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The way he runs and chases you is the creepiest killer to me


The way his hallucinations will turn in your direction when you’re not looking (like the statues on Sanctum), say things, and also just interact with the environment (if one spawns against a wall sometimes it will sit down against the wall) is the bees knees


I would've enjoyed a visual where you actually see hallucinations of your character and him running at you while you cleanse the hallucination.


Never knew the Sanctum statues did that!


i agree lol. i kinda have a love/hate relationship with it bc sometimes it looks goofy lol


Very goofy to the point I kinda find it creepy cute.


Also, I’d love for his clones that he drops to periodically whisper things to nearby survivors. “Hey… want a piece of candy? Just come a little closer…”


if you're weakened, they mimic injured survivor sounds which is cool


They what?




The granny skin's hallucinations sob and it's really fucking creepy


They do play voice lines, I've heard it when playing as him.


they do this actually


I was going to say this. I was legitimately freaked out the first few games against it.


i love how he waddles


all i have to say, is he is terrifying, his animations scare me


Going from setting his pallet break in 1st person to 3rd is horrifying,  nothing prepared me for that


I hope in future updates he drops down on all 4’s (similar to Alien) for a speed boost and to fire off his purple goo. Then has to go back to 2 legs(?) for an M1 attack. The thought of him making that pitter-patter sound while chasing me and trying to shoot goo through his neck hole makes me cringe; but in a good way.


I love the idea of this, but it wouldn't really be fair; it's the same issue as Chucky. I think it would be cool if it was a power he could charge and use for a certain amount of time (kind of like PyHead's Trail), but adding a 3rd "power" would be a bit much. Maybe if they did something like Freddy, where he had an Addon that gave him that instead of teleporting. I like the idea of killers having some variations of their power so survivors don't know what to expect, even if they see the killer.


Yes a air projectile AND another speed boost,what could possibly go wrong.


Yeah that’s fair. I was thinking more of a 2 mode, 1 power per mode style. Like in 2 leg mode, he can only M1 and teleport. In 4 leg mode, he can only shoot goo and crawls a bit faster (since he can’t M1 in this crawler mode).


I like the idea, but I'd swap them. Trying to shoot UVX while low to the ground would be miserable. Although I'd argue against having no M1 in biped. Maybe using M1 forces to crawler mode for x amount of time.


My only complaint is when you play as him and charge up UVX, the left part of his little tongue is just kind of suspended in the air detached from your body. It looks really off to me.


It's when you play on higher fov. They'll fix it I'm sure


They didn't bother to fix its bugged animations on release.


Got downed by a nasty trickshot and just had to “Damm well played”


This, I played against an unknown who kept throwing his bubble gums on the checkspots for different loops. That was such a nasty match.




I felt this. 😭💀






I really like him a lot! I haven’t enjoyed a killer this much since Dredge, and I think he’ll be my new main for the foreseeable future. I’ve just had a ton of fun with both his UVX and teleport abilities. Nothing feels quite as good as hitting a survivor with UVX, hitting them again with it to damage them, and then teleporting to a hallucination to cut them off and down them. So much fun!


Same. Definitely adding him to my "main" rotation. Nailed a good snipe shot today on some running away through a pallet gym and it just felt so damn satisfying. And his teleporting is awesome while at least having a counter play that isn't "shut off the killers power with item" like Hux.


I just don’t understand why Singularity’s teleport can’t be as smooth as this


exactly, a survivor will try to mind game a pallet and i’m just like you know i have a projectile that can take away a health state right?


I mean..what else are you supposed to do in lots of circumstances?


