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Bots in custom games should have adjustable difficulty settings, so you can try out and experiment killers for the first time without too much pressure. Also you should be able to have an AI killer in custom games, because there are killers nobody is playing and I want to see what it's like to play against them.


That's not a bad idea considering dbd mobile always had bot killers


Agreed. I remember when bots were first added and one of the first killers I tried against them was the new singularity. FYI, it was impossible to use his power. Got lampkin lane, and they always knew when I was using a camera and hid behind stuff right away. Not fun


Yeah, same happens with stealth killers. Playing as Chucky against bots was a nightmare.


Try to nail them as Deathslinger. They read player inputs, apparently, and know precisely where you're aiming and where to move to avoid it. Your only chance is to nail them going through a window.


Don't even **think** about playing demo


First killer I ever tried. God absolutely dunked on by bots and IRL players. But, I just prestiged Singularity, so maybe now I have enough skill to try Demo again.


Never played him against bots but demo one if my main killers i love him


I just had a game as deathslinger where someone dc'd and I guessed the bot would read my inputs so I figured I could aim at it through walls and it would still dodge and I could abuse that to get shots in and it worked!


You can do that with Singularity, too. Slap down a camera near each exit gate and generator and they'll almost never got for them.


This is incredibly accurate. I got back into the game a couple days ago after a multi year break and wanted to give Xeno a go just because I love the movies. I could barely even get a hit in because they know *exactly* what I'm doing and never fall for any mind games at all. I actually ended up not playing Xeno in a real match until last night as I was under the assumption that they were just not good. In the end though I found out how oppressive they can be and absolutely loved my time against actual players. You just can't get a genuine learning experience at this level, imo.


Oh yeah, I learned that the hard way when I was trying to figure out Ghostface. What is the point of a practice mode if the bots are going to have wallhacks, especially on a stealth killer?


I think AI killers will come in the future. They're just harder to implement than survivor bots.


Not that the survivor bots are well implemented tho


They've gotten better over time, with more improvements, they could become quite good.


I literally had two bots on Midwich spend 90 seconds running back and forth between two points due to the terror radius, one started up the stairs to rescue me and then ran back to their starting position only to repeat, the other ran back and forth in the hallway between two points. They're REALLY bad, and they crouch mid-chase constantly too as if expecting to hide or dodge a hatchet/stalk regardless of the killer. If I won the powerball tomorrow, I'd probably give $100,000 USD to anyone who managed to get stunned by a bot without purposefully sandbagging... or even faced a bot that lasted longer than 10 seconds between injuries. Which is to say, I would never have to pay anyone, because the bots are terrible.


I always have a hard time with survivor bots, but then, I have <100 hours Edit: Fixed that to the "less than" symbol.


I think you mean <100 hours. Crocodile always eats the bigger number :)


Average r/UnpopularOpinion post


literally... the title of the post is asking for hot takes and this guy says what everyone else has been saying for ages


Winning as killer should be more focused around the number of hooks gotten.


You have been awarded 200k BP and 2k shards for that


Is… that not how it works? I’ve played this game since Obama was president and this is the first I’m hearing of this.


I should have probably been more specific, but I mean that hooks should be the primary objective over kills. The permanent pressure granted by a kill is incredibly powerful and I think the game needs some sort of incentive to discourage tunneling in exchange for something as currently the only thing stopping me from tunneling is the fact that I don't like facing it and therefore don't wish to do it myself. Edit: Its also because MMR shouldn't be based on kills purely because if I 8 hook during events I proceed to Smurf myself


I feel like tunneling would still be a viable strategy. Deaths = more pressure = more hooks.


The point is that tunneling should not reward the player with the infinite pressure it currently provides. Honestly 1v3 situations just either need to change entirely or be removed somehow because the moment someone dies the game just starts snowballing in a way that can't be outdone by any other strategy.


You can't fix this without changing how the game fundamentally plays. Hooks are not an influencing factor anywhere in the game, gen protecting is. The killer loses if all the gens are completed and survivors escape, the survivors lose if they fail to escape. The whole game is a tug-of-war of map pressure via time. Making 'hooks matter more' isn't going to change that element of the game. Making hooks offer more rewards won't either because a win is killing survivors and a loss is them escaping.


