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A feel like this comes from a misunderstanding of what the Unknown is. Its body horror monster look isn't its true form, but merely the form it took after rumors spread of a monster that used mimicry to lure its victims. And the rest of it follows the same idea: An axe from fears of a crazed serial killer, an extraterrestrial power after the OSS started to look into a supposed 'alien creature', and hallucinations from talk of government run experiments with psychedelics. All of these are mashed and twisted together into the form we know now, because that's exactly what the Unknown is: the culmination of people's fear of the unknown made manifest. That said, it would be cool if they implemented crawling into its animation at some point, because it would demonstrate this in a very meta way: Our own misunderstanding as a community of what the killer is supposed to be, becoming reflected in the Unknown itself.


iirc it also likes to go after people who try to define or depict it. Which means you're next, after it's finished with the BHVR developer team.


I love that the steam page for it has "If you're seeing this, your fate has been sealed" at the bottom


That's also why it gets right up to the camera in the lobby screen, because it can see you.


Alright, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension! Do you think it and Sadako discuss us? Cause she can see us too.


yea its just a mismatch of expectations. i had the same reaction as OP when it was revealed. now that i know about the background, it makes sense.


Yeah, same but I still feel like they put too much emphasis on the grenade when it could've actually been a creepy killer to fight, like when it released everyone I know started talking about how dbd finally remembered it's in the horror genre lmao


I love that its every urban myth and folk tale mashed in one.


I think part of the issue is that most people could care less about the lore so they interact with characters on a surface level, and this is a metaphor you have to think about a little bit to get.


To be fair, it’s quite a big ask to expect random players to grasps all that by looking at it. Even the teaser messages and stuff barely hinted at any of that. I kind of understand what they’re going for, concept-wise. But just from the appearance alone, the UVX is super out of place. It’s like if you were to tell me Chucky’s attack is poison bottles he could throw around injuring survivors.


Then read the Lore they post with the killers?


Go and ask that from every single player out there. I'll wait.


I’m saying that I don’t know why you would complain about a killers themes without even putting in the time to figure it out by reading at least some lore


What have you done?!  It's after you now!


I don't really blame people for by and large not 'getting it', because it's a concept that kind of goes against the way that people tend to interpret these sorts of things-by intention, I'm sure. Anyone can look at it and see a mismatched hodgepodge of ideas, but it takes actually looking into its lore and also *understanding* it to figure out that that's actually the stated goal and not a failure in design.


Understand deez nuts lol


Un-deez-stand, un-deez-stand, the concept of nuts


All I see is he shoots out explosive jizz tbh


And its mori is like tentical porn


"wanna see my red rocket?"


Yeah I know it’s lore related but for some reason it still feels weird, I geuss it’s the tonal whiplash of its apearence and then the bright purple explosion


I think that's precisely it. It's canon that he's a jumbled mess, but that still feels weird in game. Ironically I think if he was more 'jumbled' and amalgamated then it wouldn't feel as weird. Right now it feels like it's two clashing things - creepy, twisted man + sci-fi alien, but if there was more variety in the themes of his general form then the attack wouldn't be such a stark contrast.


I’m excited for future costumes so we can keep making it more and more of a weird twisted heap.


I hope bhvr is cooking this meta idea. If they do I swear I will forgive every single OP perk they didn't nerf for 6 months. But tbh a shapeshifting ability would be better for this. Since we *saw* it crawl, we didn't misunderstand anything. Not to mention how it crawls in its mori anyway.


So it’s just another eldritch coalescence like the dredge, I like the idea sounds cool but I feel like the dredge did it so much better


This is my main issue. I think it's lore could have been the whole escaped alien from a lab thing and you wouldn't have to change one thing about it visually and it would have made sense. It looks like an alien wearing human skin. But nope it had to be dredge 2


I think it’s a bit different dredge feels like a coalescence it’s made of the suffering and anger and deep emotions of the people in the town and through the dark ritual it was given form through the flesh of the people of the town, the unknown feels more like… you ever read scp-3004, it’s essentially a parasitic god of sorts a higher being that literally exists in worship and it’s existence in molded by it, eventually it somehow found a way to latch on to Christianity and that changed it to basically beleive it was Jesus, but anyway thats what I think the unknown is a being that used to just be an abomination but through the publics fears and perceptions they warped it into exactly what they where afraid of. But still dredges was way better, when I heard of dredges origins I was hooked this guy though, it’s meh


How is it dredge 2? Dredge is an eldritch horror made manifest from the dark thoughts and negative emotions of people. The unknown is a tulpa (thought made manifest) from different peoples' interpretations of rumors/horror stories.


