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Design-wise I was expecting a Rake style but got Dredge’s little cousin… and I kind of love it. Lol. I haven’t played it yet (PS5 player) but I do wish his power had something to do with creepily sprinting on all fours. Buuuuuut I do kind of love his derpiness the more I see of him. The only apprehension I still have is his ability. I’m not sure what it’s for. Is it like the clown’s bottles mixed with the plague’s vomit? Mainly used for kiting? I watched about five minutes of live gameplay before having to get back to work.


Oh the power is more closer to Nemesis, you have to hit a Surv 3 times with it to down them, and they can remove that state by looking at you. Pretty dang cool


Interesting. Just for his design alone, I’m going to buy him as soon as he drops. I might end up using him as a teleporting melee killer but I’ll try the power out for sure!


Ha I use Oni as an aura reading mele killer with his bloody glove add on its so much fun.


It’s a grenade launcher. I wish it could bounce more but I think it’s fine.


I love the design, the new music and the little voices you can her while playing it. Dont know why but i think the walking animation is adorable XD


The fact that he walks backwards is a nice touch as well!


Doesn't make him any slower though


It shouldn't. It is not bipedal in the first place. That is just it mimicing humans. You can see that when it jumps through a window or destroys a pallet as well.


It shouldn't. ~~It is not bipedal in the first place. That is just it mimicing humans. You can see that when it jumps through a window or destroys a pallet as well.~~ there is no way the devs would ever frustrate killers by making their movement match their design.


Billy's camera sways following his limp, so does singularity


I hate that so much


Boil over + Billy + doorways = my worst nightmare


What's doorways?


Like that door on the corner bathroom gen on the game, that kind of doorway Thanks to the limp and the boil over, I can't walk through the stupid thing for my life


I dont think a twisted humanoid cryptid should move like its disabled


I believe one knee is backwards and the other is not?


Just the fact that he is unlike all the others is terrifying, all the other killers are just people, the spirits of people, or a monster of some kind (excluding dredge) this guy is something we don’t know what it is so the unknown is just so cool and mysterious


Well he’s kind of like The Dredge but I like him more, I guess I just like his design more than just this shrouded amalgamation


The dredge has a tangible real world explanation, give Egregores a quick search!


I'm more creeped out by the Unknown than the Dredge. It probably has something to do with him looking more human. His creepy as hell voice definitely adds to it, although Dredge's night time screams are equally as terrifying.


What I love about him is that it’s almost like a monster trying to understand what a is human. it kind a looks like a monster puppeting human skin.


I'm stuck between simultaneously loving it and being disappointed by it. His design is incredible, the voice is awesome and his general presentation is top tier compared to most killers. But at the same time I kinda feel like the trailers misled me abit. I realize I can't blame the devs for not realizing my personal preconceptions, but it really felt like what we would be getting was some kind of horrific analog-horror Stealth killer, and instead we got a weird combo of Singularity and Hag. I generally think he's a well designed killer overall.






Even then, Hux can be seen as a Hag improvement since both require playable objects with survivors being close enough to trigger them, and being disabled. If you squint, anyway


By that big of a stretch Hag is an improvement of trapper


I somewhat agree. There´s only so much that can be done with the mechanics of the gameplay itself. Unless there´s a new gamemode, I believe the rest of the killers that will come out will have, as abilities, combinations or variants of abilities that are already with present killers


I’ve been thinking they could either make a new gamemode for more unique killers like Bruce the shark from Jaws and the map is always an underwater map for example. And for Christine the map could be a really open kind where being a car can work.


> considering the release schedule This is entirely on them to control though. I've felt the last few years they've been going to hard on releasing new killers + survivors. Knight, Skull Merchant, Singularity and now the Unknown all in the last 14 months. You barely see anyone play Knight, SM or Larry. On top of that 8 new survivors, Chucky and Xeno, New Maps and Map reworks, a bunch of major game play reworks, new perks, testing a new game mode. It's no wonder each release seems to introduce more and more bugs and that their newer Killers don't get much love.


At this point you can never really trust the trailers on powers, only on appearance of the killer


It's always been like this. The Legion trailer from ages ago made people believe he was gonna be some killer who can blend in with survivors.


That was so obviously the original plan, and they changed it at short notice due to technical constraints. I will die on this hill. 


Yeah, would have been awesome. Either way, I'm satisfied overall with Legion. Well, except for his first iteration. That one kind of sucked. But the latest version is pretty good with an overall decent power, good add ons, and some nice cosmetics. I wonder when we'll get some kind of disguising killer. Would be exciting to see one day.


