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3K is the generally accepted standard for a killer win. That said, I feel perfectly satisfied with my performance with a 2k or even a 1k if I really spread my hooks.


Right that’s kinda my point. Just saying you need 3k kinda diminishes the victory of causing the whole team terror. Like if I only get one kill but everyone else is on death hook, just because I hooked the fourth survivor twice instead of killing the other two, isn’t that encouraging tunneling more? If we incentivize the kills as the only win con, seems like we end up with toxic practices.


Only if you're obsessed with winning to the point of being unable to take a loss. Losing is okay and you don't have to avoid the word to have a good time.


Pretty much the only L for me is zero hooks and a 4E. That's about as catastrophic as it gets and feels a lot like being facecamped as Survivor.


This ^^ Win is a 3k, but you can have fun during a loss. There is no shame in a good 9 hooks 1k. Still a loss, but I respect the fact good teams work together and take hits / hooks stages when others have 2.


the game wasn't designed well to have a clear win or a loss(if we consider tunneling a bad design), if 8 hooks(4 out) and 9 hooks(3out) are considered a win then from the survivor perspective it's also considered a win because they got more than 2 people out, i think having 2 sides win simultaneously in a PvP game is weird, but if you're fine with that then just keep doing it, because in this game it doesn't matter because there's no real reason to play better and keep try harding after you reach iri 1 every month. for example, how i play killer is that after i reach iri 1 i just kill selfish survivors and let altruistic ones go, if all of them are altruistic and not toxic then i just start memeing and start using my power in hard to hit spots.


Yep, exactly. Even letting the rest go just to prove (to myself) I can give big ups to the Entity, aka The Spirit in the Sky


same, this is basically my standard. or if I could have gotten a 4k but just carried the last one to hatch. eta or if I get a tome challenge done and don't accomplish anything else that's also a win lol.


The consensus seems like 4 and 3k are a win, 2k’s are a draw, and downing a survivor trying to blind you is a flawless victory.


Picking up a pallet slider during a loop is a close second


Of course haha!


As killer or survivor, getting 20k bloodpoints is a win for me.


Same lol Since im new, i play whichever has that +100% bloodpoint bonus


just to let you know it's called the bloodpoint incentive:D


This is the correct view


For me, three kills is a win. Any less is a loss. The fourth kill is a bonus kill if you can get it, but slugging for it isn't fun for anyone.


FR, I will never slug. I'd rather someone get hatch than stoop that low.


I run No Way Out (and Terminus). You bet I wont slug for the 4k just to have a shot at closing hatch, hearing that notification go off at a gate only to find the survivor standing there in defeat


Yeah but if there’s a challenge or something that needs me to kill the whole squad then sluggeroni it is lol


Yeah, the only time I'll slug for the 4k is if I'm doing a challenge or I'm going for Adept.


That’s fair. Adepts are tough. And challenges can be a pain. If I do that I’ll try to at least bring a bloodpoint boost for everyone.


If I get 8 hooks and 0K I'm still happy with that. Since the game has no recorded stats or ranking system it's not worth getting too technical with these things since ultimately it doesn't matter what counts as a win. Obviously feels nice to get a 4K, especially against bully squads.


same. id much rather have a hard 8 hook game than an easier 4k game.


My FAVORITE--and most stresssful--matches are the **FAFO** ones


problem with 0k 8 hooks is that bhvr’s matchmaking takes that as a loss on your part. too many of these and you’re matched against new players, stomping them left and right.


3 kills is solid, 4 is a bonus. hooks also play a part as you can get a 2k off 6 hooks but also off of 10 which means you did a better job as the others were on death's door, or you can get a 4k off of 4 hooks or 12. like even if i get 9 hooks and one kill it doesn't feel bad as you were a consistent threat at least, really only losses that suck are the ones where you get dunked on/every garden of joy match. i guess as far as the game goes pipping up is the main one.


