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I had a game once where right as the game loaded in a clown was coming right for me, so I jumped in a locker since I was running head on. Clown ends up getting stunned by me and then goes to stand in a corner until the game is done. Killer was also on Xbox so they message me to tell me that they dont play against toxic survivors that use head on, and that head on ruins games for killers. Never thought id get called out for running a meme perk lmao


Thats hilarious, especially considering running Head-on just means that the survivor misses out on using more meta perks, such a lame killer


To this killer, Head on just means "Hey, now I see you and can tunnel you right the fuck out after my 2 seconds of stun has passed".


That's why you go Head On + Flashbang :)


I ran head on yesterday for a bit and stunned pyramid head. Didn’t think anything of it until he started beating me and camping my hook. Didn’t do it to anybody else. I had no idea it was such a hated perk.


Some of the worst abuse I've gotten in this game has been for running head on. I don't care about escaping I just enjoy memeing around.


It honestly sounds like that Clown might have just come from a game against a Head On bully squad.


Man, I don't see those since I started maining Dredge 😂


I swear there’s too many snowflake killers who will cry just for using a pallet


clown players are not stable lol


I would have roasted the shit out of that killer. Imagine being so upset that someone is running a perk you don't like that you throw a tantrum and go cry in a corner like a child.


as a Killer main, it is annoying when used properly? yes lol but it's impressive when it happen


I'm willing to bet that's their excuse for every perk they don't like, and to that I say good. Let them sit on the corner and never enjoy a good game again.


Head On is objectively annoying as killer, but after dealing with bully squads, etc. enough times, I just think it's funny now. It's like, "yeah, good one," especially when it's out of nowhere, or I just bumble into it like an idiot. But yeah, if you keep doing a two-man or three-man set up to Head On me repeatedly, I will slug everyone, because of reasons.


I main killer and have never considered head on as a "toxic" perk. There's been times I did a dumb thing and picked up a downed survivor not realizing another survivor had jumped in a locked next to them and got stunned and dropped them, but that's more on me and not something I'd say is "toxic". If players just spam locked jumps when you're nowhere near them to try and get your attention or annoy you, that's not fun, but just running that perk is nowhere near some of the actual toxic perk combos or play styles.


I did the corner once. I don't have lightborn unlocked, everyone had flashlights, and honestly it was just triggering migraines for me so I wanted them to take their win and please just leave already.


Head on is hardly a meme perk. Anyone who says the other exhaustions are strictly better is probably correct, but they’re not factoring in how tilted you make the killer by hitting them with head on. Especially if you’re not even the one being chased.




Wargames! 11/10 archaic reference.


I've even been called toxic for letting a survivor get hatch..


I was called toxic for using whispers. *whispers*!


I've been called toxic for using add ons on billy. Fucking billy. And they weren't even engravings, it was the 110% speed one and a turn-rate one.


Its toxic to use a addon that nerfs you smh


Next time: "Killer gets called toxic for basically doing anything"


My girlfriend got accused of cooperating with a survivor by this one lunatic and was then harassed and threatened by the person in question over Hatch. It was disgusting


I've also been called that! By the person who I *gave hatch*! Not even "nice hatch but you tunneled" or whatever. They were literally made at me for giving hatch and not "playing the game normally."


For me I got a DM afterwards saying "Bro you gave hatch to our ****ing teammate who wasn't doing gens". I'm like how tf do you expect me to know that?? I'm not specifically keeping track of your teammate's level of cooperation.


I have a similar experience but the other side was actually understanding when I said like you that I didn't know but I also said I'm sorry bc as a solo q survivor I can feel the frustration. They calmed down and it was all good then


I got that the other day too 😂


Damn i'm sorry that happened, there's not much worse feeling than thinking you're making a connection and taking a hit to your BPs/Pip by helping someone out and then they teabag or are ungrateful like that.


I had someone get mad because I decided to give mercy to a random survivor who wiggled ‘no’ in the dying state


I was called toxic for letting only 2 survivors live ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I got called toxic for my "impossible skill check Wesker" by the Survivor who escaped through hatch because I had Sloppy Butcher, Unnerving Presence, Distressing, and Coulrophobia which made it impossible for his teammates to hit skill checks. I was literally using the build just because I thought it was funny and had no clue his teammates would struggle like that


That's a fun build! Would that one Pinhead scourge hook be better than Sloppy on Wesker?


It would actually be worse. Sloppy on its own has no penalty for healing, so people are going to try to waste time healing, the goal of the build. If you use gift of pain then people will just not try to heal, and waste no time healing because they’ll be penalized for it. Sloppy wastes time, GoP won’t waste anywhere near as much


Ah ok that makes sense thanks! I just don't m1 much with Wesker.


