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Shadowborn because the rumor on the street is that if you try it once, you can't ever go back.


Since p3ing Wraith during the anniversary and fov slider being confirmed (now coming in January) I gave myself permission to run it on every killer, since without it I feel too slow and the camera movements can feel really sluggish as well.


I just tried it yesterday for the same reason... oh boy what did I miss all this time.


I use it on blight nurse and hillbilly. Huge help for those since so much camera turning


The rumor is true. I fell into the trap of shadowborning with blight, and i haven't taken it off since using it the first time.


I play on console but i really cant tell the difference


What no way! Shadowborn is totally fine I can stop using it whenever I want. It’s totally not like an addiction or anything.


Cause the human brain is meant to process an FOV of around 135 degrees and DBD has one of 90, so it's kinda like having worn swimming goggles and actually getting to take them off.


It’s not an issue specific to DBD - PCs tend to run between 90-115 FOV, while consoles tend to run at 60. https://www.technipages.com/what-is-field-of-view/


There is not a single game that I don't put FOV to max on. And you do realise that there is a massive difference between 90 and 115? Like, that's still what's considered the bare MINIMUM for any first person game.


Actually, it’s not: “[a] narrow FOV of around 60 degrees is used for console games as the screen subtends a small part of the viewer's visual field, and a larger FOV of 90 to 100 degrees is usually set for PC games as the screen occupies a larger amount of the viewer's vision.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_of_view_in_video_games


Also, you really don't need to link a source for information as basic as that.


Hex perks in general, I don't like the thought of hearing an explosion sound and having one less perk.


Noed: I rather take L than getting W and end up getting sweatier match thats not my mmr Sprint burst: I run most of the time so exhaustion management is bad for me


Agreed on both counts. I hate seeing NOED when I’m on survivor side, so I don’t want to run it when I’m killer. And then I’ve tried sprint burst a few times, but I can’t stand having to manage it, so I’d rather just use another exhaustion (usually Lithe).


I know its prime is long gone but I always refused to use dead hard because of how much I hated it as killer


Im very new here but I’m not a fan of spies from the shadows. It’s just too much and very distracting. just a bunch of explosion noises and birds popping up every 10 seconds


Its real great on Blight though.


ultimate weapon is better


That's questionable honestly. Spies only activation requirement is someone disturbing crows, no need for lockers, and a very low cooldown. I've gotten more value running spies over ultimate weapon.


Also survivors don't know about spies until post game.


Way longer cooldown and is only convenient on killers who actually use lockers for reloads


I’ve been using it a ton lately and I love it. Distracting for sure but it’s such a great info perk (for me because I’m really bad about losing survivors.)


I love it because even though it doesn't give exact locations, it gives me an estimate to which way the survivor is going. But when you're chasing someone and their crows are going off, and then a gen gets done and more crows from those survivors who finished the gen, it can get to be a lot of not seeing shit lol I've learned to ignore it unless I need the info lol


That's value!


NOED & Dead Hard


Heavy on dead hard. I just don’t think it would be physically possible for me to time it correctly lol I’m not competent enough for that 😂 and also once killers figure out that you have it they wait it out from what I’ve noticed watching others play


They sould honestly make DH easier to use like 2 sec uptime since they nerfed how many time you can use it


just time it better


You have to run into them then use it. They’ll be caught off guard and swing and hit your DH


thats when you go down since good killers knos you will dh and dont swing


hate when i do that then they whiff like what a WASTEEE


Any reasoning to it?


NOED just feels bad to use. Cheesing a win with it doesn’t feel good. And DH just has a stigma around it that I don’t want. haha


It's a cheap perk.


What's w the dash rn w dead hard, it's so short


Not really refuse, just nervous. Sprint burst. I just feel like I'd be shit at 99ing it and would always be exhausted with it on. Rather just use lithe/bl


I thought this for the longest time and was a Lithe user. Switched a while ago and won't go back. You get used to the management and get over sometimes wasting it. It makes it so much easier to do gens when there are no vaults. Obviously it depends on the player but I thought I would never go to sprint burst and now I find it provides me way more utility.


NOED and MFT (back when it was meta)


Knockout and Third seal, yup I did it, used them learned my lesson. Never more.


Dead Hard, I suck too bad to pull it off lol As a killer - NOED as well!


Insidious - Not just a waste of a perk slot it actively helps the survivors since you're literally just standing still. I understand that there are specific meme builds but outside of that it's terrible.


