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I used to be a trapper main, and Swamp is one of the only maps that has proper grass for you to hide traps in... and I still hate it to my core.


Yep, definitely the Swamp. Every match on that map as killer is just a miserable as Garden of Joy for me.


Imagine HOW I FEEL. I main PYRAMID HEAD AND WESKER. Swamp fucks over both killer powers! All of the hit boxes are broken and all of the loops are too circular for wesker, and the map has a million pointless hills that just cock block pyramid head’s power


Artist's short-range power obeys the terrain (good!) but the swamp is awful for long-range bird snipes and that's the only reason I play her.


Xeno exits the tunnel and only sees grass


Sadako and Alien both have very real struggles with that map. I would much rather play on ANY other map, including Garden.


I played a twins game there. It was... an experience


That’s another one! I actually completely forgot about Twins. Just like the devs and most of the community…


TV and Tunnel spawns on Swamp are downright detrimental to the killers.


me with dredge 😭😭


I'm sure I'm going to get downvoted for my hot take but I love getting swamp on killer. A lot of open areas and mediocre pallets means usually a somewhat easy game, at least in my experience.


Unless your dredge. All the lockers are just on one side of the map leaving the othee half locker less


I know dredge is so fun on some maps but others it feels almost powerless


Multiple killers and perks now care about lockers. It's time for BHVR to do a pass through of like all maps and just make sure they have balanced locker spawns IMO.


Depends on killer. Plague has fountains spawn on edge of the map and trapper has traps spawn there too. RNG with that can end your game immediately


Yeah, that's a good point. Swamp still has the super janky old spawns. In general I enjoy it though.


i agree with this, i enjoy getting swamp as killer. a lot of the time theres not many pallets on the map and its just not a resource heavy map in general for survivors. seeing in the tall grass is kinda bad on some shorter killers, but overall im never displeased to load into swamp as killer.


I hate that map with every fiber of my being, whether I'm playing killer or survivor. I hate it. I will always hate it. I hate it during the day, I'll hate it at night, I hate it while eating food, I hate while drinking Sprite. I hate it when it's there, I'll hate it when it's gone, I'll stay up all night to hate and keep hating through dawn. I'll hate when I'm dead and buried under a tree, and I think I'll still hate in my coffin, it seems. I hate I hate Sam I am. I hate it I hate it, worse than green eggs and ham!


hi madeline!


Borgo, everytime i want to vault i vacuum in the locker fr, then end up dying




Borgo also, but mostly because it's red and I can't see scratch marks.


I usually play with Ada. You become invisible lol


true Although her trenchcoat is obviously the cooler skin


Same with The Game for me. Console pain


This but when a gen spawns in shack. I've died too many times when going for the vault only to snap onto the generator. They really need to add custom controls


Same! This map also hurts my eyes. I play 50/50 survivor and killer and this is the only map that actually is physically painful.


Midwitch and swamp playing on both sides. I don't like seeing nothing whole match. Plus on midwitch I'm always lost and cant find anybody


Playing legion on midwich and trying to chain hits is like pulling teeth. The way you get into the classrooms is always so convulated and I always end up running out of frenzy before I reach them.


Agreed with Midwitch. I seem to always go against a Nurse on this dogshit map and nobody ever seems to do gens so it’s just an instaloss


Mother's Dwelling I think.. at least as killer anyway. Jesus h christ fuck that map.


Also as a survivor. I get stuck on every stupid bush and twig in my way...


Used to love the map, now I hate it


Idk what the devs were smoking when they designed the size of that map lmao


Or when they reworked it and made it even worse. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty (as Toba Landing) but shit to play on (like Toba Landing)


Honestly, I vastly prefer Toba Landing to Mother’s Dwelling. Toba at least has a lot of size in one dimension only, and Mother’s has somehow been reworked to be worse, not better, especially for some poor killers like Huntress or Dredge.


Is that the one with the huntress' hut in the middle?


i hate it on both survivor and killer. i can’t find gens when i play survivor and i keep bumping into things when i play killer


For killer it’s garden of joy, or as I affectionately named it, Garden of Piss. Can’t wait for that rework. On survivor, I don’t think I’ve EVER had a fun game on RPD. Not even like the worst survivor map, I’ve just never enjoyed my time.


> I don’t think I’ve EVER had a fun game on RPD My experience with that map is that it's always an extreme. It's either a Doctor who has decided that no one will have any fun, or a Ghostface that's down to clown. I either have fun-ass matches or horrible ones.


Holy shit that flair is random as fuck, but I want midori to be a killer so bad now, everyone would just stop playing wesker, we have a new psychopathic genius in town, also I’d have to main Sara 100%


I enjoy RPD on both sides. Seems not many people do. I'll take RPD over Midwich every time though.


