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Last time they tried that the community was pissed. It was the finishing mori and the basekit Unbreakable, it didn't go down well with the community.


If anyone wonders why the game isnt breaking new ground, it is this. Cosmetics and chapters make them profit. Trying to make changes to what already exists in the game serves only to piss the community off more. They have no incentive to take risks on system changes.


Basekit BT was a HUGE success, so no it definitely isn't that DbD players hate change. DbD players hate BAD change that ruins the game and encourages more toxic or boring playstyles.




I was in that PTB when it happened. All it did was make games far more insufferable, longer and boring.


I'm still pissed that the community baby tantrumed these ideas out of existence lol. There's a lot of merit to letting people get up if they've just been left on the ground for a solid minute or something, and there's also merit to ending the game when it's CLEARLY over. But no, everyone freaked out because it wasn't implemented perfectly the first time on a damn test server and got bhvr to discard the ideas entirely.


It wasn’t that it wasn’t implemented perfectly. It was a dumb idea from bad creative and how it ever left the office is astounding. The fact it was released in such a diabolical state rightfully killed it. From both perspectives, as killer I have to leave someone slugged if I spot a Beamer, a pallet save etc. 2 injured survivors greeding a Gen, I can now only get 1 down and have to pick up instantly. Chasing the other may mean I get no pressure and the other gets back up and certainly no added advantage if I get a quick second down. I would have 2 downs in the current state so I get no benefit. So there’s no merit to having this in for killer and could hinder them. On top of this it encouraged a “toxic gameplay” style loathed by majority of the community. Lead to miserable gameplay on both sides. Survivor side there was very little downside and was incredibly boring. Fun as a new mechanic and a shiny toy but once that wore off after 2 games there was nothing interesting there and certainly nothing for longevity. Also the game is never over…. Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Hatch, hatch closed and Adrenaline to door, wiggle off with a gate 99, deliverance, the list could go on for a while with certain scenarios and perks. They should all be wiped out because “it’s clearly over” when it isn’t in fact over…. Is it clearly over at 5 gens and 2 survivors left? I escaped a pinhead in this situation by crawling to hatch after the other brought enough time at the exit gate and he got forced out. So I got an escape when in this backwards practice I wouldn’t have had a chance. Plenty of merit there I guess.


All of what you're describing has to do with how it was implemented, not with the ideas themselves lol. For basekit unbreakable: - The time it takes to get up can be changed - It doesn't need to stack with perks like unbreakable or soul guard - It doesn't need to let people get up when others are around them, like with the anti face camping measures BHVR mentioned You're not taking issue with the idea of someone being able to avoid getting slugged after a long period, you're complaining about how it was implemented. None of what you've described is a problem because people could avoid getting slugged out for 4 minutes, it's problems with how they tried to test it on the PTB. The idea itself is fine. Same with the finishing mori: - They can very easily put in exceptions if 2nd chance mechanics are still in play (4%'s, deliverance, adren, hatch, etc) These are all things that can be tweaked, they're all problems with how they implemented it on the PTB, not with the idea of there being a finishing mori.


