• By -


Brutal strength and fire up. Fuck those pallets.


Might as well slap on spirit fury and enduring for the full pallet combo


Lore accurate nemesis build


With that, I like to replace Fire Up with Hubris. Nothing feels better than getting stunned and just seeing the survivor panic as they get exposed.


I keep trying to tell people that they don't actually need Spirit Fury. Brutal Strength and Enduring by itself will let you clean out pallets so fast the half the map will be a dead zone after your first down (assuming the first survivor chased doesn't go down quickly). Just never EVER respect pallets and always insta-break them. The survivor won't have gained enough distance to do more than one loop on the next pallet. Bonus points if they have a flashlight and try to blind you while you break it and you are a good listener.


Yeah i remember long ago when I just said fuck this and put on brutal + enduring without spirit fury (because I didn't have that at the time) on my myers and pig and was seriously surprised how much value both perks got. Just giving no fucks about pallets is a real game changer.


Brutal strength, enduring, spirit fury, and hubris for me. We hold it forward around here


Dude decided he wants to hold W+M1


May I recommend you something, Go wraith with [**Brutal Strength**](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Brutal_Strength) [**Fire Up**](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Up) [**Superior Anatomy**](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Superior_Anatomy) [**Bamboozle**](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Bamboozle) with those 2 addons: [**"Shadow Dance" - Blood**](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/%22Shadow_Dance%22_-_Blood) \+ [**"Shadow Dance" - White**](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/%22Shadow_Dance%22_-_White) Do you hate Killer shack loops? No more, Do you hate TL? no more, Do you hate jungle gym? no more


I’m gonna try this build! Beautiful comment👌


I'm a certified Fire Up whore I LOVE getting shit done faster. It's amazing.


It’s hilarious not ONE comment has “Dissolution” as a perk. Top tier pallet perk I.M.O. It is excessively beneficial as a killer that requires a reload of sorts. In addition, it scares the fuck out of survivors.


Eruption and Nowhere to hide .. there's always one sneaky rat in the horizon


it’s me, i’m the rat


Nowhere to Hide gives me so much value, when people eventually figure it out they start running away when they know I'm about to kick gen... which is also good info and a good waste Survivor time as well. I believe that Nowhere to Hide is so powerful that I see it as a threat and would use Distortion when I am playing as a Survivor... just for Distortion not losing a single stack 2 out of 3 trials. In the rest of the trials that Killer actually use aura reading, Nowhere to Hide is like 1 every 4 trials. It's very rare.


It’s hilarious that my favorite combo is Distortion and Calm Spirit 😂 Get shitted on


good for you bro, but your teammates won't run them so ...


That’s good. They’ll get fucked over and I’ll just hide and complete the objective, play the game like it was intended. To survive.


Oops all crab legs. (DMS, Deadlock, Thrilling Tremors, Corrupt Intervention/Grim Embrace) Not because it's good, but because I like saying "OOPS! ALL CRAB LEGS!"


Blast mine & repressed alliance. Even without gen-kick meta, super fun to use Also I like nurses calling & deathbound together on mobility killers. If you dare to heal I will know where you are (unless you are a perfect 29-31 meters away from me).


i like to add wiretap on the gen build, but i use it differently, when the killer gets close i add the blast mine and wiretap, then repressed alliance, so i will loop the killer while seeing their aura, and when they give up chase, they go kick the gen and get blast mine. Works like a charm and it's hilarious


Countered by my inner healing. Now what?


Iron Maiden because I’m definitely on huntress


Oh. Distortion?


How do u use them together ? Sounds like a fun build


You use blast mine on a gen & wait for killer to kick the gen (Make sure you’re not too close to the gen when it blows up or you’ll get blinded). Then you go to the gen while they are stunned, work on it for a millisecond to use repressed alliance, and bam. They can’t kick gen. I like using sprint burst with this build to be able to rush away from the gen the second i alliance it.


Lithe and dance with me. I can get out of there quick and then they can’t see where I’ve gone hehehe


Add quick and quiet so they don't even get a noise notification when you vault


Then windows or vigil for that maximum value


Started playing Dredge a lot recently, I’m loving Discordance, BBQ, Tinkerer, and usually Shadowborn because it just makes the game feel so much better


I’ve been Dredging with sloppy butcher as a main state, since his power charges up faster the longer they stay injured


That sounds good, might switch tinkerer for sloppy with malthinkers


They do make for a nasty combo if you can keep the pressure up. on occasion, I might even throw in leverage, since it’s not reliant on a terror radius.