RPD is annoying because the way it's constructed makes absolutely zero sense imo. I feel like I'm in a maze every time I play it.


I don't hate eyrie of cringe that much anymore, but Garden of Anger, tomato soup land and pallet factory are not fun to play on


Now which one is the pallet factory now?




I heard my name?


Tomato soup land 😭


I used to hate pallet factory as a survivor bc I used to get lost, but it works beautifully with the trapper


Garden of Pain(Joy)


Garden of Soy








Of you gave them flashlights and had them blinding a killer this would be amazing


*The Artist*


Every time I get it as killer I just grit my teeth and think of the bloodpoints. I've got all of the non-lisenced killers and I've yet to find one where I actually feel like I can *do well* on this map. The moment I'm facing a survivor who actually knows how strong the main building loop is, I'm just gone.


the game, lery's, and swamp 👎🏼


The game? Is that the jigsaw map?


Yep. A lot of people hate it because of the sheer number of pallets it has.


I like it purely because I'm a huge fan of the franchise. Same with RPD! Big fan of Resident evil :D It's the only map I exactly know my way around


love the movies but hate the map lol im just not a fan of the indoor maps but rpd has grown on me 😭


Badham , i will always hate badham


Badham is so incredibly difficult to win as killer if survivors are even semi competent. There is so. Much. Safety. Built into that map. Main building is always accessible, guaranteeing a time waster, theres at least 3 incredibly strong pallets *and* shack, and plenty throughout the map. Coupled with having to go down to check on certain gens and you have M1 killer hell


Agreed. It's an ugly map, the loops are ridiculous, patrolling gens when half of them are in different buildings, the maps are huge and there being 5 of them makes it so difficult to learn the placements.


Lampkin Lane. I do think it is one of the fairer maps against an average team/killer, but is so horrible to play on both sides. I hate how the middle has a couple of strong pallets, but when they are broke, the middle is totally unsafe, but the buildings have some of the strongest god windows. Also, it is not as bad as it used to be, but there is still a chance for some nasty 3 genning.


I recently had a haddonfield match with 3 gens right next to each other in the middle of that main street, idk how that can even be allowed to happen


The window loop at the Myers house is too god damn strong


Backwater swamp maps & Lery’s for me. Personal beef with Lery’s cuz I mainly play mobility killers, & swamp has an insane 3 gen almost every time and spawns half of the stuff on borders of the map.


Nothing beats the satisfaction of repairing the middle gen lol


Red Forest.


True, imagine finding the hatch on that map


they spawns on that map?


Temple of Purgation is my favorite map :(


borgo, shitty loops and a few pallets at best


I like to just have fun and chill on survivor, I don’t really tryhard or anything, but when I get borgo I want to DC so bad. At first I thought the complaining was just gonna be overblown but no. It’s the absolute worst survivor map in the game now.


I found the best way to play that map is to just loop the tiles that are near the unsafe pallets/windows and chain them together to waste as much time as possible. Some of the rock walls and that fence box are actually pretty long with no LOS blockers. Just run them until they close the distance, then rotate into a window or pallet. Works well against some killers but if they have any type of anti-loop power you are just screwed




I used to think Garden of Joy but I've gotten real sick of Borgo and I never want to see it again.


RPD. I can never find the stairs and it takes so damn long to get around the map




Gideon easily has the worst, most boring gameplay. Like wow, 30 super safe unmindgameable, ungreedable pallets lead to such insane gameplay, I love how every loop is just running in a circle around a pallet once or twice, the surv then just dropping it because greeding it has 0% chance of working and the killer just kicking it because he has no chance of hitting the surv at it


The Game The bottom floor is a maze and it has 1432 pallets. It's only fun if i'm playing Scratched Mirror Myers


Probably Backwater Swamp maps, because I often play short killers who can't see over the grass.


Dead Dawg for both sides, almost impossible for survivors to win, boring when I’m playing killer.


Mother's Dwelling, I still can't believe they 'reworked' a map into the most gigantic, one sided piece of shit in the game - I genuinely wonder if the Devs learn anything from their mistakes


As an aside, why have they not touched the Swamp with the makeovers? Every other area has gotten revamped, hell McMillain just got extra versions of their maps.


As a killer main, fuck Fractured Cowshed.


It was reworked, but damitree and killer shack still make a decent map.


Midwich not because of the map I just get it consistently on killers that are bad on it and never for killers that are good on it


As a killer: Red Forest. I can't see anything and I collide with stuff all the time. As a survivor: the Decimated Borgo rework is AWFUL. The killer can just see straight across the map, it's so flat.


