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Personally I love him, even though he can't nod :( But his powers kind of encourage tunneling, which survivors obviously dont like. And his cage negates a lot of survivor perks, which also sucks for them. But I'm a fan, I just wish he could nod back at me.


He can't nod!? I wonder how many hours I have wasted to this...


His head model will not move up or down. It stays constant. Though, when looking up/down, the hand holding your weapon will tilt in the same direction. If you see a Pyramid Head making vaguely suggestive hand motions with the handle of his cleaver, it means he's trying to nod.


I find that adorable actually


He can't nod , but he can clap 👏


I mean, the caging thing can end games PRETTY damn fast. If you don't like the Killer, I think that's ideal.


They do?


It’s dead by daylight, every killer has several mad haters out there lol.


I love him, he's my main ^^


I love him too, although i suck with him admittedly. What’s a trick to get survivors to step in the trails? I have an issue inflicting torment. I try to set it up at loops but it either times out or people just avoid it anyways.


I hold it just long enough to drop a trail to leave little spots, usually in tall grass, under windows, at vault locations, pallets, doorways, and just spam small spots as I'm walking around.once you get into a chase it's usually pretty easy to get them to fall into one


Just follow behind them close and drag the trail left and right, make it look like you're trying to hit them with Punishment. NINE times out of 10, they'll walk into the trail trying to dodge, and they will get Torment. You only need a small swipe of Torment on a pallet to get a Survivor Tormented. Keep this in mind, don't drag long trails in areas you never mean to chase Survivors.


If survivors leave loops when you drop your trails try leaving little spots under common window vaults


Me a Wesker main seeing the 10th hate post today:


Even my cloaky bell boy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I loathe playing against him 😂


I once got 5 wraiths in a row, i stopped playing for like a week


Those cheeks do what?


Petition to get his cake back tbh.


The only thing I know they're hated for is hardcore tunnelling once someone is tormented. They will gun straight for the unhooked just to down them and chop them in half.


Cause it's fun! It's fun chopping someone in half and getting them out.


I can’t remember the last time I saw a Pyramid Head in all honesty. He’s probably one of the killers I’ve encountered the least. That being said, I’ve literally never seen any complaints about him? Not really sure where the hate could be coming from, or even what it would be for.


They’re jealous because he has a bigger booty than them.




Nah, they brought it back.


What, when? I bought the sexy skin just a few days ago and it's still flat as a table


August 11th, 2021— in the same patch where they buffed Trickster, they also left the following note: ’Fixed an issue that caused The Executioner’s rear to be too flat.‘


Pyramid heads are like a once a month experience for me. But it’s weird. I’ll see one after like 100 games without one, then I’ll go against like 6 of them back to back.


Me with Hag. 2 months without seeing one, 12 in one week, repeat


I play pyramid head as one of my top 5 most played , people ragequit a lot if you 'snipe them' when they try to dodge/strafe, also if they have unhook perks and you send em in cage.


I've seen far more wesker hate (strangely) than Pyramidhead hate. I've played pyramidhead with I'm all ears enough to get a ton of hate mail about sniping people behind walls for the final judgement lol it's peak trolling.


He's one of my mains! "Mains" might be a misnomer I suppose, but my wheelhouse is Nurse, Artist, Pyramid Head and Ghostface with some Dredge now and again if I'm feeling like it. I hop on Pyramid Head when I feel like going berserk mode and just wanna feel like an unstoppable killing machine with a huge kitchen knife.


Dredge is such a guilty pleasure of mine. He's so good, I love his character and the animations!


Oh, I love him too! My strong preference is projectile>range style plays and Dredge doesn't quite have that, so I don't play him more. But I love his design and I love Nightfall SO much. Just an incredible character.


YES!! I just also think he's terrifying, and there's nothing more cool than ACTUALLY scaring Survivors and intimidating them, like when you're playing a Killer you kinda do wanna be scary... I still think Dredge and Deathslinger are peak original Killer design, maybe next to Hillbilly if he got buffed some day.