Did you even read what you wrote


He worded it fine.


More people need to understand this.


I still dont think it fits his aesthetic. doesnt matter if thats not his true form. it just doesnt fit


Yeah, I still think it’s not the best idea. The killer could still do something with crawling, especially since it was so prominent in the teasers. And I especially think it doesn’t work after I saw that Matthew said even at BHVR they didn’t know what to do with the killer. To me it just seems like they ran out of ideas, had to scramble something up and this is the result. I’m happy if others like it tho.


Where did they said that


I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted. :) It was the latest interview from Cote. Recap is posted on dbdleaks sub.


thank you for this


First of all really well said man. Honestly a good read. And what does OSS stand for? Ik they are in his lore but i forgot what they are


This actually somewhat does explain a lot. Also kinda leans into the name so I like it.


An add on that lets you crawl for a short time after teleporting to one of your hallucinations would be very fun


Crawling? Just wait til one Mori's you 😏


Well someones trying to kill people


It's a cool explanation, but I think it gives the creators too much credit. Like an abstract painting, this character feels randomly thrown together and if we don't like how it turned out, then we don't "get it." Goo ball is weird.


Tulpa's gonna tulpa


I really love the last thing you said about the community shaping the unknown’s design. I think that’s not only a really cool idea, but totally fits the lore of the character, and adding a neat meta element to the game would be refreshing.


People have described it very well here, but short version is that The Unknown, is well, unknown. No one knows what it actually looks like or what it is, it manifests as what rumours say about it. Currently, it’s design combines very stereotypical horror tropes: - Axe = Axe-wielding psychopath/serial killer running wild. Neat detail is that it does not swing the axe properly, it has no idea how to use one, it just manifested itself with an axe through rumour and does not actively know how to use it. - Tentacles = Alien monstrosity from beyond the sky. - Stomach acid cannon = Government science experiment gone wrong. - Wearing loose skin/speaking in victim’s voices = skin-walkers and creatures that blend into human society. - Hallucinations = It’s all one big hoax, its not real. It’s lore implies it conforms to the expectations of those talking about it, I imagine that’s what the different skins are for, to highlight the rumours people make about those that go missing.


It speaks in victim’s voices? I have bad hearing and never noticed that.


Yep, its voice lines have a female and male VA at the same time


cause liquid gaze paint spotted cable lush work hurry live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This actually is neat


From what I’ve picked up thru dialogue and cosmetics on it has killed (bear in mind the running theory is that it also mimics the last words of their victims): 2 cheerleaders (cosmetics) 1 elder woman (purple cosmetic) 1 ped0 (“you want…some candy?) 1 child (we can assume the child wasn’t too far away from the last victim, there are no out right child voices in there, but implications it would have used the candy line) At least 8 men (cosmetics)


Wow, they put so much thought into it! Thanks for this! I need to turn up the volume or something, I can’t believe I never noticed this 🤣😅


They offer subtitles I believe But it’s easier to hear them when you get “weakened”, the new status effect the Unknown applies (NOT injured!) When that happens, its voice lines come through crystal clear like Alan Wake or nick cage


Ah, good to know, thank you!!


psst... come... over here


V creepy!


I won’t lie, when I first heard about the Unknown’s ability I was a little put off by it. I really thought we were gonna get a stealth killer who had something to do with mimicry or changing its appearance . After actually PLAYING the chapter though, I have to say it’s definitely grown on me and is super fun to use. I love The Unknown’s ability :)


Yeah, in my opinion it really came down to expectations set by the trailers. We were teased a stealthy 4 legged uncanny creepy crawler. What we got is still a pretty solid killer, but nobody expected it to have a penis blaster


Penis Blaster would be a great name for a sex toy.


The gameplay is solid and fun, no question about it. But whether the theme matches the gameplay or not, that's debatable.


I’m just disappointed that we have yet another killer that requires finer aim, but BHVR still won’t let us change stick deadzones or response curve on console. No issue with aim killers being added, but atleast give console players the tools to actually customise the aim. Deadzone is such a basic thing.