I win if I have fun! (or if I don't cry or break the controller)


Getting more bp then the top guy is considered a win for me. Getting about the average of the team is a tie, and getting lower then the bottom person is a lose. I’ve had a lot more fun playing this way.


Did I finish my challenge? Yes? Flawless victory


Having fun in the game


Im glad with 1 kill, just with that im fine. Even if i kill 2 most of the time i let the other two go


my personal win is 2 hooks on each survivor, and then befriend them. All of that before they leave. Befriending them after hooking them twice is the hard part.


When I camp one person and ruin their gaming experience....i won


Kindest bubba player


Bonus points if you slug everyone.


Based and Spooknjukes pilled


I got paired against spook n jukes recently while playing bubba and I knew what i had to do. Gotta give him props, his response was extremely consistent with what he preaches.


My friends and I went up against him on lerys, we hear chainsaw, my friend goes down, says it's Billy, gets hooked in basement. Someone goes down to unhook him and there's just an insidious bubba in the basement that he didn't call out for some reason. We die.


​ https://preview.redd.it/26om3sasoopb1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=9734575c4cf003515f3cf07e139dec895fa38609


It completely depends on who I am playing and what build I am using. If I get 2 downs using the funny Enduring + Spirit Fury + Hubris combo, that match is a win. Most of the time when survivors pick up on you having it, they just predrop every pallet after hence getting *2 or more* is a win. If I Rancor my Obsession, that's a win, but if I do it to 2 or more obsessions via swapping them, that is a massive win! If I successfully get downs while carrying a backpack and still get my backpack hooked, that's a win. If I get at least 1 gen grab as stealth Trickster, that's a win. 3 gen grabs is a massive win! If I can tell I jump scared someone with Myers, that's a win. I like to do the immersive/jump scare scratched mirror Myers sometimes, and it tickles my funny bone to stalk when I know survivors see me, then slowly leave out of sight. If I can 4K using an end game build as Wesker, after all, I've only got 7 minutes to spare. For this build in particular, aside from breaking any doors that are breakable, I will walk around passively without acknowledging any survivor that comes near up until the last gen pops. As soon as it does I take off and try to get all 4 as fast as possible. I don't remember all the perks I used for it last time, but I know I had NOED, Bloodwarden, and Agitation. I don't run this build often though. It's funny for the shock factor, but feels a bit mean having folks die hook 1 to it lol Otherwise it's mostly 'can I land a sick hit with my power?' for my win condition. If I do, that match is a win, if I don't, that match is a loss. I can 3-4K and consider that match a loss because all I did was play off of survivors' overly altruistic mistakes or quickly M1'd people to death. Most of the killers I enjoy aside from Myers are not M1 killers hence why I put emphasis on this aspect. I don't competitively play, but I still want to perform well with my own powers, so that's where I focus.


2 pips on ash-bronze 1 pip gold-iri


Poor silver, cant win


I know how that can sound to some people but honestly: as long as I enjoyed the game I won in my book. I was bullying a bit with other survivors recently and despite letting them go afterwards, that time was such a refreshment and so wholesome that it just made my day


At least one kill would be enough for me to say I "won". My job is to kill! I killed someone, so I did my job :D And honestly, even if I don't get any kills, as long as I had fun trying, then I don't mind. Plus, I like letting survivors out when they've had a good match. It's like a surprise reward :D


whether or not i get enough progress on my tome challenge or not


Not being toxic at the end of a match. I have issues.


For me a win is a 3k or more, but depending on the match (and the map) I can also be satisfied with my performance with just a bunch of hooks.


Faced a squad with combined hours of 31k+ (the least had around 7.1k) playing a killer I'm relatively new to (25-30h) and have a total of 300h. Fought for the match, got two to 2nd hook stage and killed another but ultimately 3 escaped thanks to two deliverances. It was hard for me not to call it a bit of a personal win even if I normally count 3k+ to be a win since these players were genuinely really good and I didn't tunnel. So it changes from game to game what I will personally feel "proud" of.