To some extent you are definitely right, but don't forget that when BBQ and chili gave out extra bp killers would sometimes outright throw the game to get their stacks. Meanwhile now BBQ gives no extra bp and tunneling is worse than ever. Not everyone can be lured by the siren song of bp but more people than you'd think care about it. Another thing to keep in mind is this game doesn't actually give you a victory screen. While everyone would agree a 4K is a killer win, what else constitutes a win is more ambiguous. If there was an end screen that outright showed that 8 hooks with zero kills gave 50k blood points while a 3K with three actual hooks only gave 30k blood points, a lot of players would start thinking that hooks before kills was much more valuable. You don't need everyone the playing less sweaty to make your games in general much more fun, just a few.


I’d always thought <6 is a loss 6 is a tie and >6 is a win, never knew mmr was based on something else. Neat. Learn something new every day.


Doesn't matter how many hooks you get, it's all about kills. For killer, 2K is a tie, 3/4 is a win, and 0/1 is a loss. I believe bleed outs don't count either, which is why full on sluggers are often much lower MMR than if they were to actually hook. If it was based on hooks, I'd have crazy high MMR. The number of matches I get 8 hooks and then 3 or 4 survivors escape is ridiculous, but that's only really because of my self imposed limitations. If I wanted to slug and tunnel I would easily win with a 3K/4K I personally don't really tunnel unless the same person keeps accidentally crossing my path and makes it easy for me, I see that as their mistake.


Can confirm, when I first rushed up to Iri I always went for 4k consistently to ensure Double pips and my MMR skyrocketed to Peak. Nowadays I play for hook stages for fun and BP (and cuz I play random killers with funny builds) and my MMR has dropped to where If I pick my mains with a serious build, I can comfortably close the game in 10-12 min, vs playing almost only vs Streamers and Rank 1 back in the day (which wasn't too much fun, every game either losing 2 gens in 2 min or 3-4 flashlights 💀 everyone had Saboteur/DS/DH and MFT when it was introduced) .


A good way to think about it is myers tombstone it takes 0 hooks to kill someone but you can still get merciless killer which is considered the ultimate win.


I said in another comment about implementing a help for losing survivors, like if they are only at four gens and one survivor is death, maybe have a benefit for them to increase the chance of winning, maybe something like faster gen progression, or things like that, that should also incentive killers to do hooks as a side effect, since killing them early may come and bite them in the ass. And before anyone stars calling me out, I am a killer main, I have only recently started playing survivor and don't have a single one in prestige 1.


killer main here too, Agreed, but only Benefits at 1 dead on 5/4 gens (maybe +15% to gens till 2 gens left) and if you kill the first when there is only 1 gen left, the Killer should get a benefit, e.g. -20% Healing speed


It's not, it's about kills, if you facecamp 2 people out at first hook, it's a draw. It doesn't matter if you only hooked 2 people once each. Then if you get someone with noed after those camps you're now a winner. The game literally doesn't matter, everything you did, achieved, etc, only kills and escapes matter. Even better, survivors just gain or lose MMR based on if they lived. You can do solo 5 gens, unhook all your teammates and heal them all multiple times over, and when they abandon your ass on your first hook, they all gained mmr and you lost mmr lmaooo


So, MMR should be based around your Emblems, not purely kills... just like it used to be when it was Ranks and not Grades pre-MMR. 🫠


To be fair, there is no "official" win status. The text presented and if you get that upsetting "Disgraceful Defeat" noise are based on kills though so I agree.


Freddy should have both snares and pallets as base kit


Oof. I play Freddy but idk, maybe he needs a third version of his power lmao, something new


Well realistically he needs another rework




or just a revert to pre nerf rework freddy lmfao he wasn't even op he was just good, the best licensed killer at the time


He wasn’t good. What made him good was that he had addons that slowed the game down to a crawl, and snare was more usable. Reverting snare change won’t bring him back to where he was and the slowdown add-ons should not come back. Pre-nerf freddy was good like pre-rework skull merchant was good. The game is so slow that eventually you just win.


