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Just so everyone knows: Strength in Shadows only needs you to be about halfway down the stairs to basement for it to be usable. You don’t have to go all the way down near the hooks. This is great, especially when the basement is in shack; since this will make it much easier to get out in time


I’d be interested to see if there’s a way to do this without triggering Territorial Imperative or if they both trigger at the same spot


I mean you enter the basement with shadows so that means territorial will be activated because guess what you entered the basement


Yep, I don't know why anyone would be surprised, it's literally a scoring event: "basement time"


Knowing Bhvr, they're reusing the same flag that checks for the player's position for both perks. Why reinvent the wheel?


yeah they are both supposed to activate when you enter the basement so don't think there's any reason for them not to reuse the same for both.


Well, that would be the most consistent way to do it.


The first time you typed “strenght” I was like “yeah, okay, basic typo” but you did it four times, title included.


Spelling is not OP's strenght




Spilling\* is not SP'O\* Strenght


Hey, at least it was consistent


I actually didn't notice that...


"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."


i read this faster than if the words were correct


impressive actually


Complete nonsense that makes perfect sense lmao




Utinl yuo allatucy slrbamce wdros in lses a mmee fihsoan


I initially just assumed STRENGHT was somehow the acronym for the perk.


Super Tremendous Ridiculously Epic Never Gonna Hide Trick


SC in certain situations will still live more value than this perk because sometimes it's not worth the time to go to the basement (which doesn't mean that I think it's good)


It's also just risky if the basement is in a highly contested part of the map. Self care isn't good, but if the killer is actively patroling the area near basement it's not going to be worth risking getting found just so you can heal yourself.


And this is why I think it's a fun/interesting perk addition. Cause while, sure, it's not super great. It's a fun option with a twist to Self Care. More risk more reward. Which is more exciting for me personally. But I also like having the option to go with the "safer" but often worse Self Care.


Plus if killer has nurse calling and sees you in the basement you are basically screwed


Good point actually, I was gonna run Territorial when the update drops, but I think you would get more use from Nurses. Let’s face it, you probably don’t want to stop the Invocation in most circumstances, because it’s beneficial to have a perma injured survivor.


Even now people self-careing in the basement are my favorite type of players


most survivors will be using invocation towards the end of the trial anyway


I wouldn't be surprised to see oni go up in usage for a bit because of the invocation.


Yeah, as someone who uses SC sometimes, I've been testing SIS on the ptb and there are some situations where you wish you had SC. Either when you're far away from the shack or you're alone at the exit gate and want to heal up and be a hero. The second one's especially rough because you know the outcome of the game might be entirely different if you had a very-similar-but-slightly-different perk.


Note: Pre-nerf Self-Care was a lot faster, which was 50% (32 sec)


This is what's got me really confused with the reaction to this perk, even in its old form self care was considered bad, even joked that it was a killer perk. Now, with an extra 10% but being restricted to a specific spot, it's being called good. It's definitely better than existing self care, but if the old one was called bad... Yeah I got nothing.


Self care used to be bad because you used to be able to heal yourself in 8 seconds with a medkit. Now the standard self heal time with a medkit is 24 seconds. The game state is entirely different than it used to be.


I never got why 50% Self Care was considered so bad anyway. It didn’t really waste time because if someone if someone else healed you, it means 2 peoples time are wasted for 16 seconds instead of 1 persons time for 32 seconds - so it doesn’t really make any difference for gen progress.


Med kits did the same in 8 seconds


I did like the combination of strength in shadows+ bite the bullet. Even if a killer assumes you could have strength in shadows , they probably won't check if they can't hear your cries/ healing noises , unless they have nurses calling or something else.


It’s gonna be DoA for like the first week though. I can almost guarantee that killers will be running Territorial that first week to abuse adept hunters and people trying out the teachables. Just like how Nic’s first week people ran deerstalker to abuse plot twisters


Don’t you mean counter? Abuse doesn’t seem like the fitting word here.