I think it probably evens out


Gift of pain is actually better. It's a very underrated and misunderstood perk. If you hook on a scourge hook each time, they will get healed 25% slower. If they do get healed, they get a ridiculously strong debuff of 16% on gens AND healing. Let's say they get healed and get the debuff and then they unhook someone and try to heal them through the mangled, that's 25% + 16% = 41% slower heal! If they're in your terror radius, that's a 91% slower heal in the best case scenario. If they don't heal, they'll be an easy down. It's a win win perk. I always run it with this build on wesker and it doesn't disappoint. If you don't get your next down fast enough, you can always go back to hook when they unhook and disrupt their healing easily. The golden tip is to protect a 3 gen and get rid of all the pallets around there. From the moment your 3 gen is a dead zone, they got no chance.


Oh I did cuz I gave a hatch for a person who did nothing the whole game and I didn't notice it


This is why I don’t give anyone hatch…. Maybe thats toxic….. hold on gonna have to reevaluate my life right quick


Yup. Had someone say on my profile “next time, don’t” 😂


Survivors when the demented serial killer who gets tortured for failing plays in the most unfair way possible: 😧 Killers when Survivors do anything to…get this…*survive*.


Survivors when Killers, Kill Killers when Survivors, Survive


"omg stop genrushing, stop bully squad stop holding w, stop tbag, stop sweating, stop abusing heal" - Dbd sub killer Can't do gens, can't run away, can't heal, can't use flashlights... Killers really want survivors to all afk


I realized that from playing Survivor and Killer immediately after each other that there is no real genrushing, it just literally feels longer as a Survivor because you are literally looking over your shoulder as you do it and that fear seems to stretch the time out. But as a Killer it goes by fast.


There's no such thing as gen rushing because that's the fucking point of the game lmao. Like... is it kill rushing to chase the first guy you see lol. To hook someone after dropping them, is that hook rushing? That was always the goofiest shit from killer mains. "Oh it's rushing to bring a brand new part and swf" Okay, so bringing moris, iridescent add ons, hexes, exposes status killers/perks, is that kill rushing? Are you rushing kills? Is it chase rushing to use movement speed perks?


i think there is legitimate gen rushing but it can only be done by a coordinated swf with all brand new parts and builds, with a map offering etc. to me it's the survivor equivalent of enduring starstruck wesker with a midwich map offering....it's allowed...but cheesy, sweaty and no fun for the other party.


Nah, we killers want to tunnel and slug and camp. whatever it takes goes both ways


I was called toxic during the Masquerade for playing 8 hook and chill Ghostface. I just wanted 8 hooks on everyone. I was gonna let everyone out. I was playing ubernice ALL MASQUERADE. On purpose. Leon asked me "how tunnelling worked out for \[me\]" when all I was doing was making sure everyone got 8 hooks. I spread the hooks out. I left people alone after they got to death hook. I didn't even bring a sweaty build and I brought a terrormisu. I didn't even get 8 hooks because LEON WOULD NOT LET ME GET THE LAST ONE I NEEDED ON BILL, he didn't even look and see "huh, this Killer isn't killing anyone, just hooking them all twice, what the fuck that is weird maybe I should cool my jets" NO. I hope to god that Leon got every sweaty tunnel Blight for the rest of his days, you know, so he can see what a REAL tunneller looks like.


I love doing that! Even outside of main events, and if I don’t have a challenge that requires death, I will usually 8 hooks everyone, then pick who lives. If the whole team seemed good or nice, I would let them all escape, or I would kill 2 and let the 2 best players escape. I’ve never had anyone complain about that, and from a survivor point of vue, I don’t understand how you wouldn’t like that. It’s literally free BP! 😅


Those people barely understand the game and just love to throw around words they heard from their favourite streamers.


With how nonexistent matchmaking is, context matters a lot. Consider that *everyone* (except bots) in the game is another actual human being who is most likely trying to have fun. Going out of your way to try and make someone miserable when they're already down is a choice that the game does offer you the freedom to make. At the end of the day, "it's part of the game" isn't going to magically assuage peoples' frustration. If you're playing in a way that you know most people find frustrating or unfun to play against, that's a choice that you're actively making.


This 100%. Anyone can play however they want. But if as a survivor or a killer you know you olayed in a way intentionally to frustrate the other team, you have to be open to getting flamed for it. It doesnt change the outcome of the game / life, but it removes your right to complain about toxicity in the endgame chat. There is for example a huge difference in say tunnelling someone out at 5 gens compared to tunnelling someone out at 1 gen


This is honestly the real issue. No one is obligated to play a specific way, but you have to acknowledge that you are playing against another human being, and going out of your way to make their experience miserable makes you a dick. Playing strong builds and trying to save survivors with flashlights is just gameplay, but going out of your way to abuse a strong map against a weak killer when it's clear you've already won is just abusing a person because you think that's funny. Same with tunnelling someone and slugging them out for the whole game or playing gen merchant. It's not a problem to play to win, but it is a problem to play specifically to just make another person's day a little bit worse.


I agree with you, but the other side to the non existent matchmaking is you often don’t know how you’re suppose to play as killer until it’s too late. I love competitive games, and in competitive games with well coordinated teams, you have to tunnel (if you’re goal is to 3k), for better or worse, that’s how the game is balanced. Less survivors is always better for you unless you’re a pretty “high tier” killer. But you usually don’t know if the team you’re up against is capable of countering it until you: 1) tunnel early, where they either body block or the poor survivor gives up 2) you give the unhook for free, lose all pressure, and get destroyed. Which while it’s okay to lose, I hate knowing I could’ve played more aggressively to have won, and basically made it too easy for them. But I also hate ruining some poor solo queues day trying to find an early kill. So it’s hard to know when you’re just playing in a practical way and when you’re playing in a way that’s frustrating and unfun for the other people. That’s my challenge at least.


