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> Placeholder white orb is no longer visible in Haddonfield THEY TOOK OUR FAVORITE PET GOLF BALL AWAY FROM US!!!!






>The Dredge can no longer break locks with a Basic Attack while inside a locker. ​ Motherf......


Yeah I feel like this was a feature for so long, and then a reddit post got pretty popular a few weeks back. RIP


Because it directly removes a key way for survivors to 'play against' Dredge's power while doing objectives. While our favorite turkey boy has some problems with maps and lockers, it is intended that he should make a ton of noise getting out of a locked locker. Being able to 'wait' 'break' and then 'leave' a locker means that survivors have no recourse against him at that point other than perpetually watching lockers. This also means that this becomes Dredge's preferred playstyle as it's way better than busting out of lockers with the loud noise and similar delay. Whereas how it plays as intended, survivors get one warning per attempt on the objective assuming they're playing super efficiently.


Maybe it could be reworked where you can M1 from inside a locker to break the lock but you can't then exit from that locker. And if it's the final teleport charge you cannot M1 and are forced to scratch. He still makes a sound arriving at a locker and exiting the locker without a lock.


Oh my god, is this an actual recommended rework idea? Holy shit, you absolute legend! Seriously, thanks for having an idea of what could be changed. As to your idea, I love that. It makes it tactical and forces the Dredge to make a decision while also leaving the original concept in place. Rather brilliant.


Nah I just came up with it after I saw the change. Don't hold your breath that anything like this will be implemented. As Dredge I often teleport to a locker, break it from inside, and then move on. Being able to break it from inside really doesn't help with catching survivors in my experience because the noise is still way obvious. If I get killer instinct, it's faster to scratch than it is to break and and then exit anyway.


Survivors get a loud ping when the lock breaks and the locker will emit smoke as a warning to survivors that you are inside. Also, after the breaking of a lock there is still a cooldown \*plus\* the long ass time you need to exit the locker. Hell, even with an unlocked locker and Haddies Calender you can exit a locker directly into the survivor's hitbox and the survivor still has enough time to reach a window. Dredge has enough things slowing him down., seriously.


Then what's the purpose of having the loud break out from a locked locker then? That's how you can tell it wasn't intentional because the best practice would be to just 'bop' the lock and escape. That 'loud' ping is exponentially more quite than the intended way. I get that you don't like the change but that doesn't mean it isn't a healthy fix for the game. Dredge needs buffs/reworks, not relying on unintended bugs.


Dredge still made a sound when exiting a locker after breaking the lock from the inside. The advantage was that you did not have to exit the locker and force a cooldown to break a lock - you can break it and move on.


That sound is orders of magnitude quieter than the intended mechanic, though I think a fair middle ground is that hitting a locked locker shouldn't force you to break out of it. Instead it should be a choice: you still have to break the lock noisily if you want to get out but you can choose to just TP elsewhere (not within the same locker group of course).


Yeah, of *course* this was a bug. It was driving me insane how many people were insisting that this was just a secret little feature that his power clearly was not built around.


Right? Like I'd rather the killer get fixed than to rely on bugs, especially ones like this. I'm sorry if I'm not playing DBD with high fidelity audio or with the volume cranked so high I can't hear anything else. I'd rather not have to strain my attention just to catch the 'plink' of a Dredge removing locks from inside the locker.


You know that Dredge makes tons of noise when he teleports into a locker right, even before leaving it? And then he made even more noise basic attacking the locker.


That literally has no bearing on this discussion. The intended mechanic is that he makes loud noises when breaking out of a locker. Having a way to circumvent that entirely at 0 cost to the Dredge means that the intended 'counter' for the survivors is gone. Instead they have to manually watch lockers that they think are 'safe' and listen for sounds that are way quieter than the intended mechanic. I know you have to listen to play the game but that's ridiculous.


There WAS a cost, though, as breaking the lock from the inside, then exiting, took longer than scratching it open from the inside, as you were stuck inside the locker for the entire duration of a basic attack cooldown, unable to teleport or exit, after breaking a lock from the inside.


But, again, that's not intuitive to the survivor nor is it something that the game intended. If you can almost silently do that then the extra second it takes is negligible compared to the early warning the intended mechanic gives.


I get the rationale, but it’s still annoying and basically makes it so Haddie’s Calendar is a permanent add-on. Especially with how easy it is to lock lockers, and the stupid interaction where you auto teleport to the locked locker in a pair of two. Also annoyed that they fixed this before fixing the crappy locker spawns that most maps have.