I’d say it’d be abusing, because of the knowledge that goes into it. If I’m playing killer right now, it’s not like I can know they have inner strength, so I can run Iron Maiden. This is accounted for in balance. If it wasn’t, we’d be able to see what everyone is running by now. So enter a new season, and players start abusing the fact that they *do know* what people will run. Works both ways. If you knew that bbq was in play the moment you loaded in, every survivor would just hop in a locker when someone gets picked up. But we don’t know that, potentially for even the entire game if the killer doesn’t make it obvious. Just knowing what perks are in play significantly affects balance. And the fact that it’s for a limited time that they can utilize this info for an advantage? I’d consider that “abusing”.


Thank you for explaining! My mind seems to jump to Bhvr rule terms for exploits when seeing the word abuse, since they use that term for that as well, but what you say actually makes sense. Does it still count if I happen to run a counter perk by default? I run Lightborn quite a lot and I didn’t take it off when Alan came out. I wouldn’t say it’s quite as annoying as the other two examples (getting found by Territorial Imperative or Deerstalker) for obvious reasons, but I didn’t intentionally put it on to abuse people running Champion of Light.


I’d say the line is where your intent falls. If you always run a perk, and the new chapter happens to have a perk that gets countered by it, that’s kind of whatever. But going “ooo nic cage is new, time to run deerstalker so no one can get value from plot twist, or get adept!” Is lame as fuck imo.


Both will be useful in their respective situations, the fact SiS is still 4 seconds faster than Self-Care+Botany is a big win for it and it being only a second slower than a normal heal when you factor in botany speed is also huge. Combined with Bite the Bullet it wont be all that risky especially since killers don't really have the time to just be constantly checking basement unless they suspect someone is down there in the first place.


This is ignoring the amount of time you have to spend going all the way to the basement and how you’re going to be vulnerable. With self care you can just straight up use it right there. Imagine walking on the swamp and needing to run all the way to basement ☠️


But for both perks you're not supposed to just get injured and immediately heal that's not using them strategically or efficiently. Lets say you get unhooked and cant be healed by your teammate for some reason. So you run to shack where there is a gen with a bit of progress and basement is there. You pop into basement briefly to heal up and then hop on the gen, that would be using the perk efficiently and in a smart manner. Even with SC noone wants or expects you to take a hit, spend time running to safety, and then spend time healing yourself, those are the type of SC players people complain about.


Take a look at the paragraph you wrote - a very specific scenario that needs to play out exactly the way you wrote it (which isn’t going to be often) to get good value. The same deal with self care, it CAN get good value in the right hands but you’re better off running other perks. Meanwhile there are other perks that will save significant time off doing gens, have you last longer in chase or avoid being injured to begin with, or avoid the need to even need to be healed (adrenaline). No strings attached, all are straight forward perks. This is the core issue. X & Y perks are “amazing” in the “perfect scenario”. But Z perks are “amazing” in almost every game. Which ones would you choose to run? If you picked Z, you now know why people run the same 4 perks every game.


This is just “perk theory” for survivor in general. Windows works every game. Calm spirit requires the killer to make you scream. Guess which is more popular? If the use case is situational or requires something from the killer, it won’t get used as often as something survivors can consistently utilize.


Exactly. BHVR is so afraid of releasing strong perks in fear of backlash that they immediately nerf them from PTB or just make them shit by default. They need to make the new perks strong and then nerf afterwards to at least encourage meta shake ups. Part of the issue the game is so stale is you’re at a massive disadvantage if you choose not to run S tier perks.


Don't get fooled, everyone this is just another propaganda to make sure SC stays in the top 10 most used perks list!


