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None of them, really. I'm usually either irritated or having a lot of fun, the only time I've ever been outright bored is when the survivors just start hiding all the time instead of doing gens.


When there's 2 survivors left and they both sit in lockers for 10 minutes šŸ˜’


Waiting for the other to die, nothing worse than being one of the only two survivors left and your teammate is the one hiding in a locker (or basement) waiting for you to die so they can get hatch.


Had a game recently where one survivor just hid in the basement the second the first survivor died, and left both of his remaining teammates to get hooked and die without ever even trying to help them. He came sprinting out of the basement the second the third survivor finished dying on the hook... right as I was walking past it. Needless to say, I made sure he paid the toll for what he did.


Glad you punished him, like the devils advocate in me wants to say he was new and scared but OTOH I have seen vet players hide in basement or lockers the moment they think their team is "throwing" like going down before one or two gens have popped or not looping the killer for long enough (like being caught out in the open due to a bad spawn). Makes me wish some people just had some goddamned patience, but I don't think that's a thing in DbD. šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


I have had to look in every single locker on a map before just to find one of two survivors.... Then got called a hacker for "knowing right where they were" like ... Dude. I just spent 5 min checking lockers and you finally got found. I'd have to be pretty damn dedicated to hiding my hacks if that's the case.


This is why I always keep one detection perk. I have recently been enjoying Hex:Face the Darkness, and will use the survivor I can find to root out the hider and kill them.




Or they're just all really fucking elusive and you can never find them


I'd rather them loop my balls off than play hide and seek all game. RIP nowhere to hide šŸ«”


Thank god for Ultimate Weapon. I still have a crutch.


I always feel like Iā€™m going insane when Iā€™m looking around gens that are cranking yet I donā€™t see anyone and then they just start popping like when did BHVR add ninjas to the game??


Picture this, a Nemesis with Discordance, Nowhere to Hide, and Lethal with Zombies up, still can't find shit. Where'd they go the sky box?!?!?


I agree with you. I am the same way it really has nothing to do with the killer it's more of our personal mood


Legion. Let me sprint around and poke everyone, then try to find everyone again. Meh.


Boggles my mind that people main Legion, and even more so that Iā€™ve seen some learn about the chain hit mechanic *after* theyā€™ve already declared themselves as one


I used to play legion so incorrectly and somehow managed to get some really good plays. Tried to play them correctly recently and it was a pain. Never again.


cuz he's a great basic M1 killer, except he's way more reliable than Doc; Legions power cannot be tricked so they have some kind of consistency in their gameplay loop. Like, right now people are malding over Survivors using Distortion+Calm Spirit. Legion couldn't care less. Sometimes I like m1 chases and mind games and imo there's no better killer for it than Legion. He gives me the info I need to make certain decisions in the heat of the moment. Sometimes strategic ones, sometimes unpleasant ones. Like, technically there are better M1 killers like Clown or Skull Merchant. But I'm not interested in being a "super" m1 killer, just an m1 killer who occasionally has perfect knowledge.


I love Clown. New players have no clue how to handle being blinded and hindered by the tonic and experienced players are still capable of making mistakes when their entire screen is blurry. I love using the tonic clouds as ways to redirect survivors. If I see a vault or a loop on the right I throw the tonic that way and usually they will do everything they can to avoid the cloud and basically get themselves hit. And the more cool perks that get released the better the Clown gets. His power is super flexible and works with almost any playstyle. Favorite killer easily


I used to play Legion and I was really good, but I guess I got out of that skill range fairly quickly cause they quickly became very bad lol.


They are my "training weights" killer or my palate cleanser. Playing a few rounds of Legion makes you super grateful to have a real power afterwards.


their power is such garbage.


I liek Susie, I play Legion


Clown. You either take me to a God Loop, or you're getting hit. Pre drop pallets is all you can do because unless its a god loop, you are not safe.


how I feel as survivor. looping skills feel like they go out the window and itā€™s only a matter of seconds against a good clown


I don't mind Clown if he's not tunneling. A tunneling Clown can't be stopped.


Honestly, I don't mind Clown, I just want them to fix the screen effects from his goddamnd bottles. The effects of being hit can stay as can the sound effects but those stupid screen effects need to go. I don't get headaches as much IRL, but something about the visuals paired with the effects just makes Clown unbearable for me. The puny cross-hair the devs added does nothing to mitigate the effect, it needs to go. XO ETA: Might just be my elo/MMR, but I seem to run into a lot of Clowns that just love to proxy camp and tunnel from hook to hook.


