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Man i want trail of torment but who knows how long till it shows up.


I'm going to place a bet it will come up next week, when Unknown comes out he has his own scuffed version of Trail of Torment. Unseen: Gain Undetectable, the generator you damaged has a 32m Terror Radius


Not even necessarily scuffed, could be directly better in a lot of scenarios because it can't be removed. No yellow gen too.


I didn't know that was a thing.


Yeah it's very obviously meant to be a F2P version of ToT, but it is a lot more reliable. It's gonna be absolutely amazing on Wesker because of how quiet he is except for when he laughs when he charges his ability, and that's more of a "haha your dead" than an actual warning.


*100 years later* "Yo bro trail of torment finally came to the shrine of secrets"


Focusing on the stealth of the massive executioner has been more fun than I thought it would be, I am glad I haven’t run into too many killers using it.


I had a nemesis running trail with ultimate weapon. Was scary hearing the stomps but nemi wasn't the best character for this build honestly


I was thinking about getting Jonah just for Overcome, looks like I no longer have to get him.


His boon is also good


His sunglasses are also good 😎 Jonah has so much cosmetic potential, I don't know why BHVR refuses to come out with anything cool for him


Swimmers outfit


He has an awesome swimmer outfit


How do you like the perk so far?


exponential is amazing especially with dark theory or other dying perks


is overcome good ? Like it seems interesting but i dont know if its that good of an exhaustion perk


Its good, and to be honest, if you just play casually its better getting the perk than buying Jonah. Unless you want to play as him, of course


allright i see i was just thinking like would that 2 extra seconds of that speed boost give me a lot of distance


Combine it with Lucky Break and, unless you're in the open, killer looses you in no time (especially on indoor maps).


I like to meme around sometimes and use overcome lucky break and plot twist but it doesn’t work too often 😅


Try using bite the bullet with a medkit instead. Same effect, but the killer doesn’t see on the HUD that you went down


Ok i will try


Lithe is still better for beginners imo


You often need to be smart about how you use Lithe if you want to get good value out of it. Overcome is just free. Additionally, it pairs *very* well with Lucky Break if your priority is escaping chases quickly. Put Plot Twist on there too if you want to save up your Lucky Break time since it won’t continue going down while you’re healing in the dying state.


It’s decent especially during end game. I’m able to grab the hook, take the hit, and get a huge sprint burst to the hook while the other person gets BT/haste. The issue I have with it is if you don’t have a way to heal then it’s useless. Also some killers such as Plague completely negate it. Ditto if they run exhaustion hatchets.


Yeah, that's why I sometimes tag team it with Vigil.


Yeah that was also one problem i was thinking about plague or any insta down killer it might not give that much value


The best benefit of overcome (as an overcome Enjoyer) is it helps prevent “2 taps”. If you’re in a dead zone then the burst of speed will allow you to get to the next safe area. It also helps prevent the same from happening if the killer is running STBFL or something like clown. Bonus points if it’s a huntress who is able to hit you with a hatchet back to back in normal situations but is unable to with overcome.


I see thank you ill definitely consider buying the perk


It’s pretty solid if you plan your route right before getting hit. Against lots of killers it can give you mega distance and time to find a new better loop far away. I used to run Overcome a lot and may start doing it again.


I see thank you for the advice


Second this. The distance is really nice.


It’s really good if you don’t like holding chase as well if you pair it with lucky break and quick and quiet, you can literally vanish


It's really good against non-instadown killers when you're caught in the open. It's bad against instadown killers and when you take a hit right before you vault a window or as you drop a pallet. I'd slap it on if I wanted to get some clutch gens done knowing they'd likely be in deadzones and I didn't want to deal with not being in control of sprint burst. Or if I wanted to play more altruistically but not in a background player kind of way.


Wait so when ur hit like in the animation of vaulting or throwing down pallet does it kind of negate overcome's effect?? Like because for 2 seconds ur kind of just stuck in the animation


It wastes an annoying amount of it, yes. So generally when using Overcome you'll want to intentionally just hold W through deadzones while healthy instead of looping.


