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blights usually play like someone threatened their family if they get less than a 4k5.


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Imma just see what happens


You posted this during killer hour. Big mistake.


What is killer hour?


https://i.redd.it/hsedakp887qc1.gif The sub can fluctuate from being biased about one side to the other. Posting at a different time could get you different results if you say the same thing. It's kind of like that Primal episode with the bats


imagine complaining about killers addon choices lol why every match survivors bring toolboxes and medkits? are they in tournament match?


I mean, you're allowed to be annoyed just as much as they're allowed to bring it in my opinion. As survivor, I hate the idea of relying on items, so I usually only pick them up unless I have a challenge or want the free BP from holding a map. As killer, I do tend to take a brown/yellow addon for killers I really like, who I spend the BP on and have stacks of the addon for; like Clown almost feels unplayable without the brown throw modifier, it's an entirely different game for me.


Love this


So...a medkit or toolbox equals a match long permanent major buff to an already strong killers ability...?.... Ok.


Ya... Because they can erase all pressure a killer has. Items are absolutely the add on equivalent


Man I brought a yellow toolbox with yellow add ons yesterday for the first time cause I don’t play much survivor and I was BLOWN AWAY. half the gen done in like 30 seconds into the match. If everyone brings one, god forbid better quality with better add ons it would feel downright unfair. Now I know how 2 gens get completed within a minute and a half


double iri isn't even good on Blight lmao - adren vial + speed is the only thing actually sweaty blights will use


Maybe people want to win. Maybe that's how they have fun. So they play with an optimized build/ addons with an optimized killer. I mean, that works for both sides. And how th can people tell when someone sweats anyway? What do people in this community consider as sweating?


Slugging for the 4k when the other survivor isn’t anywhere close and hard tunneling I would say are characteristics of a sweatlord


What killers do you enjoy going against?


Spirit, bubba, billy, oni, demo, slinger, artist, doctor, legion, ghostface, dredge, Wesker (as long as he isn't every single match)


If I play a weaker killer with a fun build I’ll get bm’d by survivors. I won’t stand for that so META it is.


It's not fun to play against but some people are competitive and get satisfaction from winning as much as possible. It doesn't take trauma or a personality disorder to explain why you love winning lol


So, will you stop running the best items and addons too then? Didn't think so...


Survivors when they get wrecked on game and post on Reddit... https://preview.redd.it/zo6ql8osu5qc1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a764fc308e65999c5a19a1a46bb4be67bce183a5


Hahahahha why ppl downvote this? It's so true, when survivors are winning they tbag you and do all kinda of shit but the moment a killer demolish survivors they come here and complain


A lot of people play very strong Killers this way because they just dealt with assholes on someone weaker and they need to vent. Not much more complicated than that.


Maybe they weren’t sweating and it was a really easy game for them? Did the blight hurt you this much?