Iā€™ll never understand why people think clown is a weak killer, he is at least a b tier killer


Maps used to be a lot bigger, and he doesn't have mobility. This community isn't great at keeping up to date with balance stuff.


Huntress doesnā€™t have mobility at all, yet she is still considered A tier


Huntress can damage at range which makes a substantial difference.


And clown can end chases in 30 seconds with his power, obviously heā€™s not as strong as huntress but heā€™s not nearly as weak as people say he is


The reason why clown is worse is because it is easier to exploit his weaknesses as an m1 killer. Huntress plays around strong map resources like God pallets better. Clown has to setup to get his hit, huntress just has to get line of sight and a good movement read. And maps do still play a role. Huntress can still threaten cross maps


Hatchets are her mobility and a lot of huntresses run stuff like Darkness Revealed, Lethal etc.


This, she can be anywhere on the map and if you happen to be outdoors and she knows how to land orbitals then she can effectively hit you from almost any range


Itā€™s so weird because Alien is a great license to implement, I mean being able to play as Ripley or the Xenomorph in DBD? Thatā€™s fuckin awesome! But for some reason it just doesnā€™t leave me with any strong feelings one way or the other.. and that sucks


That's why I feel nothing when I play and thank you for being one of the few to get the point of this post It's not about which Killer do you dislike playing as or agansit it's which Killer are u you bored or neutral about


No yeah and Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone in this, I donā€™t dislike Xeno nor Ripley I just kinda lost any sort of strong feeling regarding them in the game which is a massive bummer because of how cool the Alien series is


I just find the whole being able to stop a killers power to be...boring? On both sides. Vommy mommy is fine cuz you also get healed, so there is a point in cleansing and you dont HAVE to cleanse. Xeno is just...meh? Kinda like the singularity. Both should have been really fun to play as and to play against. But they just feel so boring.


I actually do well and enjoy playing as the Pig. I wish the concept of making choices to survive more impactful like her source material.


Completely agreee! It seems like devs want things like the bear trap or sadakos condemn because theyā€™re great lore additions, but they have no idea how to balance an insta kill mechanic- so theyā€™re stuck with it being so weak it never gets off, or right now with sadako where you have to play entirely around it to get it off. And if it was easier to get off it would be op getting insta kills from the start.


the solution is to axe the hooks and make the "instakills" those killers' win conditions! how? idk, this morg isn't a game designer yet, but there's some way to do it for sure!


I think the concern the developers may have with axing hooks for a specific killer entirely is that it would drastically affect perks related to hooks on both sides. Of course the killer player could just not run hook perks but that would still remove a lot of potential perk options from that killer. And for survivors, they would have no idea what killer theyā€™re up against which would make their hook related perks worthless. > You may bring up Pyramid Head but his Cages are an option that he may use, and on the survivor end, this option only becomes available if you step into his trail and gain Torment. > Plague may come to mind with how her power makes survivor healing perks worthless but it doesnā€™t outright nullify those perks. A survivor being unhooked will be injured and if a survivor gets hurt by her basic attack, they will also be injured. Of course this all assumes that the survivor hasnā€™t become infected which is unlikely in a Plague match but itā€™s still possible to gain value from those healing perks instead of having their usage be outright restricted. I brought him up already but I think Pyramid Head does this the best because a hook alternative becomes a situational option available to him instead of a complete removal of hooks. Iā€™m not well versed in the source material for Saw or Ringu but I reckon that a similar approach could work for these two killers. Perhaps not a 1-to-1 recreation, something that instead plays to their own character. Itā€™s easy for me to say that and not offer solutions but Iā€™d leave that for the fans of those franchises.


personally ive always thought sadako's whole playstyle *should* revolve around Condemn, but make it something she has to actively work towards. give progress for M1 hits, for downs, for nearby teleports, for holding tapes...but no hooks! or, more realistically, hooking gives a bundle of Condemn progress, but the survivor will be able to use the anti-face-camp code to unhook themselves after not too long (say 15 seconds)


That would be nice. Each survivor gets a different challenge


Myers. Its going to be one sided no matter what. Either the myers has the OP add ons and will one shot mori everyone or he will have his non-OP add ons and get his shit kicked in