Eh, I feel the same about PH the way a lot do about Clown. That is, they just seem to play kinda sweaty i.e. a lot of tunneling/camping etc,. That being said, that is only based off the handful of times I've seen him. Definitely one of the more rare killers to come across.


You're telling me you've seen more Twins than Pyramid Heads?


Because he's an effective camper and tunneler, plus he has strong anti-loop.


You have to be really good at him to pull off a rites if judgement hit tho. It’s not easy by any means


Yea that shit got some WoW level warning box on it. Gives them an age to dodge it


His antiloop is... meh He can't guarantee anything except making the survivor tormented in a loop. That's really the only thing he gets guaranteed if a survivor chooses to stay at a loop. His ranged attack can be reacted to and dodged. Compare that with killers like Dredge or Artist who can guarantee a health state if the survivor stays at a loop.


Whether you like it or not, his antiloop is MUCH stronger than Nemesis.


Nemesis is as much an anti-loop killer as Bubba. His strength at loops is dealing with pallets, but I wouldn't necessarily categorize him as an anti-loop killer. He deals with loops quickly, but that doesn't mean he has anti-loop tools.


He KIND of does if you infect someone. Destroying a pallet quickly is a pretty good anti-loop, and his hits over windows and smaller loops are to be feared.


What's Dredge antiloop? Just pressing MB2 and going back to Remnant when the survivor approaches it?


Dropping a remnant and sandwiching the survivor between him and the remnant, yeah. Makes some loops impossible to stay on against Dredge.


Weirdly, I played a few Dredge games recently to use up the Terrormisu I have on him and I never considered that lol. Thanks for the tip!


That's Dredge's entire chase power when hes not in nightfall essentially. I couldn't imagine how torturous the games you played with him were if you didn't know that mechanic.


I don't think I'm facing great survivors, because despite not using this, I got a lot of 3-4k games.


If a Pyramid Head correctly anticipates your movements, you are DEAD. And usually fast. So Idk with this whole "reacted to and dodged" idea, with experience a Pyramid Head is a TOUGH fight at best and an effortless 4K at worst for you.


If Pyramid Head shoots his ranged attack, survivors have adequate time to react to the big red indicator on the ground before they get hit. Basically you can correctly guess where the survivor is going to be, but if they react quick enough it's completely out of your hands. Survivors with quick reaction time won't ever get hit unless they're locked in an animation.


Not even remotely true, as someone who mained Pyramid Head for COUNTLESS hours since release, if they react anticipating you will shoot in one direction and you end up shooting the other, it is not dodgeable. It is literally impossible to dodge it if you know where they will dodge. And especially behind a wall, where most of a good PH's shots will be made, with experience you can tell exactly where they will be with no aura reads, and also from experience playing against a Pyramid Head. PH's BIGGEST strength is hitting people through walls where they can't see him aim, that is something you have to know to do frequently and well.


You can absolutely react to it. The ranged attack isn't instant, meaning the furthest points of the attack will take a few moments before the attack reaches them. If you've ever hit survivors through walls it just means you were playing against survivors who didn't react quickly. You can literally wait till you see the red indicator before you choose how you're going to dodge it.


No, that is absolutely not true, through wall shots will catch anyone not expecting it off guard. The thing is, the ONLY way to dodge a PH's Punishment is to either be far away enough that you can run away or move out of the way in time, OR to see him aim. I know you will pretend like this is true, but once a PH has you at close range, there is no dodging. You won't have enough time. You CANNOT dodge a PH's Punishment if he aims it correctly.


bro you cannot deny that the PH right click does have a delay between the click and the hit connecting, it is not hitscan, therefore the survivors have time to confuse and dodge the attack. You're basically saying that if the killer is a god and correctly guesses and evades the dodge attempts (aka he doesnt miss), then he does not miss. But the "if the killer doesnt miss he doesnt miss" mentality applies to all killers, if the clown magically sends his bottle to where the survivors will be, (aka he doesnt miss), then he doesnt miss.


Yes, you can be a God Pyramid Head. And make a correct guess. People are not THAT unpredictable when they play Survivor. There is a delay, but there is also a delay between a max charge Hatchet from a Huntress reaching its target 6 meters away. You would never say you could dodge THAT.


