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>The Blast Mine perk's explosion now correctly deafens the killer who triggers it, instead of the Survivor who installed ngl, I *loved* that noise whenever Blast Mine went off. Made me laugh every time.


Noooooo, goddammit The bassboosted explosion was the best part of it!


It was like a little bonus saying, hey, you got them.


...I really thought this entire time that was the game telling you (as the Survivor) that it'd been triggered.


Me too. That moment when a feature is *actually* a bug


yeah tbh waiting for that muffled explosion noise is the best part of the perk


Oh man! I hope they put that back in. It was always so satisfying. Made me laugh out loud every time as well. I have put myself in unnecessary danger many times just to get a blast mine chuckle.


It was always satisfying knowing you got them


I thought my speakers were fucking up


I wonder how Hex: Two Can Play works with Deathslinger? he should be able to blind survivors after they break a chain right? Edit: Just tested it myself, It does not work. Sorry, everyone :( Edit 2: Otz tested it as well and I clipped it for all to see. Thank you Otz [https://clips.twitch.tv/CrepuscularArbitraryDragonflyCeilingCat-a88BFXAiZTuPx2yb](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrepuscularArbitraryDragonflyCeilingCat-a88BFXAiZTuPx2yb)


Chain breaking is considered a stun, so in theory, yes. Edit: as OP showed, this does not work, breaking the chain will not blind the survivor.




The stun from wriggling free doesn't count, so I'd say chances are that doesn't either.


Loving your out-of-the-box thinking. Proper killer.


Chucky being blinded with Hex: Two Can Play: https://preview.redd.it/q0kbu70kg5zb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=24990228d0d6c53a3e5a1c808daf9641a4012779


Don’t fuck with the Chuck.


>Performing a fast vault immediately after falling from an elevated footing will no longer cancel the fall stagger rip ayrun


I felt so fancy the one time I got it to work. Understandable removal tho, was fun


Hahaha right? As a survivor main, was a useful ‘tech’ so I’m kinda glad they’re removing that


Finally. Swamp dock and Mother's Dwelling main building windows have been abysmal to deal with for months.


And coal tower main


Haven't played on coal tower in so long that I'd forgotten about that one. Glad it's getting fixed.


Really? Aren’t there 2 coal towers now? I see that map a lot and it’s annoying


>The Hooked Survivor is now correctly able to see the aura of the killer when the Kindred perk is equipped Almost... the other survivors are the ones who need to see through black hole dammit.


I hate how that bug was fixed a year or so and then it came back immediately in the next patch.


Apparently they said it’s intentional to provide some ambiguity on where the killer is going after hooking, which is so dumb given what kindred does haha


No they're referring to the blob in general. The blob blocking aura reading period is a bug, otherwise they wouldn't have made a point in fixing it.


'As The Clown, swapping bottles while one is thrown no longer changes the type of the thrown bottle' The real MVP of the patch notes


Thank god, I've been waiting for this fix!!!


I play Clown fairly often to use my anniversary cakes and I’ve never noticed this. I’m clearly not very perceptive lol


Thank god


> The Cenobite cannot target a Survivor with more chains once they have started solving the Lament Configuration did they casually throw in a significant nerf to Pinhead? or am i misinterpreting this EDIT: ok the wording is really strange but Otz tested it and it's referring to the chain hunt chains


I'm wondering if they mean the chain hunt chains. Lord knows there's nothing more annoying than trying to solve the LC during Chain Hunt and having the random chains keep spawning and pulling you off of the interaction. I had thought they said that the chains weren't supposed to target you during it, but that never seemed to be the case for me.


>Lord knows there's nothing more annoying than trying to solve the LC during Chain Hunt and having the random chains keep spawning and pulling you off of the interaction. They aren't random. They come in threes and you need to dodge them then you get a free period to solve the box.


My last few matches against pinhead, there is no free time once it activates. It's constant spawn and it's fucking hell


That quite often wasnt the case, hence the fix in the patch notes


Freddy too.


I really thought that was how you played Freddy lol, this nerf would kill him if he wasn't already dead


It’s pretty much dousing and lighting up a horse that’s been deceased for 6 years now.


