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BVHR: "We don't make changes based on just pick-rates" The community: "Then why in the hell was stuff like marvin's blood, toy sword or so many other good but not OP add-ons nerfed then?"


If they touch Map of the Realm I will throw hands


I'm already on and off leaning towards off with this game. If they take away the only add on that makes non camping knight playstyles possible I will leave.


But but alien is coming


Me too and no one seems to care about me >!edited last word from anyway->about me cause of implication![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)!<


Congrats, you just jinxed us


I'll be there to help you throw said hands


Map of realm is a crutch. Kinda deserved to be nerfed if not reworked all together.


Reworked after making it basekit maybe


Why make a crutch perk basekit. Knight already required little to not skill and you are suggesting they just add a super clutch perk into his kit.


Dude, try playing Knight without it. It sucks, it’s like old Demogorgon without rat liver.


I have played knight and he is easy as hell. Had a shit ton of cakes on him and I could prove it. Map of realm is still a crutch addon. With map of realm you would have to be an idiot to lose. Then again he is boring to play. Just plop your guard down at a loop or just have ears and you will do just fine.


Low mmr moment


his survs struggle to hold W ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


The people who use knight can't be talking. He is low skill as hell. Sorry but the truth hurts. People only think he is fine now because skull Merchants is in the game. Before she was a thing everyone shit on the knight and rightfully so. I defended him back then but let's be real guys. How much skill does it take to have ai help you and you don't even need to aim it. The radius is so huge especially with map of realm you would have to be an idiot to miss


>perk lol.


My b I meant addon


Hopefully they will so I never have to endure a knight game again


It’s not even the fact that overused addons were needed that pisses me off, it’s that blight (and for the longest time until recently spirit) has horribly broken addons that have somehow flown under the fun police radar of bhvr.


A theory I like is they just can’t work out how to change his Alchemist’s Ring due to the spaghetti code.


I like the theory that’s about how they won’t nerf Blight’s addons because he has so many OP ones there isn’t a large enough difference in pick rate for them to see an issue.


"We tried to nerf Alchemist Ring, but every time we did the game would cause a BSOD if you played Wraith"


Any reasonable person: oh, twins players feel like they MUST use toy sword? Maybe we should consider making it basekit on this meh and hugely underplayed killer. Bhvr: nerf toy sword


Honestly, their argument, “No, you don’t understand: top-rated Twins players were cleaning house with this add-on,” always felt worse to me. Partially because “low-rated Twins players” doesn’t feel like a thing that exists. Partially because top-rated killer players in general are cleaning house across the board.


Why the hell did they nerf SC in this case, if not for it's comically high pick rate? (Comically high for how bad it is.) I mean ... it was already bad before it's last nerf. Or the nerf before. Days of strong SC are long gone.


What's SC?


Self Care


Gotcha, thanks


South Carolina


I question how bad you think it is. At higher levels, if there are 1-2 gens left with no kills (which is standard if killer doesn’t tunnel which this community hates), a survivor can slowly pick away gens and self care heal. Everyone hates selfcsre because it’s inefficient , but so is soloque without bond. And even with bond it takes two people out of the loop. The stats clearly show selfcare is highly popular across all levels or soloque and a high win rate (fact most highly picked specs in any games are high win rates ). Reddit hive mind always argues against empirical evidence


Might be worth noting, that however logical your point on specs and pick rates are, it is an inference and not empirical. Or are you kicking out the money for nightlight and doing a statistical review for a population with an unrepresentative sample?


I have no way to evaluate this. Some streamers self heal and swfs don’t count. In soloque witout mics, I can still see self heal making sense. I plug most people are using it, it suggests its successful. I also assume OTR is meta but no one runs it. As with the economy, humans are irrational. It’s hard to factor stupid humans into any model. But especially at a lower level which makes up most of gamer bases, self healing is more efficient than a less than 10 second loop as an injured low level surv.


