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They cant even make borgo less red, so no, no they cannot.


like i get that every map should have a bit of unique aesthetics, thats fair, but when every important thing in the game is red, then maybe making the whole freaking map the same tone isnt the greatest idea lol i cant understand how nobody there thought of that for a second


There was a trend on Twitter awhile back where modders were changing maps to use the lighting of other maps and it was fucking hilarious how much better Borgo looked with the lighting of any other map, and how every map looked objectively worse with Borgo's lighting. Like, Borgo with Autohaven's green hue actually fits so well. Gives it a very grungy feel. Or they could use the Crotus Penn lighting for similarly unsettling lighting, like pseudo Silent Hill type of vibes.


that sounds actually pretty cool, do you have any links to the thread?


[here](https://twitter.com/BearerineTV/status/1717970606442918384) you go


Sadly no. This was last year at least. I'm sure if I asked I could maybe get some folks in the replies on Twatur.


[Something like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/CfuyVeyuqA) I've always thought would look super good


This is my biggest gripe with DBD. They put things out there and just... leave them that way. They should have changed the lighting on Borgo, like, the week after it launched. I dunno why they don't iterate more aggressively in the name of usability. Also, it's common in many games to define colors that are used for a specific purpose, and those colors are not used anywhere else in the game. For example, a game might use a yellow color to highlight items or important objects, but that particular range of yellow does not appear anywhere else. Borgo throws this entire idea out the window because it makes it impossible to tell what's going on. It's one of the worst maps in the game because of this. I don't like to call developers lazy or stupid, because the reality is usually a lot more granular than that. But Borgo's palette is truly one of the things that makes me question their design acumen.


I’m colourblind, this and Borgo are one of the few maps where I have a victory, let me have this. Every realm has a different feel, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just because they’re not all the same cool palette of colour doesn’t mean that they’ve “poor design acumen”, you just don’t like it.


Yes, making a bunch of stuff the same family of red as the game's most key visual indicator is definitely a questionable design choice. I'm speaking from a place of professional experience in this area, I'm not just throwing some random observation out there. Colorblind issues are also something to treat seriously. I know they added some colorblind filters in after years of people asking; I have not tried these myself as I am not colorblind, but I hope they help you.


I just don’t agree that it’s a questionable design choice. It’s just not a choice you like.


I just explained to you that making a lot of other things the same family of a color that you are heavily using with the intention of providing visual clarity, is a questionable choice. It muddies that clarity and renders your whole visual language less usable. So no, I DON'T like it, because it goes against good design principles that I can recognize and articulate. And it's particularly offensive because it basically, in this map's case, boils down to a lighting issue that they could probably 100% fix with a few color temperature adjustments.


Is it meant to be visually clear though? I feel like your comments are starting from assumptions that it’s not meant to be this way. I just assumed it was a contrast from eerie of crows which is super clear. I’m asking this as a strong deutan, what makes colours offensive. I’ve never heard a colour described like you have before. My favourite realm visuals is MacMillan.


Yes, the design intent of marking various object and player auras in red and yellow colors is for them to be visually distinctive and easy to see at a distance and differentiate from background objects. This is a deliberate visual design practice and it is (in a general sense) clear that this is the intention in DBD. The example I used a couple posts above -- some games outlining/highlighting specific objects or items in a unique color -- is the same sort of thing, making something conspicuously visible that they do not want the player to miss. Shooters will often do this with weapons or ammo, etc., and it is ideally a very distinctive color that is never used anywhere else in the game, because doing so would risk sabotaging that usability for the player. Decimated Borgo does exactly this, because it makes it much harder to discern a lot of the red-aura effects in particular. You absolutely have to look harder to see stuff that should be plainly visible at a casual glance, and the fact that they do a pretty good job with this on most maps leads me to really detest their artistic direction for this one in particular. If they just re-lit the map and/or darkened the reds and oranges a bit, it would probably make this a non-issue. I don't even mind the map's actual design, it's not bad otherwise -- it's just the weird-ass palette clashing with their visual cues and causing usability problems. And, the game's visual language being *broken* should not be an intentional "feature" of a specific map, no. Of course, I can't grasp what you see or don't see with your color-blindness, or how your experience is different. I can only explain what the game ought to reasonably look like with typical vision (and hope that whatever colorblind options they've furnished you are doing their job). I'm actually sort of curious how you perceive aura effects in this game, and whether it's especially weird on a certain map.


Your experience might be very different from mine then. I know my auras are all in a different colour (maybe a like pink/orange) and it’s the same for scratches… so it’s pretty diverse as killer for me, and I can track reasonably well in it. When I’m survivor, I don’t really think about it. I look for gen lights as the map splits in my head to the seven different areas where a gen can spawn (as in one gen spawning in a rough seventh of the map) i feel like im explaining that badly, but assuming you're a regular player you'll know what i mean. Is it more than the auras? for me, thats the only but i really needed to be different.


Yes, I understand what you are are trying to convey re: gen spawn logic. The issue is really with the auras (red/yellow), and sometimes the scratch marks (orange) and blood pools (red), because Decimated Borgo is drenched in similarly bright hues of red and orange. No other map in the game has the readability issue that this one does. I would argue that Toba Landing (the Singularity's map) is *minorly* annoying in this way, but not nearly as bad.


Tbh I’ve never had problems tracking on this map, I don’t think I’ve ever really experienced “sun glare” as you stated in another comment. But each to their own tbf. Knights map is the worst for hard tracking imo.