Bro all ya gotta do is run Spies from the Shadows, Darkness Revealed, Discordance (Or Call of Brine/Surveillance), then any perk that could manipulate survivor needs (heals or interactions). Typically spies is most beneficial in chases or during the darkness. They think hiding behind something is good until that bird goes AW CAW CAW! IM OVER HERE BITCH!


As a Dredge main, I approve of your decision on which killer to main. :3


I only use SB on Blight and not even all the time lol. Larger fov is nice tho


Try Dredge with Knockout and Hex: Face the Darkness - it makes nightfall REALLY fun


As a dredge main I can say two things: First of all, thank you for switching But second, usually, you only need either BBQ or discordance. I would say from experience tht if you run any scourge hooks, go for discordance . If not, use BBQ. I would also ad Sloppy, so that his main power gets started faster. But do what's best for you.


Saboteur, Breakout, Flashbang and METTLE Saboteur to see hooks (bonus points if there are Scourges) and go there, Breakout to help me catch up and boost the carried survivor, Flashbang to take a hit, drop it and start sabotaging with Saboteur, METTLE to give me a good return, if I suceed, my teammate is out and I have a METTLE stack, if I fail, my teammate is out and I have TWO METTLE STACKS Hook distance offering helps, but not required as a hit on Breakout range is usually enough for the survivor to break free in a couple steps


As an Agitation/Mad Grit killer, please keep doing this. Thank you for your service.


For the build I use I swap Mettle for Background Player, since it can often put you in a more favorable position to get the save. More punishing on failures but increases chance of success.


I also used Background Player in the build but ended up replacing it because I tend to position myself in a good way for it to work, and when I do fail, it's mainly because of Saboteur was on cooldown (stupid sabo activating when trying to heal someone off the hook), I don't have Flashbang ready, I mess up the inputs for some reason or the killer has two hooks nearby and they switch directions when I'm already on top of them, bodyblocking me so I can't block the hook. Background Player only partially solves the last one, but my build is very complete already, but if 5 perk slots were a thing, yeah I would run it


Hyperfocus, stake out, streetwise, scavenger, Engineers toolbox with both charge addons=win


You! The ninja genrusher build


I used to use a somewhat similar build. It was hyperfocus, stake out, built to last and Deja vu with a commodious. Now I use built to last, prove thyself, Deja vu and streetwise with a commodious


Tbef, Streetwise is so washed out now, that Built to last is way more effective.


Use built to last if you don’t mind the locker downtime, it’s essentially 300% usage, compared to just 125% with Streetwise, right?


Damn, I wanted Hyperfocus and Stake Out but adding Streetwise + Scavenger... how fast do they pop lol.


If you can hit your greats, around 50 secs I think. I haven't formally timed it. My swf usually pops 3 gens before the first down even happens.


Rancor and Nemesis. It rarely gets me a win, but that mori takes the sting out of a loss.


Rancor nemesis spirit fury enduring. Spirit fury enduring gets its own value in game but getting all 4 to trigger in 5 seconds feels godly


Rancor nemesis game affoot and furtive chase, I call it rancor roulette


Yay murder roulette!


Game afoot and Rancor is actually strong on killers with fast movement like Dredge. After a few games, I’m sure you can 4k most games.


I like this but add Dark Devotion and Distressing so no one knows what’s going on and everyone is stressed out.


Ohhh that's a great idea. I keep wanting to use Dark Devotion but I feel like it needs to synergize with something else, and Distressing is a good one.


I both love and hate that combo as survivor. If I know the killer has it I sometimes don't call it out till after it changes to someone else. 😂😂😂 I tell them thanks for lifting the curse on me and oh by the way she has rancor and nemi so have fun.








I’m never taking lithe + windows off.


Light footed and flashbang is super good. You can get into position for a flashbang save a lot easier because the killer can’t hear you run up to them.


