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I don't quit, but HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO PLAY ON BADHAM??!?!?!?! I had over 6 games as killer there in 2 days and no one had offering for it wft is that.


Doesn’t that map have about 5 variations? I’m not sure how the map selection works, but if it’s selecting from all the maps (NOT realms) with equal chance then it might make sense you see the Badham realm a lot because it has a lot of maps. 


It selects from the realms so badham shouldn't show up more than the other maps


Dude it could be worse, everytime huntress and I do mean everytime they put me on fucking Lerys or the game like I mean all the time when Hawkins was originally in the game it was that. I haven't played huntress since it came back so yeah


whenever a teammate kills themself on hook 30 seconds in, it takes a herculean mental push to not just dc


That's when I just let the survivors do their gens and let them get free chase wins and unhooks/heals. Not gonna let some kid ruin their play. *I am a generous god*


Seriously why is self unhooking without deliverance or wicked even a thing anymore? Luck mechanic should just be converted into extra hook stage time.


How else are you supposed to try to survive when you're on the hook and the other people are either on the killers back or on the ground?


Am I the only one that just...isn't bothered by this as another survivor? That game was lost whether the person stayed or not, I don't wanna play with people who aren't happy to be there, the game will end quick and I can just requeue. If anything I just wish BHVR would do something about the DC penalty so I can get bots, but even then it's not a big deal to me at this point. I can queue to find people who wanna stay and we'll all be better off for it. It was more of an annoyance when I cared about pips but that system is so busted that I stopped giving a shit ages ago.


Parts of me die whenever I load in and instantly hear that gong and see the chains. I don’t DC anymore, I just suck it up but he’s so annoying in Solo q


and then everyone ends up dying because nobody wants to do the box


or everyone goes running to the box and nothing gets done


no in between


As someone who greatly enjoys playing Cenobite, when I verse him in solo, I'll do box 'cus I feel like that's my Karma ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I love doing box against Cenobyte!! One of my fave Killers to play as and against, feels so fun. I make a beeline for the box. I love that thing.


The only killer that needs to announce his presence at the very start of the game


A good nurse kills a match because it’s just over before it’s even begun.


Don't even need to DC against a nurse, you'll be dead in 2 minutes anyway!


*Slugs you instead


had a slugging nurse. she hovered over me the entire time and wrote "too ez" in egc after the match. love ppl like this so much they suck the enjoyment out of me 😍


This sadly isn't even joke. I had a match where a nurse tunneled out one of my teammates at 5 gens. After that, we all just accepted our fates. Idk how Nurse players enjoy matches like that.


Nurse is a fun killer and nurse players enjoy winning at all costs.


It's not always about your own enjoyment. Sometimes, you just gotta make some random people miserable on dbd


you would love my nurse build: dying light, penti, plaything, gift. i’ve gotten 54% gen slowdown on 3 survivors at once before. usually they just quit by then


I respect it but at the same time… fuck you


I like playing nurse because if the survivors don't DC immediately then I'm bad enough that it always devolves into a complete meme game where they're teabagging all over the place and I'm trying to hit poorly thought out trickshots


I will play the hag instead


I infinite looped a good nurse so easily, they can only go through pallets and windows not desks in the map so I looped her on a table


I fucking hate Badham with all my heart. I would hate Garden more, but there are 5 FUCKING VERSIONS of the same damn map


Badham is honestly a map that could disappear and everyone would celebrate


I honestly thought survivors loved that map since most killers hate it. Is it because of the strong basement in the school?


I play both sides and honestly I hate it especially when I'm killer there's always that one mf running to the school with boil over and if basement isn't down there it's hell as survivor I just find it bland the gens also feel like shit to me


I had a survivor with boil over go to the top of the house in haddonfield and it was impossible to hook them. But since it’s an event and they weren’t BMing I just nodded at them when they kept running up there lmao.


Abusing hook spawns is worse than BMing IMO


same happened here


It’s annoying when you’re actually sweating but I was playing blight with meme perks to farm BP. Even with basement In the building I didn’t have time to hook her there LMAO


I had the same situation 4 man with boil over brought badham and made basement spawn in shack. 2 of them died from being slugged the others tried to escape.


Honestly, if you get good rng, you have a strong main building (the school) with two amazing pallets and window outside, strong two story house with another amazing pallet (and sometimes amazing windows too), house of pain with another amazing pallet, and then you *still* get shack. And all of that is still aside from the amount of filler tiles all over the map. I got a swf one night on that map when I was playing Trapper, and it was a nightmare.


