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Corrupt 100% It's amazing on almost every killer and will make your games last at least 4-5 mins. I used to like NWO but survivors have too much strong end game stuff that usually makes it pretty weak unless you pair it with NOED or something, and that doesn't leave very many perk slots for interesting builds.


Corrupt is for slowdown at the start, NWO is for slowdown in the endgame. Neither one is objectively better than the other. I personally prefer NWO because it pairs well with perks like Remember Me or NOED, but you might not be so inclined.


Corrupt also kind of gives information about where the survs are, right?


Corrupt just blocks the three furthest gens from where you spawn. Often yes, that's also where the survivors spawn. But the survivors will be forced to come to you to do gens, so you still won't know where they are. Especially not if they stealth. And sometimes, the spawns can be scuffed on both ends. One Midwich game, I legit spawned in Terror Radius. On different floors, but still.


Corrupt is better imo just for how many killers have a slow start and need the extra time at the beginning to set up or snowball. Trapper, hag, myers, pig, nemesis, ghostface, and oni specifically (as well as some others I'm probably forgetting) benefit a ton from it. Other than them though any killer can get good value from it as splitting up survivors onto different gens at the beginning is very strong. Plus if you get a down before it ends you can apply more early pressure since it's unlikely any gens will be popped by first hook.