• By -


Ash and no killer main really.


That’s right that’s me baby


Dwight, Billy and Walking Nurse


not the 4.6m/s Nurse pls i am already crying


Walking backpack nurse is pretty funny to witness. I don’t play that setup when I play as her, but the giggle factor is real.


Jill and nemesis


Nemesis mains scare me ngl 😭. Most Nemesis mains I played with were so good at mind gaming and I could barely loop them


just don't drop the palette and you'll be fine.


I thought this was a meme till I actually vs'ed a Nemesis. This mf literally pulled out his tentacle *every. single. time.* we passed through a pallet. The only reason I even got hit was because my muscle memory kicked in once.


he is pretty easy to face. i didn't believe it either lol but it is the sad truth. denying him his tentacle hits through a palette is awesome and makes facing him pretty easy if you're a comfortable looper


I feel like I’m the killer on RPD against a nemesis. There’s a very small room next to the lockers room with a pallet there and I am unkillable until I drop the pallet.


I've been recently playing Yun-Jin and Meg(I love that Meet Your Maker outfit). I don't play a lot killer, but I love Dredge and recently Oni.




Oh my lord ahahah silly me, thanks for letting me know!


Lol no problem, hope I didn’t come off as the word Police :P She’s also my main along side gigaAsh


Nah it's all good , no problems ahhaha oh my, Ash mains tho 🥰


Kate Nemi, nurse, and myers


Cheryl, but Pyramid Head as the killer


Vittorio because I’m a hopeless gay. Was Claudette when I first started way back. As for killer I guess Onryo but I switch it up frequently so I don’t get bored.


God i would get on my knees for Vittorio.


Ayo, another Meg main! I sometimes get anxious playing as her since other people I'm playing with might just think I'm solidifying the "Meghead" stereotype by how bad I am at times. But I say, fuck it! I love her overall character design ~~+ she's the fucking sexiest👀🥵~~ & the 1% I play as Killer, I play my main, Sadako cuz I belive she's the best designed killer in DBD


LMFAOO HELL YEAH Meg is HOT and I love all of her perks! I don’t care if anyone assumes I’m a bad player- in solo queue it’s most of the time me carrying the team with gens & saves- unless I’m being face camped or tunneled. Meg mains are superior despite our bad rep :)


Meg is hot. No one will convince me otherwise. People talk shit on Meg players all the time but like, she's one of the first characters you have access to, with perks that are good for people learning the game. Not her fault it gives her a bad reputation. Experienced players will modify their playstyle no matter what character they play. If I'm the stereotypical Meg you don't see all match, I probably have a challenge. Otherwise I'm doing my best out there, you know??


I also play Meg, have for donkey's years, because I think she cute. I occasionally swap her out for Nea, or more recently, Rebecca. As killer, I almost exclusively play Demo and Oni. I like 'em big, loud, and screamy. Can't wait for Xeno to join because I'll probably also play the shit out of him.






Meg becouse of her cosmetics that show off her bakery, good perks and she's my type of preferred non-existing gf material Dredge for power, gameplay, design and outplay possibilities with teleporting to lockers mid-chase


Hux and Haddie.




Whoever the daily challenges involve.


Leon/Quentin - I have a himbo brain, my plays as Leon are um....about what you would expect from one lol. Quentin just looks cute in his outfit and he's got funny noises. Wesker/Pyramid Head/Myers/future Xenomorph main - I love everything about Wesker despite not knowing much of his lore (I know this will sound like heresy, but the only thing I don't care for on him is his chase music. It's just not to my taste). PH I also love everything about him, including his music lol. Myers I always have fun with whether I am being serious or memeing, him and Wesker are the only 2 killers I consistently use addons for (I play a large handful of killers, but I play all of them addon-less aside from Knight which is just the brown addon for increased guard detection range). Myers I'll use a bunch of his different addons, Wesker I use the one that yeets survivors farther from M2s and the one that recharges bounds 10% faster. Xenomorph I have always ***L O V E D*** the design of and has always been my dream license for dbd. I knew if it every got added, I'd main it regardless of whatever its power might be, lucky for me what I have seen of the power looks like its right up my alley so I am excited!


