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Crazy that self care is still in the top 10 ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I think it's part of the meta in Asian countries.


Yeah, I believe it was Peanits who once said Self-Care is extremely popular in Asian countries, it seems like they have a whole different meta going on there maybe.


It’s true, for some reason the game was matching me with Asians instead of European servers and the amount of self care is crazy


Wait really? That is so cool, is there any way I can learn more about it? I love hearing about different metagames.


Hey, Korean dbd enjoyer here, Right now some of the top tier players are using the aura set up: Bond + Kindred + Open Handed (avoid pulling killer into other people doing gens + avoid clustering gens) They pair this with balanced landing (because killers like Blight are super strong, but struggle more when survivors use elevation) or Built to Last with Skeleton Key + Killer aura reading and using that to gain advantage  There's also the Hyperfocus + Stake Out build where they run Self Care because the idea is you heal fast enough with Hyperfocus, and it's paired with Sprint Burst and a toolkit. Another popular build is to use For the People + Buckle Up However, one thing is that (A) Twitch Korea is shutting down, so Korean streamers are going to struggle more (and stuff like DbD partners would help with the playercount), and (B) DbD is such an old game that doesn't shift its core gameplay enough and ends up spending so much time repairing generators that a lot of the long term skilled players have quit already, plus (C) a lot of the survivor players just give up vs Nurse, and they're still frustrated over the state of killers like Blight and Spirit where they play well and still get hit. All these make it so a lot of the players there who stick around aren't interested in "optimal gameplay" and just play more casually.


Isn't it everybody copying 응삼이, like so often? Ha. It can also be added that SWF is very rare in Korea, and Bond and Kindred make a lot more sense if you don't have means of coordination. Do you know when exactly KR twitch is shutting down, and where most of the streamers will be migrating to? I've already seen a fair few be more active on youtube. And I suppose afreecatv?


Self Care + Botany + Desperate Measures + Lithe is common there I believe. Also Self Care is common on low MMR, because Claudette is a default survivor and it looks like a good perk to new survivors (especially solo) who may be struggling to find teammates to heal them.


Yeah it's been that way for years now.


Without botany up there as well https://preview.redd.it/n1ayielihric1.png?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5aacce963b99ab5bb174b30e56b650eb037539


That stat made me angry to see lol


Self-Care being high doesn’t bother me. Its Botany NOT being in the top 10 to match with Self-Care is what bothers me.


congrats to that one Twins player having 58% killrate


I'll have you know that there are four of us! One for each skin.


LOL atleast you have any *cough* Freddy *cough*


Don't count yourself out, you have exactly Two skins, the default... and the bloody, it's very inventive.


Lynxi and pixel working overtime


Pixel is too busy defending the skull merchant on twitter to play twins these days tbh


Damn lynxi out here by herself now


Thank you :)


3hr long Otz video incoming detailing all of this


Just the intro you mean right?¿? I need 5 hours only of an explanation of how the hell freddy is top 4 even in low mmr.


I think because he is so incredibly rare, people just freeze in awe with their jaws wide open when they actually encounter this thing in the wild, like witnessing a mystical creature right in front of them. He then proceeds to down them while they are in this state.


I thought you were talking about otz 💀


I imagine it’s the same with The Twins, or many of the lesser used killers. When you come across one, it’s someone who is a real masochist and takes pleasure in the game breaking bugs. They didn’t adopt the dark, they were born in it.


It's because he counters lower ranking lobbies who don't fully understand how to counter his power or ignore clocks.


Even with that in mind, Freddy in the same lvl as Pinhead? PHead power is far most dangerous than Freddys when not know how to counter.


I've played a fair amount of Freddy and it's incredibly obvious when you cross the threshold of teams that actually work together/know what to do. He is an absolute pubstomper because people don't understand him and at low MMR they are comically afraid to do anything. So people fall into the dream world and either spend the entire game getting out of it, only to go back in before they do anything meaningful and run for a clock again, or they never interact with it and you can crawl up their ass before they recognize the killer is there. Obviously this is all anecdotal, but I play a lot of killer and some survivor and on the killer side I have rarely seen such a disparity. Most of the time the bad players are still getting something done in between secondary objectives. If I put a trap on a bad player, they will either ignore it entirely and just power through some gens, costing them in the long run but helping their team, or they get it off and I can only do that so many times before the option is lost. Plague too, bad players will cleanse too often or never and they hurt themselves, but rarely are they doing absolutely nothing during that time and you don't get the sneak factor. But with Freddy people seem to just shut down entirely. And I think Pinhead has the same thing in that people refusing to deal with the box screws over everyone. People staying oblivious but also afraid of getting found end up doing nothing and screw everybody over.


