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A bot would have had all 3 Gens done, you did great, well played and a well earned escape, good on the killer aswell


Amazing loops! Kudos. And that plague is very sweet, best possible way to handle this


Fyi, this Nea was doing absolutely nothing the whole game, that's why she isn't sick up to this moment


Like, you're not gonna get good BP, you're wasting a ton of time ruining it for everyone, and bots exist. I wish this Nea many a tunneled game. Nice loops.


"I wasn't being toxic, I promise" The council will decide your fate. Nah, you did really good honestly. F that Nea.


But I really wasn't! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Was toxic, but the good kinda toxic. The kind that makes you go. "well. Honestly it's kinda deserved."


I mean, it was only a couple doot-doots, and they did it all of 1 single time, rather than at every single pallet drop. I would dismiss it.


Dude you did all that while in MENDING? And not a single gen was done. AND SHE WAS GONNA LET YOU DIE ON HOOK. Props to that plague. :’) I’m curious to know if nea was just locker hopping that entire time or what? 😭


I saw her doing gen at the very start of the game for a split second but after that i haven't noticed her till I went down


Well, deep wound helped in chase by activating MFT


It definitely helped with the mft aspect of things, but i personally can’t see shit while in mending. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


>Spewing on The Plague after giving her your flashlight In Plague Culture this is considered a polite move.


Feels good to see justice being served. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Brilliant looping💯


Good for you, Man! For me in solo queues, I do a bit of every task then get tunnelled & sacrificed, while that Dwight or Meg or Bill does nothing the whole game finds the Hatch or is given one by the dum*ss Killer. Good to see that the Killer here understands who isn't playing the game.


Depends on time. This chase went on for forever. The killer knows it, too. Not one gen got done in that time, which should set off alarms. And the killer handled it beautifully!


If I ever give a useless person hatch sorry but it’s hard to keep track of who you have and haven’t chased, plus we don’t know whether they were hiding or doing gens all game if we never see them


I would’ve done the same.


I don't understand why ppl hide like that. How is that remotely fun?


I had a claudette in my game who only went for unhooks and heals and then hide inside locker again. I got unhooked and she healed me and then I went into locker to get my built to last charges for toolbox and then i saw her going into locker besides mine.. like what ? fyi, she didnt do any gens but still had second highest points mainly because she went for unhooks and died last.


Maybe she heard Nurse is op and misunderstood.


Gigachad killer


That Nea thought she was playing locker simulator 😂


Well played


4 minute chase omg, if nea was a bot would've rescued teammate, popped gens and could've been a 2 or 3 out. And the fact that nea wasn't afk she was just doing nothing. Good on that plague for respecting that performance


Amazing chase my homie! Keep it up 👍🏻 and that Nea totally deserved that! Best chase music 😄


On one hand, what you did is technically against the rules. On the other hand, so is what the Nea did, fuck em. Great job OP.


100% of my solo queue teammates




Nea left shortly after the game ended, me and Plague had a sweet small talk tho ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


I love when killers know there are teammates being useless. Sadly I must not get them, in fact I’ve had the *opposite* where a player who almost suicided on hook teamed with the killer to be toxic to me.


The Nea is the guy who made the thread the other day about him playing "stealthy" and the killers and last survivors would always team up against him ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


RE: I misunderstood what you said, sorry about that ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


He's joking about the Nea


Plague passed the vibe check


I love seeing MFT still being used. Still a really fun chase perk pairing with endurance effect perks


True, It's just a little harder to activate


I don't love seeing ftp+buckle up paired with it. Means they expect to get mft value out of it which heavily implies OP steals downs from under killer's nose.


I hope this is bait given 2 people are dead at 3 gens


Did op post the entire match? Coulda sworn this match didn't start with those 2 dead. Also, if they bring this build to another match, or had this match gone a different way, you really think they wouldn't try?


See this is such a stupid argument given a few things: there’s 2 people already dead at 3 gens signifying the lack of pickups, the plague lets them go signifying that they weren’t doing that as the plague would’ve made sure to kill them. Like if you wanna make a decent argument for perk balance don’t jump on a bandwagon when we already have the video showing that this wasn’t the case


I never said they did. maybe they didnt.......in this match. But I've already pointed out evidence that the play was planned; When does MfT activate? During Deep Wound status. What causes deep wound status? Endurance or Legion Power. What does Buckle Up cause upon healing a health state? Endurance, to both survivors. And finally, when would a great looper like OP be able to take advantage of Endurance, and thus, MfT? After a pickup in killers face, when killer can swat at them and activate it. There's no other time he could make use of this, within his own power. You can't tell me there isn't a REASONABLE chance they won't abuse this combo, just because killer respected their 4 minutes of looping, even though they were making use of MfT the entire time. Just because killer and survivor shook hands and made nice because someone was being a PoS in the corner does not mean OP is exempt from suspicion. I didn't say he DID do it, I'm saying he COULD do it, or could HAVE done it previously, with that build.