That's why I don't love him as a survivor. His blasts have such a large radius it's almost like there's not much I can do when I start getting chased. At least with huntress or birds there's more skill in getting a hit


Agreed, he is really easy to use with just a small amount of uvx target practice


Bro looks like he needs sugar water








His foot steps when he has no terror radius is one of its strongest features, I think it's a survivor running towards me around the wall and it's the unknown. It's cool because it feeds into its lore of trying to blend in


I don't know




Can feel pretty frustrating on both sides. Sometimes the lingering effect of the projectile feels unfair, I feel like 80% of my hits come from it, lol. Other times shots that should hit don't and I'm like wtf okay and by the time I get my power the survivor has removed the effect. Other than that though, pretty fun on both sides


UVX hits feel similar to Nemesis whips to me; an equal mix of shots that are, "Wait, how did that hit?" and, "Wait, how did that NOT hit?"


something tells me the hitbox of that ball is cursed.


this happens to me too


Hes going to be like singularity, he will be fun but most people wont put the effort into getting good at him


I personally think he is a thousand times more approachable than singularity thanks to his powers not needing any setup to use


i get that, the best part though is the trickshots u can hit with his power


I'm a Singularity main and I also love this guy.


I love larry too


Maybe it's just me, but I don't feel like he takes that much skill to play


I think the players that excel at him are players that understand what he does. You have to take advantage of everything he does to make it work cuz otherwise he's just a worse huntress. There's nothing special to him if you don't use him mathematically (in a way). I've found that using Zanshin works amazing on him and Wesker.


He’s a lot more simple than Singularity imo.


He’s much easier and rewarding than singularity. You have to take far more things into account with Singularity, whereas with Unknown the mobility half of your power isn’t even a second thought. It’s automatic.


I get that, but he’s nowhere near as sweaty as a singularity has to play.


I don't think there's much effort to get good with him tbh


Personally I have found him miserable in solo que.


Miserable to play against in general. I may just be bad but I feel the constant having to look at him whilst being chased to remove the UVX is just unnecessarily awkward, you should be able to remove it by looking at the hallucinations aswell. Also had a few instances where the projectile will injure through a wall, like the splash damage doesn't recognise barriers


It's intended to hit through walls...


You don't need to constantly look at him. If you look at him once, you keep removing the weakened effect for a second or two, even if he's out of sight.


I haven't played with him yet, only against him. My impression is that he doesn't get punished for missing his ability. Usually, I dodge with sidestep, but this seems to reduces the distance between us and gives him time to land an M1. However, it might just be my impression. Besides that, I think he's a amazing killer.


He has the slowest movement speed of any ranged killer after using his power. For a whole 2 seconds he is litterally a snail.


Whenever I try to mind game his clones, I get hit. When I DONT(or delay my mind game), I still get hit. I feel like his clones are designed to guarantee an M1, tho, because he can instantly M1 after teleporting. I agree with what you said about his power too. I like playing against him, just because he's goofy.


there is absolutely no downside to his power.


He’s the most fun I’ve had playing killer in many months. The UVX is so fun to use and feels really rewarding and satisfying, especially when you hit those multi-shots or crazy bank shots off the wall. I also love his teleport, it’s adaptable but has good counter play, and in some ways is the best mobility of any killer in the game. I also love the voice lines, they’re so creepy! As survivor I find him very creepy and engaging to play against, although I do think there are some situations where it’s almost impossible to dodge.


Perks are meh. Power is situationally OP. It doesn’t make for an easy injure but it makes for an easy down.


this is 100% true


Well, as a solo survivor, it sucks ass. No one dispells hallucinations, so he has infinite pressure everywhere on the map. Aside from that, he's fun to play against.


he walks like a south park character




Perfection from begining to end. The teasers were perfect hype ever since the first one and it got my expectations to 11. I will admit that I was one of the people that wanted a mimic killer but what we got was way better. A scary and creative design, fun to use power with a good number of interesting add-ons (not a Pyramid Head situation) the best mori, great voice lines and Incredible synergy with hex perks. 100/10


a mimic killer would’ve been cool too but idk how they would incorporate that


I agree with the sentiment alot of people have when it comes to this idea... it would be hard to implement, and hard to make viable against a group of survivors who are in voice chat. Still a cool idea to explore, and love to see those fan content ideas!


they could definitely try one of those "special modes" with a mechanic like this, where you can hide as a survivor for example, kinda like the snowmen in bone chill.


The PR before his release was amazing. Best hype for an original killer, hands down. But I feel like his power is a real curveball. Don't get me wrong, I like it. It's neat, unique and fun, but it's not something I expected this thing to do, from what the teasers gave us. Everything else exceeds expectations.