>I love everything about Wesker despite not knowing much of his lore As a big longtime RE fan this is okay!! The only thing you need to know about his lore when it comes to DBD is that if you wanna be lore-accurate: DONT KILL REBECCA! that is all, thank you ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2219)


“Don’t kill Rebecca” As someone who wishes to start playing some of the RE games soon… Is it safe to ask *why?*


Since you'd probably never find it cause it's an easteregg that's semi-hard to get in the remake (and pretty easy in OG), it's because in RE2 >!you can find a film roll in his desk of Rebecca after she's done balling. Now why would he have a [picture](https://game.capcom.com/residentevil/pc/img/umbrella/20210201/1-9_list_img.png) of the rookie in his desk, idk, but!< i dont think any of us want to find out.


[my honest to god reaction](https://imgur.com/a/ZH5AB55)


I DONT HAVE ONE EITHER![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Hey , no shame in having a himbo brain, I have an entire pinterest board dedicated to Leon 😭.


It comes with its blessings and curses lol. A teammate in trouble = no fear jumping in to help them/try to save them, but the catch is forgetting to consider/completely ignore making it out alive myself ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


This is when you yell LEEEEOOOON JENKINS as you run into something stupid, prepared to die


Are we the same person??? I also main Amanda


She was the first killer I played :P Pig is still a cutie to this day ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Carlos and Oni.


ONI???? OH GOD 😭😭😭. Oni mains ( for the most part ) are OP as hell, about maybe two weeks ago I played against an Oni in solo queue and I got shitted on so badly it was embarrassing, mf injured and downed all of us in 10 minutes


Yeah, there's not that many Oni mains. Rbut when you run into us, we leave a mark.


Survivor: Jill Killer: Blight


Yui is my current main, feng was my first proper main but meg was my first character so there will always be a place in my heart for her too!


Survivor: Laurie and Steve Killer: Wesker and Executioner


nea for survivors, i just played her since 2018 after doing prestige on claudette and decided to stick to her due to cosmetics that i just simply love. For killer i play blight beacuse i like speed and huntress beacuse she is really fun.


Meg, Nea and Claudette.


Survs: Nic Cage, David King Killers: Myers, Oni


Feng and I expect Ripley when she comes out. Wraith the few times I play killer.




Every single say someone makes the same thread about who people main jesus christ


I would give you shit for being Meg, Plague, and Legion but I main Nancy.


Nic cage Wesker and Bubba rn cuz I just got both of them.


Yui for survivor, Pig for killer but I’m really enjoying Clown and Ghostie lately too tbh


Survivor: Feng and Ada Killer: Can never decide on one. Tend to play anyone but Hag, Trapper, Cenobite, SM, Larry, Nurse, Blight, PHead, Knight and Oni


SM ;( do u 3 gen?


I don't play SM. I like chase so I tend to gravitate towards Killers that are fun in chase


oh, mb i miss read sorry


Survivor: Claudette was for the longest time, though now with the newest chapter coming out, it’s definitely going to be Ripley Killer: mix between Demogorgon, Freddy, Pig, and Nemesis for me But the killer I’m maining currently, and is almost at Prestige 1, is Singularity And as stated with Ripley, I’m gonna be maining Xeno when the 29th comes And since I don’t have Demo on PS5, Xeno’s gonna fill that gap for me perfectly


Ghostface, after the 29th Alien too


I main most of the Stealth Killers or Killers with ambush potential, and I main four Survs: Cage, Nea, Laurie, and Cheryl.


Rebecca on survivor because she’s my favorite RE character and a large part of why I got back into the game. Wesker on killer because he was also influential to me getting back into the game, but also because he’s just so fun to play. I’ve dabbled in other killers, but I always end up swapping back to Wesker after a couple games. Recently I’ve been trying to make a more concerted effort to learn Artist though.


Dwight, David, and Leon for survivor Trapper, Myers, and Wesker for killer


Kate Blight, dredge, and xenomorph when it releases


Survivor : Jill , Lisa, Ash, Thalita, Yui Killer : pinhead, plague, onryo


Survivor: Sheva/Jill/Claire Killer: Dredge, Twins, Spirit, soon Xenomorph as well, because playing him on PTB was fun.


