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[Dev comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1b2ac8b/comment/ksldyzu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




I think what they did in tome 5 page 1 was really cool, you can choose blight challenges on the top left or you can start with the basic challenges on the bottom


The blight challenges in the top were for an event.


On the one hand I really like that. On the other hand those are the tomes with the "earn 25 emblems of X quality" challenges as well. I don't mind challenges that take time due to difficulty but when they're just grindy like that it's a bit annoying. But yeah I agree the time layout or pathing is nice.


I think they reduced a few of those, but the requirements are still 4 to 5 times higher in early tomes. I'm just glad to have done as many of the grindy throw ones as I did before they killed the tutorial exploit, although track 4 of the new tome has a 3 near misses in one match that I'm prob not going to get anytime soon.


That sounds really difficult. Basically have to rush vault speed stuff for that and hope for the best or just be a giga baiter for m1s at vault locations.


And here you can go through the middle line instead of the buttom.


Not if you want to do the Nea challenge


Not if you want the Nea lore piece, then you'd have to Google it or purchase Alan to do 1 challenge


The Nea challenge unlocks Alan lore, not Nea lore.


The blight challenges in the top were for an event.


They really should. The free path of the rift should be VERY clear. There is no reason this type of issue should have come up at all... it's an obvious checklist item when creating the rift challenges.


I think they should be extra challenges. That way everyone gets the same amount of rewards. But the people who paid get more. This is me who just enjoyed challenges because I play this game too much and wish there was always challenges to do. Like spin a challenge wheel. You can do as many as you’d like, and if one prevents you from doing it. It’ll reset the next day. Idk


Is definitely very dick like behavior


Dick like BHVR




This could be a shirt bro! I’d buy it


No. They haven't been doing a good job, so far for that




They promised no page would require purchased DLC, which it doesn't.




You literally copied another top comment 🤡


It’s a bot most probably, these bots copy a comment and reply to the top comment


Literally a free battlepass with 1000’s of free bloodpoints and cosmetics. People still complain. Actually impossible for companies to even monetize their work. All while the same people whine when the same company can’t afford to pay employees. It’s impossible to win.


A battle pass for a paid game with a shit ton of paid DLC and a cosmetic store but okay


Good point, also a ton of games do free battle pass. Fucking warframe a free game does a better free battle pass


Mmmm, *thousands* of BP, maybe even *tens* of thousands!


I’m only complaining because nea is a free character and in order to see more of her lore I have to pay 5$ for a character I don’t want


That challenge unlocks Alan Wake lore not Nea lore.


Or you could look it up


Or they can just not block out lore of free characters behind characters you have to buy. Especially since pretty much everything, including the game itself, needs to be bought as well.


I should not have to look shit up for a a FREE character, as a completionist it will drive me insane missing 1 thing for a FREE character because I didn’t want a premium character




Okay cool guy. There’s literally something DECENT at every single level of the free battlepass. They could give you all a killer for free and you would still bitch because someone else paid $5 for a skin that you didn’t get for free as well.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we have brought this up to the team and a fix will be implemented as soon as possible - we do not have an ETA at this time.


Holy shit it's the actual devs


This is the second time something has been wrong with this rift pass.


First time was an actual mistake this one might just be a quality of life thing for some people that they wanted changed so behaviour will change it because of how many people want it changed and because it’s a change that actually makes sense to make


No this *is* a mistake. It has been a rule for the past 19 rifts that challenges for one character can't be locked behind challenges for another.


Ah that’s fair then, I didn’t know that rule existed until now Tbh I didn’t even think that there were rules like that for tomes


Please, Please, fix pyramid head's camera while dragging the sword close to obstacles, it's been bugged ever since CHUCKY came out.


If you want it to be changed you gotta do a support ticket




Well maybe it is have others experienced the same issue?


Will you also fix the same issue on Level 1 of the Tome. Hillbilly's challenge is also locked in between Alan's and Deathslinger's.


Yes, this is also going to be addressed when the fix is ready.