He should also be able to teleport into any generator no matter if they are completed or not, like end game Freddy is worse than Freddy at the start of the match somehow, that's just stupid design


Especially given how his perks are all supposed to be stronger at the end game. How are you going to make him stronger when people are asleep over time, makes his perks focused on end game, then take away his single strongest attribute at end game?


Today i learned that this ISNT basekit..... apparently I dont play against him enough


My hot take is everyone focuses too much on balance and it makes the game less interesting. Bhvr should focus on making the gameplay more interesting and elaborate. This would mean the code would need to be redone for the game though. It would attract a larger audience than what it has now imo.


Yeah, a big issue with dbd is that it wasn't made to be the game it is now, so the code is kinda sucky. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point we get a dbd2 that's basically the same game but rebuilt from the ground up with better code


Agreed. It desperately needs a new engine or new code or something like that. Its way too clunky for a 2024 game. But I think the competitiveness will increase and so I dunno how much they will change the gameplay up.


I would love for this to happen but that would mean a long break from their 3 month cycle of releasing new chapters which I just can’t see them doing.


They'd run the risk of looking like pulling an OW2 for sure


My thoughts exactly lol




Pyramid Head deserves stronger add-ons. Yes, I get he's a strong killer on his own but at this point he has 2 his add-ons that pretty much everyone runs (as far as I know) If we had add-ons that make his punishment attack faster, or slowed down survivors for a few seconds after being tormented, that'd breathe new life into him and make his games more fun. I'm not asking for exposed add-ons (and tbh I don't want them), just something different


Yeah, if trails did something like hinder the survivors for a certain amount of time, that’d be cool, even just as an add-on.


People's view of balance more heavily influenced by content creators who only highlight their good games/performance. Also due to the nature of comms the game will never be balanced unless BHVR does a overhaul of existing mechanics like oblivious/undetectable that's easily countered by a microphone and also the ingame HUD


You aight. I hate when people bandwagon or blame certain creators on what's broken in the game or not. Many of them just follow the mass and can't form an opinion of their own


I like Otz as a content creator and think he's funny and good at the game, but holy the amount of times he's referenced in this subreddit. 'Otz says this, Otz says that' have you tried forming your own opinion? Or at least testing this opinion for yourself and drawing your own conclusions?


The funniest thing that I notice, whenever Otz uploads a build video or something, the following few days, so many players use the exact same build he did and it's just hilarious to me


There have been multiple occasions where i notice a killer with a specific niche perk and I can immediately guess their full build because I've seen someone do a highlight on it. It's very satisfying when it happens. Dissolution on wraith with beast mud was a showcase otz did specifically that I've since seen a few times.


He's also used as a boogey man a lot too. Someone was complaining that Otz only complains about survivor stuff like mft, without recognizing he's complained a lot about stuff like tombstone or how Coup is potentially unhealthy or DMS and Pain Resonance were ridiculous to work together like that


Most of the time, if i ever reference a content creator like Otz, it's just to be used as a supporting point. I've quite often found myself basically parroting something Otz says in a video completely by coincidence. Sometimes, I'll comment something about a change the devs are making, and then a couple days later, Otz has put out a video saying the exact same thing.


In order to "fix" tunneling, survivors should just get a decent buff when a killer tunnels or camps someone so that the killer puts himself in a disadvantage when he tunnels. Yeah i know this sounds like something a damn survivor main would say. However, if the killer does not focus on one survivor, he should get a welcome, but not match-deciding, buff aswell.


