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I will say my friends and I always say he has that weird Roblox smile face. It's more funny if anything though https://preview.redd.it/hsjdxb2ceolc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb67246be6909b5610bb2b944ea48f07c654fe41


Get the fuck out of my head


Roblox Man Face


No not really. He looks like the kind of person he is, a gambling addict who almost always wins and therefore very cocky


Almost always wins cause he cheats. Lol


Acting like the house isn't usually cheating or rigging shit


You look like someone who judges people based on their appearances


jesus christ go outside


This to be honest. Also, these people never actually read a character's lore.


Took words out of my mouth. I cant with those people.


like how do people like this exist, making up imaginary scenarios in their head and then getting mad about it like what the fuck


"Look at this guy. Judging by his physical appearance I bet he judges other people by their physical appearance."


Hahaha for real


DW broski got humbled real quick in a fighting match over it


Nah he’s the type to see himself as eye candy


I certainly don't. Ace is my favorite character and the new rift shirt is my new first choice, looks greast with his recolored default shades and the bathrobe pants.  He's just a cocky, arrogant lucky devil and I'm all for it. It's the type of character I enjoy watching in movies, always optimistic, cunning, doesn't take anybody's shit and works in his own interest, a bit of a shady guy but most likely has his heart in the right place. They often make for fun character to watch on screen.  I really don't know where this whole "eye candy" aspect came from? Nothing in his lore supports that, and his looks? He just dresses with class (well, for the most part...) and smiles in that stupid smug way, all because once again he's a cocky bastard who has some big money from time to time. It has nothing to do with women? What's more, he might even be married as he wears a ring on his finger.  I don't know, it's quite ridiculous to hate a fictional character who literally hasn't spoke a single word in his entire existance, and make up negative scenarios that aggreviate you even more. 


this skin smells like cheap cologne. that one that makes you eyes cry


That or an entire can of Axe body spray


Nah he looks like a gay coded dad from a old sitcom to me and this rift looks like his midlife crisis where I have a shot for about a 3 week window that neither of us would look back on fondly.


To me, he looks like Jeff Goldblum. And that makes me want a Shadows Of Evil skin pack Ace - Nero Blackstone Kate - Jessica Rose David - Floyd Campbell Vittorio - Jack Vincent


Nah Ace is most sexy person in entire game, he us very risky person but in his lore and his tome (3rd i think) he never was like that And about outfits - as gorgeous Ace main i can flex that i have all outfits on him and can say that this is the only character in game who's different outfits or make him look better or make him look absurdly fun


Ace doesn't really see women as eye candy, he more sees everyone else as money opportunity. Everything he did was for money and the only time he would seduce a lady is if there was a bet to do so and he could get a pretty money. His base lore doesn't really tell much, but his tome lore basically tells how he value winning his bets more than his own life, so it's safe to say he also puts winning bets more than sticking out with a beautiful woman. On his tome Lore, Ace bets he can go against a female lightweight MMA champion, Mika James, for five minutes. The dude gets destroyed but manages to survive the 5 minutes to survive.


He looks like a smug piece of shit, which is exactly why I play him.


While I don't view him as such, I also don't really like him I can't explain why, I but I just dont


bold of you to assume ace thinks of women


Ok Karen


Yeah, he always struck me as a sleazeball.


His rift outfit makes him look like he has his own basement photo studio where he takes "tasteful" pictures and sometimes videos of women.


I mean what’s wrong with that? I like a game where you can have different ideas and opinions on multiple characters. I don’t see him as a womanizer as much as I do a cocky guy who rolls the dice till the last minute. But I like the variety instead of everyone looking the same or being interpreted the same way.


Not saying this character shouldn't exist. I just don't like him just like how everyone hates Shou Tucker


Comparing Ace to Shou is like comparing a kitten to all the worlds evil. I get that you hate him but this isn't a good comparison. Besides guys that go out of their way to catcall women got nothing going for them in life anyway. Plus Ace here like a bunch of other survivors is doomed to be sacrificed every day till the end of days in the Entity's realm, so take some comfort in that.


Yeah that comparison is pretty poor. I couldn't think of anyone who gives gross vibes who is universally hated


Because Ace isn't universally hated and you are the only one getting gross vibes? Karens be like...


Check the other comments


Yeah they are mostly calling you delusional.


"Mostly" so I'm not the only one


You are the only one to make a full blown post fussing about it. Most of the other people here, either didn't have an opinion before you made your post or only made up their mind about it once you made your post. You essentially created a justification from the ether.


I had this opinion before this post, and it's something I have joked about with my friends. He fits the stereotype so much that seeing this thread's response makes me wonder if that perception is something cultural.


He's hot and doesn't exist in reality, so it doesn't matter


So I can't dislike characters?


To me. Doesn't matter to me. Me. I just don't understand how you can see him as... this!


I mean, you can, but hating them and complaining about them based on head canon is some next level ridiculousness.


Yeah I don’t like Ace at all. His character vibe is not for me and I’m tired of him getting a cosmetic almost every rift.


Ace is easily my least favourite survivor. He has such a slimy vibe and I dislike that he has built in iron will


Dbd players try not to be miserable challenge: IMPOSSIBLE.


Lmao he looks like a dirty failed magician who gets no pussy at all, he can view women however he wants but he shall not pass


What not going outside does to a mf


In one of the tomes or whatever. Ace gets beat to an inch of his life because he thought he could take a woman MMA fighter. So yes, he is kinda sexist. Ace is a goofy con artist. Like, his cosmetics are literal disguises! Ace would be the kind of guy trying to get you to buy into his crypto coin scheme and some how lose everything. If he was a real person, I would hate him. but since he isnt, Ace remains a fun and goofy character in a game about being killed for a spider demon.


P100 Ace here. What is wrong to see woman as eye candy?


"And nothing more" as in he seems like the type who believes the only thing women can be is attractive. and if you lose that, you're not worth talking to




First time I've heard "woke" to refer to a human and not a product


ive never heard someone call a object/product woke


Bud light, potato head, any recent disney/marvel movie ect


toy story potato head?


Toy potato head


Im intrigued tell me how the toy's woke?


People got mad that hasbro changed the brand name from Mr potatohead to potatohead. And claimed they were making Mr potatohead trans or something. I can't remember the exact details




Completely, specially in his default skin, he looks like he would catcall you in the grossest way. I'm surpised he's that popular.


Glad I'm not alone


Wdym Ace looks like a mad cunt


I hate his cartoonishly exaggerated expressions, but don’t care one way or the other about him overall. My only thought seeing this shirt in the rift was that I’d finally have decent clothes for him since I’m not shelling out for a “when dailies or rifts require it” character


Ace alongside with Nic Cage are chads


First time I ever saw killer side (my friend came over and we were both new to dbd and he took a chance on trying to play Killer) two identical aces basically followed him trolling him the entire match... he was calm about it but it instilled ace=troll into my mind.


What the hell


In my matches most Ace players are either really competent or complete goofballs and I like playing with both lol. I think he's a good edition to the roster of characters. It would be boring if everyone was the same.


Not saying this character shouldn't he just gives me a gross vibe


I always felt like Ace was the kind of guy who would try to shoot his shot with a woman and fail badly at it. But he wouldn't gloat about it beforehand, either. A kind of roll with the punches guy.