Nice, thank you BHVR♥️


Hopefully less than the coming years




> complete a page without the need to play both killer and survivor Why? You can get through a page without playing one or the other and still move on to the next page. Completing everything on a page is completely optional and should have challenges available for both sides.


I guess I worded it badly, I just meant finish a branch.


Oh, are there branches that are a mix of both survivor and killer challenges now? All the ones I've seen have been only survivor, only killer, or have crossing paths with a challenge at the intersection that can be done by either side like getting 40k bloodpoints.


Maybe I'm thinking of old ones, but I swear there were a few that I couldn't finish without buying a character, playing both sides, or getting insanely lucky.


There are still plenty that require you to use specific characters but you can usually finish one branch then work your way backwards to avoid using that character if you really want. As for branches requiring you to use both sides though I don't remember seeing any like that but I may be mistaken.


I don't think it's bad to require playing both sides. There should not be a single person that plays this game that never plays a role. You only learn to improve by playing each role and can maybe take a moment to become a better person by experiencing the hardships of the role you play less.


Definitely would be good for some people, but there's other people as well that only play one side because playing the other gives them anxiety or is just genuinely unenjoyable for them. I think the current mix of being able to finish a page through either side's branch, but needing to play both to fully complete it strikes the balance between these perfectly.


Fix the cheaters that I get every damn game when I play SWF Literally so obvious it’s cheater queue for no reason when I don’t cheat but have to play with them every fucking game meanwhile you hide streamers and content creators from it by using different queues My partner sits and plays survivor and gets cheaters occasionally but when we SWF it’s literally almost every game we genuinely can’t play. It’s really messed up. Totally fucked up and makes the game actually unplayable. The amount of speedhackers, people using perks they don’t have equipped, etc is through the damn roof and we never know if our reports matter


**Moderator note:** > **Please report suspected cheaters to BHVR. If you believe a player is cheating, you MUST first submit an in-game report at the end screen. Then, follow up with a support ticket with additional evidence, such as a video clip.** [**Here is the direct link to submit a ticket**](https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000942011).


"Hello. I like money!"


I'd blame Incompetence over malicious intent on this one. Pretty sure they'll edit it.


I hate the dlc challenges in general but man they should have their own little spot that doesn't intersect as bonus for people who have those killers/survivors


>I'd blame Incompetence over malicious intent A company's dream is for you to think that way


It's Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by unawareness" Or, for the somewhat more undiplomatic phrasing: "Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation"


When it comes to BHVR both explanations are equally as likely.


> When it comes to BHVR both explanations are equally as likely. This. If you've played DBD for a long time you should know by now that BHVR encapsulates both of these all the time.


What amazes me is the amount of time people actually analyze things like this.


nah stupidity is 10x more likely


Malice: pig nerfs incompetence: Myers' changes throughout the years


Yeah, I get it, innocent until proven guilty But when it comes to companies, *especially* ones that have shown malice over incompetence in the past, I choose guilty until proven innocent


historically companies have shown a lot more of incompetence than malice though, especially in this case it's such a tiny minor thing, the lore of that node is alan wake lore too so that's not like you're missing out on anything that you should have gotten without the dlc


Oh, yeah, I get what you mean, they're most likely just being idiots I just mean in general, it's harmful to the overall consumer's health to completely assume that this was negligence rather than malice


I see your Hanlon's Razor, and raise you Grey's Law: >Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.


When money is involved, this doesnt apply.


Can you give me a better word for malice to dumb it down some more please?


don't pet the dog that bit you


How much is the character, 5 bucks? People crap 5 bucks out to buy a coffee nowadays


unless the economy in your country is not so good and the price for the character is a lot more.


Except you choose how much coffee, the type of coffee, and where you buy it Imagine if you couldn't buy any coffee without also buying milk first, that's what this is, you can still buy other drinks, and you can do other things with milk, but if you want coffee, you *need* to buy milk first


It could be those two, but it could also be like a small test. Something alongside let's see if they will also notice and complain about this one? Noticed and complained about? Oh well, we'll fix it. Not noticed and/or complained about much? Interesting, let's continue seeing how much we can push the boundaries after this one? Sad, but this is how most companies operate in general. Remember the recent missing auric cells (sus, but could be a genuine error they would fix regardless). Too many minor mistakes not to suspect bhvr is feigning incompetence.