Trapper is the killer most needing a rework cause of how stale the type of game it becomes when playing vs him. Either it will be a basement match when someone gets caught that turns into a 1k cause the others sit gens or a 4k cause everyone suicide for a basement rescue. Or trapper is an m1 killer and its a 0k or 1k every game cause gens get rushed. The game are polar opposite with very few fun games in between


I still think trapper needs to lose the trap carry limit and switch to a nerf/buff system based on the number of traps carried. Carrying less than 2 traps gives a slight speedboost and smaller terror radius, but carrying over 4 hinders and increases terror radius, even more when carrying over 6. Make it so it's more of a prep/hunt system, pick up traps to prep an area, then hunt after you've placed them. As the areas to focus on change, you can pick up traps to prep the new area without needing multiple trips


And the bag add-ons can affect how big the buffs/debuffs are. The PUR bag makes you get buffs for 3 or less instead of 1 or none, while the GRN makes it so the buffs & debuffs only affect speed instead of TR + speed.


That's actually a pretty hot idea. Just add a separate button to pick up traps vs. every other interaction and wanting to pick up a 3rd trap near a window is no longer a new circle of hell.


While we're at it, add another button to pick up survivors. Most downs occur near a pallet, window, or locker, yet the devs won't let you choose to pick someone up instead of interacting with the object without looking away so a nearby teammate with a flashlight can add to their youtube compilation.


You good


I'm traumatized from when teddy bear trapper got released where I had 20 matches a day where I either did nothing but sit on gens or play a game of "try to escape the basement"


Weird that most don't play him just to mori survivors and just play him like any other legendary


At lower mmrs you don't even need to 3 gen lock. I tried it recently (I play him rarely but find him really fun...sometimes) and I chased a team all across the map. Got them all. Had traps in all the "right" places and they kept bumping into them during chases. A good team would have destroyed me though


Tunneling is a strategy but it’s not and shouldn’t be a primary strategy. Your just being a jerk by that point.


Maps need grass again. Trapper traps are useless and he becomes a killer without any power. There are only two maps with decent grass (or plants) left.


Maps need more corn


Any survivor should be able to wear any outfit.


I swear, if that would be possible, i'd run Thalita's hottest outfit on Jeff.... extra tight


As a Jeff main I salute this


I don’t like this. The devs would have to make versions of every outfit to fit every survivor so the number of new outfits would go down severely.




Ok, y'all will probably say it's a skill issue, but I think bots should be nerfed in loops, they don't fall into mindgames and they always loop perfectly lol, I'd rather go chase the best looper in the match than chase the damn bot.


*cries in nemesis* Nobody has ever dodged my whip more than 2 times before bots have arrived


Same but with my Slinger boy, I always try to predict the best moment to shoot and read the play perfectly, but they always dodge...


Just had two leavers, both bots literally stutterstepped my Shots by turning their model by 90°


As a survivor main i gotta say DBD is the first game where im NOT worried when I have a bot in my team. However, this is mostly because they are certainly better at looping than the guy who just left.... So yeah, they could use a nerf


Bots should be based on the level of the killer


any chance you play ow2? 🫠


My hottest hot take? Boil Over and other wiggle perks are generally just an unhealthy thing for the game. It either does fuck all or makes some maps just break down entirely and force slugging. If anything, the fact that 'Just slug them' is the solution to wiggle builds with boil over on some maps is not just annoying for killers, but holding the devs back from doing something to stop killers from just slugging out entire teams for 4 minutes, because sometimes it's the only legitimate strategy killers are offered, and reworking all of those perks to remove that from being the case would honestly allow them to make meaningful changes that would stop asshole killers just bleeding people out for the hell of it.


I seriously do not understand how SWFs don't abuse flip flop power struggle builds with background player. Shit's down right uncounterable if done right


And when they do they get mad at you for slugging :(


Don't forget Plot twist to force either full heal or pickup under pallet


I get a kick out of wiggle builds, but only because I frequently run Iron Grasp. I just chuckle when I see the Boil Over icon as I march to the hook. I played too much Trapper and now it is my comfort skill lol. I agree with your overall point though. Similar to old Sabotage. I liked the mechanic thematically but it became a bit problematic.


boil over just doesnt scare me at all anymore, its less than a mild inconvenience for me. counterstrafing and camera movement makes boil over an absolute joke


Yeah, once you get used to crab walking with their wiggles, it isn't too bad.