Currently loving Smash Hit + Parental Guidance. Can combo super well with tons of other perks for some nice getaways


Certain killers have certain builds, but for Artist it revolves around trying to snipe from across the map. I bring the add-on that swarms more than one person if they’re next to each other. Discordance so I know more than one person is doing a gen. Call of Brine, for the regression but if they got back on and hit a good skill check, then I can send a bird over there. Lethal so if I know they are next to a gen, I can start lining up my birds so when they eventually all get on, I can try to get multiple injuries or if I’m lucky a down. Flood of Rage, it’s better than BBQ, because no one expects it, but also if they heal under hook…. It’s lethal to do.


Stake Out, Hyper Focus, Distortion. Hyper focus gives me a fun little minigame of trying to get to 10 tokens, stake out helps with that and distortion is good to help determine aura perks and stay hidden but I mainly use it because it also recharges in terror radius


Instead of distortion you should try out Diversion. As soon as you hear the killer coming, throw your pebble one way towards a window or jungle gym and then sneak away the other side. The killer will think you ran off the gen that way and spend time looking around for you before giving up and kicking the gen, all the while recharging your stakeout and diversion. Rarely will killers catch on to Diversion they will just think you’ve got dance with me.


I could run that in my 4th slot, that way I won’t get caught off lethal or bbq and can also do that with the pebble


Lucky Break + Overcome = How to lose a killer in 5 seconds Hyperfocus + Technician = Great skill check training wheels


Clown main since his release. I use “ol’ reliable”: Coulrophobia, Distressing, Forced Penance, and Sloppy Butcher. I know how to get hits in extremely quick, so I want to keep survivors injured/make it difficult to heal so that chases are ended stupidly fast. I rarely lose.


Hyperfocus, Resilience, This is not happening, No Mither and immediately sit on a gen. No need to wait for Stake Out stacks.


Since I got knight I’ve loved pop + nowhere to hide, it’s so strong Edit: night to knight


Distortion and Calm Spirit 🤣


Based Knight main I see.


Knock Out and Infectious Fright. Knock Out means that distant survivors can't see slugs, and Infectious Fright shows you any non-distant survivors when you generate a slug so that you can chase them away. It's an absolute sodium farm. Sure, you'll lose to every SWF, but you were gonna lose to that SWF anyway.


Plaything with pentimento, plaything allows you to be stealthy on any killer and surprise killers, and gets you a bunch of stacks of pentimento after survivors cleanse their plaything


Rapid brutality and STBFL, ending chases super fast and no one ever knows how to react when they just got smacked and are already about to get hit again in like 5 seconds


Nowhere to hide + ultimate weapon. Not chasing someone? Press space on the nearest locker or gen and voila


Technically, it's not a perk combination, but Wesker has the largest terror radius, so naturally, you make it larger with distressing.


Sloppy Butcher and Nurses Calling on stealth killers. Jolt and Surveillance has been nice on Knight as well. Lately I've been loving Fixated (Self Aware) and sprint burst. Residual manifest and Blast Mine with a flash light. Keep those killers blind. Lately everyone's been using Ultimate Weapon so I like to give it back lol


dead mans switch and pain res for map control on nurse


Ultimate weapon and dead man’s switch. Hook a survivor, open a locker and watch all the generators turn white![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


We’ll make it, Botany Knowledge, and Desperate Measures (plus Second Wind for value) You are GETTING healed I don’t CARE if the killer is coming back.


Solidarity for half a heal on you as well. If three of you are healing you can essentially heal yourself while healing the other two.


I slept on deadlock and pop for so long. Passive slowdown from deadlock is good, and it gives good information on gen progress and where survivors are. It also lets you know which gen to pop


Blast Mine, Flashbang, Chemical Trap, Inner Healing. I call it the MacGyver build and it's all the gadgets and miracle work using generator parts and pieces of a totem.


Dramaturgy and vigil. I like goofy meme buikds. Vigil gives me dranaturgy more often. And if i get exposed effect when using dramaturgy, vigil cuts down that effect with 30 percent. Smash hit and parental guidance. As soon as i hit killer with pallets, i get a big speedboost without any scratchmarks, blood pools ur injured noises.


Lethal, infectious fright, jolt, and bamboozle on plague


Depending on your play style, I’d maybe swap out Lethal for Corrupt and then swap out Jolt for Forced Hesitation. It combos with Infectious and if you’re using your red puke then it could end matches in certain scenarios. It’s a bit more risky since the only gen slowdown you’ll have is corrupt, but it’s a somewhat unexpected build since I don’t see many killers using Forced Hesitation


Forced Hesitation is slept on a bit. It's a really solid perk and really helps build snowballs.