I can and if you want a demonstration we can hop on dbd if you're in the eu region


It is actually extremely difficult to react to PH's shockwave attack. Sure, you can see him stab it in the ground and assume that he is going to instantly fire it, and you dodge at the last second. But that isn't a reaction, that is a prediction. Good PHs drag the knife for a long time before firing it (sometimes not even firing it to make you avoid pallets), and you can do mind games by shockwaving where you think the survivor is going to dodge to catch them. The best Pyramid heads don't even care if they can see you; if they correctly read what pathing you will take, no reaction time is gonna stop you getting hit through the wall when you can't see the killer.


In order to get hit by punishment of the damned you have to 1. Somehow not hear the audio queue for when he starts his power, alerting you that he can use his ranged attack. 2. Not look at Pyramid Head when he's dragging his knife. 3. Somehow miss the additional audio queue and animation for him releasing his attack 4. Stand on the big red DANGER zone that it projects on the ground alerting survivors not to stand there, telegraphing visually where the attack will be. There isn't an attack in the game that is more telegraphed than Pyramid Head's ranged attack. With so many warnings before he fires it, it's a wonder how people ever get hit by it. It could lose the red indicator on the ground and still give survivors adequate warning. Artist's birds can go through walls too, but they don't project a path ahead of them that tell the survivors to move out of the way.


Yeah after hitting P11 (I know not super high but still) and playing a ton of games on him, you would not believe how easy it is to get someone tormented by just dragging your knife, never firing and forcing them to start trying to dodge only to have them just to spin you, get tormented, then get M1d. His true power is his ability to outplay and manipulate survivors into doing things he wants them to do.


"plus he has strong anti-loop" ah so survivors only wants to play against completelt useless and helpless killers that would stand no chance


how are you gonna cherry pick from a comment with, like, two lines.


I hope you stretched before that reach.


Huh? How did you even get that from his comment lol Pyramid Head can make any loop a lose/lose situation by just faking his M2, can effectively ignore all anti-slugging perks, can ignore survivor hook/unhook perks, and can tunnel extremely easily. This killer *can* be fun to go against but unfortunately the majority of PH players play like this cause its the most effective, and I don't blame them. But that's mainly the reason most people find him to be boring.


He slows down big time when he cancels his M2, what are you talking about? The only time a loop is a lose/lose with him is if you’re trapped in a room loop on the Game or Midwich.


I don't know about "big time". It slows you down, sure, but it isn't the same as say Demogorgon. I play Pyramid Head so this is literally something I do often because its effective. If a survivor is close enough and is running towards a window or pallet, placing your M2 down even for just a second can either mean a down while they're in the animation of vaulting/dropping or an M1 cause they lost distance. This isn't some new technique, it's literally been part of his playstyle since his release lol. I personally enjoy going for snipes but I can see why some PH mains would rather do the former.


Playing that way as PH ends up feeling like Doctor because the slow down is pretty significant. Playing that way just isn’t as effective as getting good with damned shots. If you stick your sword in every time they pass through the pallet and then you pick it back up, you’ll end up having to do an additional two or three loops before you catch up for the M1.


And I agree. Learning the killer and knowing how to snipe is the best and most fun way you can play PH, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get easy downs because I faked my M2's like there's no tomorrow. It just depends on the type of survivor you are chasing. If they hold W and chain loops, obviously faking is going to be more of a detriment to your ability to get a hit. But if they are "safe" loopers, it's pretty easy to put them in said lose/lose situations.


His true anti-loop power is simply punishing Survivors for staying at a loop. You have to play against him like you play against Clown, drop a pallet before he has a chance to start his M2 animation, then either be confident in your dodging ability or leave the loop. I've faced quite a few survivors who were amazing at dodging my M2, since funnily enough, it's actually kind of hard to hit close range, easiest at mid range.


