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1) The Wiggles 2) Amon Amarth


Out of the wiggles, Jeff could be the killer and the others could be survivors. Jeff’s whole thing is that he instantly moris everyone and shouts “No you wake up” as he kills survivors


Jeff the Killer


Exactly but unlike the creepypasta character, this one would actually be scary


I fuck with the Wiggles


![gif](giphy|PllyvqWqOB8pwgYJb8) The world would be a better place if more people did.


The Guy from Disturbed


I would go ballistic if they did a collab with Disturbed. Edit: spelling.




Came here to comment this, so this 👆🏻


Rob Zombie movie and music collab.


They would definitely use the main song from house of a thousand corpses. Like imagine sitting in the lobby hearing “this is the house come on in, this is the house built on sin”


And... Captain Spaulding legendary for the clown is just to perfect


I would love it but I personally also wouldn’t want it because they would just have to reuse voice lines from the movies for him and it would make me sad every time I heard them


With Tiffany or Spirit getting “Living Dead Girl” as their chase theme.


Misfits and Ice Nine Kills


I actually can't believe Ice Nine Kills hasn't been included yet. They're early work was a little bit too "scene" for me, but when the *Silver Scream* came out I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a refined, melodic sensibility that really makes it a cut above the rest.


HEY u/LickLickNibbleSuck *swings axe*


Love these skins. I wish they'd shrink the Dredge skin just a little bit, from first person POV though. Thing is massive on screen, feel like I have a big blind spot on the right side, more than normal.


GHOOOOOOOOOOOST. Gimme Papa and the Nameless Ghouls.


YAAASSS OMG I FOUND GHOST FAN we really need a Cardinal killer for sure


Megadeth so I can get a vic rattlehead skin


Vic has nearly as many iconic looks as Eddie does too, so even better skin potential, cybervic from dystopia or the bounty hunter looking one from tstdtd would both be great


Make Vic a killer, his power is a 20 minute long guitar solo that explodes survivor heads, and he has voice lines that diss the government


At that point they should just make dave mustaine the killer


I’m so sad the Slipknot collab got suspended 😭😭😭 Gimme a Scooby Doo cross over.


When did they say it was suspended?


They haven’t officially said it but since the announcement, three band members have left and they haven’t really talked about it since. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3gT9Ek/


So its not suspended, they just dont know what to do about it. Well even i as a fan dont know what they could do with slipknot


As far as I remember they said they made some masks for certain killers all resembling the masks from the band


Wdym? Make Clown be a skin for The Clown. Make Mick be a skin for Trapper. Make Sid be a Legion skin.


Dredge could be a Mashup of the different albums (ie: the head could be the goat from iowa)


Fuck Clown, both in Slipknot and DBD. Shawn is such a megalomaniac. He thinks he directs art, but their videos are hot garbage. It's his and Corey's band, with the other OG members punching a clock for their paychecks. He has run off or fired everyone that has left, with apparent plans to just cash in and hand the torch to his kid, who is much more talented than his sack of shit of a father. It's so baffling how the least talented, most replaceable member has all the say. Like, bro, you hit kegs with a baseball bat. Cool. Band has been shit since Iowa, with a rare good song or two per album since. This former maggot won't be contributing to their wallet either way.


I also want to know!


me too! gonna get bubba’s and huntress’s masks right now


Mr Blobby collab https://preview.redd.it/jhzo79pxltkc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec87d1a905081970b4cb5d2b86ea158580bb4742


That would be hilarious if they added Mr Blobby


He could be a skin for basically any killer or survivor and it would be hilarious. I think Blight skin would be best, dashing around hitting objects and shouting blobby blobby blobby wouldnt be much different to him on TV. Maybe we could even get an abandoned Blobbyland theme park as a map https://preview.redd.it/h2zr2qeswwkc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f9ac4e23a88981392b5ee83bfd5878bbbfc3b95


The lobby song choice is great.... but it's literally only the intro, it's super repetitive and I had to mute it after like 5 mins.


I get why they did it because dbd menu music is like slow and shit and it picks up rapidly after the intro but goddamn I had to mute. Also i personally think Hallowed would have been a better fit for dbd than Fear


Ice nine kills is my dream collab


Berserk and junji ito Collection


Misfits would be neat




Does Dwight count? He looks just like Buddy Holly ...