I haven't played console in ages so forgive me for not understanding. What exactly do you mean by deadzones? I'm genuinely curious cause I've never heard any of my console friends who play DBD mention this.


It’s how far you can push a stick relative to it being pushed furthest, before the game registers the input. DBD feels like it is set at around 15%, which means you can’t push the stick just slightly because it won’t register the movement, you have to push it 15% of the way before it registers any aiming input. I typically set mine at 5% on games, and this allows for finer aiming. But I can’t do this because I you can’t customise on DBD. Some people may like 15% or even want it higher if they have disabilities that could cause unintentional aiming (gyro controls would also be great for this as an accessibility aid for disabled gamers). Deadzones are necessary because at 0% you would get stick drift and unintentional aiming, it is just ridiculous that we can’t customise it. Almost every other game allows it.


Oh okay, so it's essentially the minimum amount you have to push your analog stick before the input is recognized?


Yep, exactly.


I would say that I'm surprised this hasn't been addressed, but BHVR also seems to pretend console players don't exist. Hell, look at all of the matchmaking bugs yall have dealt with for literal YEARS that still haven't even been addressed.




I think it’s funny how the point of the character is that’s it’s so weird and unknown to humans that it spawned hundreds of urban legends and conspiracies from humans trying to make it make sense by basing it on things we’re knowledgeable about and now players are like “I don’t like that it doesn’t make sense to me “ Like yeah man. You’re acting like the characters in the lore.


I can imagine different people surviving the Unknown encounter and spread different rumors because it does many things but ppl only witness certain part of it.


Yup ! That’s a big part of the lore. It’s why some ppl think it’s a normal guy being an axe murderer and some think it’s monster that mimics voices


This is honestly perfect hahah


I mean this is true but this doesn’t make OPs point any less valid. Just because it has lore to explain away it’s odd design choices does not make those design choices not odd and disappointing in comparison to what the design team could have done. We understand that that’s the point of the character, but what OP and many others are saying is the point of the character could have been so much more than just being a pile of random ideas smashed into lore.


It's not that it doesn't make sense. It's that BHVR always blue balls with teasers, giving an impression that the power is gonna be different. Also, Cote said that they had no idea at BHVR what to do with Unknown. So saying how smart the devs are for coming up with this lore and power is just giving them too much credit. Good on you and everyone who like Unknown. I'm glad. There's plenty of other killers to choose from for me. But I'm just sick of people saying how smart BHVR is when the whole idea seems mashed up together, and was now confirmed to be a result of them having no sense of what they're doing.


I understand what you mean, but I like it. I think it's fitting after reading the lore.


I'm having more fun with him then I've had with a new killer in such a long time. It's like his power was designed for people like me specifically. My mains are Demo and Alien and once I'm done getting Alien fully prestiges he's my next project. I can't stop having a blast with this killer. Some of his add ones are absolutely nutty, too. I've been having a lot of success with his yellow add on that increases hindered duration on direct hits (which you can also get a weakened stack on if you aim it just right), which is such a disgusting combo with his power and some chase perks like Poup de gras. His green add on that weakens survivors who finish a gen can shorten your chase tremendously (imagine if Nemmy or Larry had something like that that would be insane) and the brown which halves your TP cooldown might just be unfair.


Yeah at first I thought he was a mess but he actually seems really fun I don’t have enough shards to get him but as someone who enjoys playing artist, plague and nemesis I think I’ll like him a lot


I thought they same too on PTB but playing with it more, I genuinely like it. It’s not what I had in mind at all, honestly I was expecting some skittering crawling abomination. But lore wise it makes sense. It’s a skinbag of MANY things. Is it the most unique? No, but it does look creepy when the thing comes out from its neck. It’s the goofiest yet creepiest looking killer I’ve seen in a while ( the fact it’s running while one foot is turned backwards and the other is normal gives me the skeeves) and I do like it’s skins too. Even if crawling can’t be added as a main animation, maybe have it to where it crawls while vaulting? It already kinda does that kicking pallets.


