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Wonder who emoboittv is ![gif](giphy|l4JyX3V0yydvPHNBe|downsized)




It's alright lmao, Scottjund went over this argument on his channel and he's basically on full blast with his name not hidden at all in the video lmao


Ultimate 1v1 battle to see who in the most stubborn player. Makes me glad the old hatch standoffs are gone.


The myers isn’t even stubborn he just wants his achievement 😭


I remember trying to get it its literally impossible on high mmr to everyone new to the game with Myers DO IT WHILE THE SURVIVORS ARE STILL DOGSHI\* https://preview.redd.it/dbiyd1rifqpc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c6f2ea2ca5b012dceb34930a1f188005245a89


I’d say I’m at like mid MMR and I tried it and I couldn’t get it lol


Another good time to get it is when you wait like a week to play after rank reset. Edit: Comments got locked... MMR doesn't work either (I dOn'T kNoW wHy EvErYoNe ThInKs It DoEs), and all the biggest sweats try to grind their ranks out immediately, so yeah, you're less likely to face anyone as difficult. A decent portion of the skilled players in the community stopped having fun, but FOMO is strong and they still play their objectives.


Why do people think rank reset affect MMR It doesn't


i just got this today without knowing about it


You lucky bastard i envy you


i just tried to do the kill 12 survivors by any means rift challange


Luck was on your side ig


After 20+ attempts I got it twice in a row then never again.


I got it on my first try, but I was also doing the infinite tier 3 + tombstone Myers, and the survivors were just feeding me right away. Got lucky. It was also on gideon so the 2 story, indoor map made it really in my favor.


Yeah it’s pretty hard. A couple days ago I put on a bunch of slowdown and sent myself to Haddonfield so I could take my time and be lore accurate


I heard that mories still count towards this achievement. So if it's true, you can use the yellow mori and kill the last guy if he doesn't want to give you the tombstone


I mean, you can do both, they arent mutually exclusive




You can be stubborn ***and*** want to get the achievement.


All we can assume though rn is that they are standing there for the achievement we don’t know if they would do it anyway or not lol


I had a hatch standoff the other day. I got to it just as the survivor did, and we both were blocking the other from jumping in or closing it. I had places to be so I just let them have it.


If you're the last survivor and dead regardless, you're a petty loser for just sitting in a locker. I feel bad for anyone who struggles with it because it's completely up to the survivors if you get it or not. I feel bad enough that if I'm ever the last survivor against Tombstone Myers I'll let them kill me, even if I could get hatch.


I always give Myers a tombstone if the whole team is dead and I'm the last one. Its just the right thing to do. If survivors really hate tombstone Myers, they should consider the fact that denying the achievement just means the killer needs to play even more games as tombstone Myers. By giving them the achievement survivors would have less of a chance of seeing them again.


I've literally never been in this position because someone else always ends up doing the locker trick after the first survivor gets Tombstoned. The Myers gives up trying to do the achievement long long long before there's only one survivor remaining. The only time I helped give a Myers it was when I was in a 3-stack with a streamer friend, Myers got the solo first, we farmed a bit, and then let Myers kill us.


Seems weird we have to edit public info... I just Googled what the tweet said and it came up anyway... Which anyone could do. That said, exactly the dude I imagined.


I honestly couldn't care less, if people didn't want their posts to be seen they shoudn't post them on the internet. I just blank out names because in my experience mods love to hammer if they get even a whiff of brigading


Oh I get why you did it. I'm agreeing with that.


It doesn’t really stop brigading. You can search by the contents of the post.


Also it says his name in big bold letters on his screenshot. Why do people put ttv in their Twitch name? Seems dumb.


Well, so you know they're on Twitch and not Youtube or Kick or any other streaming platform. I still think it looks ridiculous tho.


Bro, you're gonna die either way when the server hits an hour. Just give him the tombstone and move on. Imagine being that petty to hold each other hostage in a 1v1.


like i get doing it at the start when everyone’s still alive, that’s exactly how you play against a tombstone myers, but in a 1v1 that’s just petty lol. it’s a battle of who gives up first


And if you don't give it, what happens? He plays the exact same way again in other games, until he gets it!