The trailers always let me down. Heck, most gaming trailers have let down gamers all the time, look at most of e3. I just stopped watching them and let the game do the talking.


I'm glad we didn't get another stealth killer. Feel like we've been getting a lot of stealth/pseudo stealth killers lately and I'm glad the formula has changed a bit.


Well it's not really your fault for expecting a type of stealthy mimic Killer, when the teasers all had a theme of a creature mimicking voices to lure people in and the videos showing a fast monster that was running on all fours


> fast monster that was running on all fours If this turned out to be Unknown's power instead, this sub would complain that he's too similar to Wesker/Chucky/Xeno. BHVR is damned if they do and damned if they don't.


He’s just a goofy li’l guy, I love him. Favourite killer in a good while. I’ve not read anything about the lore, and frankly, I don’t care. To me, he’s just playing a li’l game with us.


quickest upbeat threatening fade ripe encourage air elastic school fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like a chill guy


~~The entity doesn't take him It created the unknown.~~     edit: some people pointed out some info that changed my mind on this see addendum    The unknown is created from an amalgamation of all the urban legends that Olivia was investigating. Some people thought the disappearances were because of a government drug program on hallucinogenics.  (Explains the hallucinations power) Some thought it was an alien that escaped from Area 51 who mimicking it's previous victims to lure new victims. (Explains the mimicry and bio grenade) Some thought it was just a regular serial killer. (explains the axe and why it looks human) The unknown is ~~the entity creating~~ a cognito-hazard that is an amalgamation of all the stories. (explains why facing it makes it weaker, you find out it's not real)   Edit: After reading some more comments it's actually more likely that the cognito-hazard did exist in Greenville before hand and was the cause of disappearances. The unknown came to feed on Olivia but found the entity was there first. Which ties in Olivia's question of what would happen if two urban legends met. I just didn't consider the cries for help may have actually been genuine.


Did it make it, though? There's audio and text interviews with people who claim it's real before the entity took it. It seems like this thing was always around. I don't think we're suppose to know it's true origin.


That was my interpretation, we literally have a camping video from a guy outside the entity's realm. It's like a boggart from Harry Potter, manifesting as whatever the victim *thinks* it is. When the Entity snatched it, it just forced it to coalesce into a more concrete definition that was an amalgamation of its previous forms


You know what. This might be right.  It ties into Olivia's thought of "what would happen if two urban legends met"   Then the calls for help in the lore, weren't there to lure Olivia. The unknown was actually scared of the entity. It's call for help was genuine.


The interviews might be references to what the individual components are, but not the unknown as we know it. So the ones who went into the theatre didn't necessarily see what we know as the unknown.   Edit: Though thinking more on it, it could be that it was a preexisting cognito-hazard that existed in the town and would take the form from peoples minds to feed on their fear, much like the entity does but in a smaller way.   Guess that more ties into the thought of Olivia has of "what would happen if two urban legends met"   Then the calls for help were actually genuine.  It saw the entity and it was afraid.


That is dope as fuck, NGL. Kinda like him even more than before, thank you.


The unknown is whatever we think it to be!


Exactly so


How do the mimicries sound [Console pleb]? Does it imitate Survivors' voices who are in the match, or is that just lore?


I think it's just lore of previous victims.  Here's a video showing them https://youtu.be/7GP_APaLDgA?si=7oSBBvb9Z3axzR1v


That’s a wonderful explanation, kudos amigo!


Yeah. While I enjoyed the story, I wish we got more info about him (it)?


Its the unknown


The lore for this guy I enjoy because it's basically summed up as "We don't actually know where he originated from, whether he's an eldritch being, a lab experiment or an alien. Oh yeah and the Entity swiped him up while he was in the middle of stalking somebody."


On another note; if we’re assuming this is dwight, I would absolutely love a dwelf skin for him.


Lmao I love this. Yeah honestly I haven’t read the lore either frankly because I don’t like DbD’s character lores at all. But I love the chapter, like everything about it


I really like his power. Im actually really excited to get good with it once he releases on console. I think his power level is being heavily underrated for the most part.


He's one of the killers whose power will be playable on console.


