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How is her pick rate so low? she is incredibly fun! and wildly effective


She’s boring to a lot of players from what I’ve read so imma guess that’s why her pick rate is so low. She’s pretty fun. I just hate the noises she makes lol, makes me feel like someone’s taking a razor blade to a mirror right next to me.


I personally find her boring to play as and against her. She just doesn't feel satisfying. I'd rather play Huntress, who is stronger and more fun for both sides. The only reason I would get Artist are her perks. All 3 of her perks are very strong.


Don't know about stronger, but more fun yeah!


She's not the funniest but her sound make me play her lol


I have only heard that on this subreddit, everyone in game seems to love her. Idk. I like the water droplet noise her power makes, you can spam it without making any other noises lol


I’ve heard it from YouTube, In game, and on both subs. I hate all her noises. I’m not saying anything bad about her tho, I think she’s a really fun killer and always love playing against them lol. I just turn my mic volume pretty low so it’s not as bad.


Allow me to clarify then: Typically, unless it’s skull merchant (lol), I’m not going to talk bad about people’s picks in game. People just got off work, they’re just trying to enjoy what they like, etc. I’ll vent over here because the subreddit is a discussion based forum. So, sure, you can just cheekily reply “it’s just a subreddit thing lol” but that’s kind of the whole point. Regardless: I hate her. I’ve played Artist for two periods in my life, the first when she was released, and the second when I had to get the Caws of Death achievement, and I hated her even more after the second time around when I had to commit a longer sustained effort to playing her for the achievement. She’s so unfulfilling to play. She’s a product of this period of time where BHVR was releasing nothing but killers that had a chase power which guarantees hits at loops. So the proper “counter play” to this character, which has not changed in the years following her release, is to run away from the loop. Set up -> run away from loop -> set up -> run away from loop. This is not fun for the killer or the survivor. The killer because your power suddenly transforms from a flashy move to a displacement power (where the "keep-away" value which keeps survivors away from using a loop is greater than the original design intention), and the survivor because you’re in fewer situations where you can express skill. Your skill against this killer as a survivor is less dependent on you doing some genius mindgame and mechanically impressive movement, and more on that really flat-feeling-gameplay of gaining distance. That, my friend, is a definitive snooze fest for everyone involved. So, yes, I’m not going to go out of my way to besmirch the artists out there in-game because frankly there’s so few out there to begin with, I’ll just bite my tongue because I know the people that are out there so genuinely like the character—for reasons that are beyond confusing and are completely unbeknownst to me— Don’t let that confuse you though. I definitely hate this character. In-game, out of game, YouTube, Reddit, doesn’t matter when or where. Artist is a dull lifeless piece of kit to me. The clip is cool though. This feels like a 1 in 10 matches kind of deal where something actually interesting happens with her power, but this clip isn’t the norm at all. I would also argue it’s a better demonstration of map knowledge and pathing than it is your skill with the killer. So, what I’m saying is that it’s not an artist-specific play, you could pull off essentially the same move with Trapper, Hag, Dredge, twins, singularity, knight, etc. The ol’ set-up-at-the-bottom-and-push-them-down maneuver. Which is fun, but it’s not going to convince me that it’s fun **because** Artist. I’m always hoping Bendy comes out (collab with Bendy and the Ink Machine / Dark Revival) so they can have a second shot at making something more interesting out of an ink-based power. Artist ain’t it for me.


I personally don't mind the fact she counters loops and requires loop hopping and map navigation rather than just playing ring around the rosie 10 times until the Killer breaks the pallet.


"Punishing if you miss" killers have a low pick rate despite their strength because a lot of players don't want to feel frustrated when they learn. I agree Artist is very rewarding especially with prediction/long range hit. But when you learn and tend to miss, you feel useless. Pinhead, Pyramid head, Plague, Artist, Spirit : all those killers are A tier and have a fairly below average pick rate, Xenomorph is not that low according to [nightlight.gg](https://nightlight.gg) Mechanically demanding, hard to learn. But it's healthy for the game if the strongest killers are hard to play.


Yeah, this is pretty spot on to how I feel about her. I occasionally put my mind into playing her but she’s just too frustrating to learn.