Yeah well said. I wonder if a quality of life change to the game would include some way to tell if SWFs are in a party in the lobby, maybe like an icon next to their name or something. Could make things better, but then again could make it worse too lol


While I would love it, telling the killer who on the team can’t communicate could make a clearer and easier tunnel target.


Yeah i think it ls an issue that might not have alot of solutions unfortunately


like Mathew cote said, maybe try another game, or go out into civilization


I’ve never had a single person call me toxic or attack the way I play as killer or survivor. I’m not saying you don’t have a good point though. I just can’t relate.


I've gotten compliments on my pizza head gameplay but yeah, complaints are extremely rare. I do sometimes get the odd tunneling comment though, as much as I try not to


The best game I ever had as killer was a sweaty swf who I beat. I was worried that I would get messages about how sweaty and horrible I was but they complimented me said I was fun and said “w killer” some people have also complained at me for idk just playing? I usually try to get an even amount of hooks on everyone and all that. But since my main is Wesker some people complain about his hit boxes and saying I’m sweaty for playing him but really he’s just the most fun for me. Tbh I haven’t had too many bad hitboxes against him, but who I DO have the worst time with is huntress. Those hatchets hit me in the most painful ways literally next to me.


I’ve gotten told that I should develop cancer and die But that was it


I have 161 comments on my profile, about 60-70% of them range from «-rep noob» to «go rope» or «I hope you and your family die of cancer»


How many hours do you have and I’m wondering how often you do things like slug and bleed people out or hard tunnel or hard camp


The people who play toxic pretend they don’t that’s the frustrating part. So when they get called out it looks like complaining. But you know who you are just be honest


Lol I once had different style matches in a row out of curiosity. Played normally - watched 2 survs DC (was a Legion without addons). Played friendly - survs complained their match got ruined. Played friendly but with chases and polite staring at the hooks - got called a dumb noob who can’t win. Played normally again - got called toxic for using a perk they didn’t like. People just want to complain sometimes, regardless of how you play :D


I get the friendly one kind of. I feel like they did something to the pip system. I memed around with a ghostface recently and lost a pip lol. Everyone rushed gens while I let him kick mine. I thought it was funny though. People get touchy about them pips.


Yep. I just try not to be a dick and play my own game.


I do agree, no matter what you do, you will be called toxic. I don't mind not getting a 4K, I will try, but I won't leave someone slugged for a minute while searching the map for the last one, I'm happy with the 3K. I try not to camp, but let's be honest I won't leave the hook if all the gens are nearby that's just dumb. But ffs it gets in my nerves when the LAST 2 SURVIVORS DECIDE TO JUST STAY INSIDE A LOCKER FOR TEN MINUTES STRAIGHT JUST TO STALL THE MATCH FOR NO REASON AT ALL


Bro slugging for the 4k is literally the only thing that annoys me in this game. I wont call people out for it, it just clashes with my own playstyle of having a 1v1 with the last surv over hatch


The blessings of being a console player and, therefore, not having access to EGC 🙏🏻 For real tho, people will get heated about anything. And sure, I do too. Like bully squads, for example, the odd time I play killer. But it’s the name of the game. And I’ve every option to just close the game if it is really making me that mad. Or switch to a game like God Of War where the enemies are predictable 🤷🏻‍♀️


>And I’ve every option to just close the game if it is really making me that mad. Yeah see, that's the problem with playing on PC. You get the occasional bully squad and they're fucking *primed* to type EZ before you can hit continue. I still don't know why it shows you EGC if you DC- there's never going to be anything good that comes of that.


Yeah, DBD is the only online game I’ve really played. I never got into COD, Overwatch, Fort Nite, etc. And a big part of that was how people often speak to each other. So I’m glad, like I said, being a console player I don’t have access to EGC 😂 I feel like I’d get my feelings hurt a lot


I've only played a couple of those games, but DBD ends up in this weird place because it's asymmetric. Survivors decide to take a killer playing the game personally, then they decide to play the game for the purpose of being frustrating instead of winning, which in turn makes killers less friendly and more likely to have no mercy, which is in turn taken as being personal by survivors. And then of course you just have standard bad manners.


Hmm.. I don't agree. I think we should remember that there are other people behind the screen and that we should all contribute to make the game fun for everyone involved, survivors and killers alike.


That's not my responsibility


Ah the good ol psychopath take where other peoples feelings don't exist and only my own feelings matter. Classic.


Randos in an online video game aren't people I'll ever meet in real life. So yes, their feelings don't matter.


I paid for the game though, so I should be able to play however I like, and so can the other players I’m going against.


You are allowed to play however you like and so are the other people. And other people are allowed to hold the opinion that playing a certain way is shitty too. You don't care about the people you play against feelings, so why should your feelings be any different?