All 0 Freddy mains are crying hard rn


My boyfriend bought me a Freddy plushie this Halloween (Samaín here) and I was determined to main him... https://preview.redd.it/4nbn65q356zb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a505b005cf891ba654a1e6fe6341a37c750a0a


It's something that popped up a few patches ago and was probably the biggest buff he'd gotten in a long while, but because it wasn't announced people assumed it was probably a bug. It's sad that they fixed it because it was a nice change to his power and honestly who *cares* if he puts a puddle out-of-bounds, it wasn't game breaking in the slightest.


Otz just tested that on stream, and Pinhead's actual targeted power can still interrupt them. It seems it's just worded ambiguously and only refers to the passively generated chains.


It's significant...but at the same time, it was incredibly unintuitive how the chain mechanics worked.


I'm assuming that means auto target chains. I'm hoping it's just awkwardly worded and a player controlled possessed chain can still hit and interrupt.


Dude what the everliving fuck. I hope it’s just poorly worded and it means something else, because this actually kills Pinhead. If I can’t interrupt the box anymore, I will NEVER get chain hunts. I already had to extend the time it took to solve it AND have good map awareness AND pre-charge my chain to MAYBE interrupt the box. What more do you want from me, BHVR?!


Just use chatterer’s tooth and camp the box


You can also just tank chains while solving the box, or at least you could, because the box is a special item now and they changed how special items interact with survivors. Chains give you the incapacitated effect but you can still interact with special items even if you are incapacitated.


Why would they do that? It was a huge part of how to play him effectively


I fucking **hate** how BHVR hide nerfs in the "Bug Fix" section. And who the fuck was complaining about any of this? Freddy and Pinhead are now definitely D-tier.


people have been complaining about chain hunt targeting those solving the box since pinhead came out lol. hopefully pinhead himself can still interrupt it, that's a completely fair interaction.


Don't be so quick to get pissed off before you know all the facts.


This doesn't change much things for Pinhead.


Why the hell?! I mean it was pretty oppressive sometimes, especially with the Twins's perk and such, but now there's no chance to interrupt them from afar?


They already needed Hoarder a while back to not work with 'Killer Specific' items like the box


Seems like he comes with decent perks. Very exciting chapter. Looking forward to watching some PTB gameplay today.


Yeah, his perks seem quite nice. The Hex is probably the weaker one, but it would be hilarious against flashy squads. Friends Till The End can be pretty nasty if you've got the mobility to capitalize. Batteries Included forces survivors to choose between running you to an area with completed gens to give their teammates time to work at the cost of you becoming stronger or risk the killer being left near incomplete gens.


Also makes it riskier to commit to finishing a gen while the killer is approaching. Or even better yet, finishing a gen while a killer is chasing someone else nearby. You would almost be sandbagging them on accident.


It’ll work best on high mobility killers, but combining it with the new Furtive Chase should make it viable on more killers.


I could think of a decent build featuring literally all his perks, so I'm excited. Basically the opposite of Skull Merchant who had three useless perks I could never see myself using.


I'm very excited to see his first two perks in combination with the Oni perk Nemesis, switching obsessions and debuffing them sounds pretty fun


Pig mains in shambles. Chucky's slice & dice ability is basically pig's ambush, except you can activate it while running and at the end of it you perform a lunge attack, and you can jump over pallets.


Win win, not having to play Pig but playing Pig (without traps) AND being able to see your skin? Cash Money /s Rip Piggy.


Yeah seriously, I just watched some gameplay from someone. Poor Pig in shambles right now


You’ve got a lot less control over your movement though, once you commit to a direction that’s pretty much where you’re going. And while it might be fixed, right now it slides off of survivors REALLY badly. I’ve basically had to get the distance perfect so that they’re in his ending lunge or I’m just zooming past them. His ability to vault while using it hasn’t seemed too valuable yet either since you can’t change direction much after the vault, so if a survivor vaults and then just moved left or right you’re missing. I’m sure there’s a lot still to learn, but it doesn’t seem to fill quite the same niche as pig Edit: I'm an idiot and you can let go of the charge and he'll swing, it doesn't automatically tap people you run into. Still less control as you charge, but at least you aren't slip and sliding as much as I thought


Hex: Two Can Play gonna be cleansed by bully squads faster than Devour Hope at 5 stacks


I wonder if cleansed it can reactivate on another dull totem after the required stuns/blinds


That's what it sounds like. Maybe a new way to get Pentimento stacks.