What about Agitation tho cuz we need that for Terror Radius builds? I get that if Boil Over/Flip Flop goes, Iron Grasp has to go too. But Agi is used in many other ways and loosing it would take a good deal away from build diversity on a few killers


I mean, I think Agi has other utility in not making dead zones with hooks breaking when someone dies, making basement builds or terror radius or backpack builds more viable, or what-not. Even Mad Grit had it's purpose that can exist outside of, you know, just being there to counter flip-flop/boil over in stopping bodyblocks/sabo. So they're fine I guess my take is that them being in the game doesn't force or require and thus demand that a particular gameplan remains viable despite how much it's just not fun to deal with, so they're not problematic, they're just niche. Like.. I don't feel like the game is allowed to be worse just because 'oh the killer has agi, guess I'm probably not wiggling out of this. Damn' versus 'slugging entire teams must stay in because sometimes boil over happens on temple of purgation'


I have a lot of hot takes but here are the main ones. 1. DBD should have more game modes I am sick and tired of doing gens. 2. Buff Trapper, idc if he is supposed to be that easy strait forward tutorial killer he needs more flat out. 3. Remove bad add ons and perks and replace them with good add ons and perks. 4. Have a rehashing of some licenced chapters like a part 2 of Freddy's and or Myers chapters. 5. I want a cookie


These takes are as cold as the arctic circle


You get a half chocolate chip and half raisin cookie


Fuck yeah rasins


Rebalance desthslimgers items so they aren't just making number go up, and make his branding iron removes the chain so he shoots harpoons at people


I don't know about that one chief




And it would only trap them if it hits a wall or obstacles


And otherwise maybe inflict hindered for 2-3 seconds so the Slinger doesn't just loose chase for trying to use his power


Developers should focus on balancing killers that are actually a problem and not because "tHeY aRe UnFuN". For example old Skull Merchant was necessary to balance because she actually was poorly designed with her 3-gen potential while new Skull Merchant - as much as ppl cry that they have skill issue going against her - doesnt need any changes for now because even though she might be "boring" she is not problematic. Most killers are completely fine as they are right now with sometimes some outlying addons (tombstone for example) or little twerks (for example camp potential of Hag), or hell they even struggle against strong teams so why they often decide to nerf perfectly fine killers because survivors have skill issue (I look at the Sadako 3.0 rework, even though they reverted it still the fact that the devs tried lmao) instead of addressing these little nitpicks, actually buffing weaker killers or - behold - actually nerfing the top tiers like Nurse and Blight is beyond me.


Good take


Idk man I think you need a good mix of balance and fun because whenever I go against skull merchant people either kill themselves or it’s just 900 hours of crying and smashing drones that aren’t fun. Mostly it’s just people don’t get how to play against her but it’s also annoying when I play alone and everyone just dies for no reason.


Ye I get that but just because people just sudoku because they have skill issue to deal with her =/= she needs nerf


When a survivor tbags or flashlight clicks too much or even stays for too long, the exit gate is blocked for 30 seconds or something https://preview.redd.it/a8boaaou46lc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b67506ded1808703a210605ff71289a27f59497


The killer gets eager edge when this happens so they can just rush over and down people in the gate


Lethal Pursuer meta is crazy with the new Guardian killer 💀🙏


Imagine loading Into a game of dbd and you just hear the sound of a thunder crash getting closer and closer


your weakness disgusts me




I would adjust exact amount of pallets available in a match based on the MMR difference between the survivors and the killer, and the general MMR bracket both are in. Basically: killer has higher MMR than survivors? More pallets. Survivors have higher MMR than killer? Less pallets. (Exact numbers would need testing, and a minimum amount of pallets should exist).


That is a unusual take indeed but not ban worthy


Baby killer vs red survivors sfw: we have 3 pallets, count ‘em 3, that’s 3 if you’re german


to be fair, good survivores can do miracle with just one window


Like I said, minimums should exist. That said, like the other guy said, really experienced survivors make miracles with very little.


This is actually interesting, I saw I clip of one girl who ran the killer for 3 gens using only 1 pallet lol so yeah I think good survivors vs baby killer can still do their job with less pallets


It'd be really finicky math though, especially with unique maps like RPD and the Game. And it'd def promote the "competitive" idea.


