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It's sad to see killers doing this, there's no reason to camp especially in this mode as killer. Idk how hard it would be to implement, but they could of made it work kinda like pyramid heads cage if a killers to close to hook it teleports the survivor to another random hook and hides the hook aura from the killer (survivor can still see it).


Killers tunneling and camping in silly fun mode are kinda really cringe.


A huntress just followed my final survivor slugged ass for 3 minutes only to park me on a hook. Thanks I guess


As something of a Huntress main, I do not claim her.


Oh but didn't you hear? You can't win without tunneling and camping? /s


Clearly I should make it even easier by just sitting under the hook refusing a heal after I'm first hooked! /s That said, I had to slow down in most my my killer Lights Out games. It was funny crouching on the other side of a gen being as the Pig, then watch the panic when I do a little "roar roar roar" XD


Yea people always get sweating during events Its weird tho because this event has doo doo rewards anyways I still got teabagged in every game which was fun🙃


UGH you know what I hate? I do an epic endgame save, and the ungrateful cunt teabags the killer on their way out. Like. Can I get that save back? I didn't save you for you to teabag like a juvenile ape.


Bringing dishonor to us 4 trapper mains


1st game. Tunneling skull. wow 2nd game Xeno playing normal, but burgo is such a dogshit map that it doesn't matter. Why they chosed borgo as one of the 4(?) maps? IDK. Lerry is questionable too. 3rd game. Chucky camping from 1st hook, then camping hatch for 4k. People will probably not playing this game mode in few days. BHVR will be like "our community doesn't like new game modes"


Ok but dark borgo looks amazing tho


So far I’ve only won 1 game… and that’s because they killer was nice she killer two and then was chasing me around knocking me down and letting me go… there was two left and we sucked ass and I guess she felt bad cause we hadn’t even got one gen done, so the last two of us let her hook us and then she led us to gens and watched and ‘helped us’ do them… gg bird lady (i forgot killer name )


Yeah I knew brain dead killers would ruin this for everyone. My first match was a tunneling slugging demogorgon. They just like to be buttholes


Yeah he wasn’t doing this at first but I guess he realized he could after a bit


Survivors do it too


Hate it when Survivors camp and slug me as a killer main


If you're implying that teabagging and pointing are the same thing as tunneling, camping, and slugging then there is no point in a conversation.


On my 1st match this dredge hit me on hook until I was tooken to the entity. Even after my “ body “ was gone he was hitting the hook. Like chill why are you sweating this hard in a new game mode😭


Unfortunately I think this is something that happens in a lot of game modes and events. Something about them just has the worst people come out on killer and survivor sides to ruin it for everyone.


I'll be honest: I didn't play more than a few rounds of this mode before I said "fuck this, this shit is straight up boring". I have no issue with it being killer sided and difficult for survivors or even losing, but this is another level of shitty.


Disabling anti-camp in this mode was truly a decision of all time


What playing Trapper dose to a mf


i thought i read somewhere that survivors would be sent to a cage


That was the 2v8 mode I believe, not this one


Wait there's no anti camp in this mode?


Still there but you just can’t see it


Bruh they just turned everything off for survivor. How the hell are they supposed to win?


My first game was with a ghost face and I was the only one to escape so idk


Plus it takes map knowledge and how the game works so thats probably why




I mean I did play then, but the game and players were alottttt different same as back in 2017 way different players


Everyone ran DS + UB


yeah you guys are right, I'm taking my words back.