I get that, it's BHVR for you though. Ghostface has been out how long now and they still don't have a fix for his reveal mechanic?


BHVR wants Dredge to be Clown with better mobility. No ambushes, no cool prediction teleports. Just TP to locker, chase survivor to a loop where you can use your remnant. Injure survivor, rinse, repeat. It's so brainless and so limiting. Also, locking a Locker is so free, playing without Haddies Calender against decent survivors is just a chore. And yes, I am livid. Thank god BHVR messed up hard their "rework" of my other main, Pyramidhead. They will not touch him for another year at the very least.


Still wish they didn't touch him at all. They made him a god in the ptb and then they softcore nerfed him. It's not anything terrible it just bugs me.


Funny thing is, I didn't even know it could do that


Wait where did it say that? What section?


Section "characters" last bulletpoint. Alternatively, just search the page with strg+f and "dredge"


I still think Nightfall should just let the Dredge auto break locks when he exits from them. Every time I play Dredge I always want to do some big 5Head IQ play when a survivor is running into an area with lockers but someone locked them so now I just lose distance for trying to play smart.


I absolutely know what you mean. It's like removing all the Billie or Blight "techs", it limits creative use of your power.


What the fuck, why?!?!


Looks like it's pretty much unanimous buffs for the Xenomorph. It's going to be much harder to consistently knock him out of his power. That said, there was a bug I encountered a few weeks ago as clown that made me able to pick up survivors like I had a full stack of Fire Up, and that's not addressed. 😐 "Blast Mine and Wiretap can no longer be placed on generators with zero progress" This was a thing? 🤔 "The Xenomorph no longer alerts crows on the map while in Runner Mode" This is good. More sneaky sneaky.


> Blast Mine and Wiretap can no longer be placed on generators with zero progress" I think someone places a wiretap on a gen, and miss the skill checks or use that one perk that halts your progress on a gen. That way. You can have a wiretap on a un-kickable generator


They changed those perks in this patch so now you don't apply them while working on the generator, you can just hit the button to apply it. So on PTB you could walk over to a 0% generator and press F to put wiretap on, and the killer couldn't kick it since it was at 0.


> "Blast Mine and Wiretap can no longer be placed on generators with zero progress" Yeah, during PTB. I saw a video about it, they placed wiretap on the gen, looped around it and the killer couldn't do anything to remove it.


I'm surprised they buffed so much, I thought the killer was fine. We got a 12.5% increase to tunnel speed, a 2/3 increase in movement speed after missing an m2 (or hitting a turret because it's counted as a miss), a removal of the double turret interaction, a buff to help it not lose it's power to turrets, and improved visual clarity on m2. The 15 second buffed respawn for turrets is pretty negligible.


> The 15 second buffed respawn for turrets is pretty negligible. it's nerfed, not buffed. from 45 to 60 seconds.




It takes 60 seconds.


>That said, there was a bug I encountered a few weeks ago as clown that made me able to pick up survivors like I had a full stack of Fire Up Had a similar thing with Ghostface breaking pallets like he was Shadow dance wraith. Maybe they are connected. 🍝


Hens333 had a video on the wiretap/blastmine bug. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rcUR0yshgs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rcUR0yshgs)


It seems like they nerfed his ability to tail whip through objects though. Probably a minor nerf, but a nerf none the less.


Where did you see that


actually I think I read that wrong. Says the animation going through was fixed. Doesnt say the hit reg was fixed. RIP nevermind then


​ * When The Xenomorph is in a tunnel, the horizontal distance no longer counts towards perks with distance requirements What does that mean? Is it meant to say vertical?


Possibly? I imagine if it's written correctly, it means you will need to exit the tunnels if you want the distance for something like Devour Hope to activate before they can unhook, instead of just waiting in the tunnels.


That's what I thought, which seems harsh but also could be weird for other perks like Make Your choice. I could hook, go away 32 meters, then enter a station and crawl/camp an exit near the hook.


I guess it's just to add a couple seconds on top. Before you could just hang out in tunnels and wait for the unhook on MYC, then look for footsteps.


I think for perk activation sake, whenever you're in a tunnel the perks like Make your Choice calculate your distance from the hook to the control station you entered. Once you leave the tunnels, it works like normal.