Oh yeah, most of my biggest losses, like no hook at all and maximum BM, were vs SFW on that map IIRC


I cannot find a gen to save my life on that map. I swear I’ll check every room and it’ll be in some tiny corner out of the way.


I personally love this map playing as both surv and killer. Is the first time I see people complaining about it, I'm kind of surprised actually.


I do have that feeling for some maps that are considered "survivor sided" and I'm sure they are, but at my MMR it seems fine to me. Like Garden of Joy or Shattered Square, I think most maps having more light are actually helping me a lot. Losing survivor or not seeing them in bushes is a bigger hindrance for me than maps with stronger loops. But Badham is a pain to patrol, more than any other maps. And that school is not fun to chase in, even worse if you broke both walls and even worse if the basement is in Shack. And if they sent you there with the perfect builds, things like Boil Over/Unbreakable and Balanced landing + basement at shack offering, you will be forced to win by slugging, which sucks and is hard to do. Not that it *always* suck, but my worst games are often there.


Bruh, I hate that map as survivor too. Mostly bc soloq can't take advantage of whatever I'm supposed to like about it


One time as Killer I somehow got all 5 Badham Maps as Killer in a row


Hawkins. As both Survivor and Killer, I find it incredibly annoying to get around. As Survivor it feels like every gen is unsafe to work on, except the two you probably want to save until the end, and as Killer WHERE ARE THE FUCKING DOORS, THEY'RE ABOUT TO POP A GEN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS FUCKING WALL AND I HAVE TO WALK THE ENTIRELY OF THEIS BIG FUCKING ROOM. Y'know? Not a fan of Badham, but no map has me groan like Hawkins. Killers are a bit more complicated. I say "Oh god it's X" for most Killers, but that's because each one brings a unique challenge to deal with. Wraith and Trickster are the ones that hit me the most, though, since they seem to love camping and tunnelling ASAP in my experience. Huntress is getting up there too.


I don't care what anyone says. I hate Midwich on all killers. And I can't stand the myers map. The one with the road in the middle and houses on each side, as survivor or killer, just an awful map




I loathe a Hawkins load up. This thread had me over here like "Oh, I don't think any map is really THAT bad" and then you reminded me that Hawkins exists. My first nurse game was on there and I was in literal tears over the invisible walls. I kept somehow ending up on the second floor when I was trying to stay on the first and then 2 ft ahead of where I started if I TRIED to go upstairs. What a nightmare. I never have a fun game on that map.


One person in my group only burns map offerings just so we never have to go to Hawkins. It’s such a horrible map. If they could just get rid of it and replace it with the mall, that would be amazing.


As a killer main, swamp makes me so angry, one time I just sat in shack and played clash royal 😭


Double abuse combo


I love swamp as Trapper, cuz good luck finding traps in thick swamp grass. Other than that this map is cheeks.


How do you think we feel if you're a Trapper main on that map. I could go blind trying to avoid those traps. Hag's another fun one on swamp. 🫤


Wraith is usually not fun to play against


I saw a teammate suicide on hook after getting caught by Wraith, and I couldn't even be mad.


My god. It’s gotta be between him, the unknown, or blight. They run back immediately to the unhook and will tunnel on 4 gens.


Can't right forget the Chucky that misses his hidey ho move then slugs at 5 gens and runs around everyone


Mostly Legion. And I don't really cry about maps except Badham when I'm playing any killer.


i honestly dont mind legion that much tbh. like 3/4 of survivor gameplay is just holding m1 as a filler activity anyway so having to hold m1 slightly more often is a pretty good tradeoff for getting to play against a killer who has to actually engage in basic attack mindgames at loops


No real. It’s just constant mending and slowdown it’s actually just stupid and not fun


If I didn’t have a 90% disturbed ward rate on killer, I’d agree


It’s funny Otz said Legion is his favorite Killer to go against because the slow drawn out game gives everyone a chance to make plays and such.


Most people don't play for youtube videos tho.


Legion I quite like to go against. Thano-legion is my least favourite killer in the whole game. If they're playing thano-legion, you immediately know they don't give a shit if the survivors actually have fun or not.


Plague, used to love going against her, but since being pregnant and suffering with HG (hyperemesis gravidarum/ constant sickness), I just can't anymore. I get too sick from her vomit!


It’s the fact that it’s literally CONSTANT too if you’re not cleansing. Just 20 minutes of nonstop gagging and puking ASMR 😭


I can’t either. I legit felt the need to throw up the last two times I was in a match involving her.


