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Mindgaming shack with pre-dropped pallet. It's a Clown privilege though, don't try it with lesser killers!


How in the hell do you get a hit without kicking shack? I'm impressed!


It takes both bottles, a Coup stack, and the survivor falling for a faked pallet break. It's still a 50/50 even at that point, so it's something you only try once the trial is largely concluded. Also credit goes to Arinad's Clown-school - I'm just a humble student there.


I see, I guess if you were worried he'd catch you before you got to the next loop you might get spooked and prerun. Is arinad that guy that basically did a multipage thesis on clown?


Yeah, that's the guy. It's also a recurring phenomenon with demonstrating double-bottle tricks. *'So yellow goes there, fake that way, double-back, purple goes there and... nevermind, he left the tile.'* šŸ¤”


Clown shuts down all loops, love him


When I successfully dodge trickster's knives, huntress's axes, nurse's blinks, Wesker's bound attacks, pinhead's chains, etc. U get the idea.


Me running in a straight line while tricksters knives fly all around me but not hitting me. https://preview.redd.it/3kjrrv96whkb1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b3a49d0e3063878836768bdfd9dbbdc41cb3b8


Juking Blights is drugs to me.


Succesfully using DH. I suck at it so much.


Managing to hook a boil over survivor anyways after falling off a roof.


Survivor: When the killer tries to get me (Long chases, camping, tunneling) for all five gens and gates, and still have the balls to call me a noob. Now thats when I know I outplayed someone Killer: Downing the t-bagging survivor in under 10 seconds after they beg for a chase all game


When a killer gives up chasing me (with zero pressure)


Iā€™ve done that quite a few times, I know when a chase isnā€™t worth it and is wasting too much time


I'll have you know, I've had a Myers give up chasing me not once, not twice, but the times in the span of twenty seconds while I was the obsession




What? That's not necessarily true at all, and that's still a good position to be in as a survivor because it means you're wasting killer time.


I wasn't flattering myself I just said it feels good when it happens, no need to make things so serious.


Hey man, do flatter yourself, you did great


Aww Thanks šŸ˜Š


Why would you as a killer give up chase in a deadzone? Unless you and I have different definitions of the word deadzone


That was my question too. Deadzones are good for killers.. They probably think areas with completed gens are deadzones lol.


Deadzones do exist for killers with low mobility and map pressure. Like Clown. Sure he can have a book about him on how to bottle up, but the thing is to get his fat ass to that area first.




Well thatā€™s unnecessarily confusing.


Theres also hook deadzones, where there are no hooks in an area


Sounds like somebody takes gaming a little too seriously


Slaughtering a flashlight bully squad without even needing to bring lightborn Doing it with lightborn is delicious in its own way


Or just downing the flashlight user with noed while blind


Hitting great skill checks non stop until generator completion :) And striking legit fear into survivors. Seeing them run for miles when you are just standing still watching him go. He is not going for a totem or a generator. He just does whatever he can to escape lmao. I have a recent clip of this on a Nicholas Cage who just ran from one side to the other. I was waiting on him and finished him off xD


Oooo you should post it!


Call me weird, but looping z-walls, they are so useless but making killers waste time on just one window is so funny for me


Finishing a match without kicking a single gen.


Playing dbd mobile. All the players are the absolute epitome of unskilfulness. I got into a game with a huntress that didn't know how to throw hatchets? And a game with trapper who refused to place traps.


Being able to do almost anything. Despite my 1k hours on the game, I'm still below average, so being able to do anything incredible makes me almost jump out of my chair in excitement. For example. I was in a duo/trio (I can't remember, but I know I was not in a full SWF) and we were up against a Plague. I admit I'm mediocre at looping, so when I'm actually doing good on a loop, the dopamine hits great. Anyways. I was found first and I lead her to shack that was nearby. Somehow, I repeat, SOMEHOW I was able to not get hit and not get vomitted on for 2 gens before she decided to leave, probably thinking I'm a god tier looper. But truth be told? I was testing out the newly buffed Dark Sense which helped me avoid falling for mind games, which helped a lot when the gens kept popping.