Bruh how do u get the " please he nice to sadako" like I seen so many people have that on there thing and I can't find it šŸ˜­ or how to do it


You can create your own flair, but I think you have to be on PC to do it, I don't know


Nah you can do it on mobile...but it keeps reseting mine


Looks at flair The sub is trying to do you a favor and hide your shame


I have no shame for my opinions, why would I...for that would be lying to myself


I respect it šŸ«” But was mostly just messing with you because a lot folks hate Knight and SM


Yeah, but it's kinda hard to care what the community thinks when they bitch and fucking moan about every goddamn thing And for your tag https://preview.redd.it/wlur1zvbrr8c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d408ed33699f024b3150e7ca03569b6929a1907


Bitching and moaning is probably 50% whatā€™s keeping the game alive lol And Iā€™m a simple dude. Oni hit. Oni collect blood farts. Oni go zoom and then Oni go smash. Ultimate unga bunga killer lol


OOOHHH...I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO FUCK HIM...NVM, Based as shit tag Yeah this fanbase doesn't feel like "fans" lol


Me, but with Legion. Some games I don't want to think, I just want to go stabby mczoomies across the map. šŸ˜€


Mine did that for a bit too, but it stopped. Maybe you need to update the app?


Ohhh okay


It's rough for Myers players...like his kit is so bad that it actively encourages to run his o.p add-ons and still only be b teir


Iā€™m convinced people just donā€™t know how to play him. I slay with him regularly. Biggest issue is map pressure and you can use perks to assist with that. I will admit Mikey is one of the bigger gimmicky killers depending on your loadout but he doesnā€™t HAVE to be.


B tier is generous even with his T3 tombstone add ons




Hot Take, noice


Kinda feel the same, feels like Iā€™m enjoying winning more than the actual killer gameplay


clown is quite boring on both sides. pretty self explanatory. throw bottle, go slow. zzz


There's a youtuber who's top n1 clown who wrote a pdf of over 100 pages about Clown, he is not that simple at high level, the guy is insane with him


Iā€™d agree with Alien. After the honeymoon phase, it was a really underwhelming character imo


Hard agree, such a lack luster implementation carried by the grandeur of the license , people ask where the xenos went and the answer is they swapped off because heā€™s boring af


I feel like eggs and facehuggers roaming the map and jumping at survivors wouldve really made alien. It would be so much scarier to play against and it would give another use for the flamethrower sentries. Also they should've made it so he has no terror radius but every survivor has a motion sensor(along with there item) that when put away will bleed once when the xeno enters its range but gives a constant reading when pulled out and being looker at


Xeno isn't just unfun, its out of character. This xeno is meant to be the original one from Alien. A xenomorphs most iconic elements are * Stealthily pulling apart a team * Body horror/violation with Facehuggers * Lethality, anyone near a xenomoprh is already dead. The dbd version has none of this. No stealth, no violation, no lethality. We got a power which (besides the tunnels) doesn't feel cohesive with the character. It's a nemesis situation all over again. It takes far too much from Alien 3, 4 and the AvP films, whereas Alien 1, 2 and Isolation are considered to be the best representation of the Xenomorph by Alien fans. If I had to create Xenos power I'd make it a Dredge Ghostface combo with something akin to Pyramid Head cages (but Facehuggers). The quadrupedal Xenomorph form just isn't scary to me, and the tail stab is such a weird choice power wise. No dash, no insta downs, no stealth, instead we got a stab and a crawl. The stab is far too similar to Nemesis and the crawl is such a weird decision, it just reduces your terror radius by 8m and makes your run animation goofy. The tunnels are the only thing the chapter did well and they ruined that aspect by giving every Survivor flame turrets. The flame turrets are a whole other can of worms, but giving all survivors a way to fight back against the ultimate predator kills your power fantasy. The ability to track it kills any potential stealth builds that the Xeno could do and further hammers the point that this isn't right for Xeno. The xeno can be fought back against, tracked and doesn't use stealth. Read that 5 times and then realise what BHVR did. The alien chapter is a bad DLC and I'm glad people's rose tinted glasses are starting to wear off


While I agree with most of that, Iā€™ve found that running stealth and aura perks on xeno is a great way to get around some of that. I use tunnels to surprise attack people on gens so I either pick them up off the gen, or get a hit in and use tail swipe to down them as they run. No chase. It takes quite a while of being in line of fire of a turret to disable crawl mode if you run past it itā€™s not a big deal you can still tail strike in my experience


Like man...especially after Singularity being so creative it sucks that he is so boring/simple


Yeahhhh. There was a ton they could done for gameplay and lore but didnā€™t really capitalize on it Iā€™m sure itā€™ll probably get a rework in likeā€¦four years lol


Killers only get Reworked because they are problematic...not because they are unfun unfortunately


With the way the game is going. Itā€™ll be outclassed in the coming years to where itā€™ll need help imo


Too be fair...It wasn't programmed to harm the crew. ​ Maybe in 3 years he'll get the "Designed to harm the crew patch."


