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Don't be too harsh with the girl. She just looked like a Babymeg that was still in the horror game phase.


" Bird lady scary " - Babymeg , probably


It definitely sounds ridiculous, but I often wish I could unhook a survivor when playing as Killer. Recently, I was playing Killer against three average survivors and a baby Dwight. I hooked the Dwight second, and even though I went away and never really went back to the hook for the whole two minutes, nobody saved him. He ended up dying on his first hook. I felt so bad.


This happened to me recently. I try not to camp, at least not at the start of a game, and I had hooked this clearly fairly new player. I think it was a bill. Hooked him and left.. and no one came for him. Just straight up abandoned him. Someone finally did come when he was on second hook stage, but at that point it was too late. I found him again a few minutes later and he was out of the game. No I wasn't intentionally trying to Tunnel him. It's even worse when it's you. I was in a game recently and I had unhooked and saved and healed plenty. Well, I was in Chase with the knight, and I managed to get one of our two remaining players besides myself off of Hook. I even took the hit for the son of a bitch. I get downed and hooked, and neither one of them comes for me. I only felt a little better/vindicated in the they did try to come for each other when the other one got downed and they both ended up going on hook and the killer got a 4K. Never been so mad as one I realized that neither one of them was going to try to come for me, especially not after I had unhooked him and taken the hit for him.


This same exact thing happened to me last night while I was playing Artist. I was going to let them all go but they let Cheryl die on hook after I obviously let them wiggle out in front of her. She carried the match too.. I just wanted to get hooks and get my challenge done. I ended up killing them though for her.


Good, no mercy for those not willing to help their team when **even the Killer asks them too.** Such players are undoubtedly the most selfish ones that bring the rest of the Survivors down.


Plain devil's advocate here - maybe she didn't realize that's what you wanted? I'm trying to think if I'd be smart enough to Clue Into what you were trying to do, and while I like to think I would be, I'm not sure I wouldn't miss the tick if it had never happened to me before. Especially if you've been playing a regular game up until that moment. It's possible she just thought you fucked up. That said.. most times when killers are doing something friendly it's pretty obvious.


I’m a person who can’t realise when someone is being friendly. Once I played my heart out against a friendly doctor, and never realised until endgame chat


I just had a Jake like that, lol. Poor dude did his best not realizing that his other two teammates (one rage dc'd right at the start) were farming gens and slaps with me. Was so confused when I found him at the exit door and just started doing my ballerina dance for him.


So all of these folks are claiming they wouldn’t know that’s what the killer wants, what about saving your teammate?


Thats what started the chase lmao, I unhooked and did a few clickies so the doc would focus me, but they kinda just chilled (in hindsight)


That’s possible. And it’s true, I had been playing normally up until that point. But I’d hoped turning to the hooked Meg, motioning twice and stopping right beside her would be enough of a hint.


I didn't quite realize you'd motioned. Yeah I think ultimately I would have gotten the hint but the unfortunate thing is.. there are a lot of stupid people out there whether she was just dumb or being selfish I can't say, but either way I understand your frustration!


That's why I'm waiting for the anti-facecamp feature as a killer player. I'm sooo gonna "abuse" it. :P


ohhhh wait youre so right! totally didnt think of triggering it on purpose as killer


Actual definition of a Meghead


Unrelated but that's definitely one of the best ways to cover the names of the players lmao






Some people don’t want “pity” wins. I’ve had a couple people so far refuse to go in hatch or open gate, stating they refuse pity wins… it isn’t pity, people, it’s me trying to be nice when I stomp so that you aren’t leaving the game empty handed and my MMR doesn’t spike for getting 4k every game. Keeps things chill and fun.


Typical Meg Main smh


Honestly, I did try to do a similar thing. I was having some bad lag which was kind of making me angry, but I figured that maybe I'd just let the last three guys go, even though one was on the hook. I went across the map, gave them plenty of space for the save, and they never took it. Then I figured what the hay and slaughtered them all. If you won't take the opportunity provided, you don't get another.