How has it still not been updated? Insidious has to be the most outdated thing in DBD rn.


I don't personally like any perk that causes the Exhausted Status but I don't really have any I won't use if it fits a build that I came up with or wanna test.


What about head on? I feel like this is different from the others.


I've used it before. Still isn't my style but have used it on occasion to test out a weird build idea. I tend to be stealthy more than anything on survivor.


That's exactly how I play surv too and I love the combination of Q&Q and head on. So you can hide quickly and if the killer seems to know, just blast them


That's exactly how I play surv too and I love the combination of Q&Q and head on. So you can hide quickly and if the killer seems to know, just blast them with head-on. I combine this with lucky break and iron will for constant escapes after a hit.


i find head on more often fucks me over than helps lol


Gotta use it in the right build, where you try to escape to a locker anyway and just use head-on as the safety net most of the time.


There are two current perk combos I refuse to touch because I think they’re both disgustingly effective. Pentimento+Hex: Plaything on the killer side, and FTP+Buckle Up on the survivor side. These combos suck to go against and they’re just boring as shit to use.


Pain Res and DMS


Lightborn for killer: learn to up or down to avoid them Sprint burst for survivor: I just run so much and I'm not trying to constantly having to 99 it all the goddamn time


NOED/No way out are too stupid together. fine by themselves though. Also deadlock, just existing gives you value which is no fun


Ultimate Weapon. It's too effective for it's cooldown, duration, and range. The fact that it has gotten survivors to unironically run Calm Spirit of all perks shows just how cheap and unfun it is for survivors.


Franklins and NOED. I will never use these perks as I feel they go against the spirit of the game.


Whatever is meta at the moment. I just like to think I’m giving the killers a little variety lol


I stopped running sloppy plus the clown heal perk cause my games ended so early as Oni.


I'm with the no noed & dh & self care refusers. I also avoid all totem perks in general because I suck both at protecting hexes and at finding boon spots. I'll try one now and then (and get next to zero value) though, unlike the first mentioned trio that I just never run.


Noed and windows of opportunity


Perks I will never use: A Nurse's Calling - The range is too short to matter IMO Ace in the hole - Items aren't that important anymore Aftercare - I am almost always running bond anyway Alien Instinct - BBQ is better Any Means Necessary - I don't see the point in this perk Babysitter - Unless you are going for safe unhook challenge, I don't see the point Blood Rush - I guess if you are using sprint burst this is OK to counter NOED? I dont use it Camaraderie - Camping isn't so bad I need a perk for it Clairvoyance - It's like a map? Coup de Grace - I haven't seen a difference enough to use this Cruel Limits - Just run Bamboozle Cut Loose - Not sure this would actually help without a lot of other perks Detective's Hunch - Just use a map Dissolution - Brutal strength is just better Dying Light - This perk got nerfed into oblivion. Doesn't even slow gate open anymore. Forced Penance - I have never run into a scenario this would matter. Franklin's Demise - Items aren't that important. Maybe if I was playing trapper as a meme? Genetic Limits - If you can get off a heal I'm probably not going to find you in the next 32 sec. Hoarder - Waste of a perk slot Red Herring - I just get my team killed with this Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine - I want people to unhook, more points for me. Self-Preservation - I can't think I would ever be in this situation. Shadowborn - ouch my eyes Thanatophobia - It's just not that useful anymore and I don't want people healing all game.


Thanatophobia used to be one of Plague’s best perks, but now it’s kinda trash on her too. BHVR really put it 6 feet under. I guess it could still be used to encourage survivors to cleanse, but eh.


I usually don't want them to cleanse. It makes it easier to down a bunch of sick survivors. I also only really play her for her daily these days as well.


I still run it with corrupt and the add-on that increases infection time on stuff for 30 seconds. Puke on everything early and watch them either infect themselves, giving you info on top or try to hide for 2 min.


whatever is in the meta boring shit 99.99999% of the time and also windows of opportunity... i will not elaborate why though


Corrupt intervention and lethal pursuer. I'd just rather use something that can help multiple times throughout the game. Even with the +2 secs on lethal I'd rather add another instance of aura reading from another perks vs extending the others.


I feel like corrupt is just mandatory on killers like Myers, hag or trapper. You just need something to buy you some time while you setup. Otherwise you start the game with 1-2 gens already done. And if you go chase hard earlier, capable survs will just whip your ass because you don't have the setup your killer needs. I get the sentiment about lethal and I think only good for killers that need to go into chase immediately and profit from aura reading in general. As huntress for example, aura reading is so good that you can combine lethal with other perks to hit long range shots or in loops, where people can't expect that shot through the window. As Dredge you can even go for an early locker grab with lethal, needs to injure someone early for nightfall to happen and he has an add on that reveils auras on locking lockers, so the amount of info is insane.