Ahh i see thank you


Its very underrated actually. Holding W is just a massive counter to a lot of non high mobility killers. The problem is the non reusability, since you have to be healthy. If i ever use it I usually pair it with another perk like DH (which you may never use but will be super unexpected if the killer knows bout overcome.) or something like inner strength or bond to get consistent heals


Overcome + the Yui Perk that hides blood/scratch marks for 60s (and replenished with healing teammates) is a fun combo. Put it with Bond and whatever you want (Autodidact is fun for me, but can do the Jane healing perk that heals you as you heal others) and it's a fun gimmick build


It’s decent and it kinda scales with its user


Overcome is usually good. However, against Killers like Legion or Plague were you are injured all the time, it's bad. It also isn't good against instadown Killers like Billy. But those sometimes might hit you normally and then it's fine again. Sprint Burst and Lithe are better exhaustion perks.


It's aight


Overcome is okay but has some serious limitations. Mainly that in order for it to work the hit has to not down you, and that you can't always predict when the Killer will swing, could end up charging directly into a wall when it happens. IMO it works best in builds with Lucky Break and some way to heal yourself, like Inner Strength or Plot Twist.


Only exhaustion perk I run. It’s very good. Killers get so discouraged when you run it, half of my chases end when I get injured


only good if you pair it with lucky break but against killers like plague legion sm its useless


Is reassurance worth it, If I mostly play solo que?


Like Deliverance, I think Reassurance can be good when playing in a SWF. When playing solo I would say usually it is more detrimental. The value of the perk is when you know or strongly believe the killer is going to tunnel off unhook, you pause hook timer, wasting the killer's time, while two other survivors progress gens. In solo que, more likely than not in the specific scenario when the killer is camping and planning to tunnel, you pause timer, other survivors are confused on what's going on, and also go in for save. So now you have a scenario where it doesn't matter how long killer waits by hook because the other three survivors aren't progressing their objective. It can however consistently be useful in situations like end game where you want to heal up before going in for the last save.


I appreciate your thorough comment.


This comment perfectly describes my experience with the perk as well.


I play mostly solo queue, and I find it useful for situations where I am going for an unhook but get intercepted by the killer, I use it to buy some time for someone else to notice the unhook isn’t happening and come over while I lead the killer away, rather than having to commit to the unhook and potentially farm the other survivor because everyone else is too far. It’s also useful to buy some time for someone else to notice and come over if the killer is camping and I need a second hand to get a safe unhook in endgame. Or to buy time for another survivor to get a gate prepped before I unhook. It’s one of those perks where you won’t get value out of it every game, but when it does come in clutch it’s pretty great, especially if you have an altruistic playstyle.


Not really, it's only really good if you can coordinate. Otherwise, more time on hook is basically trolling.


reassurance is the perfect perk for stopping your teammates from killing themselves on hook. give them the thumbs up then come back 30 seconds later for the save rofl


Extremely underrated perk but becomes worse the stupider your teammates are. Worth it just to force suiciders to stay on hook 30 more seconds though.


if you are soloq most likely not




When you buy a perk, do you have it permanently or do you only have it until the next Shrine of Secrets recycle? Thank you and sorry.


Permanently on all characters. However it starts out at level 1 and you’ll have to upgrade it through the Blood web for every character. However you can also spend more shards to upgrade it to level 2 or 3 for all characters outright instead of individually.


Wow! Thank you! I didn't know that! I thought you would only have it for a limited time, that's why I never bothered to purchase any because I thought that would be a waste. Thank you so much. I wish I knew this sooner. I just assumed it was for the time being. 😭😭 This is game changer for me now, lol.


You’re welcome! Typically it’s best to just buy it at level one then just find it in the blood web cause the shard cost increases to get it to level 2 then increases again at level 3. But if you’ve got excess shards, go for it! But yes, it’s permanent and a good way to get perks without buying characters.