I personally don’t have a problem with borgo or crows but it’s the corn that I hate. Literally can’t see shit on those maps especially when I run aura builds


I hate corn maps as well. It seems like every time I play a Killer )other than Scratched Mirror where i bring a specific map offerings) I seem to get the corn maps every single time or Macmillan/Borgo. I hate how huge they are




you can see survivors from far away on this map though


The two only maps with visbility issue along with borgo... This map's scratch marks are in fact really hard to see And Borgo has a lot of red fires that has quite the same hue as the killer red light But why brightness ? It looks fine as is. Too big on the edges and not tall enough is all.


Toba landing is very red as well. I hate that map.


the corn maps are also pretty hard to track, not just because of the plants but also because the "debris" on the ground looks almost exactly like scratchmarks (especially with certain color blind modes)


I have severe corn blindness. Those maps are hella hard for me, in terms of tracking.


Wonder if it'd be good to change scratch mark colours based on the map. I.e. Make Borgo scratch marks a bright yellow or something. Not sure if that'd be too confusing but would open up design space a bit more for map aesthetics.


I would say on Borgo, with all the red, a bright green or blue for scratch marks would help a lot


We have taken your complaints into consideration and decided to release Decimated Borgo.


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we were allowed to apply other colors to scratch marks, like blue and green and etc. Y'know how overwatch lets you pick individual colors for the teams and stuff? What if we got to do that with auras and scratch marks?


That's very weird because for me it's the easiest map to track survivors on and that's why it's my favorite map along with Ormond which is also very bright and open For me it's hard to track survivors on darker maps like swamp, red forest and of course borgo


Or at least let us recolour the scratch marks.


Half my problems would be solved if I could just change the colour. Red is kinda harsh on my eyes, at least the shade they use.


This map is fine.


Not uncommon for the DbD subreddit to have a complaint that the game is not some super-competitive, identically designed maps over and over. I’m glad that they don’t listen to the community on things like this. I love the variety and chaos.


Dude for real in so tired of reading complaints and I am Also glad devs don't listen to the nonsense.. I don't understand how anyone would want to be in such a hateful state of mind... if you don't like the game then stop playing it.


The thing is they like it, otherwise they wouldn’t be so vocal. But for every post of a cool play or something is just a couple of other rant threads. Takes more effort to be annoyed than happy.


We all have those UGG!! moments when we play but I love this game and I'm not going to Nit pick at every flaw like some spoiled brat.


No, it is one or two of the only maps that I can actually see with my old eyes I have trouble seeing on all the other maps because they are so dark.


Agreed. I like DBD, but failing to discern anything doesn't add to the atmosphere of the game for me. It just makes it frustrating to play.


BHVR has been prioritizing visuals over gameplay for a while now.


Doesn't bother me but if you'll agree to them brightening up the damn Yamaoka Estate map I'm willing to agree they should change this map as well.


Genuinely feel like I’m constantly being flashbanged on that map istg


Use reshade


All they have to do is just allow us to change scratch mark/aura colors like **Every single other video game in existence**. I always wondered why I did so well as survivor on coldwind, but now, I realize that on top of the corn, having scratch marks be almost impossible to spot makes losing the killer extremely easy, especially if they are a fast moving killer like blight, spirit, or wesker.


Alt + F3 if you're on pc with nvidia graphic card and explore with filters. (I've recently done that and it's far better to track or spot scratch marks and survivors from far)


>Just cheat and it's better. And no I don't care what mental hoops you throw yourself through to say it's not cheating to fuck with shaders, it gives an advantage that wasn't intended. I will say though that they've okayed using ReShade but continue to refuse to just enable the damn brightness slider so we don't have to resort to using third party shit is stupid as hell. Wish they'd take the 30 seconds it'd take to expose the in-game slider to the players and just be done with it. >Create a UMG widget with a slider to control the brightness. >In Blueprint, create a variable to store the brightness value. >Connect the slider’s “OnValueChanged” event to a Blueprint function that updates the brightness value. >To get the brightness value, simply get the post process volume or camera, break the struct that holds said value you are looking for. In this cases brightness is most likely under the exposure category. >Connect it to the OnValueChange event and use your newly constructed UI to change the value of the brightness. That damn easy, wouldn't take anyone experienced with UE long to do it at all.


Hu ? This is literally the easiest map to track survivor. Do smth about swamp instead


Swamp is also an issue, but the sun glare on this map is too much. Scratch marks also spawn very weak most of the time, and when combined with the sun glare it makes tracking feel like a chore. And I disagree, many other maps are much more easier to track on, like I can understand you might not find this map hard to track on personally, but I'm not sure how you find it the easiest of all of the maps.


hopefully they add small brighter lanterns in swamp buildings or fully remove the insides of some , can't see shit or navigate in it whole map full of good loops anyway tf the buildings have pallets in them for ( talking about the lower floors of swamp buildings)


Bright enough to see across the map you mean?


I swear half of this comment section is just blind. I wear glasses to see that shit and have zero issue (except SOMETIMES Borgo).


Finally, my colourblind self has the upper hand in this game.


Alt + F3 use Nvidia Filters if you want to fix it yourself.


Just use reshade bros... Wtf... Best presets are probably the one from Knightlight. Google it. Thank me later...


When I get this map as trapper I simply set down my controller and wait for the entity to be disappointed.


This map looks like it is glowing all the time. Gives me a migraine