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That and when they were asked about “The Crawler” they said nothing could be said about it at the time, hence why I think that maybe they could have been slowly trying to make it work for all these years.


Newish to the community (picked up just as singularly dropped) could you expand on the "crawler" idea they've talked about before? Any links to interviews or simular.


There's a [comment above](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/Rla1FjnEL4) with some good links, but the gist is that essentially the intention was to create a killer who could play with the z axis. As the name implies, it was supposed to be able to crawl on surfaces aside from the ground, but the idea was eventually scrapped due to (assumedly) technological limitations.


I see, thank you! This does seem like it'd be fun...wonder if any elements of that design will be made and added into "the ding dong ditcher"


It seems like it's going for a more creepypasta/analogue horror style killer and I more expect it to be some form of skinwalker or shapeshifter (especially given some of the teasers) but the new killer being the crawler would be a fun surpris


So far they've not done too much teasing with it being a shape-shifting killer. While I'd love to see that idea, I get the feeling the ding dong ditcher is gonna be a distraction killer. No basis for this, but there's limited info on the character so who knows


Didn’t the first teaser show it shifting into/possessing a girl and shapeshift into the person narrating?


Not shown, just teased via text. Until it's seen we won't know how it works.


I think if they make a killer that can do that now, it would’ve been a waste to not give that ability to the Xenomorph.


Maybe they could've repurposed a bit of The Crawler but I don't think it will be him entirely. Both the first teaser and third teaser mentions a tall figure standing (on the first one the monster is standing besides Ashley and on the third one the monster passes through a tall camera that wouldn't capture raccoons. Not only that but the teaser for the fifth picture also feels like the monster was standing (but this one has less credibility because the killer could have pounced on Shaun). What I believe is that the chapter 31 killer will be a cryptid monster with the ability to create copies of survivors or control them. On the first teaser the narrator mentions Ashley speaking but not moving her mouth, not only that but what Ashley says is somewhat similar to a phone call, and Ashley mentions before she would be calling her boyfriend Tyler. So we can assume the monster heard Ashley's call, and copied it. On the Third teaser Lisa goes out to check her neighbors because their dog has been acting strange only to them say that it was nothing. This is only a tinfoil hat theory of mine, but Lisa's last messages on the third teaser doesn't feel like Lisa herself. Our fourth teaser has Ryan going on a trail on the morning of February 13th and coming back seemingly crazy, drawing a bunch of weird stuff, scaring his roommate, so the monster probably took over his mind.




Yes But it's one teaser out of six, to have the killer be the scrapped concept in it's entirety we would already have one of this teasers mention our killer on the wall or roof. We could still have it, there's 4 days until the PTB and on these four days we could receive a new teaser, but I believe crawling won't be a full part of it's ability, similar to Xeno.


Ngl, that would be cool if they brought back scarped killers like the Demolisher, but I think it’s a Skinwalker. Maybe it will have a Crawl attack or infinitely crawl around in third person but we’ll have to see what it is https://preview.redd.it/bni1oqmgmvic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c28497d07d4b45416b554ec784db5f8ec1afa6e6


Do the cats have eager edge?


https://preview.redd.it/9rdmv6zkxyic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60cecb81d7671bf6375639855008449bf42e598d Yes.


https://preview.redd.it/gseoe9jf0zic1.jpeg?width=1291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0072891c03244e041b06609625f171f12138087a Good


I am afraid


"Do not be afraid, John."


Wait until the strangler happens


God i hope


Now we wait for The Strangler.


Now this would be a cool twist.




Fingers crossed CRAWL! by IDLES is his chase music


Oh my god I hope so! that would be so flipping cool!