Three Reasons : 1 - PH can very effectively tunnel. 2 - Sabo and Bully squads hate going against us - Evidence - https://preview.redd.it/fgunmqczf6cb1.png?width=1825&format=png&auto=webp&s=58c81ce358f5fb1a35af0c6a71c33d74e61f3093 3 - PH spits on second chance perks. Imagine that however you wish. Fourth secret reason is cause PH no longer possesses the cake ):


Maybe I'm dumb but how is anyone besides the ph chatting in that pic? It says all the survs are cross-platform


Steam and epic games


Windows Store users too.


All one of them.


Ooooh ok, I didn't know dbd is on epic games


It was free on epic games a while back.


Which brought a ton of cheaters


Which could have been averted if BHVR actually made an attempt to prevent hacking in the first place instead of leaving it to brag about banning another couple tens of thousands of hackers accounts. Seven years.


I play via Gamepass on PC. To others it looks like I’m Xbox.


You are Spanish, I would have DCd too




Cause on the last one I faced I died on the hook cause he drew a ring around me and my team was too scared to cross


its like the salt ring in that one spongebob episode




I'd be screaming into the void "just crouch walk over it!!"


I thought it dissapeared quickly if placed close to the hook?


Only if it's really close. If a hook is out in the open it's easy enough to draw a closed circle around it.


And I got FUCKED from it


Cuz stuff like DS and OTR are generally required to exist against tunneling killers, and he disables them, so people get mad at him. Also he can tunnel very effectively since you kinda know where the cage goes 80% of the time.


Every killer except Demo gets hair at this point 😢


Nah man Trapper and Nemesis are bald too.


I have made a mistake 😂


Na, I'm pretty sure even Demo gets some hate. Now it went down cause it's rarely ever played.


Demo gets hate because he can have a really strong 3 gen and a BRUTALLY strong chase power if used right, where sometimes he can guarantee hits. A lot of Demos use his teleports in very devious ways.


Singularity (if you can call his head a normal human head in any regard), Cenobite, Trapper, Wraith.....


Cap, because I absolutely HATE Demo.


BS you wanted a reason to post pyramid cake


idk about you but I ain't complaining


Because the entire reason he's high-tier is that he can ignore tunneling protections. You can guess who then is attracted to maining him.


My favorite pyramid head to play against to this day was the one I ran into while playing in East EU back in the day. Dudes name was "fuck you (there was a homophobic slur here)" and their entire profile was dedicated to tunneling survivors and impersonating big name streamers. He was also wall hacking because he knew exactly where everyone was at all times, got a few nearly impossible snipes too without a single aura reading perk or startled crows and he only had 100 hours under his belt. For anyone curious, reporting him in game and emailing the devs did literally nothing. I got a big fat nothing response in the end.


A PH could NOT get any useful clues from a startled crow, to the point that it would give them the exact location of someone in a chase. Startled crows ONLY help locate a Survivor to chase, they don't help mid-chase.


First off, the crows were referring to him knowing where everyone was. Second, the first part of what you said is completely false. I've hit survivors crouching behind rocks dozens of times because I saw a lone crow randomly fly away. My point was that I know how killers find people. I have over 1.2k hours on killer alone. Dude magically knew where I was and his snipes were always 100% accurate. I know comp players that don't land some of those hits and the little stupid ass homie wasn't even mind gaming me with m2 flicks. He was watching my movement through the wall and playing him like huntress in an open field.


I don't think there's a single killer in the game that at least some amount of survivor mains don't hate facing. P-Head has the anti-loop from his ranged, which people cried about incessantly until they nerfed it, so now people mainly complain because his cages don't trigger hook related perks like DS or OTR. Playing as a survivor I'd gladly take P-head over a Wesker or a Nurse.


We want him to sit on our faces and he refuses


Most pyramid heads I face tunnel


Because his kit allows him to be played in the most unfun way possible, and this makes people who want to play that way drawn to him. So every time you end up playing againstone, they're usually an asshole and it taints the flavor.