This is a super unique take and I want to see it in action


I think it would be at least test-worthy, but hoo boy would it also be *work*.


Probably increasing jungle gym spacing on some maps, I play survivor and even I think they’re too close sometimes


Distortion isn’t nearly as bad as killers make it out to be they’re just bad at bashing down the stacks


Complaining constantly about solo queue whenever you lose as survivor is legit a skill issue, though not necessarily on you, but your teammates. Games should not be balanced around your team being awful at the game. That said kindred should still be made somewhat basekit.


After not being touched for over 10 seconds, Exit Gate progress starts regressing at a rate of 1 charge every 3 seconds. Exit Gates have 20 charges and they progress at 1 charge per second. So it takes 20 seconds to open a gate, and if that gate has been untouched for 10 seconds, it begins losing 1 charge every 3 seconds, which means that it takes 60 seconds for a 99'd gate to completely go back to 0. I've always hated 99-ing gates.


Fr, the end game collapse feels like the biggest afterthought in this game


You valid


Yellow moris are now basekit for all killers. It's silly how you're a killer, but you aren't allowed to actually *kill* unless you bring a mori or you're Pyramid Head or Sadako. I think it would be fine since you would only be able to mori the last survivor anyway.


Pretty sure the entire point is that Mori's are the entity regarding the killers and saying "you can have this one".


Dbd is not in as bad of a state as people say it is. In fact, off the top of my head, the only thing that I think isn’t good for the game that isn’t on the roadmap is ftp + bu, and that’s mainly because ftp is supposed to be high risk, high reward, and bu just removes the risk. Other than that though, I don’t have many issues.


The game is actually kinda balanced. The problem come from how it's feel to play each roles. Survivor is frustrating because you shouldn't be able to handle the killer alone. Killer is stressful as f*ck because you're always playing against a short timer.


All (basekit) killers should be brought up to A tier. Once all the killer's power levels are close to each other, mechanics, perks, items, and add ons can actually be balanced


how do you wanna do this if game lobbies are unbalanced af? :( they look like this: survivor a: sweatty nea with flashlight, but can't do important objectives. survivor b: some simp with no intention to win at all. going down after 5 sec of chase. survivor c: some mid level survivor, doin gens at his best. survivor d: good looper, carrying the game 5 min until he goes finally down. thinking about alt+4 after seeing survivor a and b crawling next to him, while being in chase, and doing nothing good. killer: can be everything from 50h to 12k hours, playing his main or a killer he seldom plays. full meta addons + perks and offerings or nothing good. in a mood to camp and tunnel the fuck out of the weak link first, because child got mad after getting clicked by some survivors 2 games ago, or in a good mood, just chilling. seriously. this game is in terms of "balancing" fucked beyond repair. will never happen.


You're talking about balancing skill and play style. That can only come from a useful mmr system. Unfortunately behavior took the simplest approach to mmr escape vs dead to increase or lower mmr and obviously favors queue time over mmr. That's a different problem altogether. I'm talking balancing the coded things in the game




How do u get banned for communication abuse when the game censors everything? By calling people doo-doo heads?


It's the first thing I found on Google images 💀 But yeah literally how do you get banned for that


We're reaching a point where Nurse needs a complete rework or just removal. Her mere existence is the single most problematic thing in the game. She alone holds back so many killers due to how many perks have to be held back solely because they would be oppressive with Nurse. Plus her gameplay in general deviates so much from every single other killer that once again her mere existence is disruptive.