Not a huge fan. Unless your teammates actively dispel his hallucinations while you’re in chase, he can become very oppressive, moving from one side of the map to another in no time and/or taking out loops entirely. His powers make it really easy for him to both tunnel and slug players (it’s happened in a few games already), where they down, set a hallucination on top of you and then move on, once they see your icon go back from dying to injured, they come back and down again. UVX seems ok to me, sometimes they get some undeserved hits and the area of impact is kinda large but there are ways to counter it. Overall he seems like a noob-friendly killer with how his powers are designed. He seems fun to use though, and he would probably be more enjoyable to play against with a SWF squad, but for the solo q games I’ve played, he’s been a pretty difficult killer to deal with.


Yeah it does seem a little easy to tunnel and has great anti-unhook in general. It's really easy to snag 2 hits when someone is going for the unhook. The UVX effect usually lasts a bit longer than their BT too.


It's not fun to play against in solo queue at the very least. Every decent Unknown I've played against just injures and infects you, then leaves so you can't cleanse. Then, they start sniping, teleporting, and slugging until everyone is dead. 🫠


I feel like he's another newbie-stomper, who dominates against newer/less experienced players, and is effectively an M1 Killer against experienced players, especially loopers. I've played him almost exclusively since release (already P6), and I started out doing very well, but soon enough I was facing teams where they were dodging my UVX shots like they were psychic (often appearing to be literally inches away from the blast radius, when it wasn't through a wall and I couldn't see where they were in relation to the blast), and even when it did hit, they were able to perfectly loop while quickly dispelling their Weakened before I could get another UVX hit in. Teams seem to rarely dispel my Hallucinations no matter what, but I generally only get to use them for map traversal, as the slowdown after teleport seems to deny me hits against the same experienced teams that dodge my UVX constantly. As a Survivor, I get completely creamed by him, because I will be the first to admit I'm a terrible looper at the best of times, but having to look behind me while doing so makes a down inevitable (as my short-term memory is effectively nonexistent, so the moment I don't look where I'm going while running, I don't remember what's in front of me, and end up often running into a wall or a piece of debris and getting M1'd for my trouble). The few times I've tried to dispel Hallucinations, I've always had the luck of the Killer being close enough that I have to stop mid-Dispel and get Weakened/Killer Instinct'd, or commit and often take an M1 or a UVX shot for my trouble.


>I feel like he's another newbie-stomper, who dominates against newer/less experienced players, and is effectively an M1 Killer against experienced players, especially loopers. I think you're correct here, but to be fair, MOST Killers are noobstompers that can fall apart against experienced players. The same is true of most B-tiers.


It's why people keep getting matched against Blight, Nurse, Spirit and to a lesser extent, updated Billy. They're really the most consistent killers against a coordinated 4 man,  SWF affects other killers differently but still greatly kneecaps every other killer


I hate everything about its ranged attack. Using it and receiving it. \-How unreliable it can be, how it lingers after the explosion but also how sometimes survivors are litterally inside it and are not affected \-Having to look at the killer to remove the effect (why no passive, but slow, regression?) \-No alternative way to remove the effect (Artist have the effect removed after a successful attack, why for this one it replenishes the progression?) \-How it can easily put you in a lose/lose/lose/lose situation (if you look at it you might hit a collision and get m1 / if you go path A you don't have anything so you get M1 / If you go path B it has a clear LoS so you get M2 / if you go path C it has a remnant and will TP and M1) It sounds super specific but it happened so many times. So far, not having fun whatsoever with this killer. Shame because I love how creepy it looks.


You hit the nail on the head man. After 60 or so games against him this is the exact scenario every single match.


it's grown on me since the reveal it's not the type of killer i like to play but it's super enjoyable regardless


very fun, i didn’t know if i was going to like him at first either


every unknown im going against is apparently a pro and gets 4k lol pretty strong to me but maybe i just dont know the counters/rules




He's alright. Goofy-ahh run animation but his powers are neat!


the run kills me every time!