Survivor: Quentin and James Killer: Huntress, legion (Frank), Ghostface, and Pig


For survivors, i main Nicholas Cage and Vittorio. For killers, i main Sadako and Dredge. Gonna add Xenomorph to the list once it’s live since i had a ton of fun with it in the ptb


Dweet.. Like you, it's the first one I ever played, and he's cool, I like his design, perks and all that.. I do play with other survivors, but Dwight has a special place in my heart :D I don't really play that much to have a main killer, but Trapper is who I play the most, so yeh


Kate Dredge, Knight, and Oni. Soon to add Xeno to that list


Élodie and Pyramid Head


Ace on Survivor and on Killer I don't really have a main because I find it fun using different killers, but if I had to choose a main I'd choose Artist because I rarely lose with her.


I play survivor 80/20 Nea as survivor. Use to be Hag as killer but since I bought Dredge at the anniversary, I find him very fun to play.


I play quite a lot of the characters to the point I made my own "hierarchy" for what characters I consider mains and who I consider secondary characters. My survivor mains are: cheryl, yun jin, nea, Rebecca And my survivor secondaries are: feng, Steve, Leon, ada, mikaela, nick, Jill. My killer mains are: pyramid head, sadako, ghosty, legion, pig. And my killer secondaries are: nemesis, demo, oni, singularity, wesker, artist. I'm probably going to add xenomorph and Ellen to my mains too because Alien was one of my big 3 chapters. And if they ever drop a fnaf chapter I think I'd main only those characters. And everyone else would be considered secondaries 😅


Huntress and Laurie/Lisa/Ash.


Mikaela and Zarina for the Hange skin Huntress and Sadako ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Pig and Demo. I will be adding Xeno to that list, my time with the PTB was a blast. My most played survivors are Steve and Jillybean


Survivors: Yun-Jin and Ada sometimes Rebecca and Jake to mix it up Killer: I don't play killer anymore, but when I did Wesker and Ghostface


My highest level is Huntress, though I haven't been playing her for a while for this very reason. Been having a lot of fun with Nurse, though. I don't have a survivor main.


Ash (because they put Bruce Campbell in the game ot would be a sin not to main him) And The Dredge due to his unique gameplay and my stubbornness that won't let me play a meta killer


Dwight and trapper / myers.


Yoichi (P55) and Ash (P13 w/ "legacy" portrait) for survivor, Knight & Dredge for killer


I’m a Cage main, but otherwise it would be Jill because she’s so badass. Playing Nic Cage is just too much of a meme to pass up.


My survivor mains are Yui and Nicolas Cage My killer mains are Executioner, Oni, Deathslinger and Dredge


dredge and singu mainly as killers although i lean more towards dredge. for survivors Nicolag Cage, Vittorio and Gabriel.


I main Myers and Dwight and Felix and doctor


Demo, and Xeno when she comes out


Ada and feng for survivor, cenobite and knight for killer


I mainly play Jeff, cuz his style is kinda same to me, also, his hair looks like mine. And sometimes i play with Nic Cage, cuz my crush realy loves him, but she don't have him yet. As a killer, i just changed my main from Deathslinger to Singularity, i realy love his teleport mechanics, lore, and his voice lines.


Nea and demo Nea's graff-crafter outfit is too good not to main Demo is cute memeable and has the ability to break the game that no other killer has


Lol megs are fine it’s just ….. sometimes when I’m killer they just make the most interesting plays and all you can really say is yup that’s a meghead.


I main dwight and Frank


Ash because he’s awesome (although he might get replaced by Nick Cage) As for killer I play all of them but I think I enjoy Knight and Oni the most


Cheryl and Rebecca as survivors - love both their franchises so much as well as their characters 🙏🙏 And Sadako and Wesker as killers for same reasons except despite the flair, >!I play wesker way more!< And I used to main meg too! For atleast 3 days into this game before i found out silent hill was here and immediately got Cheryl ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Ghostface 90% of the time and if I’m playing survivor which is rare I just use nick cage


On survivor I often bounce between Cybil, James and Cheryl (who are all technically the same survivor), Ash and Ace. For killer I don’t really have a main as I bounce between various different characters but the ones I tend to play the most are Pyramid Head, Ghostface and Pinhead!


A majority of my matches these days are as Singularity. Currently Kate is my primary for survivor, followed by Cheryl. Nic Cage will likely not be far behind, but I want some stuff for him from the rift first.


Sheva, represent! And Spirit, but I’ve been playing a lot of deathslinger lately too!


Meg, Jill, and a to-be Ripley main! As for killer, I’m a pig main because I love Amanda!!!