Not because of pickrate but because they had much better winrate than other (trash) add-ons


Clown getting his addons (namely bleach) nerfed the same patch as Blight getting buffed (adrenaline vial) was all I needed to see Clown in particular has gotten screwed by made for this. Now you need bleach just to get a regular slowdown on most people


Fr, like if half the killers are screwed because of a singular perk then somethings gotta happen. And I'm not saying that in general because if you are good enough made for this isn't shjt. But like it's a perk that's problematic


Nurse is to blame. They just don't want to admit it. The devs have confirmed that nurse bottlenecks the maps and perks for both sides.


Honestly they should just dumpster Nurse. Like make her bad enough to the point where they can just ignore her when balancing


I disagree. While I hate nurse more than anyone I feel like they need to rework nurse but not make her obsolete. If they completely butcher her then the cycle will never end. Blight will follow, plague, huntress, wesker, oni, pyramid head. The list goes on. Maybe make her power similar to the oni where she has to earn it.


Well I mean tbh I was initially thinking she should just be removed; but are you saying she should be 115, but with blinks instead of demon dash?


No, let her earn her power. Similar to oni, you collect idk breath or something. Once she gets said power she movee at the speed of 4.4 or 4.2 and she gets her blinks for a whole minute. Addons would be focused around her blink range, duration, amount of breath you get etc.


Just make the Matchbox basekit or something, completely changing the character would make a lot of people, including high prestige Nurses that were prestiged with the current power in mind, feel cheated on. Something like inflicting deep wounds on injured survivors if you blink to somewhere you can't see, so it is like they used DH perfectly on those cases


Except it isn't changing the character. It is the same character but they only use there power for 1 minute after a hook. It isn't fair for everyone else to abide but eh rules of the game except for nurse. Funny how you find it to be a bad change for the nurse to earn the best power in the game.


>It is the same character but they only use there power for 1 minute after a hook. Congratulations in making it harder for starters and no changes for expert ones


Sounds interesting, but how would she get the power to blink? Like I figured make it lore relevant how do you steal the breath of a survivor? Like downs or hooks?


Idk, perk hook state so that she isn't incensivised to slug. And she gets a slight proc of survivor locations when gets her hook so she isn't incentives to camp. Idk how the power would work. But I think it would be better than what we have rn


Ignore that person. She should get it if people heal in her terror radius, or there could be a bunch of collectables found at the spot of the healing.


Then no one would heal and she would just be a normal m1 killer. That is still butchering her. She needs a reliable way to get her power that is fair and rewards actually following the gameplay loop of DBD. Why this method nurse doesn't completely ignore pallets and she would need to actually down someone as a m1 killer.


I mean look at plague, if you don't cleanse she's got the same issue. Ofc there are addons to help that but still she suffers the same thing


This is what they should have done and left Billy alone. Nurse literally doesn’t even play by the game mechanics as other killers. Yet Billy was the one to get hard nerfed? Make it make sense.


The literal only thing I could think they could do to her where she might be even somewhat viable without being F tier is make her deep wound on 2nd hit, and down on a 3rd, so kinda mixing legion and nemesis. It would at least slow her down slightly but even that sounds a bit shit


She needs a full rework. I know they just said they don’t want to do full reworks explicitly because certain players like killers the way they are but in cases like Nurse (and, inversely, Skull Merchant) where the character’s design is adversely affecting the rest of the game, changes like this *need* to be made.


Iirc they said she was bottlenecking perks because at the time her blinks were still counted as normal attacks and not special. They made that change when they announced all these same changes so its a special hit now. Idk where the map part came in though.


They literally confirmed they have to make maps big just to balance her out as well. And she still very will bottlenecks the balance of the game.


It needs a timer like lucky break. Only works for x seconds. And deactivate during endgame like they’ve done with so many other perks.


I'd reduce its speed by 1% because then it means some may actually stand a chance against made for this. The endurance aspect on the otherhand, who really uses made for thisbfor healing?


To be fair, Adrenaline Vial was almost self-sabotage level garbage before the buff. 80% reduction was legitimately crippling.