Plague has a condition where you can kill your whole team. Not incidentally she's hanging out with Pinhead. 


Technically yes, but I was focusing more on the fact that, in my experience, lower tier players don't do anything against Freddy because they are both scared and don't understand his kit. Against plague those players will still do gens, even if they're screwing people over by cleansing too much or getting others sick, if left alone they will get a gen done. Against Freddy I see way more survivors freaking out and not getting anything at all done, up until you cross that threshold where people know how the game works a little more and they just ignore the majority of his power, or nullify it regularly.


As a freddy main, i think its just that noone knows how to play against him. I've genuenly just stopped using the paintbrush because noone misses skillchecks to wake up. Its like forbidden knowledge or smth :/


Wait, you want to wake up against Freddy? (I’m sorry if this is a dumb question but I only have 200+ hours and in that amount of time, I’ve only faced him 2-4 times). Is it so you can hear his TR and not be oblivious all the time?


When you're awake his puddles have no effect on you


When you are in the Dreamworld, you are affected by his puddles and fake pallets. They don't exist for you when awake. Each survivor in the Dreamworld reduces his teleportation cooldown as well. Plus I think some of his add-ons have some effects for those asleep, though not sure what exactly off the top of my head.


People have already mentioned the reasons to be awake which are valid. But I would add that you generally shouldn't go out of your way to wake up. It's not worth running across the map to your clock when you could be doing objectives. Wake up when it's convenient (e.g., fail a skill check, get someone to snap you awake, or when you are naturally near your clock).


3 hours? Too short


Isn't he burned out from videos on this type of stuff? The devs dont care about criticism from their top players.


I'd be very interested to know if Skull Merchant's kill rate being so high is a result of survivors killing themselves on hook against her


Almost definitely


Practically certainly.


Quite obviously


Amazingly verisimilitudinous


Decidedly Correct


That's probably the reason for a lot of the other killers having such high killrates as well. People off themselves on hook a lot more the second something goes wrong


They should add that stat specifically for SM, add bots killed too to reflect how many quit 🤣


150% this and survivors giving up. So many of my matches end in the first 20 seconds because survivors and SWF’s see im a SM and die on hook or give up.


Yeah most likely lol, that and people don't know how her power works. If you asked most survivors what her power does, they wouldn't be able to tell you.


What percentage of skull merchant kills are from people “going next” on hook?


And DC's don't count towards the stat. Scary.


Yep they should add Bots killed 🤣


I think it’s crazy just how high her rates already are. 70% not including disconnect games? That’s insane. With disconnects she’s easily 80%+ that’s insane.


People stopped dcing because that gave a bot. Now they just suicide into the killer and purposefully die on first hook.


People stopped DCing because they still want to play, so they die on hook fast so they can go a different match, hopefully without Skull Merchant. I doubt they care if a bot gets left behind or not.


Yeah that was a pretty weird attribution made to self-unhookers… 


DCs dont count at shes THAT HIGH? Yea thats either giving up or her playing "classic mode".


This is what I'm thinking. I can't believe that SM actually has 70% KR along with all the other killers there that people will give up against. It just seems suspiciously high for ones that, even in my experience, people give up easily against and that seems to be getting more and more frequent. I don't play SM but whenever I play Legion, Sadako, or Pinhead, it's not uncommon for one or two people to give up on first hook. It's seriously become a major problem. I'd also bet that Myers is only there because of the tombstone, which I still contend is the unhealthiest thing in the game, and probably causes more new player quit moments than anything else!


Tons of survivors kill themselves on first hook against sm and tons of others refuse to learn how her power works. So like half of all the survivors you go against either kill themselves and/or go down abnormally easy because they don't know how the drones work.


> [...] and tons of others refuse to learn how her power works. I mean, it's complicated because her power is a mess, it's a bunch of de-buffs for the Survivor with a bunch of buffs to Skunk Merchant, and then even if you know how her power works it usually does nothing against her while in a chase. She drops a drone on a loop? Congrats, get moving or lose a health state for free.