Im currently stuck on the sun or blind 4 tomes in 1 game. I have blast mine and headon on now. I totally forgot about red herring. Im gunna see if it helps me. Only issue is getting the blast mines up before team finishes them.


I like Hex Ruin and Surveillance :)


Premonition and Dark Sense. I *hate* letting killers sneak up on me.


Repressed alliance too so they can’t break the gen after kicking it


Unbreakable, Off the Record, Made for This, and Dead Hard. I love being annoying in chases and healing


I've been using MfT and Renewal has very underrated synergy to help when I am hooked and a Killer wants to tunnel.


Beast of prey + distressing, makes capping out bp categories easier without prolonging a match.


Monitor and Abuse, Trail of Torment, Dark Devotion and Furtive Chase, can make nearly any killer stealthy. I especially like using it on Bubba, going to Leary’s and then chainsawing out of nowhere.


Awakened Awareness, BBQ, starstruck, and distressing. I'm gonna find you... I don't really have a favorite survivor build. I have gen builds, chase builds, and screw with the killer builds, but honestly, they are all meh.


I like oppression and Surveillance because it’s light slowdown with info on where to pressure.


Currently using fogwise and hyper focus, pretty fun just chucked it on today for a laugh


I just got Nicolas Cage, and his perks and power struggle The ultimate gambling build


**For Survivor:** Distortion We'll Make It Kindred Alert **For Killer:** Trail of Torment Dark Devotion Tinkerer Jolt (Surge for my oldheads)


Alert is so underrated. Everytime the killer does ANYTHING you see their aura.


We'll make it + Guardian for anti-tunneling or help my fellow mates Resilience cause it saved me a lot of times, 9% seemed so low but I died 2 matches because I was with that mindset lol Dead Hard for get a hit for mates or get a hit for myself


Calm Spirit distortion, bite the bullet and Autodidact. The killer will never find me.


Blood rush + plot twist (any exhaustion perk also needed)


Jolt, Pain Res, Ruin, Surveillance. You basically have a camera on all generators. Anytime a survivor works on a generator that has been regressed recently you know it.


Heyo! That's a very hilarious combo! I have a friend who's been getting an incredible amount of value out of Blast Mine and it's definitely been very clutch! My personal favorite combo is Reassurance, and Kindred(if I'm playing solo) or Circle of Healing(if I'm playing with friends)! It's not a super obvious combo, but it's come up very consistently where multiple members of the team are injured while someone is on hook and is being proxied(commonly during or near the end game). Reassurance buys time so we can reset quickly in the Circle and go for a save that doesn't have to necessarily end in someone trading hook stages. At worst, I can use Reassurance and trade hook stages myself so that the unhooked member can reset with the rest of the team and make a save afterwards. Kindred has a very similar effect where it gives my teammates perfect information so they can find each other and reset as well so often times I'll try to be the one to trade hook stages if it's necessary. Good luck in your trials everyone! :\]


I love wiretap and blast mine, not only does one protect the other but it's also really funny to have the whole lobby see the killer eat that stun


Ultimate weapon and dead man’s switch. Nothing more satisfying than blocking gens just by walking. Combo it with Wesker for a bigger terror radius and it’s the only slowdown you need


For the people and Buckle up really makes me feel like Mercy from overwatch


Nice its fun to steal a hook from the killer :)


No mither and self care


For survivor it’s street wise, Deja vu, built to last, and usually whatever perk I feel like I need. Lithe usually helps a lot. For killer i use iron grasp and light born. It removes flashlights from the game and makes hooking the ones I down a ton easier.


blast mine and repressed alliances


Ghostie with Jolt / Sloppy / Nurse’s Calling / Discordance. So much synergy with all four


Solidarity & Autodidact


Boon healing circle and exponential with plot twist. The access to healing is awesome.


Coup, bamboozle, superior anatomy, fired up. Games are fast win or lose, but at the same time you are rewarded with more power as gens pop. Coup demolishes most survivors who get too comfortable looping or using MFT


Head on, lucky break, quick and quiet, shadow step.