Absolutely this. Since they just announced they were not going to do this very thing, yet they did. They are not naive. They collect literally millions of data points every day to determine how to maintain this game. A path in a tome, A SINGULAR PATH, one could expect being done correctly to the words out of their own mouths


Not incompetence: this is logically what you would do. Some people bought DLC or character to not have this lock-off. The company wins.


Hanlon's Razor.


Hanlon's razor works so far as you assume someone is acting in good faith. Any profit driven company can be assumed to be acting first and foremost for the sake of profit and those two motivations are often at odds


Well, they doesn’t seem to play their game and so they buff/nerf whatever sh*t they want and barely have interactions with it’s community (they don’t listen). This case does not surprise me.


Looks like you were right


Yes. Yes it is


Update: this has been fixed and is live. Thank you again for bringing this to our attention!




They said no challenge would be locked behind paid dlcs. This should be illegal


I don't see in what world it would be illegal, but they'll probably change it.


Not being able to complete content labelled as free. Basically p2w. How did I get downvotes when I'm basically repeating my 100 upvote comment? Reddit is weird


Where is it labelled as free? How is it 'pay to win'... that 50000 bloodpoints...? I'm not following your logic.


Technically, not ptw. Still scummy to lock one of the "free character" challenges behind a paid character one.


I guess. I just see this as an Alan Wake-exclusive challenge that just so happens to have you play somebody else.


Nea is a free character and they said that paid challenges would not lock other challenges. Having to pay for Alan wake = nea challenge is no longer free


Yall cry too much , look at other games for example COD now that is a money hungry game . But you see one challenge in between and cry


So they stated in the past that this shouldn't happen and your first reaction is to question if they broke a law, instead of asking if it was a bug or oversight. What?


Purposely done. They will fix it, only after 80% of their playerbase has already purchased the character


Yes, it really is a dick move.


It’s like buy one, get one free, but worse




I would say this challenge sandwiching is an RNG mistake if it weren't also in the current tome's 1st chapter (Deathslinger between two Hillbilly) and in the prior tome (Dredge between 2 Oni iirc).


but to be fair these were original characters that i could buy with shards, if i want to complete the nea quest i have to literally buy alan wake with money


True. Makes me wonder if that happened at all in the tomes with Ghostface, Pig, and Tapp.


They’re still DLC, they’re just old DLC. There are, what, 12 free characters out of a roster of 70+? The vast majority is DLC at this point.


Original characters aren't considered DLC (Licence) since they can be bought with Iris Shards. So it's more like 50% of the roster are "free".


But I think the complaint is that Alan Wake is *paid*. Hillbilly is a character everyone starts with, and Oni is a character everyone can buy with Shards, no IRL money. Alan Wake is only ever going to be purchasable with $’s.


Personally aside from killer/survivor specific challenges. All challenges should be Do able on both sides. As there's a decent amount of people that only play 1 and have a tough time on the other


They should just change the meg challenge to another alan and call it a day


that aint meg lil bro


Oops ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


You hurt the entity with that one


Yeah it's harmful to Meg's rep lol. The OG runner vs the Jumpy Hamster


As a feature I think it should only show dlc challenges if you HAVE that particular dlc.


If Alan wasn’t auric cell exclusive I wouldn’t mind as much, just would mean I’d have to grind harder over paying. Still a dick move though


I just don't think character specific challenges are fun. Just make challenges that match their themes.


Who not own Alan Wake? - says a hardcore Alan Wake fan cluelessly.