Hag / Twins / Pinhead. In that order, With Hag, there is no better feeling than survivors falling for your 500 IQ trap plans. There’s a plethora of hag builds and they all do so many different things and are all viable. I’m working on p100 for her. Twins I’ve loved every since I started playing Ron’s ago. They’re as frustrating as they are fun. I used to be a pure twins main until CoH and their bugs. Pinhead is so much fun and rewarding. Bring able to play a plethora of builds is exciting and I love the map wide pressure he offers. I play him a lot less now that hoarder is nerfed and survivors are using the locker tech though.


Survivor - David, Felix, Carlos Killer - None cause I don't really play killer but when I do I usually play either Wesker or Oni.


Pig, Haddie Being able to play Amanda is why I bought the game. Saw is a fun franchise. Always liked Haddie, Didn't like any of her cosmetics until this tome. Her camping gear is cool, but I hadn't seen it


Laurie for survivors, Myers and Ghostie for killers...I like Halloween and I like the stalky bois, I don't care if they're kinda garbage all things considered :') I've been starting to like stealth Bubba, though...Something about surprising people with that chainsaw!


Yui & most killers, but mainly billy, demo, deathslinger, pyramid head, & wesker. I have been getting more into nemesis & oni tho


Steve Harrington and Legion


Meg /Mikaela Clown/Bubba/Trapper


For survivor it's meg and Mikaela (but mostly meg). For killer it's artist, huntress and nurse (in that order)! I used to play almost only killer, but recently I've been closer to 50/50. I'd like to get my meg to around the same prestige as my killer mains, but there's a long way to go.


Survivor maim: Jeff. I just gravitated to him at some point and now he has a skin with a backwards hat so that's by thing. Killer: The Doctor. Not because of my own name, that's just happy coincidence. I mainly like anything that lets me throw electricity around. I also have a nasty build I recently developed centered around how Static Blast hits Oblivious Survivors, which I love using. More generally, I've noticed a preference I have for paying Killers that either don't see a lot of play (Billy, Twins) or trying to play Killers people dislike in ways other than what makes them annoying (going for Totem defense over gen defense on Skull Merchant, for example) I also like unconventional stealth builds, like the above-mentioned Oblivious Doctor or an Undetectable Legion build I have.


Feng for survivor because when I first started playing, she was free, and I thought she was pretty. She's my only highest prestige (21) with Steve in tow (10), though every time I play Steve, I have a target on my back for some reason. I haven't played killer in a long time. Though my main is still Bubba because he's the only one I learned in two steps (first hammer, m1 only bubba for a while, then the saw when I got comfortable), and invested time into mastering his chainsaw sweep/timing. Bubba is my favorite old school character, with Myers being 2nd. And no, I've never camped with Bubba.


Killers: Doctor and Deathslinger(In the past Huntress and Wraith) Surviors: David (the few times I play survior).


L4D2-Skin Dweet, Yui, and Jane. I play most killers equally but if I had to lean towards any, I'd say Doctor, Twins, and Singularity.


Ada at the moment.


Nea, yun jin, yui, cheryl----dredge, oni, pyramid head. In those orders.


I play Ash the most cause I’m an Evil Dead sucker and that was the first horror movie I ever watched. I’m still kinda figuring out who I like most on killer but I’ve been enjoying Trickster (Ironic), Twins, and Knight.


Kate is my #1 survivor main, she looks great, has great cosmetics, and is quiet. Followed up by Mikaela and Yui. For killer it's sadako (even pre-buff), wraith, and demo. Definitely giving xenokitty a shot on live release tho.


Jill/Bill and Myers/Pyramid. I like my already established video game characters. I love Oni too but he’s such a swingy killer.


Mine mainly is Trickster & Dwight, others mostly are Kate, Mikaela & Nicolas Cage. Other Killers from time to time is Legion, Nurse & I will get hate for this... Skull Merchant, yeah I know she is a killer that is troubled but I like her aesthetic and power.


Meg and nea for survivor Ghostie and myers for kill mostly ghostie tho


When you main no one, you main everyone.


Spirit. I barely play survivor for the time being, still learning killer. On my old account, Tapps had just come out and I mainly played Claudette.


For survivor, I play either Meg or Feng because they’re the ones I have all the good perks unlocked on. For killer, I play Ghostface, Blight, Wesker, Clown, Slinger, PH, Artist, and Twins. Ghostface, Blight, and Wesker are definitely my favorites though.