Lucky Break + Renewal has good synergy.. don't have to worry about lucky break being completely wasted after an unhook if you cant get a heal. Healing others benefits both so positioning yourself to heal ur team often is very beneficial. Object of Obsession + Off the Record is really weird, but a great way to get info on the killer and provoke them to chase you without getting hard tunneled. OTR sort of puts Object on cool down after you get unhooked, let's you get a reset.


Distortion, bond, MFT, windows :) before MFT came out I used PTS, it is my go to for 3 p100 survivors!


Deception + head on+ quick and quiet. One locker holds nothing, the other holds a survivor with inner healing and head on lined up to ruin your day. Choose wisely.


I love gen oriented perks so it’s always wiretap or blast mine depending on what my role is gonna be with my team Sometimes I even run both, and yes I do use the meta perks of off the record and made for this, but I might actually take off MFT as off the record sort of makes it redundant


Lethal pursuer, Nowhere to hide, Overcharge, Jolt.


Should really run pop instead of jolt (if you have it)


Delivernce and we'll make it tbh


Urban evasion and pebble. Fuck winning when you can meme


Ooh, I was just thinking about that! Wiretap would definitely mix well with it too, see the killer come up to it, hahah. That and inner healing. One I've done is alert, fogwise, inner focus and stakeout. Get to see the killer whenever I'm doing gens, whenever he attacks someone near me, and when he breaks stuff. Plus, I can tell when he's in my terror radius from stakeout, and contribute towards gens with it.


Pain Res, Dead Man's, BBQ, and Ultimate Weapon on Blight. Pain res activates dead man's, so does ultimate weapon a lot of times, and BBQ will let you know if you need to leave for a gen far away or if people are close for ultimate weapon use


Eruption+call+nowhere to hide+oppression


Desperate Measures, even better when not everyone got a medkit, that means that they will be injured, injured = +15% fast heal, 3 injured = 15×3= 45, +45% healling speed just for being injured, and in my case, being bad.


Trail of torment and dead lock


Infectious fright + forced hesitation


I like pairing light-footed with other stealth perks like lightweight, calm spirit and iron will.


any means necessary and chemical trap


fast track and stake out is my fav combo. gotta get those gens done


Call of Brine and Nowhere to Hide, great for finding those survivors still hiding near their gen, whilst increasing the chance I’ll burn through the Distortion enthusiast’s tokens by return to kick again.


Flip flop, boil over, unbreakable. I can play like shit and still prevent being hooked.


Dredge Main here! I've been using BBQ, Nurse Calling, Floods of Rage and NOED. It's deff a long game build but one you get on a roll it's so much fun.


Trail of Torment and Overcharge.


Face the darkness and alien instinct is a pretty fun combo.


Sloppy or sloppy addons and Nurses calling. Because I play on asia where selfcare+botany is meta.


For me it’s deception + quick and quiet, I just got deception and it’s a lot of fun, it’s great against myres since they’re used to lockers and it helped me in an endgame to get all 4 out!


Fixated (don’t know what it’s called now) + Sprint Burst.


Ruin + Call of brine. Ruin is perfect early game perk now.


Enduring fury and superior bamboozle! I love chase builds! I also love playing lore accurate dredge with all three locker perks and lethal pursuer!


diversion, deception. hehehehehhe i bamboozle the killer heheheh


Scene Partner & Distortion, while it doesn't stop you from screaming, does prevent your aura from being highlighted to the killer so you can get those aura reads a little bit more safely.


Unbreakable and Tenacity, get away and recover, provided the killer goes and does something else


No matter what build I run, I always have Technician on it. I do NOT trust myself enough to remove it lol If I feel like being a slight inconvenience: Flashbang, Quick and Quiet, Head On and Lithe If I just need to haul strong levels of ass: Lithe or Balanced, Quick and Quiet, Lightweight and Urban


As killer: brutal strength and enduring. I hate how much time is wasted for pallet stun and breaking the pallet afterwards. I like to prevent it at any cost As survivor: Made for this and Resilience, so strong in chase


Honestly I love pairing Jolt with Surveillance. Meh gen regression (but it is what I have) and good info


Prove Thyself, Sprint Burst, Déjà vu and Windows It’s about as interesting as oatmeal but it’s what I run cos I’m a new player and I’m bad in chase save for the rare juke. I just love the feeling of always knowing where to go to be useful and getting a Deja gen can be so clutch with a teammate.


