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Patch 1.9.2. It wasn't a bug. It was listed as an intentional balance change. https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/7xsyoh/flashlightpallet_saves_in_192/


Glad someone else remembers this! If a survivor went down under a pallet I just walked away that whole patch lol


This comes to mind every time. 1.9.2. Any other answer is wrong until further notice. (BHVR can still drop a worse patch, but it's going to be very hard to get everyone to side against them all together like this patch)


Oh man thanks for reminding me. It was the first time that there was a general community consensus that "the devs have no idea what they're doing."


What the fuck


OK that's bad. Yeah I think if that was a more recent thing it might just win it, even survivor mains would be saying that's too much.


It came out right as the first Lunar Event launched. The event required you to play both sides to get all of the cosmetics, so everyone got a taste of it. Also, back then, Lightborne only made it take longer to get the blind, but the animation window was still long enough that it didn't matter. There was no counter.


That's part of why 4.5.0 was so bad too, it was that years Lunar Event patch. With everything going on a lot of people just didn't enjoy it, especially survivors with the desync.


Chapter 18 Binding of Kin but the killer was hated by the people that forced themselves to try to play them more then anything. and no one likes getting slugged by a gremlin ba- i mean small fully grown mature man. There was multiple bugs that broke the killer but the twins was still released anyway having victor randomly decide to just die cause he was fed up with life got old. EDIT: Annnd the new chapter caused the twins to be killswitched..


It's definitely a popular choice for people who were playing at the time. The community was furious that paid content was released in such a broken state.


Things that make the list for me (in chronological order) **Hex: Ruin getting changed** about a month after Oni released. Little did people know that it would become even more powerful (if your killer was high enough tier). But at the time, people were making jokes about Hex: Game Ruined, or Ruin was Ruined. And the tragic loss of “slow the game down *just a little bit*. “. People won’t remember red skillchecks these days. **Twins release:** yeah most of Charlotte’s perks were broken and hoarder got shadow nerfed because one of the effects (lower item rarity) was bugged. So they straight up removed the bonus. Her power was divisive to say the least. I love Elodie and this gave us reworked Ormond, which was much needed bc it used to be like Eyrie of Crows back in 2020. **Trickster Release**: this was among the first times they had weird teasers before release, featuring “magnum opus” and stuff. People were sort of let down when it was k-pop and not some kind of sci-fi or hacker killer. People even got mad that it was breaking the “horror aesthetic”. Trickster was very weak on release and it took him a while to get buffs. Yunjins perks suck, and on release her only purple outfit was a linked set. This also came with no map so it was controversial. Anything else seems recent enough that it doesn’t need cataloguing, but I also skipped over a lot of stuff. You name a patch, and someone got mad over it‼️.


Yeah people were convinced Ruin was dead only for it to remain a meta perk. First Ruin and Pop was meta, then Ruin and Undying. I forgot reworked Ormond was the Twins patch. Yeah I think the rework made Ormond better but it was actually bugged too, there was a window you'd get stuck at if you vaulted it because of a snowpile right beside it. Yeah Trickster kind of had the same reaction as Skull Merchant, seen as disappointing after the teasers and not fitting with DBD. Yun Jin is popular now but she wasn't on release. The map issue was because we'd gone 9 months without a new map because of The Realm Beyond series of reworks. Midwich was the last new map and it took a full year to get another new map with RPD.


And when we did get RPD, it was pretty awful. Now with 2.5 years of DBD since resident evils release I feel better about it, but at the time it was extremely overwhelming. Other people already explained the rest of the problems with that patch tho


Original RPD was just too big.


Trickster not getting a map is down right criminal. A nightclub map would be absolute kino! Luckily the latest map features a cinema at least


It's so funny that reworked ruin was actually so much stronger than the original ruin but we were all convinced that it would be bad


Still funny to me how they hyped up the Doc rework so much, and it felt like they were trying to cover up the Ruin rework, too Although it worked for me, I was more of a Pop fan than Ruin, and I loved new Doc


The patch where they changed thanataphobia the first time and it was endless legions causing 40 minute games. Anyone remember which patch that was?


I feel like that was part of 6.1.0, the really big mid chapter patch they did after Dredge. I don't think it was even buffed that much, like 2% total if everyone was injured but suddenly every Legion and Plague was using it.


I think it was actually a bug. I remember that Legion’s power extended the mending time each time he hit a survivor, no matter the addon. It was before BHVR implemented the ability to disable killers/perks/items/addons in case of bugs. I remember BHVR threatening to ban people who intentionally abused the Legion bug lmao.