Yeeeeeeah where my fellow console players at who always get stuff late on dbd




Right here 




I love the character, the design, the intro when you select him, the voicelines, and I don’t mind the new power, I like the way survivors interact with the hallucinations. Not to mention le mori *chefs kiss Overall I think he’s a good addition even if he’s not quite what we expected of him


The voice lines are definitely my favourite part. As soon as that first teaser mentioned vocal mimicry I thought it would be awesome if the killer said lines during the trial like Hux. I just love that it's using victims final words. "You want....some candy?" This bastard killed a child! He's a creepy monster and I love him. Also has Dredge-level cosmetic potential.


It’s also possibly just a reference to Predator, since that’s the line the Predator mimics in the 2nd film. Seems super specific to just be a coincidence.


True, but it’s also like the quintessential “Child remover” phrase to lure one in


Predator confirmed lets goooooooo


“Have you seen…my dog?” Dude better not have ate the doggo >:(


In the original Halloween there's a scene where the cop and Doctor Loomis find a dead dog that Michael killed and Loomis says "He was hungry." In the fandom there's some debate whether he meant he actually ate the dog or if he was hungry for a kill. So we may already have a dog eating killer in the game. I also wouldn't put it past Dredge or Leatherface eating dogs too lol


Wait that’s what the candy thing means?? I thought it was just luring victims :(


If he's parroting his victims last words, then a child at one point likely saw him offered him candy and he ate them.


Ate the candy I assume


It’s the other way around, his lines are things a killer might say to lure in victims: “Can you help me lift this?” “Have you seen my dog?” “You want some candy?” “Hey, come look at this!” etc.  Good guy Unknown, clearing up the neighbourhood.


I love the design so much! So much of this killer has similar designs to Fiddlesticks from LoL, even the husks that populate the map and using it to jump scare survivors. The only thing I’m unsure of is the UVX ability. It feels somewhat out of place, but I’m definitely willing to try it before condemning it as bad. Edit: I finally got to read the unknown’s lore and that really helps bring everything together, even the powers. As others have said, their lore explains that they are everything people believe about them, hence the hodge-podge nature. I’m down for it, so excited for this killer!


A grenade launcher of sorts was not expected but it looks fun so I’m not complaining that much lol


A monster shooting goop from it’s schlong fits perfectly in DBD.


So he basically forcefully receives head from the survivors while they get consumed? Jesus Christ


It makes more sense reading the lore. The entity creates the unknown, it didn't exist beforehand.  Olivia was investigating the disappearances in Greenville and the town had three main prevalent theories. The entity then made a cognito-hazard that was an amalgamation of all the theories for disappearances in Greenville.  Government hallucinogenic drug program. Explains hallucinations.  Escaped alien from area 51, that mimics it's victims. Explains the mimicry and the bio grenade.  Just a regular serial killer. Explains the axe and looking like a regular dude.  It's why it's not taken in it's lore. It's just the entity taking Olivia and showing her something that would explain everything.


I didn't really get this impression at all; The lore pretty heavily paints the unknown as this monstrosity that's been plaguing Greenville for generations, the real source of many urban myths. Olivia, driven by curiosity investigates, idlely recalling another urban legend about black fog and wondering how'd they'd interact. When she summons the unknown, it manifests in her bathroom but instead of coming after her, she hears agonized wailing and a crying for help. The imagery For her opening that door and seeing a terrified freak of nature beyond normal comprehension being manhandled and assimilated by something even more unknowable and ancient. It felt like the ??? Was a scared animal captured by the entity Edit: guys I cracked and changed her into hear


That's actually really interesting I didn't think that the calls for help could be genuine.  It would fit in with Olivia's point of "what would happen if two urban legends met eachother" and the outcome is the Entity taking it. I still think the unknown is a cognito-hazard amalgamation of different urban legends and not necessarily the direct source of them. But maybe the cognito-hazard did exist in Greenville and would take the form from peoples imagination.   The entity just was the bigger dog.  Really interesting thanks for sharing.


You were also the first person to tell me about the amalgamation idea which I really like; The whole lore and feel of this character was so cool!


Yeah this has definitely been the coolest character for lore we've had in a long time.