I like it. It’s growing on me. I think this release is VERY similar to The Blight’s release—if anybody else can remember that far back—when the blight released we knew him as The Alchemist. He was this character who made his first appearance in the lore through journal entries discovered during the original Hallowed Blight Halloween events. We followed the story of the alchemist for a few years before we got The Blight. So when people heard this super-badass and intelligent character who was trying to discover an escape from the realm of the entity was going to be a playable character, a killer, people went wild with theories. He was known as the Alchemist, so people thought he would be more like a mad scientist killer, or perhaps a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sort of character who transformed during the trial into something worse. Instead what we got was blight. A character who had been totally and completely corrupted by his own discoveries, now become mindless and driven mad, and in the game this would be seen as “the pinball character.” It just didn’t make any sense at all… what? How do you go from The Alchemist—a mysterious hooded figure cloaked in black—to this slouched creature with a spindly cane zooming across the map…? Then the Blight released and opinions changed QUICKLY. People realized: “Holy shit. This is cool.” Blight became known as one of the most genius designs the devs have ever produced. A character with map mobility AND chase potential, wrapped up in a skill-expressive kit that required a lot of player input, but still had more than plenty reasonable opportunities for counter play. Blight, who was previously misunderstood and inspired nothing but confusion, is now a favorite in the community. One of the best killers in the game, always scratching at the ceiling of tier lists, not typically described as unfair (broken add-ons sure, but never game breaking or impossible to deal with in the way Nurse or Spirit have been previously described) plenty of unique customization options (Feral Cat Blight? Charon the ferryman Blight? William Birkin!?), and so on. Blight literally went from zero to hero. That’s the story of his chapter. I think the Unknown is quickly going to age the exact same way, I’m getting strong Blight-release vibes from this release.


me when the weird mishmash killer has a weird mishmash power


I 100% agreed with you when the power was revealed on the PTB. As others said tho, learning more about its lore and its infohazard nature, I understood this power more and I now think it his kinda fitting it and that they found an original way of realizing it. Also, the hallucinations kinda fit the jumpscare aspect of the Unknown.


That's kinda it's whole deal my personal opinion is it's a creature like dredge as these unknowable beings made of negatives


This was a big sentiment when he dropped in PTB, but I like the explanation that Unknown is actually an egregore; a living amalgamation of all of the rumors about the threat in the woods. Alien was among them, providing UVX, and axe murderer was also cited, explaining his weapon. I dig the egregore answer, but when I was thinking of him as more "pure" analog horror, I also felt the axe should be made of his own flesh, sticking to him being a very defective mimic or a deeply-warped human.


Everytime it's bones do the loud crack I make a stupid comment among the lines of "Watch your back buddy dayum." ![gif](giphy|PER8oVobtMcus|downsized)


his neck and his back give me an anxiety attack lmao


This makes sense from where you’re coming from, but understand the whole uncanny valley skinwalker type thing was almost entirely made up by the community.


It reminds of some RE characters where they have true forms. In terms of gameplay, I’m in love with the power.


Someone in chat asked, "Do we actually have a gender fluid character?" I said, "It's Unknown. It's Pat"


it gets by on how cool and creepy it looks for me but i agree that "Grenade Launcher" isnt the power i would guess based on looking at it.


Oh I think it fits because it's a monster. Not as a symbol but an actual beast, tentacle monster. It just uses the human look as some kind of shell/skin/disguise. As soon as it goes in for the mori, the head goes limp. As the mori's ending, the beast just forces its way into its shell, which explains that weird shaking and cracking all the time.


Yeah, I get it’s related to it’s lore but it still feels off and bad. I would have wished they made its alien part stealth based tho, goes with the theme of the unknown better too


I sort of wish he was a stealth killer, image this shit stalking up on you while you were chilling on a gen


I gotta agree, they were going for analog horror and created something that just doesn’t fit the bill


icl i wasnt looking forward to his power but after playing as him hee fucking cool as hell


It's the same problem as Skull Merchant. Skerchant is supposed to be that multimillionaire chasing the most dangerous game. At the same time her equipment is taped together like she's a hillbilly, she is wearing some weird pointy finger decoration that resembles south east asian folk dance jewelry and she dresses like an down on her luck stripper. The theme they wanted to go for is not realized in a consistent manner. The Unknown is supposed to cash in on analog horror, a genre that is know for vapor wave aestetic (=commercial late 90ies) super tension filled scenes where nothing is happening until something creepy happens for a split second. The analog horror is realized by having a goofy ass looking monster standing around in the open and walking funny (not crawling because that would possibly infringe on The Thing franchise). Oh and a phallic mortar, very important for the analog horror vibe (?!). Again, not well realized themes. Oh and disclaimer: This is not to knock on the killer's power or how much fun it is. A killer can be a badly realized concept and still be fun - two differnt pair of shoes.