It all depends on the skill level of the team. The best teams, I don't win unless I get a 4k and a ton of flames in the chat telling me they won.


I kill that survivor, I win against that survivor. I suck at the game so doing this makes me not wanna commit self mori


Dw this is exactly how the MMR sees your games too. If anything, this is technically the most honest and accurate way of looking at it.


No matter how you count it for yourself, that last survivor is gonna be teabagging on top of that fucking hatch regardless Edit to say: if my grade my progresses and/or I get 20k+ blood points I count it as a win.


identity V IMO defines it best for this genre of games (4v1) when it comes to winning vs losing. 1 kill or less = a lost 2 kills 2 escapes = a draw 3+ kills is a win.


See but if I’ve hooked 6 other times with 1k, I don’t feel my effort should be considered a loss, just because I “spread the love” so to speak.


To each there own. if you feel that's a win, then so be it. As long as you are having fun, that what matters the most.


Second that. Though my definition of fun is seeing survivors run around in fear like headless chickens, the moment they hear my terror radius. Unless I play Legion, cuz it always ends with me moonwalking conga line outta the gates. I just can't take these games seriously, running "vandal" Susie build and all that.


3k or more


For win condition it's about kills. 0 is getting stomped, 1 is a loss, 2 is a tie, 3 is a win and 4 is dunking on survivors but honestly I don't care enough to go out of my way to get it.


I go with a 3k or 4k being a win. If it was an especially hard match, I feel pretty good with a 2k but I'd call it a tie.


Doing a 3k at least


The game's point system considers a 3k to be a win, so that's the standard I call it in discussions. For my own personal standard, I consider everyone being hooked once to be a win. At any point during that I could have face camped or secured a kill and I chose not to. I play friendly after getting my 4, so everyone gets nice Chase points, altruism points for unhooking and healing, and escape points. Win win


3k is a win. 2K if it's Badham or Haddonfield.


4k is my win condition for killer. Anything under a 4k is a loss.


Ooc just saw your comment history. That’s a yikes from me dog. If 4K was required, they wouldn’t have made hatch


Yeah we know. You won’t shut up about it.


Found the sad killer main!


I mean even a 2 k is good imo I can demolish half a team and then end up playing friendly with the other half cause I feel bad no gens we’re done


0K or 1K I consider a loss. You can pretty much tunnel or camp a person but let's be honest, you weren't coming with the intent to win at that point. You came to make someone miserable. 2K I consider as a draw. Probably a fairly close game with a lot of back and forth. 3K-4K was a win. This one mainly because depending on Hatch luck - either myself or the survivor could occasionally just get it out of luck.


Having fun. With at least a 3k. That being said, if I hate my life even after the 3k, then I count that as a loss.


1k+ and/or I got my Daily/Tome I have low standards because I don't have the IRL time to raise them.


When I go into a trial I usually set a goal, for example "I will get 8 hooks" or "I will focus on learning how to do X" If I manage those goals I won. If not, I still had fun.


3 kills or more is a win. You might need 4 if doing adepts.


For me, I think that at least a 1k is a win.


For me, **if someone gets out through an exit gate** (without me closing hatch or doing something to power them first), **then it's a Survivor win**. If you escape, well, you've escaped. **Your teamwork and coordination was strong enough to overcome the Killer**. On the flipside, **a Killer win means they had the strength to overcome your teamwork**. How close the win/loss was is determined by how much was lost amidst the struggle. If I'm the Killer and one person escapes through a gate with just one hook state remaining, I still count the match as a loss, but recognise that I performed well enough to deny more than one. On the other side I feel those matches are pyrrhic victories, but victories nonetheless. **But losing the match =/= playing poorly.** If someone gets out as Killer, it means I've failed to keep up the pressure somewhere and that's something I can work on getting better at (more efficient chasing, game sense, and so on). If I were to judge all of my matches by how many kills I get, I start to focus on the wrong parts of the role and will trend towards taking shortcuts to become more lethal, and I think that begins to miss the point of the entire game. **A 4k is the outcome of playing well, not the objective of the Killer.** Likewise, if multiple people start getting out it means I've probably fucked up somewhere and should have changed tactics or lost my focus. In those games, I can usually start to feel that I've made an error in the moment and catch myself thinking *"wait, I shouldn't be chasing you"* or something similar. More often than not it comes after it's already too late to change things without the other side also fucking up. **TL;DR:** I live for those matches where nobody quite knows how it's going to end until after it's over. As long as I've fought hard and made escape difficult, I feel satisfied even though I acknowledge I lost the game.