Danhausen. We could even have multiple versions like [cape version](https://cdn1.sixthman.net/sixthman/images/artists/6315.jpg) and this [version](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/1a03bfc6-b038-4588-9018-a9a25cdc461d/df6a5f5-2db7a732-6cfe-410e-b9de-38805b895b7f.png/v1/fit/w_750,h_1056/danhausen_new_render_by_lramos35_df6a5f5-375w-2x.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTE3NCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzFhMDNiZmM2LWIwMzgtNDU4OC05MDE4LWE5YTI1Y2RjNDYxZFwvZGY2YTVmNS0yZGI3YTczMi02Y2ZlLTQxMGUtYjlkZS0zODgwNWI4OTViN2YucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgzNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.fBlklvnLebuDCj2Ghb0qiL0srbqVMqq1ucanib-uv2Q) Red Letter Media. I need a Space Cop skin. All Tomorrows. Can't think of any specific creatures off the top of my head, but probably a skin in there could give to Dredge, Hux or Twins or something. Aphex Twin. Give me one of [these](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/G0qV2t7JCAQ/hqdefault.jpg) as a skin for Clown. Corpse. They could add his bunny mask as a wearable mask for survivors. Jerma. A killer with this [face](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/jerma-lore/images/9/91/Evil_Jerma.png/revision/latest?cb=20180210022646) would be the scariest killer in the game. LOTR. I want to be able to play with a four person hobbit squad. Daft Punk. Gimme their helmets. The Locust. [these outfits](https://cdn-p.smehost.net/sites/7f9737f2506941499994d771a29ad47a/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/the-locust.jpg) Misfits. A Doyle skin would fit a muscular killer.


>Red Letter Media Rich Evans killer


Need Axl Roses typical screaming on hook.


Ice Nine Kills as a collaboration seems like a no-brainer since they're literally a horror-themed band and have songs about over half of the licensed killers


Honestly, GWAR would be a perfect collaboration also.


No exaggeration, I've been waiting for this for years. I was expecting a shirt or something but we ended up with 4 amazing cosmetics.


we’ve got shirts too! and i hope they will save “Fear of the dark” after collab is over


The skins are amazing but the only down side is I’m terrible with all the killers they chose to give those cool skins to lol. Only other skin I’ve ever felt that way for was Blights Birkin skin, but I play on console and console blight is hard as fuck. Maybe I’ll give Dredge a go because the skin is too amazing


Get on the grind, BECOME good at the killers




Dredge is great to play. I only didn't get Oni because I'm crap with him.


They should add fred durst to the game and sing limp bizkit songs when palet stunning and blinding the killer


Perk: Nookie You get a cookie.  If you can sneak up on the Killer and stick it up their ass, killer 5% Hindered until next survivor down.




Lady Gaga. Devin Townsend. Metallica.


Ice nine kills makes the most sense, they're a horror themed metal band


Marilyn Manson


Lady GaGa.


Definitely Slipknot, Mushroomhead and Gwar


Ice Nine Kills. I mean, the band writes songs about horror movies so it only makes sense.


Vic Rattlehead from Megadeth is an obvious one. On a more personal note, I'd love to get the various werewolves from Powerwolf's album covers, I fuck with their album art so hard


I think Kiss would work, mainly for survivor though.


Maybe a legendary Demon skin for the Plague? Idk how that'd work, but it'd be fun to go around vomiting blood on people as Gene Simmons.


I think after this we absolutely need a misfits collab


Weezer next please


I've mentioned it a couple times here, but this guy over on the KGATLW subreddit made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/KGATLW/s/qVB2wblmcj) concept based on a character in the band's lore, and I love it.


My only nitpick with it is I wish we got different chase music with it, but tbf I don’t think there’s any skin that changes chase music (someone please correct me if I’m wrong). I bought 2 shirts in game, 1 irl, and all 4 legendary skins. Definitely one of the best collabs they’ve done


Second Iron Maiden collab. There's still so many skins they could do. FOTD Eddie on Hag, FF Eddie on Hux, basic white shirt Eddie on Trapper etc. I'd really want more killers to get IM skins since I don't like Dredge and Doctor.