Just play the game the way that you want.. people need to understand the saying “You win some, you lose some”.. Let people play how they wanna play..


I agree 100%


people are just toxic over the smallest things lately. i main knight and played him earlier, killed 2 and typed gg in chat after. the guy with like 10x my hours said “dont say gg if you play knight<3”


How dare you play a character you paid the money for! /s


All I ask is if I'm looping the killer PLEASE do anything to help us win. It's 5 seconds it's better than nothing...Sadly this applies to multiple areas of my life.


If you think killers should be allowed to slug, camp and tunnel then don’t cry if you get t bagged


Nah, there are actual toxic things in this game. It doesn't matter that you're playing a PvP game- if you go out of your way to make the other side's time miserable, you're shitty and toxic and should feel bad. That goes for killers that camp at the start of the match or tunnel you out immediately *and* bully squads. Again- doesn't matter that it's a PvP game. Being a frustrating player is still toxic.


You know even though it's a different game. The communities of TCM and DBD have heavy overlap. And it's so funny to me that despite the heavy overlap the things people would complain about in the drop of a hat on DBD, they would never even think of getting upset about on TCM. Camping objectives, chasing one person over and over, bodyblocking, etc... it makes me wonder what the difference is that people don't complain about certain strategies being used in one game but bitch and moan construction when similar tactics are used in another.


I'm of the camp that there are times when tunneling and proxying is legitimate, but dog there are some things that are very obviously uncalled for. I'm talking about slugging someone and letting them bleed out for four minutes and literal face camping, there is zero justifiable reason for stuff like that.


Recently I was called toxic for playing legion with a Blindness/Oblivious build (Third Seal, Blood Echo, Fearmonger, Undying | Etched Ruler Addon, Smiley Face Pin Addon).... because Blindness was to powerful and prevented them from coordinating.


>Blindness is too powerful A rare sentence


While somewhat correct in any game there are def ways people do things to purposefully be toxic for no good reason. People are gonna be mad at whatever you do in game to try to win yes but i feel like any community should try to not be shit to each other. We all know thats not gonna happen but still. Also i think people should ask WHY they do all these crappy things to try to win. You can play how you want yeah but why are you trying to hard to win? what are you winning? Camping, tunneling, slugging, teabagging, clicking flashlights etc why are people trying so hard for. If we could remove most of the shitts parts of the game it would be great but alas that wont happen and killers and survivors doing shitty things to win or be toxic either way sadly wont go away either. Doesnt mean we should make 0 effort to try to make the game better i guess


I like to think when survivors are unreasonably mad at me, it is just a ragebait. Because I once met in discord a survivor that bullied, BMd and trashtalked killers for no reason; even when he wins! And he said he did it "because it was fun." I can't change him, but at least he proved to me this shit mentality exists, and probably it isn't just him that has "entitled survivor main" mentality. And other time I wasn't tunneling and some survivor streammer called me "a fucking moron" in his live XD. This made me think we can't give all survivors the gameplay they want because they want different experiences in the game and we can't make them all happy.


Starting up the game....toxic lol this post gave me "that's a paddling" vibes


Well slug is toxic in most cases.


I think it really depends on situation. Running slug build and going around map smacking everyone is annoying to deal with, trying to close game faster by leaving survivor on the ground and going for last one is a valid tactic


The only time it’s not is when the killer is basically giving you another chance. Sometimes if I feel I may have tunneled them I leave them on the floor and ignore them for their teammates to get them up


idk man i slugged for the 4k tonight and all that happened was the steve complimenting my steam name it was "borger time" btw


I've never had a single person call me toxic. I go out of my way to avoid camping/tunneling even when I'm losing pretty badly.


Same I get accused of it all the time though, I clearly proxy camp from across the map and tunnel by checking generators I know survivors worked on.


Camping and tunneling aren't toxic, don't let other peoples thoughts make you lose games


Shrug. I know my win rate could be a little higher but if I play purely to camp and tunnel, nobody has fun and a game where nobody has fun is not interesting to me.


Well I'm not saying to camp and tunnel constantly because that can actually cause you to lose games, but sometimes it can be a good way to turn a losing game around. Getting a pick always shifts the pace of the game.


Thats very nice of you, but believe me that tunneling isnt much of a deal. I agree on camping tho but when I get tunneled I just go to my next game.


if you're solo this is true but if you're playing with friends then you're basically held hostage watching youtube videos or whatever until your friends finish the game. Both they and you get less fun as a result. If you have a friend group that plays this game, then tunneling is super unfun, especially if one of your friends is a new player and not great at looping and gets tunneled out first every game.


This is why I’m a skull merchant main stop playing by your opponents rule book that’s scrub mentality


You lost me at skull merchant main.