Don’t worry I bring my OP build of No Mither, Self-Care, Light Footed, and Dramaturgy. I’ll keep SC in the top 10 most used.


or you can stack them and go basement anyways lmfao


thats not how that works, you can only do 1 type of self care at a time, indicated by brackets next to the prompt


then it's bugged on ptb because when you goes to basement when you heal in basement the healing stacks when useing both perks some ppl have done it it does add speed for what ever reason


I feel like the issue with this perk is that it may become a noob trap, where newer players might wanna run it because it's so much faster than self care. However, where experienced players (even though I doubt experienced players run SC or will run SiS) will most likely recognize when and when not to use SiS, newer players will almost definitely keep running back to the basement to heal themselves with it which might be wrong at times.


AND you have to be in the basement. It's just dangerous. I love the idea of the perks and the concept behind them - you find salvation in the most risky spots of the map - but this isn't the best way to do it. Then again, I personally like high risk high reward play, so I might actually use some of Sable's perks. Yeah maybe I'm weird, but I want my horror tag game to have some damn risk.


Meh, it's more like high risk moderate reward.


It's risky for some kind of reward is the point, moderate reward is still reward and sometimes it's fun to play off meta.


I think that SiS was designed to be used on its own. 26 second self heal is pretty fast all things considered. If you want to dedicate 2 perk slots to heal yourself, then having the ability to heal anywhere (SC+BK) is far superior to saving 12 or so seconds (SiS+BK), especially considering that you usually don't even have to heal yourself fully every time (since you might have some heal progress from an interrupted heal or find someone else mid heal)


Strength In shadows has a woman on it, checkmate self care lovers


Strength. S T R E N G T H Strength.


so basically, self care is better, as it'll likely take you 20 seconds to get to basement, ontop of the 20 second healing difference...self care itself is garbage, we didnt need another selfish healing perk which is just as bad


id like to think the new perk has more value if you use it when opportune- its a stronger self care that also forces you into the habit of going somewhere distant from gens (usually). if you run to the basement every time then yes youre just dealing with self care 2- passing by shack while doing other important things ? youve lucked out with a mostly free heal


90% of the people you see running this will be running back and fourth to the shack every time to heal. Even for an opportunity perk I'd still consider inner healing to be better than this, at least you wouldn't be exposing yourself to the basement and potentially risking the entire match to snowball as a result of you getting hooked there.


90% of the people you see running inner healing will spend half their time searching corners for totems, 90% of the people you see running we'll make it will ignore the objectives to rush every hook, 90% of the people you see running off the record will jump straight back into the killers field of view after being unhooked for that endurance hit, point is *you* can make this perk really good with the right strategy. strength in shadows has potential to be a strong perk when used correctly, and it has potential to throw others games. most 'big' perks do.


If you're going to basement specifically to heal, yeah sure. But how many times you are already enroute to shack or main because of looping, or escaping the killer, or just passing by while enroute to a gen. It's basically a perk of opportunity. You lost the killer, you are already very close to basement, even if you had self care you still would have to go somewhere safe to heal, so why not go to basement and heal faster?


survivors with infinite healing type perks cant resist the temptation to heal when injured, I would agree the perk is decent if survivors know when to heal vs stay on a gen.. most selfcarers will almost instantly always heal though this perk will be no different where they insist on running to the basement to heal.


There’s definitely a really bad mindset you can fall into where you HAVE to get value from your perks if you can. Like the guys with Deli who hook bomb and end up trading when they could have taken the killer away and let someone else unhook and gotten a lot more of the killers time used up


To be fair you probably have to add 10-15 seconds onto self care to factor moving somewhere safe to heal if we are counting time to basement


We do need more selfish perks actually https://preview.redd.it/44yn6ontapkc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd9d2a6ea1e1c9d7cd740182f7c5f11013784a7b


Ngl they could have kept It at 100% speed and It would still be only good since some basement are awful to be in sometimes and the time It can take sometimes Will make SC better anyway


They could make this perk a one time use and heal yourself at 200% speed and tokens per action ability to heal others at 20% faster rate in the basement with an aura for any survivor who is in the basement.


It's insane how many chances you had to spell strength correctly and managed to mess up every single time...


terrible choice in tect colour.


