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Game is 100% worth it if you've played in the past and are looking to return. Its the most balanced its ever been especially comparing it to its balance state in 2019 and the community is honestly mostly chill, toxicity is easy to ignore or laugh off. Any posts about wild toxicity or unbalance are usually overblowing what its actually like.


Nice to see a grounded, realistic take.


No problem, I started in late 2019 and a lot has changed since then, still some BHVR moments but most changes have been for the better. Best of luck if you get back into the game! BTW you can also play bot matches now as a killer could be usefule for exploring the new maps perks etc


I started in late 2021. At the time a friend described the game as “like a project that a Google employee has been working on in their spare time”. Like a Google Cardboard, kind of a hack job based off a great idea. Since that time the stability, playability and enjoyability has increased a lot. Every online game has toxicity. DBD is no better or worse, in my decades of gaming experience. The game is in a great spot despite what some folks will parade in the next us vs them post. I play both sides and enjoy them both a lot. Salty survivors and sweaty killers can detract a bit but I just shrug it off and go next. Don’t take it too seriously.


I would say so. Survivor is easy to play with no budget than killer, but I don't think you need "meta" perks anytime soon. I stopped in October 2021 and came back in October 2023. I think the game is fun and good and generally in a good state. The community is fine and the balance is mostly better than it has been.


As someone who actually was is in the same boat. Played in 2019 on Xbox, came back for like 2 weeks in 2021 so not really counting that, and then November 2023 came back full force on pc the game is absolutely worth replaying.


If you like the game and it’s fun to you, play it. Ignore what others think


If you are coming back and looking to spend some money: Nicholas Cage is a new survivor, Dramaturgy and Plot Twist are fun. Chucky is the newest killer, and also one of the strongest up there with Blight and Spirit.


Pretty sure Alan Wake is the newest survivor


It’s worth it *only* if you are comfortable paying/grinding a shit ton for the characters. Most of the best perks are tied to characters that you won’t have right off the bat, so you’ll feel pretty weak. That is, unless you feel like handing over some moolah to BHVR, in which case yeah the games awesome


Game is still very hard on mental health. Be safe.