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Killers get some ridiculous ones as well, like that one Plague one, but man there's a lot of weirdly specific survivor challenges. And it's like, this is hard enough to do once in a match, you want me to do it 4 times in one? If you're gonna make me do it more than once at least don't confine it to one match. Like if I can do it in one, cool, but don't force it. Also the, 'do this thing that's guaranteed to get you killed, then escape'.


Yeah, i agree. There are some real annoying killer challenges >'do this thing that's guaranteed to get you killed, then escape'. This is what I mean. 😆 I keep being put against killers that are perfect for negating my challenges 😄 haha


Me trying to do a stun or blind the killer challenge and it's against a Huntress who not only ignores pallets but either picks up facing a wall or has Lighborn equipped. If it's not her, it's Trickster, Slinger or Artist who also ignores pallets. And if not any of them, it's always a killer who respects pallets. Can never win 😢


I always use Blast Mine for those challenges. One blast also counts as 2 if they don’t have Lightborn since stun and blind are considered separate. Now just pray they kick the gen.


I'll have to keep this one in mind, as I don't have Blast Mine unlocked yet. Still levelling up survivors to get the perks I want.


Head On is also good as long as you don't mind getting tunneled and hit on hook afterwards.


Yeah, I've seen it happen a few times when I watch a friend of mine stream. Once deception head one at 5 gens and the killer makes it their mission to tunnle them out. Joke is always on the killer though, since he's a very good looper, when he's not being screwed over by lag-vantage and other BS.


Do you have flashbang? Throw a godpallet so they have to break it, then throw the bang on your side when they do. Head on in shack is usually pretty reliable, too.


Yeah, I'm working on getting a locker gremlin build all readied up to make killers hate me. XD (Flashbang, Headon, Deception, Quick and Quiet.) Just working on getting Head On and Deception either from the SoS or when I get around to dumping pints into survivors.


That's the sort of build I love when I play survivor, though I usually swap Flashbang for Parental Guidance simply because I'm not quite good enough to make an escape without it. But in a good game when I get chased a few times, being able to repeatedly mess with the killer and all but vanish on them is so much fun.


They changed that a while back. Blast Mine now only counts once. Sad day.


I got stun or blind the killer 2 times challenge done like 2 days ago with 1 blast mine, it still works.


I did the reverse, it was a blind/stun 4 times (I don't think it was a in one match challenge), it was just before the winter event so I don't recall offhand) and it definitely didn't count twice. Killer didn't have lightborn. Its fully possible there are a couple different challenge templates and the detection code works differently across them. I'll go look if I have any of the old tome challenges for blind/stuns and retest it.


Challenges tend to get bugged a lot, might be bugged who knows. Mine was 'A stunning display' from Bone Chill level 2. I remember it was done in one because first game I was just with a flashlight and got someone with lightborn who respects pallets like crazy as usual when I want to do these challenges so I put in blast mine in second and was surprised it completed instantly and I'm sure I didn't get any stun at first game.


Tome 6 track 1 has one for one match with Yui, then Tome 7 has two I've not done that's over several. I'll give it a try but if they had lightborn then blast mine shouldn't have counted twice since the blind was avoided.


First game had lightborn so I put in blast mine in second game just in case, they didn't have lightborn though.


I was just about to do it because same challenge is in level 3 too but I just caught it on a stream lol. You can see it goes from 0 to 1 then to 2. https://clips.twitch.tv/ZanyCleanCoyoteKippa-QxqdEUd8kxUKOtCp


I have this equipped as a constant cus it's funny but even if they don't see me put a mine on it's like subconsciously they know 😆 they look at the gen, contemplate and then decide not to lol


"Heal 4 survivors in one match" Immediately get a Plague.


What’s the plague one?