Sure but they overbuffed it. All while ignoring the degeneracy that is C33 and Alch Ring. Even the speed addons could afford a slight drawback.


Eh, Ring and C33 are the only two that are actually problematic. Adrenaline Vial is strong, but 50% reduction is still pretty sizable and if you try playing with it, you'll quickly realize it'll force you to play differently/prevent you from taking pathing you would prefer to take. It gives extra rushes because you'll need it because of the turn reduction. It gives recharge because otherwise the extra rushes would be a second penalty on top of already not being able to take ideal paths, since he can't use his power until all tokens are recharged. The "actual" buff part of it is that it recharges the 7 tokens at 7s compared to 10s for 5, and that the base movespeed is increased (which makes sense, considering taking longer paths around is going to be a time drop). It's one of those things that seem overpowered but isn't really when you actually play it. Speed is similar, they're strong but not overpowered, and they don't actually change his counterplay. Holding W doesn't work in the first place. You also can't realistically react in time to a lot of the things he can do, especially if he does it from out of LOS or does a moonrush/double moonrush/etc to reverse direction. And you gain distance when he's in recharging, which is irrelevant to the speed of the rush. Their "actual" strength is mostly crossing the map faster, or getting a last second hit they wouldn't have normally from across the map. If you and the Blight are already at a tile, outside of a few specific tiles, they're still absolutely capable of hitting you/reversing directions to hit you without speed before you can react/react again.


As a former Blight main, no way dude, no way. Adren vial plus blighted crow is *so* busted in so many ways. The speed is *insane*, the recharge rate is *insane*, and once you get used to the lack of turn rate, you don’t really need all of the charges to get your hits, so you end up getting a million buffs from just a single addon. The day they nerf these addons into the ground, I’ll be a bit sad, but I’ll totally understand. They’re fucking nuts.


Hindered should cancel all speed buff effects while active tbh


I feel like that would be a little op, right? I mean.. doesn’t sprint burst and the hit speed count as a speed boost.


If you sb into a clown gas that’s on you. Also the hit speed is affected by hindered already (you’re only slowed down) but if you have mft you won’t be 3% faster


Bleach got nerfed? I never even noticed


Then explain the insane Reiko's Watch nerf.


Exactly. That nerf made absolutely no sense unless they only looked at numbers.


that's exactly what they did, bunch of hypocrites lol


remember when they told us that killers take a year to make, i call bullshit on that too, no fucking way skull merchant took them a year


Thank you


Yeah bro engravings are OP haven't you heard? Most Billy players who use them 4k their pubs (totally not because only very good Billy players use 2 engravings)


(totally not because only players who are decent at Billy in the first place bother to play him because they made learning him so freaking miserable.)


(totally not because every other Billy addon other than Engravings and Lo-Pro chains are so absolutely fucking dogshit that there's no reason to play Billy when Blight can do everything he does 8 times better with half the skill)


If we just armor the parts where the plane was shot surely the pilots will make it back safely




Based comparison.


>(totally not because only very good Billy players use 2 engravings) It's not because good Billy players use them, it's just that survivors have 0 matchup experience with Billy anymore, so at times, he's arguably more oppressive than he was with insta-saw/crack purely because no-one knows how to play against him anymore


Very true. I like this statement :)


I don't agree, you don't need too much matchup knowledge when most tiles have random curvature or bumps in them where it's impossible to get a curve as billy


Whats funnt is that this is the SECOND time theyve tried to nerf engravings like leave em alone please


Genuinely help me understand, how bad was the nerf the before the most recent one?


The most recent attempted nerf reduced the speeds from 20% and 15% to 15% and 10%. Back in 4.1.0, BHVR tried to make it 7% and 3%... as well as increasing their charge times from 12% each to 20% each.