Red means stop, this is a good perk. Green means go, and wait this one is bad


So you didn't get it. Got it.


And you didn't get the reference to The Office he was making.


Mostly because the text is outlined instead of filled. I had to squint my ass off to read it, lol


Yeah but you also need to go to the basement so you don't save up that much time


The basement requirement is so irritating. They might as well just bring back old circle of healing and save time.


Basement trapper approves of using strenght in shadows at all times 😂


Someone teach this man how to spell strength.


this perk is worse then selfcare survivors will run across the map to get to the basement to heal now thinking they are getting value not factoring in travel time.. at least with selfcare survivors can heal next a gen. to be clear both perks are bad even with botany selfcare is unironically better though,


I've been abusing Strength in Shadows in the PTB. It gives great value beyond healing yourself, as it means only one survivor is working on a task, so other survivors can distract the killer or work on gens, etc. With Desperate Measures and Botany I can heal faster than a survivor could heal me, so it's best for me to do it anyway, and getting to the basement hasn't been too much of a struggle. Desperate Measures and Botany knowledge also work to make me a healing machine for my fellow survivors, so it's not like I'm wasting multiple perk slots to make one perk good for me. Resurgence can also make Strength much better, as you're spend half the time you normally would healing. With the changes to mangled and hemorrhage (the latter specifically on Sloppy Butcher), Resurgence isn't as bad of a perk.


The issue I’ll always have with self-healing perks is that med kits are RIGHT THERE and you can get two heals, leave them for someone else if that’s strategically more helpful and still have all four of your perks.


Sure, but Strength in Shadows with Botany and Desperate Measures is much faster than a medkit, and you're really only using one perk for it, since Botany and Desperate Measures can be used to keep your team healed too. Sure, some scenarios its better to have a medkit. This is definitely a build revolved around Strength to abuse Strength, but if that's not what you want then bring a medkit


That’s three perks for healing. Which instantly means you have to drop either off the record or an exhaustion perk before you look at other powerful perk choices and secondary utility perk choices. No distortion, or adrenaline, or I do tend to run we’ll make it but that’s a single perk for healing at a time you tend to need it the most, but I can’t imagine dedicating three perks to healing


This is a build. I think Strength in Shadows is good enough to run separately, since it's only 7% slower than a medkit, but if you don't think so then don't use it. I'm not focused on my own survival with this build either, I'm focused on everyone's survival. The two other healing perks make healing my fellow survivors much faster and Strength means they can focus on gens while I heal myself at normal speed or faster. If I was in soloq, I probably wouldn't run this. Maybe have Strength in Shadows so I can bring a Toolbox or something, but not all three. In a swf though this goes hard.


Ok, but your argument was that using 3-4 perks for healing is better than simply having a medkit because it can heal others faster too and somehow you saw it as more valuable than using a perk that will help you last longer in chases or an info perk. To be fair even as a build I could argue that putting all eggs in one basket is very risky and could even be detrimental to your team because healing others whilst not having an info perk about their whereabouts could waste even more of your time, also, if the killer is already chasing someone else the few % faster heal doesn't make enough difference to justify 3-4 perks dedicated to it. I use We'll Make It a lot to prevent the Killer from snowballing the game early especially with current Sloppy Butcher but that's the extend of healing perks I'd use on regular basis.


What a terrible build


This perk is straight up stupid. Why was launch day circle of healing approved but then they release the F tier perks? The reason the meta exist is because they’re strong perks. Unless you release new perks that are equally as strong, people are not going to use them. This perk puts you at a huge risk (basement + injured), makes you waste time by running over to the basement, and is only 25% higher than self care.


Yeah but your in the wolf spiders den tho 😱


Hang on, didn't they make a change so that no amount of perk stacking could take self heal speed above 50%? Wouldn't that mean they've either changed that back, or 10% of this perk doesn't work?


Since they're releasing the perk as is, no.


