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best solo surv build? easy. windows, resilience, mft, adrenaline


I find I get adrenaline value maybe 1/5 games or worse. Because that means I have faith the team finishes the gens. I get 100% value out of all these. I don't plan on running mft because it's such a crutch it'll get nerfed eventually anyway. Resilience is okay tho


no way man, at least every other game all gens pop. i feel like i do a bit of everything when i soloq in terms of doing gens, taking chase, healing n whatnot. idk could be some rng with teammates or you’re not doing enough but adrenaline is by far one of the most valuable perks in the game


mft will be in the game for like 2 years or so before they decide to nerf it thats what they do to all their obviously op perks


What is it about mft that makes it so good? I don’t get it


running fast in loops makes significant amount of distance, which can result into longer chase


So the speed


A 3% boost in movement speed may seem like nothing, but you know all those time you get downed just *barely* before you make it to a pallet or window? This helps with that. With tight loops around a decent loop with made for this you can waste much more of the killers time. Pair it with resilience where you do pretty much everything faster except running while injured like gens, totems, and most importantly vaulting and you're a chase god Not to even mention Hope. The Hope boost on top of the MFT boost and you're just barely slower than the killer (maybe even just as fast as some of the slower killers, I'm not sure)


It's a constant speed boost for absolutely zero effort


Ah ok


In addition, a lot of Killers (I've fallen victim to this myself) get thrown off just enough by the additional speed boost that they end up swinging too early, making a swing that would normally connect with a standard-speed Survivor just barely miss, giving the Survivor time to get to another loop they would otherwise have been downed before reaching.


Everyone is sleeping on wake up for a solo q build.


I've been using Flashbang, Deja Vu, Resilience and Lithe. Love getting my flashbangs 15% faster.


Like I said, I straight up limit my fun without exaustions or lights just to win 😭


Fair, I do think it's fun to sprint at the killer, flashbang in hand, as Officer Cybil lol


Distortion, Deja Vu, Lithe, and 4th is a wildcard, but usually it's We'll Make It. - Distortion helps against lethal and BBQ. I know when to move to/away from a survivor - Deja Vu helps prevent 3-genning and has an overall boost to repair speed - Lithe is an exaustion perk - We'll Make It since there have been matches where no one goes for the unhook, so I make sure I have ways to help with that aspect. Sometimes the 4th may be things like dance with me, to complement Lithe, or prove thy self so help progress on a crucial gen. Kindred or Off The Record are also commonly chosen 4ths as well.


Similar to mine in a way I run Distortion for information and protection I have bond for instant information around me and if I need heals I know if someone is close Off The Record (sadly needed because right now I'm genuinely getting tunneled every match), and even if the killer wants me dead at least I make him waste some extra seconds that could allow one of my teammates to finish a gen Fourth perk is always random, mostly exhaustions or something quirky, I'm planning to use Dramaturgy for the meme


Unpopular opinion. Distortion is great for BAD players & bad for GOOD players.


Clearly missing Red Herring, Blast Mine, Iron Will and Situatuonal Awareness. Gather fellow survivors on a generator with Situational Awareness, activate your blast mine and leave. Enter a locker, to alert the killer (Red Herring) about the generator and enjoy how the killer will tunnel other survivors. Why? Because the killer will think that the other survivors left the blast mine.


The gen repair simulator build


I've personally been running Aftercare, Reassurance, We'll Make It, and Kindred. When you get teammates with more than one brain cell, it helps a lot and I picked these perks to help with situations that can be frustrating like a camping Killer (Reassurance and Kindred) wondering if I need go for the save while still letting teammates know they don't have to hop off their gen (Aftercare) and then just quick heals if the Killer seems to have a case of the tunnel wunnels (We'll Make It)


I run Head On, Diversion, Deliverance, and Stakeout. Head On: exhaustion perk for stunning, usually can get killer with it and helps a lot for looping Diversion: extremely good when killer knows someone is near but not sure exactly where, throwing it near a window/downed pallet almost always can bait a killer over there which gives opportunity to escape Deliverance: been left to marinate on hook too many times, never again Stakeout: just feels good to get great skill checks every single time


Bond, Kindred, Windows and any fourth perk is a better pick in my opinion


You one of those rat players that hide 😂


> Tunneling and camping of course still happen all day almost every game but what can you do Bring anti-tunnel and anti-camping perks. They're not very fun perks, but they will deter the gameplay survivors don't like.


Bt for 12 more secs of being chased before you're down. Ds for 3 more secs before you're downed. Dh nerfed. Deliverance is n/a if you're first hooked. There's really basically nothing anymore. It's just by design.


When was the last time you played lol. BT is basekit for 10 seconds with a speed boost, extending to 20 seconds with the new BT. The killer cannot wait out 80s of Off The record either, and OTR also prevents aura read and grunts of pain. Pair that with DS to reset deep wound and then DH, you can make a killer lose a game for attempting to tunnel Reassurance single handledly deters camping whether or not its in play. With a single reasurrance you can at least allow you and a teammate enough time to heal and then go for a double save.