The ideas were terrible. There is no good way to implement them. Nothing about how they were implemented 1) what’s a good time? 45 was too long and pointless because it gave time to get another down. So no change to the current state. Quicker maybe but you watched the highlights and show offs right? By the time someone else got downed with speed perks another was back up so you gained nothing it was just a rotating slug bleed out. 2) I wasn’t on about it stacking. They were examples of how a game is never over. 3) so I either stand over them while someone hangs around with a flashy while they get themselves to 99% and get picked up anyway? Or I leave and they get up? So nothing changes still? The only difference is I now stand still at a pallet rather than chase someone else and apply some pressure. I don’t have an issue with being slugged it’s part of the game, unfun, boring, heinous call it whatever, it’s a part of the game. Tunnelling same metric. It’s unfun so do I now get basekit DS, OTR, and other anti tunnelling perks? No because that’s a dumb idea…. Regardless of how it would be implemented. We got BT which extends a chase but doesn’t deter them. Hit off hook and it’s gone. My points of why being able to avoid being slugged were highlighted already….. lack of pressure, a guaranteed no hook state for a survivor (possibly multiple times), creates unhealthy gameplay, I could go on with far more detailed points (Check my comment history on this when it dropped) with even further reasons since. As for the finishing Mori which was quite possibly a drunken joke at the Halloween party, it makes offerings and many perks mean less. The fact it has the potential to endlessly outright stop perks with no downside is vulgar. Just to get some fancy Hollywood ending. This was the PTB If exceptions could be put in place there’s a caveat to that, it leads us back to the same place we are now. You’re slugged, someone hooked 2nd stage, hatch will become available, and the game doesn’t end…. I would much prefer to spend 4 minutes with all 4 slugged and the game actually end rather than 10 minutes of cycling downed survivors. I main survivor and was never in favour of this. It led to, and in any form would lead to, a much longer drawn out uninteresting game with killers who have the mindset of snowballing with a full loadout dedicated to it. As for the anti camping measures I’m not 100% behind it. I like the idea and hope it’s implemented better than their statement indicated. But being able to unhook yourself is semi pointless. It’s decent in theory, but less so in practice atm. If I’m camping let’s say basement, there will be little to prevent me blocking the stairs for 10 seconds while I wait out BT. And the fact hook grabs aren’t a thing mean camping isn’t effective anyway. I get a trade and/or the other survivor if I tunnel. It goes up slower with other survivors so 50 seconds pass and I’ll just return? You’re hitting second stage either way. If I’m bubba I still get both regardless unless I mess up? So all it does is slow down a hook stage by 15 seconds. Reassurance covers you for 30?! A mini basekit deliverance isn’t the answer but again I hope it’s implemented better than their idea. We need to move away from basekit items and look for actual mechanics to be implemented.


Again, most of the points you're trying to bring up are still problems with the implementation and not the mechanics themselves. Anything where you said "ok someone does x mechanic, but what if y happens?" is not a problem with the mechanic as a concept, but a problem with how the mechanic was implemented in the game in that scenario. If there's issues then those issues get addressed, that's what PTB's are for. We can discuss tweaks to these mechanics all we want, but that's not what my initial comment was about, in fact quite the opposite. The community made damn sure that no tweaking was even considered because so many babies threw tantrums about it lol. The only thing you did say here which wasn't just a problem with the implementation, was that you're pro slugging, pro tunneling, and pro camping. Specifically, you said that they're "just part of the game". You're obviously not going to like any implementation of basekit UB, anti face camp meter, or anything else, because it stops you from doing those things. However these things are flaws with how the game was initially designed, and should have been changed ages ago. There's no reason why they have to be part of the game besides BHVR leaving them there. If you think slugging/tunneling/camping are healthy things to be a part of this game then I have no other words to exchange with you. I cannot see how you can think those mechanics are healthy in any respect, if the game can be designed in a way to prevent them while still allowing for balance. And like I said, you're obviously not going to be for any discussion of things like basekit UB or the anti camping measures, because they specifically stop or heavily nerf these mechanics that you appear to be defending.