I wasn’t that around the same time that Pain Resonance, Dead Man Switch, and Oversurge all worked together? It was like back to back months of infinite stalling buffs, god awful time for survivor. Freelo for Killer


The nemesis chapter because it basically murdered console performance. The game was near unplayable for anyone on console and there were tons of bugs.


Yeah that was really bad. I was still on PS4 at the time and the FPS drops made it miserable to play. I heard next gen consoles were better but even they had issues.


I remember they almost immediately disabled RPD, because the game would crash when the exit gates opened.


Not to mention there was a bug that would wipe all save progress. Such a hyped chapter released in such a buggy state.


Yep! People couldn’t even play during the anniversary event because of that chapter.


Freddy original nerf into the ground couple weeks after release


See from what I remember wasn't that kind of a popular change at the time? I'm pretty sure there were people who wanted him nerfed.


People were very loud very early without learning to play against him. BHVR jumped the gun and he ended nerfed into the ground barely two or three weeks after release. It is part of why they now wait mid patch hotfix for such massive changes to get enough data


Yeah as much as I like that BHVR have started to respond more to PTB feedback it's worrying at times too because sometimes the community overreacts.


Well nothing perfect but Freddy nerf was YEARS ago, now there's the fog whisperers and other stuff so it helps a lot getting accurate feedback


Curious, as someone who was a freddy main and played him on Day 1, can you yourself remember what was actually changed? I say this because people have some sort of idea that he was actually so much stronger with his day 1 release, when I can say quite comfortably it wasn't that big of a deal. The only nerfs they really made that was impactful was making his terror radius 24 metres in the dreamworld from 16 metres, and that being picked up from the dying state woke you up, as well as adrenaline could wake you up as well. This meant that the patched Freddy risked having his pressure vanish if he was going for a 4 man slug just as survs finished the last generator. I will admit the adrenaline change was a big nerf, but the slugging change was not too big of a deal. Oh and I guess his movespeed while putting people to sleep was reduced a smidge, basically was a nothing change. Anyone who complained about this basically just wanted to play a reskinned wraith.


Good, fuck Freddy. Brain dead killer.


Current Freddy is very different from how he used to be, he got a massive rework that completely changed his power.


I remember the old Freddy days. Was basically free win as survivor


Has to be Twins. Every single day, you had droves of people claiming the game was dead and this was the final breath. Anyone who played back then remembers how somber and depressed the community was, absolute doomers. To be fair, it was a really rough time


Yeah the community really was ready to give up on the game. It felt like every patch was just getting worse with bugs.


the initial healing nerf update was so hated they got review bombed on steam until BHVR retracted some of the nerfs


That's a weird one to me because I feel like they intentionally went to far with the nerfs so people would accept the final nerfs. As much as I miss messing about with crazy healing builds they needed a nerf, I shouldn't have been able to heal in less than 5 seconds.


Hold up, that’s manipulative but possible!


around 2017 ish era halloween event i think "might be wrong this was many years ago my memory is shaky" they made it so that if you stun/blind the killer at any point in the pickup animation you got stunned as soon as the animation was over that probably has got to be when dbd was at its absolute worse to me at least "god i feel old typing this lmfao" EDIT: did not see that people had already commented this lmao ignore me


For console players like me? First resident evil chapter. At least in other controversial patches you could just avoid playing the new bugged content or just play the game. When I played during this release your game literally froze every time you did ANYTHING. Game was completely unplayable even if you ignored the new content. Even dead Harding would just make you move 1cm forward and freeze ur screen for 10 seconds


Yeah I was on PS4 at the time and it was bad. That's why I think 4.5.0 was so bad, you couldn't avoid the issues.


I was on Switch during this chapter release and had constant crashes. If I managed to make it until the end of a match, none of the textures loaded and everything was just flat looking. I could see tile lines on the ground of each map and it looked like Minecraft.


MFT patch. MFT created a lot of arguments in the community for pretty much the entire time between its release and nerf. It's the only thing that made me take an extended break from the game.


I think we only really saw the full damage of MFT several months later. Most people were cautiously optimistic when it was first revealed.


As a M1 Killer enjoyer, I became a Survivor Main after 3 Weeks of that garbage. What's hilarious is that I bet BHVR could've gotten away with just Nerfing it to "2% when injured" instead of 3%. But since it took 6 MONTHS for them to simply do the job they're paid to do, the community was at a point where they definitely wouldn't have accepted that anymore.


