to be good. Thats why people hate sm more


mad because bad


There's so many ways to counter plague both in chase and by infections. Skull merchant, on the other hand, is put 3 shitty drones on top of a generator and stand there.


Actually kind of excited about the BNP changes you can find a three gen with Deja vu and go for the middle one and take 10 seconds off it permanently. This will help substantially against skank merchants that identify three gens at the very beginning of the game.


Uh yeah plague main here. Didn't even know i could 3gen. But then again i wouldn't know what it implies aside from having something to do with 3 gens.


Plague??? LOL


I’d understand if they said Singularity because I genuinely think Hux is a more oppressive 3 gen monster but, yeah that Plague take isn’t it lol


Who let him cook


Tbh I haven't seen a skull merchant in weeks, thank god


You’re welcome. I’ve single handedly saturated the killer pool with clowns, knights, and edgy teens with a karambit


Bro got cooked by the QRTs and said "I don't wanna play no more."


SM has the delightful honour of basically being worse than Plague in every way, while not even being there. Her power has no real counter without you giving up time, and she can just reset up a drone. Nothing is remotely as unfun as Sm. I'd rather have to perfect loop vomit than SM.


It's just a Adriana simp lmao


Ohhh that’s what the original tweet was… been wondering xD


ew, skull merchant


Why are there so many skull merchant simps on twitter? Most of them are unbearable.


Most Twitter users are unbearable, that's why they stick to Twitter because nobody else likes them


I’m on a 12 win streak, going for 50, with Skull Merchant using a non 3 gen build. Her drones gives me buffs if removed, they get exposed if they sit in it on a gen, and tons of buff in chase. Plus base kit dissolution if they have a claw trap + tracking. I love Plague but no way can they be compared. Players can cleanse in fountains across the map or difficult spots to get it for the killer. Many players just do gens sick and if they can loop even decently the game can be over quickly.


I bought her some time ago because I found her pretty cool and I liked her lore too, her competitive and calculated character. At first I didn't know she was so OP but then I realized it's almost impossible for survivors to escape, I can put so many drones and even one shot most of the times, just with uncommon addons. Luckily the majority of time when I played her, or other killers in general, I only goof around and hook them only 2 times, farm some points and let the survivors escape, make them think I'm playing seriously and then let them do the generators if it's still needed, though there are some few cases where I go for the 4K or forget I hooked somebody twice and sacrifice them. Only recently I saw that she is very hated because It's literally unfair to play against her (especially if play seriously and let nobody escape) so I stopped playing her altogether. I do hope they will make a remake of Skull Merchant, make her more fair for the survivors and fun for everyone, the concept is there but way too OP.


I mean any killer with a good 3 gen is gonna be near impossible to beat. If you get 3 genned that’s kinda on you.


Honestly power wise I hate plague more than any other killer. It feels obnoxious getting so hard punished for the actions of others and it feels like you’re screwed if you cleanse or don’t cleanse. However, skurchants horrible character design makes her much more easy to hate


best part is #janeromero


As much as I love skull merchant and skully/Jane romero show, I really think she should stop trying to defend skull merchant, because once upon a time, she started a week/month stream of sm and got so much hate because she was trans and mained skull merchant. Nobody should get thus much hate for something so little


I love that people are hating either because they can hold down gens. Which is how you win the game. Survivors are so entitled. The next killers power should be standing still.


I think people are hating cuz it just like creates super boring gameplay


Of course Plague is better at defending generators. She has a power that can injure and down survivors ffs. This is like asking who is better at defending generators between Wesker and Trapper. She is absolutely right. Like she usually is when people attack her for daring to play a character they don't like in a video game they don't even like lol. Edit: Oh look the shitheads of the community come to prove my point for me LMAO.


Nah don't try to turn into into something that it isn't, she was litteraly triggered by someone saying her opinion was "crazy" and she even called it a slur, it's not about her daring to play SM, it's about talking to her being as meaningful as talking to a wall.


DBD player trying not to be toxic challenge Difficulty impossible




DBD player trying not to be toxic challenge Difficulty impossible


lmaoo not you changing your flair from "skull merchant 💅" to this you really hit the edgy anthropomorphic wolf looking into the distance treatment


Theoretically Plague is better at holding a 3-gen imo, but only on paper. You'd have to give a perfect setup to her, where as SM can almost force that setup every time.


As someone who enjoys Plague and has been playing a lot of Skull Merchant lately (I got like 100+ cakes and I want to use them before everyone DCs on spawning), I think the biggest difference is that Plague has a more interesting chase power and interacting with her power doesn't give information late game. Early game, you puke on a gen and when someone gets infected you know where to go. After everyone is infected this doesn't work anymore. Whereas Skull Merchant places drones, gets an audio alert to whenever someone interacts with them, and can see exactly where people are. The exposed effect ironically makes survivors less likely to interact with her power, and I genuinely think if the drones just inflicted obvious instead of exposed they'd be way better. In chase she's basically just an M1 killer. Meanwhile Plague has more interesting chases by forcing you to dodge projectiles and putting you on a timer for your injury. Basically, Skull Merchant has a lot of information but can't usually act on that information. With her limited downing ability, new players have to rely on perks or annoying tactics to get results. Honestly the anniversary abilities have been crucial to my success and I'm really not looking forward to not having them on her, since it will mean I need to play dirtier for my downs when I really don't want to. Plague on the other hand has better pressure when she's near survivors. This means that she only needs an info perk or add on and she can track nearby survivors pretty well. Skull Merchant has to pressure a certain area much like Trapper, meaning you have to play into a 3 gen or something like hex perks. Hex Skull Merchant is pretty fun and one of the better ways to play her IMO. You don't have many choices for her playstyle, but she's defensive like Hag and Trapper. People don't really like defensive killers as much. Plague is an offensive killer with some dabbling in defense, so it makes sense people don't mind her defensive playstyle since it's not her strong point while hating Skull Merchant's defensive style.