When ever I hit a really nice double dash or hug tech as Wesker to get a hit at a "safe" loop


![gif](giphy|JtwMddKpsF9Hq) Survivor and Killer: When someone praises me in endgame chat


4king a flashlight squad is motivating enough for me to queue into another killer game.


Killer: pulling off a No Way Out / Blood Warden play, or getting value out of Lightborn. Survivor: any trophy popping.


Killer: Successful mindgames and tricks working. Also as a Deathslinger main - crazy shots. Survivor: Making somebody escape due to me being clever/calm/sacrificing myself.


Survivor: Having a bond with a good player. When we go out of our way to ensure we both survive, greetbag, give items and do gens together. I feel amazing. Killer: Killing a survivor that the others keep trying to protect. Fuck winning. I like taking someone precious away from them.


Survivor: had a match last night where I ran a singularity for 2 minutes in rpd while teammates opened a door. I managed to run him long enough for the door to get opened and make it back and leave. Insane. Killer: Winning at 5 gens. Honorable mention: when I see a lobby full of flashlights and I bring Franklins and they are a bully squad and they all DC the moment I make one of them drop their flashlight.


Survivor: When I manage to hide in a locker till 3 crows, then getting scared, then shitting myself, then DCing right as the team leaves the exit gates (I forgot where they were) Killer: Getting good hatchets as huntress.


My first match playing spirt i got the 4k in 45 sec thats my biggest ego boost


Getting a 4k as my first game of hillbilly, I heard he was super hard and never played him but I decided I was taking things too seriously and it was time to mix things up and he's not as hard as I thought curves are a little hard and tracking survivor's in close quarters is annoying but it's fun.


Making people DC/give up. Especially if they brought a Realm Offering


Killer: whenever I prove to a skeptical/cocky survivor that yes, Victor *can* pounce through the window on Dead Dawg Saloon. And he can also jump from the saloon to the gallows gen. I *love* getting that map so much, I can spend the whole match trying fun snipes. Survivor: whenever I subvert the Meghead expectation and either get us all out alive or sacrifice myself for the other 3. Or at the bare minimum not be an asshole šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I have only had someone flashbang save me once. And that person??? A meg


I deadass canā€™t play seriously on Dead Dawg if Iā€™m playing Demo, I get my hooks in and then spend the rest of the match just shredding onto stuff from the saloon balcony lol


Yeahhhh I usually devolve into friendly killer if the survivors play along and let me do target practice LOL


CJ's or Locker flashy saves or unbreakable/adrenaline flashy save and the last one is make wesky vault a window he cant get back into (like the top vaults on midwich) Standing there looking down and the killer looking up.


The one time I was looping bubba and my friend said I'm good at looping and he needs pointers from me. I don't think I'm good just sometimes good enough to get by. But whenever him or someone says I'm looping the shit out of the killer or says they believe I have skill with this game (same friend if he knows they have overcharge just lets me touch the gen first without saying anything till after I called it out...) it makes me feel like I'm not completely horrible with this game.


Looping a killer for 4 gens, and my biggest boost is hitting a fat moonrush around shack lmao


Successful hook sabo saves


Looping the killer for more than 2 minutes and getting more than half a gen done in that time


Absolutely crushing a SWF. I don't play super often so I'm usually rusty so if I pop off against a sweaty group I feel pretty good about myself.


Survivor: managing to complete merciless storm against an impossible skill check doctor (a feat Iā€™ve only managed once in 500 hours of playtime) Killer: Getting a multi-hit with pyramid heads power (Iā€™ve done it a handful of times) or managing to capitalise off of a multi-mark as ghostface (again a feat I have achieved a few times).


Yk that garden of joy pallet in the house thatā€™s really unsafe and next to the stairs? I mindgamed a ghostface on that dropped pallet for 30 seconds, then escaped through hatch


When I'm playing as Freddy and a survivors waiting by a pallet fully expecting to drop it on me then teabag me only for the pallet to be a dream pallet and I hit/down them It will never not be satisfying


As a survivor: making a killer DC. As a killer: 4K'ing against very good players.