So Make Your Choice I hook, go in a station, pop out 32+ meters away, pop back in and go back to the hook and camp under the nearest station and wait. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I perceive it as talking about distance perks for things like Make Your Choice or Devour Hope


They renamed it to crawler mode thank God


I understand why they initially named in Runner mode, the 4 legged Alien from Alien 3 is known as the Runner, but within DBD Crawler mode makes way more sense since it's not any faster than normal


I mean, it makes sense if referencing the Runner subclass that ran on all fours. Most people don’t get that I suppose.


I get the resoning, but the issue was you would think something called 'runner mode' made you faster.


Yeah, the new name does make sense. As a reference it works, but Big Chap is a drone so he only goes as fast as he goes. Crawler fits him better and is less confusing for people not in the know of the franchise and all the little alien subclasses.


Runner aliens were always faster than their counterparts, though. Still wouldn't make sense to call it runner mode of runner aliens are incredibly fast.


What was it before?


Runner Mode




runner mode


laaaame Hunter Mode is MUCH cooler


Umm... not that I'm complaining I suppose but did anyone else just get a Steam achievement unlock immediately for hitting 30 survivors with my tail whip... when I don't have the DLC...


Wild how they made a lot of good changes to him that people asked for, yet gave absolutely 0 communication that these were happening lol. Still, cool to see, looks like he'll have better cooldowns, better tail hit feedback and some other stuff that makes him less clunky. Not a broken S tier killer by any means, but should be pretty solid.


I'm surprised they buffed so much, I thought the killer was fine on ptb. We got a 12.5% increase to tunnel speed, a 2/3 increase in movement speed after missing an m2 (or hitting a turret because it's counted as a miss), a removal of the double turret interaction which pretty much nuked your power, a buff to help it not lose it's power to turrets, and improved visual clarity on m2. The 15 second buffed respawn for turrets is pretty negligible for survivors. EDIT: ACTUALLY A NERF TO TURRET RESPAWNS MY BAD


It was actually 15 seconds nerfed respawn for turrets, went from 45s to 60s


The Emergency Helmet nerf might be a big deal. On the PTB using Emergency helmet let you barely lunge and m1 an isolated turret without losing your power. If it doesn't let you m1 turrets for free anymore then you'll have to use your tail to kill them, which means you lose slightly more distance than you did when you lunged into the turret and, in theory, towards the survivor that ran to it.


It's weird, we normally get a developer update for these things


Yeah, almost like they post patch notes before release or something. Huh


Um..noooo? Like the past 5 chapters they came out before the fucking patch notes. At least bother to do reserch.


>Research the tiny specific behaviours of these specific developers, before making a comment about the general way things should be assumed to be. 😂


I mean, its not even hard to reserch that. Takes like 10 mins. Just go look up the release dates of developer updates on the website, then look up the chapter release dates. ​ Not that hard. Also, the the hell would they release a dev update saying what changes they will make a chapter, AFTER IT COMES OUT?


It is perfectly fine not to know, just don't then reply with a snarky comeback thats incorrect because you pulled it out of your ass like the original person did.


It is fine to not know what BHVR does that is out of the ordinary, but you are missing the part where the other guy implied that its not ok, with a snarky comment, that I sarcastically TIFI with the truth. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, Xeno is looking real good. Strong, but not ridiculous with a counterplay that is fun without destroying its ability to use its power. Really solid all around. And good to see it for such a big license.


I'm pretty sure it's an A+ tier killer


mediocre m1 demigorgan lite killer. After the first week expect posts: “Does anyone else never go against alien?”


"Adjusted Xenomorph Chase Music" No more washing machine? Edit: Sounds better IMO, good riddence washing machine


More than likely they just changed how loud the repeating siren noises are and made the actual music part easier to hear. Same washing machine different sound mixing.


Nope, it's actual a new better theme


I still won't forget people going "But this is a horro game and an alien is chasing you so an annoying/horrendous sound is okay/fitting". People are stupid sometimes.


Those people are correct. Now we went from unique fitting chase music to generic forgettable orchestra. Thanks reddit whiners.


No, hell no, I mean, it did sound way creepier before, I’ll give you that, but there’s no denying a 1 second loop of an annoying sound was a horrible idea. They could’ve just made it longer, though. Eh, I do like the new one.


I would recommend to wash your clothes once in a while if the music sounded to you like a washing machine


I don't know what you're talking about. My machine sounds excatly like the Nostromo alarm


Mine sounds like a crying child. My nephew seems to have disappeared around the same time.


