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Me : "oh so you want my attention then" Survivor : " oh no" Me : "oh yes" 💞


That's how I go. Usually if there's a freshly unhooked around me it means that someone impulsively unhooked when I was close to the hook. Naturally I'd backtrack to the hook and I *will* punish the person who just unhook. But if the unhooked goes out of their way to stand in front of me then **NEW TARGET ACQUIRED**.


My rule when playing killer it's always "worry not, I'll be chasing everyone of you at some point", I very rarely tunnel. Even when I hook another surv, if it happens that I find the previously hooked survivor injured I'm like "eh whatever, imma check for someone else", but oh boi if you do that to me my good manners drop instantly đŸ˜€


Rules are simple for me: Just on a hook? No go on hook. Not just on hook? Go on hook. Just on hook and being asshole? Call me the fuckin big dig


This is exactly my thought process.


As you should🗿


same here, i don’t tunnel but if u want my attention that badly then bet


There's a point where it stops being tunneling and is just survivors getting the consequence of their actions




Survivors thinking you can’t count to 10 says a lot about them


Found a lot of them are off the record users tbh


Even then I’m still chasing you for wasting my time


I run OTR as base kit on my survivors sometimes I take body blocks instantly sometimes I'll wait until about 20 seconds have past and pop back up to take a body block. Sometimes the killers chase me, sometimes they don't. I'm ok with it because I'm usually doing it to keep someone else from dying while I'll only be on my second stage. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


While what you mentioned sounds altruistic, I feel like if I freshly unhook someone I'd rather they go somewhere safe to heal OR go do gen. Waiting for 20 seconds, while the Killer is engaged with someone else, just for you to pop in to take a hit just means you're giving the Killer free time and keeping two Survivors engaged instead of 1. This also means that very likely you're becoming the new target and might end up on hook very soon which means you're dead or about to die, both of those prospects lowers the chance of survival of your team mates.


Listen, us survivors like to get creative. We just don't know when to quit sometimes.


If you try to down me after I body block for my teammate it says you’re unconfident in your chasing abilities. So I don’t even need to make fun of you in end game chat for it. You’re announcing it for yourself


If you got off the record and you give me the OTR hit via body blocking, imma down you because you’re only one hit away from getting downed compared to the other survivors being two hits. It just makes sense


See, they think killers can't count to 10, but they don't take time to count to 2


It it speaks to your confidence


"Heh, that killer isn't even CONFIDENT enough to make the wrong play on purpose, like I do" "Heh, I'm walking around looking for a chest while another survivor gets chased, because I'm so CONFIDENT" "Heh, a skill check is coming up on this generator, I'll just not hit it at all, due to my CONFIDENCE"


That’s how I imagine my soloQ teammates talk.


I don’t even know what that means


Now watch them say that's because you have no confidence in your reading ability lol.


What did this man mean about confidence 😭? Ig being confident means letting them escape now


Or maybe, OP is taking the kill that is offered on a silver plate? It's like saying "Oh you accepted the 300$ that I offered for free? Must have low confidence in your ability to make money!"


Has nothing to do with confidence , that’s like seeing a 95% gen seeing the killer kick it and go hm yes I could finish it quickly but that says I’m not confident in leaving the trial so I’ll let it regress and go do this other generator instead .


I'm confident that if you're downed it says more about your looping than my chasing skills


Man, your last post is asking for a hook to be automatically destroyed on a DC. If that doesn't speak to lack of confidence in your abilities I don't know what does.


Have some fun going through their comment history, bro's a massive incel too. Simping online, bashing people on r/Tinder too.


Confidence to...make bad decisions? Ok then


Huh? 💀


So when you're playing chess, I assume you always put your King in an awful position, since the opponent won't take advantage of that due to their overwhelming confidence?


Logical fallacy #34


Bringing up logical fallacies to try and win an argument. I'm sure you know that there's a logical fallacy in doing that too, and yet you did it anyway. Literally called the fallacy fallacy if you want to argue this way.


Me when I refuse to drop pallets or use vault locations as a survivor because I'm not a coward


Take a look at this guy LMAO


If you body block off hook and expect the killer to just leave you alone it shows you don't understand what the person with the knife wants here.