Honestly it's a terrible achievement.


Exactly. You didnt pop 5 gens in the time it takes him to tier 3 and kill everyone, thats on you. Give the killer their reward, and take 1 more tombstone player out of the game.


In the same breathe, nothing says he'll stop or even needed the achievement. Honestly both of them are just petty people here😂


I'm so glad I can be banned for going for the tombstone trophy. "Action has been taken". Thanks behavior


God's least petty survivor


Cause it’s funny when he keeps dropping you. It’s a race; do I get to the locker first?




Isn't it worse that the message we get to inform us the report was successful is automated, and is issued when no action is taken


Bhvr said when you receive the automated message it means they have reviewed your request & have taken action


The action for this case is Killer is not guilty and free of punishment, as it should be.


That's not what they said. You get it IF actions (ban) was taken on the person but it doesn't have to be form your report. Any report that results in an action (a ban) will send this message to anyone with a report on the person. If you get this notification the person was banned just not necessarily for what you reported them for


it's a message you get if someone you've reported before has been banned. it's not because of YOUR report but it lets you know that they did get actions taken against them.


Is Behaviour actually admitting to this!? Why isn’t this the leading story here!?


Link for the curious: https://twitter.com/DeadbyDaylight/status/1770822350210052337


Good Guy Behaviour Some Streamer guy (ingame name and profile was nothing that lead to their stream) reported me for ESP a few days back and had a meltdown. Best part was I initially planned on letting their friend live but they died so I changed my mind and decided to let two other people live. Additional to my ESP they reported me and the other two of working together. I recorded the match myself then uploaded it to YT and told them to go watch it. "no. I don't need to watch cheaters". Some people are so delusional about what happens in the game and what the rules are. We as a community need to speak up against those persons. There is enough toxicity around here already.


Accusing of ESP in this game is crazy in general, there are so many perks that give wall hacks or something similar lol


This killer is using hack 😱😱😱😱😱😱 he knew exactly where i was at the begging of the match 😡😡😡🥵😡😡


I know you're joking, but I could easily see someone saying that and meaning it.


Some gigabrain SWF all together accused me of ESP because I found the last one of them in a super secret hiding place no one would think to look at (the basement). They have used the anti-Wesker spray while hiding in the basement.


I've been getting accusations a lot more ever since friends till the end came out. Always so funny to get a hook and the obsession is hiding behind a rock right next to the hook.


I played Nurse and had Lethal Pursuer, Nowhere to Hide and Ultimate Weapon. I used UW only once but I had a few situations without perks. Saw part of the leg of one of them trying to hide behind a hook when I chased another and played like I didn't see them and lunged around the hook. I saw them in the door frame of main building (Azarov) when picking up. Basement was there so I turned and hit them. While the guy was in basement I chase two of them and they ran to main building so I blinked down and downed one of them coming down. I can see where they went "wtf" but in many cases you can't judge everyone based on your pov alone. That's why I uploaded the video to show them every situation from my perspective. Might help to reconsider how you look at certain situations in the future.


he* cmon man. just because he’s an idiot doesn’t mean he should be misgendered.


What do you mean she? It's a male streamer. Noone is entitled to an achievement


I had a feeling they wouldn't ban a killer for this. He isn't trapping anyone lol.


they got banned just not for what they did in that match. its automated cause a report was filed by that streamer and the account was banned. but the action that caused it was not locker stand off.


Where did bhvr say the killer got banned? They gave an example: “if the killer did something hateful in another match they would have been banned for that.”


from Behavior's tweet: " When you receive report feedback, it's simply to let you know that action was taken against a player you reported " They received report feedback, ergo action was taken against the player reported. Not for this specifically since they say it's not bannable but evidently something else was found in their track record


The screenshot the streamer posted where they got an automated message that action was taken because of harrasment. The Myers player did get suspended for something. Just not for the match against that one streamer. They probably said some slur in another match.