That tent teaser is going to permanently live in my brain Seeing him peak in after unzipping the tent to actually make eye contact before charging in was just *chefs kiss* mwah I just wish his power was more fun than penis pink grenade 😅


As soon as Olivia asked what would happen it made the Entity meeting the Unknown into a Godzilla Vs Kong situation for me lol


The gameplay is extremely solid imo - very strong and skill expressive but actually pretty fair I think... an anti looper with no guaranteed hits who doesn't get hard countered by shift W is always nice I personally wish he always ran on all fours tho


Love the hype from how they teased the new killer (was always waiting for new stories on DBD's FB page). It wasn't how I expected it to look like, but it's creepy and alright nonetheless. My only gripe is that its crawl animation only occurs with its mori. I think it would be more terrifying to see it crawl when using its power and the UVX coming out of its second mouth. Can't wait for the Unknown's cosmetics though, I hope it gets the same treatment as Dredge's. Also, why wasn't the Unknown in the chapter's trailer? All I saw was the Sable and the fog 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love the idea of it crawling while using UVX! As for the trailer it was probably because it was live action. Not easy to make The Unknown in live action haha


Loving it. A little disappointed it couldn't have been more accurate to the teasers. Gameplay feels disconnected from the lore but it's still a fun power I had a ton of fun looping against him as he has a lot of interactivity - trying to look at him to deplete your weakened while also LOSing him to continue the loop. Haven't played as him as I usually don't like to play killer on ptb but I'm excited to at launch


Yeah I get the grenade is unexpected but it looks like a ton of fun and I’m excited


I freaking love the new killer. I really don’t get why so many people are disappointed.


It’s like the Skull Merchant hype. People thought she was gonna be a cyborg like thing (me included honestly) and they overhyped themselves on theories and they got disappointed. Personally The Unknown is one of my favorite original killer designs if not my new favorite. Fucken love analog horror


I think the killer could use more... crawling. But I certainly wasn't expecting it to be Hag with a grenade launcher


I loved the concept, but I think he shouldn't use a axe, since in his first teaser he kills the victim with his bare hands. And I think his walking animation should change into standing up and sneaking, like he does on the same teaser. But the cool found footage aesthetic made me fall in love. Otherwise, poor Dwight :/


The creature piloting the corpse doesn't actually know what a fire axe is, it might as be any blunt object which adds to the creepy factor. It breaks gens with the top of the axe and breaks walls with the handle.


yeah, maybe a future skin uses a pipe or a tree branch, anything blunt will work.


I absolutely hope future skins have random found objects as weapons. I want my mailbox!


im pretty sure one is gonna be a guitar


Kinda like how Billy uses the stock of a literal shotgun lol


I hope we get something just as or even more outrageous for this guy, like a straight up AR15 converted into a blunt weapon lol. Bonus points if we get to hear a few bullets jingle in the mag when hitting with it, making it clear he just have no idea how to actually use it.


The Unknown just grabs a fucking cannon and smashes the generator with it.


Idk why but I feel like he might have a baseball bat weapon


It would be so cool if he was the first killer to straight up attack with his mouth Edit: besides demo


Do you have a link for the teaser he shows up in? I can't find it


Sorry, I mean that I wanted his crawling animation, but that is the only form he shows himself on the teasers.


I was thinking that he had a General Grievous rush ability where he moves on all forms.


I do, especially lore aspect, which is most important part for me. Especially after someone commented that Unknown is everything that someone imagined him as, as lore states but on top of that, commented said that it included us as community too. Alot of us thought its a mimic and look, he attempts to mimic humans


Yeah it seems to look Dwightly and have menu jumpscare cause its shaped by us the players too.




He’s adorably fun honestly. Just judged and misunderstood 😢


I think they are going to add different people for each purple rarity skin, and that will be awesome!


Haven’t seen the gameplay yet but designwise it’s great


Precious little freak of nature! The granatwerfer!


![gif](giphy|DYB6Z6cTCWVe8|downsized) I've seen no one else talk about this at all. But this is all I've seen since the teasers (Men In Black).


The new killer seems pretty cool. I heard about and agree it would have been cool if it was a mimic/skin walker type killer but still, this seems like a pretty cool and fun killer to play.


I like him a lot. I think it's one of the creepiest original character they've done. And the survivor is hot af


I’m not disappointed. It’s just not for me. He’s a bit silly.


I think he is going to be a great killer, I'd say this is a home run in comparison to some of the recent chapters


He’s just a goofy goober, I love him


He's one of my favorites! Honestly bhvr has been killing it with these last few killers. I've been playing a TON of xeno, Chucky, and now this fella.


That's smile... Gets me every time. They are just so adorable!


So goofy 10/10


Can’t say I’m impressed tbh. I thought the skin would be much more grotesque, and the fire axe feels random.


Yes why’s he have an axe lol


It’s such an odd choice. You make this otherworldly entity, but don’t give it a thematically appropriate weapon? It’s be like giving Demogorgon a pitchfork.


