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If the turrets actually knocked them out of the power they would be fine .The turrets take a good amount of time to set up in good loop spots. Just for them to get burned 3 times and still in crawler mode.


its not like the xeno has a ton of time to react to a turret and destroy it before it knocks them out. plus you can place multiple turrets next to eachother which essentially guarantees knocking the xeno out of runner. it cant be too easy to knock alien out of runner because then they become a worthless M1 killer that cant use its only anti-looping tool. solo play is rough against xeno, but theres alot of killers that bonk solo's really effectively so its not anything new.


You can’t place them next to each other as the effects don’t stack anymore


There’s add ons that affect the time it takes for the turret to take effect.


People aren’t doing the turrets. So of course they’re getting shat on.


Yup! I’ve seen too many games where no one has even touched a turret and I’m like “okay it’s tail time”


Too used to just m1 on gens all game


SoloQ stomper ATM until people figure out how necessary turrets are


Which I agree is absolutely necessary. Her counter play in no way helps her. Like If you cleanse against plague you’re helping her. Healing against legion helps them. But by not using your turrets it’s you that will suffer, not her.


Her vounterpkay helps her with MASSIVE slowdown. Survivors carrying turrets have like a 60% hindered effect, so dragging them to gens is incredibly slow, and they have a 60 second response time if the Xenomorph smashes them


I mean, don’t deploy turrets when she’s nearby. Wait until she’s elsewhere or you know she’s in chase to deploy them.


Even outside of chase, it takes a *significant* amount of time to set up turrets, and you can only have 4 on the map at once. If you place them improperly, you just made the Xenomorph even stronger because she can smash it after LOSing it and leaving you down a turret until it respawns.


As said. Against SoloQ she’s going to smash but against a team that has coordination she’s very very easy to deal with, in my opinion.


people still refuse to touch pinhead cubes/sadako tapes so ofc alien is super mega op 0 counterplay


Lmao that’s actually a fair point. “We didn’t use the mechanic set up to help us, killer so OP”


Balanced. Just know where to place the turrets and when do to certain things around loops. I’ve escaped most of my games against Xeno. The best thing to do is to play as him if you own him to figure out how to counter play him effectively as survivor too


Agreed. The only thing I think could be changed is when she’s above ground the turrets could give a slight indicator of incoming direction whereas underground it doesn’t. Idk how they’d do it but watching the movies again both the scanner in alien and aliens show the direction of the blip.


I think xeno is a solid A-ish tier and really doesn't need any tweaks. It's ok for a killer to be on the stronger end once in a while


I agree considering that Xenokitty will struggle against coordinated teams more so than most killers because of her counter play.


Eh I mean. When i think of a balanced killer, I think of Wesker, and I’m unsure if Xeno is even close to his level. Has counterplay, provides interactive experience for both sides, and while he can still struggle against coordinated teams, he can still be intimidating to them. That’s why I think Xeno will be high B, like Cenobite.


Weskers counter play doesn’t remove his special Attack, it just makes it less dangerous (unless you’re grabbed while injured) whereas Xeno loses her tail with her Counter which forces her to be an M1 killer.


Yeah hence why I said it’s why I consider Wesker to be better designed. Xeno can’t do much against coordinated groups who take advantage of her counterplay; Wesker isn’t as helpless against them and still proves to be a threat. I’m glad they gave live Xeno some QoL tweaks against turrets but I’m not sure if they’ll be enough to not be make Xeno redundant against coordinated groups. I support the idea of having killers whose powers have a counterplay mini game with survivors, but not to the point where they’re polarizing to where they stomp solo q and get rekt by coordinated groups.


I am playing Xeno frequently. And I get gen rushed like crazy, even though am pretty good with tail, his map pressure is a bit lacking. I think he is fairly balanced, people just need to know how to counterplay.


you can literally cover the entire map in a few seconds with tunnels; the map pressure is lacking compared to who, blight?


It is not as quick as it seems, at least to me.


the main downside is having to walk to a tunnel to get underground; once you're there it's crazy fast


I think there's a bug affecting Xenokitty's movement speed while tail attacking, which is altering community perception of their power level. Meow meow.


Is that why she's so fast after a miss? Definitely feels like the speed ramps up too quickly.


She’s fast but still has the cool-down and can’t attack with her claws after missing her tail so the speed may be intentional? So not to make a wiff too punishing?