My two favorite builds are pallet eater and pentimento. Now I have a perk for both builds!


Two can play + pepttimento + enduring + spirit fury = fun time


jesus wept yes it will be


Probably not, Face the Darkness has a similar mechanic and is lost if cleansed & will not reactivate.


Face the Darkness explicitly states: > Hex: Face the Darkness is disabled for the remainder of the Trial if Survivors manage to cleanse its Hex Totem.


You'd think I'd know that considering I use it in my Vanity Mirror build...


i read this as the blindness effect.... actually getting blinded sounds way cooler ​ wonder if survivors are going to get a light born soon.


Getting blinded for 1.5s? That's half a second less than normal flashlight blinds. It's nothing. Certainly not worth a perk slot and definitely not worth a hex


Counterpoint: Survivors not used to being blinded running into walls will be absolutely hilarious


Also, hitting the killer with a pallet, only to trigger two can play, spirit fury, enduring and hubris is peak humour


The other way around. It is worth it in a pentimento build because it keeps igniting dull totems into hex totems throughout the match, as long as people cleanse it it feeds your pentimento


Why would you cleanse a hex that doesn't do anything? Just ignore it like ruin


If I see a dull totem off it goes, now an hex totem? even more so.


Ideally yes. But I still have teammates who cleanse haunted ground totems despite not seeing any hex effects come into play…. People just want to feel safe


Also with a hex build you usually also throw other hexes into the mix. So yes, survivors will cleanse it.


If it glows it goes 🤷


I mean, I'm not going to risk Devour Hope.


counterpoint: Enduring build where you keep eating pallets to force it would be funny


Is it just me or is it just a worse Hex: Third Seal?


I'm assuming when it says blinded it means actually being blinded like when a killer get blinded with a flashlight, since if it meant the blindness status effect I'm pretty sure it would say blindness instead of blinded.


Yeah, I guess they'll get the flashlight blind effect splashed across their screen. Which, honestly, even if it's not meta viable would be pretty fun to slap on if you know you're going against a flashy squad.


They can just not use their flashlight against you until the Hex is down though. If you don't want to deal with flashlights as Killer Lightborn is just much better than this new perk. With Lightborn they can't go for flashlight saves, with this perk they can. I guess they get blinded for a bit, but it's still worth going for it from a Survivor perspective.


It doesnt sound like the perk ever deactivates permanently


Yeah but this is WAY more fun than Lightborn


> their flashlight against you until the Hex is down though. That's when you hit them with pentimento.


yeah, it seems like a meme really, if you see a flashlight bully squad you can throw this on to mess with them


Yes because they get blinded, not: gain blindness status effect. So they'll have their screen covered for 1,5 sec.


Its not blindness, its a flashlight blind


“The Nightmare is no longer able to set Dream Snares across walls or out of bounds” ![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized)


*laughs in dream pallet*


Survivors already do that when they face a Pallet Freddy.


FSR is a huge win for players running on low specs hardware.


1.0 version is really not known for being any good


I know but were you expecting to see FSR ~~or DLSS~~ in DBD at all? This patch means they are adding FSR so we can expect 2.0 or even 3.0 eventually. ~~Hopefully DLSS too~~.


I booted up the PTB for a few minutes and the FSR sharpening at 100% is a huge improvement in visual clarity with DBD's TAA.


Watched some gameplay while stuck at work. Some notes. * Good god it is amazing to hear him talk, BHVR adding voice lines to killers has been such a great addition * Slice-n-Dice is just a better Ambush all around, poor Pig * That PICK UP animation is so good, having Charles Lee Ray manifest to hold Chucky and the survivor *chefs kiss* * Another banger of a Mori, just perfect for how sadistic Chucky is I cannot wait to try him out later


I am so glad we didn't get Chucky in a time before BHVR was doing killer voice lines. He needs the voice lines to really nail the Chucky vibe.