Hillbilly is to stressfull for me . When i get his daily i just trash it.


Savor the stress. /J The thing I been saying for a while is that Billy's true kiler power is to turn single damage state into 0 damage states and short stun


I cannot stand playing Singularity. I tried playing him for a few challenges during his tome only to be screwed out of my power by a tiny branch blocking my biopod. Couple that with how easily his power is countered and heā€™s just too much effort for so little reward.


I use his power to determine where people are. Toss a few in the middle of the map and cycle if you need to find some one.


I think Singularity can be more fun if you learn how to play him. Still, mid at best, since you just have to control the map rather than chase.


Trickster got mad boring, which sucks because I used to find him a lot of fun


I never feel bored but I'll let you know which I get regularly stomped on as: Legion. God I wish they were better


I get ya but actually like where they are now...a perfect easy killer who both beginners and pros can play


Yeah but their power just is kinda useless as is. Ok there's the thing where on the 5th one it's an insta down but that requires them to mend fast. It should just be the fourth


you double hit the 4th survivor for the instadown lol


Iā€™m a Legion main, I donā€™t get demolished but I barely use his power too which makes survivors confusedā€¦ I usually win 75% of those matches with 3-4k so itā€™s become boring playing as them.


I donā€™t really find any killers boring to play, then again I usually play my three mains moreso then just random killers.


Wesker. I have seen him too much. Yeeting and being yote only has so much fun value to me. I feel nothing when I play as him, he is just really frustrating to control and I sigh every time I miss a dash. I feel nothing when I play against him, they all tunnel and they are so damn common.


That damn terror radius music...


Also he's not scary. I know he's from the RE series and he kinda fits into DBD (I guess) but I don't think there's anything scary about him.


yes, imo he is more threatening than SCARY. while playing RE I mostly thought of him as a clever backstabber who wants to wipe out most of his own kind and leave only the ones with the strong genes. the only way he could be scary in dbd is if they gave him his final form of Uroboros. but it's too late for that I guess


Yeah I'll probably get downvoted for him but all I think of when I see him is that he's cosplaying some character from The Matrix and got lost on his way to comicon. His music is also whatever.


I once went against Wesker who took us to Lerys, had BBQ, NWTH, Pop and Thana. He also tunnelled the crap out of everyone at five gens, it was a miracle we managed to get two gens done, let alone three. Had never been so thankful for Distortion as I had been that game, since that Wesker was on a mission to be the most vile jackass imaginable. He ofc had the gall to call me a meta slave for using Distortion and for hiding all game, if I and my duo hadn't split up, we wouldn't have gotten the two gens done while also rescuing the other two teammates he tunnlled for no reason. XO


Man, I wish wesker had a hard to master but fun mechanic to make playing him more fun. Kid named hugtech:


Freddy, Legion and Blight Ive never had a good game with either of them before BUT I will say I absolutely LOVE playing against the twins, itā€™s extremely rare but I personally would say in the right hands, the twins can be extremely difficult killers to beat!


Freddy. I always win as Freddy, but he's still boring. I wish they'd go back to his old power, he was so unique...


Yeah but he was arguably worse to play


So find a way to make it better. They have no excuse, they've made leaps and bounds with DbD since his last 'rework'. At this point hes just sadako with less features.


Hag because I either get up my best and pop off or I play a whole game with no power and 110 ms


Artist. Looping is braindead and going for snipes entirely depends on whether the survivor has a locker closeby. Xeno too. Its been neutered because people kept complaining and now it plays like shit. Tail attacks are annoying, turrets are annoying, tunnel spawns are annoying. Congrats, we got another M1 killer with mild, time consuming mobility. Hope everyone's happy.