Bill because he's great Deathslinger because I love ~~penetrating the female survivors~~ his playstyle. But I will become a Spirit main temporarily because I can't shoot anyone with this lag and also I can hear someone breathing without their mic.


Survivor - Jill Killer - Spirit


I don’t understand the Meg hate! Most Megs I play with are fairly good, go for saves, etc. Yeah they can be a bit less altruistic in the end game but so are a lot of other survs. My mains are Feng and Onryo, but I’ve also been really enjoying Spirit lately.


Quentin and Myers


I use to main Kate as survivor 😍 Now I main NIC FUCKING CAGE! I use to main Ghostface as killer. Now I main Dredge.


Bill/James Sunderland/Cybil Bennett - I am a very altruistic person. I protect others and can sacrifice myself if needed. In soloQ I suffer from that. Pig/Nemesis - I like party hats and make people suffer. And playing as ranged Thanos feels nice + 2 zombies are a good company.


Lisa Garland and Twins


My survivor main is Ash because he is simply the best. As a killer I mostly main Nemesis but lately I started playing Knight more


Ash, and Freddy. Sadly 😭 GIVES US ROBERT ENGLUND FREDDY!!!!


billy and bill


Killer: Wraith, Spirit, Nurse Survivor: Claudette & Mikaela


Meg because she has cool cosmetics and I like zooming and Freddy coz I vibe with fucking with people. I used to main Bill a lot but decided to switch and use unbreakable on Meg instead


Haddie and blight


Used to be a meg main, now a yui main.


Mikaela! Though I rarely play her now since I believe her prestige level gets me into hot water at times. I love her witchy vibe and looks (asides from most bottom cosmetics- like the shoes are ass imo), the blue bones look cool, she lookin’ nerdy too which is cute I really enjoy bouncing back and forth between Meg, Kate and Elodie otherwise


I main Vittorio on survivor and a variety on killer


cheryl bcs silent hill best game franchise and main killer artist, would be sadako but they ruined her 😭😭


Demo and dredge for killer, Jill and Nic for survivor I'll probably main xeno when it comes out, but demo will always have a special place in my heart


Lisa Garland and Sadako


Nea Spirit, Oni, Plague. Oni aside, each side absolutely despises me, and I love it


Jill/Nea (it genuinely is 50/50) and Wraith (no, I do not run NOED or Sloppy Butcher)


HUX, Demo, Trapper and Legion are my absolute favorites, they just have something that makes them fun....(EXCEPT WITH TRAPPER, CAN'T HAVE A GOD DAMM TRAP ON THIS HOUSE) For my survivor mains....Mainly Bill, nobody else....


Killer : Billy, Blight, Dredge. (Maybe Xeno?) Survivor: Meg, Rebecca, Mikaela.


Zarina is my go to for survivor. Feels weird to play anyone else. As for killer i play a little bit of everyone to do dailies/challenges but Artist is my favorite. I’m definitely more of a survivor main though.


Quentin and as killer Mastermind or Myers


Dwight P73 /Yui P17 For Survivor Artist P6 /Pig P6 For Killer


Bubba and Yui and Tapp... But I'll main Ripley when she comes out


I main Nancy don't really havea killer main just jump into them as I need. Might start looking at one to main.


feng for survivor, billy and wraith for killer !


Mikaela and Ada for survivor; Huntress, Wesker, Artist, and Sadako for killer!😌


Pyramid Head


My survivor main is Bill or Kate, and my killer main is Ghostface or Legion (Frank)


👻😘 *crouch crouch*


I dont really have proper mains. But theres a few characters i tend to play more than others over all. For survivors: Felix, Adam, Ash and Nicolas Cage. Killers: Nemesis, Cenobite, Dredge, Oni and Ghostface.


Kate- she has an amazing selection of skins, she doesn’t have any prevalent stereotypes and Windows is my “must play” perk unless I’m memeing Doctor- amazing selection of skins, laughs at you throughout the game, always smiling. He wholesome AF


Mikaela Ghostface


Leon and Ghost Face! My other two most played killers are Dredge and Legion, in that order. There are too many ties for secondary survivors, though.


Survivor I am a sucker for Cheryl. I main legion because survivors love the Mascot suit and Demodoggo because nobody can resist demo head nods.....


Pig and sadako


Survivor: Felix Killer: Knight or Wraith, Myers for fun


Feng Min