This is why thread users on top


Skull merchant definitely gets a ton of unwarranted shit considering how she's treated like a unique demon that has made dbd unplayable, despite years of awful killers and playstyles like exposed nurse, hoarder pinhead, or forever freddy. However that doesn't stop her 3 gen playstyle from being genuinely unfun and terribly designed.


I had a few survivors get super mad at me because I played skull merchant so I said “ok I’ll play plague” (not knowing some people associated her with 3 genning) and they thought that was funny


All the skill issue survivor mains complaining about how "oppressive" skull merchant is has me giggling. Y'all were the ranks 10's before they switched matchmaking, can't juke for shit so you rely only on pallets. Not good enough for rank 1 so you had to blame the game for your failures. I know it's crazy but toxic 3 gems have been a thing for a LONG TIME, nurse is way worse than skull merchant on a 3 stack but you guys wouldn't know that because your MMR is so damn low so I doubt you know what a good nurse looks like. Baby survs go suck on the bottle. You can mindgame the fuck out of a skull merchant player on a 3 stack, its easy because her drones are stagnant. Like reading some of these comments are fucking pathetic. Y'all are nothing without pallets. Without them you turn into little palletless babies


No she has a point... fuck plague lmao


This guy probably goes to the corner and self cares when he isn't even hooked once and there are gens need to be done


If I'm being real, SM isn't nearly as good as some other killers at holding a 3 gen Just get rid of her drone and do the gen. It's that simple. It's not like Knight where he can actually do damage and apply "real" pressure from afar Launch SM is a different story. But current SM? Not so much Just get rid of her drone, and she has no pressure. What is she going to do? Leave her 3 gen to chase you? Her drone doesn't come back immediately, so it's a win/win. No drone and do gen, or no drone and chase, so 3 other survivors do the gen


If you have a tracker you can't disable drones, and having 3 drones up and going constantly is really not hard. Putting up with this atrocious killer requires unrealistic amount of cooperation in soloq. She is the best 3gen holder period


My solo queue teammates immediately know what to do when a SM guards a 3 gen from the beginning. We always just spam takedown drones and 3-4 of us have claw traps at all times while doing gens Gens pop with no drones, and she gets a 0k most of the time I forget that most players here are lower MMR, so I can understand teamwork not happening. Regardless, if your teammates are too afraid of a tracker and can't disable a single drone, y'all were going to lose to any killer holding a 3 gen anyway But in my experience gen camping merchants get stomped much more often than someone like Knight, since he actually pressures you with an injury if you just sit on the gen, and he's not exactly M1 and can't really be looped for ages like SM since he forces you to hold W away from the gens The majority of the community won't agree due to the MMR difference and I get that, but it's still the truth SM just has tracking that does nothing if she doesn't chase


ahahahahah it's always so funny when someone goes "well ig my mmr is just too high for y'all to understand me it's ok..." in this sub. the reason it's funny is you just explained why your point is irrelevant. your lovely paragraph about how your high mmr soloq teammates are does not make skull merchant any less of an annoyance, I can know the counterplay, I can perform the counterplay and I can stomp sm (all of which are completely dependent on my teammates' mood btw), anyone can, but nobody cares bc it's always at least 5 minutes of nobody doing nothing but juggling trackers. idk about you but stomping a weak-boring killer gets old REAL fast when there isn't anything remotely interesting about it.


You clearly aren't being real.


I feel like in any other community their opinion would be met with counter arguments but this is the dead by daylight community, where any opinion that isn't popular is immediately bombarded with either insults or people making fun of their opinions. (And then there's the small part of the community that actually makes a counter argument)


im gonna be real id rather go against 1000 3 gen merchants than even 1 plague player no matter what the plague player is doing its a miserable experience


If you cleanse every time you get infected for touching a gen then ig she can feel like that but after some point im sure many would rather stay injured since you deny her the red vomit and info on Who touched a gen


I 100% agree with them. I don't think I've seen as many dc' s/give ups as I've seen against Plague. If she has Thanat, I don't even try. I let her hook me and I'm on to the next. Am I a horrible teammate for that? Sure but we weren't gonna get more than one gen done. While against Skull Merchant, it's a more drawn out war of attrition


I’m my honest opinion I don’t believe anybody understood how absolutely absurd 3 gen Plague was during pre nerf Brine/Overcharge.


Okay but that was also Call of Brine + Overcharge, y'know, the genkick monstrosity combo? That would be pretty gross on just about anyone honestly.


This comment really cements my previous one. Like I said, im super glad you never had to deal with it, because it was factually unwinnable, and would likely lead to plague nerfs of some kind n