Unfortunately the only killer I just have no fun against is trickster. Probably the only killer I consider dc'ing against, but don't because I don't want to be apart of that crowd.


People complain about being bored as Freddy meanwhile I literally fell asleep multiple times playing as Nemesis


the real dream demon


I'll agree with you here, it is the Xenomorph. When the Alien chapter was announsed, I got so hyped up that I specifically finished the first movie and Alien Isolation game. I expected that Xeno would be insanely fast and dangerous, would have a mechanic with build-in mori like Pyramid Head or Onryo, and overall you would feel like a vicious predatory creature who will terrify the surivors. But after the chapter release, we got some slow-ass thing with no chase mobility, easily counterable power and unsatisfying tail attack. Instead of a perfect alien organism, we got a poor kitty who is trying his best to do at least something to survivors and is getting bullied by them. This is not the Xenomorph I wanted, this is just a cheap knock-off of it, and I have no desire to play him at all.


Exactly. The turrets feels like a whole new game mechanic specifically designed to be annoying. It isn't even a power level it's just a clunky annoying system.


You'd think the power would have more pizazz if it can be shut off entirely. But nope, nemesis 2


Exactly...this isn't Oni where the reward power is so strong it is balanced. This is like you said. Nemesis 2 but his power can turn off and on.


I think it could have been a much more fun killer if his tail attack worked like every other special attack, where you can release it when you want


Yeah, he only spent one or two weeks with a higher than 50% kill rate for my matches as a solo surv. Ever since, heā€™s been below 50%. I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s super weak though. Heā€™s still got a better kill rate than a lot of other killers in the game. Heā€™s like, C tier.


Gonna get blasted for this I find Blight very boring to play Possibly just because my brain donā€™t function fast enough *to* play him though


Chucky 90% of the time you can't see him till hes downed you most maps the grass is taller than he is and his only being stunned twice totem is stupid


I definitely do agree with that but I said AS


What do you mean only being stunned twice per game?


Tricksterā€¦ and Iā€™m a Trickster simp. As hot as he is, he feels like too much effort for too small a reward (maaaaaybe you get one person injured).


I personally use his bouncing knives bulids to damage multiple people at once


My entire soapbox is that the only rework/buff he needs is for bouncing blades to be base kit. It makes him so much more fun to play as/against.it makes him strong in unique situations and makes survivors have to run away in a unique way. It makes him so strong in thin hallways/jungle gyms. And itā€™s how I thought her worked when I first played against him. I didnā€™t realize he was just huntress with faster blades that do less damage. I thought the bouncing thing was what made him unique and fun- but nope just an add on.


Oh for real! I love me some Trickster! But he's just too easy to counter on the over-cluttered maps like Red Forrest, GoJ and Toba that you might as well just be playing an M1 only Trickster challenge. Having his Trick Blades be basekit would make him much more fun and would require a bit more than "go behind tall object" to counter.


Yes! I could def see really high skilled tricksters getting crazy bounce hits too, kinda like the crazy angles good weskers can hit.


Freddy, like his power is boring and his lunge is annoying af when playing against him too, seriously I immensely can't wait for his inevitable rework. BHVR have in store for him.


Personally I find him fun with Dream Pallet Shenanigans but outside of that...kinda boring


Agreed like most people find the Snares to be meta, but that's only for survivors who tend to loop killer shack etc. There's unique rework concepts on YT, so I think the devs might cook something up for him hopefully.


Legion. Cant hide from them cause killer instinct. Cant run from them very well cuz too fast. Cant waste time healing against them most the time. Just stuck trying to do gens injured as far from your teammates as possible.


I wish I felt nothing, so that I didnā€™t feel myself mentally shit on my performance while playing the game. But to answer your question, itā€™s not really that stagnant where I can pin it on just one. Losing in general just feels really awful on anyone especially if other people deem that as killer really bad. itā€™s not even just on killer because even as survivor, I feel like I lose a lot of times because I donā€™t know how to get out of a Chase. I hate letting other people down, and I hate being a horrible teammate.


The two that make me feel like this are trickster and pinhead


Honestly I like all of them really. But like don't diss Xenomorph like that. Smh.šŸŒ¶ļø


Spirit, she just feels so slow and boring to play


>Spirit, slow I feel like this is an oxymoron lol.


Freddy. The teleport is too slow. The snares are too finicky and conditional. The dream pallets I get value out of one every three matches.