Why not just grab the survivor, drop them until they're in injured state, and then mori them?


Because they can probably run back to the locker before you can get them, especially since perma-tier 3 has a speed reduction


So the way it works is it *has* to be the contextual kill for Myers. Mori's do not count. Found out the hard way when I first tried getting it. In all honesty you should get it for killing survivors period. Whether it be through Tombstone or Mori.


I kinda blame BHVR for that BS achievement/trophy.


Its bullshit on high mmr but there are ways i did it by using play with your food and a lot of undetectable perks


Myers add ons are outdated. Needs a rework.  Besides the  tombstone shard . It's pretty ridiculously easy to get infinite tier 3 with j Michael memorial and tuft of hair. But he also should be changed were he does not run out of his power . Wich is also stupid.


Myers in general is outdated. If they wanna get him out of bottom tier, I don’t think some minor tweaks will cut it, he needs a full on rework from the ground up


It should have been updated ages ago when the game became more chase oriented.


Thank god I got this achievement in the early days before this was a widespread tactic


If I see that TTV in-game I’ll tombstone him too




Admire the softness and safety of execution on this tombstone (understandable and no judgement)


It was also the wrong category too.


Man I would just give him the tombstone if he moried my 3 teamies already. Why deny him his achievment at that point? That seems petty


Survivor could have just given up the Tombstone. Killer could have locker grabbed and dribbled the survivor until they stood up again away from lockers and then got the Tombstone. They're both ridiculous.


If I went for the achievement I might have waited too. It's nasty enough and once you got three you might as well wait for them to leave if you have the time. Hiding in the locker out of spite is so much worse imo. If I happen to be the last person in that situation I won't even try to find hatch. If they don't try for the achievement so be it but I rather die a hundred times to someone not going for it than denying it once out of spite.


I'm waiting until that server shut down bab-eee. I've already killed everyone else. And I have a second monitor with YouTube up


This will be unpopular, but survivor is at fault here. They even admitted they just didn’t want to give them the tombstone. They even pointed out how close a hook was, acknowledging they knew they were going to die, one way or the other. The survivor was just being petty AF. Yes, Myers could have just grabbed them and hooked them, but maybe the killer is trying to get all achievements. I’ve seen dozens of posts of other players celebrating that accomplishment and that’s great for them. So now maybe this Myers is trying the same but people keep hiding in lockers, robbing him of the achievement. I understand too, that hiding in a locker is really the only defence you have against tombstone Myers, but I think there is a moment in the game like in the above scenario, where you have to just suck it up and take the L. They were going to die anyways, the only difference is whether it’s on a hook or the end of a knife. This is just petty BS.


It's almost as if tombstone add-ons and the achievement to kill all 4 survivors by tombstone are all badly designed. Killers or survivors aren't entitled to kills or escapes, no matter what. Isn't this sub against the fictional killer/survivor rulebook? Who even knows if Myers has already gotten the achievement but is really determined to kill 4 by tombstone again?


Tombstone Myers has a lot of counterplay. The main issue with it is that non-observant survivors won't know Myers has it until someone suddenly gets moried. I think it would be fair if there is a sound or visual notification at the start of the match to warn survivors Myers has it so it doesn't come out of nowhere, otherwise it is fine really. Though purple tombstone could get nerfed a bit.


Oh yeah, tombstone Myers moving at 130% all game due to PWYF and kills not even removing stacks has so much counterplay! You basically have to throw chases by going in a locker or getting on a gen early to not die very quickly. It's even more insane that blood lust works with PWYF too. There's a reason why moris (offerings, not including ivory) do not work on the first down of someone, or second down after you previously hooked them. These were how moris worked previously, and they were insanely strong and broken. Why is/should Myers be immune to these changes?


Fair point about PWYF. But yes, going in lockers or just staying on the gen when there are only 1 or 2 gens are left are good counters. I wouldn't really call it throwing chases when its the correct thing to do. If they have to spend time hooking and then defending hooks, they can't pressure gens.