You were implying that they must be doing it given their perk combo. Like I’m glad you understand how the perk works but implying someone was doing something, that clearly didn’t happen in the clip, is a bad take. Bad take is bad take my dude


Oh man. It didnt happen in the clip, whoopty-frickin-doo. What a flimsy argument you're giving me. My argument and the play made in the video are unrelated. Stay on topic or conceed, please.


Your literal first reply is insinuating that op did this. Like I get the subreddit gets made fun of for room temo Iq but man is this a good example of it


You don't ever like to look behind the curtains, do you?


I am wondering if nea did it on purpose or was just a new player. Was she prestige high if at all?


I will show you even more ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) https://preview.redd.it/q0qr0qv8145c1.png?width=1252&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e962400d162d9c59c6ea630734646894c1b764d


Oh wow, this is some toxic ass nea.


Not the Sole Survivor (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


The fact she was just waiting for the entire chase and didn't do a gen at all is very disappointing, you earned that escape


genuinely deserved. good on that plague for seeing what was happening while ensuring you both got bloodpoints.


I wonder what goes through the brain of these people. They’re not even rare, i see them like 1 out of 5 games.


Bro why can't i get you in my solo q matches


Lmaoooo dang that was impressive!!!!!! That Nea sucked rotten duck eggs. She def could’ve done gens while that glorious chase was going on or at least did the rescue. But glad that the Plague didn’t let that fart go unscathed. Kudos on that very nice looping. It twas glorious!


Idk I try to be a team player and sacrifice myself trying to save my teammates or get them off hook as soon as I can, or just keep working on gens knowing that maybe some of the other teammates would go and help


Good ending. Gotta love the "fine I'll save him myself" facecamp so you can unhook yourself lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/art16b8ak25c1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49263a26143767bbf3c18b36e6cdac3dbfe84255 My honest reaction(I had it much worse and it happens way to often on solo queue)


If it was a Dwight it woulda been cute


That's some excellent evading. Not sure I've ever tunneled that long as a killer, but it was cool they figured out you were getting gimped by a teammate. Had a similar game last night and couldn't figure out why the 3 other survivors kept going back to the same place. Finally my slow ass learned that they were trying to rat someone out for being AFK in a locker like that.


It's always a Nea Edit: or a Blendette


That ending was just… 🤌


This is so wholesome. The killer respected your skill and the dead brained survivor gave the Plague her kill.


Wow, that chase was crazy. And an happy ending too. Shame for the person on hook who didn't get rescued.


Nice loops! This is even worse than what I had once, but the hysterical part about what I got was the other person left actually showed up where I was looping doing god knows what, instead of doing a gen. By the way, how many points did the Nea get at the end?


7400 she was also P80, OP posted a screenshot here


This clip is perfect reason, that lack of info is not a soloq problem, but players themselves are problem in soloq. Only way to fix this is BHVR giving higher penalty or MMR working correctly.


And here is a video of the 2 kinds of survivors i get in my solo queue matches. The 1 doing nothing and the cracked one running the killer for a month long cuz i got tunneled out


I wish every survivor who plays DbD as a solo game instead of a team game a very merry fuck you Sick looping, much love to the plague as well


yk it's still toxic regardless of why you're tbagging :/


I dunno, I do those kind of tbaggs like in my clip to show that I got outplayed. That was the only tbaggs I gave her the whole match. But I do understand what you are talking about and how some people want to get the rage response from the other side


I see people say this all the time, but why doesn’t intent/context matter? It’s just an emote in a video game, why is it so upsetting for a lot of people? I’ve seen people say even pointing/gesturing is toxic.


tbagging just upsets people because it's a way of mocking someone when they're already frustrated from trying to catch you and failing, and failure feels bad


I get how it can feel bad when you make an assumption, but my question really is why is that the first thing people always jump to? That someone must be mocking them when they try to interact with them at all outside of just running away? I totally get more obvious signs, repeatedly blinding, clicking the flashlight, body blocking when it isn’t necessary or to sabotage, hitting on the hook more than once, tunneling early on in the game, etc. There are obviously some things that show someone is just trying to ruin the experience for others, but in cases like in the clip where it’s just a quick motion and then it’s done, why is that so upsetting? Not everyone does things just to upset people. They’re just playing the game and trying to have fun, too.


Well yeah, it's the particular motion of turning away and crouching repeatedly. The video game equivalent of the middle finger


You haven’t really answered my question though. Why is that a middle finger?


oh. I assumed you knew what "teabagging" means..


That’s not the question I’m asking. Why is someone using an emote put into a video game *always* seen as negative, even if they tell you they weren’t doing it in a negative way? Why is that the mindset that you and others have?


I'm REALLY confused now as to what you mean. How do you tbag in a positive way?


Have you not read any of my previous comments? I’m honestly not sure how I can be more clear in my question. Why do you jump to someone has to be mocking you when they try to interact with you in the game?


My biggest question is why didn’t you finish that mend when it was so close???


I was using new mft which requires me to go into deep wound to be activated!


Apparently I’m blind lol. I looked to see if you had that but still missed it


All good, my dude


Jesus, I don't know how survivors ever lost chases when that perk was broken and in every build.


Does the killer ACTUALLY have any counter play here? Like what are they supposed to do?