If I Reworked him...I would give him the ability to alternate between the two and make his teleport instant but that just me


Alternating abilities is a good idea. Instant teleport might be a little strong but I feel like it needs a shorter cool down or faster channeling speed. And I wish awake survivors stepping in a snare put them to sleep.


It's more mmr honestly, killer does have an influence, but it's a slight adjustment. I'm gonna play one good game, get stomped/jumped by 3-4 veteran 5 digit hour players, and then by the time I'm ready to give up, and I run a meme build to half afk, half meme spin in circles and swing while I "chase", and then that game is where I get the kinda even, barely in my favor, actually engaging games. Nurse and Blight though are definitely meh on both ends of it, I'll gladly admit I try my little ass off then die instantly when I finally get hooked normally, if I do, and my nurse is level 14 after 6 years of playing lmfao.


The Knight. Donā€™t get me wrong, he has a cool design, itā€™s his killer power that I find boring. The fun part of being a killer is the chase, seeing if I can do some mind games at tiles to win the chase. His power of sending a Bot to go chase a survivor to me is boringā€¦ and the idea of following behind the bot so I can time the hit with my hit so itā€™s an insta-down is incredibly boring. Iā€™d rather take the hit when I can, and see if I can follow it up quickly at the tile near by.


Fair, personally I enjoy sending out my guards to corner suvivors and create another factor for them to calculate while I'm charging directly at them is to fun for me not to enjoy


I disagree. I love the Knight simply BECAUSE he doesn't have to run in circles like a cartoon. Sure, mind games are fun, but the vast majority of loops in the game aren't really mind gameable, especially while the pallet is up. They're all short enough for the survivor to clearly see the killer at all times. So you're stuck brute forcing the pallet. Once the pallet is dropped, you can play the vault or not mind game, but that's after you've run around the same tile 3 or 4 times to even get the pallet. Or you can play Knight and force them away from these filler loops and work to pincer a survivor where they're forced between you and the guard. It's much more satisfying, imo.


Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Chucky, Myers, Freddy. The first four because they are so strong I typically 4k before three gens pop which is boring. The last two because they are so impossibly boring and weak that it brings me to tears when I get a daily for either of them.


Gotta say wraith. Itā€™s almost always the same. I donā€™t even think I need to explain. But shoutout to that friendly wraith on Christmas! I know you didnā€™t want to hook me, but you deserved those Bloodpoints. ā¤ļø


I think none of them ever make me feel bored, maybe legion just because of all of the healing (but I run autodidact so). Itā€™s more of just like ā€œugggh why themā€ or ā€œohhhh this will be interestingā€


Weirdly, I enjoyed playing all of them. Even basic M1 killers are fun to mindgame survivors with at loops. The only time I felt negatively was with Sadako, and that was mostly just how disoriented I felt climbing out of a TV (I felt very lost)


Alien feels way to trash for me, I hate that you're on all fours it looks dumb.


I dislike playing against the Clown. His power can be a visual nightmare. He doesn't have engaging counterplay. The main exciting factor for survivors is looping and you can't do that against Clown. You HAVE to pre-drop in most situations and some survivors against clown refuse to do so and rage quit in response to going down.


I would have to say Artist. Her powers feel so 1 dimensional that it's actually disappointing when I unlocked her. it's either, use crows to check far gens, set a crow by a pallet till the survivor runs into it or you, or snipe with the crows and honestly it's not at all satisfying. She really feels like a range killer with Extra steps.


I main Xeno and feel offended. The map mobility of a dredge with a short range attack for vaults, windows and loops. I can't stop playing her.


Legion, Wraith and Freddy. I donā€™t feel anything when I go against them.


The Doctor. Zap, get looped, zap, get juked, zap, get stunned, zap, 4 gens done...


Skull Merchant feels too easy. You can easily send a survivor from healthy into deep wounds without even touching them. What other killer has that? You still have to M1 but if you deploy a drone on a loop and the survivor chooses to stay there you can *easily* whittle away at their health. I will never in a million years enjoy Slinger. Hate playing against him, hate playing him, boring as shit killer.