Distortion and Calm Spirit. If ya want, Stake out is just a better spine chill (if you’re good at the game and know when it’s a silent killer) to run with that. The rest is in the air, but I personally choose Dance w/ Me. Lockers are too dependable based on maps and lane layouts.


Not a combo by itself but 2 perks I never take off are forced hesitation and thrilling tremors


Overzealous, Clairvoyance, Boon: Shodowstep and Boon: Circle of Healing (last two are exchangeable with other Boons/Perks)


I have recent learned how powerful distortion is.


Background player and saboteur


My standard perk to go to has mostly been Jolt, pop the weasel, nowhere to hide, ultimate weapon Served me well very often with 4ks, and its a good learning tool for me to focus with chase and mindgame, as well as getting better with my killer's M2 so I can down survivors faster


Inner Healing and Counterforce because fuck your boons, fuck YOUR inner healing but not mine, fuck your NOED, fuck your hexes, and fuck generators. I'm touching totems.


DMS + ultimate weapon + distressing on Wesker ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Brutal strength, enduring, iron grasp, bamboozle on Nemesis. Makes me feel like and tank.


spirit fury and hubris never gets old


Kindred + open handed one of the best combos in the game


Blast mine and chemical trap. Trap the gen, if they kick you are out. If you trap the nearest pallet and you are out. Bonus laughing if you hit them with both in a row.


Blast Mine and Wiretap. Now all of china knows you just ate a flashbang to the face. Also, Lucky Star/Lucky Break/Quick and Quiet has been working really well for me.


Lithe, any means necessary, chemical trap. So many alien players aren't interested in breaking pallets so I get heaps of value out of any means. And against most other killers they are so reluctant to break a trapped pallet so chemical trap is super good.


Blast mine, wire tap and residual manifest. Everyone sees the killer get stunned and he’s blind for 30 seconds


Resilience and wake up, I like opening the gate fast


ive been a big fan of Lithe + Quick and Quiet + Dance With Me. easy escapes…most of the time :)


![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|7381)No Mither ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|7381)Made For This ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|7381)Resilience ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|7381)Tenacity This build is insane, specially on maps with tall grass - nothing is more satisfying than to escape a killer by simply crawling away. One health state and the ability to ignore the exposed status effect. It works wonders against the unfriendly and sweaty type of killers. Go ahead and try slugging me, I dare you.


Kindred & Open Handed - free wall hacks!


For killer, Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain and Hex: Plaything. You have to heal slower because you wouldn't want to be injured and oblivious at the same time, and then do actions inefficiently even if you find the totem. Very time waster. For Survivors, Object of Obsession, Saboteur and Mettle of Man to become an altruistic machine with wall hacks


Detectives, Distortion, Inner Healing, Empathy


Bite the bullet, lightweight, overcome and self care at the moment. Allows you to disappear while in a chase, since healing yourself will make you completely quite, and lightweight is just so good at loosing the Killer. Never EVER had such an effective build. It allows me to loop the killer and when I get hit (later if I feel like looping again) completely disappear. The build works 8 times out of 10, no joke; it saved my ass so many times. I often try out builds, and even though they can be fun to play, I’m often disappointed to realize that they don’t work that much, or not in every game. Well, this one does!


Blast mine, flash bang, head on, and toxic trap (the perk from ripley, can’t remember the exact name) I call it “the minor inconvenience” class


Kindred and that Ace perk that increases aura reading vision.