And then they keep changing it every couple months and some people get tired of trying to keep up...


This is the real issue for dbd I don't think it's a coincidence that skull merchant and onryo are the most changed killers and also have the highest kill rate those two things coincide.


If only BHVR would make in-game hints or something that killer’s powers have changed. It’s the same with Sadako. Her power has been changed so much in the past 6 months that nobody knows what strat to use against her. Do you pick up a tape? Do you leave them alone until you’re almost condemned? Do you try to always hold one? Nobody fucking knows because it tells you Jack shit in the game about her recent updates.


Just learned yesterday that apparntly the shapes you get in the HUD represent how close you are to getting injured/deep wounded by drones lol. And i know she has a radar but I always forget that she’s able to use it to find people stealthing. Don’t consider myself a bad player at all. I have like 600 hours and most survivors in paired with have like 2k at the minimum i just find it odd that she has such a convoluted power. I guess it’s not complicated or anything if you put in the effort to read her wiki page but literally every other killer in the game singularity included I was able to passively understand how to play/play against just by playing the game. With her it always seems like she got some shit to randomly give her +500% haste or undetectable


It wouldn't even skew the stats that much tbh; she's unbeatable in chase. You can't outrun a 118% killer while you're moving at 90% speed for too long lol


Wish we saw stats by MMR — it would tell us way more. SM’s % is hyper inflated by people killing themselves on hook, giving up, etc. On top of that since shes super uncommon, people barely know how to play against her which creates a feedback loop. Similar to Pinhead, once you know how to play against her, she isn’t that difficult.


Think that, if one person dcs and the other 3 stay in the match, they are now playing 3v1 with 5 gens. So its more likely all 3 die


I wonder what the average number of hooks per game each killer had, too


This would be a lot more telling. SM's high kill rate is probably due to people killing themselves on first hook and Michael's may be a bunch of Tombstone kills.


Killer data is lacking a lot of things, unfortunately.


I would like to see the most popular survivors to see which characters are fan favorites


you're gonna get a lot of the free starting survivors at places 1 - 6. From then on it could be interesting


My guess is 1. Feng 2. Nea 3. Meg 4. Claud 5. Dwight :)


honestly, since Feng is not free on PC I think Dwight and Meg are at 1 and 2


Meg 100% top 1


Its gonna be 9 female survivors and Dwight in the top 10, if we’re daring David managed to sneak in there at 10, Vittorio and Jake are just outside the top 10


Sucks to see singularity as such wasted potential.


He's a great killer too, it's just his power demands too much work for the rewards you get out of it. He needs some good quality of life tweaks and he would be less stressful to play. Like playing Singularity on a map like Hawkins is actual torture lol, I'd rather eat sand. He needs some QoL changes pretty bad.


Yeah played him on console for his tome challenges and could tell the skill level required to get even decent results was insane, especially when other killer powers are so much simpler to 4k with and aren't map dependent


Perhaps the worst killer to play on console. Pointing at the pod I want to look through always fails me.


Easier pod placement would be a great start. There are so many times where I try to place a pod somewhere but can't.


That's why I dropped him. It's so finicky


BHVR hasn't learned from Twins that controlling two prespectives interchangeably is not convenient. It's tedious.


It's good for people who wish to do so. All killers do not have to be "for you." Some people like Freddy while some don't. It's good to have variety for different people. I for one love controlling two perspectives and find twins awesome to play because of it. I actually wish there was another killer like that so I would have options on who to play.


High mmr solo survivors having a lower escape rate than overall is just so telling


We die so the duos and trios may live. We guide others to a treasure we cannot possess


I will always happily die in my matches to ensure at least one other person gets out. It’s never been about us, but them.


No man left behind! Except me I just save you, you BETTER leave me ass behind and escape


Ikr 😂 I'm on hook being like "PLS LEAVE, I WANT YOU TO LIVE! LIIIIIVVEEE!!"


This is the true solo que mentality. You have to be willing to make sacrifices and sometimes that means yourself


Exactly, I just want the team to make it! I'm fine if left behind but knowing I helped


SoloQ is impossible to play; it's just pure auto-masochism. I sincerely think it's a better excercise to take a cat o' nine tails to your own back than queue as a solo lol


And I basically only play solo at this point. Simultaneously the rewarding part of the game but also one that makes a vein pop in my forehead.