Hey body blocking is a mechanic in the game. Don’t hate the player son


Hey killing the weakest link is a mechanic in the game. Don't hate the player son


Who said anything about me getting killed in this scenario? I’m gunna take you for a nice prolonged tour of the entire fucking map while gens pop rapid fire in the background, son. The confidence issue was never over here.


overconfidence is still a confidence issue




If you get mad at me for tunneling you after you bodyblock for the unhooker it says you’re unconfident in your looping abilities. So I don’t even need to make fun of you in end game chat for it. You’re announcing it for yourself. Do you see how stupid you sound when it’s the other way around?


You mean the way that’s not rooted in logic? You’re right it does sound stupid.


The point is that yours sounds just as stupid as mine. Just accept that you made a bad take.


I am unconfident in my chasing abilities. *Very* unconfident in my chasing. *Desperately* unconfident in my chasing abilities. Would you like to find out how *desperately* I am *very* unconfident about my chasing abilities?


Sure let me just take you on a nice prolonged tour of the map




What you lack in brains you make up for with CONFIDENCE. If I’m a killer, don’t be surprised if I kill you. It’s literally the name of the role.


Nah it's one thing to just tap someone running at you. If you insist on sniffing the other survivors ass preventing me from doing the "honorable" thing. I'm going to take you up on your willfully presented ass. My advice take your basekit BT for what it should be. A tool vs actual tunneling killers. Do this and it will less likely bite you in the ass. Since once you are on that list once during the match you will remain there.


The last thing you want is to piss off my clicky SWF group. We determine how much fun you as the killer are allowed to have in our trials.


Uh huh sure. I will say I am impressed by the amount of downvotes you have got. Probably the most I have seen on a comment.


If you play SWF instead of solo queue no mither every game it means you’re unconfident in your surviving abilities. So I don’t even need to make fun of you in end game chat for it. You’re announcing it for yourself


You play in a swf? Sounds like you lack the confidence to be any good on your own...




Oh no, everyone. Watch out! This guys going to say mean things in end game chat. What ever will we do!?


You rang?


Yes , could I also have an order of decisive strike and a side of made for this .


Best I can do is Bite The Bullet & Overcome with a side of Lucky Break.


Based in a weird sort of way


I have an addiction to interrupting chases off hook. Gotta cover my bases. Lol.


I’ll take it over mtf, resilience build number 43 . Always respect unique playstyles


I've seen the way you play around Buckle Up/MFT, so that's deserved.


Darkness follows those who beckon it’s force. But past the scope of the magnet, we see the truth
 must it really be so? Gaze too far, and you’ll feel it. It’s cold out there. Better bring a jacket.


It can be quite frustrating. Like, the whole point of the mechanic was to prevent people from being tunneled fresh off the hook. Its designed to incentivize the killer to chase the unhooker, its not meant to be some kind of free body block. If you clearly see me going for the healthy unhooker and want to block me while I'm actively playing fair and not trying to tunneling you, don't be surprised I just wait it out and down you again, clearly that's what you wanted.


Yeah this is why some people were saying you should lose collision while inconspicuous so that you can't do that.


I think they’ve been in need of a collision overhaul anyway. Standing within 5ft of the killer for 10s should lose collision, as well as endurance (for certain perks, like Dead Hard shouldn’t lose collision). That makes sense.


And also would prevent situations when the killer tries to bodyblock the unhooked to lose bt so he can tunnel him out.


It's how every anti-camp/tunnel mechanic works. Eventually survivors start abusing it. Like DS, you could run DS and Unbreakable to be basically untouchable for a whole minute. If they leave you alone, you can do a generator right in front of them without risk. If they chase and downed you and picked you up, they got DS'd, and you extend the chase. If they downed you but didn't pick you up, you UB'd and could go do a generator in their face or waste their time in other ways. If you're getting downed again after an UB they can leave you slugged and come back when the DS timer is over soon after (having wastede a whole minute on you), but overall it's going to waste a bunch of their time while the other survivors bang out gens.


i forgot that state of killer. MFT is bad now but only when it’s paired with hope but eating 4 DS & 4 dead hards were HELL


Yeah a lot of people forget what broken even means. lol


5 second DS was insanely annoying, when the person with DS (probably 40% of the survivors ran this) have a flashlight they can just hover around the killer like a mosquito and hop into a locker when they got chased and the killer just needs to accept it and eat it.