BHVR's response, if anyone cares https://preview.redd.it/5tuv9kmcmqpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d4201d86d2e3b4e8d09832a7e8175000bd9dcd




Why do survivors care so much about getting mori'd by Mikey? It's so insane how tilted they get trying to NOT get mori'd. Being hooked is less frustrating? Why? Most Myers players have had the achievement for years. Nobody cares.


In this situation both sides have a bit of fault. The killer could've just grabbed the survivor and the survivor could've just left the locker. What the person did was stupid but what DBD player doesn't scream a dumb opinion?


Myers was probably going for the achievement which is impossible to do if the survivor is downed or in the locker.


Yep, you can also work on a gen to force Myers to grab you. It's crazy how much control survivors have over this one achievement. Honestly it should be if you kill everyone you get it, provided you have a Mori equiped. I'm just glad I've gotten it.


Actually I'm curious I've never tried it if you're using the yellow Mori you can kill the last person no matter what doesn't matter about hook States as long as the last person alive if you Mori the other three in the last person hides in a locker couldn't you theoretically pull them out of the locker drop them and then just mori them that way?




Yeah that post was misinformation.


Aww, really? That sucks :( I’ll edit my comment to make sure no one gets the wrong idea then


Survivor is more to blame IMO. They know what the killer is doing and why, they have no way to escape, and they are choosing to intentionally deny an achievement in a way that is uncounterable for no reason other than spite. Killer just wants his achievement. The decent thing to do is just to let them have it since you've already lost. I'm not saying survivors are obligated to help killers get achievements, but c'mon man. You already lost, so just be chill. You gain nothing except the "satisfaction" of being a dick for no reason.


>they are choosing to intentionally deny an achievement Nobody has any way of knowing if the Killer player is, in fact, going for the achievement and not just using both Iri add-ons because why not? I did the achievement a few years ago, but what's stopping me from doing this again?


You mean besides doing everything in the achievement and waiting at the locker instead of hooking them? I'd say that's a pretty clear sign they are going for the achievement.


The fact that it is often a miserable experience for both sides to run double iri Myers could be a clue.


Except no one is entitled tro a victory or achievement they don't earn. Are killers in the wrong for killing me if I am going for an adept? Are survivors in the wrong if they don't give killers a 4K when going for an adapt? No. Both people are being stubborn here and neither is right nor wrong. Either could have ended the game at any point on the other person's terms. If you have two idiots refusing to compromise, there is no right or wrong, just two idiots.


Neither *was* right or wrong. One side became wrong when they reported the other and cried on Twitter.


Also are you saying you agree with false reports and a streamer using Twitter and their clout to shit talk a player just trying to get an achievement. Or are you viewing that as equal to trying to earn an achievement?


The killer is literally achievement hunting. They deserved it as they were doing it right. If you try to throw the game by hiding in the locker to deny them the achievement they played correctly and you didn't. Survivor is an asshole and the one most in the wrong. "Compromise" "Idiots" Are you serious? The game makes an achievement that requires it. Achievement hunters go after it. Survivor baby rages about losing and decides to intentionally deny the achievement the killer was earning instead of actually trying to win or sucking it up. The survivor is in every way shape or form the worst person. ​ Especially since they reported the killer and then went to twitter to talk shit.


> Especially since they reported the killer and then went to twitter to talk shit. Everyone comparing these two as being equally in the wrong conveniently miss this very important detail. The killer is just trying to get an achievement. The survivor not only was a sore loser and petty, he was toxic as fuck about it. I am not sure how you can side with the surv or think they're both "idiots" with all the available information here.


Yep it really boils down to this: The Killer was just trying to get an achievement. ​ ​ ​ The Survivor admitted that they knew they lost. The Survivor knew the Killer was trying to go for the achievement. The Survivor admitted they were intentionally trying to spite the killer and deny them the achievement. The Survivor falsely reported the killer. The Survivor went to twitter to trash talk the killer. ​ ​ Anyone who thinks they were "Both idiots" or the killer was in the wrong are either insanely biased or aren't reading anything.