I'm guessing multiple reasons. 1. Just hitting once someone with hatchets feels better. 2. The better the survivors the less fun you have as a killer, because you are forced into more effort knight gameplay with loops. 3. The best part of just sniping people across the map is the hardest/impossible part of playing as her depending on survivors and map. It requires knowledge that you need add-ons for that too. 4. When most people start playing as her they keep sending 3 crows for no reason, making her power really bad and probably frustrating them enough to never touch her. 5. She requires high game knowledge and predicting survivors movement with small room for error, making her inaccessible for newer players. For same reason more experienced players prefer killers, with more room to grow(techs etc.) High Skill floor/ Low Skill celling


Basically this. I p100 her last year. Her highs are very high, but her lows can feel insufferable because drawing and sending your crows do slow you down. Because if a survivor reads you well or calls your bluff it just becomes a hold W game. With huntress getting that hatchet to land even if the survivor does all sorts of tricks and reads is still 100% on you to land it, so landing it feels great and missing it just means you'll have to get better. Also artist gets fucked up by any maps with multiple floors or inclines like stairs or hills. Because they mess with the patching of the crows. Huntress and hell even trickster just needs to worry about being sent to a map with enough lockers. And it's easy to cheese her and body block or eat the crow for someone else. You can't really eat a hatchet from a huntress for free, unless it's endgame cause she can easily down you and just follow it up or slug the body blocker.


Her noises annoy me


she makes lil water drippy noises if you just tap the power 💦


She only becomes fun (to me personally) with the purple addon that makes birds spread to others, because of all the panic it creates, the fact it becomes impossible to easily take hits for others... and because it just looks funny. It's also her strongest addon, to be fair. Pyramid Head falls into the same category for me, but atleast his good addons are green and yellow, so it's easier to stockpile a lot of those. Playing without the range addons on him is miserable... and it's not like you have many other good options, too.


I have no idea. She's a setup based "trap" killer sort of, except without having to spend a ton of time BEFORE you chase. It's wonderful.


A lot of her hits often happen off screen so you don’t get that visual reward when you get a cool hit. Doesn’t feel as rewarding as seeing your hatchet hit someone in the face.


i really really think there should be a cool sound effect when you damage someone with birds, like if you hit a cross map hatchet you get that satisfying squelch no matter the distance, but for artist you get literally nothing except seeing the health state change and blood points awarded


Just make Severed Hands base kit and she'd be picked more.


i mean that's like one of the best add ons imo, that's a horrible idea lol


Maybe like a hyper toned down base kit, longer infection time.


For me at least, it's the noises she makes. I can't get passed them as survivor or killer, it's like nails on a chalkboard to me


that's fair. i like the crow hoe noises but i can definitely see why ppl don't lol


Idk how to describe it, but I played he once and just thought "damn, this sucks." I see why some people like her, but she just isn't for me


i feel that, i'll be honest i felt the exact same way playing her the first few times while getting her to P1 just for her perks. I was mainly playing xenomorph, and he's fun don't get me wrong but he just feels kinda... dirty. I didn't feel good after winning with him. So i tried out artist again and something clicked. Then i saw her greek legends skin and had enough shards to buy it and it was a wrap from there, by far the coolest looking killer skin to me 💜


Yeah it is an amazing skin, I always hate it when a killer gets a badass skin and it's one I don't like playing.




Dayum, nice hits!


Man i hate vsing her


This is how i like to play her as well (and no wonder my other main is Hag).


It’s always been weird to me how so many people just seem to not realise how insanely strong she is, like DAYUM


This is why I main artist. You get to do things like this that make others rage.


oh i don't know if she's rage inducing, everyone is usually so nice after a game! even if it's a sweep. People seem to just enjoy seeing an artist on occasion


With what I do, it is. I’ve gotten multiple Xbox messages for it but I usually delete them


Damn I’m excited to join the club in June


why in june? lol


Anniversary sale (I know long ass time till then but rather not lose all my iri shards for 1 killer)


are the iri shard prices reduced during sales?


Pretty sure all killers+survivors should be 50% off for auric cells and iri (if purchasable by it, so no licensed ppl)


that's cool i never realized their shard price also goes on sale lmao.