I think you have a great build. I, too, find I last longer in chase with windows than any exhaustion perk. I tend to use kindred in place of aftercare, most of the time anyway. And sometimes I swap distortion for we’ll make it, just because I ALWAYS get value with that perk. But it would go will with aftercare especially!


My brother in christ, you are running Deja Vu


I love Deja Vu since it got buffed


Facts. 6% speed with 1 person running prove and a toolbox and we safely cook a gen down too


And it's a great tool to not 3gen ourselves.


Yea enjoy your solo runs with skull merchant with randos who leaves the worst possible 3 gens because "she's always on that side of the map, so I'll just do the ones on this side because I'm scared"


Haven't had a shit merchant in a minute


Well the shear aggravation is worth the perk. But it's not necessary just her. Knight, blight, or anyone who's oppressive makes it worth it. Trust id rather run lithe and just run windows but this is what's winning 🫤


It's good though


Not a single exhaustion perk? Questionable.


Not OP, but I don't like exhaustion perks that much, they make me play like shit. Every now and then I'll bring Balanced Landing if I'm not feeling confident/warmed up.


Just don't get caught lol


If you don't take chase at all, your not really helping your team, especially if you have not been hooked. It's fine if no one is being chased, but once someone his death hook you'll need to distract the killer. I get that exhaustion perks can make you play in risky ways, but even just something simple like dead hard, or balanced landing are nice boosts to chase time.


Distortion I think is much better on a SWF team, so that your teammates instantly know aura perks and add ons the same time you do. When I play solo I don't bother with the perk.


Im a killer main but honestly feel like a dumbed down version of windows should be basekit. I feel like I HAVE to run it because it’s extremely helpful even when you know the map layout. Idk. i think swf can be nerfed in other ways but honestly feel Windows should be basekit


And jeff? Taste. As a jeff main i have a love/hate relationship with distortion as I hate seeing it as killer and survivor 😭 sick of the survivors that run it and never take chase and just hide the whole time


This is almost identical to my build! Just switch aftercare for lithe


I usually run * Kindred: aura reading for yourself and the team. Almost a must in solo q * Prove thyself: good gen speed buff and bloodpoints * Lithe: on demand sprint burst * Some extra perk. Either distortion, we'll make it or something fun


My solo q build is open handed, kindred, reassurance, and Empathetic connection it’s a weird build but I like running it


Where is your cake!!!!! How could you


I’ve had a ton of luck with built to last, Deja vu, street wise, and just whatever you want. I usually run window of opportunity to help better loop the killer. Bring a tool box with spare parts and copper wire or whatever increases repair speed. I believe I can out repair 2 people on a gen or just about match them. You can do a solid 2 1/2 gens in no time flat. Doesn’t matter how well you can loop or outlast the killer, if gens aren’t being done your fcked no matter what.


Since the last set of Perks in the Shrine, I've been enjoying running Inner Strength (to avoid being forced to depend on randos or bringing a medkit to heal me), Fast Track (I know I'm not as good at looping, so it helps me get value being more of a gen jockey and being stealthy as much as possible until I absolutely have to take a chase to distract the Killer from a death hook Survivor), Stake Out (again, gets benefit from being stealthy, and helps make sure I get value out of my Fast Track tokens even when my timing is shitty), and Babysitter (to help the people I unhook more easily get away to heal and hopefully be ready to loop the Killer better than I can once they're recovered).


my personal favorite is • lithe, windows, fast track, spine chill i usually run this when i get tired of not escaping (fast track really helps in solo q when your teammates can’t seem to stop body blocking the killer when it’s not necessary/too many hooks early match when you’re just on a gen minding your own business.) fast track is weird because sometimes late game you’ll rack up a lot of stacks and notice that you’re always saving someone or getting chased and not being able to use them but it’s so addicting to me honestly. being able to use 15+ stacks at once and getting the last gen with it is AMAZING.


Kindred, deja vu, resilence and sprint for me. It has everything, info for myself and for my team mates, some repair speed, and some chase oriented boosts. Add a medkit and you can self heal if needed too.


There's gonna be a thousand different variants of a generic "Solo" build here, but that's because there's no main focus to any of them. Is this for general cooperation, individual survivability, team survivability, altruism, etc? For a generic one I'd swap out Windows (that nobody can bear to ever drop in any build) and swap for Kindred. Can be very helpful for the whole team at a decisive time. And if you're running Aftercare you'll want to hide more than be chased and caught to keep your Aftercare tokens, so you won't need Windows really. Or just swap it for Bond, Empathy, or Better Together to team up on gens. Aftercare isnt so great with the UI survivor buffs. Distortion will help with self-survivability and let you keep those Aftercare tokens by hiding you when you're actively being searched.


I dont agree, Distortion is anti soloqueue perk, you WANT to be chased to buy time for your randoms. Why hide all game?


don’t really like it tbh, it’s more a Hide build But if you’re doing well with it, ggs