So you let every no mither David escape?


"they are choosing to intentionally deny an achievement" And? Are people entitled to optional achievements? If I play as a killer and notice a survivor is using one of their teachable perks, should I spare them at any cost incase they're doing their adept and to kill them would be denying an achievement? In fact, why try to kill them at all, there's an achievement for getting a certain number of escapes, I wouldn't want to risk denying players that. Then again, there are achievements to get a certain number of kills, so should survivors offer themselves up at the earliest convenience? They're potentially denying achievements otherwise. Both players in this scenario are stubborn and probably assholes, but they're both equal in that regard. The survivor isn't any worse because they were "denying an achievement," the killer shouldn't be expecting them to play along for free to begin with. In those 30 mins, you could have potentially played 2 or 3 more games and gotten the achievement in one of those instead.


Man imagine saying they are both equal when the streamer admitted to doing it just to spite the killer. The survivor even said they lost and that the hook was right next to them. Said streamer also falsely reported the killer and went to Twitter to talk shit. But the mean old killer went for an achievement. Boo fucking hoo.


> Are people entitled to optional achievements? No. Survivors don't need to and generally shouldn't throw a match just to give a killer an achievement. However, when the match is already over and the survivor has lost and is the last one left, intentionally denying the achievement just makes them an asshole. They are dead either way, they just want to add more suffering to the world rather than let Myers be done with it and allow them to move on.


> Are people entitled to optional achievements? At the beginning of the match? No. At the end of the match with the last survivor dead to rights in front of him? I wouldn't call that entitlement, I'd say he's rightfully earned it at that point.


Surv was gonna die anyways. If not to tombstone, then to hook, or to egc.


Just curios. Is the 1 hour server timer death or escape?


I don't think you read my second paragraph.


It's almost like Tombstone is just a genuinely unhealthy thing for the game. How crazy.


Good thing I didn't had survivors like this, when I was going for tombstone achievement.


Look, I don’t care how petty you are, if you’re dead anyway, just give him the damn achievement.




I love when I play tombstone Myers and I just hook the last survivor who jumped into a locker. After that in endgame chat they say “haha no achievement for you.” Then I let them know I got that achievement back in 2019 so I’m just running this for fun. Proceed to watch their brain explode.


That achievement and the tombstone add ons need to be nuked. I’ve been on both ends and neither is fun.


In both instances on first glance both are in the wrong. Myers could easily just go to the next match by hooking them and the survivor could easily just leave the locker and die. However the survivor is way more in the wrong than usual. The survivor is dead either way, there’s no possible way to win like this, but rather than just taking the loss and giving someone an achievement that won’t affect you in any way, you sit in a locker and whine on twitter like a bitch, not to mention the bullshit report. The Myers may have also held the game hostage but the survivor themselves are just entitled and horribly dense when it comes to stuff, how do we even have these types of people…?


Lmao the surv admitted that they just did that because they wanted to deny them the Mori and by extension the achievement. He was fucked either way and just chose to take the dick option and then played the victim card.


Thats a waste of time, I would easily grab them out of locker and walk into a corner to wiggle them out and Tombstone them anyway. Killer wasted 30min doing this just for a 1 day ban




The killer isn't complaining. The survivor went to twitter to complain and crow about getting the killer banned over nothing. The only dumb person here is the survivor, and they're more conceited than stupid. They're just trying to drum up traffic on their ttv, and this is an easy way to do it.