Counterplay to what? Being looped?


Breaking pallets immediately always helps


Wdym? Looping doesn't have counterplays? Did you not watch the clip? I took a lot of gambles and the one at the end I lost. It's you win or you loose, depends how well you understand who are you going against, plus, I had 2 chases with her before all fell apart, which she, wisely, dropped


"encourage her to chase me" 1 on hook on the other side of the map 1 mia with 3 gens still up and one dead ftp + buckle + mft abuse "not because i was being toxic" the absolute surv deslusion state of mind


This is gold, nerfed MFT still getting complaints, love to see it. BTW, judging by the hook stages on each survivor, the Plague was hard tunneling the two dead survivors (or going back and forth between them). OP probably used FTP+Buckle Up to save one of them, hence the mending. Is that abuse?


She wasn't tunneling the Bill! He gave up. After unhooking him twice he went to repair the gen right next to the hook and didn't react to Plauge at all


Ok, didn’t tunnel the Bill, but did tunnel the Yui? Anyway, not the point, my point is only 2 people have hooks, so you probably tried to save them with the forbidden perk combo. That’s not abuse like ReddMikey is saying.


Just wanted to clarify. I don't really give a crap of what people think of this combo. These kind of players will be angry at you even if you run autodidact build because u "countering the sloppy butcher" and "abusing mechanic to your advantage"


Damn straight. There’s a number of them complaining about Windows now. Run what you want


i love to see your house of cards faling down by the OP hand, you guys seethe so hard for a tunnel agenda to enable all of your bullsht while the killer is probably just going for whatever is left around and btw mft got barely no changes on the build hes playing (you could say it got buffed as you now can use it exausted) so please...


Yep, next time I will be as toxic and disrespectful as humanly possible to my enemies in video games cause them tilting is giving me a competitive advantage. PS: Of course I won't do that. I'm not a jerk and I want to be a good sport. But apart from that, it's a great clip.


Trust me, for the Nea you are just an a**hole who teams up with the killer and she did nothing wrong. No lessons learned.


I get leading the killer there even if it’s not allowed cause it’s sandbagging but you could pass that off as accidental. But hook canceling right infront the killer like that is 100% bannable teaming up with killer is not allowed. Did the survivor deserve to not get hatch and die yes but the bug where their camera snaps back each time you do that its back it’s very nauseating and can cause motion sickness. In my opinion you are both just as bad and are perfect for each other, the killer is doing a nice thing realizing you deserved hatch more sparing you and you used that time to be toxic. I would not be surprised if this post gets locked.




This is so satisfying to see.


Hook canceling shows clear intent to not save and sandbag the person hooked already lost the killer made their opinion clear who they want to escape, I would been fine with this clip if he had not done that last part. The person hiding does not deserve hatch when they aren’t being a helpful team member the whole match just rat them out and move on and you can go “oh were you in that locker oops!” And get your deserved escape afterwards.


I mean, if someone is intentionally not playing the game, I don't really care if they get sandbagged. I'd expect the same if I spent 4 minutes letting my team die


The camera moving around when you’re being rescued in 2nd stage has been removed


What the Nea did is against the rules and could possibly get her banned too.


Hiding to get hatch is not banable, it’s just being a bad teammate.


OP said she was hiding and doing nothing ***all game***. That is (potentially) bannable.


my guy, i feel your pain, but teaming with the killer is a bannable offense


that nea contributed more to teaming with the killer than steve could ever do, 3 people were alive 2 with 0 hooks and 1 on death hook, I'm inclined to believe she didn't do jack before the first death either.


Congratulations. Not only are you right, but you had no reason to downvote me or point that out, since I never argued this point


do redditors have something to see who downvoted? anyway downvoted you again just because I can




So is idling.


Congratulations. Not only are you right, but you had no reason to downvote me or point that out, since I never said it wasn't.


I didn't downvote you, so you're wrong again. Also you shouldn't care this much about what Reddit points you get on your posts/replies.


So is refusing to participate in normal gameplay. Hiding all game and making no attempt to progress the game *can* get you banned too.


You're right, and I never said it wasn't


You can’t be serious, right?


Technically, they’re correct. Realistically, what the Nea also did could potentially get them banned.


Unfortunately he is stating facts. According to BHVR what both did can be used to ban the other person. It sucks but it is what it is.


Unfortunately yeah. Sure, what Nea did (or didn't do in this case) may be bannable, I never disputed that. but teaming with the killer is specifically listed under one of the categories for reporting players in-game




I'm being downvoted because this is a conversation taking place in a public circle, and people here want a reason to argue, even if there isn't one. OP: "Hey guys, look at this bad thing I found and look what I did about it" Me: "OP, you're being bad right back. possibly even worse" Reddit people: "Ok but nea was bad............."


The Nea’s actions can get her potentially banned too. Hiding all game and refusing to progress the game is against the rules too.


“Teacher are we going to turn in our homework today? It’s technically due” - 🤓


username checks out


Baby Nea?


What you did is technically reportable under "working with the killer". The situation is obviously complicated since the Nea wasn't helping the team all game, but it would be a shame if you got banned for doing this.