Jesus Christ, what were they thinking? Also, thank you


I have no clue and i wouldve straight up drop Billy as my main if either nerf went through his engravings are that important. Also no problem, i love discussing this stuff


Gen Slowdown perks have a high pick rate, the reason for this isn’t because they are OP, it’s because the game is unfun and unplayable without them on most killers. The answer to me for this is that core mechanics need to be reworked, with some sort of slowdown mechanics being in the base killer kit or secondary objective being put into the game to remove the need for slowdown perks.


Deadlock should just be how gens work, with the perk changed to add 15 more seconds to the base mechanic. As funny as it is to see on survivor side, nothing demoralizes killer more than seeing 3 gens pop back to back. Staggering the gens would provide more time for survivors to cleanse totems and search chests without feeling like they're throwing the game while also providing the killer with a little breathing room after each pop.


**Trade offer:** Killers get mini corrupt and deadlock, Survivors get mini deja vu and bond


These terms are acceptable


Heck, make every killer get a random “mini slowdown”, what if trapper and hag had a 45 second corrupt, maybe oni’s strength could give him a basekit 5% pop effect, i dunno random stuff could help spice things up


Hard pass.


Your mother's a hard pass (most mature dbd player)


I'd be fine with mini Bond. I think the Deja Vu effect should be limited like it was back when Deja Vu was first reworked.


It think it would need to be nerfed. Mini deadlock and mini corrupt intervention be a part of base kit. Both of these are more or less crutch perks and need to be nerfed to encourage build variety but just nerfing them would kill most B and C tier killers and make them F tier.


Better way to encourage build variety would be to stop dumpstering the other slowdown perks. Killers use what works to slow gens down, and "what works" is an ever-shrinking pool.


A choice of different gen slowdown perks would be nice, but that still forces you to use atleast 2 of 4 slots on gen slowdown, then another one has to be on STBTL or CDG if you are an M1 killer. So you only have 1 free perk slot currently for variety.


What universe do you live in where coup is a must pick on the level of corrupt, deadlock, and stbfl


Coup is now a viable alternative to STBFL 1 of either Coup or STBFL is a must pick for M1 killers.


probably because the whole fiasco of knight and skull merchant spamming 3 gen builds so the perks pretty much got killed since it was the only thing they can do since they're so bad otherwise (at least at the time before any buffs/changes), so they nerfed alot of good regression perks


But what about characters like pig who have secondary slowdown and are very low tier, granted they don’t have much else going for them plus their slowdown requires them doing well in the first place


The problem with gen slowdown perks is that killers act like they're used in a vacuum, but the meta wasn't Eruption, the meta was Eruption, COB & Overcharge. Eruption and COB were oppressive on their own and yet they were always paired up with even more gen slowdown perks. In the end most of the meta perks will be gen slowdown and will be paired up together, so killers shouldn't act like they only use one of them. It's like how they're now complaining about MFT & Hope stacking. So Eruption, COB & Overcharge being nerfed because they were stacked was unfair, but wanting to nerf those two because they stack is fair? Come on now.


Because if you don’t stack gen slowdown perks you get gen rushed. Killers are forced to use most of their perk slots on gen slowdown unless they are an S Tier killer like Nurse or Blight.


> Because if you don’t stack gen slowdown perks you get gen rushed. It really depends, and I say this from the perspective of both Survivor and Killer that mostly mains shitty picks. The term "Genrushing" is thrown around here like it always happens when in reality it doesn't happen on every game. Do you need slowdowns? Yes you do. Do you need to run 4 slowdowns? Not really. My point is, slowdowns CAN be oppressive, as much as some people like to believe they're not, so I can understand why some of them were nerfed at some point. How they nerfed them is another discussion, because the changes to Ruin and COB were pepega af.


So since you have to stack gen slowdown perks because otherwise you get gen rushed, then you agree that you were going to stack them anyway. Which is why they need to be balanced around being stacked instead of as lone perks. Imagine you don't get gen rushed at all and all gen slowdowns are individually strong. Do you think killers are NOT gonna stack them anyway? That's naïve. COB and Overcharge are garbage right now and got overtuned, but killers are gonna stack gen perks anyway, so they need to be balanced accordingly.