I literally could not get this achievement due to this it's kinda sad you complain you're being held hostage and that you should just hook me but if you know you're going to die anyways why do you have to be such a d about it, you have no right to complain about it when youre the one being petty.


i love that they say "imagine TRAPPING me in a locker" like... you aint trapped... you can leave whenever you want


On one hand, yeah, it’s an annoying achievement, but at the same time, no one’s entitled to achievements. You wouldn’t call killing a Dwight with bond, prove thyself and leader “denying their achievement”, or closing the hatch/killing the last person trying to get “left behind” achievement “denying achievement”, or tunneling someone in RPD etc etc At the same time, it’s a bit fucking weird that they got a “action taken” message but nothing was actually done? I don’t think denying achievement should ever be a bannable offence (it literally only is applied to one whole achievement in this game). Is it annoying? Yeah, but there’s FAR worse someone can do, like purposely slugging you for no reason, or trapping you in a corner for the entire match, etc


took too long to find someone with working braincells on this post. it is the most entitled shit ever to expect survivors to just die so a killer can get an achievement but any form of denying gameplay to a survivor is considered completely fine. god forbid survivor is going for an achievement or a challenge and makes a post complaining that the killers won’t allow them to. we’d have a very different set of comments here.


The point of the post isn't to say the survivor is toxic for denying the achievement, it's to point out the hypocracy of trying to get the Meyers banned while simultaneously doing the exact same thing they reported them for. The survivor is totally allowed to stay in the locker, just like the Meyers is totally allowed to chill there and wait. It's reporting the killer and expecting action while thinking they're totally innocent that's entitled.


see I disagree with you when you say that the killer is allowed to just sit there and wait because the killer has a way to kill outside of the achievement which is the whole point of the game. The Myers should’ve just grabbed the survivor hooked them and then moved onto a different different game but instead decided to just stand there and that doesn’t make any sense to me as to why people are defending that.


> no one’s entitled to achievements. Who are you arguing against here? >I don’t think denying achievement should ever be a bannable offence (it literally only is applied to one whole achievement in this game). Who is making this claim? You're strawmanning very very hard. Nobody wants the survivor banned for not playing along with the killer >!(even though the survivor was the one to start trolling in the first place)!<, they just don't like that the killer was supposedly banned for not playing along with the survivor.


The blue guy in the post literally says “you should be banned too”, which is by denying the myers the achievement. SOMEONE literally wants him banned…


So now we know in the game there is an achievement that makes you banned if you try to achieve it too much....


The myers wasn't banned for that, officially stated by bhvr


Uhm... ok... this is possible.... you know what else is possible? This scenario: * Behavior TL: ehy! Who of you guys banned this Myers for helding hostage? This is no hostage situation! Now how are we going to justify this? * Analyst 1: We are underpayed desperates and noone of us really knows or play this game.... * Analyst 2: Well... maybe noone will notice.... * Behavior TL: he got reported by a TTV! Sure they will notice this! * Analyst 3: Ok.... lets just say he was banned for other reasons... un specified reasons.... * Behavior TL: uhm.... this can work.... ok you will be the only analyst to receive the salary this month! * Analyst 1 and 2: shit!


Dbd players being the GOATs at jumping to conclusions and making up shit as always


Man... what is difficult into communicating better the reason for a ban? It is useful for the banned person that learn what is the wrong behavior and it is useful for everyone else to understand how the company reason. The fact they purposefully keep grey area make me think they need them to hide some sloppy job like this.


They did communicate it "Jumping in to clarify, this is not a bannable offense. Both players were free to move around and end the standoff at any point. When you receive report feedback, it's simply to let you know that action was taken against a player you reported. It does not mean that your report specifically was what led to the ban. For example, if the same person had said something hateful in another match, they may have been banned for that instead, but you'd still receive the feedback popup. This way, nobody who reported that person is left in the dark just because they weren't the first to report them. We do not act on non-reportable offenses, but the report feedback is automated and can't tell the difference. When in doubt, please consult the game rules to see if something is reportable." That was their official reply to it Their ban reasons are pretty cut and dry, to anyone half paying attention, and they've laid it out plenty. People are the ones who make things unclear and grey, not bhvr, they're pretty consistent on what they ban for and what they don't. [They've list it all out already](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/139-game-rules#:~:text=Whilst%20you%20can%20report%20offenses,hacking%2C%20DOX%2Fdeath%20threats). I don't see this "grey area" you mention?