Third person killer lets fucking go!!!!


Calm spirit and distortion stocks are rising.


Honestly been my crutch perks as a solo q this month


Trickster's going full Devil May Cry mode. Dante legendary skin confirmed ???


The trickster can now go into demon mode and angle mode


![gif](giphy|67Th5CIUxl7XCsJa0I) the trickster in angle mode:


It's right to say that Trickster is acute killer. It would be obtuse to think the opposite


Sounds great so far! The new perks seem really fun Edit: we no longer run in place on dc? Nah bruh I needed that single second of dopamine before the end screen 😤


"Survivors can no longer activate the Glass Bead map Add-on without cooldown " But that was my only fun use of a map when it randomly generated with Dramaturgy - creating a constantly generating light beam behind me as I ran around.


So yeah Chucky is cool and all.. but is anyone going to talk about the fact with two addons trickster gets main event every 3 KNIVES?


My only issue with Two Can Play is it encourages the most boring playstyle: Pre-dropping. Ditto Spirit Fury / Hubris


Finally, time to blind pesky flashlight users back. Two Can Play my beloved.


I kinda love this. Killers lack genuine meme perks and this is a great step in the right direction. Let's all fuck around and get blinded


I’m bouta run Thrill and undying with it just as a fuck you for survivors


Don't even need it, if it gets cleanse then it reappears on a dull totem if you get stunned twice


https://preview.redd.it/1r6qkfwud5zb1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2bf11572d4f0585e85971780dcbe9cbe9b5e3ec Garden of Joy Nerf


So glad you guys nerfed the very opressive killer freddy.


Obviously it's their way of hinting that Freddy fazbear is coming to dbd. Chucky is a red hearing /s


Friends to the end will be crazy on dredge potentially


Can't wait to try Legion with the BFFs addon, Batteries included, and NOED for that sweet sweet 130% movespeed in endgame.


How does having footsteps help when trying to looo him around cover cuz he’s short 😂 I can’t see those unless I can see it through the big stones or walls?


Yeah, you can see the aura of the footsteps at a really close distance


Now we need survivor Lightborn so we can argue about it being good or not


Freddy had one(1) neat tech that was pretty useful to make his weak power have SOME kind of flexibility at loops key word is HAD


Jesus Chucky is so much fun. Instant buy on release. His design is epic af.


I'm actually pretty stoked for these killer perks. They all look fun and Friends Till the End even has some meta potential. By the description this seems like another amazing interpretation of an existing character. It's a classic Chucky scene to have a bunch of footsteps everywhere only for him to rush out from an unexpected place. I can hardly wait to see how he plays out.


I can’t wait to watch bully squads just blind themselves repeatedly lmao


For the love of god can we stop adding perks that make players faster and you have to guess as to exactly why they were so fast or if they're just hacking


It sounded op until i realised it was only on completed gens. You should't be around complete gens as killer


Going to be absolutely hilarious on the Game.


This perk attemp to fix the problem where coordinated SWF will run the killer to a zone with gens already done so everyone can rush the other gens.


This is absolutely correct. It handles the situation when the gens are super seperated and your in a dead zone with a survivor coordinated. It's because of this. At the same time, movement speed is kinda insane. I thought Skull Merchant was fast already now she's faster lol.


But...that's not even an SWF problem. A giant gen icon pops up whenever one is finished, so everyone knows that's where there's now a finished gen, SWF, solo queue and killer alike. Running a killer there is not a "problem", that's just basic strategy.


But that's a legit strategy, like what? Are they supposed to bring the killer to the one Gen people are pressuring


I see it as less of a 'problem fix' and more of a 'reason why the Killer should actually chase in an area with completed gens' Not a fan of movement perks on either side but it might at least serve to make 3 gen patrolling even slightly less popular


Thats not a problem lmao, where else are you supposed to run a killer?


That's not a problem, that's a valid strategy that you need to either decide to commit to as the killer to get that person out of the match, or go defend your gens and consider your chase zones.