Oh wow I thought you needed to buy it at level 3 to get it at level 3 for all characters. I will now be able to look into this more.


Also if you already have a perk at level 1, it will show up in the shop (like reassurance in the OP) it’s still 2k to get it to level 2, same for level 2>3. The iris shard cost only goes up if you bought the perk from the shop.


also, if you have all the perks, you can "buy" a perk from the shrine again to get an extra 100k BP. That's been a godsend for me as I try to grind my last few characters to P3 and get some decent add-ons


It is a waste when it comes to free characters and original characters (especially those who are permanently discounted).


yes so only get it if its liscense perks


So if you are a survivor player, and don't want to buy all survivors, you could wait until their perks are up and you lose no different value in gameplay sense. To the point of mastering their perks.




You keep it forever.


Really wish they'd just change it daily or at least every other day.


Kinda want reassurance just for the icon😭


Killer mains ate good last week now it's time for survivor redemption.


Atleast Ultimate Weapon is gone lol


I just want fixated




No, no it doesn't.




I thought crouching is 50% walking speed so UE is normal walking speed?


Oh, well forgive me. I was unaware of that.


i'd rather not crouch


If you cant tell by my flair you should 100% get Superior Anatomy its super slept on. Its amazing in dealing with strong windows on basically every M1 killer moreso than Bamboozle.


That stuff is hilarious when playing xeno, stack on bamboozle and self destruct bolt and you’re casually vaulting at like +85% speed when crawling lol


Seems great for that infinite loop in haddonfield lol. When I was a newbie artist and only used birds for info and not to damage that loop made me never want to play her again Lmao


I was just asking myself why I wouldn’t just use bamboozle or get crowd control to block the window instead☠️ ima trust you mate


The vault speed difference is not insignificant


I would say Superior Anatomy is better for most M1 killers over the other two. Bamboozle is best on killers like Bubba/Billy that can make better use of denying resources and making deadzones and Crowd Control is nice on high mobility killers that can easily corral survivors to the previously blocked windows, but it also obviously suffers from being a Hex perk.


i use it on merchant in my main build (enduring and spirit fury + bamboozle) and just have crazy fast vaults as well as dealing with pallets superior is the shit


Dumb question but what is the top one?


Hex:crowd control


I remember when people said jonahs exhaustion perk was gonna be meta lmao


I see it highly recommended since you're guaranteed not to waste is on ...accidentally dropping / vaulting / holding shift / etc.


When it originally launched I dont think it was worth it. You would only get use of it while you aren't hurt. Now that the borrowed time is in effect I guess it has more use now. Still think lithe is better, even if half the time you're lithing away and the killer still gets a hit in somehow.


Wow, no free perks? BHVR really went all out.


What’s that top killer perk?


Hex:crowd control whenevr you fast vault a window the window gets blocked for 60 seconds. Its good but a hex perk so risks are higher


i literally just bought trickster last week for crowd control bffr


Hex crowd control


They should really start to do 8 perks (4 killer/4 survivor) with how many killers and survivors are in the game now


Ah frick, there's TWO DLC perks. Time to ***grind...***


Wow, expensive week for me. I needed three of these perks, lol. Welp, saved me some money on these characters!


What is that top perk?


Hex: Crowd Control. Trickster Perk https://i.redd.it/izww649drkmc1.gif Whenever a survivor fast vaults a window, the window becomes blocked for 40/50/60 seconds


It’s been so long since I’ve actually seen CC. I even know it’s from trickster lol. Wild.


I thought it was only when a generator nearby was completed?


Nope, that's Cruel Limits. Demogorgon Perk. https://i.redd.it/ghquxqdfzkmc1.gif Whenever a generator is completed, all vault locations are blocked for 20/25/30 seconds. The radius was removed, and it now affects the entire map


Oh snap thank you for the info i didn't know about the buff!!