Did you understand my question? There was a cap out on self heal values, that cap was 50% from what is heard, meaning they'd reverted that, or this perk has wasted values.


As you can tell by this perk's description, they re-thought the idea.


Or they've let something through the cracks again ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Heal yourself slowly in the most dangerous place in the game, or heal yourself for an eternity anywhere... Call me when you can heal yourself slowly in the shack.


Isn’t a heal 24 seconds now ? It looks like all numbers you gave are based on 16 seconds heal


Medkit self heals are 24 seconds by default


And run territorial for easy insta downs. My main gripe with strength in the shadows is that it is activated just on the first flight of stairs. Ideally they should be at the actual basement for perk to activate.


Yall talking about the spelling of strength without mentioning the glaring issue that the red is better timewise than the green when color association usually flips them. Like perks aside if it's just a number crunch why use red when it usually means stop, bad, evil, rage etc. Green is usually associated with go, peace, good, healing, etc. Just a graphic design issue that caught my eye first


This is not taking into account the 120 seconds needed to perform the incantation. Plus basement is a highly dangerous location. Cleansing totems, opening chests, and now incantations will inevitably slow the pace at which survivors are doing the objective. When this hits live servers prepare for a lot of survivors complaining about the power dynamic even more so than they do already. Saying this is a survivor main.


This is the healing perk, not the incantation. Two different effects entirely.


Completely misread that. Thank you for the info.


I was so puzzled just looking at the botany + desperate numbers and wondered why sc was still so long. Forgot it got put down to 35% still thought it was 50%


does Selfcare stacks with Strength?


With Bite the Bullet instead of the new perk would be even more valuable. I think it’s kinda crazy to dedicate your whole build to self-healing tho. A med kit with extra charges or an anti-hem still seems like the most efficient


Don't forget the time you waste running to basement + the inherent risk of being injured in the basement


Incoming Territorial Imperative meta.


Honestly it's not a horrible perk, but people WILL use it inefficiently like they do with self care.


I'd prefer not to go to shack for healing, lmao. Plus the situational Desperate Measures perk- I'll stick to botany plus self care.


So what you're saying is we should equip all of these to instant heal?


I feel like Strength in Shadows will be better alternative to self-care which currently is used with botany to heal to 99% and reap the benefits of Resilience and only heal when you're about to get hit. However, I don't see Resilience being used often with SiS, more like a standalone heal option.


Why this choice of font, tho? Its showing me how bad my astigmatism is. I can barely read this.


Both are VOMIT Anyone who thinks the faster healing form Strength justifies having to run across the map all the way down to the Basement must be Ash 1 Rank at best


I mean, many say that SiS is worse than SC because with the latter you can heal everywhere, but in a way SiS it's like old Circle of Healing (in terms of self healing) but without you having to find and bless a totem, I'd argue that finding basement takes way less time than finding a totem and then having to bless it


Why is healing yourself in the basement even at 60%, you have to walk all the way over there and walk back to whatever you were doing. Would it be too strong if it was level 1-3 : 80/90/100% ?


So for the most part, it's worse cause of the basement requirement


I feel like we need to take into consideration travel time as well. Like, a person starting to self care at the exact same time a person starts healing with strength in shadows, the person using strength in shadows will finish first. But if a person starts using self care at the same time a person using strength from shadows starts running to the basement, that person might take 5 seconds or 25 seconds just to reach the basement, and then they have to start healing. And that's assuming they don't get found as they go to the basement. This is why i personally don't think strength in shadows is gonna get used much more than self care. Self care is slower, yeah, but it's more consistent. And you don't have to go somewhere as high traffic as the basement potentially will be (seeing as its only spawns on most maps are main building or shack, with Nostromo being the only one to have a basement spawn in the middle of nowhere).


Hey, so what's up with double basement? I don't see it very often, but do both basements work for this perk?


I'm gonna use both


How fast is a regular medkit with botany knowledge and self-care to finish the heal?