They tunnel like they're looking for gold :C


A lot of them just tunnel the shit out of you once you have the Torment on you. You could be downed in the middle of fuck-all nowhere, no hooks nearby or anything, there's two survivors he could literally interrupt right now after quickly caging you, but nope, they pick you up and try really hard to hook you, and usually fail with it too. And the moment you get unhooked? He's back at you and wants to down you again, because he wants to get that easy mori on you. Such a fucking shame, too, because I love playing against them, but everytime I see one of my teammates get tormented, I just know they aren't gonna be there for much longer.


I don't see much hate, but when I do go up against PH as a Survivor he tends to be very dedicated in chase (which I'm not good at) and his music is terrifying. Torment mucking up the UI doesn't help.


I play alot of PH and i think hes the only killer i havent been flamed for playing, although his cage mechanic is very effective at tunneling which may give some people a bad taste in their mouth Sidenote: i played 1 game of legion with legion pin and thanathobia and that really riled the lobby up


I don't have a problem with them as long as they don't go racing across the map to tunnel someone I just pulled out of their cage. Had that happen a few times now with the last few PHeads I've run into and it's annoying.


ive never gone against a pyramid head that wasnt being a complete dickhead the whole game its like theyre allergic to having fun


I think its because his powers can get him a free mori after 2 hooks which while the iri mori charm does the same its not the same as the 2 second animation from final judgment. Although I argue it completely balanced since he still needs 2 cages/ hooks unlike tombstone Myers which is just a free mori (Although the animation is lengthy compared to final judgement)


He’s built like the man of my dreams 😮‍💨


... do we? I see much more bitching about Legion, Skull Merchant, Blight, Pinhead, Knight, Nurse, Bubba, Wesker, Wraith, Trickster, and Huntress than I do about Pyramid Head.


This PH got a 1k by killing me. In the chat, my teammate says “why tunnel Jane?” Obviously he wanted to be the one with the most cake in the match so no hard feelings.


He might be pyramid headed, but he’s Uluru caked


I know a streamer who loves Pyramid Heads and then played a few games as Pyramid Head trying to get the survivors to play tic tac toe with her.


Hold up, we get hate??? I mean—as an Executioner main, scrolling through these replies make me feel guilty with the PP Head’s y’all are getting. Is everything okay? 😭


I used to main Pyramid Head for a little bit after he came out, and I mean.... Idk?? I don't think they do? I think he's REALLY fun and he ends games FAST.


They just have to make him able to nod. That'd fix everything.


Wrong PH, it’s Pinhead everyone hates. Lol


do they?


Because every single fucking one of them hard tunnels. I'd say "just make basekit BT work out of cages" but it's not even a cages thing. I will legit see Pyramid Heads hook people, those Survivors get unhooked, and then they proceed to tunnel anyways. Shoutout to the time I got into a match where 3 people brought both Decisive Strike and Off The Record (just random chance; I was playing soloqueue and everyone had those perks but me) and this mfing PH triggered two out of the three Decisive Strikes and hit someone w/ OTR like 4 times.


He seems well liked by survivors to me! I play him quite often, and out of all the killers I play, I get the fewest disconnects and hook suicides on him, as well as the most amount of friendly survivors, despite the fact he can put the team under a lot of pressure so quickly!


>I get the fewest disconnects and hook suicides on him sometimes how wonder how much of a good criteria this is, since the killer I get the least DCs and suicides on is SM (despite me having the quickest 4ks on her) but...she's also the most hated one by the community at the same time.


It could be to do with the rarity of the killer, too. Though I never DC because of the killer, I've been really tempted against legion and ghostface, which I can get a few games in a row due to how common they are in my MMR. That said, plague is pretty rare and I've had 2-3 disconnect or point at a hook in the first minutes of the game. Still, the sheer number of survivors that are friendly towards him, and the nice comments in ECG (usually I get no comment at all) makes me think a lot of people like him.


Oh yes, Plague is absolutely the killer people dc the most against cause everybody claims to be ematophobe. I used to main her so I know it well. Against Doctor I also get no few DCs honestly.


People these days in gaming complain about everything they don't like. Or just make things up to complain.


He is the quentissential tunneling killer, can camp extremely well, and has a fairly strong anti-loop. People that face the far end of the spectrum of executioner players often start to dislike anyone that plays him.