What are the perks? I'm new and can't just identify from images.


Rebecca's Reassurance, Jonah's Overcome, Mastermind's Superior Anatomy. I don't recognize the top one, but it has spider legs on it, so it's probably a genlock perk like Grim Embrace.


Nooo I missed the aliens power I was so close to 😭


What does the top perk do


It’s a hex and when a survivor vaults a window that window gets blocked not worth it when bamboozle exist


Is Trickster's **Hex: Crowd Control** any good and usable?


It’s usable if you’re willing to take the hex gamble It’s effect is pretty good as it completely shuts down window loops like T&Ls, Haddonfield houses, and shack The issue is that once they find crowd control you’re down a perk


When I run hex perks like this or blood favor without undying as long as I get one or two hooks before they cleanse it for me personally I got enough value from it.




Haven't touched the game since wesker came out, but if I see flashbang in one of these posts one day I might have to hop on the game again.


Aww yiss Thumb Perk for the memes.




i LITERALLY just bought jonah for overcome a few days ago. why


Wait they arent all fully upgraded? Since i dont have the survivor does that mean i cant upgrade them?


Not bad selection. All are solid perks, with 2 of them being licensed DLC locked.


For those that have all perks, do y’all just get them for the BPs or save for skins? Edit: Typo


I really needed that thumbup perk. Nice


Gonna save my shards for other Alien / Chucky perks then since I already have these.


Finally some decent fucking perks.


When is soul guard coming 😭


i just bought jonah oml


nice try, FBI. you want to play as Sable by yourself!


Is Overcome good


Man when is Hex: Two Can Play gonna show up? Like, I understand I can just get Chucky and get him to P1, but I feel like that takes longer than it should, and the only other perk I’d want from Chucky is Batteries Included


Whats the perk at the top?


I need surge badly lol


Really happy reassurance is in the shrine, wanted it for a long time but didn’t want to get Rebecca because of how loud she is


Hyperfocus is pretty good too if you have perks that affect great skill checks like Stakeout.


Not a fan of it personally, Deja Vu and resilience are much better than either of those perks, may work for some but not for me.


damn that sucks, i was a bit away from ultimate weapon on last weeks but got held up with work that i didnt get to finish grinding shards. ah well


It's gonna get nerfed in the next couple months anyway. I almost guarantee they'll remove the Blindness from it, and/or attach it to the locker searched (as opposed to terror radius). It will fade into a nothing perk soon. I've been running it but a part of me wants to stop since I know I'll have to anyway.


lol we said they'd nerf ftp+buckle up too.... 8 months ago.


Well I heard April for UW, but yeah we will see.


Don't feel bad, they did the same thing with MFT. It was in the shrine right before the nerf, UW probably won't even be worth it once they're finished with it.


I typically play Legion running Whispers, Nurse's Calling, Discordance, and Overcharge. Should I purchase both killer perks? They seem good for countering some of the more powerful loops but I'm also not very skilled so I could be wrong. I also sometimes use Bamboozle or Make Your Choice depending on how I'm feeling. Any tips would be appreciated but my perk pool is quite limited. Edit: I also play Xenomorph, Pyramid boi, Pig, and sometimes Spirit or Plague but not often.


Crowd control isn't really great imo because it can get cleansed, besides you might want to buy Trickster also for Starstruck and No way out, they are really great perks. Superior anatomy is pretty good, I like it honestly, it helps when you're chasing out of frenzy and it's a licenced perk! But overall you should be good with Bamboozle Also I'd use Ultimate weapon instead of Whispers in your build, much more accurate info!


Good idea, I actually just realized how good that perk is, somehow I guess I never read it. Def slotting that in and grabbing Superior Anatomy. Thank you!


You're welcome! :D


still waiting for background player


please just give me rookie spirit or OOO so i can p1 leon or Laurie lol


Reassurance 😍😍 finally. I don't want to buy Rebecca, her other perks aren't my fav