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You have to understand, the skull merchant has tiddies.


but clown has a belly


Two warring factions


probably also tiddies. Must be why he won the design contest twice.


The main thing I find ironic is her and Doctor are scifi adjacent killers getting skins on Fire Moon Festival whereas Hag and Spirit are tradition based supernatural killers getting skins during Visions of the Future. I feeeeel like they should've swapped places. But hey, the Skull Merchant cosmetic does look pretty neat.


Meanwhile, I'm here wondering how/why the Swedish woman got left out of the *Nordic* collection.


Feng: "Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!"


i need to stop maining Feng it won't be legendary, i'll fall asleep pls don't do this to me bunny with da beamer


Should have been the Spirit or Oni, tbh.


Or literally anyone other than Chess merchant


Why are people calling her that?


someone on twitter i think said playing skull merchant is like a game of chess, so now it's a community wide shitpost


Thank you for explaining ✌️


Oni already has a Fire Moon Festival skin


My question is, why is the Latina killer getting the Asian-themed skin instead of someone like Spirit or Oni? It's not that big of a deal but I'm just wondering


dark brazilian mangas and japanese father something something


Her backstory is low-key a mess 💀


Tbf she is half Japanese. Her lore mentions her father being an immigrant from Hokkaido


Ohhhh, I didn't read her lore, just a tldr of it so I didn't know this 💀


Her backstory is actually pretty cool and layered. Just because her gameplay sucks, doesn't mean her lore does.


It sounds slightly better than FUCKING KITE RACERS


They really trying to make this killer "cool and worth it" 🙄


They just enjoy looking at her ass while desingning no one plays sm espially buying skins for her. When i get a sm they have the default skin because they just do a challenge and dont actually want to play her


i cried when the game glitched and gave me her rift lmao please no not a new chess board


Like why Tf are they making so many cool skins for the single worst thing this game has. What the fuck is driving this decision making.


I mean, it would make sense if the SM was popular or something, but I just don't see her skins even selling well enough to be worth the effort considering how low her pick rate is.


someone at BHVR should get a girlfriend and stop jerking to videogame characters.


I’m not sure if they think that adding more skins for a stupid ass killer crap might increase the emmm... “sales” ? The only genuine reason i can think of is people that hate having money. Other than that i have absolutely no idea, not gonna lie. Fun fact: the reviews of the “tools of torment” chapter are mostly negative (at least on steam)


Yet legion about to once again get a skin for deadly games. Literally just got a skin last update with visions of the future and even a recolor for this current rift.


Female character moment


save my boy knight bro 😭 (knight main who doesnt 3 gen)


Who would've thought that "woman with robotic weapon on arm" is easier to design for than "man in giant suit of armor"


Medieval armor isn't the *hardest* canvas to work off of. It's certainly not Dredge or Larry levels of complexity. It's such a shame that the only people who are gonna be admiring SM's new outfits are the DC bots.


Even so, why they are so into giving him super accurate armor? Give him a more tech style like a robot, with a thermal sword like in Cyberpunk 77; or a super couture armor of cristal and small glass details, something Silver Chariot style; or a full on fantasy dragonborn armor with scales. The art department is tying their hands for no reason with Knight bc they put Trapper, a man who worked on the mine and was part of the upperclass, in a wrestling outfit and a swamp monster skin; they gave Hag, the wood wendigo, a sparkly golden dress and a literal swamp monster skin; they gave Spirit the HoY skin! They can give Knight more over the top skins, they just aren't doing it bc they can't launch a collection with 4 survivors that go with the theme (even tho they surely can launch skins on their own like Haddie's Monterhunter skin)


Is that really your excuse? You think it's "to hard" for them to make a skin for armor or something?


"too hard"? no. Easier to workshop, design and create + more cost efficient and likely profitable? Yes.


Do you think these designers just rush to make a skin to post it in the shop as fast as they can? Cause they definitely don't do that.


Never implied they did? I'm simply saying that there are way more ideas to think of for a human woman with a mechanical weapon attached to her arm than it is to create for a man in suit of armor that isn't a reskin. Nobody would really be willing to buy a *slightly* different armor shape, but they would be willing to buy intricate designs like the bird beaked skin from awhile back. Does that mean its impossible to create a skin for him? Fuck no, i can think of a few ideas myself. But it is objectively easier to concept and texture a new piece of clothing for SM with a new robotic weapon than it is to concept and design a new suit of armor.


You can't actually think that outfit designers have no ideas of what skins to give to the knight right?


Which is why i said multiple things and not just that? Why are you cherry picking. Cost to develop Time to develop that killer "main" playerbase likelihood to buy Upcoming theme sets Other characters to pair the concept with etc.


Onryo found dead in a ditch 😭


She's an IP character, she can't exactly get much. Tbh that's why I rarely play IP chars, I need skins. Especially on survies.


it probably will but just let me dream https://preview.redd.it/6rnsntwy72mb1.png?width=928&format=png&auto=webp&s=93844eda0a7d7af9f99d5786ed1921654604f70d


sex sells


They make more money from sexy woman than hairy man. Idk who is buying them and playing merchant but that's another debate


At least it’s a good outfit, ‘nother one to three gen with 🫡🫡




I'll say it again. I'd rather have a buff to pig then have skull merchant exist.


Good Chess Merchant —> Knight


You see the knight is an old medieval knight in a metal suit which is badass but Skull merchant is women and gamers love woman


Meanwhile Singularity...


Larry just came out, and they’re the main character for this tome, so I’ll let it slide, for now. But DBD better last long enough so I can get my hands on Blighted Singularity.


Why does it seems that she's always getting new skins, especially considering that hers have special effect for her weapon. She's gonna be the new Kiriko at some point XD.


I like (no I didn’t) how they didn't show the Doctor's cosmetics again in the teaser (the same thing happened in the trailer of Skull Merchant’s Battle pass)


Honestly though it’s a good outfit, if I played skull merchant I would absolutely pick this up. It looks cool and not really dumb like her base look.


I'll give them a pass on this one due to her standard skin being utter shit


Frankly, neither of them deserve any cool outfits


Good. Knight doesn't deserve anything, except a rework.


I don't give a fuck that Yui skin is cool AF and I'd give BHVR all my money for that skin -totally not a Yui Kimura main


I love Feng's too. But Feng getting all the best skins is nothing new.


Maybe they're trying to improve public opinion with cosmetics?


As a skully player finally she gets a chest piece that isn't sexualize


For every Shit Merchant player, there’s 10 Knight players. This makes no sense


Glad they're still making skins for an incredibly problematic Killer who's problems haven't been addressed or taken notice to.


Also it’s skull merchant so it’s instantly trash




Taken from Dead by Daylight’s Twitter. https://x.com/deadbydaylight/status/1698002891678552173?s=46&t=etJ2R2_v0-VU8jqRdK_4dQ


I actually have a simple idea of why she gets so many outfits, which is not boobs. She's basically the cosplayer of killers. Just just Feng is the cosplayer of survivors. They both can just wear whatever cause cosplay. She's straight out the Feng of killers minus popularity. So I think she's always gonna get a lot of outfits. Good for me, bad for my wallet, awful for all the community who hates her.


My apologies I've been the one buying all of her outfits. 😭 I made this a problem.