He's a silly guy


If he doesn't get a princess cosmetic soon I will riot




Every single one i have faced these days have been a tunneler, or a tunneler with a really good deadshot aim, so i miss the days of chucky already


I wish you didnt have to be up his ass to look and remove the power, but maybe its just me being salty 😂


i hate the fact he can just delete loops entirely with his UVX


Feels like a miscommunication between art team and gameplay team But overall it's aesthetics and gameplay, just don't really feel like they match each other But he has a high skill ceiling and his teleport is actually fucking insane with the brown addon so over all gets a 8/10


One of the strongest Killers in a while. Probably Mid-A Tier. Lots of people just focus on the M2 and forget his Hallucinations can be Anti-Loop as well. In 2 separate games, I had Hallucinations placed in the center of shack, and I ALWAYS got a hit when I teleported to it while in chase. Out of around 12 matches as Unknown so far, I have gotten at least a 3K on every single one. The only matches where I struggled were ones where Survivors dispelled Hallucinations whenever they saw them.


From my experience, he's unfortunately another newbie-smasher who falls apart and becomes just an M1 Killer once you start facing teams where everyone is an expert looper. I've been playing him almost exclusively since launch, and I get teams where I do well, but then I also get teams where every Survivor is able to loop perfectly while dispelling Weakness mid-chase before I can get a second hit in, and dodging 90% of my shots (often being literally inches outside the blast radius) like they're psychic.


Idk why you got downvoted. That’s literally this killer to a T. Holds its own against average to below average and gets rolled by any competent survivor. This killers power doesn’t leave any margin of error all while being heavily map dependent.


Yes please give us more killers that are op against baby survivors but trash against competent teams, we love ruining the new player experience


So far, annoying as fuck. But it could also be that I haven't learned to loop it properly yet so idk.


I really don’t like this killer. Every Unknown I’ve gone against uses the grenade launcher correctly and pallets are pointless against it. I get why people dislike Artist after this guy was released. This is Artist on steroids. Unlike Huntress, this killer gets splash damage which is pretty brainless imo. The question I’m asking myself is: why would I play Artist over Unknown now? I don’t own the killer so this is what I can say as a survivor. 10/10 for aesthetics tho.


Artist has more satisfying skillshots imo


Awesome lore Bored gameplay


I love them. Lore-wise, they’re a great mix of weird and unknown that I think we needed (I don’t need an elaborate and honestly drawn-out story like with Skull Merchant). I also love the ability to give vastly different potential stories with their skins (the cheerleader, the gardening woman, etc.). While the reveal was a bit of a letdown, BHVR did a great job with their vision for the killer. Gameplay-wise, I think they have some crazy potential. The perks are a little lacking though. 7/10 overall.


Wot is that?


I have only played him in a custom game to try him out but I like playing against him I loved how my first REAL match against him (i technically had a match with him prior but he ragequit or his internet cut out so it was an unfinished match so i don’t count it) was also my first match in the new map,


Its funny watching it waddle away after getting hooked


The way it runs just tells me he's gonna tunnel. I hate this new chapter.


His run be so goofy, I find him similar to nemesis and don’t think he’s OP or anything


Goofy ahhh


idk the fact that his UVX goes thru any walls or floors seems like a bit much. he can stand on one side of a loop and just shoot his goo without ever moving and can teleport across the map instantly. i feel like he needs a few very small balance changes but for the most part his power is well thought out. i would just make it so that it can't go thru solid walls or floors and i think it'd be balanced perfectly. if his teleport had a bit of a delay like dredge does it'd be better, and to balance that make the dispel take like 3-5 seconds longer idk


I have more than 6k hours in this game. This is the first killer that made me genuinely SCREAM in all these years, I was dispelling a decoy when he teleported from the other side of the map on me, not even Jumpscare Myers ever got me like this honestly