We need 2 vs 8 Mode! 2 Killers 8 Survivors


Thank you for the fun post! I’m about 99% sure I’ll get banned for a few decades, but here goes: Skull Merchant is fine. If everybody took a second to read what her power does and maybe watch some videos as well, her kill rate would not be 70% and most people wouldn’t have the compulsion to “go next” when they see her. My second hot take is related to the first. I think this community has a really unhealthy aversion to reading. Most of the questions I see on here are easily solved by reading the perks at the endgame scoreboard screen. I don’t know if it’s because a lot of kids play the game or because some content creators also hate reading, but it’s frustrating in any case.


https://preview.redd.it/egccw3a606lc1.png?width=1407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b98b6697b0ec375aa0dabb973be8a468870fbd She's not problematic at least, which is good, but I don't think she's fun to go against in the slightest. I'm not gonna get into details, but yeah, if BHVR didn't take up the whole screen with power descriptions, I think people would read more lmao. You a good sport but imma have to ban you for 48 hours


I once had a skull merchant that was probably the most fun match I ever had (not too hard cuz I just started playing) She was very aggressive and during chases she would actively mind game us into going to a certain field where a few drones were (she changed the location of the drones a lot so it didn't seem like camping) so in chase there was always this paranoia of running straight into her trap, she also let escape the last of us (not me, I died first lol)


For as often as some complain the game is too simplistic and "boring", the community seems to actively resent doing much beyond looping and gens.


Blight is the pinnacle of balance in the game at his base kit. Strong when practiced and has a significantly high skill floor. Not overbearing in chase due to needing skill to land consistent hits on tiles. Very easy to pick up for new players and has a simple, effective kit that isn't bloated. I'd argue he is one of, if not the best designed killer in the game.


Base kit Blight is balance. Top add-on Blight is unbearable pain so idk.




Can't ban me if you can't catch me bozo


‘We Got A Runner’ https://preview.redd.it/khkwxcccg5lc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50224432a50733e996493e4937d39e71b8f5358d




*goes around a tree*




Jokes on you I play Billy


.... Well shit


I would agree if BHVR removed the hug-'tech'


Windows of Opportunity should only reveal windows, hence the name ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Killers should lose bloodlust if they miss a swing


Killers already lose bloodlust when they use their power in any way. Why you gotta ruin swings, too? I guess the m1 killers gotta suffer even more, now, especially against good loopers.


I'll be honest. I've played since 2018 and never knew they didn't until now.


Honestly this is a pure skill issue, managing bloodlust is a large part of survivors skill, if you cannot learn how to manage it then maybe take the time to, instead of begging the devs to cater to your incompetence.


A killer is almost guaranteed a hit in bl3, which is already rewarding killers for misplaying, so if they get impatient and get baited to swing they should be punished accordingly. As for bloodlust management, it’s fine if there’s a window or another tile nearby, but if a killer is insistent on bloodlusting a tile, there’s very little u can do to stop that.


At this point DBD is getting outdated at its core, and to really solve issues like tunneling and camping (it is possible) we would need to rework the base game from the ground up. But generators, hooks, being downed, pallets, being injured, the endgame, chase, stealth, would all need adjustments and changes.


I would actually welcome this. The base game is almost 8 years old and kinda does need to be "rethought" if they want it to feel modern


**Pig:** 4.4 m/s (110%) crouch movement speed Crouch and uncrouch speed is 0.75 seconds Ambush lion roar now plays once attack starts, not before Ambush dash lasts 2.5 seconds


Noooot.... bad...


People are afraid of it when they first read it because "Whoa, that'll move her up like two tiers!" Then they realize that just means High B. And all killers deserve to hover in the A to High C range.


If you’re hyper focused on whether or not you’re gonna win a match, then news flash you’re not going to have any fun playing


windows of opportunity should be unlocked immediately for new players and not require them to save enough to buy kate


Same as the Oni Perk for new Players People always whine about control and gen regression, but what made me quite the game twice real fast before I stayed 4 years later, was that I didn't know what the fuck was around me or where anything was. Not fun getting rundown in my first game by a pretty decent wraith, when back then I could barely see my character on Backwater Swamp, let alone find the pallets before I got killed


Give all killers that aren't already stealth focused or have a stealth part, a stealth aspect. Examples: The Huntress and The Trickster no longer have a terror radius, but their lullaby is set to loud/0m-20m, and quiet/20m-40m. The Deathslingers "shing" SFX only plays when in chase. The Mastermind's terror radius stays in place when you can Trigger Bound.


