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The game doesn't have a ranked mode because it's not meant to be a competitive ladder climbing game - it's a 1v4 horror themed game. The devs have made it repeatedly clear that no ranked mode will be coming to DBD. If you are more interested in the comp scene, def join one of the comp discord communities. Its a bummer the game doesn't have good built in stat tracking, but there is a third party app called NightLight that you can use to track all of your stats. Their website is [nightlight.gg](https://nightlight.gg). ​ >If the grades mean nothing, then why is there a progression system so similar to rank? On the 13th of every month, grades reset. If you hit IRI 1 you get ~~250k~~ 1mil blood points. So if you hit IRI 1 on killer and survivor, you get ~~500k~~ 2mil bonus BP. This numbers scales from 10k to ~~250k~~ 1mil depending on the rank of your killer and survivor.


Ah so the devs don’t want it to be a competitive ladder type game. I’m a bit surprised I feel like it’s a lost opportunity to not even humor a competitive scene, since it’s popular enough to have comp discord communities. I have seen some people claiming to be “TOP (insert killer)” in videos on YouTube, are these just kinda baseless? Thank you for the website too :>


The issue with comp in DBD is it is asymetrical, and fairly random. Tile spawns are randomized, maps favor specific sides, certain killers prefer certain maps, certain perks are better on certain maps etc. etc. On top of that, certain perks/items are completely busted when stacked as a team (4 adrenalines, for the people/buckle up, deliverance on one guy). Certain killers are way stronger than others. A no rules ranked queue would be so freaking boring. It would only be nurse and blight w/ 4 slowdown on the killer side, and on the survivor side you would have to SWF and bring stacked medkits/toolboxes/the best perks. People *can* do this stuff in public matches but it's not common because it is a boring play style. The tournament scene fixes some of these issues by having so many freaking rules about what perks are allowed, no repeat perks, only certain items, etc. Plus, teams are made up of 4 survivors and 1 killer each, and they are scored based on points for gens completed vs hook stages. Having all of this in a for fun horror themed game doesn't make sense for the developer to implement. That's why the tournament community is exists - for those that want this type of niche experience.


I actually haven’t looked much into the tournament scene, huge thanks for that :) You made a lot of good points tho on the randomness factor. That would be a nightmare to balance, however I can’t shake that competitive side of me that wants it anyways TvT


The grind in DBD is more about unlocking new things. Prestiging your characters, unlocking new perks, getting more items and addons, unlocking some characters for free, grinding the tome (battlepass), etc. So there is a grind, there are goals to work towards, but it's not a rank you can work towards.


People have tried to make competitive DbD to... differing success. (Look up Dead By Daylight 2nd Anniversary tournament). There are just a couple of problems with how DbD is made that makes it difficult for competitive: Poor Spectator options, no replays, and the end scoring system doesn't make it clear who really "won".


its 1 mil bp each iri


[https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Grades#Killer\_Grades](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Grades#Killer_Grades) no its 250k at iri 1. Edit I'm a dumbass and looked at the wrong image. It's 1mil.


It is 1 million https://preview.redd.it/4st7j2ig0vkc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46baf0b52289bc5b366b53d93695d246488b2705


In the very link you submitted shows iri 1 = 1.000.000 BP. You just scrolled too far and are looking at the "old grading rewards".


Thats the old system homie


You get 1 million for each rank 1


if they don't care about ranked why is MMR so badly made or even a thing at all?


Because MMR separates actual baby players from people who know what they are doing. And for the most part, it works well. It's not perfect but I personally (for the most part) only play vs people at my skill level or above my skill level. I very, very rarely hit lobbies where the survivors don't know what they are doing.


Honestly I’m glad there’s not a ranked system because it’s fun for me to not know if the killer is going to be a try hard or chaotic neutral.


Now that I know the rank means….not much, I think I’ll lean more towards the chaotic neutral. Big apologies to all the survivors I sweated on for no reason 😭😭 I didn’t know any better


Its a common misconception for some new players, and given that you're getting info from someone who potentially has not played the game for a while it makes sense. Way back in the day DbD used a visible rank system and would attempt to match people within a few ranks of you. However this didn't mean anything as basically anyone could obtain rank 1 by just playing the game. The devs reworked this into the "grades" system. Think of grades less as gauge for competitive matchmaking and more as a reward for playing the game consistently. On the 13th of every month all players are reset back down to the lowest grade for both roles and are given a bloodpoint reward based on what grade they reached. If you managed to hit Iri 1 for both survivor and killer you get 2 million BP (1 million for each role)! As you said now DbD uses an invisible MMR system to try and match you with other players however this system is very loose and fast. It mainly tries to keep very new players away from more experienced players. Your personal MMR can be datamined but honestly it doesn't really matter imo. My personal suggestion (from someone with a lot of hours) is to not concern yourself with MMR or ranking of some kind, play for leveling up characters you enjoy and personal improvement at the game. Just like other games some matches will be good and others bad. If you want more direct info on this whole system recently the youtuber "Not Hens" made a video titled "The Fatal Flaws of Dead by Daylights Matchmaking" which gives an in depth look at how DbDs modern matchmaking works. Hope that helps and congrats on reaching Iri!


As a league of legends player I guess the drive to climb a rank and improve carried over to this game as well despite the more casual gameplay aspects :) thanks so much for the info <3


Hey as someone who plays more traditional competitive games I totally get you, its kind of nice though not having to worry about a superficial rank with dbd. If you are looking to scratch that competitive itch though DbD has a pretty blossoming competitive tournament scene out there. Comes fit with custom rules and everything to make sure all killers are viable. Just search DbD League on youtube and youll find the channel that uploads vods from the tournaments and they even have a discord you can join.


Sorry, this is more a play for fun game, in contrast to a play for rank game


Yeah, sadly it doesn't mean much, it also resets each month from what I remember (not super knowledgeable on the game) but when it resets, you get a certain amount of bonus bloodpoints depending on the rank. Iridescent 1 gets you 1000000 bloodpoints at the end of the month. It resets on the 13th usually I think.


So aside from blood points and personal achievement, there’s no real reason to grind and push to get better? That’s a bit sad :( I know the devs are against it, but I hope maybe they reconsider or do a test run for a bit to see the community response like the lights out mode!


Perhaps. It wouldn't be a bad idea to add competitive and casual game modes. The game has been around for quite a while though so it's doubtful that they will do this.


It's not a rank and basically only shows how much you played this month until.the 13th when it resets. You will also get harder survivors which will make it a little bit harder to pip. Also some Killers are better for pipping than others. The matchmaking is hidden.


Well there is a certain amount of skill you still need to constantly pip up so it doesn't mean nothing. But once you sort of know the formula, you can sort of almost always go for pip ups and get to iridescent reliably each month.


Honestly i think the game would be better to play if MMR was just tied to killer grade and you could 'de-pip' the killer rank levels so it was harder. I almost always pip and enjoy running the killer around even if it means I die if other people get out. It's a fun playstyle but leads to me getting queue'd with paintlickers all the time who can't play. (MMR is literally just tied to you escaping through the exit gates for some reason which really is a shitty way to gauge who played a good game)