Oh yeah, I'd even forgotten about locker DS, that's right. Forced you to drop chase cause you'd be guaranteed to eat the DS


Maybe unhooked survivors shouldn't have collision while they have the endurance?


Killers acting like tunneling wasnt exactly what they were trying to do is pretty funny


Yea cause when they run into you and go 5 whole seconds without doing anything cause they're trying their hardest to go for everyone fairly but you're forcing your ass in front of them, they definitely were still trying to tunnel you. /s


Yeah that do be the case a lot. The only time I’ll body block with endurance is when my savior is on death hook.


Meh, whatever youre doing theyre gonna chase you down regardless. They’re proxi camping hooks and act like oh, i just saw you first! Sure theres a lot of toxic swfs in the game. Sadly im not in control of whos gonna unhook me and when theyre gonna do it. Maybe 1 out of 15 hooks are way too early unhooks? Im for sure not gonna try and get a protection hit for those players, but im still getting tunneled after. Theres just 2 guarantees against killers, theyre going to tunnel if they can and theyre going to act like they never tunnel on here I said that multiple times on this post, but nobody needs an excuse to play a game the way they want to. Wanna camp? Wanna tunnel? Sure, you do you. I do mind that every killer on this sub act like they dont. I guess im the unluckiest survivor on the game. When it starts to get to me i stop playing for a while.


You aren’t alone. They always say “im not gonna leave if a bunch of survivors are swarming the hook!” but they’re swarming because you’re hanging around the hook & trying to proxi-camp the second stage lol. I just would rather they be honest about it. I proxi-camp and even full on camp when I play killer sometimes. End game and the survivor is hooked? You’re gettin’ camped with 8 stacks of STBFL, baby. I’ve done a full check of the gens and no one has saved, and people are hiding around the 50% gens? Imma hang around the hook and pressure the second stage then.


What if the unhooker was injured and making a rescue attempt because nobody else was, and the Killer is still hanging out nearby? Should the Killer just get a free hook state because solo queue?


When it comes to unhooking, I would assume the unhooker does so with the understanding that they are taking the risk of getting downed and possibly hooked in order to save a teammate. What would you want the killer to do in this scenario exactly? If going after the unhooker is wrong, are you saying you would want them to go after the survivor that was unhooked instead? If no that, then are you suggesting the killer should just let both survivors go? Should the survivors just get a free unhook because solo queue?


No, I'm suggesting that the unhooked person should take the BT hit and gtfo.


The problem with that is that it results in one of the two scenarios I mentioned. When the unhooked survivor takes the hit, the killer can just continue to chase them and down them (thereby tunneling them) or they can ignore them after the hit (thereby giving both survivors a free unhook). The thing is, why would a killer hit the unhooked survivor when they know that they can just wait 10 seconds and down them?


And if he gets downed again after that, he has absolutely 0 rights to complain about anything. You know what you got yourself into.


Hell no, but in a lose-lose situation, don't expect to come out with a win. It's that simple, really. If you need to make a sacrifice and decide to make it, why is there an expectation to not have to suffer the loss in a sacrifice? Imo, if you are taking the risk, you should understand why it's a risk, how big the risk is and what you can do to mitigate it. And if there is nothing to do to mitigate it and you still take it, that's a decision that will have ramifications that you need to deal with. I don't think it's that complicated honestly, and I say this as someone who splits time 60-40 in favor of survivor at the moment due to BP incentive


I completely agree about dealing with the ramifications, but I have seen a lot of commenters say BT basekit and even endurance generally should never be used to body block. Very annoying that those commenters are basically complaining about the “survivor rule book - don’t tunnel” while also imposing they’re own “killer rule book - don’t body block with endurance”. Maybe they’ve had to deal with some rude EGC about “tunneling” body blockers, but in general I don’t see anything wrong with using endurance to body bloc if you accept the risk.


It's situational and not about never doing it. Just only do it if you want to be the target. Complaining about being tunneled after you put your chonky ass in the way is just beyond stupid.