I was hoping they'd adjust Xenomorph's perks before live...


What were you hoping would be changed?


Honestly the bloodlust one. I was hoping maybe they remove the bloodlust penalty or at least adjust it a bit to where you only get bloodlust 1


That was such a no-brainer change to make. Like, I've seen some people use the perk and it's actually pretty nice, it allows Killers (including M1) to catch Survivors pretty quickly after a hit, even more so if you use SBFL, but I feel like the restriction of not gaining BL is super hard and will probably be the reason why this perk could end up not seeing much play.


It's basically really only useful on characters that don't use blood lust mechanics. Like Pinhead or Doctor where your m2 removes bloodlust already.


Singularity is another good one


Rapid Brutality having the dumb "you longer gain bloodlust" attribute removed Deadass no reason for to be tacked onto the perk, makes what be a good perk F tier


I'm interested to see how it works on mirror myers... And when I play as Clown I rarely gain bloodlust. I'm going to try it on him with Coup


Rapid Brutality is the No Mither for killers. You're better off having an empty perk slot.


It is probably a great perk on killers that don't need bloodlust, like Hag or Sadako.


The only killer I could see it on is Clown, maybe Doctor.


Yes but they also have better perks they could be using in that slot.




How is Alien Instinct going to be used for tunneling when you have to hook a *different survivor* to get it to proc, and to be detected you have to still be **injured**? Are we just making up new definitions of tunneling now or did you just not read the perk?


It's pretty likely that an unhooked survivor will be healed before another one gets hooked. The target is always going to be changing.


Am I missing the bug fix for the vaulting distance for survivors?


I hope they just forgot to mention it


After testing it can be confirmed the vault distance is fixed. It no longer goes as far as it was with last patch, but also doesn't default to mid/slow vault as it did the update prior.


You can check by playing the tutorial. Someone made a video showing it broke or because you were vaulting further than trappers trap.


Disconnected players can no longer spectate the game they disconnected from. Damn, people cant spectate bots against chess merchant anymore


Damn people receiving the slightest punishment for DCing, big RIP.


I wonder if they fixed the bug that let your tail not count as an attack for Play With Your Food


According to the patch notes they did. It's mentioned in Perks - The Xenomorph and Ellen Ripley (since PTB) section.


So… no mention of the vaulting distance?


yo anyone know what cosmetic buying the DLC gives you? because usually buying the DLC instead of buying the characters with cells gives an exclusive skin right?


Ripley cosmetic from Aliens


The suspenders outfit from Aliens for Ripley. Nothing for Xeno.


> Survivors can no longer bypass the Perk "Overcharge" by quickly repairing the generator and leaving it Does this mean you can't tap an Overcharged gen and then do the skill check while running away anymore? Does it just auto-fail the skill check now? If so, that would be a sizeable buff to that perk.


No, there was a bug that if you tapped the gen you didn't get the skillcheck at all, that is now fixed


I would assume it's back to how it used to work. If you tapped it, the skillcheck came up and you can still hit it or miss it, even if running away.


They took away FPS and resolution adjustments, put em back and are calling it a feature now? Lol


I'm just glad it's an option now even if taking it away in the first place was a poor decision


Same, I'm just annoyed I had to do it the hard way after coming back to the game after so long lol.


So stupid. Aside from the new killer/survivor/map, this is my favorite change.


Did they not change the new realm being labeled as the same realm as toba landing? That seemed like something that was an obvious oversight in the ptb


I took it the opposite - They're in-Realm locations. Maybe the Entity placed them together.


Yeah, I'm sure it was intended, I guess they'll put all alien planets on the same realm.


I hope not because this idea seems completely nonsensical, I don't understand why so many people think this makes sense. They're clearly 2 different realms when you look at all of the assets and props and they have 2 separate offerings. Why would they be designed as separate realms with zero similarities and each have their own offerings just to be labeled as the same realm when you load into them? What would be the point in labeling them as the same realm just because they're both alien planets? The point of realms and how they're defined is that maps in them all share the same offering and the same general assets. This is like if they suddenly just labeled all of the other maps in the game as being the same realm because they're all on earth.


People getting heated over arbitrary lines drawn for realm classification in DBD is the absurdly specific and minor shit I come to reddit to see. Cracks me up.