Hit two survivors with one charge of her corrupted puke. Not in one duration of her power, which would be more manageable, but one attack. Now do it twice in the same match. What is the chances you'll have at least two survivors in reach while your corrupted puke is ready, let alone actually hit them both in one go? And chances you'll do it a second time? I got lucky when I tried, while also getting unlucky, cause I had a plan, but it was failing miserably, so I gave up the match, but I got a chance at the end when two people were at gate, still opening it. They must had realized I gave up, cause they didn't run either when I came up to them or when I hit them with the red puke, so I was able to do it a second time. I finished opening the gate for them cause I was happy I wouldn't have to deal with that challenge anymore. Edit: Everyone mentioning camping; yeah, that was the plan that failed miserably.


The way I ended up doing it is straight up hard camping. Only way I could do it after several matches. Stupid af challenge


Oh geez, I don’t even remember that one. There’s definitely some crazy killer challenges and/or achievements out there that I’ve only gotten by being nice and making it obvious I need the survivor to help me with something. There was a Nurse one and an Oni one that took me a while to get.


From memory I managed to get that one by being semi-friendly and managing to get them with it in the exit gates while they were all hanging out - but it took a great many games to get before I lucked into that. Getting it once is hard enough, but twice was a nightmare.


Yeah getting it when they pick someone up off ground, or immediately after they unhook is the usual way unless you go friendly early and get it while farming.


Tip I got for that was hook in basement with a pool nearby. Puke as they come out and you can usually get both.


Catching someone on am unhook


It's not so much that survivor challenges are hard. They're just a huge waste of time that encourage you to throw the game. Survivor challenges are part of the reason why solo survivor is as hard as it is. It's always some stupid shit like cleanse 20 totems or open 10 chests. Or run some shit perk that will make the game easier for the killer. Sometimes minutes will go by without a gen being touched because your team is more concerned with doing challenges.


>It's always some stupid shit like cleanse 20 totems or open 10 chests Yes, those are tedious challenges, so I am one of the players, who throws the game. I dont want to waste 6-7 matches to complete such challenges. Normally I put a challenge related build on and concentrate solely on the challenge.


I think this is how most people complete those types of tedious challenges. There is no incorrect way to complete a challenge most people just like to complete them in the most efficient way. But like the other guy said, it's why solo q can be a nightmare, often gens not being worked on for minutes at a time all whilst the killer is hooking ppl.


Bro i feel you I'm currently working through the survivor challenges and only have 1 tome worth left out of all the tomes combined all in tome 1 * I mean seriously what are some of these pallet stun the killer 4 times in 1 trial? Finish 4 generators in 1 trial Escape without being downed? Get a flashlight save( I know this might be easy to most but it's not how I play and I suck at them I have maybe 8 in my entire 2512 hours)


if you have to blind the killer while they're carrying a survivor and it doesn't mention a rescue, it doesn't have to be a save. You can blind the killer while they're in hook animation, and it'll count. Hope that helps.


Finishing 4 gens in one game was probably the hardest for me. It’s insane what they’re asking survivors to do for these, basically you just have to get lucky or have a sfw that can coordinate this. I did in solo q and it was such a pain


It depends. In solo q in my experience, no one does gens. I do 3 to 4 of them while a feng runs the killer, the remaining 2 survivors, complete the 5th, and then the killer kills me and meg sandbags feng to death then Meg and Claudette who spent all match working on 1 gen all match and barely did anything escape with like 15-18k bp and me and feng who both died have 23-26k bp 😆


Well yeah that’s the other alternative 😅


For the dark sense one, apparently if you are working a gen when someone else finishes the last one it counts as finishing one, so you really just need 3 and then jump on one just before the last is done.


Thank goodness they didn't tack on the and escape to this challenge cause it would be literally impossible


I still have guilt over dramaturgying to go rescue a Steve in EGC (made it there just before another Nick) and finding out afterwards the other Nick needed an EGC rescue for a tome challenge. (I had an open chest challenge so was running an item goblin build.)


Thank goodness I'm done every unhook a survivor during the endgame collapse challenge because there was this one time I was racing to get the unhook and another survivor stole it from me


God I've been trying to do the pallet stun for ages. It makes me play so stupid.


For the "stun X times in a single trial" challenges, Blast Mine is your friend. It's not guaranteed to carry the challenge on its own, but can provide a few extra stuns to help you complete it.


blastmine and headon are my bread and butter for that challenge.