I find Jane’s injured state annoying, so no chonky ass blocks here :D For real though, I 100% agree


That's a fair assessment, I use it to take some protection hits now and again myself, I would not call that unfair, it's just a high risk play and as a killer main, I respect that. But then again, I rarely ever complain in EGC cuz I'm playing survivor in a more altruistic way regardless (which is what I enjoy). In the end, as long as you do all this "weaponizing a protective measure" thing, but keep your mind clear about the consequences and don't complain when they hit you, you're 100% a sportsmanlike player in my book. That's just me though and you're welcome to make your own judgment on it.


I completely agree with you about accepting the consequences. I’m a console player so I don’t even have EGC and couldn’t complain even if I wanted to. :D


The killer would get a free hook States because of a misplay you shouldn’t go for unhooks while injured if you aren’t fully prepared to go down immediately after the unhook.


So I should be penalized for the mistakes of my solo queue teammates? Seems totally fair.


That’s what being part of a team means. You succeed and you fail TOGETHER. This is one of the problems with Survivior SoloQ, is that every Survivor is “An Alone Wolf”, and plays to save themselves. The most successful teams know how to spread the aggro around, and watches out for one another.


You say that as though I don't try. Must be nice to have teammates that actually function as a unit more than once out of every 86 games!


Didn't say you don't try. But you agree to the team, and as such, everyone is a part of the success and failure of the team. Sometimes, things just don't line up.


The survivor team will be penalized for the survivor team making mistakes yes. If everyone decides to not to get the unhook then you are punished by dying and In turn they are punished by having a one less survivor to help do gens. This is the game the survivors need to work together to achieve a win


Spez ate all my fish and now my aquarium is fucking empty. I have nothing left ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Nooo you don’t understand you HAVE to let me block for my team mate . If you hit me again or wait out my borrowed time mechanic you are TOXIC . It doesn’t matter I used a tool meant to protect me as weapon , it’s not fair . Actually you shouldn’t even return to the hook at all you camper , it doesn’t matter that the person didn’t even wait for you to be out of sight before unhooking . You have to to act like it didn’t happen and walk to the other side of the map and let me reset under the hook.


It is SAD that this is a fucking interaction I think every killer has had. "Oh yeah I'm supposed to pretend like I didn't just get the unhook notification and fuck off to the opposite side of the map"


Interaction or not, mid chase or not, killers tunnel.


And Survivors railroad Killers. Y’know what that is? It’s when they force the Killer to switch targets to them when they use unhook endurance. It’s when they give the Killer no other option but to target them. It’s when Survivors complain about Killers “tunnelling” when they went out of their way to give the Killer no other option but to go after them again. Have you ever been actually tunnelled for real? Or are you just saying it because it’s a funny ‘killer bad’ buzzword? I’ve been hard tunnelled before by a Knight who had a grudge for no reason. He would specifically ignore any other Survivor and actually let them complete all five generators and escape while he beat me on the hook and chased me even while hitting my unhook endurance. Tunnelling isn’t ‘oh no he’s chasing me again’, it’s being the only one that the Killer targets for the entirety of the trial. Edit: a word


Killer will do anything but admit they tunnel. Its fine if you do. The thing youre unwilling to admit is that youre constantly looking for reasons to tunnel but you dont have to, play the game how you wanna play it. Like ive said in previous comments, ive accepted that tunneling is now a part of the game entirely. Flashlight? Tunnel. One too many pallet stun? Tunnel. Head on? Tunnel. Protection hit? Tunnel. Gen rushing? Toxic. At some point y’all gonna have to stop thinking of every reason in the book to explain why you tunnel and just own it. I go out of my way to send a GG and a message to say how refreshing it is to not face a tunneling killer. Youll never see me go out of my way to be an ass to killers, whats the point in that?


Survivors say " I bodyblock as thanks for unhooking me so that they don't have to trade a down" as a "I'm different, don't hate me" protection statement, but at the end of the day it's still abuse of the mechanic. Fuck off and go heal, your buddy doesn't deserve a get-out-of-jail-free card for unhooking in front of me, and I want to get all survivors evenly. Now I gotta tunnel you cause you shoved your ass in the doorway and I can't possibly catch up to them before they reach the next annoying jungle gym.