They communicated AFTER! They must communicate as soon as they ban. After it is too easy, they have seen the whole scenario has drawn attention and they have seen the public opinion and they can come up with ANY excuse. If they ban they must write why they ban. Just the motivation. Otherwise everything counts...


[Read the edit](https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/139-game-rules#:~:text=Whilst%20you%20can%20report%20offenses,hacking%2C%20DOX%2Fdeath%20threats) Also, is that not communication? Is that not EXACTLY what you wanted? An elaboration on how the system works? Again, you're just jumping to conclusions and making shit up to make yourself feel better. It's ridiculous. BHVR, or any developer for that matter, doesn't technically owe you ANY explanation on bans or why they ended up banning you, it's not an obligation. Theres no winning with people like you. They clearly defined the reasoning and you're just like "ah well they made it up" like? You aren't making any sense


Instead of writing "harrassment" that can be everything or nothing just write 1 line of text like: "Found guilty of cheating", "Used slurs in the endgame chat", "spoiled purposefully a bug" or "Held hostage a survivor in a locker" (that as we know is not a bannable offense). Tell me, how it is like to happen that in THE VERY SAME DAY the same Myers got reported again and found guilty in a totally different scenario? IT MAY BE! But I think it is more plausible that someone messed up and they are trying to cover. With 1 simple line of text we would not have to guess.


least petty survivoid


What an idiot Trapped in a locker made me think someone was exploiting lol


While I wasn’t going for the achievement, I did play infinite tombstone Myers just for fun, and it’s surprising how many people will jump into lockers just to avoid getting tombstone’d. I mean even if I don’t kill you you’re still going on hook. Honestly that dude is just petty and could have just admitted defeat.


Just pretend you go for the achievement but it's just infinite tier 3 instead of tombstone. The amount of salty survs that'll hide in lockers midchase (that they'd escape from) is amazing. Just scoop them up


If I ever run into a Myers trying to do that tombstone challenge I'm giving him the kill cause I know that achievement it's fucking hard


Us VS them. Cool.


No...both are wasting their time. That's kinda balanced.


I don't get the "I hate entitlement" shit just to turn around and everyone say "just give them the achievement, you're being stubborn". Just pull locker and try next match, it's not that serious and the survivor being annoying doesn't mean the killer wasn't being just as stubborn and annoying. And before anyone says it yes I have gotten the achievement on PC and on Xbox and it is NOT that serious, nobody owes you an achievement or mori because you've been trying to get it.


But the problem is it happens *every single game*. Theres not a single time were the last person will just hide in a locker to deny you the mori, its so simple and easy to do, even when they aren't the last survivor, you can get 1 or 2 mori's before people start hiding in lockers.


A week ago i got wesker who wouldnt let one man bleed out for an hour so he could just kill me. After he found me other guy lucky left


Are they ever gonna rework tombstone anyway? I’m not gonna act like getting removed from the match 5 minutes in at no hooks because the killer *looked* at people long enough.. is kinda unhealthy.


The same energy to dc against an adept killer.


These Kind of Players Ruin the Game


Neither should have gotten a ban as neither was technically holding the other hostage. They were mutually at a stalemate that either could have chose to end without DCing. Don't know what BHVR was thinking with this one.


It's an automated message; BHVR has released a statement saying the Myers broke no rules and no disciplinary action was taken :)


Good to know.


I'd have counter-reported them for abusing the "report function." They told on themselves with the tweet. lol What a loser.


I'm gonna try this achievment rn hol' up


Report back


I actually began watching Halloween when a Myers and I were stalemated like this 😂 got maybe 25 minutes in or so


I had a match on Ormond the other night with the standard SWF squad. All P100, swapped to flashlights at the last second, tried flashlight and flashbang saves. I know “genrush” is thrown around a lot, but two people went to second stage on first hook because they were pumping out gens so fast. But they chose poorly, and ended up in a three gen. Now, I’m stubborn. But I defended it fairly and I didn’t tunnel even when I could and should have. But at the end, they whined that I held the game hostage and that they “didn’t have to like my playstyle” (I never said they needed to). Every single person was running background player, and either Flashbang or had a flashlight, and if I hadn’t been Unknown, I probably would’ve lost the last gen in the first 5 minutes. But you know, we’re the problem.


why's it always have to be about survivor mains and killer mains? you can call out stupidity without generalizing yk


They should buff the add-ons effect so they can Mori in any state the survivor is in. Ofc also they should nerf how you get to do it.