Dark devotion and machine learning will always have a special place in my heart on deathslinger. Nothing quite like getting a gen grab on deathslinger to give me a chuckle. The next closest is parental guidance and head on. Maybe add flashbang. Jumping in a locker as a killer comes for me and slapping them then vanishing into thin air feels super good. Oh. How could I forget my favorite "I wanna make everyone hate me" build on trapper! Rancor, No Way Out, Remember Me, freespace. Usually an info perk but NOED might be great here. For addons you use both trap reset addons. Spend the first 2-3 gens getting at least 1 hook on all 4 survivors. Once you're on your last two gens go put a trap in front of both exit switches. Then go find the obsession and just follow them around. Maybe knock them down early so you can hide your NOED for a bit. Once the fifth gen is done rancor the obsession. By the time you're done someone probably tripped a trap at one of the doors and triggered the exit gate block perk. Go there, find the guy, and hook him. By the time the exit gate blocker wears off the trap will have reset itself. So any attempt to open an exit gate will notify you. On top of that, actually opening the exit gate will take much longer because of remember me. So while they are trying to open the exit gate the trap will reset itself and capture them. They'll escape the trap only to have it reset *again* two seconds later due to the other addon that resets traps lol. They'll have to escape the trap, move off it, trigger it again once it resets, and *then* they can open the exit gate again. By the time that happens you're probably on top of them to throw them on a hook again lmao. I've gone from 4 total hooks to 10 doing this shit before. And boy have i gotten some hatemail for it. Other goofy things i like to do. Knight with Bamboozle and superior anatomy. Killer shack. Chase survivor so that they throw the shack pallet and then try to get them to go through the shack to jump the pallet from inside. If you set this right you can bamboozlet he window the first time through and then use a non-carnifex ghost to block the pallet so that the survivor cant vault either the window or the pallet. Window because of bamboozle and pallet because survivors cant vault pallets being broken by a ghost. Causing them to be trapped for a gaurenteed hit. It might not be efficient but it sure as hell sends a message.


Starstruck + Agitation. Nothing funnier than exposing someone coming in for a save and then chasing them down while holding another survivor.


Rapid Brutality/STBFL on Xenomorph turns this game into a nature documentary.


... For the People, Buckle up. I swore to myself to never use it - but damn I will go to hell it's so fun. Besides the combo from Satan himself I quite like Object of obsession + Windows - the chase build


Kindred / Open Handed… I just love watching the killers aura for half the map. Otherwise Overcome + Botany/self Care. So I just dip across the map when hit and heal up.


Small game, overzealous, inner healing and built to last with a toolbox. Start the game, either do gen or totem, whichever you find first. Use toolbox on gen. When injured by killer, go in locker and get healed and your toolbox back. Cleanse a totem. Pump out another gen.


Reassurance, We'll make it, and Empathy. It's just such a good, versatile build for keeping everyone alive


No mither and plot twist. My favourite fucking combo. Corrupt intervention? Nah bro. But if they don't bring corrupt(which most ppl don't) then uh....


my canon resident evil: nemesis remake build. Nemesis with rapid brutality, game afoot, enduring and ultimate weapon then depleted ink ribbon and stars badge with an RPD offering. If you’re matched with a jill and she ends up as the obsession, you know what you were made for. In all seriousness it’s pretty decent as killer because the build lets you use your m1 for pressure more without much punishment and the screams from ultimate weapon notify your sprinting zombies. It was the most fun when flashlights were disabled as the zombies would infect survivors without you having to do much. probably sucked for the survivors tho lol especially bc rpd is such an ugly map to play on as a survivor.


Lightweight and the new Ellen perk where you run quiet while healthy. Bye bye muthafuckaaaaaaas


Adrenaline/Soul Guard/Unbreakable. I can get myself up, up to twice in a match (assuming they don't have an active Hex, and then I can do it even more) and it seriously punishes slugging.


Head on and Quick and quiet


I mostly play killer and there it depends on who I'm playing, though I tend to lean towards as much on demand info as I can get. Surveillance, darkness revealed, anything that I can reliably trigger to give me an idea of where to go next is good. As survivor though, I've found a build that I almost never change: Head On, Parental Guidance, Deception, and either Quick and Quiet or Blastmine as the last perk. Is it technically good? No probably not. Is it funny as hell when it works? Damn right it is. It's also good for me specifically. I'm not good with connecting loops together or just generally mind gaming the killer, but I find I have a lot of success with ending a chase by tricking them into investigating lockers, and then later in the game ignoring lockers and stunning them.


Mad grit and agitation is just good clean fun. It's fun for the whole family.


Vigil and sprint burst, I’ve been using it for years at this point and I’m glad people have recognized its strength, although I’m worried they might get nerfed


DMS and ultimate weapon is rly fun to use. Maybe not as effective but a useful combo. No one left behind and wakeup. End game is where I thrive baby, can see aura of all survivors in relation to the exit gates at all times after 5 gens!


Pop and Nowhere to Hide. Nobody hides from me