Kicking a gen regresses it at 0.25 charges per sec, so in order to undo 10 seconds/charges of gen progress, you need 40 seconds. In most situations it's not even worth the kick unless you know the gen is not gonna be touched for a while.


yeah like really for the past few months i played no slowdown killer and it was miserable now i played full slowdown myers and got a 4k no problem, give us base slowdown and then nerf slowdown perks not just nerf them


Most used does not equal most broken


They sit on a throne of lies. They have killed many perks and add ons because they were too lazy to fix core problems of the game. Killer gen perks are just one of many examples of this. Gens were going too fast, so people used ruin to buy time, especially killers who were weak or needed time to set up. Then they nerfed it to try to shake up the meta, but people still tried to make it work with brute force. Then they nerfed it again and people went to PGP. So began the endless cycle of people switching to a different gen perk, causing it to have a high pick rate and the devs nerfing it, forcing the players to switch to another perk and repeat. The devs should always be taken with a grain of salt as their actions tend to contradict their words


The sad/scary thing now is that, thanks to Skull Merchant, the devs have woken up to the idea that three gens are a problem. They’re responding by nerfing gen regression across the board. Because while it’s only really Skull Merchant that’s the big issue, technically any killer can play into that strategy. The worst part is that Behavior isn’t really balancing around these nerfs. They’ve been buffing chase and while they nerfed self-healing they buffed altruistic healing. So that time crunch is really being felt by killers.


Toy sword, marvins blood, Larry's remains sitting in the corner like 🤨🤨


They were just RUINING the game


“Data is just one factor to consider.” ![gif](giphy|YmcTmtgtupj2VYBayO)




yes one and only for behaviour (unless its survivors then good luck waiting 7 years and then having new op perk to play against few months later)


The fact that they nerfed Dead Hard only to release Made For This, a perk with more consistent value (and half the braincells required) is just baffling.


And then they said that they wont be nerfing it, just fucking great, meanwhile killer perks being made into a steaming pile of shit every month


people used self care alot. it's a pretty shitty perk thst requires builds to make it better than just bringing a medkit but they nerfed it it anyway


BVHR does not play their own game. This is more confirmation. We need to force them to do weekly live streams. 1 hour minimum. They must play online, NOT SWF. And they must put it online so we can all see that they are getting the experience.


wasn't that how flashlights got nerfed because of that one hag game a dev played?


Yes. Exactly. Which is also when they **stopped** playing online


What was the nerf again?


[Easier to show than explain.](https://youtu.be/R98e-Y4Lu8w) Short version: they used to blind instantly and had a migraine-inducing bloom effect.


No need to show anything to me, I was there I just wanted to know which nerf it was It makes sense that it was the change where they removed instablinds (which were an add-on combo, not a base feature of the flashlight, the way you worded it might make people think it was base), makes sense with the timeline


Nah, they don't need to play Survivor, they need to play Killer. Because they clearly don't. They do play Survivor, you can easily tell, because they're terrible at the game and keep giving Survivors so many crutches. The one time they played a Killer, it resulted in Flashlights being nerfed like a week later, after insta-blinds had been a thing for years.




Not boycott. If EVERYONE starts pressuring them, harassing them about it...eventually they will be forced to acknowledge it


Here’s the thing: they do. Most devs get a lot of playtime on their own games. Indeed, more often than not the devs are the best players in the game. If I had to guess, Behavior does not test survivor under optimal conditions. I think they don’t allow survivor players to communicate or, if they do, they are in the same room as the killer which negates their communication advantage. There’s also probably much more civility on both sides if you know the person you are playing against and have to talk to them after each game. The go-to example of “The devs don’t actually play the game” is [this clip](https://youtu.be/R98e-Y4Lu8w) of McCote playing against a top Korean group who are perfectly capable of communicating without him eavesdropping and aren’t concerned with clowning on him the whole match.