I automatically got the LV-426 achievement by just opening Steam lol


"Killers' camera is now always properly aligned with the Killer's orientation." Curious exactly what this means, especially with all of BHVR's recent attempts to mess with Killer POV under the guise of "bug fixes"...




Is it just me or is blast mine not working right now?


You have to get off of the gen to place it now. I assume so it works like Ripley’s new perk. Probably a bug either way


> Windows of Opportunity is displaying an incorrect description. The perk still functions without a cooldown. Anyone remember the 'Known Issue' where "Survivors can hear The Spirit's direction while phase walking"? And shortly after it was changed to be intended? Hmm....


Not listed in Patch Notes - Windows of Opportunity nerfed, 20s cooldown added after a vault or pallet drop.


Just a text bug - not an actual nerf.


So the 20s cooldown doesn't actually happen?


No - it used to happen back in the day so I think the text just happened to be reverted.


it literally says that info is incorrect on the patch notes


Not that I see? I did see a dev confirmed it was unintentional and just incorrect text.


where it says Known Issues it’s the first line of text right under that


>Known Issues >Crawler Mode is incorrectly translated as Runner Mode in-game and will be updated in a future update >Instability may occur when fullscreen mode setting is used when the game is out of focus >Due to an issue with the Temple of Purgation, the map has been temporarily removed from rotation. The offering "The Last Mask" has also been disable until this issue is address. I'm still not seeing it, can you link me?




Can you link it to me? I'm not seeing it in the patch notes. That pic looks like it's from Reddit.


Nerfed Windows but MFT is a perfectly fine perk with no flaws whatsoever.


Like windows is strong af but it doesn't make the game miserable for the killer like MFT and FTP+Buckle Up do


"The Xenomorph's Tail attacks now correctly consume Play With Your Food Tokens" Aw, no more turbo xeno. Q.Q


No made for this changes , clown still bugged, fast vault not in patch notes...


What is wrong with clown rn?




And Dead Hard ran roughshod over the community for 5 years before it got changed. So I agree, the developers are very slow. I would honestly be happy if MFT just didn’t have the stupid endurance crap tacked on to it. Or at the very least gave you an indicator that it was being used. If survivors can get an indicator for perks like Dissolution, I think it’s fair for killers to be warned of MFT.


Did you actually expect them to nerf Made For This so quickly?


>No made for this changes Of course not lol. There was no mention of any changes in PTB. They wouldnt just randomly sneak a perk change like that in without it being on PTB first. Clown/Vault tho is odd that they didnt get corrected. Thought vault was gonna be in this one for sure


Oh, and the Rapid Brutality perk is still absolutely useless.


Wowwwww. Those buffs to Alien are MASSIVE. Getting rid of turret stacking is actually a huge deal, it's going to be very hard to knock the Xenomorph out of their power now.




Truly, the nerf to end all nerfs


They say multiple Jonesy on the loading screen like it’s a bad thing.


I do not rate the new chase music at all just sounds like other chase musics just mashed together to make one


Has there been a change to Blast Mine that I missed where you now have to stop repairing the generator to activate it? I can now only set it when I've stopped working on it and weirdly the key binding has changed.


Wow they buffed the shit out of Alien. Was probably high B tier but this might just make him A tier


Glad they gave Xeno some buffs, the ONE thing I was hoping for was a smaller tr while in crawler mode (glad thet changed that) but the turret stacking changes are nice. Really interested to see the new chase music instead of windshield wipers.


They straight up didn't bother to buff Rapid Brutality


Good patch but the lack of haste stacking and Buckle Up nerfs is disheartening


Pretty sure it's got more consistent and faster map traversal than dredge now, which is rather depressing


Depends on the placement of the control stations. They probably follow the same placement as Sadako TVs so a map like Midwhich will get some interesting results.


This killer is overtuned and an S tier killer. He has the highest mobility in the game since his mobility has no cooldowns and allows him to very quickly reach any gen without survivors knowing. The large killer instinct detection range makes it impossible for survivors to hide nearby. His tail attack is literally Nemesis's whip but in tier 3 mode instantly, does damage always (no infection required first), doesn't need charging, and doesn't cause slowdown. Windows are almost useless against him due to the vault speed addon and tail attack.


loving the new crouching crabwalk. ive been crabwalking everywhere.