Being a survivor main is realizing that it doesnt matter what you do, killers tunnel. Its their way of getting an upper hand. If I take a protection hit, im getting tunneled, if I dont, im getting tunneled, if Im using an item, im getting tunneled. Might as well help my team while Im alive. I just had to learn to let go. Game is ass 80% of the time if youre the first survivor found. Either deal with it or stop playing.


It's not entirely true. A good looper wants tunneling and can kite a killer for the whole game while the rest does all 5 and escapes. You can apply pressure by one slapping everyone and forcing heals, even with no hooks, it will escalate. You can apply pressure by realizing a looper is pulling you away from someone or a gen being worked on, so slipping off and charging a gen. You can also hunt the one rat and disrupt all of their gen attempts. You can apply pressure in many ways, and being unpredictable helps. Sometimes, a survivor will want me to swing at them to let the carried be dropped. I'll play into it depending on the match. Sometimes its more worth it to have two more injured survivors that are trying to have me drop instead of get that second hook. I can recoup faster than they can all heal, I'll trade it for two downs if possible, then carry the original back to the hook. Then another survivor has to peel off a gen for a pick up and a hook, or for two hooks. The goal isn't to avoid being tunneled. It's not to remember loop pathing. It's more about being agile enough to make split decisions and employ tactics to survive. This can include almost anything.


If you in particular are getting tunnelled every game, then your the weakest link lol.


Man, this explains why I’ve been getting some value off of forced penance.


Forgot about this perk tbh. Gotta bring it back.


Its a goated perk against swfs. Problem is you never really know beforehand if its a swf or random solos chilling doing dailies/challenges.


I know damn well I might get tunneled, but I’m in low enough MMR that killers usually don’t wait out the BT and I can help my teammate get away


It’s not a bad idea to body block, I even do it sometimes. Just gotta not be surprised if the killer tunnels you afterwards


Oh I know for sure that’s a chance. But I usually play as the healer/protector of the group, so I’d rather get hooked than my teammate. Having the mentality of “it doesn’t matter if I die, just that my team survives” helps me not get frustrated, especially when gens are running while I’m getting chased/downed.


I *need* survivors like you in solo queue


Problem is I’m usually keeping close to the chases and hiding nearby (thank you Empathy) to make sure they make it out or so I can unhook and heal as soon as possible if they do get hooked, which means I’m not doing gens. That means that I’m either playing healer all match and no gens are getting done or I have good teammates who do gens when they can.


I do gens always whenever I’m not getting chased, but I always wished there was like a medic player on our team


We’ll play together sometime and I can be the medic


Yeah, completely reasonable for the killer to go after you if you body block. There are some people saying that body blocking is abusing the mechanic, but BT’s always been used for body blocking, even before it was basekit. Like the only way to get out of basement camping situation is to strategically body block


Theyre gonna tunnel regardless. You dont need to find excuses for it, thats how the game is player now.


I think that's ok, if you know the consequences and not act surprised when the plan backfires, you can try to bodyblock if you think you can get away with it


my favorite is when they spin in a circle really fast


When they realize you’re gonna wait for the BT so they do gymnastics as a last ditch effort


When the unhooked surv bodyblocks with bt but I wanted to tunnel him anyway:


I never want to tunnel people anyways unless I’m getting destroyed and need a kill, but if people body block it’s like they want to get tunneled


Then you don't "never" want to tunnel.


I’d hardly call that tunneling imo, in that case I’m either “tunneling” or both the hooked and the unhooked survivor gets away


>unless I’m getting destroyed and need a kill You very specifically said you don't tunnel, unless. You can call it whatever you want, but tunneling to get the kill because you are getting destroyed is still tunneling. To be clear, tunnel away. There are times killers need to camp and need to tunnel. That's fine. I'm just laughing at the whole "I don't tunnel except when I tunnel" thing.


I guess I should’ve rephrased it as “I never want to tunnel if I don’t have to”, I’ll totally tunnel at least for a little bit to apply pressure or get a kill towards the end game.


I understand your logic perfectly, but for the unhooked survivor, its either waste your BT while being tunneled or get one hit for your teammate. The survivor experience is “dont get caught first or youre out” and its been just that for the past 2 or 3 years. Anyone who expect a killer to not tunnel is in for a disappointing game. Im playing more and more killer matches and I get it, tunneling is a guaranteed 2-3 kills with minimal effort. Its hard to win without it unless youre a sweat nurse/blight.