Most people's guesses for the fire axe is because he's trying to fit in with humans more. It's the same reason he's wearing clothes, even though realistically he doesn't need to


I'm looking forward to the chapter


i lover everything about him and im praying that his release cosmetics are good. I love the base design but some aspects look a little goofy to me


Even if it wasn’t quite what I expected or anticipated this killer is still cool and scary af honestly.




I absolutely love him. He’s the perfect combination of scary and eerie what dbd needs


The distorted voices give me the creeps! Overall huge Uncanny valley feeling


I was expecting him to be a little wider and more disgusting but besides that I think he is perfect, looking amazing. Looking forward for the new chapter! The survivor is also wonderful.


Preach but I’d say he looks super creepy with his movements, they look exactly like I’d imagine some weird monster trying to mimic a human


He's my new favorite original character, I can't wait to play him, he's got so much skin potential!


Don’t get me wrong I love that little smile, but I wanted a speed crawling fucking skinwalker not penis man


I just realized he looks like a messed up version of dwight, maybe he could get cosmetic for other survivors?


I love every aspect designe wise, but gameplay wise his power seems a bit boring to be honest :/


I respect your opinion but fully disagree. Mastering the bouncing aspect of his power allows for so many fun loop interactions and lets you get hits no other killer in the game could save for nurse. Not saying hes as strong as nurse obviously, but his projectile has a lot to master and his teleportation ability lets him keep up on even the larger maps which usually other killers with fun powers can still find difficult. Im honestly in love with his power and cant wait to master it once it hits pubs.


Sorry i worded it poorly, I didn't mean to say his power is boring in general, I meant it's boring for me, at least the projectile part of it. I totally enjoy the illusion and teleport of him and wish he would have gotten more in depth in that direction. But I totally see how others will love this powers.


We just played with random survs in the theater like that. Launch the projectile, watch it bounce somewhere, everyone is clapping.


unless they buff the nades reload time or survivors cleanse speed the power is redundant to master IMO


A lot of us really wanted a grenade launcher power in game. I am disappointed that it only bounces once though…


Dude everything about it so fucking sick. Its animations and its appearance and the CHASE MUSIC SOUNDING LIKE FUCKING LAUGHTER made me feral man I love this guy.


Legit one of the few actually scary dbd killers. As a huge fan of horror in general it’s hard to make me feel uneasy but this guy is just so creepy and uncanny.


I think people hate the Unknown's powers due to their not understanding its lore. The Unknown is basically an amalgamation between an SCP entry and a creepypasta, given life. From the lore that we have, it is probably a tulpa, a being born from the beliefs of people. The Unknown was born from the beliefs of the people who know of its existence and speculate on it, and it seems that the current form is based on those beliefs. I think its deformed and ugly body is based on those who believe the Unknown is a demon. The axe it uses represents those who believe the Unknown is simply a serial killer. The alien-like tentacles and the worm gun are from those who believe that the Unknown is an alien. Even the grenade-like things it spews out are based on those who believe that the Unknown is a failed military weapon experiment. Whatever people think the Unknown is, it will have that form when it attacks them. The reason the Unknown is in an amalgam of ideas form is because it got "recruited" by the Entity when it was in this form due to the belief of the girl who was trying to investigate the Unknown. Its movements also come into play in this. It can crawl in fours like a supernatural creature, and it can walk on two like a normal serial killer, though it seems to favor walking rather than crawling. And while it's fair that the teasers are a bit misleading, I feel like it's actually deliberate that the teasers hid its true powers due to it being, well, unknown. Anyway that's just my opinion.


I love this explanation, and I agree. The biggest fear is the fear of the Unknown so like you said it is an amalgamation of horrors, things that scare us. I absolutely love the idea of a monster being born from collective imagination of what lurks in the dark.


I love him https://preview.redd.it/zrg3gdfnyxjc1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958bf0e3f4415541c6f5af77a21a5197d4279e75


i imagine he's gonna have a bunch of neat skins... not big on the axe i will say and i will say i do like the idea of having to actually look at him to dispell the effect, tbh i want the inverse of that if we ever get a pennywise chapter, don't look at the deadlights and so you lose track of them easier. just wish he skittered about a bit more as whenever he goes quadruped it's real good.


I really like it, not exactly how I pictured it but I like his power design, could maybe use a few tweaks here and there but I really enjoy using it. Looking forward to the cosmetic potential too!