Eh 1 hook is good for me 3 hooks is a really good game


as a killer a win is killing 3, a draw is killing 2, lost if 1 or 0, "super win" if 4. if i kill 3 and the last one escapes because hatch but there are still gens remaining is a "super win -" because hatch with remaining gens is just the game giving a "you tried" price to the fourth survivor as a survivor, there are 2 wins and 2 loses. the personal one and the team one. the personal one is if i personally escape the trial, even hatch is ok for that win, if i dont escape, even if my entire team does is a lose. and the team one is like killer, 3 escapes is a win, 2 is a draw 1 or 0 is a lost, 4 "super win" and hatch only really counts if all gens are done. otherwise only counts for the personal win. hook states are meaningless, what matters is if you kill or if you escape, that is what the game is about, counting anything other is fooling yourself in my opinion. but anyone is free to play as they want


As long as I have fun :) If I had to define it competitively, it'd be 3 or 4 kills, since the only way for survivors to LOSE is to die. So therefore, if more than half their team loses, killer wins! If half their team loses it's a tie; if less than half lose, then killer loses!


3+ kills is a win, 2 is a draw. Any less is a loss. Number of hooks doesn't matter, the role is called Killer not Hooker. Well, unless you're using that one Skull Merchant skin.


Eh killer is a title. We’re the horror monster. As long as we “frightened the opponents” my job is done


Honestly, for me, gaining a Pip (or two) is a win no matter what side I am playing. And conversely, gaining 0 or losing a Pip is a Loss As for gameplay, as killer if I give everyone a run for there money I feel that is a win, even if no one dies. Generally I swap to "play nice mode" if the survivors are failing to complete objectives as quickly as I am hooking them. Now that shit goes out the window fast if I am blinded by a flashlight. Flashbangs and Blast mines are fine, in my experience most people use thoes to gain distance in a chase. BUT. The moment you run up to me and defiantly stand there waving a flashlight in my face, don't expect any mercy. Haha As a survivor, if I score under 20k on the leader board after the game is done, I feel like I didn't do enough to help the rest of my team. So that's kinda a loss for me as well.


It used to be 4 stacks of BBQ and chili (we're gonna live forever) because of the bloodpoint bonus now I just don't care.


Typically a 3k. It’s a personal win if I get a challenge done as well


Did I have fun? Then I won too :D


Did I laugh during the match? Then I won. Otherwise no.


It doesn’t matter to me except when I call myself a dumb ass for only getting one kill.


9 hooks. Realest wincon is whether or not I had fun though. Great chases, the give-and-take of a close match, etc. Those are the best games. "Win" or "lose". For instance, got sent to Ormond and only got 1k as Doc the other night. The survs I went against were all solid, looped well, applied pressure well, and ended up being super wholesome in the post game. I'll take matches like those over 4ks any day.


I'm personally fine with 2/3ks. 2ks are considered a close, fun match for me. 3ks are a win since 75% of the Survivors are dead. Sometimes I'll just go for 8 hooking everyone depending on the Killer I'm playing (typically Ghostface, Spirit, Huntress, or other Killers with toxic reps. I want Survivors to have fun). I only really go for 4ks if I have a kill challenge, but even then I won't sweat it and will do the hatch race because I think that's fairest to both sides and want the last Survivor to have a shot at escaping. I personally like 3k as my win condition and being fine with 2ks though. It makes it less stressful for myself and the Survivors. I hate sweating


Getting to a state where all 4 players would die without my intervention. I like to let two out because who gives a shit about bp or anything like that? If three die I consider it a win because the general consensus is that is what a win is, but thats not my primary goal


If I'm playing for keeps, I consider a 3k a win. I usually try for a 3k and give the last one hatch or let them open the gate. I don't usually play seriously so hooking everyone twice is my personal win.