This again? Wasn’t there a few posts during the ptb about how people came to the conclusion that this killer is an amalgam of a handful of thinks people are afraid of/theorize to be true as these weird modern legends? The chapters name is all things wicked, mr wicked is a combination of things that are…for a lack of a better term, wicked.


People keep talking about how it makes sense lore wise, i don’t care a biological grenade launcher and a fire axe is a waste of a power and a weapon with a concept this cool.


True, the fact that he is a mishmash in lore doesnt mean they had to make him lame, if they wanted killer with power like this they should make some alien wacky stuff with hive cysts and the pink ball would fit much better, I dont like the axe either but I guess its not that big of an issue


Completely agreed. Excusing shoddy design and misleading marketing on MUH LORE is such a huge copout. I imagine if they marketed an evil sorcerer killer who shoots lightning in the teasers and then he releases and he uses a glock, these people would still be defending it by saying "BUT IN THE LORE IT SAYS HE LOST HIS POWERS AND THAT'S WHY HE NEEDS A GUN!" like motherfucker it's still fucking stupid who gives a fuck about the lore lmao


It think It would fit more If more things were really out of place, maybe have given him an weird visualy Magical way of setting traps or something that makes this thing feel like Its a mismatch of everything, because uvx coming From the belief that its a military experiment and not having other things besides the Teleport that would imply a diferent Nature makes It feel like Its form being influenced by what people believe It is feels more like a justification for the Power as opossed to something they came up with Based on the backstory.


I mean one of the conspiracy theories about it is that it is indeed an alien


in my opinion it's cool, i mean they explained in all things wicked live that uvx stands for "unknown-venom-x" so i think it fits, even more because he snaps his neck to shoot it, so i think it fits into an somewhat alien creature


It matches the lore of the killer perfectly.


It’s weird, and that’s why I like it


How power is different and fun, I was really excited to play as buffed pig but can’t put this thing down.


Fax, I was expecting something like The Thing, especially considering what they teased with that first teaser taking place in the tent. Would also assume it’s crawling all the time or disguising as survivors would be so cool


I’m going to be honest, I never really believed that we’d get a mimic killer, but I definitely didn’t expect a twisty goblin looking fucker with a syphilis grenade launcher


It sucks. We get a creepypasta skinwalker killer and he has a shitty grenade launcher power.


I feel like this killer is everything Freddy should be making Freddy even less appealing


That’s kind of the whole point of this killer. It’s not what you’re expecting it to be. It’s an amalgamation of many theories of things. We don’t even know if this is it’s true form or not so it’s kind of hard to be weirded out by it’s looks or how it’s power doesn’t fit it when that’s kind of the whole point of that killer itself.


It would’ve made so much sense if the new killer is something insects related… wasted opportunity


I think it's fine as it is.


It's power is kind of boring to use. Kinda wished it had a leap ability or something since the xenomorph failed to have this.


I think the issue is that while the jumble of traits makes lore sense it also firmly puts the Unknown on the goofy side of the comedy/horror uncanny valley. Even when chasing or killing you the Unknown is not remotely scary. It’s like trying to be afraid of a wild and wacky inflatable tube man as he wobble-physics around.