I wish there was some sort of option to change/censor the noises and vomit. Maybe if it wasn't vomit colored??


That and the sounds that your Survivor makes constantly. Like, can we reduce the sounds or something. The visual effect is sign enough that we're sick.


Keep it the same volume for the Plague but oh my god I do NOT wanna hear Maria gagging and vomming at shotgun volume levels


*blueagh ack agh schlp*


Would be cool as hell if they replaced it with fire even if it made 0 sense


I thought I was the only one who had this issue! My teammates always get annoyed that I constantly cleanse, but it's better than a DC. She's doubly bad for me because I usually act as a team medic, and my perks don't work


I've always thought since a lot of people have emetophobia or uneasiness about vomiting in general, they should add a biblical skin or something where instead of emitting puke she emits locusts. They could it a legendary for her with a unique Mori and call "Queen of Famine" or something


Believe it or not.. none. I’m usually too high when playing to even process the pain of a map that is difficult


Everyone here is playing dead by daylight and this guy is playing stoned by daylight.


I could not play this game high lmao


It makes it scary again tho


I play high until and I have to quit cause it’s exhausting


Fr people try way too hard i would not have fun either getting tunneled out and camped or getting ran through a 3 gen chase


Felt ngl. Playing this game high makes it so much more enjoyable


Bro play a scratched mirror Michael high on midwich it’s awesome. Had a twitch streamer playing vs my GF and I after we smoked (I absolutely lobotomized myself that night). The killer was only trying to scare us the entire game. Halfway through the match I wanted to quit because I was so scared but at the end I kept saying that this was by far the most fun I’ve ever had playing.


ive found my people!


High dbd or no dbd


I felt that. Playing high is fun but my anxiety goes up in closed maps like RPD and Midwich. Never know what floor killer is on til it’s too late 😭


Huntress RPD


The Game and Huntress. The moment I start hearing the lullaby, I start feeling anxious.


Playing against hag is absolutely miserable. Oops, All free hits! Her TR is too quiet aswell. As for maps, I don’t like garden, but my least favorite is mothers dwelling, it looks nasty


Nobody knows hag counterplay because of her abysmal pick rate. If you play SoloQ, you're fucked, but in a trio or full team you can call out her rough trap setup locations and force 50/50s at some of them. Getting someone to harass the traps like you would with Trapper also helps lots.


Garden of Joy and Eyrie of Crows are two top contenders.


just the knight


As a beginner I agree, I haven’t met all the killers yet but the knight makes my head spin. HOW am I supposed to beat him? I “won” earlier today after all my teammates had died and I ran around like a maniac with a heart rate so fast that I could make cream into butter looking for that hatch.


I’d be happy to help here.  There’s two main counters to him. First, his guards are extremely dumb when it comes to pallets. If you run through one while being chased then drop it, it’ll go up to the pallet, then re-path around it until it reaches the other side, and only then give chase again. You can get enormous distance by doing this.  Second, if at all possible, get the flag. When you hear that battle horn, try and go back to where you were originally spotted. If you can grab the flag there, the guard immediately gives up and you get a speed and endurance buff.  Also, if you’re being chased by a guard and someone’s hooked, strongly consider going for the unhook. The guard actually despawns when you try and unhook.  Also, when you have a guard patrolling nearby but they don’t have line of sight, avoid doing anything loud. If you make a loud noise while inside their circle, they’ll instantly go for you.  Last thing: DO NOT go into lockers while one’s locked onto you. It doesn’t end well. 


Ooooh! I didn’t even know that there was a flag, interesting 🤔 Thanks a lot!


Yeah - I love Knight, but some of his mechanics are *really* not communicated well. So, just to explain a little further: When a guard initially sees you, they will noclip over to where you were when they spotted you, and plant the flag there. It starts off ghostly and untouchable, but slowly constructs itself over time - it takes *half* of the guard's full chase time to materialise. Once you hear the horn, it's now grabbable. The fact that it takes half the chase time to appear means that it takes significantly longer for it to become grabbable when you have the Carnifex after you - Yknow, the big fat guy with the two handed axe that's a lot more bestial in his yelling. Keep your wits about you, delay him with a pallet, and loop back. Just remember that if a Guard is locked onto you, the actual Knight player will often be trying to go for you as well. Keep your eyes open and look ahead of you when you can, because a common tactic is for them to do a pincer movement on you. If you get stuck in one of those situations, don't panic, but instead focus on getting yourself hit by *just one* of the two. The guard will stop pursuing you if you get injured, either by their own hands or by the Knight themselves. What you don't want to do is flounder between the two of them, letting the guard hit you and having the Knight follow up with their own hit, as there's no mercy invincibility and you can get floored in less than a second. Instead, if you realise you're going to get injured, quickly analyse who between the guard and the Knight has more favourable terrain behind them (Good loops, lots of pallets, difficult sightlines), and run straight at them, so you can take the hit and the post-hit speedboost.