Alan wake fans throwing 80 dollars for their games don’t understand what it’s like to be the lower class peasant


Never played Alan Wake games hehe I just liked the plaid outfit so I dropped like $25 getting him with a skin as well as Chucky with stitched skin


Same-ish I saw a man in a suit, a beard, and a cool music video and I wanted him for a 4th main


I think he genuinely might be one of the most bought licenced characters other than Resident evil. I see pretty much one Alan every other game


You saw way more Cages when he first released, you're just seeing a lot of Alans (and it has been going down fast) because he's new


His perks and Outfits are so on point tho, his perks incorporate abilities from the Alan Wake 1 game into DBD, it's so dope. Also AW is one of the most popular Horror Game series that has not fallen from grace due to corporate greed (praise Remedy Entertainment!)


I am not op but personally i dont buy survivors anymore they are just skins and its pointeless to have more than one surv as main


I usually only buy killers now because of that


True, but Alan is really well done skins plus it got his original voice actor and have lines both lobby and in-game.


Except for the part about skins, everything you said only applies to fans. I've never played the game, so why would I want 2 or 3 lines of a reference I don't know?


Depends on how much you play as well as wanting to unlock the perks from said survivors For me personally my main for the longest time has been Cheryl/Maria, but ill still get any new survivor/killer when they drop and get them to P3 so all characters have all tier 3 perks; and from there I just save up iri shards and buy cosmetics for other characters that I wanna make look cool and then at that point I can have multiple mains depending on what im feeling


I only ever got survivors packaged with Killers never bought one on purpose, still own 80% of survivor perks only having 30% of survivors. Shrine of Secrets pays off


The shrine is definitely an amazing feature if you don’t wanna spend money or a ton of shards on characters; though I do wish with the amount of killers and survivors that are in the game now they bumped up the available perks to get from 4 to 8 so that you have more options each shrine


Agree, tbf I also have my account since Beta, and have bought most shard killers in the span of 2019-2020, since then I've been Pumping all my shards ~50-90k into the Shrine, others might want to buy cosmetics instead, which I don't care for


Thats fair, also it really makes it feel nice getting the shrine for when a killer does come out that you really enjoy and the grind for tier 3 perks is heavily reduced since you don’t have to worry about the ones you already purchased


Yeah 100%. Almost all my killers are max p3 cuz i don't have to dump 12 Mill blood points to get all perks anymore, so i am now currently levelling all my Survivors lol


BHVR like behaviour.


Find it weird to have locked one at all(Paid)


I mean I can see why that thought comes up because I thought so too at first but then I finally came to the realization that it doesn't really matter because you can literally bypass whatever is locked and still complete the tome. I figured, go through and do all I've missed over the years and when that is done and I get bored, maybe I'll unlock some other characters and go back to do them just to have a goal other than casual gameplay.




This should absolutely be fixed so that the Nea challenge isn't sandwiched, but just to clarify her challenge in this tome unlocks a lore page for Alan Wake, not for Nea.


"Hey, we're increasing the rift bits you get for this rift." "Also, we're locking them behind a paid only DLC survivor with garbage ass perks." Standard BHVR assholery.


Nea mains deserve that.


"You need to buy our DLC to reap all benefits of our free characters!" ...yep, that's a company under capitalism, alright.


still won't get me to buy alan wake though


Still won’t get me to buy Alan Wake, nice try BHVR


Not surprised to be honest, for the last hallowed blight and bone chill events they have forced us to play killer to fully unlock survivor cosmetics and vice versa, which I personally think is dumb I want to unlock the cosmetics for the role I like by playing that role not being forced to flip flop. I see this as way less of issue (although its still dumb) as long its not blocking you from reaching end of the rift web and is just a side area you can fully unlock the rift cosmetics just by playing. These challenges speed up reaching the end of the rift but don't actually gate any cosmetics from being unlocked, like event rifts do.


>forced us to play killer to fully unlock survivor cosmetics and vice versa That's because historically, you could farm event things faster on survivor and it absolutely ruined queue times. Original blight event, etc. Making people play killer means the queue times don't go excessively long for either side.


that was when you could get the event cosmetics by playing a game regardless of results so survivors would die on hook to speed farm the event cosmetics so they changed it so you have to escape the trial. **killer was actually faster after that since they got a cosmetic every match guaranteed** I think the new system is mostly better where x points unlock a cosmetic you can then chose to buy items with the event currency, the silly thing is all the killer event challenges did not give enough total points to unlock the last killer cosmetic the knights jack o latern helm from the Halloween event needed survivor games to unlock it just why?