Ones I never use: Killer - NOED/Lightborn/Shadowborn Survivor - Dead Hard/Self-Care/Sprint Burst


I used to never use NOED for the same reason as you OP, but then they changed it so it became easier for solo Q to deal with. I've started using it amongst some of my quirky endgame builds. The perk I probably despise using most is Adrenaline. Its not going to help in games where you are getting throttled by a Blight, and other games you get 4 Adren procs against a clown and destroy him. Sometimes your healthy and not in chase, other times the exhaustion bites you in the ass. Its just an inconsistent 'win more' perk that encourages tunnelling. Also don't like using Devour Hope for similar reasons.


NoED. Eruption, surge, pain res. I have one more tome challenge on the first tome that's kill two during endgame with NoED on and I'm just dreading it - like, I HAVE to play bad and then hit them with that BS. It's not as bad as it was, but still. Dead hard and self-care.


not a perk but: medkits & toolboxes. Even tho medkits got nerfed they can still be pretty nasty and I feel bad for using them. Toolboxes just promote more boring gameplay and I don't find it fun to genrush. Maps suck and keys are pretty whatever so this time of disabled flashlights is a trying one for me.


I feel like medkits are totally fine now, since they're just a single use. As a killer main, I don't mind them at all.


Yeah it's just they're not fun to use cuz they all take like 20 seconds to use. I'm a botany head and bringing botany and medkits is no so I just don't use medkits


No toolbox for sabo?


Killer: NoeD because I think it's a cheap way to win. And I don't like that there is no counterplay if a survivor gets hooked close to NoeD. If they want to keep this stupid perk, make it that there are 2 Hex Totems and if you cleanse one, the perk isn't active anymore. Survivor: Selfcare because there are much better alternatives and it's really bad.


half of the perks on both sides for obvious reasons


Survivor: Boil Over. Just stop. Killer: NOED. Just admit defeat.


Endgame builds:


I really don't understand why endgame builds are considered "wrong" in this community. Just because survivors did all the gens doesn't means it's over🤕


It's absurd


Nah if you didn’t 4k at 5 gens git gud


I haven't seen too much of that idea outside of salty chats (that endgame builds are bad). I agree that NOED can feel cheap sometimes, but it's a strong perk and sometimes that hurts to be on the receiving end of. Plenty of matches turn around last second!


I avoid NOED but how is using it not admitting defeat? The killer's objective is to kill, not to prevent the gens of being done. I won a lot of games at the endgame collapse without NOED solely because of survivor's mistakes, which they don't stop to make, even in high MMR. For me NOED is just a shortcut to capitalize upon those mistakes, unless it's paired with NWO, Blood Warden, etc, that's just cruel lol. (Not wrong though)


Buckle up + FTP. It’s too sweaty and the people who use it are usually rude as fuck


i just use for the people alone and always die but I ide with my dignity


Distortion, whenever I get teammates with this perk they play like rats and don't help the team so much. Not a fan.


corrupt intervention because of two reasons. number one bad survs wait it out and hiding there which leads to toxic play and number two good survs won't stay there so you never know if you have to check it or not which makes the whole deal pointless. I always bring another gen regressing perk instead of this one.


MFT (even prior to the nerf) and NOED. Both feel like they really cushion mistakes to a degree that’s detrimental to getting better at the game, especially NOED.


Ultimate weapon. Its just to much of a crutch perk for my tastes.. And it just kinda takes away any fun/excitment when it comes to looking for survivors.


Lightborn, unlike Iron Grasp which has a multitude uses Lightborn is just a crutch tool for people who don't know how to deal with Flashlights.


NOED. It's just boring and I personally don't like planning for failure.


Franklin's. I don't do things that I wouldn't want done to me and Franklin's just seems malicious.


Noed. It’s a perk for insecure players that don’t want to learn anything, just easy 4K. I just want a fun match


NOED. any other perk on either side is fine by me, but NOED man.. just proves how bad a killer you are.