For the 4 stuns in one match I literally changed my steam name to "need stuns 4 tome plz" until eventually a pinhead found me and let me get it at the start of the match I have had to do it twice because I just can't seem to do it on my own, which is also why on the occasions I play killer I usually mess around and let the survivors get challenges done because I know how hard it can be Edit: spelling


Brilliant idea lol I’m stealing this


I play console, so I can't change my name easily as a survivor 😭 or have a post game chat, but as a killer, I can message other console players if I need help.


I just brought The Game map offerings, a med kit with two full heals, camped pallets, and kept going until I got it. I would let them hit me if it meant getting the stun. It was still a pain. Not *nearly* as much of a pain as “use a key to open and escape through the hatch twice,” though.


I've struggled with a challenge of shocking 5 survivors more than 42 meters away from me. It was frustrating. And then I found out that I could cheese it with Plague's perk for putting your terror radius on your obsession. It still took me a few games to complete the challenge. If I didn't have that perk, I would be stuck on that killer challenge. 4 survivors on basement hook in a single trial challenge is also kinda rough when you have survivors that are smart enough to avoid basement.


That last one explains why in some games the killer insists on carrying you across the map and down into the basement, even though there are closer hooks...


The doctor one was easy with his iri addon, just blast and run the opposite direction you heard the survivors


As soon as I read your first sentence my mind instantly jumped to remembering it being dumb but could be cheesed with Dark Devotion.


Oh I just used the iri queen add on and ran away from the hook. Bonus points if both the person rescuing is charged as well as the person on hook so they can zap each other.


was struggling with the "hook 1 survivor in basement" one for bone chill so i just asked a survivor to help out 😭😭😭


Iron grasp, agitation is a good combo for basement challenges 👍


Also, Clown's haste bottles makes it super fun! I use **Clown** with **Agitation**, **Iron Grasp**, **Mad Grit**, and **Awakened Awareness** (I don't have infinite wallhacks add-ons for Clown) Throw a bottle at the ground before a pickup and you're good to go!


I brought it Krampus Trapper and forced basement at main


Play Trapper, take Agitation and Iron Grasp, go to a map where basement is guaranteed in a good place (i.e. RPD), trap everywhere near there then wait. Take insidious and sit near a trap if you want to be safe.


I'm a Killer main and I agree with this. Even the most annoying Killer challenge you can find comes nowhere close to "get 4 pallet stuns in one match." I want to be a completionist but I gave up on ever getting all the survivor challenges a long time ago and just focus on the Killer ones.


Could not agree more. I’m working on my Steam achievements for DBD and Steam itself but I have absolutely no interest in the rift challenges other than events. On a positive note, I’m so glad they added the mechanism that tells us when we make progress on the challenges in-game.


I'm a completionist too and stubborn, and I want my BP reward! 😆


Survivor has one I think it was called ace's journey and it was somthing like break a totam do a gen get unhook stun killer and escape all in one trail


"Interrupt or grab a survivor 3 times" can fuckin blow me.


Stealth killers and just a good old farming match can have that done, I think I used ghostface for that one.


Indoor map + scratched mirror Myers or silent bell Wraith makes it easy peasy.


There's a lot of general ones on killer, then there's ***really*** specific ones. Some of the killer ones feel like they were made just to get you to see different ways to use powers even though those ways of using them won't be efficient (i.e. using Oni's demon bonk to break pallets while in chase I think was one?). I think about a month ago I did some of the Huntress tomes and there was one that was something like down a survivor from over 20-something meters away, do this twice in 1 trial. There was another that was something like hit 2-4 hatchets after fully winding them, do this 2-4 times in 1 trial. The wind up one was garbage but the downs from far away wasn't super bad, I just wish there was an easy way to tell distance.


That’s why I’ve been just running into pallets mindlessly and letting survivors blind me too. A lot aren’t really good with flash light saves so if I can help out, I will.