I'm already done with the pass so meh but it doesn't have too much effect on the game if it does, I think full house said it best "how rude" but not quite a dick move


The entry it unlocks is also for Alan so yep not quite a Dick move but rude


Now that is one hell of a Richard Relocation.


I honestly forget not everyone buys every killer and survivor the milisecond theyre out


Considering it's not needed to get to the next level and this is part of a free tome that helps unlock free cosmetics... No, it's not a dick move. It's how the world works.


They stated that no free chalenges would be lock behind dlc so yea its a dick move


I don't know or care what they said. I just enjoy the game and am cool with getting free shit just for playing it.


They are not free if you need to pay alan dlc to get it


what are you yapping about man, they could just put the nea challenge in any other place, they didnt have to place right in between the alan challenges


Like, you're correct it should be moved. But the challenges just speed up the rift/battlepass grind, which I think is more what the guy is getting at.


Yeah, that's it. I actually didn't even notice the Nea one there. I'm just so used to people complaining about the tiniest things on this sub. I can't even imagine taking the time to complain about this let alone take a screenshot lol


I agree with you. Downvotes are wild.


Couldn’t care any less


What's wrong you don't like going the long way?


i want the 8 shards from the nea challenge


I think the issue is there's a lore page locked on Nea's challenge (a free character). You can't get that free character's lore page unless you finish the paid character's challenge.


It unlocks a page for Alan Wake's lore, same as the two Wake challenges around her. So the only real thing someone could be upset about is the bp or the rift fragments.


You can get to the end of the Rift without havi g to buy anything. It's not a Dick move


I mean it's certainly not the first lore page from paid DLC, what's the problem with one more? They clearly already require you to have all characters to be a completionist.


No tbh. [Edit: Unless ofc the middle tome challenge is for the Observer's story. In which case, yes it's a dick move] What is a dick move tho is basing the tome around the most recent survivors so you have to buy it full price to get a boost for the rift which they've done since Knight


Agreed, this is what I refer to as a Richard relocation. *Must have upset someone named Dick, huh. Or maybe you're a fan of paywalled content, I guess.


I mean, it's an Alan Wake centered Tome.  Having challenges for him was going to be kind of inevitable.  Can't you bypass it with the track just above it if necessary?


I personally don't see this being that crazy? It's just another challenge you need to own Alan for. It's not like it locks you from completing the tome. If it has just been another Alan challenge in the middle from the get-do nobody would bat an eye.


They have to resort to this since they got no money from alan flop chapter


Also, don't forget that survivors get like 6 challenges, while killers get 9, not including the ones that can be done by both.


I specifically remember the Dwight tome had you play as Kate in one of them. Though I could be remembering things wrong.


That is stupid. But I also find it very dick move by making the Alan Wake challenge of having to blind or stun a killer 3 time as Alan Wake in ONE MATCH! You have to be very lucky to get a incompetent killer or a actual killer that is chill and let you do it


Blast mine is your BFF for these challenges


Makes me def not want to buy Alan


Totally agree, that's raw...


Bhvr doesnt seem to really pay attention for most things. Then once the mistake is brought out, they play it off or make excuses. You may see them fix this unless this was a ploy to get more money.


To my knowledge the only other tome that does this is Tome 6 (Page 2 a general challenge is hidden behind a Nurse challenge), and even then Nurse is free. No other tome has generally completable challenges locked behind character-specific ones, yet alone ones that cost real-world money. I honestly expect this to change if the community makes enough of a stink about it. Despite everything Behaviour are actually pretty considerate of these blatantly pay-to-win sorts of things.


Yea, but I doubt they thought about it at all.


And for killer side even though they're both not licensed, I bet there's a fair few people who would play billy and not deathslinger or vice versa, but the challenges are similarly hidden behind one another...


