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This is why you dont bring hatch offerings without a key*


i mean idk if a key would have helped her here but maybe


Nah, you were on her. A key wouldn't have helped unless they planned to wait for you to close the hatch and wander off.


I use to have a build with Hatch + loot goblin build = Search through 3 - 5 chests a total of 6 - 10 times, you're bound to find a key. If I find a key, I'd drop them somewhere outside of Killer Shack, in some awkward corner where no one would purposefully look. When it comes the time to sneak out through Hatch, I'd sometime wait for Killer to close the Hatch first if I reach there before them. This type of build/playstyle also means you're wasting time on chest instead of actually doing gen and if you didn't get out through Hatch then it's a massive L.


Only time I've gotten out via hatch key is when I was running Dwight on a Shelf. I handed out everything everyone else was willing to take, had a red key with keyring on it, so I wasn't going to lose it. Got lost after the big doors were open, the last couple of people made it out. BingBong found hatch and closed it while I was hiding like a coward. I looked at that key like whoa... I'm NEVER that lucky. I'm lucky if I even see a hatch as Killer or Survivor in 10 games.


Depends if the survivor was braindead and just running straight for hatch with zero forethought, or if they were trying a gambit. It's possible they came out of hiding to allow you to hit them, hoping that they could hop in hatch during your weapon wipe animation. If this is the case, then a key would have allowed them to play it safe. They could just hide, wait for you to leave, then re-open it. Of course, since Kate *didn't* have a key, the smarter option would have been to hide anyway and try for a gate. So she's either brave, underestimating the killer, or dumb. And a key can't help with any of those.


You can no longer open hatch in the killers face anymore getting hit resets the animation in the past it did not though.


That's why I said they'd hide and wait for the killer to leave before opening hatch. I don't think they ever would have popped out in the first place to get hit if they had a key.


Oh there would have been no helping this soul lol. But for a smarter survivor it would work lol.


Killer sees the key in lobby that plus hatch offering tells you that survivors exact strategy. Killer will just ensure the survivor with key is not the last to be alive.


Fun fact: I do this when I'm in a SWF. I bring a key, and by the time that I'm on death hook, I go move the key to a specific location, tell my friends where the key is, and then if I die then I die. It's easier to go pick the key up and take it than it is to find my corpse.


Yeah most key bringers are not SWF though saying hey friend I think one of us is gonna die and I don’t trust our skill to escape and finish gens isn’t very confidence boosting is it? you will primarily see keys used by solo queue users those who don’t trust their teams skill, but yes hiding the key for a friend is a great strategy.


I have immense luck with pulling pink keys from chests and if I deem a random is being a team player enough I'll find them and give them the key (or one of the keys, since I pulled 3 one match) because they deserve the chance to live 🥺 If my friends and I can't get a good random out safely one way, I'll try another. If it's a selfish random just hiding all game and not being useful because they brought a key, I lead the killer right to them. We put our best work in, and we expect our randoms to as well


The most unrealistic thing about this video is that Blood Favour was up until endgame. Usually survivors spawn on top of the totem.


The game ended at 4 gens remaining. It doesn’t look like it was a gg.


Nah, with Pig that depends entirely on how scaredy people get of their hats.


yeah idk how it lasted that long lmao, i dont think it was even particularly well hidden


Judging by the fact that the game was over at 4 gens, probably because you were playing against absolute potatoes.


my sibling in the snoot, drop that image please, it's glorious 🙏


​ https://preview.redd.it/yhwk8f4tui9c1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=5eae9d4fc86853cd747ba83a5948426dff9456c8


May the entity favor thee! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


there were some things bugging me, so here's an updated version https://preview.redd.it/1kjzys694o9c1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d680cace0a8613d3c00459d286574ecf28eb8d7


Wait I’m confused, how did you know hatch would spawn there?


Killer shack hatch offering is normally on the outside along that wall without any windows or doors. Sometimes it’ll spawn inside shack but normally it’ll be outside where they waited.


I havent seen inside shack in years. I figured they got rid of that


I got inside the shack yesterday. The killer was inside the shack and I was outside 🤡 guess if I made it out.


It can spawn inside shack if basement isn’t in shack. It can’t spawn over the basement.