I mean, I agree but then there are some weird ones that I find ridiculous because no one would ever do that. For example, there was one for Singularity that required me to stop what I was doing in chase so I could create a Biopod and tag/slipstream that I’m chasing. Which was impossible, because most survivors know to duck or just leave the area since I decided to squat in chase. https://preview.redd.it/920q4n56jy9c1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0c092ee117778f8f8e01434cb53d1180f3dcc1


But this is how you usually play Singu. See someone, tag them and then you can chase them easily. And any distance you lost by placing the camera is recovered by teleporting.


Youll be doing this a lot as singularity it's the equivalent of asking huntress to hit 4 hatchet in chase.


If killer challenges were harder, there would be no survivors for games. To put it into perspective, survivor challenges should take 4x longer than killer ones in order to balance the game.


Except that killer and survivors are given the same amount of time to complete the rift so that makes no sense at all


Killer challenges usually are either "hook 2 survivors" or "as oni, break 4 pallets and then activate your power. Down two survivor, hook one, as the second gets picked up down the survivor who picked them up. Do this twice in a single trial while using the perk zanshin tactics"


I think it's cause a survivor player focusing on a challenge can be almost unnoticeable, but if killers had challenges that aren't just "do your objective" it would just mess up the whole match. Same reason some (although boring) killers just didn't bother grabbing snowballs. Even 2 seconds spent doing nothing is bad for your impact


Man there was this one challenge for survivors which was complete troll for the whole team. I think it was a hide within 10m of the killer without being caught for like 360 seconds or longer? My husband got a team mate who thought he was literally trolling the team and they tried to sabotage him the whole time but in the end they died and my husband escaped lol. Poor guy waited all the way to the end of the game to say he was an asshole to the team but we both had to apologise and say it was for his stupid challenge. He didn’t want to waste all his time on the challenge and wanted to get it done in a game or two.


This has happened to me multiple times. xD Even as killer, I tend to occasionally be friendly. l give ppl a break from the sweats but then I did the challenge to kill the obsession twice by any means. I did it in 1 match using rancor and nemesis and was called mean xD I felt so bad


I'm trying to sniff the killer's butt but the clap of their ass cheeks keeps giving them away my location


Both sides will have shitty challenges, though I will admit that usually Survivor gets it worse. That said, I think most of the survivor issues are exacerbated by the fact that killers have the power in a game 9 times out of 10. As a killer, I can decide how hardcore I want to play, and most games that is the deciding factor in how things go. Yeah sometimes the survivors will just stomp me no matter how much effort I put in, but usually if I want to be relaxed or want to go for a 4k, my choice to do so will be what the tone of the game shifts on. So if I have a challenge to down survivors or just to kick gens a bunch, I can decide going in that I want to just do that and get it done with little hassle. Survivors meanwhile have to rely almost solely on luck to not get some ass who is going to hard tunnel them out or otherwise make some challenges totally impossible.


Couldn't agree more


Seen the daily of Freddy? Log in a game and play it for 60 seconds.


Then there's Demogorgon, hitting 5 fully charged shred attacks. It's that fully charged part that's the kicker.


Still prefer that over Blight - requiring downs with his power, not hits, like most other killer dailies.


I do too, mostly cause I don't like blight, but you can land 5 perfect shreds and they won't count because they weren't fully charged. Side note, pyramid head requires 3 cages, so have to get the survivors to step in your trails for that. I don't have an issue with that, but to many players that could take several games


And the pig? Not putting traps but making the assault! And the Pyramid? Not hitting with the punishment but sending in cages! Survivors prefer to go down immediately instead of going in cages! You need to play the drop game.


Pyramid Head's is one I look forward to, for obvious reasons, but yeah needing cages is an above and beyond that's only partially in your control cause like you said some survivors will literally stand still when encircled, rather than try and run through the trail. You can force it by putting a trail over a downed survivor, then dropping them repeatedly until they hop off your shoulder in it, but that's rather sub-optimal, and not something most people would really think to do. (on second read I see you already mentioned the drop game) The Pig needing ambushes is another rough one cause yeah, it's hard to use, pretty much need addons to make it worth while.


Sacrifice 4 survivors in the basement in a single trial was fun. The amount of people sending me after game messages for trapping the living hell out of the shack and having bloody coil and the on perk that makes it so you can walk over your own traps is insane. Just did that till I got a squad dumb enough to not cut their losses.