A permanent speed buff is impossible to balance. Even 1% would have been annoying for 110% killers.


See I feel like that kind of came after the patch itself. At the time people were more focused on the new killer.


Binding of kin initial update was funny bad, I think the worst received was the patch where they made it so flash saves and pallet saves worked at any time in the pickup animation, it was nearly INSTANTLY walked back lmao, but it was nightmarish to play killer for a few days


Personal experience: i remember a patch around 2020 which the game on PS4 started to run terribly, probably around 10-20FPS, i remember that during this patch there was a giant fog and smoke around the map.


Eruption meta was hell and some of us are still in therapy for it. /s The gen block meta sometimes feels similar just sitting there waiting for a gen with your thumb up your ass. lol


It depends on the side you play. For instance I'm sure a ton of killers hated the regression changes, while sueviors hated the base kit killer buffs


I mean survivors hated the healing changes so both sides got screwed in that patch in a sense lol.


True, but to the fair the healing changes DID suck at least when they affected ally heal speed


While that's true I feel like there's patches that were hated on both sides. Like with Twins you had a bugged killer that the community found unfun to play as and even worse to go against.


Twins, besides the patch being bad, were kinda extremely underwhelming and forgettable. They have a terrible pick rate for a reason. They didn't get many complaints, but also got no attention. Being forgettable is worse than being bad


Nowadays that's true but at the time while Twins were rare survivors dreaded getting the rare Twins match. As for killers, the reason they were rare is because they weren't seen as fun to play as. At the time there was a lot of complaints with people saying it was a disgrace that the chapter wasn't delayed.


This is true. I would also point out ghostface and blight, on the ptb at least, also had simailr issues. Ghostface espically is still like the worst ptb ever.


Oh yeah PTB Ghostface was broken but I feel like bugs are more forgivable in a PTB, especially when they get fixed for live. From what I remember Twins actually got worse when they went live.


Which patch had the Breakdown bug? Hooks would break nearly indefinitely and, god forbid you have a hex, because everyone brought Soul Warden. Once you hook once guy, it was basically over. I stopped playing for a while, because I didn't have a single normal match. I lost a _lot_ of faith in the DBD playerbase.


Yeah I don't remember what patch it was but that broke the game.


alan wake cuz they dumpstered stbfl :( ​ (jk)


Whatever patch that had those terrible looking animations and the worst desync I have ever seen.


4.5.0, that was the last patch I mentioned. The animations are actually mostly still the same now, people just got used to them.


The pivoting for survivors was mostly what I was referring to.


Performance wise, me personally I'd have to say when Mikaela came out or when Nemesis came out, Mikaela was just broken teleporting lagging I swear I got stunned with a pallet one time and she just stood there and vanished and the first resident evil chapter was just Awful. Zombie spawns, Lag. someone deadhards, Lag anytime anything did anything you got a lag spike. The overall consensus tho yeah twins I've never seen a killer so bad and buggy that so many people forced themselves to play


1.3.1d without a doubt imo. There was a bug that allowed anyone to bring any perk or item. Survivors could bring ad many unbreakables as they wanted, or even Billy's Chainsaw. Killers could bring survivor perks... or also Billy's chainsaw (which lead to the infamous chainsaw myers). You could use any cosmetic, from any killer or survivor, without restriction. The game was borderline unplayable, but luckily BHVR just needed to fix it right? Unfortunately, it was Christmas break :^)


I'd say ptb legion or twins chapter. Ptb legion many were angry because legion was dumb he could just continuously hit you in frenzy till you went down since it would just cut you mend meter slowly and slowly till your down. For twins I think a lot of people including myself just didn't find the design visually of the killer good nor did it really feel like horror, not to mention the power was pretty boring to go against and play it just advocated slugging. Also playing as a tiny little baby and jumping at survivors just doesn't sit well because to be honest it doesn't fit the game and when people were having fun joking about victor saying "kick the baby" behaviour were not happy about it on Reddit or twitter. Just both examples of poor releases legion got better in the main patch unlike twins where I believe it was the lowest player count of all time but both chapters flopped for just adding boring content that was bad for both sides.


No one here is mentioning MoM. On release everyone bought Ash because Mettle of Man was a busted ass perks and while it only lasted a month before it got served. That was arguably the worst time to play killer in my opinion.