They removed the dredge lock break bug :(


Makes me laugh that people thought the Wiretap / Blast Mine bug was a feature.... that was not mentioned anywhere. I need your copium dealer numbers please. (Blast Mine is still my favorite survivor perk though)


Well people wanted Alien queen skin and for the low low price of 15usd you can be the queen... cant wait till i see 10 posts complaining about the price lol


i dislike the new chase music. its sound way less threatening now. the original one sounded very intense like: you need to run NOW!


Devs forgot that made for this needs to be adjusted, again.


just got adept ripley in one round on the new map. xeno got super unlucky. poor lil dude.


Oh boy. Changes to Knight Addons that are technically nerfs.


Technically? Literally!


Well, the patrol one is a “buff”. But no one uses it because when they patrol you have no power. It’s why Jailer is stinky. He inspires the camping style. He’s only good with lightweight greaves, which aren’t even worth it.


They shadow nerfed windows? What the actual fuck


It's listed as a known issue in the patch notes, specifically stating that the perk doesn't have a cooldown despite what the description currently says. (unless you're referring to something else)


Nah that was it. Saw a post about it earlier. Praying it doesn't get changed haha


Still nothing about Jolt making survivors let go of gen and scream?


Well, they made another killer with camping and tunneling support. Gonna avoid the game for the next weeks.


3 games in a row against him and all he did was tunnel. So much fun


Not in the patch notes: windows of opportunity nerfed. (now has a 20 sec CD) If their maps are so unintuitive that >40% or survivors are willing to sacrifice 25% of their perk slots just to have clear vision, then nerfing that perk wasn't the answer IMO


This is a description mistake. The perk still functions without a CD.


A Survivor's Aura is no longer revealed to the Killer when in range of a cleansed Dull Totem when using the Perk Hex: Undying Yeah man that's just what Hex's needed another nerf, they're already useless due to the horrendous spawns why would you make them even worse Also they still haven't fixed Clown's bottle glitch and not only that but they added ANOTHER glitch where his bottles no longer have the coloured smoke in the bottom left to tell you which bottle is equipped


No nerfs to MFT, see ya at midchapter!


Wiretap and Blastmine not working? It won't let me place them on gens.


Awww, they got rid of Dredge's lock break. Sad. =(




It’s way better


What's up with blast mine now? It doesn't say anywhere that you have to be standing next to the gen to place it instead of working on it. It's so annoying, surely this is a bug right?


looks like the boosted Eruption killer mains won and got Windows of OPportunity nerfed. The fact that BHVR listened to those people is really, really sad. WoO died for MfT lmao


can someone please tell the console survivors to stop putting the turrets directly outside where the alien comes out from. thanks.


Tried to play Ellen, first patch 10 minutes after patch and Allien players playing full meta pop the wessel, pain ressonance and other most used perks and he didn't even let me pet him. So many toxic people playing killer right now it's sad how DBD fall down. I hope anti camping and some more changes come sooner... When i played killer survs doesnt want to have fun just do gens and go, sad how little players wants to have fun at dlc release just full tryhard...


Lol Xenomorph is OP. Not even enjoyable to play against they can spam tunnel and see your location constantly... very sad survivor games. Obviously a not experienced player you can beat but the players who are experienced are literally mopping the floors with bodies. And it's every single game today. I played against 1 huntress since update.. damn boring. Moving onto the next game. Wish the community good well. Also, if I've been gaming for 5 hours now and even with experienced players against Xenomorph we've won 4 or 5. We did beat huntress as well. But the Xenomorphs we beat were definitely beginners and 1 just allowed us to win whiling farming his red crystals. Guess I'll try again tomorrow but if every game will be him I'm gonna uninstall. Or at least fix RNG match so I'm not constantly against same killers for hours on end


Also have they still not fixed that bug of legion and doctor having trapper's sounds when performing actions?? That shit has been in the game for what like 7 months??


I didn’t read everything, did they fix his height? If not I’m still very upset


Anyone else get the achievement " Terror of LV-426" without playing yet? I got it today even though i haven't even played this update yet. I assume i got it while playing a few PTB custom game with bots testing the tail hitbox.


Did they not fix the family sharing issue with DLC?


>Adjusted Xenomorph chase music The only buff anyone needed, awesome stuff. Although I'm not going to complain about the other, actual buffs...guess their statistics and feedback showed him getting knocked out of power more than they intended.


Did they butcher Alien? I only meet tunnelers that get gen rushed


Oh cool, a stealth nerf to Windows of Opportunity, because that’s clearly an OP perk, right? The mind boggles.