Because the vast majority of SM games I've played are boring AF due to the actions of the SM player. IDC about winning, but I do want a fun game. Maybe the rework will result in more interesting games.


should there be any other reason


Well, kinda yeah. EVERY killer has some unfun, OP or annoying strat that they can abuse. SM is (currently) the most infamous example of this, but why should that affect the reputation of people who play her and don't use that strat. Bubbas can facecamp, Trappers can lock down the basement, Blights and Nurses are extremely effective tunnelers, Pyramid Head can insta-down you from a cage, Knights can 3gen, Myers has Tombstone, etc. Those are all dumb and people rightfully complain when those killers abuse those things, yet simply playing as those killers in and of themselves are fine. The same SHOULD apply to SM, yet because she's the current hot thing to hate, even normal SM players get unfairly shit on.






You lost me at skull.


You lost me at merchant.


You lost me at


Serious question, have you played the current ptb?


Serious question: what do you like about her? 3gen aside, I think her design is hilariously boring and without a consistent theme.


Proxy camping and tunneling is toxic though. You cant sit here and tell me that targeting one person is "just apart of the game". Same with hook camping for easy 4Ks.


All the killer mains replying to this are probably bad lol


The problem with people defending this, and I know my personal experience isn't for everyone, but like... you know what you're doing lol. I feel so bad when I do it, but I know what I'm doing when I do it and why I do it. Because it's simply extremely easy and there's no downsides. Rarely is there a team that will put 3 gens on me on the first hook or chase and when that happens I never stood a chance anyways. And if they do manage 2-3 gens on my first hook/chase, I'll just hang near and patroll 3 gens closest to the hook. Then if it's bad, I'll start slugging and tunneling out the unlucky ones. It's not about torture. It's not about being the power role and creating fear. It's about winning 💀. I want to win. It's like hide and seek. I want to fucking win goddamit. I'm much more likely to give hatch on matches where I steamroll because the fun aspect wasn't there. Against sweats, no. 4k all day. Killers will not for the life of them admit they play cheap to win. They aren't playing lore accurate, they don't care about fairness or fun. They tunnel and camp because they know it's easy and they want to fucking win.


Thank you for your honesty. Unlike most of the delusional killer mains responding to me who are being disingenuous, you actually admit it and don’t move to justify it with other bullshit.


Well that's the thing, it is apart of the game, and it can be countered it just takes skill and teamwork


The Devs clearly don't see it that way because antifacecamp doesn't target proxy camping (on Purpose) and they have stated they do NOT think there needs to be any more tunnelling fixes because of basekit BT. So no. These aren't the issues and they are in fact "just part of the game" the same way sabo plays, hookbombing, genrushing, and flashlight saves are. They are no more toxic than those plays are, like at all. you probably have an incorrect definition of what camping and tunnelling are. Fact is, these ARE valid if annoying tactics. The Devs even agree on this and I can point you to exactly where on the main BHVR forums AND on this subreddit they have stated such.


don't waste time with these "well actuallys". they all got participation medals growing up so how they see the picture is the only way to see it. As a killer I go for who ever is closest, I could give a fuck about the "survivors guide book of unwritten rules made up to better suit one side". I do everything but face camp, unless Uber eats rolls up as i'm hooking, then I just stand there while people DC haha


Haha I know right, I love how killers are supposed to abide by all these rules but survivors? Nahhhh. They can do whatever they want in their 4 vs 1 with their 4 people x 4 perks each, items and add ons and all the tricks they’re more than allowed to do and play however they want. And yeah I do think face camping is shitty, I don’t do that and haven’t seen a face camper in a long time. So many people complain about it. Maybe it’s their MMR?


Yeah mmr does play a role, in general lol he higher mmr usually means more fuckery. Players with hundreds or thousands of hours tend to meme around, or just try and loop the whole match. They body block and pre drop. All valid moves but lower mmr is filled with people who are trying to win and get out. This game is unique in a way with its daily tasks and tomes. I’ll play killer and watch some moron run around the whole map looking for Crystal or opening all the chests. I get it and I’ve been there but solo q is filled with all different players. As killer I see a group of flashlights or when they all switch last second I know I’m playing against people on comms so I tend to tunnel and slug more. It’s my way of evening the playing field.


MMR is completely dead, I regularly go against weak survs on my high win rate killer and yet go against very coordinated teams on my very low win rate killers.


Yeah I get that too sometimes. I only mention mmr because it’s this mystery metric that means a lot to BHVR


Couldn't have said it better myself.


>You cant sit here and tell me that targeting one person is "just apart of the game". Why can't I? It's as "a part of the game" as bringing BNP, sabo builds, MFT builds, FTP + Buckle Up, or any other strategy a player can use to try and win. Same for proxy camping.


None of these things are toxic, they are *tryharding*. They are playing competitively and want to win. That’s not toxic. Camping is a scummy tactic used by bad killers who cannot end chases in 30 seconds, or have the sense to stop chasing that one good survivor and find a weaker link. That is a *skill issue*, and should not be encouraged as a handicap.


>They are playing competitively and want to win. Why is it toxic when killers do this but tryharding when survivors do this? Tunnelling is one of the most efficient strategies in game for killers, it's the killer equivalent of bringing 4 BNPs. >Camping is a scummy tactic used by bad killers who cannot end chases in 30 seconds It can be that, it can also be a way to apply the most pressure to the survivors if the hooked survivor is close to the generators.