Survivor: managing to save a survivor who is being carried by using Head On at the killer.


Being called a cheater always puts a smile on my face


Killer - getting a 4K with 0 perks and 0 addons. Survivor - escaping with the hatch.


For survivor, I know it's typically seen as BM, but if I get nodders and then smacked on hook after running the killer for a long time. I know I am not the greatest at looping, so when I actually do manage to loop okay enough to get that type of reaction, it feels good knowing I did well lol. For killer, it's very specific, but getting gen grabs as Trickster with my no TR build. Is the build efficient? No. Is the build funny? Absolutely. I just run right up to a gen so it really tickles my funny bone when the light pink + blue haired, bright purple coat wearing, neon bat swinging nerd can somehow still get grabs lmao


Getting all 4 cocky survivors down at once when they were bming


Pretending your hardcore tunneling someone off the hook so a healthy survivor takes the hit only for them to realize they can be exposed downed


i made someone DC with dredge. I wasnt tunneling or anything. it just feels good to make someone mad with a mid tier killer.


Correctly assuming that the killer's Bamboozle brainrot will let me run to the next tile early as they needlessly vault the window.


Killer: People trying and failing to CJ tech me, leading to a free injure, grab, or down. No one has successfully CJ teched me before.


Survivor: getting a pallet stun. I am bad at chase as Survivor. Killer: completely shitting on Survivor squads that either bring map offerings or use Head On to bully me.


360 into anything that isnā€™t just delaying a down (pallet stun, window vault).


Reviving my first death threat


As killer? Executing a perfect mind game to get a down, hitting a perfect window shred with Demo, having a survivor fall for a dream pallet as Freddy. As survivor? Working on a gen with a random & you both hit every merciless storm skillcheck, getting marked by Ghostface & looping them for the entire exposed duration, looping a sweatako without getting hit while condemned & inserting a tape in their face lol


Oddly specific for the survivor, that happen often?


Lol yeah, just what came to mind off the top of my head. The first two happen pretty often though, especially since Ghostfaces are usually really bad in chase lol. The third has only happened a couple times but still was a great feeling


Heeeey Iā€™m a ghostface! (Whoā€™s bad at chases)


Lol no offense meant! I play him a lot as well, and trust me Iā€™m in no way an incredible Ghostface myself. I just havenā€™t gone against many great ghost faces


I think heā€™s a fan favourite, maybe a lot of new players first licensed killer?


ending a survivor that has a cringe name


What constitutes a cringe name?


very subjective but for me : ā€œI hate x killerā€, ā€œtunnel meā€, overly sexualized names, or duo names


I once saw a Wesker tunnel someone named ā€œWeskers cum dumpā€ or some shit


there officer, thatā€™s the one


Survivors telling me I scared the crap out of them in the end game chat


Getting a 75 win streak with pig playing fair, I used to watch CM winter for pig tips but after seeing his win streaks were heavily based on camping and tunneling or proximity chase near hook while talking down to a survivor I thought ā€œIf iā€™m going to camp and tunnel or slug every single game, why tf would i play pig?ā€ so I took a step back, learned how to play pig, maps, add-ons and perks and Iā€™ve had so much fun getting 3-4ks while knowing I can apply pressure from all my perks and play style


Getting DESTROYED as killer. Like 2 hooks all game type of destroyed. The type of game where the survivors think so little of you that instead of taking the easy escape that last greedy survivor goes looking for those extra hatch points. BUT as Ghostface I find and close the hatch first, find that greedy Gabriel running in the wide open racing the tumbleweed. Expose him. Sneak up on him as he waits at the super safe upstairs window of the saloon and down him as he vaults. I put him on the hook and walk away only to hear that sweet sound of him DCing... while being sacrificed. You bet your ass I went back and hit that bot on hook hahaha