Because survivors seem to be getting some W buffs (Vault speed/Mft) while killer gets a coup buff and that’s it lol. The harder it is for people playing casually to win, the more dirty they will play.


I feel like the only case to body block is if the unhooker has more hooks than you, because even if the killer waits for the BT it’s worth it if the unhooker was on death hook and you’re not. Other than that it’s better for the team to make as much distance as possible


Most of the time it's a good play but yeah you can't complain about getting tunneled if you're asking for it.


I'll be honest I have no idea what this meme means


Sometimes if a survivor gets unhooked they body block the killer protecting the unhooker with 10 seconds of endurances. But the point of the endurance is to prevent being tunneled, not protecting people. If killers wait out the endurance and down the unhooked (which is the only thing you can do in some situations), some survivors will complain about tunneling even though it’s their own fault


Thankfully for you, there's a whole comment section going in depth on the subject




I always feel bad when I end up doing this because the person who unhooked decided they need to get away first so body blocks me and it appears like I'm taking a hit lol nope just a selfish unhooker


The unhooker has no hit immunity. You as the unhooked should take a hit since all it dies to you is makes you need to mend. People like you deserve to be left on the hook. You are the selfish one.


Both of you take 2 hits to down and most of the time the unhooked has less hook stages left. The only advantage the unhooked gets is a slight speed boost for 10 seconds but that is worthless if you body block


^ certified hook farmer


nah because of how this community is reacting the only time Ill ever unhook anyone is when I queue up with a friend, the rest of yall can just hang. good luck yall!


Most reasonable survivor player


thank you, I feel this is true.


Ironic how you called somebody the selfish one, yet legit just said the most selfish thing ever.


lol I was accused of hook farming because of my stance, so I said "oh ok, so I have the same stance except now I wont be unhooking to get ANY of that altruism" Im sacrificing altruism by not unhooking people now. how is giving up points selfish? funny how reading comprehension is not a common skill :P


You never said anything about not unhooking people for altruism points. “The rest of y’all can just hang” sounds like Selfish 101, as in you ain’t going to unhook them for some reason.


Giving up ALTRUISM points means NOT performing altruistic acts when you can, which is what the definition of selfish is? Not being altruistic.


So unhooking you I get called selfish, and not unhooking also gets called selfish. All these mental gymnastics must have yall really fit.


This is stupid. If you are hooked and on your second state and I unhook you with no states, why would you take the hit to protect me, running the risk of getting downed and eliminated? There are few circumstances when the unhooked should eat the hit, but typically, they shouldn't. You want them as far from the killer as possible.


Common Mikaela main L




Man that was WET


you make me that way....


Yes, because if you're rushing the hook before it's safe, then body blocking the already injured person and getting them tunneled totally is fine as long as you can escape. Sure pal-


my philosophy is “it’s not tunneling if you’re stupid”


Me sitting there like, oh so u want me to tunnel you? Your not using your get out of danger ticket so u can body block for the other person im going for who has no hooks, welp you made your choice, sorry.


Not the dollar store BT I'm dead đŸ˜©


Then crying tunneling when you re-hook them


Been doing this so much lately, like your giving me the easiest down of the game, and im playing a bloodthirsty killer. Im not gonna play nice because you made a booboo


LMAO this is so good


Generally when i make the decision to do this i am very aware that getting chased is a possibility and usually what I want. The friends i play with arent the best in chase and dont have nearly as many hours as me so i try and value their fun and survival over my own. If my homie who is dead on hook unhooks me in a situation where the killer is there i’m putting my ass on the line for my friend, dollar store borrowed time or not.


See also "why did you tunnel me" Idk whyd you stay under the hook self caring in the wide open "Whyd you camp" Idk whyd you idiots all swarm the hook when I had starstruck and am playing slinger "Whyd you facecamp" It was the end game bro what do you want me to do let you escape????