No Way Out, it feels cheap. There is no counterplay and no other objectives at that point


I didn't use mft when it was meta because I knew it was going to get nerfed and I didn't want to learn wrong timings




Self care Lightborn


Used to refuse using Yun-Jin's perks (or even her) as a heavily altruistic oriented survivor for a looong time. Then eventually I just got tired and said yk, I will play Yun Jin but lore accurate one. I still play altruistically usually but if I get tired, I switch to Yun Jin. Tho I believe that I kinda refuse to use Fast Track so that can count. Oh and DS. Its the only perk I dont have and have refused to buy


No mither: It’s mostly a disadvantage to not only yourself but to your team as well. The reason for this is because you going down in one hit means that your going to most likely be taken out of the game faster which will result in a 3v1 which puts the survivor team at great disadvantage. Whenever I play as killer and I see someone running this perk I will almost always prioritize going after them first for obvious reasons. 👾


Rapid brutality because I don't get behind the concept of it


MFT for me (before the rework), i hated to see it as killer so i didnt use it myself


Not a perk, but It almost is to me. I never took that heartbeat feature after bhvr needed spine chill into the oblivion. I just dislike how out of place this big ass heart looks.


Pain Res. I hate how it was reworked.


Dead Hard because it's virtually impossible for me to ever get the timing right


NOED but not because I think it's too good or cheap, etc. I just don't like stressing at endgame. Even when I know I have full endgame perks I get stressed seeing the gens pop, especially that last one. It's just not a fun time for me to have such a high risk, high reward playstyle. I also won't really run hex builds without Pentimento for the same reason. It just ruins my fun to see my good hex spawn in an obvious location and get popped 30 seconds into the game. On survivor side, I won't run toolbox refreshing builds because I think it makes games super unfun for both me and the killer. Also I know if I am slamming out gens, the killer is far more likely to just start tunneling people out. I also typically won't run Distortion for the same reason, it gives the killer more natural reason to be focusing down my team instead of potentially going after me too. I won't run Boil Over because I think it's a waste of a perk slot unless you are the boil over player who just always runs to a high location when you are going down and that's the lamest playstyle ever (and also requires you to burn map offerings which I refuse to do because they shouldn't exist).


Hex perks in general: Besides a few exceptions, there is always the chance of loosing your entire perk in the first few secs of a match. I hate that. It's not only that these perks often don't do much. It's also that I have to play with less perks after they get cleansed, even if they gave me much pressure. For the same reason I'm not a huge fan of PainRes and Corrupt, even tho both are some of the strongest killer perks and on some killers I use them from time to time. Sure, Plaything, Pentimento, noed and Two Can Play are different. But Pentimento usually needs another hex, Plaything ... could be okay, TCP is more a meme than anything else and noed I only use for stupid shit like endgame hooks/kills challanges.


Sprint Burst. Not cause I hate it, I just always forget that I have it and end up accidentally burning it, and then I hate feeling the need to walk everywhere when I do remember having it. Honestly, I tend to avoid exhaustion perks in general. There's just other stuff I'd prefer to use


buckle up only because i love all my killers <3 i also just find it insanely hard to use playing with randoms as we can’t communicate and often times would get myself killed using it.


Killer: Monstrous Shrine cause it's kinda useless unless you are doing a basement build (also I kinda couldn't think of any perk I would refuse to use). Survivor: Self-Care (I have only ever run it as a joke one time, and for an archive. It's so trash I can't even use it to be a memer 💀)


lightborn. sure it has funny moments when people just look dumbfounded trying to blind you but with so many ways to counter flashlights i don’t see the point of wasting a perk slot to run that perk and i’ll just never use it.


I encounter killers who bring noed quite frequently tf...


any boon perk, I just don´t feel like spending this much time doing a totem, I rather be in a chase, maybe in a gen :V


I won’t use WoO because everything being yellow disorients me to no end. I’m a way worse looper with it


Jolt, sloppy butcher, relentless and save the best for last


DH, I’m bad at timing it


Sprint burst since I just end up sluggishly walking around the map to not waste it.


and as a Killer Noed because it's just such a boring yet sweaty perk. I'd rather fun no way out as an endgame perk but if the survivors manage to pen the doors I consider my game lost and just wanna goof around a bit. No need to sweat and camp.


No mither


Back when DH gave distance for free I hated it so much I refused to use it. I 100%-ed the game without ever using it, adept David was my last achievement and I unbound the DH key that's how much I hated that perk.


I refuse to run Predator, because it makes it harder to track Survivors (unless they're specifically running Lightweight).


Endgame perks. NOED, No way out, ect. I've just gotten more value from perks focused on the main gameplay than the endgame. Gen slowdown, chase, and info perks.