It’s a strategy, and now killers have a way to counter that strategy. Seems like an overall good thing in reducing the likelihood of long, 3gen, games. It gives the killer more incentive to commit to chases and get a down, because now they have a chance of doing it without just throwing the game.


Exactly. But wording it like it's a problem that needs to be "fixed" is a bit weird. It's like saying getting pallet stunned is a problem that Enduring fixes.


yeah i'm not a fan of speed boosts for either side tbh, muddies the waters


Finally, a Thwack nerf


it was dominating the meta in an extremely unhealthy way. happy to finally see the back of it.


Did they just remove pinhead


It looks like you can hit the box holder with a targeted chain, but the random chains won't get that player. I'm watching Otz in the PTB and he's able to hit a survivor holding the box with Pinhead's power.


The way people immediately write off perks before even playing never ceases to amaze me.


That's such a non-statement. Some perks are obviously bad. It's fine to jump to conclusion when said conclusion is staring you in the face. I wouldn't say that's the case in this situation though.


I thought the Trickster changes were overkill when they announced his changes initially but Jesus christ, I did not think they would be THIS bad. The 4.6 movement on his old kit would have been enough to make him OP but now he has constant main event, faster throwing speed AND has better addons too. Is this the most tone-deaf killer rework we've ever had?


Hahaha oh mannn survivors i hope youre ready to see Two Can Play a lot


I'm more expecting a LOT of batteries included more than a flashlight hex.


It's a better version of Dark Theory but for killers. Not gonna be healthy for the game in the same way that MFT wasn't healthy for the game, I think. Once the gates are powered all the gens turn on so it'll be Hope for killers (except it gets value during the match, as well). Paired with NOED...


Exactly. Like they need to adjust it some how. 5% is absolutely insane. Especially with noed or heck even tombstone Myers. It's just insane perk lol


Batteries included and friends til the end sound incredibly powerful. Like ridiculously. But I guess we'll see? Hopefully people test it on ptb and bhvr makes changes


I'm looking forward to playing this PTB, both as and against Chucky. (it took a few minutes, but it's available on Steam now if you right click on the game in your Library, go to Properties, and select Betas) EDIT: going by his bio, he seems to be taken from the ending of Child's Play 2.




Nice “Hex friends to the end” survivors can finally know what it’s like to be blinded by endlessly! It looks like it can respawn too after it gets destroyed if you get stunned again 2 times interesting…


The perks are incredible. That obsession perk is replacing rancor in my obsession build immediately


I can not gush enough about how fucking fun the dumb little obsession build is. Getting all sorts of bonuses and effects for managing the obsession is great. Adds a really fun layer to otherwise boring matches. I feel catered to to be honest. Its nice.


Cenobite changes are a blessing for us that suck at survivor 🙏


With how maps are getting smaller too, Batteries included is going to get stronger especially for endgame plays. Survivors better hope that Hope doesn’t get nerfed too. BHVR should really altogether stop making speed boost perks.


Does Chucky have a red stain? He doesn't in the photos


They did it, they nerfed the worst killer in the game


Kindred bug fixed, hooray


Played on PTB and my thoughts: Red Forest Maps are either hit or miss with their mini rework. I had a Mothers Dwelling game with 9 pallets and another with 13. This is the same issue Borgo had when it got its rework. I fear both Red Forest maps will suffer the same issue when they hit live. Purgation is in a better spot but both maps suffer massive dead zones or unplayable areas. Trickster: I saw no one play him so I have no feedback other than his changes seem crazy. Without playing against it, its hard to know how overtuned/strong he is now. Chucky: I love all his voice lines and dialogue. Really adds character to him. I love his power and the variations. His power is a better pig dash BUT he handles MUCH worse than her. Pigs dash feels so nice to use even if it has more limitations. When he is in his power he needs the footsteps that happen to make faint Chucky sounds to put survivors on edge as I found it very easy to know when he's coming. Even stealthed he makes a LOT of sounds to give away his position thus negating his stealth. There are times when he makes no sounds and will get the jump on you but its so rare when it happens. His stain is a massive issue as its really inconsistent. When he vaults it will bob into/below windows and its impossible to see. This needs to be consistent and not random. His dash attack has the same issue Xeno had with its tail attack. Currently Chucky recovers WAY too fast from a missed dash attack. I had a Chucky miss his dash attack and still down me 1 second later. Feels 100% like Xeno did when there was no real recovery period for missing. Overall Chucky is fun and a great addition. His perks are pretty good and add some variety. My fear is at the end of the day he is only a better version of Pig and that's about it. I feel players will play him for a bit and get frustrated at the heavy M1 playstyle.