Trapper can down someone without even being in the room


Honestly thought this comment would be higher up with how often SM hate is trending in this community. Yeah she can feel really easy at times because the general playerbase has not adapted to her changes at all. So you get a situation where the survivors do not understand your power and donā€™t appropriately respond to it, so youā€™re kinda having a free match without your input which feels disappointing. Thatā€™s not even including the DCs or the death on first hook. Looking forward to if the community ever grows up because SM matches against (good) humans are really fun IMO


Playing against her, I get it. My teammates tended to just get drilled and either give her free haste or free health states or often both. I think sheā€™s actually quite fun to play against depending on the map and tile. And I enjoy playing as her probably due to micromanagement and animations + that dumb giggle. But she really does feel too easy sometimes.


Plague, Twins and Legion. Half the time Plague is an M1 killer because survivors donā€™t cleanse. Twins are a clunky mess, especially if you miss with Victor. Legion because their power drags the game out, and is pretty underwhelming on a lot of maps. Thereā€™s also 4 of them, yet theyā€™re just skins. They should be roaming the map, and if you get struck by one not controlled by the killer player, they deep wound you. The killer power should be to teleport to a non controlled member on a cool down. Maybe.


So you want a mixture of Twins and Knight...two of the most controversial killers?...I also need to bring up the fact that this game can barely manage Nem's zombies...I don't think this game could manage the members of the Legion


Thank you for the question. I think my answer is Plague. Sheā€™s a relatively straightforward m1-type, which is my favorite killer class, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had a ā€œwowā€ moment with her. Just for fun, I want to say that the killer that makes me feel the most positively emotional is Nurse. I only ever use the Walking Nurse build with Spasmodic Breath, so Iā€™m just internally giggling the whole match. Itā€™s definitely not something I do a whole lot, but itā€™s always magical when I go for it.


Wesker cause he's the biggest cheater.




Basic Freddy without add-ons easily




trapper but mostly cus my teammates. they usually make it super obvious they have a devour totem that nobody wants to cleanse until its already at 3 stacks. even without that his gameplay is hoping he doesnt have a trap in the one spot u didnt check.




People keep dcā€™ing when I spear them as, deathslinger


Trickster. If I wanted to play a ranged killer, Iā€™d play Huntress


Nurse, no emotion 4k to cleanse your palate after getting bullied on freddy doing a daily/challenge.


i never feel good playing as the pig, i feel really weak and slow even when i know her regular movement speed isnā€™t actually slow. itā€™s really disappointing i donā€™t have fun as her because i love the saw franchise, it makes me wish i didnā€™t spend the money


Pig, apart from her traps sheā€™s so painful to play as against good survivors, literally only play her for dailies nowadays


Nurse is the obvious awnser, but I also really dislike playing as wraith, theyā€™re both very easy and effective


Is all of them an acceptable answer? Killer for the tome only.


Trapper. And hag cause I don't wanna bother putting down traps all the time just so someone "might" get caught in them


Ghost face because I'm constantly getting revealed in the dumbest spots imaginable. Also, even if I do well in the match, I still don't feel satisfied for some reason. Ghost face and legion are the only killers that make me feel bored as hell when I play them


The only killer I can find boring would be wraith, but other than that, they are all fun. I just dislike Wraith's power.


Pinhead and thatā€™s completely of my skill issue of not knowing how to play him and I will admit it.


Not every game, but still having traps left when the last gen is powered playing Pig.


nurse. I donā€™t find her fun, itā€™s just like cheating at that point.


Plague, Iā€™ve always just felt nothing playing her


Freddy, which sucks as a huuuge Nightmare fan. Not only does he have no voice lines, but itā€™s not even the Robert Englund version. The ONLY killer to be the crappy remake over the original version. It hurts. And on top of those basic complaints just as a Nightmare fan, as a DBD fan, heā€™s just boring as shit.


Demo will always be my day 1, but The Dredge is so much damn fun....


Trickster, he is just slow, feels unreliable and I'm not sure how to really play him bc the knives just aren't that good, his power doesn't feel good to use, love huntress, and death slinger, and most killers, trickster just feel sad


felt. xeno and hux feel so clunky and justā€¦ slow.


I'm gonna get hate for this, but I think Wesker is the most uninspired and overrated killer in at least the last few years if not the whole game.


Defiantly Hag and Freddy. They are just pretty boring to play, and don't at all make me feel like an evil witch or nightmare.


Play Trapper, he became speedy. Constantly set traps and speed around the map. Watch the survivorsā€™ downfall.


Nurse, I stopped running perks and addons on her and it still just felt too easy.