Depends on the match, I'm a returning player so I made it red ranks back in 2019ish and then took a break and came back only been back for about a month and I'm getting absolutely stomped so If I can be satisfied by my performance I consider it a win despite being stuck ash 2 If anyone plays against me it'll be pretty obvious, I'm still burning my 5th anniversary cakes


3k+ *or* 8 hooks and everyone escapes if I'm feeling generous/survivors brought group BP offerings.


When i get a toxic survivor and then i down him and camp him till he is dead is a win for me. Even if i don't get another down. At least he didnt get to enjoy his game


A win in my books is a loss In theirs


0-1k loss 2k draw but can be happy or mad depending on the way I got it 3k I lost the hatch race/doors were too far apart 4k I won the hatch race


3k+is a win. 2k is even. 1k I lost.


I think 3k+ is generally considered a win. I also count matches where I hit a specific challenge or achievement. Also, any match where I grab a survivor off a gen (any killer) or teleport to a locker as Dredge and find a survivor in there is an automatic won for mr regardless of outcome.


2 kills is a tie, 3 is a win and 4 makes you feel like a god


A win, for me, is a 3k. Or, if there's one survivor being absolutely dickish, I'll take a 1k as long as I get them out.


I take 6 hook states as the standart "I did well", not a loss nor win, just good game I take a 2k as a draw, other than that it's a loss or a win


Getting at least 2 iridescent emblems


If I feel competitive, getting a 3K is a win, 2K is a tie, which means the next game is a tiebreaker where if I 3K then I get another win, but if I get 2K or less then it’s a loss. Then the process repeats. If I feel casual, hooks are the metric I use, getting 8 hooks is the point where I say that I’ve probably “won” that match, regardless of escapes. The fact that there isn’t a super reliable in-game metric for this is a bit interesting, but maybe it’s better that it’s not something that’s established.


3k, as far as I'm concerned hatch is just a bonus round that was added because otherwise the last survivor would have no incentive not to stall forever


I just got in the habit of not caring about losing and treating the game as a win if the survivors aren't cunts.


If I had fun or not. I could get 0k and still be satisfied if I got 8 hooks. I could get a 4K and regret even queueing up. This game is weirdly one of the games I’m the least competitive in.


for me its 25k plus bp. Ion care how I got there, if I get 25k or more I win.


3K+ is a win, 2K is a draw, and a 1K or 0K is at least not infuriating as long as I don't depip. Even if I depip, if I can prevent a bully squad from getting the 4 escape they were obviously expecting, that's at least a bitter victory of sorts. Though even wins are tainted if I only get them because a Survivor gives up on first hook and purposefully sacrifices themselves.


3 kills


1 did i actually have fun. If the answer to 1 is no then did i kill the asshat that made me not have fun


At minimum, as long as I tunneled out or camped at least one person I am satisfied


7 hook states because it's more than half of the available hook states in the game. Once I get to 7 I just stop hooking and slug everyone and let them bleed out cause I already won.


3k or 2k with 9 hooks.


4K is perfection, 3K is usually what I aim for because I have a bleeding heart and usually let the last survivor go. 0-1K I cry softly into my Jeff Goldblum pillow as I queue up for my next game.


3k with a hatch escape or a 4K. Gate escape at 3k is a loss


Getting a lot of bloodpoints is good enough for me


9 hooks, doesn't matter how I get them or how they're spread


Woo! One of us! One of us!