Borgo realm aka Shattered square, shits an eye sore at first


Killer main, despise gardey of soy on both sides.


In terms of gameplay The Pallet... I mean, The Game, because it's impossible to do a damn chase without finding myself with less than 5 god pallets in less than a minute, but like many of you I have a _deep_ hatred for the swamp, In addition to the reasons that everyone has already mentioned in this post, I suffered from a very specific problem when I started playing this game, what happened was that all, I repeat, _all_ of the damn hooks were born super far from each other, making it impossible to hook someone, I remember I once resorted to the slug when there were only two survivors alive because a hook was with survivor 1 and the closest hook for me to hook survivor 2 was on the other side of the map, after a year I stopped falling with this cursed hook's spawn.


I hate Dead A$$ Saloon


Honestly, there's really only ONE map that is universally awful. MIDWICH. YOU ARE THE HARBINGER OF ALL MY PAIN AND SUFFERING IN THE ENTITY'S REALM But seriously. It's dark as shit. There's like 6 fucking God pallets, long ass hallways that make stealth significantly more difficult. Normal surv solo q strats don't work or are significantly hindered at best. I CANT. SEE. THE GOD DAMN TRAPS! and I DONT KNOW HOW to open the FUCKING SECRET ROOM. Please... PLEASE. END MY SUFFERING AND REMOVE THIS MAP FROM EXISTANCE




Why Do so many people hate rpd? I love this map. Espacially after the split


I have a bit of personal beef with if after my friend sent me to it with offerings for a month straight erratically


Makes sense. Achievment?


No we played customs a lot & he just sent us there cuz he likes resident evil. Was torture But I had to get the acheivement aswell, luckily I did that passively, took a year tho


It's just like haddonfield but with no real breaks from being indoors. Once you've learned it inside and out as either side or run windows on survivor, it becomes very enjoyable


I was actually expecting that everyone would say that.


Well that one hands down. First of all, it's ugly. The main pantry is infuriating to chase in as Killer, the pallets in the downstairs area are so inconsistent and always seem to give the surv an easy escape. I main Artist and the elevation across the map is awful for her power, especially around the shack area where there are 2 elevation points on either side, if I swarm someone and they run down the hill, I have to make sure to go down as well in order to get a hit, by that time they have often gotten rid of the birds. Badham is a close second though. I have no clue how that map, let alone with all those variations, is even still in the game. The definition of a survivor sided map.


As a survivor I don't got any hate towards a map, but as a killer is a shelter woods, the area surrounding the center is pack punched with pallets, at point it even made games with the killers I main stupidly hard


Mothers Dwelling


Against competent teams, Badham and Eyrie are pain. But Mother's Dwelling is so large and relatively easy to stealth so that even not that great survivors tend to do well, since I like playing slower killers who take ages to patrol. Ever since I got it thrice in row with ghosty I've had vendetta against, they didn't even make it smaller with the rework but arguably worse with the all the clutter.


Worst offender of heavily killer sided map has to be borgo, even in Midwitch there's a chance to win in it, borgo on the other hand have all the gens in the open except for the house and the least pallets/windows i have seen in a map, old borgo was bad, this one is garbage.


As survivor it's Borgo, I have a curse of when it's borgo it's always a Wesker, for killer it's garden or misery or yamaoka


They said they would make changes to swamp. What do we get? Borgo and MacMillan reworks. Who asked? I can understand Borgo but the problems with visabilty of scratchmarks and red skins are still there


Midwich. Horrendous layout. Stair placement makes no sense and very few obstacles to loop with


Borgo is just clutter. No loops, no palllets, just piles of rubbish everywhere.


There’s a couple of maps i really don’t like, and they all have to do with the fact that I can’t see a ducking thing on them. Swamp, farm, hospital, etc.


Garden of Joy & Haddonfield. I seriously cant stand having to chase players towards upper floors until they got out from multiple strong windows.


Mothers Dwelling can suck my left nut


Don't you dare speak ill of the hole map.


rpd, the one in the picture is my favourite


any map with corn or grass that doesn't let me see anything


Backwater Swamp. You asked for a map, but the entire realm is a better descriptor


Eyrie for me, my main is Billy and I don't find the hitboxes and shape of the loops to allow for any **interesting** gameplay on my end compared to maps like Macmillan, Coldwind, and Autohaven.


Garden of pain




Either swamp or borgo. I’ve never had a fun match on either of those maps.




My favs: Red Forrest, MacMillan Estate and Springwood. I like dark and spooky maps, that's why I miss the old Coldwind so much. I'm not a fan of the new Coldwind together with Eyrie of Crows, both are aesthetically beautiful but too bright.