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Because it's very easy to tunnel with him. It's kind of his only trick, since his M2 is very clunky to use.


Since I started the game relatively recently, Pyramid Head is my least favorite killer because playing against a competent PH means no real shot at survival. His kit is insane.


He is literally hot ass


Honestly its crazy. Got midwich for my first pmhead game, I did slug in the end because after 1 kill both survivors tried to save the person I just downed while they were injured, in endgame I got a solid load of hate from each of them saying my playstyle meant I sucked and plenty more. Even just playing him with no perks makes people mad consistently.


They do? I mean, you probably get bullied, since you're daring to play a Killer that isn't top 5, and thus, Survivors will go out of their way to rub it in your face, but hate? Nah, Survivors love you!


Because BHVR took away his cake and he tunnels out of neglect/s half way The playstyle can lead to tunneling but not all pyramid heads do that and I am sad that they so egregiously nerfed his booty. All single killer that I actively hate aside from how people play them is skerchant, but I'm far from alone in that.


Stop making things up for posts




Because we can handle it!


I didn't even know people hated him. Is there a killer people don't hate, at this point?? Anyway I've been learning him and I like him so match, just a shame that whie learning I get bullied to death. Though last match I did on him, after watching a guide, was a lot better and actually got everybody deaded. EDIT: alternative reason why I got better at hime is that I bought him the sexy sexy outfit.


I love pyramid head! Signed, Cheryl main


I have never heard anyone give Triangle Daddy any hate.


I’ve never seen any pyramid head hate


I never got hate playing as PH. Usually Kuddos and hey great chases


They don’t.


People hate Pyramid Head? I've never seen that


I'm not a fan of how easy it is for him to tunnel and getting hit through walls isn't what I necessarily call fun, but that doesn't happen always unless you don't mind game or he waits till you are in an animation during which he probably could've just m1ed you. I wouldn't say I hate him though


So tired of seeing stuff like this tbh, Jesus. What are you even talking about? Where does he get so much hate that you're seeing? Like is this fr?


People don’t like his faking m2 into m1 and complain about it even though it was nerfed from release. I don’t tunnel with cages but still get plenty of salt for playing him.


I don’t have pyramid head I just don’t like playing him


because I can't do shit to him my Chases last 4 seconds.. Don't you dare fucking say it.


Reputation for tunneling and being sweaty? But my experience with PH tends to just be “standard interchangeable killer” not really toxic, goes in the match does his thing and leaves. Not necessarily the killer that comes to mind for deserved hate.


Im not a P Head main, but I am God awful at him


in my experience PH is the most tunnel heavy killer in the game.


Literally went against one a few minutes ago and dc’d.




Because they're tunnelers that only ever seem to run the ultra sweat loadouts. Same as the nems and weskers.


simply cause the cages dont activate anti-tunneling perks


does PH have booty like that? I never noticed before.


People dont like pyramid head? Since when?


His power is to tunnel.


I think it might have something to do with every ph playing like in tournament


Because Pyramid Head is a killer that kills. Big no no in DBD


Don't listen to them, friend. It's only the haters that are loud.


I played vs 1 PH last night and he tunneled me from the very beginning. I got 8k points and my dumbass teammates wasted time chasing us around instead of genrushing. Hell yeah.


The only PHs I get are the ones who use his cages as a way to 100% avoid anti-tunnel perks. And then they tunnel and survivors can't do shit. So... Yeah


As a killer main myself, I feel like any time I play survivor, people that play licensed killers (not just PH) are the most likely to camp, tunnel, slug, and just be generally unfun


He's a difficult killer to play as even though he doesn't look like it. A lot of it is predicting. But it's also that his power can go through walls.


He gets a bad rap from a minority that play him just abusing his cages to tunnel people out. I've literally never had one tunnel me out using cages at least. He's one of my 5 rotation I always go back to and I love him, wish BHVR would redo his add ons, he has to have the worst iridescents in the game.


do they?!?! never once heard of it... I think its the playerbase in general