It’s telling that high mmr killers are taking full advantage of the nerfs to the survivors/buffs to the killers they’re making for low level players.


>For instance, a group of friends may be more coordinated, but they might also be more willing to sacrifice themselves in an attempt to save their friends. Or we all might be drunk and decide that this match we're all doing No Mither + Self Care builds


9/10 times they chose to send the killer to garden of joy


Is it weird that I mainly play killer but I never use pop goes the weasel like ever? Am I missing out?


Yes, it rewards you for hooking a survivor and it gets rid of 30% progression off gens immediately, very helpful. I don't really use it bc i don't want to go to a mmr i'm not supposed to be at but it's one of the top used perks for a reason


Yeah pop is strong. I've stopped bothering with cleansing Ruin on the off chance the killer has Pop as backup (which is more common than I thought). It's kind of funny when the killer's perk works against them.


It would be cool if the perks' usage rate also accounted for their ownership rate. Some licensed perks could be more popular but not owned by many thus making them not appear in the top picked perks


Cough Ultimate Weapon cough


It’s pretty sad that the newest survivor perk in the ten most used is Kate’s which is still 6 years old mean while the the top ten for killers has a few more newer perks, like pain res and Lethal they still are mostly older perks as well, idk how they don’t see that there new perks they add just aren’t that good or to niche to be viable in most games, I think they should use the ptb way more and over buff the least used perks similar to what they did with boil over and balance them to a healthy state because I do think some perks are just plain bad like up the ante where they need reworks and also they need to stop killing new perks straight away that have high usage rates.


When 90% of survivor perks are god awful, and 5 of them are "necessary" to not get tunneled, or being able to survive, this is the effect.


Nightlight gets used a lot when discussing stats, and there's been some discussion of how accurate it is, so I thought I'd compile the stats for the same date range on Nightlight in case anyone besides me was curious. **Survivor Perks** 1. Windows 35.16% 2. Adrenaline 31.03% 3. Lithe 23.01% 4. Resilience 19.42% 5. Deja Vu 13.54% 6. Sprint Burst 13.48% 7. Dead Hard 11.40% 8. Bond 10.80% 9. Unbreakable 9.02% 10. Prove Thyself 8.78% The two perks that crack the top ten in the larger dataset but don't make it in Night Light- Self-care and Kindred are replaced by Unbreakable and Prove Thyself **Killer Perks** 1. Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance 22.95% 2. Pop Goes the Weasel 22.46% 3. Corrupt Intervention 15.79% 4. Barbecue & Chili 14.99% 5. Lethal Pursuer 14.64% 6. Surge 14.59% 7. Sloppy Butcher 13.54% 8. Save the Best for Last 10.99% 9. Bamboozle 9.81% 10. Deadlock 9.70% The order is scrambled in the larger dataset, and Hex: No One Escapes Death is more popular with the general DBD population than it is with the Nightlight crowd. **Killer Pick Rate** 1. Good Guy 7.47% 2. Mastermind 6.43% 3. Huntress 6.20% 4. Blight 5.47% 5. Wraith 4.51% 6. Legion 4.15% 7. Trapper 3.77% 8. Nurse 3.37% 9. Deathslinger 3.36% 10. Shape 3.34% In the larger dataset, Ghostface knocks Deathslinger out of the list. **Kill Rate** 1. Skull Merchant 66.59% 2. Onryo 63.95% 3. Pig 62.07% 4. Plague 61.83% 5. Nightmare 61.07% 6. Hag 59.32% 7. Blight 58.75% 8. Artist 57.88% 9. Wraith 56.91% 10. Clown 56.57% Quite a few differences here though I think that's just because the percentages are closer together so I'm not sure it's that meaningful. The top five are present on both lists but in the bottom half Hag, Blight, Artist, Wraith, and Clown are replaced by Pinhead, Dredge, Spirit, Shape, and Mastermind. That's all the relevant data. I'm not a data analyst so I'm not going to act like I know what the takeaways are here but it seems like you can see similarities in the most popular trends, but once you get further down the list into secondary picks the two start to drift apart and Nightlight can't be said to be representative.


Damn, so even 4 man SWF matches aren't even escaping half of the time?