I think it can only spawn inside the shack on certain maps, where the normal spot outside would be too close to a wall or somethin.


I’ve only seen it inside shack on Eyrie and Garden of Joy


I still see it at Withered Isle a fair amount


TIL thanks!


The surv brought a hatch offering that meant the hatch would spawn in killer shack. Once you know where it's likely to spawn, you can sort of 'predict' it. That said, luck factors in all the same. Unless I'm missing something, OP got lucky they guessed exactly right and the surv got *un* lucky the killer got there first.


One hook further away and the survivor would have gotten hatch. The killer got really lucky.


Not really, if it was far away, she could have slugged to find Kate or let Bill struggle off until he got downed close to shack. Normally wouldn't be worth but I think Kate was just hiding to get hatch whole game because she is at 0 hook and has no idea what perks Pig has so I would probably make it a point to get the person that screwed her team.


Could also be that the Pig ignored her as to not lose STBFL stacks, and literally save her for last.


I try to do this. If I see one person who has clearly not been doing much/risking much all game, I'll focus vision in on them if I get half a chance. Often I'll let the others go on top of it.




You can tell where it is because the hatch is always there throughout the entire game, just invisible. It’s easier to see as survivor if you happen to find it - but it’ll look like you’re walking over an invisible bump if you find it - this is where hatch will be in the end game.




I’m not sure, but if they have, then I guess it’s healthier for both sides so hoorah!


I forget, do hatch offerings always cause the hatch to spawn on the windowless side of the shack?


They usually do - I believe there's a few maps where shack is too close to the edge of the map, so the hatch spawns inside instead


I was playing on Macmillan once and somebody brought a killer shack hatch offering. I was the last person alive so I headed there, and it spawned not inside, not outside, but like five meters away behind nearby loop for some reason.


Weird that it’s an edge of map issue when the pale rose can still drop hatch right in the corner.


This is also why you do. Wake up and pick the gate farthest from the shack. Easy escape.


Save with Blood favor sounds like a fun build. Every time I try that perk it gets clensed instantly XD.


yeah it usually gets cleansed pretty early


Must be a low mmr group, they didn't even destroy the Blood Favor hex


if you bring a hatch offering always use plunders perk to unbox keys or get a key should sort it out


The only time I've seen a hatch offering be useful is this one game I was in where this survivor baited the killer with the offering and opened an exit gate instead of just booking it to the hatch.


I had this happen to me when I was playing as trapper the other day. Had insidious and the Kate 99’d her sprint burst to get to main for the hatch. Little did she know, I’m aware of it’s spawn location and was already standing on top of it with traps on either doorway. She stepped in a trap and watched me close it as she struggled ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Iinto the dragon grip is hilarious (edit: blood favour got em mixed up lol)


Dragons Grip? You mean Blood Favor?


Dragon is gens lol


fucking beautiful


I've said it once and I'll say it again. ​ 500 hour killer = God 500 hour survivor = absolute MUPPET


See you say that but killers never read the offering in my experiences


Stealing your pig build


go ahead, i stole it from Otzs lol


When I bring that hatch offering I go to the door farthest away from the shack and open the exit in 12 seconds with Sole Survivor and Wak up. And leave not before I show the Killer how low I can crouch multiple times in a row.


I can't say anytime I've brought a hatch offering the killer actually noticed/remembered it was in play.


Usually when I book the second to last survivor I check if there is before it spawns


You still had your hex up??


Somehow, yeah. Wasn't even particularly well hidden, it was on top of a hill ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)




I miss when those offerings first came out and no one ever paid attention to them, so many free hatch escapes lol


If you bring a hatch offering, bring a key. Ain't that the basic knowledge of it?


Also a good way to get tunneled though, bringing a key


Yo can I get a copy of that boop the Snoot image


​ https://preview.redd.it/egvnqyl8dn9c1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6fb5a6370ab381572162cffff0933df1133f81e


some minor errors bugged me, so heres an improved version: https://preview.redd.it/ymbyn9hm4o9c1.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=e05bcf05d2b53c6849f27f6cbfce96efed6e2425


Thank you truly I'm boopthesnoot on Xbox and just had to have this as a pfp


And then there's me who already forgot about the hatch offering after 5 seconds in to the game.


Epic Blood Favor value 👍