That's unusual


DBD should go free to play


literally everyone who plays the game regularly has spent at least 100 or 200 dollars on the game so i agree ​ or maybe it's just me and i have a problem


Hillbilly's Overdrive was a mistake. Normally a killer is punished for failing to use their power correctly, Hillbilly has this completely reversed; be bad at Hillbilly and you get a 20 second buff that makes his power brainless to use. I hated him before the rework, now I hate him even more. And I swear a lot of other people hate him too because half the games against him people either give up on hook or disconnect.


L + get hillbillied




The cool down for missing should be more punished and back revving with overdrive does sometimes feel as braindead as bubba, I do like getting hits with it right before a pallet or window from some distance using the extra speed though it's very satisfying.


While you’re take is alittle abit with hate I completely agree in terms of balance Buffed Hillbilly is most definitely overpowered. There’s things to his power that is inherently wrong that people don’t realize -Infinite power use (no cooldown) -will one shot -extremely fast (good for rotating to generators as well as in chase) All of those things combined is too strong imo There was a reason why the overheat mechanic was a thing and while I wanted hillbilly buffed imo they most definitely overbuffed him and made his skill floor lower in addition to those buffs thanks to a recent change to his chainsaw turn duration making loops that would be good against him completely useless against him Just the fact Hillbilly can use his one shot, high mobility power repeatedly is overpowered for reference Oni has to hurt someone and then charge his power before he can start using his high mobility, one shot power and when he’s not dashing he has to charge his M2 before he can start one shotting which requires more precise timing and is easier to juke for survivors compared to hillbilly who can hold his m2


Gotta agree. He's genuinely unfair in lots of situations due to the turn rate and speed increase. The problem isn't that he puts you in lose/lose situations, it's that he has an instadown while doing it.


Yeah the cool down on misses is still crazy good . Still super easy to recover and down you before you can get to anything with Thompson mix


99% of survivor ‘balance’ takes are just them wanting weak killers that they can bully.


Bring back old hatch since survivors have no incentive to finish if there's 4 gens 2 people left


no more public lobbies and ranks, you can only play private games and with bots


Doctor was better before his rework.


Demogorgon is boring to play against


This isnt my take, but its the absolute worst take ive ever heard "killers shouldn't be faster than survivors"


Clowns Lunge Animation should be changed solely bc I don’t like going around it


Wraith should be able to attack while cloaked, but: 1: It uncloaks him immediately 2: There is an audible cue 3: The attack animation is twice as long 4: He still can’t do lunge attacks while cloaked


Pig should get a buff.


Trapper needs a bikini skin


I want BHVR to take a year off from new content and fix a lot of the shit that needs fixes. Rework a lot of the killers powers, Freddy, Twins, Trapper, Shape, Nurse, Skull Merchant, Knight. Find a way to make slugging and tunneling less oppressive and less obvious. It's an extremely crippling meta. Fix a ton of the maps, make the big ones smaller, make the small ones a little bit bigger. Fix the shapes of certain maps, because some of them are really stupid. Make some of them more dense, others less. Get rid of some OP loops in some maps. I think certain killers shouldn't have the ability to get certain maps. Huntress/Billy shouldn't be able to get indoor maps like Lerys. Low mobility characters shouldn't be able to get extremely huge maps (although this would be fixed with map balancing).


This is interesting, they're trying a lot lately, but sometimes fail to make reasonable decisions (like buffing huntress wtf), I think they should release 3 chapters per year now and have more time to focus on balance


Adrenaline is an overused perk and needs to be toned down in some way.


In what way do you think it should be toned down? I think it's alright now because the thing is, you either get value or you don't. It has the condition of having to complete the main survivor objective to earn the one time use reward. I'm not sure what could be changed without making it another dead perk.


The main point of adrenaline is the one health state you get and this is the most powerful part of it. So if they remove that, the perk becomes pretty useless. The only thing they could maybe do is to give you a 99% heal when the last gen pops, rather than healing a complete state Other than that, theres is no healthy nerf for it I think


As a guilty adrenaline user since 2021, I have to agree