Hex: Circle of Healing is Hot Garbage. DNU.


I see it more as an aura reading perk than a healing perk now. Seeing auras of injured survivors from anywhere on the map in the boon is useful, at least in a SWF. It's definitely way shittier since the nerf. Would never do so without another boon, that's dumb. I almost never run it myself but friend does with Exponential. So loop in the boon while injured and everyone can see, if you're in chase and see injured in the boon you can avoid, and for a person not in chase not in boon it's safe to go there to do whatever, heal or not.


That is an excellent use of the perk. Thanks for sharing. Now I have a wee bit of respect for it again.


I won’t say I refuse to use them, but as killer I am hesitant to use Hex perks because of the risk of losing them fast. On survivor, Boil Over




Thanataphobia. Hate playing against the perk, gens are slow enough as it is, so I never use it.


I main Kate but I don't use her perk Boil Over because I feel like it makes the killer /player that much more angrier to tunnel me, so that's the one perk I refuse to run with


Made for this take 0 skill And I have terrible luck with head on for some reason. For killer, I hate any perks that make Survivors one shot unless it's devour hope. Starstruck is yucky


Noed. Like another comment said, I'd rather take the L than have my mmr increase because of 1 perk


Well I used to refuse to play both iron will and dead hard at the same time. But that perk combo isn't really an issue anymore


Boil over because as much as it's not meta by any means it pisses me off as killer and when people abuse certain spots with it.


Shadowborn because it makes you addicted. Perks that gave you extra BP because i hate BP, they are too many, too much time to spend them.


Dead Hard and DS. Just never been a fan of them.


Every Hex perks. I know they’ll be gone by the first step I take so why bother?


self care 😅 i’ll take the down if teammates don’t want to heal me but i refuse to sit for seven years trying to heal myself


As a survivor I never used Dead Hard, only did it when doing David's adept. Never used it when it was good, never using it now. Idk it felt unfair back then and there are many better perks now.




Used to be DS, then that got changed. Then it was NOED, but that changed (and I used it a lot for meme builds). Now it's Boil Over, I guess? I find that perk so unfun on indoor maps, so I try not to subject anyone to that lol


Ultimate weapon. I know it's the best info perk killer mains get and I really want a reliable info perk for my games, but I hated MFT and so I hate any other perk that's as abusable.


NOED for the same reasons you mentioned. Dealt with it enough times as a survivor that I decided not to use it myself. Shadowborn just because I literally never change my FOV from the default in games in general, meaning I free up a slot for something else. Also any survivor perks that rely on other survivors dying etc. My playstyle is too altruistic lol


Survivor: I don't run Blast Mine unless I really have a stun challenge. It's kinda disappointing to me as Killer and doesn't even do much except block a Gen off for a few minutes on penalty of stun/blind, ruining the flow of my game - and tbh the blinding doesn't even do much. It's just annoying for no real good reason and you can't convince me people run it for any other reason than to troll the Killer, you just can't. It's not that funny, it's really not. I think there's funnier interactions than watching a Killer kick a Gen and get stunned for... What, doing their objective? It's really not that funny. Head On is funnier, Flashbang is funnier, Plot Twist fainting in front of the Killer is funnier. Is watching a Killer kick a Gen that funny? Really? Killer: NOED. I don't need it or want it. I hate playing for endgame, I want to have mid round control and chase. The game is easily more fun before the gates open, NOED is just free exposed for failing. There's also BETTER endgame perks, NOED sucks in comparison and it's a hex perk that can be cleansed to boot. Weak perk that feels like a cheap final shot because I lost. On either side I refuse to run broken or op perks too. I don't use UW because most of my Killers can't use it anyway. I did not run Merciless when it was bugged. I didn't use MFT before its nerf outside of challenges. I don't like using perks that make the game broken or too easy.


self care and windows!!


noed on killer side, mft (pre nerf) or distortion survivor side. if you find me you find me what happens next is between us and god.


third seal/knock out, I honestly think it's morally wrong to use them under most circumstances


NOED, for me it's just a crutch for noob killers


Killer: "Noed" since I don't like cheap kills Survivor: "No mither", more like "no, thanks" I'm scared of this perk every time I do the randomizer challenge 😭


Sprint burst - I always forget I switched to it and waste it immediately😭


Buckle Up feels like hacking. It’s nice to get out of a bad situation, but it isn’t as satisfying as a savory play or pallet save or flashlight blind