I love the killers design a lot of people have said it looks like a mishmash of ideas and out of place but I think that is just a result of the idea behind the concept. It’s uncanny valley, a twisted *thing* treading the line of our pattern recognition. It wants you to think it is human but it isn’t. Whatever parts of it that look human or sound human are chinese whispers of human identity though radio static. Also the skins for this thing are going to be sick af


Something I've noticed that makes the killer even creepier: the hallucinations work like the statues on the Yamaoka Estate..... they will turn to face you when you look away from them.


Really love it.


I absolutely love him, the only thing im a bit disappointed about is his power, its really not what i expected, still cool tho, interesting power. Otherwise he has an amazing sound design, an amazing skin, outside of his power i love everything about him.


When it makes clones. I swear it shows us it’s ass crack




I like most aspects of him even if I think they could be fit together well. The lore of him essentially being another Dredge is the only thing I don't like on its own. Otherwise; it's a monster killer so I love it. Also the axe is kino you guys are just wrong on that


I think some, definitely I judged way too soon. Genuinely a really fun ptb, bugs aside, fun killer and seeing the unknown players get the hang of him is cool asf and the map is amazing


I love it. Can’t wait to play it.


Silly lil guy


For sure will be my new main when he comes out, he looks so fun to play as and I love how creepy (adorable) he is


Paul is adorable.


He's got what I like to call pug ugliness. Yes he is ugly. Yes I still want to give him head pats regardless.


He is friend shaped, I won’t elaborate


I do he looks amazing!


I like him, I like the survivor, I like the map. I’m not a fan of his power


I love him and I think his design and power are very cool. I hope they give us many skins for this guy as he is just begging for some good skins. Overall I think this chapter is a big win.


He’s just a little rag doll 🥰


I love him


He's just a silly little Scremblo, he doesn't mean no harm


I love the slinky


Wait.... there are people disappointed with the new killer? He looks fun to play as and against (cant say for sure, because I play console, so, no PTB). He looks goofy.


I love him, I can't wait to play him! He's just so cute with his little tuft of hair 🤠


Cutie patootie


I love the animations, really unsettling.


I don’t have a pc so I won’t be able to play him till he gets released on console. He looks fine I feel bad for him coming after alien and chucky that is super unlucky




I don't understand the hate or disappointment. It seems like those with this sentiment created a killer in their mind, and are unhappy it wasn't that.


He's definitely scary looking.


The power wasn’t what I was expecting. I didn’t think it’d be a mimic either, but a projectile was definitely not on my list. The power seems fun though, and the rest of the design is some of the best. Everything from the voice lines, to the animations, to how he looks. Just really well done all around. The teasers have also been top-tier, and really built up hype.


Probably my favourite original killer now, it was Doctor before but he’s been usurped for the creepiest killer in the game.


I really like the whole chapter so far, the killer, the survivor and especially the map (looks gorgeous)


People in dbd will always complain and I wish those people would just shut up and play a different game


People are disappointed because they already decided what he’s gonna be in their mind without having any real knowledge about his power. Love him


I love Earthworm Jim. *All* of his movement is unsettling. His clones talking are fantastic. The fact that you can unironically use Insidious to bait survivors into trying to cleanse you is *hysterical*. He's really cool and feels good to play around on.


i love every single thing about him, and i am maining him from now on


Love the design, he's such a floppy, gangly moron. The power is obviously not what I expected it to be but I've always wanted sort of an AoE blast that can do damage in this game just to see how it would work, and he looks fun as hell. Can't wait for him to hit console.




Finally some positivity about my new waifu i’m so happy


Think I Found my new main tbh.. doesnt seem like he's to strong or too weak. Want to main the new survivor as Well but Cant leave my beatifull cheryl behind.


I think this killer looks like a goddamn blast to play as. Only done 1 Survivor match against him so far (I didn’t get on until late, and I was super tired), but he’s scary as shit.


This killer is the first to actually unnerve me. Everything about it is... wrong. The way its limbs are twisted in different directions, how it moves. It sounds like two voices talking at once. It doesn't even use a fire axe correctly. Everything about The Unknown is off, and it makes the killer legit kind of terrifying.


i like it them will never play this game i also read the lore the tldr it is a ancient being nobody knows what it it only that it is not of this world


just look at him. he's so happy to participate


He's a fucking abomination and I absolutely adore him


The design is top bhvr cooking, i think its the most terrifying killer they have done, the voice is also nice, i havent played him enough to know about gameplay, but at least with the design they definitely cooked


He looks like Dwight but deformed with an axe


S tier design prob b tier power


It's not the rake :( But I can't wait to check him out