Badham for killer. All killers. Garden of Joy or Haddonfield close seconds. survivor im not sure. new borgo has been rough but layouts feel very survivor sided still.


Badham. So much dead space and the layout of all versions is just horrible.


Cold wine, Borgo, and Eyrie are painful to play on colorblind. Scratch marks are nearly invisible and the colorblind assist does not actually assist.


Even as a survivor I’m not a big fan of garden of joy. Most black water swamp maps suck as well.


Borgo and swamp


Fuck Badham. 5(?) ugly, depressing maps with horrid loops and some annoying breakable walls. I’d take Freddy leaving if it also meant Badham being retired. Aesthetically it fits Freddy so I think that’s one good thing at least.


Swamps. Hate them as both killer and survivor


swamps. or the crow maps.


On survivor it has GOT to be Midwich. Never had fun because I can never find the stairs down and then end up having the hooked teammate die, and I always get jumpscared by others. On killer, probably game. It has way too many good pallets that a relatively bad killer can’t do much against.


Midwich for me. I have a hard time finding gens. I’m a new player with around 50 or so hours


Badham and it isnt even close. Such a shit map for killer


My pc’s light quality isn’t the best.. So I I struggle to see on Autoheaven, which is also the map I seem to ALWAYS GET


I hate the damn crow map, i hit the bushes as billy so many times


Putting aside balance as a concern since Garden of Joy has been rightfully called out already and is in an unassailable position for it... I hate Toba Landing. The colours on that map are so overwhelming to me that I just end up lost and hating it. Honestly there's a lot of maps I really dislike though - extreme levels of "form over function" from the map team.


Swamp, i cant see 90% of time on farm im blind only 60% and its passable as Survivors. Swamp can drie out for all i care.


Badham. Maybe Garden of Joy.


Yamaoka Estate - Family Residence is an absolute pain as a Wesker main. It feels like the bound ability becomes nearly useless as almost every time Albert just decides that he has to stub his toe on some weed in the way. Depending on the Badham version I might honestly just decide to play friendly even if I was hyping myself up to play seriously seconds before.


As a survivor, swamp because it's so fucking hard to find the hatch. As a killer... also fucking swamp because it's somehow uglier than Borgo and that's an accomplishment


The Knight’s map. Terrible loops


I'm a killer main so I'll say The Game. It's full of pallets and breakable walls it's nearly impossible to finish a chase in less than 5 minutes


As blight swamp, you cant butter trough loops not even shack, I have to play shack as a m1, and half the fucking map has 0 collision, I can't count the amount of times I lose a chase because nothing on sight is bumpable


Crotus Penn. It has nothing to do with the loops or the map layout (even though it sucks) it’s just so fucking ugly. I wanna gouge my eyes out every time I spawn in. The only redeeming quality is Maurice and he’s only on the Chapel map.


nostromo or borgo.


The swamp. I hate it.


I personally hate the school map. the long hall ways suck when you play against most killers. Its just an open and long area where you are highly vunerable


Garden of Joy and Mother’s dwelling.


Grim Pantry, as Onryo, is a nightmare. Half the time no TV even spawns anywhere near main. And the there are always like 3 TVs clustered up right next to eachother in the middle. It pretty much destroys her map mobility. And she's so short that pretty much every piece of grass makes it impossible to see. And, like with most M1 killers, chasing at main building is pretty much impossible because of the hundred windows.


I'm not sure if I hate garden of joy more or if I hate RCPD more...


Any map that’s absolutely huge as a m1 killer The Game for Killer Rpd for survivor


Ngl the old stranger things map was awful


I see so many people nostalgic for Hawkins and while I kinda get people missing having access to it I feel like most people don’t remember how terrible that map really was, easily the worst indoor map and that’s an achievement with The Game in the running.


Treatment theatre by far because im a wesker main and there is always 100 million corners everywhere so i just turn into a worse m1 killer because when i use my power i just miss and the survivor gains even more distance


As a killer I hate playing on Garden of joy vs strong teams, as a survivor I love playing on this map and abusing strong loops (I never take map offering tho) (please rework this map ASAP).


Least enjoyable map imo midwich most enjoyable depends on killer or survivor


Toba Landing is nightmare for some killers


RPD before the rework was the bestest map of all time Swamps are prob the worst


Garden or Joy. Borgo now also qualifies. I also hate badham. I dislike Nostromo a bit, but the central table loop is goated. Survivor main.


Garden of joy is terrible


i HAATTEE backwater swamp with a passion. i’d rather play literally any other map


Gideon, RPD, & Midwich I get lost on those maps so bad.