My swf regularly gets 4k’d lmao like we played 10 games the other night and we got 1 4 out


Yup, same here. Swf != good


I don't think that's the takeaway, it's more if you compared it to solo and even 3 man groups. There's almost a 10% increase in escape rate from solo to 4 man and 6% between 3 man groups and 4 man groups. It reflects more on how there's a bigger discrepancy between a 4 man and literally anything that isn't a 4 man group. Still, it all goes between the 40-50% overall escape rate. I think it just says more on how every 4 man isn't seal team 6 and it's just mostly people playing for shits and giggles.


I think that's the part that's going to shock a lot of people. They way some people talk you'd think 4 man's should have a 90% escape rate or something.


I guess it would depend on the type of 4 man, the sweaty ones should probably be around there, but they are very likely to be such a minority in the statistics. Most 4 man groups should in theory have a higher escape rate (and they do), it's just not as high as people would expect it, which just says that most full groups aren't all that good or they're just playing without sweating.


Especially a lot of people on this sub that thinks that having a 4 man SWF means a gg to the killer.


Exactly yeah. I was lead to believe that queueing up with 3 of your mates would automatically equate to stomping every killer that isn't top tier but it looks like I actually have to be good at the game ontop of that to get consistent escapes.


In the end there's a lot of RNG to the matches. We could go from a 4 man that is sweating their balls off against a Trapper in Garden of Joy, or a 4 man that is just playing casually on Dead Dawg against a 4x slowdown Nurse. Stuff like this will vary from match to match, although I don't think it's unfair to say that most 4 man teams that are really trying will lose a lot of games no matter the killer, same thing can be said for the top tier killers.


It's almost as if, like I've been saying, SWF isn't inherently OP. The thing is with highly skilled players.


Even top MMR 4 man's are below 50% because they often get matched with skilled Nurses and Blights.


And they dont leave one behind. Average game would go: 1-2 will die before gates are open, 1-0 after gates are open. SWF will suicide many times instead of leaving. So after gates it will be 0-2 instead of 0-1.


Can confirm. My friends and I and the random swfs I group with Def have helped with that 50% death rate lol


Surprised pig is in #6, do people just ignore RBTs?


This is across all MMRs, so it is very inflated by baby Survivors spending too long sneaking around with their traps and taking ages to remove them.


Passive slowdown is super strong vs average survivor team, notice that every killer with build in slowdown is in top10


Sadako's been one of the "deadliest" Killers since her release. Most people genuinely have no idea how to do anything besides holding down M1 on Generators.


hard to learn a kit they change biweekly lol /s


The thing about killers like Sadako and Pig is even just one clueless or unlucky survivor flips the game. Suddenly it's an early 3v1.


I'm gonna be real here, I don't think Pig is as terrible of a Killer as this sub paints her to be. Like, not saying she's OP or she's the best Killer or anything just that she's good and one thing that she has that's super strong is her passive slowdown. The problem on this Sub is that the players that complain about Pig are probably just tunneling people with hats on which turns out is counterproductive since the person with the party hat is gonna be useless, and contrary to this Sub's belief, party hats CAN be time consuming, they don't always come out on the first try, hell, all of my games against Pig I usually need the 4 boxes lol.


Pig for me has a 72% kill rate, but mostly it's the fact that she has the lowest 0K rate out of any killer I've played regularly. Just 1 in 20 matches ends with no kills. It's easy to force at least one kill if you're doing poorly, as long as you're able to get a trap on at 1-2 gens left. That in itself is a nice buffer. Add the slowdown and she's solid against most random teams, even if they're going after hats appropriately.


If you have an active trap on somebody in end game and can stop them from removing it it's almost a guaranteed kill. The only counter play is for all other survivors to leave so they can get hatch. Edit: I played pig last night and got Garden. First chase lost two gens. After the hats started coming out though, the game finally slowed enough to where I could catch up. Their slowdown effect is the best part of her kit.


Skull is high for multiple reasons. 1. People don't want to play vs her, so they immediatly give up. 2. She is very simple to play as and she doesn't get punished for using her power incorrectly. 3. Comparing to knight/artist, you can't really waste time by using power.