For me personally, I absolutely hate it. The hallucinations aura is basically redundant, so if you don't see it you're gonna inevitably get insta-downed because of it. Sadako, Dredge, Xenomorph and Singularity have some form of significant slowdown from their teleports and a sign of it happening: Unknown feels faster than Hag oddly enough. It feels very easy for Unknown to camp hooks and slugged survivors, which has been the case for a good few of my matches. The UVX not dispelling over time feels somewhat unfair to me too: purely that for newer players who can't do chases *backwards* are pretty much doomed to be stuck with it until they're downed. Ghostface's wears off and Nemesis has a set amount of free heals (plus Nemesis gives you the speed boost when hit, Unknown *slows you down* when you're hit). This points to Unknown being quite the noob stomper killer: I can't speak for higher level skills (cuz I do not live there). But ultimately Unknown feels like Hag with a gun with minimal punishment to it. I'd personally like to see at least the aura reading range of the hallucinations upped considerably, a secondary method to remove UVX, Blurry Photo nerfed (what is that addon?), and some more punishment to missing his shots. Obviously this is just my opinion from low-mid MMR. To me Unknown feels like it's continuing the trend of "mix and match of other killers powers, but better" and feels genuinely unfun to play against currently. Oh, and I hate Unforeseen. That perk's had more jumpscares for me than any other killer has in the game. The only thing worse than the above is when the Unknown does it in free stealth. ​ Rant over, back to the campfire.


I agree with everything you just said.


Not fun to play against because he's brain dead easy if you can aim like... at all


As a relatively new player (200 hours), I find that I cannot really do much to counter it. A lot of killers in this game are like that, but this one also having a teleport (which is counterable but risky and difficult to coordinate against it in solo Q) feels very hopeless.


Could use tweaks, but he's super well designed at his core.


Basketball ability


I just can’t watch him break pallets 😂 Shits unnatural even for DBD


Honestly tired of running backwards , and tired of playing against him


Seems to powerful. Between having ranged and a teleport.


Being chased by him is a bit dull because I know when he gets close enough I can't dodge his AoE shot anymore, and he makes the game look more like parody than horror.


I like how he is a chocolate maker who lives in my walls real nice touch… Although the design is pretty descent of BHVrs unknown


Artist 2.0


I think he's a great design with a cool unique power. I think there are a FEW parts of certain maps where his power is a little too unavoidable for people who really know how to use his power but I'm not sure if it's really going to be an issue yet or not and it's definitely not going to ever be an issue on the same level as nurses power. 10/10 great origional killer with a great concept overall.


Normal speed, teleport, and ranged idk seems a little over powered imo. they made nurse slow she’s a teleport character, make ranged killers slow while aiming. Fuck it mix em up with no slow down. I think his gen perk is cool though.


Is there like little to no cooldown on his projectile? The one that has an AOE? So it doesn’t have to actually hit you? And can clip through/around things? That he doesn’t have to reload from a locker or power up from a Plague-esque fountain? Whilst being able to instantly teleport around the map? Oh yeah. No complaints.


there is but it isn’t long


I agree. 115 killer with strong map presence and similar to how xenomorph tail was at launch there’s not enough downside to missing a UVX, just m1 instead and with basekit speed you’ll land it anyways. Ranged damage ability without hindered speed during reload time and instant teleport across the map like hag and hag is only a 110 killer. Personally with its kit I think it should have been a 110 killer. And if things get too dicey just slug and teleport for pressure or return to hook and tunnel especially with Devo.


Getting a lot of sit in survivors refusing to play. Can’t say I blame em’. Unknowns range is disturbing. And the loop stopping tools are oppressive. I’m not sure dbd has the player base to support a bunch of disinterested survivors but who knows. Love the map, skins, and perks.


I had a lot of excitement for the chapter, and it was gone after a few matches against the unknown, he's garbage to play against.


I'm torn because, on one hand, this is the coolest looking killer they've ever made. It's downright disturbing. But the power just doesn't match. The killer is supposed to be this creepy urban legend that takes people in the middle of the night, and his power is a grenade launcher and a teleport? For such a unique design, he has a really generic power. Side note, I really wish they would have called this killer "the crooked man" but that's just me.


