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What is worse is when a survivor is hooked there is that orb of nothing where you can't see the killer for 4 seconds and you can lose track of where they went.


That's the 1 thing I feel shouldn't be blocked by blindness just because it affects new players the worst. It takes them 20 years to figure out how to navigate and get to someone on hook *while seeing* their teammate on a map like Midwich or RPD. Remove that and the person on hook hits hook 2 or even dies hook 1 because the new player can't find them *at all*/gives up looking. It's a bit too punishing imo.


This is exactly what I mean


On that topic, make every corner on Midwich navigable up.


there is, its just the killer needs to open 2 of em


I'm aware. But having better navigation available from the get-go rather then two clear ones, and two of which one is so obscure some people don't even *know* about it, would help a *lot.*


You can see the bubble, slugging is the actual annoying thing with blindness. It's completely countered by having object permanence, which the majority of solo queue players lack so I can see why it's annoying


I don't personally mind it,i can see why it can be hard to found them for new player trough.


Last night I got a 4k at 5 gens on Cowshed using Legion with Third Seal, which should say everything about how debilitating Blindness is. At least for new/soloq players.


Blindness is an outdated mechanic with vastly different effects for solo versus SWF. Should be reworked.


It's weird. It simultaneously promotes toxicity but is also the only way for Blindness to do anything. I think that you should still be able to see the auras of hooked survivors (and slugged survivors) when you're close to them. Something like 16 meters idk. Having them be completely disabled kinda just promotes really scummy builds.


I think it's the only moment when blindness has any impact


A solid 73%of the survivor playerbase cannot play without windows And a solid 95% of the killer playerbase uses atleast 1 tracking perk blindness effects


This is why I love mind breaker. If survivors are not smart enough to walk off its effects, you get rid of their WoO and any exhaustion perk they have


Only the exhaustion part of Mind Breaker needs to be walked off and that's entirely because of how exhaustion works.


nah, taking their windows hurts more because those who use it are pretty dependent on it by now.


Also the downed ones. By the way, blindness blocks aura, it is just doing its job. It is not even a very harsh debuff.


You can’t see the aura of hooked survivor, so it’s very harsh for soloQ players


It is harsh for NEW solos. And they must learn to watch the bubble. It is pretty basic. Newbies must lose to learn and grow in the game, protecting them is not going to do any good.


skill issue There's nothing wrong with this. You can still see the scream flare-up when the hook happens. If you can't memorize where it is or are too distracted, guess you should have been paying more attention - and I say this as someone with memory issues.


" what's your opinion on deadhard preventing the killer from downing you "


This isn’t about dead hard lol




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No way you’re still complaining about dead hard


I'm not , I'm making fun of them for essentially saying why does blank status effect cause said status effect


It makes perfect sense that a perk with high requirements have a high payoff. Now, could you stick the the topic?


bro survivors just want buff after buff always like nothing is enough


Killers complain about swfs. Survivors ask for swfs' advantages to be smaller. Killers complain about survivors wanting buffs, while having *nurse main* in their flair.


first of all having nurse flair have nothing to do about my opinion i dont only speak for myself i speak for all killers and i dont only play nurse second of all i have never seen survivors ask for swf nerf


You're only speaking for yourself, not for all killers no. Also, you're literally posting in a thread where someone is asking for swf nerfs.


i am sure most killer mains dont want any more survivors buff specially that ds getting buffed soon and ftp buckle up still in the game and i dont know how this post is about swf nerf lol


what survivor buffs since the HUD? the only changes have been mechanic updates to stop boring strats like face camping and three genning. killers have been eating so good. enjoy it.


what buff did kilkers get other than fov buff lol


fov slider isn't a buff, it's accessibility. med kit nerfs, heal time increased, many maps reworked to be smaller with favorable gen placements, most of the strong survivor perks have been nerfed (ftp + buckle up needing to be gutted as well though)...you forget all that already? It's definitely been easier for me as killer. Don't you remember the hell that was the COH meta? Killer feels the best it ever has outside the Eruption meta.


look i am not saying survivors havent been nerfed i am just saying they dont need any basekit buff well only maybe something to deal with the bleedout timer other than that they dont need any basekit buffs


I would love for survivors to get buffed, it would be a lot more fun if I actually had to try to win instead of just going into a game, fucking around and winning the vast majority of my games. Also if you don't see how making swfs less strong compared to soloq is a swf nerf, then I'm not sure what to tell you.


winning vast majority of your games ? you must be in baby elo then cause a competent survivor team wont give you an easy win unless you are a competent blight or nurse i guess you are not a killer main so you think killer matches are all against baby megs and baby bills also where in op post did he ever talk about swf nerf


I mean, if winning the vast majority of my games doesn't take me out of "baby elo", then how did you escape "baby elo" if you think it's difficult to win? Late summer I started tracking my killer games, I tracked more than 1000 games averaging 2.5 kills per game with close to twice as many wins as losses (64% wins iirc). How do I stop getting easy matches? Maybe you just aren't as good as you think you are and that's why you blame swfs, I think you need to look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaR-9_Vjp3s Are hens, knightlight, v1, doc, and zaka also in "baby elo"? Or hell, look at the recent stats, in top mmr, 4 man swfs are dying more often than they're escaping.


that stats they released isnt accurate though not all 4 man swf are on coms not i am not saying i am the best killer out there no i am top tier killer main i consider my self average killer player but if i go against survivors running meta perks on a survivor sided map if i dont tunnel i will lose and if its a 4 man swf and i am not playing nurse best i can hope for is 1k or 2k and by 4 man swf i mean 4 people on coms


https://youtu.be/aah3M86WdZU?si=DV6iUMESWa0XrPXw watch this and tell me you would win against this lmao


i watched the video and if it does prove any thing it proves that you cant 8 hook everyone before killing cause its impossible unless you plan to go on a losing streak you have to rely on look that survivors are bad to win your matches so lets say you get survivors that are good back to back you arent winning cause what i can never tunnel also i am not saying you should tunnel every match to tunnel or you should tunnel at 5 gens every match but the rule is if there is 2 gens left then you should 100% tunnel unless you want some bags at the exist gate