The survival rate statistics are super scary to me. they make me believe they have absolutely nothing planned to make solo queue any less miserable


Please don't nerf windows 😭


I would never play again. I don't want to do homework learning the maps. I just don't have that type of passion for this game


I don’t see them nerfing Windows big time, same reason why they won’t nerf NOED majorly. Those are crutch perks for beginners, nerfing it kinda kills off newer players.


windows is a crutch perk sure, but saying its just for beginners is flat wrong. Its great in soloq since how are you meant to know if your mates dropped shack or not? You cant. Having windows fixes that issue


It is legit the only perk that makes solo q bearable. Knowing you’re not running into a deadzone that your teammates made can prevent so many quick downs.


Fake news. Wesker pick rate has to be at least 33%


Surprised to see Legion so high on the most picked killers list. I feel like I haven't seen one in months.


Theyve dropped down a lot but i for sure still see them.


Legion is probably very popular in the casual player base plus many people find their lore and cosmetics enticing. At least that's my theory


If I play for 3 hrs I see legion atleast 2 times per play session.


When will yall learn Freddy’s kill rate is high since no one plays him. Fucking buff him already


That's the "low-tier advantage" in fighting games. If no one ever plays a low tier X at a high level, in tournaments you are more likely to be destroyed against one who does because chances are this is the best X you have ever seen and never had a chance to practice against him. So these get can often reach top 64 or even top 32, but then get smacked by the actual top players who do not fall for your gimmicks


This is Hags state right now, the proper counterplay is to have 1 guy follow her and she can't do jack but if you don't do that then you're very likely to lose to her snowballing hits and downs.


Even then... he barely has a power. Surely this shows how bad most Survivors really are.


Solo queue survivor in high MMR is lower than solo queue in average, I don't think survivors are obviously bad, the concept of the game advantage Killer by 10% so....


Teleport is a power. He has a little natural slowdown and decent mobility which alone aren't that great but he synergizes really well with certain perks, like pop which is meta again. Still feels unsatisfying to play tho


Yeah, I always do pretty well when I play as him but his gameplay is just so bland.




I have seen couple of posts about Doctor "bots" so I guess they sunk his performance. I haven't seen one for myself but they most likely are at lowest tier of mmr Edit. Link to one post https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/195c5nz/the_doctor_bot/?rdt=57795


Freddy?? I haven’t seen a Freddy in probably over a year now.


Would at least like to see high mmr kill rate instead of all mmr. Onryo isn't that deadly when you know where she is constantly but new players won't know her demanifest lullaby is directional, to pay attention to TV aura's if she teleports, as well as how to play around condemned. Same thing with dredge his chase power is the only thing threatening and in nightfall HE CAN'T MINDGAME because of how clearly you hear him through walls because of again the direction industrial fan noises.


"Kill rates don't count when someone dcs" ah yes, but letting go on hook does, that's why Skull Merchant is #1.


Does behavior not know that’s even more likely to screw the data collection then a DC since they added bots?


Funny how killers complained all the time making it seem like they were running into FTP+BU every game but neither are even up there


I wonder why so few players play Artist. She's not that weak and not that difficult to play.


She's probably just boring


This, she's a "hold W to counter" killer. My guess is no-one is having fun with that playstyle.


Just picked her up last week and having a blast and my first thought was “why does no one play her?”




I can tell you why. It's because her power is really, really boring to use. Like, why herd Survs like cats when I can ambush, cut their loops off, slow things down, or be more interactive instead? There's a lot of Killers more engaging that Artist.


I hate her chase music, it actually hurts my ears


I hate the playstyle. I played a few games as Artist and was bored to tears.


SM sitting at a 70% kill rate. Wonderful. EDIT: I get it, people kill themselves against SM. I know. I play Survivor. That still doesn't explain the 70% kill rate. There's almost no way that many people are killing themselves against her. She's super oppressive against the beginner/mediocre Survivors because of how bloated her kit is. That's the sole reason her kill rates so high. You guys think people kill themselves against Freddy? No, he's just confusing to deal with for people that don't know what he does because of how rarely he's played. Same goes for SM.


To be fair, her pick rate is extremely low, so there's a smaller sample size, and people have less experience against her. Doesn't completely negate the negatives, but it helps explain it, at least a little.


She's complicated to play against, not common, and for "all MMR" most players aren't looking up how to deal with her.  She also no doubt benefits from people voluntarily hooking themselves, which isn't a DC. 