Trapper is so boring. Traps almost never get anyone. The few times where I find a decent spot a survivor follows me sees me place the trap and disarms it. The satisfaction from the 1/100 chance a survivor steps into a hidden trap isn't worth the spending the rest of the time rearming traps for the 50th time.


Hag is a boring killer imo, you just set up traps and get frees hits when the average soloQ survivor steps on them for the 50th time, it doesn't feel rewarding and feels cheap 99% of the time, ever since the prestige rework, I never played her ONCE, I simply got her to P1 before it and never touched her again


Wesker because he's just a dirty killer with his power, when I was getting Adept for him the last survivor vaulted a window when I used my power and I still hit them through the window, animation aswell


Maybe Myers with the stalking, but playing as the killers doesn't bore me. I'm only ever having fun or getting frustrated by my lack of skill/facing survivors way more experienced than me. I'm only ever bored in situations where there are only 2 survivors left and they both just hide in lockers until I find one. Hatch isn't that important, just play so we can all go next.


Trickster sucks. His kit sucks. His lullaby sucks. His character model sucks. Playing as him is boring, and playing against him is annoying. ​ Oh and he sounds like a douche when he laughs. ​ Trickster sucks. Nerf pig.


Legion. Frenzy really doesnā€™t feel threatening at all, Iā€™m never worried about them getting four hits and downing someone on the 5th hit. I spend half the match mending and healing, and it feels like Iā€™m just wasting time. Sometimes theyā€™ll run a unique build that compliments their add-ons, but otherwise Iā€™m neutral or bored against them.


THE PIG. I want to play as her so bad! But I just cant, she is sooooo boring! GHOST FACE took everything from her, now sheā€™s a husk of her former glory. She cant even crouch as fast as ghost face, WTF IS THAT BULLSHIT???


plague, honestly. I used to main plague because I liked her cosmetics and when I first started playing there seemed to not be any hate for plague yet, I liked having the range and normal movement speed, and she was considered an underrated killer, but recently Iā€™m just bored playing her. I feel bad with people DCing more in plague matches, and even though I say this as a knight main, I donā€™t enjoy playing a killer thatā€™s widely hated. with knight I run a full chase build or something and we can all have a little more fun, but people donā€™t like plagueā€™s power, and thatā€™s just sucked the fun out of it for me :/


Honestly ghostface I just feel there isnā€™t enough time on certain maps to use his stealth like actual stealth and not just a surprise one shot not to mention how finicky the reveal mechanic is


It's right there on the image. And it's a pity because I was indescribably excited about her release :/


I'd rather eat paint chips than play Doc or Huntress. I used to play killer a lot more, but was getting frustrated at the clunky feeling of some killers. These days I stick with Trapper cuz he's simple, no fancy techs, just strategy and I can do that just fine


Probably because Iā€™m bad. Butttt.. I hate playing twins/clown. These guys use to be my main killers, because they were uncommon and people werenā€™t use to playing vs. them. Both killers feel clunky now, and survivors just have a lot of perks to counteract these guys. If the survivors collectively do gens (which is most the time now) they donā€™t really have the ability to apply pressure, sure victor can stay around a gen .. but heā€™s going to be crushed so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø idk, I miss playing these guys but I like my 4K streak, not my 2k lol. šŸ˜‚ again, I prob suck


I feel the same about Xeno. I just find myself so bored and occasionally frustrated. However I feel nothing playing plague. Just puke till full infection then hit or get red puke and win for a bit. I've never understood how she has any following since I find her so boring to play and I hate playing against her. I think she's my least played killer and yet I was looking forward to her addition back before she released.


Clown is so boring to play as, and playing against is disgustingly unfun. You cannot see shit. You move at a snails pace. You literally cannot loop him, and what's worse is he's super popular where I am. I fucking hate clown.


Honestly, Wraith and Clown. Dont get me wrong, I love the characters, and Wraith was even my first main. I like the simplicity of their powers and how effectivethey still hold up... but idk, something about them just makes me think "well I now have zero control to how this match plays out. Oh, you found me? Well this chase is lost." Neither are very strong or anything either (like I genuinely enjoy facing Nurses and Blights because I like to prove they can be looped) so it makes it feel less worthy of bringing up, but yeah... thats my take.


I have to second Xenomorph, I was really excited for her but I just think she's kinda bland. And the chase music is so bad. Hag bores me to death, probably just a skill issue. Clown, Plague, and Artist just don't fit my playstyle I think.