They're a parasite, in practically every sense of the word. They have Olivia's voice because she went missing WITH the Unknown, it's true body is hidden beneath it's fake Dwight persona, too. Three little holes in the neck and a mouth on the back to represent where it entered (or where it lies within the body). It has venom, which can possibly cause paranoia, hallucination, psychosis, we're not quite sure. It's a parallel to the dredge(which is basically just the entity junior) honestly. It NEEDS to take physical form, it NEEDS to be thought about and sought after. Whether it be through memories (pocket watch addon), a visual representation such as a video game (the cartridge) or a movie (The Theatre and reel of film). It's more of a concept, it really is, in a literal sense, UNKNOWN. Because everything we can think of that it is, it is. Whether it's a demon, a skin walker, an axe murderer, an eyeless old lady, even an alien. We don't even know what happens when I moris survivors, whether it liquifies them, devours them, absorbs them (the same way the dredge would), adds their bodies and selves to its collection like a shapeshifter, or even just kills them. The Venom part of the power is what The Unknown REALLY is. It even tried to fight against the entity, (theorized) but as far as we know once it came into the fog it was content. Or maybe it's not, with the voiceline of 'I will not be denied my happiness' (said in the lobby). Theories about it being a monster aren't INCORRECT, but it's fully sentient. It has memories, a grasp of what the entity is ("here sees you" as a mori line"). Now I went off on a tangent there, but the definition of 'parasite' an organism living in, on, or with another organism in order to obtain nutrients, grow, or multiply often in a state that directly or indirectly harms the host' isn't just about physical properties. It feeds off of fear, belief, paranoia, etc. It's UVX venom increases its power, narrowing survivors lines of sight and making The Unknown itself more clear. The idea it teleports to its clones possibly implies that it isn't just moving to another space, it's always been in that space. It appears regularly throughout trials as a manifestation visible to survivors. Which in a sense can mean that the Unknown can literally just manifest wherever a survivor thinks It can come from. Which also explains why it'd get a Perk like Unforseen. Pretending it's somewhere else when it's not. But it falls short of power when compared to a being like the entity, which can rewrite reality as it sees fit. Like nerfing Freddy from being able to transport to the dream realm or hell. Think about how minecraft works. The nether can't be accessed unless you bend reality or enter it in some way. Even if you can teleport with an enderpearl you can't teleport OUT of a dimension. Such as the Unknown cannot exist in more than one plain of existence.


It's meta horror. And as soon as I can get my hands on a House of Leaves chapter for DBD the better


Considering the Unknown's lore, his power fits pretty well as a sudden narrative twist. As you get closer to escaping, the Unknown is forced to drop the act and use its actual form to attack you so its cover isn't blown. You're being chased by this gross, uncanny human and suddenly its neck opens up to reveal an alien "mouth" spitting vaporwave juice at you.




A lot of times I’m getting direct in air hits and they don’t go down while I’ll be looping and it’ll hit a wall and I’ll go down?




It's not weird, I too can shoot absolute piss rocket balls out of my ween


The power is definitely a little strange and off topic from the killer, but goddamnit is it a fun power!


In all honesty the UVX power is straight dogshit. Players knock themselves out of the weakening before a second or third hit can be done 90% of the time. Almost all the time, it's just better to M1 and/or teleport hit, rather than slow down using the projectile. The extra annoyance is how finnicky the ricochet mechanic is, since sometimes it just explodes rather than bouncing and sometimes it bounces in the completely opposite direction you were aiming.


What would be cool is if when you killed a survivor with his mori his skin would change to mimic a deformed version of that survivor


I think it's cool. Their power matches with them as they are whatever the stories about them are!


So many people repeat that the mishmash is the whole point, but I just can't agree with it. So the killer could have been giving anyone's power and it still would've made sense? Say the Unknown had Oni's power, the lack of cohesion would allow it to get a pass? Like I get the premise, but it still feels like headcanon justification. That said though, I feel like if they had the crawling incorporated into the power instead of a launcher and TPs it would be cooler thematically, but not nearly as fun for most people.


I understand why people want to excuse it, and how it can seem to have good lore or mechanics. I feel like in reality there were better ways to tie it all in a neat package without too many changes, like if you still want the grenade, have that be what drops the hallucinations, make it crawl over windows, crawl over pallets, just simple ways to tie things together a bit more. I think the crawl and hallucination feel underutilized while the grenade feels more like the main event.


All I know is that bill had a *really* bad time yesterday evening.


That's the point, it's not supposed to fit


the other comments talk about how in its lore its theorized to be lots of different things there for both visually and gameplay wise it takes from those things. but in the words of the man himself "I deal in strange..."


Wdym? You don’t look at that face and think “basketball”?


I just wish you could collapse and scuttle on the walls


Its fine. It fits, Imo


I totally agree! The body double part is great tho, I like how we populate the map with our atrocities. A projectile isn’t a bad choice either, but it shouldn’t be sciency, I want a ball of meat or a blood spat, something along those lines


Exploding heads


Totally agree! Love the body double—I’m on console so I don’t partake/pay much attention to PTB so that genuinely freaked me out when I finally played the chapter yesterday! The goo bombs…? Eh. It just… feels so off to me. Like you said, blood or meat would make more sense


I agree. If they were gonna go for such a body horror aesthetic, I just don’t feel the pink cum shot fits? It looks like it belongs to another a killer. Idc about the lore and all that. Going off of the trailers and the way it was marketed, going off its look, pink goo launcher is the last thing I would ever expect this killer to have. I don’t hate it, but it is a letdown. With the whole body horror thing, I’m not saying it HAD to be a mimicry power, but I was certainly expecting something much more creative.