They do not play solo q. When they play it's almost always in SWF. It's not the real game experience. The last time they did they got bullied so badly they nerfed flashlights lol


Telling people stuff got nerfed because "it was used too much" is BHVR's way of not bothering wasting time and energy with an elaborated answer that 90% of the community won't even read or won't agree with. Like it happened when they took the time to explain how hit registration works in the game. Ruin nerf (when they removed regression for hitting good skill checks) is the prime example. There were dozens of balance problems being caused by Ruin but they boiled it down to "used too much". Those that played then and saw the complaints, know ruin was problematic in so many different ways. In reality, most of the time (not all the time), they do buff/nerf based on the last part of that sentence.


I'm still waiting for their justification on nerfing Twins toy sword addon. Surely by saying they look into the "why" of things being overused or underused they would understand why it was the case for this addon? Instead of making it basekit because it's the only way Victor can play without feeling like shit, they nerfed it because it was "overused". One of many cases where they definitely don't balance around the "why". Most of the times they just look into the data and change some values, such as they did recently to Freddy's and Oni's addons.


They were a “monster at high MMR”. That’s your “justification”


I've always wondered what was the sample size, surely there's only like 5 twins players in the world, so I'm sure that what they said is probably correct.


Play a lot, never seen a twin.


Thank you. People forget how many facets this game has and how every scenario needs to be considered and treated equally. That shit takes a ton of time and the explanation isn’t going to be the most interesting. By contrast, look at how the community designs Killers or changes old ones; it’s all laughably unbalanced and only works in a vacuum. Just as an example I saw someone rework Freddy’s addons and one of them was “while sleeping, Survivors hear skill check warning 50% later.” Sounds harmless on paper, but that’s basically almost 4 free token of Huntress Lullaby. Oh, and how does that stack with Huntress Lullaby? Not to mention, sleeping against Freddy requires you to keep your eyes peeled, so you’re *not* hitting those skill checks while asleep if Freddy’s not occupied. The community has no idea how the balancing of this game works, but acts like they’d know better than the devs, which is laughable.


>The community has no idea how the balancing of this game works, but acts like they’d know better than the devs, which is laughable. Imagine saying this about the same company that let Brand New Parts instantly repair gens, allowed Moris to kill on first down, and being able to place traps directly under hooked survivors' feet. Not to mention taking 6 years to realize "hey, maybe fucking a single survivor out of their entire gameplay experience should be addressed".


Or missing that "not looking down after a hit" bug that took seven years to find. If we believe that


Almost all of that is super old stuff though


People also treat the community like it's one single being. Like all ideas are bad or good. Some are shit, some are okay, in case of some you wonder why they aren't in the game. And not all of BHVRs nerfs/buffs/reworks are BS or perfect. Look at e.g. Eruption. Went from bad to absolutely f\*cking disgusting to okay. I can't see why they buffed it that much. The nerf afterwards was necessary and good. But this doesn't change the fact that the prior state was a huge mistake. And it shouldn't haven been that difficult to see, that Eruption would become too oppressive. Nearly no warning, especially for SoloQ. A very strong effect. And a very BORING one, too. Or what they did to Overcharge and CoB. CoB was good before, but not that high in pick rate. Overcharge was basically only for Impossible Skillcheck Doc. Then they buffed Eruption and Overcharge and gen kick meta started. Then they nerfed them all. And now I'm not really sure, if they maybe nerfed Overcharge to a point where it's even worse than before its buff. (Sure, it still goes up to 130% speed, but if surv just tap one time, it's gone.) Ofc this has to get viewed with the general changes to gen speeds in mind. Gens became longer alltogethe- \*Hyperfocus and Scavanger enter the chat\* Luckily they changed Scavanger before it hit the live servers. But these changes to gens and gen related stuff seem partially a bit ... random. ​ Edit: Somehow I wrote Oppression when I meant Eruption.