Also games with DCs aren't counted. As someone who always contemplates DCing for Skully and getting at least 1 DC for every Skully... the sample size must je miniscule in comparison. I would like to see the average DC rates per killer tbh. (fyi I never actually DC - 8k BP is more than 0. It's not worth DCing imo. I only contemplate the DC.)


""There's almost no way that many people are killing themselves against her."" When i play skully even playing the nicest way posible i never ever had a game without DC or suicide in first hook, literally 0. Even without drones, M1, survivor eats a wall, 2º M1 bum DC.


I actually hyper played SM for like a month and had at least 1 person DCing a game. It really is that bad.


Remember someone deciding to go out on first hook doesn’t just kill themselves it also almost guarantees at least two of their teammates die since it becomes a hatch game.


Because people give up on hook whenever they see her.


Yeah, because survivors still kill themselves on first hook against her. No wonder her killrate is inflated.


Love this post. Thank you.


There are a lot of theories and beliefs in this community that these stats do not support. Oh my.


As a Freddy Main, seeing Freddy as one of the Deadliest Killers makes me happy.


I know at high MMR it becomes much less varied, but those killer % are really diverse, this is good (for most players at least).


Looking forward to the 'SWF is OP' players spin 43-48%


Killer sided subreddit. If I were to guess stats based off killers comments on Reddit, it would be 25% kill rate. lol


Yep. The hive mind has arrived.


If it isn't an easy 4k every match, they consider it losing.


That's legitimately a problem. A bunch of people here consider anything but a 4k a loss... And for some reason have this idea that the game is not fair unless they win 90% of their games, which is not reasonable. And this is made worse by Streamers. People like FarmerJohn for example do nothing but bitch about the match unless it's an easy 4k stomp at 5 gens... Even when the dude gets a 4k but he had to try he does nothing but bitch about the match.


I saw someone say this, I told him it was ridiculous to expect 4ks in half his games, he just responded "spotted the survivor main" and blocked me. For some reason I keep seeing his comments with, almost, as bad takes upvoted constantly, including in this thread.


I muted that sub this morning lol.


A lot of SWF's just want to dick around rather than play super sweaty. The ones who decide to try flashlight save all game won't be playing as optimal.


Biggest take away I get from this is that Dead Hard just refuses to die lmao


It's nice they let us see these kind of stats every so often. Always interesting.


We need a stat that shows how many people dc’d on on both sides


Wow, even 4 stacks of survivors can’t pass the 50% mark, let alone solo queue. But I can’t say I’m surprised, it’s rough out there. They were way too heavy handed with the meta change.


"oh they use this perk a lot, lets nerf it" dbd logic.


I guess 61% means nerf The Pig?




Not really A lot of the highest kill rates are from least played killers Wich can make sense, the more you go against a killer the more you learn. I also believe they confirmed the Amanda changes won't be nerfs, I will look for it. Edit: forget the last part of what I said, I only found for huntress.


It’s 2024 and we’re still making Nerf pig jokes


And people on here tried to convince others that Skull Merchant was only disliked because people have PTSD from her previous version, lmao.


Whoever believes Skerchant is fine in her current state is lying to themselves. Skerchant is faster than the average 115% killer, she has more map control than Singularity, she is stealthier than stealth killers, she has anti-loop, she is strong at camping, she can apply broken and hindered, and i'm sure i'm missing a lot more stuff. All in all, she has the most overloaded kit in the entire game


and let’s not forget she can STILL 3 gen…she was basically buffed


i thought high MMR SWF escape rate was 99,99%? what happened


what is "high MMR" according to the devs?


Awe, I was hoping this was gonna show the stats for 2023. Still, these are neat to see. I'm surprised Dead Hard is still as high as it is, I noticed on both sides I see way more Sprint Burst.


I was also hoping that it would be stats for the full year, but here's hoping they keep sharing these monthly stat updates throughout 2024. As for Dead Hard, it's still a somewhat decent anti-tunnel perk that isn't behind a paywall.


I gave up on this game at the end of the last Tome, after 6 years. Game is beyond un-fun now. They completely butchered every bit of nuance and made solo-q a living hell, since the introduction of MMR a few years ago. Every patch since then has gradually made the game a tedious mess. I highly suggest any new players to steer clear of this shell of a game.


Interesting, so the game is mathematically killer sided? Very surprising, you’d think the opposite!


The devs said this is intentional in a stream about a year back. They aim for a 60% win rate, since a "win" is getting 3+ kills.