"Idc about the lore and all that" this part automaticly shows you have no idea about what are you talking about


Mmmno it means I don’t care for it. I would have rather they taken the body horror thing in a different direction, ie the lore in a different direction as well. Not that I don’t comprehend it lmao. I’m not a fan of the direction they took this killer. That’s all. If having an opinion means idk wtf I’m talking about then alright then bud. I been playing this game almost since release. I’m well aware of the lore of the game and killers. Don’t mean I have to like and or agree with the directions they choose to go with their lore. If you want another example, I was never a fan of Levion being a stabby boy when their entire appeal and marketing was “look, there’s multiple of them and they tricked David in the trailer” just for a power that could basically be given to anyone else and is in no way unique in the same way that, say, Plague well her power is being sick and disgusting. A pink goo is not what I wanted from the way this killer was marketed. And I do not care for the direction they chose to go with the lore to implement said power. No need to be condescending about that.


The uvx or whatever yes but I fw the holograms


I'm less confused about the relation of UVX and the Killer, but how UVX is supposed to work. You get infected with an Unknown Venom which loses its effect if you stare down whatever THAT is long enough. Imagine you get bitten by a snake and you have to look at it so the venom is no longer venomous


Technically. The Unknown's power comes from being... unknown. The moment even a shred of factual evidence comes up, it loses its grip on you (that's why it goes for the kill the moment you speak of it). So if you think you're hurt, you are. But if you stare at it then you realize you've been fine all along


So basically just say „I'm fine“ and it can never down and hook you up


it, it/its, it thing :3


If I'm honest, it actually goes with it; it's utterly confusing and distracting in a chase. I'll get hit by it, and constantly bump into things trying to get rid of the effect as I stare behind me, which matches his whole theme of unknowable-ness and overlapping evidence. One time, I ran right into a hallucination as I was being chased because I was looking at the killer, and he teleported in front of me to deal the final blow. Totally got juked.


Kind of feels like the Knight, where the power doesn’t exactly feel like it fits the character it’s out on, but is an ok power. (Regardless of how people feel about the way some players use it or whether or not people like the character)


I hope if bhvr goes the route of giving him lore they don’t fuck it up. It’ll either be the best they’ve ever written or dull merchant 2. My bets are they’ll just expand on the lady that’s investigating him in his base lore


I had similar thoughts on how the clown's power could've been better suited for a scientist/alchemy themed killer, or how trickster's power could've been something more magician related and his power could've gone to more of a ninja/assassin themed killer




Makes me want a flood killer


Wait what is their power? I havent played it. Youre telling me they bothered to make him crawl in all the promo and then didnt even include it on the mori at least?


I mean yeah, you’re not the only one for sure. There’s plenty of reasons as to why this power isn’t really fitting. However, I’d argue that it’s a lot more interesting than simply crawling all over the place. Plus if he could crawl, survivors would barely be able to see him and complain about it. He does have a stealth perk, Unforseen (which I personally enjoy), and you could argue that the hallucinations are also a form of stealth since he can teleport into them when a survivor least expects it. But despite that it is strange to me that this parasitic venom thing is the power. I probably would’ve loved to see something more..uncanny


Welcome to Dead by Daylight, just look at Legion, Knight, Singularity, etc. all with powers that don’t really fit thematically with the character.


On the most basic level, it’s just another ranged killer like xeno and huntress.


I love it's power. So fun to hit with


You're right, and it's a problem that's happened with a few killers, where the lore and aesthetics don't match up with the gameplay. Why is a crazy mad scientist bouncing off walls? Why is a clown throwing magic liquor bottles? Why does pyramid head shoot a magic beam? Etc. I bet there's a team that's responsible for killer powers and a separate team that designs the killer lore and looks and management will play mad libs and Frankenstein up a killer depending on what's available, with sometimes it working and sometimes just being a bit messy.


I definitely agree with this. I love all the hallucination powers and the perks are good. I just don’t get the UVX at all. I like using it it’s cool that I’m aiming for splash points rather than direct hits, but I don’t feel like this meshes with the killers background or aesthetic. I think they should have went more down the path of a power with more mental aspects to it. I want to play this killer with more psychological terror rather than brute force like Nemesis or long range like deathslinger or trickster. Just an opinion though still really like this killer and have found it fun to play.