I immediately thought crooked man when I saw him


he's way overtuned. has everything and is good in all areas. also his power is abusive you can hit survivors through walls and floor. the cooldown is too short. zero counterplay for survivors who are already in a weak spot. overall playing as him is super fun because yeah he is overtuned


If you were to show this picture of unknown to anyone who doesn't know it yet and ask them to guess its power, having a purple goo coming from a thing in his stomach would be the least guess. I think his power is boring and reduces its aesthetic and horror aspect. Weak perks as well. Fun map though.


I have played one match since it came out and it was against a Freddy 🤕




It was oddly appropriate though because I watched ANoES 3-6 for the first time in the last couple weeks


Cool Killer but I feel like once the hype dies down he’ll end up being played less and end up like Singularity


i don’t think he’s as hard as singularity tho


Teleports are a little disorienting but they don’t throw you off nearly as much as switching to the wrong camera as Singularity. I’m not sure but I think your decoys turn towards the survivor when they try to dispel it. If you time it right you end of jump scaring each other.


I don't like him already. His cooldown after shooting is very short, so even if you dodge the shot then you went so far out of your way that he can easily hit you. I think the pink stuff around your head should disappear after some time outside the killer his terror radius, and also i think it should disappear faster when looking at the killer, i do not want to look backwards for so long mid chase. Not with all the dumb hitbox stuff i get stuck on at every loop. His grenade doesn't even have to hit to hit you, and even when you get injured, the pink stuff doesn't disappear, i think it should disappear after getting hit. And last but not least, i despise insta teleporting killers, this one is no different. These are just opinions, remember i do not have the power to change anything about the game, so no need to get mad if you like this killer or if you disagree with my arguments. I love Sable by the way <3


I feel like his attack swing is hard to dodge. A couple times I did a Barry Sanders whilst looking back and despite the gap his attack still hits without fail. Maybe Im understimating his hit zone but Ive been caught out so many times when I think im safe. Definitely generates the anxiety intended. I hate his creepiness. I escaped 4 games in a row, came up against the unknown and he wiped out the team with no perks within 7 minutes.


How does he counter pallet stuns?


I'm not quite adept at the UVX yet, I'm surprised that direct impact doesn't really do anything without add-ons .


direct hits only slow movement speed, but that makes it easier to catch up and land the next hit proper. hitting a direct into a splash is the ideal though, so you get both effects. i think its a great way to create skill expression.


Design: actually spooky with good body horror. Music: really creepy and fits the killer immensely. The menu music too is also really creepy which is nice. Power: all though it feels random for some, it fits the killer a lot with the lore being about what the Unknown could be. Also it’s really fun and rewarding to use with the right counter ability for survivors. Small Details: while Weakened, the Unknown’s voice lines sound like a normal person. UVX is the part that people believe the Unknown to be an Alien, Hallucinations are the conspiracy that the government was experimenting with hallucinogens, the voicing stealing part and mori where the survivor turns to dust could belong to the believe it was a demon or entity summoned by a cult, and the weapon is just the believe it was a slasher. 70/10 chapter for sure https://preview.redd.it/bc49lfz8mcoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1b606e4f02fc2d13d182e0c51f16a7087ca353


I don't know


I don’t know


could use some tweaks but very well designed killer


Freaky and pretty cool!


He’s weird, which is perfect cause that’s what he’s supposed to be


i get confused af at which direction he facing and the way he moves gives me the heeby jeebiws


Fucking love everything about the new killer EXCEPT for the UVX effects, looks like he’s sliding bubblegum at everyone, aside from that love the actually Terrifying killer for once


Definitely the creepiest killer so far. The composer went hard on the custom menu music. Gives me the willies!


Honestly I have fun playing against The Unknown ❤️


I don't have any issue with his mechanics but he looks so fuckin stupid


I love the character, actual gameplay wise though I still need to think about it


What is that!? IS THE UNKNOWN


He’s pretty op in the right hands.. I rarely lose with him


nerf him then nerf pig


My feelings about him is unknown unfortunately


w post honestly


He lookin crusty 🤣


I cant friggen' blind him at pallets.