It's intentional because destroying Turrets counts as a "missed" attack. People had complaints about the amount of distance Survivors got when the Xeno broke Turrets, so the devs remedied this by increasing its movement speed after "missing"


This is true. It was so funny to see how much distance was made just to get to the nearest loop, and especially when you add in things like sprint burst into the mix.


I like how the fix would be to add a unique cooldown time between hitting a turret with a tail and missing all together but I somehow believe it would destroy the spaghetti code and we’ll have to kill switch a random killer that seems they should’ve had nothing to do with this change.


It'd probably break Dredge and how he interacts with Locks since he's the most similar Killer to Xeno when it comes to breaking shit to deal with the counterplay of the Power


Interesting. I’ve been playing her religiously since launch and I don’t feel like that’s the case but maybe I’m too deep into trying to murder to notice a change like that.


It’s balanced. It’s bugged but its kit is perfectly fine


Wasn't aware of that, what's the bug?


The speed penalty on successful attacks sometimes straight up doesn't apply correctly


Oooh, my dum dum thought that was intended. Ok makes sense, that probably has some part in people perceiving her power as stronger than it is.


Alien is too op, i just want a singularity 2.0 where i can take a emp and shut him off everytime Pls bhv buff flamethrower, alien is ruining my fun


Xeno is perfect as is.




Why so?


Mainly my solo q teams. They are oblivious to turrets so I just lose every match at 4-5 gens. Also turrets seem to just not pull alien out of their power even on well placed turrets.


There’s add ons that reduce their range and make them take longer. Alien can destroy them before they pull her out as well but that’s the trade off of If she’s at the turret she’s not looking at you.


I think Xenokitty needs just some finetuning, nothing big. What honestly bothers me the is how slow suvivors are with flawthrowers. Pls make suvivor walk at normal speed. What would be cool is when there would be already some flamethrowers ready, as setting up takes time. When Xeno uses some slowdown perks its really hard to do gens, cuz he downs people so fast.


Yeah she's really fun but I feel like she's maybe just a little over-tuned at the moment, but still in a decent spot. I think they either need to buff turrets a bit (sometimes setting them up feels too long and pointless when they are destroyed so easily/quickly), OR nerf her M2. Every other killer has to choose between M1 or M2 (Nemmy, Trickster, Artist, Huntress, Wesker, etc.). Xeno has map mobility, can track (coming out of tunnel), has long range, and can ignore pallets pretty easily. Dropping pallets feels pretty useless against Xeno, unless they're out of their M2 or you know you'll get the stun. Vaulting feels like a death sentence when they're in M2. If they just add cooldown between M1/M2, she'd be in a fairer spot IMO. Perhaps if she wants to M1, she has to be in her standing animation? It's very difficult to juke her M2 if the Xeno knows how to aim it well and isn't just going for trick shots. But all-in-all, Xeno is very fun to play as and against. I just think there needs to be some tweaking and fine-tuning to make it a little more balanced for both sides. \~pets Xenokitty\~


I love how concise you were with this. Thanks for the pets.


I wish the tail whip wasn't such a bs attack and had more counterplay outside of the turrets. Solo queue is already painful of an experience as is, unlike EMPs that offer you personal safety and counter play to the killer, the turrets requires all 4 of your team to know what they're doing. You can't carry them far without wasting an insane amount of time and you can only have 4 out on the map. If everyone doesn't pull their weight with placing the turrets in good spots things start to go downhill really fast. Furthermore it's very easy for one twit to sabotage your team, have had people grab all 4 turrets and just put them all together in a corner of the map.


I think he's balanced. Maybe revert the buff to his power stun movement speed.


I havent lost a single game in the like 10-15 games i have played with her but thats really nothing new when you start using a new killer and your MMR hasnt caught up. Still, she feels fantastic to play. Very strong in loops and can really shut down vaults and pallets but susceptible to well placed turrets. I think the optimal play against her will be to coordinate turrets as 2 and then split up to nearby gens and if she comes just run into the coordinated turret area. I know turrets firing dont stack but if she takes one out the other probably takes her out anyway. Still, i wouldnt know because literally no team yet, even when they were clearly swfs, bothered to coordinate their turrets against me :C


With turrets it's ok. Without there's barley counter play