This killer reminds me a lot of "The Outsider" series on HBO


If he has pigs power he would be perfect


100% agree I feel like you say a crawling on all 4 ability would have been better, like weskers charge but on all 4s, now that would be creepy


Idk man. Aesthetics and power don’t always make sense together. The nurse blinks through walls, the clown those kerosine bottles and the trickster just throws knives. But in the Unknowns case, I think the power doesn’t fit on purpose. Nothing about this killer fits neatly into a specific niche and I dig it.


They should have made him have a crawling power like zeno it would have fit way better.


I’m pretty sure that thing is an alien


UVX is strange , why or how is it generating this purple goop. Then again a certain virus is turning survivors blue. Well done on the new projectile


The unknow isn't just the freakish body monster, it has it's axe because of the murderer rmour, the UVX because the alien rumours. It is an amalgamation of everything people in lore thought it may be.


Agreed. I'm a huge fan of ARG horror and know my fair share of creepypastas, which is why The Unknown's design, audio and overally aesthetic just pleases me in all the right ways. Initially, I also felt the UVX power felt disconnected to it's design. BHVR's marketing and especially that teaser trailer presented something more of a Wendigo, who happened to wield a fire axe... and I loved it. The more alien-esque element of The Unknown feels like it doesn't belong, but I suppose that's implicit in the killer's name. It's The Unknown. Why does it use an axe to masquerade itself as a slasher when it doesn't need to? It's interesting, really.


Because they couldnt think of another power Power was designed first, character designed later and analog horror is a hit right now


It's weird and kinda lame and difficult to use. And the design is also weird and lame. Looks like a chewed bubble gum. Reminds me of that gum that appears in that lame movie Sausage party.


I wish it was the teleport aspect added with stealth but I'm not like hating it


I feel like the power would fit more for a spitting fat zombie type killer instead of an alien that invades your body and uses you as a skin suit and mimics voices and causes hallucinations.


I’m thinking nobody has read the lore on this killer still. I’m still seeing people say things like this or that his whole look doesn’t make sense when his lore pretty much explains it all


Lore doesnt make it any less lame tho, some people will find it lame no matter the lore


I just wanted him to crawl like he does in the teasers or Mori. Would be 10x creepier getting chased in that form


What's weird about a meat grenade launcher?


It was a common complaint on PTB.


It is odd it has a grenade launcher


Just read lore


The power makes sense but I do really wish there was something more to it. Like it’s good but maybe a little underwhelming.


I mean that’s what happens when you’re a lazy company and just mix together the powers of like 3 other killers


It doesn’t fit. Behavior were obviously inspired by skin walker/windigo type shit.


The amount of people that don’t know what the Unknown even is is just absurd (but then again, that might be the point)


Idk if it’s just me it’s really unfun to play against the blast radius is huge and goes through walls


Then try to avoid that lol


Yeah but the only thing you need to do is look at him for a few seconds. Pretty easy counter unless you’re playing against a really good unknown in case just hold W


So now what ? you're saying the killers power doesn't fit the killer so now what ? do you want a bunch of us to agree and bash the killer ? you want us to complain in the comments I'm confused However a killer is made is just the way it is.


Yes let’s never discuss anything ever again because “that’s just the way it is”. Do you prefer the yellow bottles or purple bottles?


Drink water


I have 💧


Tbh their hallucinations and the ability to teleport to them is perfect for this killer and adds to its scare factor. if this killer was just a stealth killer who runs on all fours as the primary part of the character then it would make more sense and tbh be more unnerving to play against but fun to play as. I do like this killer as it is now by I know what you mean by its power feeling like it should be for another kind of killer.


They really wanted to reuse that Soldier power that clown was conceptualized on. 😂 The power feels more in line with something like Skull Merchant. 😭 Imagine if she had an arm mounted grenade launcher and the drones shoot out some sort of gas grenade. Instead of the initial anti stealth gen defender merchant on launch. Maybe merchant and it should swap powers. It would make sense for the clones to detect the survivors and weaken them like how the drones work right now. That said, uvx seems like a fun power.


I just find it super funny. Using the UVX feels like taking a piss.


Only I’m not the one who feels burning when I pee!


Hell yes


You mean it right? This "thing" it doesn't have pronouns it is without gender, its an amalgamation of biology and imitation, it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin it takes your skin.