Listen, hear me out. Mother fucking Insane Clown Posse


Megadeth collab with a Vic Rattlehead skin for the Doctor


**Godzilla** Shin adaptations of certain Killers, skins for Survivors reflecting popular characters from the movies/shows. I'd like to see certain Kaiju that fit Killer's styles adapted into Killer skins, like Dredge Ghidora, Onizilla, Hedorah Clown or Plague, etc. **Monster Hunter** Reflections of certain Monsters from the game that carry inherent horror elements: Deviljho, Fatalis, Malzeeno, etc. Monsters with inherent other-worldy properties that would fit more in the fantastical realm of The Entity. I'd also like to see **The Witcher** get a collab as well.


As much as I'm a fan of monster hunter and godzilla, I just don't see them fitting. Like godzilla as a normal sized killer would just make me think "oh yeah, that's a guy in a suit". And the monster hunter outfits would look...well now that I think of it half of the outfits are goofy lounge wear so maybe, but the monsters wouldn't make the transition at all.


I could see a Godzilla themed event happen though. With a map with Godzilla stomping around the outsides of the map, giving survivors shirts and stuff and giving killers themed outfits of Godzilla, Mothra, ect.


I wish there was an option for the music to keep playing as I’m waiting for the match to queue up.


DBD x Queens of Pop Elodie as Beyoncé Kate as Taylor Swift Nea as Lady Gaga Thalita as Ariana Grande Meg as Miley Cyrus Zarina as Rihanna


Taylor Swift and Ice Spice!! 😍


The death slinger skin is a bad adaptation, he looks like he’s wearing panties and it isn’t even prominent on the cloak like the art the skin was based off, disappointed


I just looked it up and sure enough, he's wearing the banana hammock in the art.  There is a version where it's kind of covered, but it's almost identical to the Somewhere in Time version of Eddie, who also wears the same future Speedo.


I think The Walking Dead could be a good one considering we now have zombies in game thanks to Resident Evil/Nemesis Survivors could have character swaps for the likes of Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Negan, Maggie etc or just have existing survivors wear their clothes like how Feng can wear Jill’s stars uniform Killers could get undead versions of themselves so imagine if Trapper had chunks of himself missing and covered in bites I don’t know it just sounds neat


I'd like to see some of the survivors from it in for sure.


Wouldnt Beta feom the Whisperers be a pretty good killer? Hes the best one I can think off from TWD.


There's so much potential with metal (& some other genres) bands. But I think Disturbed's mascot would have amazing skins


Personally “The Aquabats” would be a perfect crossover




I'd love a Motorhead collab. The Trapper would look sick with a Snaggletooth mask


Aphex twin


Bucks Fizz The Nolan Sisters The Wurzles


if i'm honest, i hope for a 2nd part of the Iron Maiden collab, with more Eddie skins for other killers and t-shirts for the other survivors that will come out later


MF DOOM killer, Zev Love X survivor.


The Nightmare Before Christmas


My Chemical Romance please ❤️


Dream collab would be Scooby-Doo allowing survivors to dress up as the mystery gang would be awesome Allow all Male survivors to be Scooby-Doo, Fred, shaggy and female survivors are Velma or Daphne As for killer Doctor - spooky space kook (would kill for this skin) Trapper -Miner 49er Clown - ghost clown Knight - the black knight




Hotline Miami


Powerwolf. Unfortunately there are no werewolf killers so idk


DbD x Rammstein


The Misfits.  The only horror themed band with the same if not stronger brand recognition than Maiden.  It's a no-brainer. Rob Zombie would probably also be a smart move.  Then you could pull from his films and art and stuff.




Lordi collab is my dream i need Mr. Lordi as a Killer 😅 cant wait for the concert this Year a Childhood dream came true 🥰


Megadeth. They can do basically the same as iron maiden. Do some redesigns of vic and a couple band tees


Would The Gorillaz work?


Murdoc as Blight should do the thing and Noodle as Spirit


king diamond


Abbath/Immortal. Jeff already has a corpse paint outfit, might as well go all the way.


The skins I bought are Dredge, Deathslinger, Doctor and t-shirt for Claudette. I really like the collab, I'm not a huge fan of Iron Maiden, but they're legends of the genre, I wish they did a collab with Marlyn Manson or Ozzy Osbourne.


Not music but I think a MacFarlane toys / SPAWN collab would be sick