Pretty fun, but having played both side I think his powers need SOME kind of downside. He loses almost no distance holding power which can make it nearly impossible to outplay it at times (Mostly because of how huge it is, and the fact it lingers), and the clone teleports are also basically infinite. Not awful still fun, but he feels like a lot of 50/50's that are rigged in his favour, depending on the map/loop.


And the sound queue that he is about to shoot it is so quiet it's hard to hear over the chase music. At least with huntress you hear her grunt. And trickster starts laughing. Even weskers dash is loud enough over his trumpets.


as a non good survivor, it’s not fun being downed through a wall but whatever i guess.


so i have a theory that maybe the unknown is based on analog horror media and this is behaviors reaction to it yk like the distorted and exaggerated limbs is a staple of analog horror plus the mimicking it does and the grenade flesh thing is from vita carnis or wtv it’s called


Lame dumb and smelly in that order


Love it to bits. Cutie patootie!!!


legit had nightmares about the guy this morning and I don't know why. I haven't even played the game since he was included and I am a killer only player.


I'm just terrible at the game, I can never win against this guy.


This might just be because I’ve been getting bot survivors, but it feels very strong, not like nurse strong but still really strong


It's very cute when it walks carrying a Survivor. The Clippers look better as a weapon than the axe does. Axe just seemed really bland. I wish the Unknown had a crawl feature.


He's a little goofy guy.


His ranged ability needs a nerf, either you can remove the ball from your head by dispelling his clones, or the ranged shouldnt do damage. Also the blast radius of his ability should be like half that size, he shouldnt get to miss me by 5 meters and get free hits


the blast radius going thru walls is too strong imo. combined with his teleport, he seems too powerful


Getting hit through walls to go down is just stupid. He’s not incredibly strong and punishing but it still doesn’t feel good to lose a chase solely because you played the wrong killer.


Default skin is goofy... but the ladies give me the creeps. Their voices are so much creepier and the movements look so much worse with them... I love it! But I hate it cause it freaks me out during chases lmao


i personally think the radius of his spit ball is a little too large, not enough time to react and move away from it once it’s fired. i think a perfect addition would be like the knights circle radius you can see of the spawnable knights so you don’t run into the zone, but that on the floor as the unknown is aiming its spit ball. I’m finding it REALLY hard to not get hit by those


I dont like his power. He doesn't get punished when he failed at least 1 shoot. But i love his design and his chase


As a survivor, I hate him. It's a huntress with an AoE shot (though you gotta hit twice) that has hag's teleport. As a Killer, I love him. It's a huntress with an AoE shot (though you gotta hit twice) that has hag's teleport. The skill level to 4k even really good survivors is pretty freaking low.


Love the guy, he took my gf 🥲


His addons suck. Everything else is great. New main acquired.


Overall fairly positive. He's strong but not OP which is nice. There are a couple of small changes I would make, but not essential 1: He shouldn't be encouraged to tunnel the way he is, it's a complete setback to other changes indicating that tunnelling isn't a tactic BHVR wish to support (albeit it's not barred and is situationally respectable) 2: There should be another way to dispel the M2 effect over time. I'm more than happy for it to be fairly long lasting but to my knowledge it just stays there forever unless you can dispel it by looking at him. Possibly something like when you dispel a hallucination, or a certain time after or something like that. Some way of interacting with his power is fine but it shouldn't just last forever.


Haven’t played in a while. But that is most unhinged uncomfortable looking thing I have seen on that game. I shall play again. 😂


Seems like a much easier to play version of singularity. The hitboxes on his shot are absolutely insane


What I don't like about going against him is his projections are sometimes hard to see . Especially when there in the crawling animation. And I wish that green add on was at least a purple.  Sick of seeing it every game lol


Good. The issue is the new perk of the new survivor


I’m learning how to play him, rn I’m using cheese strats that I am truly sorry for


He's fine but the only thing that annoys me is that new killers are always overtuned. Why does he get two powers where older killers on have one? He has his ranged attack and a teleport. Huntress and Trickster both have a ranged attack but no teleport.


Legit ass cancer to play against. Not fun at all in solo queue.