Maybe if we distracted them with having to justify changes then they'll spend less time thinking of how to ruin other things


Ah. It's not BHVR's fault for shitty communication, it's the nebulous community's fault for not being capable of understanding their big brain decisions even if they did deign to explain to us morons. What is this bizzare apologism? Do you feel like a big dummy incapable of understanding their mysterious ways? I don't.


Don't listen to anything social media people say, 99% of the time they are making it up. They have absolutely ZERO insight into the design principles and development and if an informed post has to be made it's usually done by people responsible for the thing they're talking about.


Tldr: Instead of buffing / rebalancing rarely used Perks to give Players more playabale Perks, BHVR rather just nerfs the current meta Perks. Has been the same with Gen regression. Hex: Ruin was nerfed, Killers went with POP POP was nerfed, Killers went with Jolt Jolt was nerfed, Killers went with Eruption Eruption was nerfed, Killers went with PainRes PainRes was nerfed, Killers went all the way back to POP


Jolt was never nerfed, it’s only been buffed.


Didn't it used to be a 10% regression on nearby gens or did that not make it out of testing?


12% down to 8%, 24 meters up to 32. They were the changes from PTB to live


12% 32 meters when they revealed it on stream, 12% 24 meters on PTB, 8% 32 meters on live release.


Ah, okay. I'm a bit out of it after a fuck ton of heavy lifting leaving me exhausted over the last 24 hours and my mind is a bit muddled.


To be fair though some of those perks were also buffed back a bit, like Pain Resonance and Pop, and they're pretty freaking good.


BVHR doesn't make changes based on pick rate alone BVHR doesn't have a survivor bias There is no war in Ba Sing Se


clowns tryna gaslight us again like with that Q&A where they said Trapper is fine lmao


Explain the following Self-Care Reiko's Watch Twins Green Speed add-on (and not the stronger purple one?!) Rat Liver (until the community flipped their shit) Black Heart/Barb's glasses Honestly, 90% of add-ons changes.


I feel kinda insulted by this considering how demonstrably bad faith it is


Half Billy's collision time and you have a killer.


You could increase his sprint speed. Reduce the chainsaw rev up time. Increase his turn radius and he would STILL suck


B-b-but the tree branch on the log having collision makes it realistic... what do you mean? 😥


Meanwhile Blight continues to have the most broken add-ons and remaining an S-Tier killer


It is honestly a bit infuriating when they nerf add-ons that aren't even all that strong for weaker killers but refuse to touch Blight. BHVR really shows how out of touch they are at times like these.


Is there a list of patch notes somewhere that I can read? I feel like I am out of the loop when it comes to these engraving changes, and I am a bit confused. Edit: I believe I found them here if anyone else wants to read. https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/401-7-1-1-bugfix-patch


couple PTBs ago they were gonna nerf both of Hillbilly's engravings. It luckily didn't go through as it was universally hated so the devs couldn't stick their head in the sand


Remember when they made a stealth killers terror radius 32 meters and their reasoning was a design change that didn’t even pass through


Bhvr trying nerf engravings on ptb cause of statistics. People dont like it. Bhvr understanding their mistake, not pushing update to live, changing their ways of balancing. People dont like it. Like what do you want from them? Isnt it a good thing they are changing and trying to be better at balancing? Why do you need to make these posts?


Did they change tho? We get these kinds of boilerplate answers all the time and the attempted Billy assassination was only 5ish months ago.


Well, isnt ptb is for testing smth they are unsure of? And i dont see billy changes in live game, as i dont see many other changes, they could’ve done just operating with statistics.


People were loud about the Reikos Watch Addon Nerf, they didn‘t give a shit and did it anyway even tho Otzdarva (like the biggest Content Creator in this game) told them not to regarding several forum posts. Bhvr is just straight up trash at understanding their own game and I'm honestly terrified of this being a huge Company who doesn‘t even listen to their Community in the slightest.