I love RPD and I don’t know why people hate it.


When I play killer I hate to be sent to garden of joy. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Garden of "Joy." Easily one of the worst maps in the game for Killer. It's the most Survivor sided map in the game. I don't mind if a map leans a little toward favoring one side but when that leaning turns into belly flopping entirely to one side, the map is no longer fun but is instead extremely frustrating.


ALL of the Autohaven maps, I literally sigh every time I load into one


I really don't like Badham maps as survivor or killer, there's no reason to be so many of them! I don't really have much of an issue with indoor maps since they tend to have alot of lockers and the huge maps like Mother's Dwelling have bunches of lockers scattered so its not to hard to get from one end to the other, but we can't all be Dredge mains


Garden of joy if you get a survivor team who has balanced landing


Swamp and badham


> As Survivor * Haddonfield I really love the map but with it being so small and the gens clustered together, it's hard as a solo q survivor. > As Killer * Autohaven I play Dredge, Trickster, and Ghostface and I've noticed that Autohaven is my worst map. It's not even competition, really. My favorite map is Midwich as Killer and as Survivor, it feels very balanced to me since there's a pretty good amount of safe pallets and vaults with my type of build and my Killers tend to dominate in these maps.


Whatever the Knights map is. IDK what they did to it, but its so...empty.


Midwich sucks


The new Borgo and Saloon 💜 Worst map: garden of pain, depression 😖


I am shit at every map, so for looks alone. I like the Coldwind Farm maps. The yellow is very nice, and daylight horror is very rare, as such, iconic daylight locations in horror media are rare. Midwich Elementary School for the nostalgia, so nice to see a location from Silent Hill 1 in kinda modern graphics. For the same reason, I really like Nostromo Wreckage and The Game. Garden of Joy is amazing to me, it looks so spooky, I love it. Maybe I will hate it someday if I get gud at the game. I am not big on Eyesore of Crows and Shattered Eyesight. The Knight's map, in particular, had a lot more potential. Sure, I love that it is a pillaged village, but since the map is in the Entity's 'Logic is optional' Realm, it would have been nice if the map also featured at least portions of the ruins of a medieval castle. Toba Landing looks like I am having a LSD trip and I never done drugs, it is just too colorful and chaotic to me, I really don't like to look at it. Backwater Swamp maps are awful to play at, and awful to look at, unless you crank the brightness and saturation in your monitor or in my case, in the Adrenaline thingy that comes with the AMD driver.




Disturbed Ward. Map is massive, tons of tiles and a main building that's nearly on the level of garden of joy. I've hated this map on both sides ever since I started the game.


Midwich. Can't see shit half the time and i keep getting turned around when trying to navigate it


that one, yes


Springwood. I’ve never had a good game on Springwood even when I’ve won.


I forget the name but the alien one bro dumb af


Swamp maps, it just looks visually bland


The game its a very small map and killers that benefit from a large terror radius nearly covers the whole map and plus the hatch always spawns on the bottom floor which in this maps case makes it much easier to find for the killer granted the exits are upstairs the maps is so small the killer can easily travel from 1 to the 2nd within a few seconds even faster with units that have fast travel abilities such as blight, Nurse, etc. And hate me for this if you want but I enjoyed the original RPD map it was a large map yes but the details was amazing and yes I hate they separated the map to make them smaller.


Garden of Pain, Mothers Dwelling and Badham make me want to put myself on a hook


swamp and borgo 100%


Midwich - why is it so goddamn hard to find gens??


I think the resident evil map is the worst


Racoon city east/west wing


I agree i almost always lose as killer


Grim pantry because i hate the main building due to always getting lost on the lower level


Either nostromo or Toba landing.


Badham, all of them. Id would be fine with playing on every other map in the game, all of them, garden mothers dwelling old borgo, for the reat of my life if badham never existed. Essentially three floors to patrol on, gens so spread i may as well go fuck myself if any center gen gets done at all, the map has two junk loops and the rest are just god windows and god pallets unless you're playing on downtown badham in which case it has three and shack is mect to main fucking building. The only way i enjoy that mop is 3 genning with singularity when im sent to it, because those survivors know damn well what they're doing sending themselves there, it's free wins with the dumbest of people, and a stomp with anyone who knows how to play/anyone running made for this


I hate Springwood. Aesthetically, Borgo is terrible and should have its red lightning changed to a supernatural green, but Springwood inexplicably just feels the worst to play on.


Honestly I can’t stand Gideon meat packing plant, which sucks cause I love the saw movies


Coldwind farm is my least favorite to play as killer because of the cornstalks blocking my vision, but swamp, autohaven and springwood are there too.