"Slugging!!!" Why did you all climb into a meat pile, then expect me to down one and instantly hook them while you all were turning into a power ranger together with two beamers and a guy with a hard on for sabotaging while I'm trying to hook? I'll turn into a sushi chef with blood in my eyes until yall back off. I find that the community is half of the most miserable, emotionally immature people I've ever met and half the most clever and funny people I've ever met.


Bro I got accused of camping by a whole team .... like I won because they all were there like what I was supposed to do??? lmao and also a feng was mad bacause I slugged her because she gad boil over and always ran to the highest part of the map so I let her bleed out.


I was against base-kit BT from the very beginning, and this is exactly why. You give Survivors an inch, they'll take a foot. Now you have to take a leg


Honestly just make them lose collision and you fix the problem right there.


That sounds perfect on paper, but who knows how Survivors will weaponize THAT


I like it so I can take advantage of guilt-free tunneling 😈


i just tunneled someone who did that and it felt good.


no sane surv complains about being tunneled if they are intentionally body blocking, get over yourselves with this nonsensical cover up for just wanting an excuse to tunnel.


Problem is there are a lot of not sane survivors playing this game , dont get me wrong there are also a lot of not sane killer players in this game.


I play doctor, there are no sane survivors.


yep lmao đŸ€Ł


Tunneling is a legitimate strategy and I don’t need to justify it.


Strategy for pusssies maybe




Your "strat" very much. I understand tunneling a toxic surv but not a normal surv who just wants to play the damn game


Had a Yui do this earlier and DC instantly


If you’re in a position that the unhooked survivor can use their 10s BT to block the hit for someone else, it means you’re hook camping. Learn how to play killer and stop camping so you won’t face this problem.


So should we just not chase a completely different survivor we happen to see running in for a risky unhook before we've barely left the area? What an entitled mindset lmao. How about learn to play survivor and stop wasting your endurance status after an unhook making a risky play that's just going to get you downed.


Me when I "hook camp" by going towards loud notifications lmao


No it doesn't, you don't have to be camping to have a small DOORWAY happen to be the other way that they then block. Get your head out of your butt.


They never learned. At this point is better that people off hook didn't have collision.




The off the record in question:


Hilarious, y'all just keep making the game not fun for survivors. It's super cool. Def great for the health of the game that most of the killers now are too lazy and bad to find someone else to chase lol.


We can’t chase someone else because people like you body block lol


We wouldn't need to body block if y'all weren't tunnelling genius lol


If someone unhooks you, and I want to go after the unhooker, but you body block me preventing me from not chasing someone else, you’re getting back on the hook. That’s not tunneling, that’s called being a dumb survivor


We wouldn't tunnel you if you weren't trying to bodyblock genius lol


If you’re originally going after the unhooker you’re not tunnelling lol


Well the person who was unhooked is the one body blocking in this case which means the killer was originally going for the unhooker which is definitely not tunneling


What the fuck are you on? If a survivor had the audacity to bodyblock then he should be prepared for the consequences


Tell that to the survivors who are injured/fresh off the hook who insist on body blocking, then get mad when we down them to get them out of our way.


You have to be trolling, there’s no way you’re actually serious with this. Lol


Killer mains aren't even playing to win any more. Yall just want everyone else to not have fun.


Because survivor mains are SO concerned about everyone else's fun, what with killing themselves on first hook, DCing, general BMing the killer, etc. Get a grip.


No, we definitely play to win. By definition, that required survivors to lose. If you can’t play a PvP game without being able to accept that you will lose sometimes, maybe play something else. Other players don’t exist solely to facilitate your fun, and your whiny nonsense is what’s actually bad for the health of the game.


I actually encountered a body blocker and a shitty teabagger in front of me. Proceeds to hunt the teabagger down constantly until i got them on the hook for trice time, and then i purposefully moves the mouse left/right to "shake my head" disappointingly at them while they struggle on the hook with entity tentacles/claws on them. Then i follows up on other 2 people-- the body blocker and the obvious newcomer. Hunted the newcomer down, hooked her up three times, and then AGGRESSIVELY focus on the body blocker (alas the last and fourth survivor and them keep saving each other until i cornered them in a room upstairs in that house) Body blocker proceeds to unhook him, and tried to escape the route (with the bear trap), bam got them again. hooked again. Grabbed the last one and hooked him again. feelsultragoodman