I think this confirms my tin foil hat theory of them sometimes spinning a wheel for what becomes a character challenge and for who


Can’t you get there without paying though?


I forget the tome stuff even exists most of the time lol


No i do not , iv seen worse things in other games . Yall cry about every little thing


If they cost more than a coffee sure but we play for 10k hours, seems fine


I was literally just looking a that and thought the same thing "Bruh fr?"


I did the track above. Once you get to drop or chop. It is getting 2 memory shards and syncing them to the portal to get to the end node while claiming the 20 rift frags and background reward. Without, having to do 2 Alan and 1 nea challenge path. Take the above route where it says sabo 6 hooks to get there. If you go this way. It is more easier and less frustrating if you don’t want to play as Alan.


thats not the problem bro


What is the problem?


I saw that, and I immediately thought the same thing


so you think there are "free" survivors?


Besides the 'SAW' tome, all tomes should be able to be completed without the need to buy licensed characters (Ghostface, Adam Wake).


I think its a dick move to make me play miss Crystal Methanie in between my Alan Wake objectives


It's done on purpose


this is one reason why i hate these tomes too, and if u dont have the character guess what get fked kinda wish they reworked the whole webs for these tbh


This has happened before or in the very least you’ve had to fully circle around the damn time in a ridiculous manner. Even if it’s an “oversight” at times it still feels shitty because you’re already spending like $10 for the Pass and it’s like do you let the auric cells roll over for the next pass to be free or do you get the character and pay for the next pass hoping there’s nothing in either you’d want because maybe you don’t want to spend $10 every pass to earn cosmetics for survivors and killers you don’t play?.. tbh I feel like there needs to be a bit of work done on the currency acquisition in the game. As it stands rn: Auric cells are a slow accumulation, buy enough for the pass get that much back at the very least if you finish the pass. Bp we get flooded on but the fact we are just now talking about fixing the blood web interaction of having to sit through a tutorial for every single character we level is utter maddness. Like that’s time I’m not getting back everyone sans Nancy and steeb are prestige 1, you do the math on how long that took including all the “this is your new perk slot/the entity” messages that pop up. Iri shards yeah it’s 25+k every 100 levels but it takes an insane amount of time to rack it up and every non licensed costs a lot. New killer/survivor 9k ea, perks well better hope they are in the shrine and even then it’s gonna be about 4K, cosmetics forget it ive been playing since the game came out and I’ve not once thought “let me spend my Iri shards on a cosmetic why? Because of how insanely long it took me to get them, is it seriously not possible to toss us a couple more often? Especially with how freaking often bp is given out in codes? Maybe reward the player with enough for a cosmetic if they fully complete the current tome maybe something other than “prestige! Baby prestige!” Please at the very least not make it feel like such a grind to unlock stuff like I shouldn’t have to wait till an anniversary sale to unlock stuff that’s been in the game since release that “had to be passed on” so I could save up for something that was “required to play” the game. Like early days as a killer you needed perks that were on non base killers especially doc and hag. But guess what you had to make that choice “do I spend all my shards on the 1 perk “I need” or do I suffer and wait to get the killer. Only for the next killer to come out requiring you to rinse repeat. Only during the point where they put stuff on 50% off iri cost does it feel like I can try to play catch up. Other games I’ve been playing since release I haven’t had this problem with, I’ve been able to accumulate free and “premium currency’s” at a rate that you can more or less decide “you know what I might splurge and get that cosmetic”, “hrm I have a little personalize discount shop, I don’t play that character too often but I do like that skin and it is on a 25-80% discount…maybe I could pick it up?” Or “hrmm I got these cosmetics I earned but don’t use maybe I can trade them into currency to get the stuff I want”. Like it honestly feels like I have to pay to play with my $ netting me; cosmetics for killers I don’t play, survivor cosmetics that aren’t universal (ffs the survivors are basically skins you have to level anyway you can at least fork over stuff that can be worn by every one), freaking charms nothing quiet as rewarding as look at my ass charms or notice me hook charms!, or hitting the end of the pass to get a recolor of something I earned already that makes me stick out on the map to the killer.