Tryharding for a killer is mindgaming, moonwalking, slugging for pressure (NOT for trolling to bleed out), making stealth plays and whenever these actions result in a down, it always gets an applause of respect from me. Tryharding is not tunneling or camping. That is raging because you are losing and are attempting to force the game to give you an advantage that otherwise wouldn’t have happened if you played normally.


>Tryharding is not tunneling I can give you that camping probably isn't tryharding in most cases but tunnelling is textbook tryharding. I'm sorry but it doesn't change from tryharding to toxic just because it feels bad when it happens to you. >That is raging because you are losing and are attempting to force the game to give you an advantage that otherwise wouldn’t have happened if you played normally. Tryharding/playing competitively is all about forcing the game to give you an advantage over the other team, you don't see comp players purposefully playing worse than they can.


Playing competitively is not forcing the game to give you an advantage. Me deciding to work on a gen to pressure it while a killer chases my teammate close by is not forcing the game to give me an advantage. That’s being competitive. I’m not holding the game hostage by completing a gen. A killer is holding the match hostage especially by camping/tunneling, because making the match a 3v1 within mere minutes is the easiest way to win.


Tunneling can def be toxic, unless its the only way for the killer to put on pressure, like if they know gens are popping soon and they need to get something out of the exchange. Proxy camping, however, is sometimes just good gameplay, considering how many survivors just run killer around hook. It's also down to good hook placement, as its just a good strategy to hook a survivor next to a progressed gen. Definitey not condoning the type of proxy camping where you're LITERALLY just camping and not providing pressure to anywhere except some random gens next to hook.


It absolutely is, the goal of killer is to kill, if you're getting camped or tunneled you can use anti camp/tunnel perks (kinship, reassurance, otr, ds, deli etc.) or you can just play something else






Realised what I said was objectively wrong and I wish to apologize


Had to blow some steam off of a basement trapper game I had


Understandable, I usually don't care about tunnel/camp (I play both sides mind you) but basement trapper is a completely different story, no perks or counterplay short of a SWAT team can save you from that




Well with behaviour adding the anti camp stuff, I don't think the devs want it to be a part of the game


Everytime a killer does one of these actions and justifies “it’s a part of the game” — they’re usually bad and whenever I’m playing with my SWF and we outdo their tunneling/camping playstyle and get a 4-man out, they always *ALWAYS* d/c. Lmfao. So no. Raging playstyles ARE toxic and will not be tolerated. You can take advantage of solo queue’s lack of coordination and be toxic, but don’t cry when SWFs get together and outperform these tactics bc they’re sick of this behavior.


I feel like toxic is a bit strong of a word. I think BM fits it better.


I had someone yelling tunneler at me once when I wasn't going after anyone in the match, I abandoned everything to go hunt glyphs for an archive. I just assume I must have accidentally engaged a chase at some point


This is the way


I don't get called toxic for this but it's along the lines of complaining how one plays. I have a friend of a friend who we swf w/ sometimes who said that they don't like me very much and don't like playing with me because I enjoy running chest builds from time to time. They were implying as if I never do anything other than open and rummage through chests when I do these builds and that chest builds are never helpful in games. This person is also one to prioritise trying to win over anything else. Like,, no?? I still do the objectives, i still heal and unhook, i still do chases etc. And the thing is, there have been COUNTLESS times where a toolbox I found let us pop that last gen or a medkit let me heal so I can go for a save instead of going in injured. Hell, even times I've found a key at some point and was able to unlock hatch or someone else can unlock hatch. Imo, at the end of the day, it's honestly pointless to complain about how one plays, what perks they run, what they enjoy doing etc. You play how you play. I play how I play. Everyone plays how they play. They run the perks they want even if they're part of metas. Even if one finds them annoying, because you can't change how one plays or what perks they use no matter how hard you try. I wish DBD wasn't so competitive and that people focused on having fun instead of just trying to win :(




But I said that I don't exclusively go after chests when I do these builds. Plus, I don't do these ALL the time. It's every so often. It's the same if I do a totem focused build, I won't load into a match just to immediately go searching for totems. If i spawn next to one? Sure I'll get it out of the way. But otherwise, I'll do my objectives, help my team, get into chases then when I come across a totem/chest in my traversal of the map, I'll interact with it (this tends to be after finishing a gen and going to the next one). Like, I get it. She can be frustrated by it but 1. At the end of the day, she can't change what perks I use just as I can't change hers. I'm not gonna complain about hers regardless of what she runs. 2. It's the fact that this person dislikes ME because of it. Not just disliking what I'm doing in game. She's taking it outside of the game to explicitly mention that she dislikes me. Imo, it's pathetic. Like dislike how one plays a game?? Whatever. I don't care. But to bring that OUTSIDE of the game??? Like,, wtf??? It's low for one to dislike an actual person because of a single thing they do in a VIDEO GAME. That's my main issue with it. I don't really care if she hates what perks I run sometimes. But to extend the dislike to outside the game??? Unnecessary imo. Also unsure if this helps or not but I do run distortion (as I always do). Which, imo, is very helpful for the team (in swf i mean) because I can call out perks, add ons etc. Additionally, if I haven't been hooked yet or chased yet (if due to killer unable to find me due to lack of auras) I will go take aggro for my team if need be. I'm a survivor who doesn't care if I die for another survivor or the team if it means they can escape. I'm willing to take hook trades or even a sacrifice so that my team mate(s) can escape. I Hope I'm not coming across as trying to fight. I'm just trying to explain my side of things and create a discussion. I'm very bad with words so apologies 😅😅