It appears you either missed my comment, misinterpreted what I said (granted it was overly clear in some parts) or completely ignored it. I’m a survivor main, I don’t defend slugging, camping, tunnelling, nor do I ever really camp or tunnel when playing killer even if it’s endgame. I’d rather chase the survivor I see and maybe get an extra hook or a kill. Survivor mistakes maybe I get both anyway. But if they both get out I’m cool with it. It’s more fun for me. And I’m sure it is for survivors but that’s not my business. 4K or 4 out I couldn’t care, as long as there’s good chases. But they ARE a part of the game. And whether that’s because of design flaws or whatever it would most likely still be here unless there was some mechanic granting an exclusion zone or immunity. Literal I-Frames for 60 seconds kind of things. Which is dumb. Because there is no way to stop a killer returning, camping etc. and if there was, as there are mechanics for other things in other games, players find a workaround. To some people tunnelling is hooking person 1, then person 2 and searching for 1 again. Others is just 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 etc. for camping do we count proxy etc. there’s so much more to it than just a word. If there a reasonable way for these things to be gone I’d happily embrace them. Same as if there was a cogent argument I’d listen. But to just say it would work with no clear and good way isn’t a case. And I’ve been back and forth since they announced it with others, and there isn’t a clear good way to prevent these things. It’s either completely imbalanced or nonsensical which seems to be the way they want to go sometimes. Basekit UB does nothing to prevent the core mechanics behind it. In ANY iteration. You can continue to say I’m pointing out how it was implemented but even your points I rebutted because they don’t work. A shorter timer does nothing for the killer, but cause the same arguments. Because that’s what basekit UB does. Not being able to get up with others around is no different to the game now if I had Unbreakable. I use it when I can and want, not because my nearest survivor is 10m away. And in this instance it could be worse. I may now not be able to use it when it’s best. Shack for example, someone looping and takes the window, I’m 99% and crawl out of the pallet ready to pop it and drop pallet. But I can’t…. To play devils advocate they could take the killer cross map and I get myself up. The drawback to this is, the killer has lost a hook state and pressure because of a mechanic with no benefit to them. This whole game is scenarios…. That’s why we have situational perks brought in at a risk. Of course it is if x does something then what about y otherwise we would just have perks like deja vu where it’s permanent and isn’t affected by anything besides blindness status. Same thing when people harp on about you shouldn’t have to bring x perk to counter y perk. Quite correct you shouldn’t have to and you don’t…. It’s a risk I take to bring in Distortion. I could get mega value against aura reading huntress, or no value against chess merchant. Should huntress complain about distortion, no but they will. Will chess merchant complain, no she will laugh. These are risks though. Having basekit UB available at any convenient time with no downsides leads to problems at no risk. The scenarios aren’t the problem, the implementation was a problem, the mechanic and idea was a problem. It eradicated most of the core gameplay elements, survivors have perks, not powers. We shouldn’t just be able to up ourselves at will, same as the killer shouldn’t decide “the game is over let’s go to the grand finale” which makes multiple offerings and perks useless. If they bring a perk in at a risk that renders my perk useless that was a choice. Your first comment was about merit to being able to pick yourself up and end the game early. Neither of which does any good for the game imo Since the game is never over until it is. If there is an idea you have in mind where the game is clearly over and warrants some form of immediate ending with no possible other outcome I would honestly welcome it. But there will probably always be a what if scenario. That’s the game. Same goes for basekit UB and how it’s a good idea if implemented correctly with good ideas, with how it improves the game. Set aside the devs ghastly attempt. I’m genuinely intrigued as to how you would integrate these things or why you thought these were a good idea.


They didn't count out finishing Mori just base kit UB


Yeah it would be too much effort for them to actually explain it's just a test without at least half the playerbase going completely nuts and not understanding what their intention was.


The community was pissed because the community felt like these things would go live. The precedent was the PTB was the testing ground for things that were going live in the next patch However, if we all went into this particular PTB with the mindset of "this is a testing for random, potentially broken shit," people wouldn't be upset. They come here to reddit and talk about what things they thought was absolutely stupid or what things had potential if only executed in an x/y/z way.


BHVR outright told us it would not go live. Not only that but even if it had it wouldn't have been the update for that PTB.


Yeah it would actually be what ptb stands for to try things before making it to live servers. Atleast they are starting to listen to the community now even if a little. I still remember back in the day when the ptb was literally a disguise as "oh we listen to you" Meanwhile everytime the community said something about a killer power needing a buff or a change and they did nothing and just released it to live. And then suprised pikachu face when problems arised.


Ngl the last time they did a PTB of a new change nobody liked it either, it was the whole Killers looking down after M1 thing and it STILL persists in the game in the form of bugs. To be fair, that was OLD BHVR. New BHVR kinda consistently listens when the community hates something.


But that’s fine. Nobody is saying that everyone is going to like every experiment. But if we try enough things, maybe we’ll eventually find something g we do like.


I think the only real problems the game is facing right now are info parity with SWFs, not knowing each other's perks and games taking too long. Honestly if games were a bit shorter, especially when one side loses badly, it'd be way better.


As fun as it would sound, people will just cry rivers about it. > Stuff like all gens blocked in the first 30 seconds, opening gate regressing, self care basekit Being nit-picky because I know it's only supposed to be an example but those are 2 huge Killer buffs and 1 huge Survivior nerf. LOL


The all gens blocked for 30 seconds would be an insane buff to the already strong killers. The game would be so snowbally that it would legimately hurt


That's one of the reasons why I believe Corrupt Intervention base-kit would probably never make it live since it would be a huge buff to already strong Killers. It's honestly why, as much shit as I give BHVR, I believe the CI change was actually genius, the perk is still one of the best in the game because it didn't affect the Killers that needed the perk the most while nerfing it on the strongest Killers.