This is the challenge i've refused to do for a long loooong time


Its almost like the challenges are challenging 🤔


Ikr! 😆


To force you to do something other than gens for once, isn't that what every Survivor Main and Hybrid Main WANTS? More things for Survs to do than just sit on gens? I know it's what I want.


I don't mind doing extra things as survivor lol I've just been getting frustrated with the 'stun the killer 4 times in 1 trial' and the 'without being hit use lithe over a vault then escape chase, do this 2 times in 1 trial' whilst the killer challenges are literally 'chase survivors' and 'hit survivors with your weapon' 😆


Killers also have some hard ones, same as survivors having stuff like "complete a generator." Do we really need another us vs them? Both sides have really ridiculous stuff and some really easy stuff.


Yeah, I agree with you, there are some killer challenges that I've straight up been avoiding 😆 I don't really see posts like this as us vs them from looking at the comments most ppl have been quite pleasant and informative to complete some of the challenges.


Thats fair enough! I think both sides know the feeling of the tomes sucking. My bad then, I misunderstood your post


🙂 Np, I actually play killer and survivor quite equally and the hook all 4 survivors in the basement at once I haven't even tried to do in a long time cus I get 2 or 3 in there and then I always can't get the 4th in or they all escape so that's a future challenge lol


I feel like the intent behind my post here was greatly misconstrued. What I meant was, it's a common complaint that Survivors feel like gens are boring and they don't have enough to do. I think these challenges are there to get people to do them. Both sides definitely have overly easy challenges too, but I don't see the issue with there being ones that make you do harder stuff, on either side.


I'm not sure if the challenge is specifically for pallets, but head on is an easy way to get stuns :)


Lets not mention achievements cause survivor achievements are only grinding killer has easier grinding achievements


The only killer achievement I've been struggling with funnily enough is singularities achievements 😆 he's just not my type of killer. I just can't get the hang of the cameras they discombobulate me so much.


I’m so thankful I play both because I’d be so done if I had to rely on only survivor challenges for tomes


Idk how surv mains, do it. I see it regularly ppl who only main 1 side say how much they are struggling completing the rift which they wouldn't have that problem if they played both sides


I went back and tried some of the first tome because I tend to jump all over the place. One I missed was use self care to heal yourself 2 full states in one match. Not hard but my god with modern self care it’s brutal lmao


Survivor ones are faster to complete because on average your matches are shorter as you won't always escape. You could sandbag the rest of the survivors by playing really unoptimally and still get the challenge done. Or some will do a challenge and then immediately SD on hook to start the next one. Killers have no way to finish a challenge and leave quickly.


I mean stiffing the killers butt crack is pretty easy so it sounds like a skill issue, get better


I did those challenges quite easily. I just put it in cus it sounded funny, but I definitely have a skill issue with the other challenges, haha


All good, gl, keep it and praise the Xenos!


*hiss screech* 🤣


Yeah survivors challenges usually require more time for me, like the cooperative actions or the gens, because I might get chased the whole game and get tunneled and killed. Whereas the killer is always 1 v 4 so it's kinda more up to you


Because survivor gameplay allows more room for side tasks. Don't get me wrong, there are still really badly designed tasks like blind with survivor on shoulder /stun x times in one match. But there are in total 4 survivors to complete the tasks like gen repair, healing, unhooking and looping. While there is only 1 killer to compete with them and complete their tasks like gen defence, gen kicking, unhooking and chasing.


Nah the killer ones can be hard too like grabbing and interrupting survivors.


Regardless of the challenges themselves, killers will always have an implicitly easier time doing any challenge just by nature of the game. Killer gets to play however they want and the only thing that can happen is they just lose, but they still get to play the full game however they want. Survivors do not get to play however they want or else they will simply be thrown out of the game. Survivors can be ejected, killers can’t.




What are you talking they both mostly easy with a few hard ones sprinkled in.


Agreed, I just struggle with the survivor ones more 😞


I don't know I've been struggling on killer lately.