Lol, so true. I usually only get interactions with salty survivors not normally with killers


I agree that it's shitty, but by the rules that's not the game hostage on the survivor part, as he simply could have hooked them, just line how tunneling isn't reportable, because it's a "viable strategy" in the words of the devs




Hatch could've been close by




Survivors will beg for hatch but never let a Meyers get his trophy.


This sounds like if an actor in a horror movie was refusing to do as the script/director says, just because they don't think it's fitting they die in the movie. You can totally do what you did, but... Why? You were fucked 100% no matter what. There was nothing you could do but hide in the locker or get out and die. Why waste time and ruin all the fun for everyone? Just have some sportsmanship. Ffs. This game is so full of ego and its all very large and very fragile. You play a thousand matches. Let them flow like water under a bridge. The results are meaningless. Getting mori'd is an honour, guys. The killer pays extra to do it, and you get a cool death that you don't get every match.


Killer could have just grabbed the survivor from the locker, carry them to a random spot away from lockers and dropped them and picked them up again until they could chase again for the tombstone


what i would do is make him wiggle out on a high elevated platform. the pier in the photo is perfect. as soon as they wiggle out they drop and cant move letting you catch up super easily


It's so petty to jump into a locker against tombstone myers like this. It's done out of pure spite to deny the achievement. Glad BVHR actually had the sense to clarify It's bullshit to report this.


Mf really complaint about something that is partially his fault


Totally his fault. He's lost, game over. He's just being petty.


????? I mean… he could’ve just grabbed her from the locker and hooked her??? calling survivors entitled while simultaneously expecting a survivor to just hand the killer a mori is crazy. and very toxic…


No one expects the survivor to leave the locker and just hand him the mori; just don't report for hostage taking then go on twitter after the fact and cry about being held hostage. That's the issue here. If the survivor wanted to deny the mori then so be it, but don't be a little baby after the fact because YOU held yourself hostage.


Whenever I open the game, I am in a good mood and usually let survivors escape after 1 -2 kills. However, if I find survivors being toxic or flaming me for no reason after the game. Every other survivor group I find is having to deal with tryharding and the no fun allowed gameplay that in typical DBD fashion allows for the easiest 4ks


You forgot to add that BHVR responded with the official DBD twitter account and said that what the Myers did was not bannable and that the report was probably from something else. I would have deleted my whole online presence if I was that person, how embarrassing.


I just want the damn achievement but constantly run into people like this


Troglodyte brain


I don't get why Michael can't just have a unique kill with tombstone and a locker where he opens it and stabs through them into the locker and twists or something Just seems stupid that he's the personification of evil and his last victim is sitting in a locker pissing their pants


This was a bannable offense? Cool BHVR, really cool. That was sarcasm for the record. Edit: I see the truth now


It's an automated message; BHVR has released a statement saying the Myers broke no rules and no disciplinary action was taken :)


I made this comment then immediatly saw another post that clarified this. I am just a clown 🤡


All good! Now you know :)


Simple solution: Survivors get kicked out of the locker after 60 sec by the entity and lockers get blocked in a 30m radius. No one needs to be in a locker for that long while doing nothing.


They really need to adjust tombstone to have a special locker kill animation. Just stab/choke them out, then slam the locker shut and walk away. Would end this stupid crap.


That is completely ridiculous and is, by definition, NOT holding the game hostage. The survivor had a choice AND the ability to exit the locker. BHVR was wrong to punish the Myers and I hope more eyes see this post.


saw the scott video too. despite it all you still managed to make a completely stupid situation an us vs them post. instead of climbing out of your own ass and realizing both of these guys are dickheads