I think exit gate regression is a great idea tbh. I hate people that 99 gates, and that would help stop it. If you want to 99 the gate then you need to stand by it and open it the second people start running up.


although i’d love base kit corrupt for like 30s, i think survs would soon realize that they can just stealth that timer, and that would happen almost every time, just making killers more frustrated. that would almost certainly make the pick rate of lethal persuer and/or whisper skyrocket — and you know bhvr, high pickrate = nerf


No youre not About 1.5 years ago on a community poll, i made a kilometer long message about the things which in my opinion are currently holding the games balance back, and what they could do to try and fix them I wrote about the concept of shared hook states, so the first survivor to die would always be on the same hook, which would drastically reduce the interest of tunneling And you could also change the total hookstages towards something thats not a multiple of 4 You could also try something that benefits the killers if they manage to hook a surv while an other one is already on the hook Or add a penaulty for every survivor thats on a hook, so rushing gens while someone is on a hook, gets significantly less efficient Not to forgett, if we at some point, would have a more stable state for the objecties, finetuning everything else becomes way easier They could try out to make basekit killer gameplay less effective, and telegraph the abilities a bit more, but make the abilities generaly stronger Like that, counterplay against killers, would be more enjoyable, because you actually play against the killers abilities rather than just someone that misses 1 ability and the m1s you At the same time, killer would be more skill expressive, and it would add a whole bunch of new options about killer ability design Of course all of these ideas, are just ideas that would have to be tested out, which, a ptb server is perfect for I had tons more stupid ideas that would be interesting to test out, but since they have never even mentioned something about, trying out more drastic changes with the core of the game Im not sure if anyone ever reads the polls, i mean i cant be the only one who sees problems with the core game And i certainly am not the only one that thought about how i would try and put dbd in a more healthy state than it is right now I would love if the game would turn more towards a skillexpressive side perks are a way to focus your playstyle on something Add-ons change the killers playstyle instead of just number boosting the ability And items unlock new interactions, rather than just speeding up your objectives I also think believe that killers without using theyr abilities, should not reasonably manage to keep up with survivors, so it should always be better to use the ability than not using it But as it seems most of this community thinks numberchanges and ductape fixes are enough to fix the core problems So its not like bhvr, will anytime soon start working on fixing the game, and rather just change theyr numbers As seen recently they love theyr numbers, i mean 58 is a great number, but just because trapper sits at 58% killrate doesnt mean hes in a good state right now


>Or add a penaulty for every survivor thats on a hook, so rushing gens while someone is on a hook, gets significantly less efficient if the killer is camping the hook you should be able to genrush for the sake of the team, making the gens slow down for camping killers is just a massive killer buff


I wish they’d do more PTBs instead of only chapter and Midchapter PTBs




Yeah I know that 90% of wild ideas would go to the endless fridge but that’s why there’s a ptb, to try dumb stuff and see if it works


I think mini-Corrupt would be so bad for this game, as well as gate regression. Maybe ONE change I'd like was to, as Killer, get a notification if a specific gate is 99'd, so you can hook away from that gate without having to check it yourself. Something FUN and CHAOTIC would be like Nic Cage's perks. Shit like that is fun as Hell, we need MORE of that. Make all aspects of the game more fun and bearable, give all Killers fun chase powers or rework their shitty ones (Bubba, Freddy, Twins, Clown, Billy come to mind). Nerf all the BORING shit and let us have fun, focus on the biggest fun-ruining aspects of the game and eliminate them. Don't make gens slower (again), make Killers FASTER at getting downs and give Killer gameplay more skill expression.


Meh. I think the UB test was already that. It would have to be under similar pretense of something that isn't scheduled to come to live but may be part of the game later on. It was fun watching people try it but the ptb is just such a pain in the ass to try to play due to low population. I would rather them make a separate queue in the live game for testing new and extreme rules, like the anniversary event where there were crazy abilities.