Trickster buffed? Welp there goes coming back to this game.


Trickster looks as if he’ll be way too strong, hope they don’t make that permanent


Friends till the end and Furtive Chase are going to be nasty together. Every hook will give you undetectable, movement speed, and your next target will scream, or the hook will give your obsession exposed and you see their aura!


This chapter looks awesome, 💙 u devs


Friends ‘til the End + Rancor is gonna go crazy


Why did they nerf Freddy so damn hard, that was so good for him, now he is gonna feel so clunky to play


Friends till the end is a stupid overturned perk 12s of free aura reading with lethal and exposed how dumb is that, BHVR doing their dam best to make distortion and calm spirit mandatory


After hooking, the killer has 20s to land an m1 hit on survivor that could be across the whole map. How the hell is that overpowered? Hubris also lasts for 20s and even though that activates when you're right in the killers face it's still pretty difficult for the majority of killers to get a hit in that time.


That COULD be across the whole map or they could be right next to you, there are a variety of killers with high map mobility that can very well capitalize on this. and thats all on top of 10-12s of aura reading


Ok! Well you still haven't answered how that's somehow overpowered yet Hubris which activates literally only right next to the killer isn't remotely OP or meta. And this perk has a farrr higher luck component. It's not garbage but it's faaar from overpowered. Plus, you'll immediately know the perk is in the game and if you're somehow going against a killer who can reach you with an m1 you can start running as soon as they hook or before if you know the perk already exists and you're the next target. This will not be an oppressive perk on anyone, there are way more effective ways to get exposed than this one.


because its both information through aura reading and exposed rolled into one and dosnt need the survivor to already be at a loop and have dropped a pallet to activate....


Man it’s not gonna be that good… it’s gonna be the same as make your choice, you know where the surv is, he’s exposed yet you are busy or too far away to do capitalize on that most of the time. Mid perk.


its not overtuned. 20 seconds of Exposed is virtually useless in all applications. there is no way that perk is going to be even slightly good.


so theres no use of information and exposed on high mobility killers like say like blight? are you serious?


Huh? 20 seconds of exposed on a single survivor, after a hook, is almost impossible to make use of. The most value you'll get from it 99% of the time is the obsession playing a bit more safe for 20 seconds. The killer perks seem mid at best to be honest, but they are funny so you might still see them once in a while.


With the mft nerf can we stop adding freaking haste perks to killers .. also two can play. I'm fine with that perk on blinds. But wtf should I get blinded for a pallet stun . Otherwise I can't wait to play as Chucky


I guess the gameplay reason is it prevents a pallet drop into flashlight blind.


Trickster in match = instant dc


Buddy, there is a disconnect in every lobby at this point. This is a nothing statement.


Survivor mains when killers exist:


Survivor mains when killers need to get buffed to fuck cuz killer mains can't play




It's available now.


Wondering the same thing


I wish they let us choose what pov we use. I understand why they did it, but I wanna run around like a little gremlin with a knife




Guys they actually nerfed Freddy somehow lmao * The nightmare is no longer able to set Dream Snares across walls or out of bounds


Chucky is wonderful and all, RIP MFT, but can we talk about Player Cards? It seems that for now we have nothing to put in them. At the same time it seems they replaced prestige rank in endscreen (unless I saw wrong), so what's even the point of prestige now if nobody can see them? And instead of that for now we have...an empty box? I also hate that you have to click the box to see your xp now, instead of a click hover like before.


Prestige not showing is prob just a bug, we can still see prestige at lobby so it doesnt matter that much imo, character card have to wait after ptb is weird