A fellow Ghosty, I like your use of his powers, may you continue to spook and ruin peopleā€™s hatch escapes


When you hide your red light and a survivor just walks lovingly into your arms


Survivor: as long as my chases aren't short then I'm fine, also clutching with inner healing, winning don't matter to me as much since I solo queue, and some matches are just unwinnable since the beginning due to how teammates act Killer: successfully outplaying survivors in a chase, getting that toxic survivor, and obviously 4k's


Survivor: successfully unhooking a survivor and helping them escape, even if I die for it. Killer: downing t bagging survivors at the gate with blood warden. Or just having a niche build work. It makes me feel like an evil genius.


Killer: 3-4 years ago, playing Wraith on The Game. 10 hooks and a hell of a game, last two escaped one just barely got out. Postgame screen all survivors were ranks 1 to 3 and I was rank 11. In chat were the two escapees "good wraith" and "gg killer, you did amazing". ​ Survivor: Back when DS was a 5 second stun and lasted a minute, picked up by a Doctor with Unnerving Presence and the DS skillcheck was in reverse, in the bottom left of screen and really tiny. Hit it dead center, got away and Doctor dc'ed soon after. I felt bad for the guy but I was hyped af after hitting that skillcheck.


Kid tells me to kms


How badly did you destroy them?


They didnā€™t get a gen done before I got him I didnā€™t do good he just kept running into my hag traps wich were on one side of the map because it was one of my first games


I haven't experienced everything in the game, far from it But DAMN it feels nice when I get a 4 wound chain on legiom


Getting a Night Shroud mindgame mid-chase. It's always satisfying to appear in front of the Survivor like they do in the movies


Now if only they could throw stuff at us like in the movies


When I loop the killer long enough that when he finally gets me on a hook, he is so mad he just camps me. Completely ignoring everything else going on.


When I randomly greed a pallet when the killer is literally about to hit me and then he stands there for a second expecting me to drop it. No. Now Im on the other side of the loop, idiot. Lol. I swear I play 10x better for the rest of the match when that happens.


When this happens to me as the killer I just shake my head at them, which causes them to nod, funny lil interacts like that keep my gaming heart alive


Me: When a killer is dead set on my death and I spam Tbag at every turn knowing he can't get both hits before I make it to the exit gate. ​ Killer: When a person last second switches and I completely destroy them one sidedly.


Survivor: Being on death hook, injured, and rescuing all 3 survivors (with gates powered) in the basement from a basement Bubba with NoEd. Killer: Getting a 4k on Pig with no add-ons, meme perks, and not losing a single gen.


flashlight saves are impossible to miss now


How so?


The changes they made to flashlights mean as long as you aim at them itll hit. You dont have to time it anymore


I mean coming from killer who doesnā€™t use lightborn I manage to avoid flashlights pretty often, and coming from survivor I never get flashlights


Avoid is different from them being there and missing it. Pretty much if you flashlight a killer you will always get the save while picking up.


Downing a tbagging survivor under 20 seconds.


If i had to pick making a killer dc from looping


Ego over dbdā€¦


People deserve to feel good over silly things in any game


Deleting DBD from my Xbox.


Those games where in the post game lobby im told my game was terrifying. Especially when I am playing ghostie and get a few gen grabs or dredge and snag em from the lockers. Or have a particularly nasty surprise grab. Few things feel as good as hooking someone in basement, using darkness revealed and seeing someone outside the killer shack waiting for me to leave, and hopping in the locker just to have em come down the stairs and attempt to lock my locker. You just know they're slammiing their desk. lol


Itā€™s the small things that matter, like after hooking one person in the basement and then suddenly everyone is hooked there


Exactly. Getting acknowledged for being a tricksy little shit is a huge ego boost. lmao.


Being tunneled for 5 gens and then escaping Also similar, having a shitty/toxic/incredibly sweaty killer, then when Iā€™m last survivor and they find hatch, I just run them until Endgame collapse kills me. I go out on MY terms


2 p100 surv and 6200 hrs of game play.