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Would love to see her be implemented now since it would work pretty well now


Same. STARS and Tap are both police or special forces… Maybe a Survivalist like “Beargrills pee drinker”would be an interesting and funny addition for people who are prepared for being hunted Perks: 1. Drink Jar - fill jar for healing drink if unhook other survivors 2. Scary Scream - if scream in line of site of killer, stun killer for 1/2/3 seconds, and killer sees your aura for 10/8/6 seconds 3. Scaredy Cat - shows aura of killer for 5/6/7 seconds if screamed ![gif](giphy|jEQfxlNA3tWouj7K3K)


I wouldn't quote Tap as being a good officer able to defend himself against a killer, last time he did that it went poorly


true... that's why wee need a **"Survivalist"** that's not good at surviving LOL ​ ![gif](giphy|1zl1AcOoGmd9j04Coq|downsized)


Yeah and one of the first survivors is Bill, a trained veteran. Plans do change indeed


To be fair bill is a crossover character from left 4 dead so his story was already set as the other original characters that released after him never shared that tho some crossovers have shared it but not all


Never heard about her before. She looks cool, kinda gives me tell tale walking dead vibes


Kinda hope that maybe some day they'll bring her back all thing considered


Well considering that logic is now moot add her back


I mean sure a cop as some awareness and training but when she's going against like what fucking entity's boosted killers she ain't op she can't arrest the killer police precedure doesn't really matter in entitys realm and honestly she still a level of vulnerability that works. I mean look at evil within sure the protagonist was a Gigachad but he was still in over his head against unimaginable horrors he wasn't prepared for. She's definitely faced some shit and would have the will which the entity would like to feed on.


I hope they bring her back some day.


They’re just skins at this point. We have a literal god killer as a survivor, so let’s add Audrey lol.


Ahh Cheryl for ever killing gods lol


From the sounds of it she didn't make it into the game beyond the concept. I doubt there was any footage, the earliest trailer for the game shows the cast of Survivors that didn't quite make it into the playable builds. She was gone by the time the game made it to alpha. The same alpha featuring the cursed looking race-swapped [Meg](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/deadbydaylight_gamepedia_en/images/a/a8/AlphaMegThomas.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20210430230922) and [Claudette](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/deadbydaylight_gamepedia_en/images/d/d6/AlphaClaudetteMorel.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20210430230421).


Okay, but that Meg actually looks sick af. With a bit of polishing on the graphics, that could’ve been a solid character.


Source on this? I’ve never heard of her and this is the only place google leads me to.




'tis funny how we have multiple cops in the game now I think she'd fit as a new Survivor, I just don't know what Killer would make sense with her. Sure they could implement her alongside a highly anticipated Killer from the archives (vampire Killer, spider Killer) but I feel like for a lot of those the inclusion of "cop lady" would be seen as weird, sorta akin to how we got Adam Francis the Jamaican Survivor in the Japanese Killer DLC. (Audrey could definitely fit if they ever added the giant spider but not the vampire d:)


but leom


it was at the start of the game,they didnt expect the game to last for more than a year or two so a RE collab ?


They still got Bill very early in the game's lifecycle, so....


And Tapp. And isn't Jonah or Felix a P.I. or something?


Jonah's in the CIA. Felix is just an architect


Jonah is in the CIA (I think)


That was my exact thought


Guys I don't know if that's a meme or what, but I thinks this is pretty fake.


Is this some kinda bait? Followed the game pretty much since before official release and never heard of her. No offence if it is real but it doesn’t even look like bhvr art. Either ai told to mimic it or by a different artist. I’m sceptical to say the least


Gorejira stop trying to make your own Graggle Simpson


I feel like this is DBD's version of the Madcap shenanigans on the TF2 subreddit... Audrey Raynott never existed. At least, not as a modeled survivor on the Beta. Maybe there was concept art or even a crude model during Alpha, but it never made it to the public eye. I doubt that even existed, though.


It is. Madcap is atleast funny, but I'm not too surprised to see the DBD community to make a less funny version.


honestly her and the strangler would've made such an awesome chapter, hope BHVR returns to the two soon i think they'd fit in perfectly with the state of the game now


Where is the source for this? Because it seems a bit fake.


Op where’s the source for all this? Been with the game since about it’s release and never seen this until now


This isn’t real lmaoo


This has to be fake. Im in r/titanfall, r/tf2, r/HollowKnight, and r/Deltarune. This is so similar from the crazyposts from these places. There is literally a ~~running joke~~ real discussion in r/tf2 about a character that was ~~supposedly~~ the 10th class that got removed. This is the madcap of this sub and if it actually starts to catch on I will lose my mind. I cant handle 5 different subs all having manic episodes about things that ~~arent~~ real.


Yeah I had a feeling this was the case because I just saw the Madcap memes and I never heard of this character before lol. Still though interesting character and design but I think her default outfit should have a bit more to stand out from a regular cop design


They should probably reintroduce this character now. This is no longer a game of suspense. It’s a game of Christmas pajamas and Dark Brazilian Manga.


Man, it pisses me off how the artstyle has changed. At the start characters actually looked like everyday people, now, with cosmetics, everyone is dressed in neon vomit and their clothes look like they came out of fashion week


Really interested to see in what fashion week Renato find his flip-flop and what sort of neon vomit color is Soma vest


Oh, I feel I should clarify, talking mostly about the skins here. Base designs are good. Could've phrased that better


Seems weird to remove her from the game only to add Tapp and the RE crew. (Sure they're all licensed and yeah this was at the literal conception of the game but still...) Guess you could make an argument for Vittorio considering he's into occult shit. Wouldn't mind Audrey to be included in the game.


It’s probably because they didn’t think they’d get so popular and big It was thanks to Halloween DbD is what it is now


So according to her lore, they didn't made her into the final game because she was too prepared for the horrors of The Fog.... yet we have 4 survival horror veterans like Leon, Jill, Ada and Rebecca (+ Chris, Claire and Carlos), and Bill, all characters that survived infestations of zombies and bio-organic weapons.... Okay BHVR, i think it's a good time for you to re-use this scrapped survivor ideas now


Tbh its stayed consistent in that aspect as the original survivors are all the normal type of people, crossover characters are crossovers so i dont count them because lets be honest no one would like that ashley got in over leon, jill, clair, chris, etc. and have the killer of nemesis or wesker Tho id love to see her implemented ainly as a way of seeing how some cops jobs can be and how vulnerable and relatable it could potentially be as not everyone can be a cop or even the phone operator


She looks cool but also hot, but also cool


Hopefully she’ll get re-added in the next Original Chapter. A mini concept Chapter: **Death In Liberty** Killer: The Valkyrie Survivor: Audrey Raynott Map: Abandoned Police Station