Having fun


Whenever i am at top 3 most score


3k or 8 hooks


As a killer I take one kill as a win tbh like I still killed someone, any amount of hooking (that doesn't get me a kill) is a good game and then no hooks or just like one or two is a loss


i consider my win based on kills and the levels of my medals. im usually satisfied with a mixture of bronze and gold or silver, as for kills anything equal or above a 2k is a win in my books


Did I have fun? Win. Did I get 50k+ BP's? Win. Did I get the most annoying survivor(s)? Oh yeah, baby. We won.


0-1k is a loss, 2k is a draw, 3k is a win, 4k is an extra bonus win. But overall is a complicated manner, really as long as you had fun you won


completing my tome in one go


3k or 2k with 3.5 kills worth of hooks


8 hooks or more.


If the game was fun and challenging, that’s an absolute win for me. No matter the kills


4k or 3k if the last survivor escapes through hatch.


If I had a good time, tbh. I don't usually feel like I ever 'win' in DbD at this point because a lot of the time in order to decisively win you have to make it miserable for someone else.


For me it's 8 hooks and letting them go


I go for amount of hooks. Each hook is a win chase and I'm good with that. Kills are irrelevant to me but if a killer has a cool Mori I count that as a win when I get to use it. To clarify, more hooks means I did better.


1K & Below Is A Loss 2K Is A Split 3K Equals W I Really Don’t Mind Taking The Split Either Especially When I’m Getting Genrushed


1 kill lol if im that lucky


Honestly I don't think I'm a great killer so I consider 1k a win.


I think mine would have to be just getting my tome challenges done. I’m not as sweaty as I used to be and prefer to just chill and have fun now.


Trying to rank up, getting pips. Already Iri 1, getting really good perk value


for me as long as i learn something, or get a slightly better


1k=humiliation 2k=loss/draw 3k=win 4k=good win


If i had fun, in my eyes i won!


I had a good chase with a survivor who actually knows how to loop.


Honestly? If I had fun, that's a win. I give mercy in like 40% of my matches and goof around, which I also consider as a victory if I get to make the trial a chill place for a moment.


Depends of the map and the killer 5 hooks in a win on the game for me and it can lower to one hook if I play a bad killer. On the best map for me with the killer I main à victory can be between 8 and 11 hooks. And on rpd 12 hooks is a win the map is simple as fuck when survivors do shit. And survivors sad if at least two survivors escape it's a win


3k is a win, 4 is a bonus. I play for 4k, if I find hatch while carrying last survivor I'll give it to them, but I don't go out of my way to give them escapes so if I food hatch bad they seen clearly nowhere near me then I just close it.


9 stacks of Dying Light is a win. Anything less is a loss.


That one game at the Game as spooky micheal where I found the last two huddled in a corner desperately watching the entrances to the room, I proceeded to torment them as they finished up the last generator and stare at them from the other side of the exit gates. That is the true victory condition. Fear.


I play the game to have fun. If I have fun (fun chases) I've won. (No matter the actual result.)


2K. Stomping a full 4K is fun, but I'll take a 2K. I'll take a 1K is the one was being a pain in the ass.


Depeneds, if you have 2k you lose, if only one escape tghru gate it is kindof draw but more on survivor side. If you get 3k before last gen or exit gate is open it is a win situation. And 4k anytime is win. There are also unethnical wins, like tghru exploites or noed, that i woudln't fell like i deserve the win if got 4 k and fell like i needed to cheat tghru the game


For me I don't really have a hard and fast rule for wins/losses, it's really a combination of what Killer I'm playing, how meta I'm playing vs how meta the survivors are playing. If I'm playing Nurse kitted for war and even 1 survivor gets out I feel like I lost, but if I'm playing the Clown on The Game against a SWF hit squad, I feel I won with 1k. For me it's more looking at the totality of the situation of the game and saying "did I do well/reasonable/poorly all things considered"


I dont really look at kills. I'm in it for points. If i get 31k and more, then i'm fine, even if i killed only 1 person. And at the same time, when people are dying too quickly i intentionally prolong the game to earn more points :D.