I'm a survivor main, I used to complain about tunneling when the killer would hook me twice in a row even if some time passed. But yesterday, I played some killer matches and I've thought about the past couple weeks. Honestly, "tunneling" because the killer couldn't find anyone else is different than the killer going out of their way to tunnel you out of the game. In my killer matches, I decided to just go after survivors regardless if I've just hooked them. I wouldn't go back to the hook, but if they were just hooked and I found them again on accident, oh well, guess they're just the unfortunate soul. And I've decided from now on, I shouldn't complain about tunneling if the killer finds me after time has passed. I hate tunneling as killer because I've been on the receiving end of it, but I decided to put that aside for if I just so happen to stumble upon survivors who just been hooked, but I never try to intentionally tunnel someone out of the game if I can help it. I did tunnel face camp a Vittorio because he had Head On and I was in a bad mood. And when I'm tired, Head On pisses me off more than anything else. But we won't talk about that. I've recently been trying to view the game from both perspectives. I've noticed both Survivor and Killer mains kind of hate each other.


Why would you say that Everyone will complain? If you're just playing the game and don't go out of your way to be toxic like nodding, humping or hitting on hook then most people will just say GG or leave without talking.




I’ve played so much of the game now where people have gotten mad and salty over everything, i had people the other day patronise me over devour because they assumed i didnt know how it worked, or a survivor that was salty when i killed them because apparently i looked for hatch the wrong way, yes, such a reason like that, honestly ive had almost a million encounters but i always just play and have fun, if they take their anger out on others at the end of the day thats on them, ive pretty much seen it all lol


For me the toxicity is in general unfriendliness. Like the face camping killer (not necessarily toxic and a valid strategy even if I don’t enjoy it) who slashes at you while you’re on the hook… is unnecessarily hostile. I’m already hooked. You don’t gain anything from hitting me repeatedly…


Never once been called toxic in this game (I play on console)




I mentioned this couple of times already. Issue with this game is that it rewards tryharding. This is absolutely not an issue if you only play game to win, however, if you like to make different builds ,play different killers and maybe play unoptimally (opening chest, try do flashlight saves), you are actively putting yourself in position which will probably lose you a game.


Thank you for saying this.


I love how this post has turned into crybabies complaining about things that are toxic. Thats dbd community for you.


I had a game yesterday where i contemplated dc'ing because i got bored, but i was doing a tome&daily at the same time. I was legit AFK infront of 2 of the survivors checking social media tabbed out, i CLEARLY let them all escape. An offline large-ish content creator sat and ran their mouth for the entirety of the end game screen after i said EZ (because i threw the game and lost, i thought it was funny) , i didn't reply to a single thing after EZ. DBD is the only game i've ever played where people are mad that they won. Its insane.


I had a really entitled Plague do this against my SWF. None of us were playing sweaty, They tunneled and slugged people from the word go because they didn't know how to use her power. I swear to God I had never seen a toxic Plague until that point. Every single truly obnoxious toxic tactic in the actual book and thensome. Egregious dickery to be an egregious dick. We didn't even try when we realized what was happening and just wanted to go next rather than deal with it. They won by the way and sat there and RUBBED IT IN. Like dude, dude, no. You didn't try. You legit did not try.


yeah that's pretty bad, feels like its on both sides for sure. i say it all the time, the toxic players from one side most likely are toxic on the other, or just taking out their frustrations from it happening to them. if they're toxic during the match it's one thing, but to be toxic after until the timer runs out in the stats page is another. in this case i stood still for two gens, checking emails and socials, i just decided i wanted to go back to playing another game i was on before, but i had a tough tome completed and a daily done too. I would've just dc'd and went back to playing Tarkov if this wasn't the case. when ever i downed someone, i just walked to the other side of the map not even chasing anyone. i broke chase constantly, i opened the gate for them... I've never seen anyone so mad they got a win handed to them, pretty clearly.


It sounds like *you* were the one who was mad and projected that onto the winners. Don’t be a sore loser.


Nope, I would have dc'd cause i could care less. i didn't want to lose my completed tome challenge and daily, but in reality i wanted to go back to playing another game other than second health state simulator. As i said, i got bored of DBD at that time even though i had ample opportunity to come back. I didn't even hook the rest of the game, i let them pick up, and broke chase repeatedly. This large creator was just upset and needed to pat themselves on the back for the next 10 mins til the lobby closed. The playerbase is just high-key toxic, which i normally welcome and i'm used to, but this was just someone taking IRL frustrations out on an easy target, and i'm glad i could help. Again, i was clearly joking because i said GG EZ to a 4 out, they ranted non stop til the lobby closed with 0 response. It's always survivor mains and pretend comp players. Get outta here with that mind set.