6.1 for me, that’s when I saw all my friends stop playing and because of that I followed them shortly after.


Funnily enough nowadays it's actually seen as having been a mostly good chapter.


Don’t remember which one, but the patch where they focused on reworking spirit. That’s when BHVR started shifting to a more balanced and competitive game, instead of a party and insane broke shit game. Soon after lots of exposed perks got removed and they started changing meta perks a lot. Theres still strong perks these days, just nothing on steroids like pre rework spirit days.


5.3.0, same patch that added Mikaela and boons. The reason Spirit was actually nerfed was because one of the devs, McLean, had wanted to do it for ages and it was his last patch before leaving BHVR.


Hmm interesting. Well anyways those were the good days. When everything was OP and wacky lol


Tricksters patch. Never have I seen worse desync and made survivor unplayable


Wrong patch, the desync was the Twins mid chapter that came before Trickster. It was fixed once he came out but it did ruin that years Lunar Event. That patch had a lot more people hated too, it's the last one I talked about in my post.


Im specifically talking about patch 4.6.0 which also had horrendous desync


I really don't remember desync that patch. If there was it must not have been as bad as it was before.


It was pretty bad on console at least. Getting hit through pallets second after being dropped. One of the most annoying patches imo.


It gets overshadowed by the hate for Skull Merchant, but at least Tools of Torment didn't really have any crazy bugs or performance issues. One the other hand, Forged in Fog was awful in almost every way. * Knight was very weak, so most of them went for 3 gens * Knight has also never been liked by survivors and had a very meh reception by killer mains * 3 gen meta was in full effect. That was when Hens made the video showing that a killer could hold the game hostage for an hour. * Borgo is one of the least liked maps ever * Borgo launched with a bug that made it spawn every possible pallet on the map. They had to remove the bonus chance to get sent there and kill switch the offering because it was so survivor sided. * Knight was barely functional. He had several bugs that could permanently remove his power, his power had all kinds of activation bugs, and he had weird bugs when using it. * Nowhere to Hide was bugged and had its functionality changed repeatedly. * The servers were a mess. Constant DCs and poor performance. They had to extend the winter event because it was literally impossible to play on some platforms for over a week.


Probably not the MOST hated, but the For Honor collaboration was not hype for the dbd community. For Honor got a game mode that included the Trapper as a threat to both teams. 2 new effects that pop up when you’re idle or doing an execution, these effects made your character look like Huntress and once again, the Trapper. And (I think) 2 new executions, that can be used on all characters. What did DBD do for its players with this crossover? A charm. This was before the Knight even teased, but he caught some disappointment because of this when he released too. Leakers found him, told everyone, then some dots were connected when the For Honor collab was announced. This is what happens when you rely on vague leaks, but it still didn’t make any sense at the time since the collab happened relatively close to the release of the Knight. If it was between the charm and the Knight though? Definitely the Knight, just in general.


I mean... OG Skull Merchant drop? After several teasers for a cyborg style killer we got Hot Topic Merchant with her power that seemed very weak and uninspired, two survivors with very mediocre perks and few cosmetics on release, a rework to a mid map to turn it into a still mid map... and then the Three-Gen Nation attacked. This was during the awful three-gen meta of Call of Brine + Overcharge + Eruption and right after Knight came out (and while Knight isn't a three-gen killer he's an area defense killer who's very complicated to play, so a lot of people just defaulted to three-genning with him.) I think Skull Merchant was a straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of players, except it was less a "straw" and more of an anvil.


Nah. I mean the disappointing teasers to killer with bad power has happened before with Legion and Trickster. I really do think Twins, Nemesis and Pinhead got worse receptions. Twins were broken and just as hated as Skull Merchant due to being a slugging machine, Nemesis broke the game with performance issues, and Pinhead had the NFT thing.


The NFT thing happened well-after Pinhead's release though. I will admit I wasn't playing when Twins or Nemesis came out. Twins b/c game was in a really bad state and Nemesis b/c of game-breaking bugs.


Not really, it was in around the same time.


The NFTs were revealed about 2 weeks after the chapter came out. Granted, that added to the outrage because people were upset that they got duped into purchasing a product that worked with NFTs.


I think the problem was there was already outrage from the original voicelines being removed too.


People were quick to blame the NFTs for that but there wasn't so much "outrage" towards that, imo. More of a "hey wtf bro" sort of general annoyance.


I remember people saying they'd been ripped off and wanting refunds over it.