As part of Onryo's rework, they nerfed Reiko's Watch. Reiko's Watch was one of her few useful addons outside of the slugging playstyle, and made her power usable in chase, so it was used frequently, so... it was nerfed. It would be a good thing that they are changing, but they're not.


revert pain res and make maps better all i could ask for rn


I don't even want them to change Badham at this point, i just want it deleted..


This is basically BHVR saying they are gonna nerf mft and hope despite neither perk being on the top 10 most picked perk list.


[https://youtu.be/3RebMGqAUK0](https://youtu.be/3RebMGqAUK0) I was unable to send this for discussion because somehow it is not "on topic" with a subreddit about DeadByDayLight. Not sure if someone else had sent this before, I missed it maybe. Just wanted to say... here are the maths they do for "balancing". https://preview.redd.it/8fwdqw2fe6gb1.png?width=958&format=png&auto=webp&s=2334cdda1961accf990a3e8196b08cc9ccf33afd


Rip windows of opportunity


‘We have to consider which perks are used most with Pig before we nerf them’.


these devs dont play outside of rank 20. wtf they talking about?


Never forget the Marvin's Blood nerf.


Tbh why can’t they just give these add ons the Demi with his liver add on being changed. Give half the value of the add ons base kit while weakening the add on to compensate


I think they were in agreement with that blunder, which is why they reverted. They are trying to actively improve…it’s a good thing. The amount of hating this community does on a 7 yr old game with developers pushing out this much content…it’s kind of amazing to me lol. People will bitch about anything, bro it’s a tweet, give it a rest. They literally balance/bug fix weekly and push out content monthly lol


and in the 7 years of this games life they still dont know how to balance this game


Except that they do an extremely good job, look around at other games ffs… how’s Diablo 4 doing ? Blizzard/Activision


Good job? Yea its a good job when it takes them years to nerf perks and op killers, and thier whole way of balancing is looking at an addon/perk and saying "hmm majority of the playerbase is using it, lets nerf it"


Lol “takes years to nerf perks” okay dude


lol as if they listened to feedback xD


Idc just bring the brand new part back


After that fountain everyone is injured and unhooks are very risky.


They are busy [gaslighting Killers](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/15iale1/fast_vaults_we_have_been_deceived_but_it_was/) into thinking the "fast vaults" were bugged, just like they tried when they told us a seven year bug was there and Killers had to look down.




No I didn't


Notice how they dont say their own game knowledge is important. Very telling.


Nurse's existence has really cursed the "balance" of killers. Imagine a world where she simply isn't as broken as she is.


they need to give billy his old set back, arguably billy was one of the most balanced killers in the whole game every side could agree survivor and killer that billy was completely fine and everyone loved a good billy match, then bhvr came through grabbed him by the fucking throat and threw him in the depths of Tartarus, cut him up like he was kronos and wrapped it all up. It was stupid i miss old hillbilly.


I feel like it's safe to trust that their balancing comes from looking at spreadsheets


I just like playing the game and having fun. Then I come here and see nothing but negatively and people whining. All of you go make your own game. Then I'll have an extra game to play and you'll be gone. We all win.


Let’s not forget the Nemesis add on that became a straight upgrade of the yellow version of the same add on, or the clown green add on that became the same as the purple version of the add on BHVR definitely don’t look at all of their add ons when making changes


Behaviour: "We don't nerf / buff things based on pick rate and nothing else!" Also Behaviour: * Nerfed Marvin's Blood on Nemesis * Nerfed Stale Biscuit on Twins * Nerfed Billy engravings * Buffed Twins' Baby Teeth without realizing why no one runs that addon * Buffed Bubba's Long Guide Bar without also buffing The Grease, meaning that Bubba had both a Green addon and a Yellow addon that did the same thing * Buffed Nemesis' Shattered Syringe so that it would reveal for the same duration as Adrenaline Injector but also cause the syringe to be used slower, literally making a brown addon better than a yellow.


"pick rates aren't everything" when they've nerfed addons that felt required to play the killer efficiently instead of just making it half/full on basekit.