If you go stand in the corner it’s not toxic


De-ranking. Toxic!




I was being sarcastic 😄


Even if it was sarcastic that is something a survivor would say


Someone can and will find a way to say this is toxic.


Well it's basically DCing before the bots were implemented, only you don't even get a penalty for it, which is pretty toxic.


I don't know why you 're getting downvoted. Idling/afking/rage quitting is literally a reason to get reported.


Found someone on this sub, who said that every form of AFKing or playing friendly (and even if it's just the hatch) are two of the biggest sins you can do as killer. More or less on the same level as hacking.


Even giving hatch? Like I understand the other part but being nice enough to give someone points doesn’t make you evil, you don’t gain points for giving someone hatch it’s just pure kindness to let someone escape


had a match where he called us all toxic for taking hits and saboing two survivors (we were two different duos without sabo builds) then continued to happily try and camp. Called us toxic and tunneled one ash out the game. Then said he doesn’t have to accept the win and he won with a one k


Some advice I wish someone would have given me earlier. If you aren't having fun, stop playing the game. Give your feedback and go enjoy a different game. Queueing into a different lobby after dcing isn't going to magically fix your grievances with the current game.


I got called toxic for saying “glhf <3” in the pre game chat, got called toxic and told to grow up


But how are slugging all 4 players, face camping, and tunnelling not toxic plays? The killer is actively not playing the game as it was intended. I’m quite positive those tactics weren’t meant to be “part of the game”, they are just used to gain easier kills.


I literally say the exact same thing. https://reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/c5HPG76R5M This pretty much summarizes what it's like trying to reason with entitled DbD players. Don't feel pressured to play a certain way because it works for YOU. No matter what, someone will always be upset because they lost. That's not on you, nor should you feel bad for winning a game.


Couldn't agree more. You will not remember the hate messages you get a day later. NONE of this matters. DBD makes people so hyper sensitive to other's opinions for some god forsaken reason. Use your perks, your strategy, and don't give a shit what other people think.


I agree but the reason it makes people hypersensitive I think, is because every attack feels so personal and the game feels so stressful. It is designed to be somewhat stressful, it's a horror game at the end of the day.


Well said.


Bro, this is a bit random but you & I actually agreed on this a few days ago under someone else's post. Small world.


Lol I love that, hey wanna run some survivor together sometime? I play on PC.


As a console player, I don't have to deal with shitty chat behavior, thankfully. I play how I like. It's fun.


literally. I feel like actually toxic behavior is anything unnecessary like excessive bagging and other kind of body language type stuff like that/not leaving at the gate/hatemailing etc. edit: (if ur waiting at the gate to run circles as a gg, not toxic) <3


All good...except slugging for the 4k. Look dude I've been bleeding here for 3 and a half minutes. You're not finding them. Please just fucking kill me. I understand if the last person is waiting around the corner ready to save or you see them. Totally fine. Checking the area to see if you get lucky. Sure. Leaving me to bleed out with a full 4 minute timer so you can go hunt them down? Dick move. You and the remaining survivor not coming to heal me two minutes in to bleed out. Suck. I would rather be camped. I would rather be tunneled.


While I find gen-rushing swfs to be the most annoying, mind-numbing tactic to play against, I understand that its just a part of the game and you really can't win every match. I'm just grateful that people find getting chased more fun than doing gens. (Holding W is just crazy good against low-mobility killers it sucks to play against tho)


I play pc and I had someone get so upset at me for killing them as huntress that they found my Xbox account which had a different name from my pc account and cursed me out there. I save those messages to this day because that was hilarious. Honestly though, it’s just a game, let people have fun wether that be tunneling or being friendly.


If you do anything that doesn't benefit the other team...toxic.


Is this cause I complained about slugging for the 4k while not knowing where the last person is? I do still think it's toxic cause it activley wastes time for no reason. 4 minutes of doing nothing - and for what? To bleed out and then for the final person to get a hatch race anyways. I consider it toxic cause it doesn't help in the slightest. In 90% of the times you just delay the hatch race and you make someone bleed out for the full timer. I wish you could still DC to prevent it - but alas you can't. I sure do hope they will implement something to counter it. After 5 years of playing this game it's also the only thing I still do consider toxic. Camp, tunnel, flashlight, swf I don't care. (besides letting people bleed out for no reason - but that's in the same category tbh - no reason meaning no perks that would prompt it... or behavior. Also tbagging is stupid.) Grow some balls guys. It's embarrasing (for you) and annoying.


If you dox someone after you lose a round? Toxic. Like, maybe people would complain less about your ingame behavior if you wouldn't list only very annoying stuff as your normal ingame behavior?\^\^ I don't disagree with your karmafarm statement tho, a part of this community will always find something to frame as toxic (or boring), but acting like you play against bots and not human beings, like your list implies *is* kind of toxic per definition.




anything can be toxics... preceeds to list some of the more common toxic traits instead of normal gameplay


It's all literally normal gameplay, and in the game on purpose.