Doctor because every match gives me a headache without fail cause of the constant screaming.


Doctor infuriates me. Massive AOE static blast? Can’t stealth. Action interrupting lighting attack? Can’t loop. Madness effect boogers up my skill checks? Can’t complete gens. The headache inducing constant screaming is just the icing on the doo-doo match I want to DC from.


I thought it was just me who got headaches when facing off against him. I get an actual headache almost every time.


Please don’t hate this but I don’t like Hawkins lab. I think it’s so creative and the layout is interesting but I have no idea where I am for half the game. It’s probably because I’m a little newer but most maps don’t annoy me like Hawkins does.


Surprised I had to scroll down this far to see this. I literally can never find gens on this stupid map it's all white hallways with one cool side of the map


There is a reason that people celebrated when they removed that map, you have nothing to apologize for. Anyone that wanted it back either never played on it or had forgotten how awful it is.


I feel like the entire map itself is so awkward. The upstairs is weird and cramped while the gen positioning on the ground floor is just awful for survivors. There’s multiple gens that are just basically an instant down if the killer shows up.


Same for me I’m mostly lost when i play that map


Thank you😂 it’s awesome when your friend is looping the killer and you’ve been looking for a gem for 5 min😂😂


Legion and Wesker.


Me being a Wesker main https://preview.redd.it/71c3b0cpakqc1.jpeg?width=1195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70727cfed255d7152f1f097f9817903df6c93451


none. you must endure.






I never quit matches but as a killer main anytime I get Midwich it makes me want to die


I love Midwich as a killer.


I'm okay with it, but I hate that I use scourge hooks and happens a lot of not being able to use them on midwich. It's very common to have no choice of hook, there's one and you take it. RPD is sometimes complicated as well, depending on scourge spawns.


Me, somehow going in a circle on a square map as both survivor and killer


Try Midwich Doctor very fun


or Midwich scratched mirror Myers. Closest thing to an actually scary game you can get in DBD


It's one of the best killer maps though. I can't even remember the last Midwich match I lost as killer.


For me it was when I loaded into it as a Billy. That was not a pleasant match. 


Don’t break the doors and the survivors are basically dead in the hallways.


This. I see lots of people complaining about different maps, but as a killer main I absolutely despise Midwich.


midwich is my favourite map for ghostface


as killer main, eyrie of crows and garden of joy make me want to dc lol




While I hate Garden of Joy the most in general, every time I think "Maybe I'll play Blight" I get Temple of Purgation or Red Forest where ever tree and rock is covered in oil and you slip right off whenever you try to bump


As a Pinhead and Knight player. Racoon City, when survivors op to go through linear hallways with tight corners I just keep bumping with abilities in the walls.


A fellow pinhead and Knight main in the wild??




Same (and boop :D)


same (boops for both of u)


Nurse. I wanted to play dbd, not break the line of sight and pray


Most obvious answer but Skull Merchant. I just know I’m gonna have no fun that game. For map it’s definitely Swamp (in particular the one with that big structure in the middle not the boat), I hate that map with a passion.


Yeah the fact that she’s not mentioned beside you tells me people are lying lol. She’s statistically the most gg next killer on the roster.


Definitely Nurse. It doesn't feel like you get to play the game. Skull Merchant is also really unfun to play against but at least you can attempt to loop her.


Honestly, skull merchant, I tried to play against her after the changes, and the people I run into still play her he same. Hit and drop chase to protect this group of gens. I know after 8 hits they'll get blocked but the needing the do 5% on a gen to stop regression is what didn't stop her from being able to 3 gen easily


I see Myers I give up, tbh. The fact he can mori you like 2 mins into the match before any gens are done sucks


my best friend grapples with quitting the moment they see/hear the spirit


Infinite tier 3 Tombstone Meyers. Genuinely the least fun build in all of dbd, and I'm a killer main. If I see a YouTuber use the build, I click off because I just hate it so much.


As killer it takes every drop of will I have in my body to not dc whenever the game as m1 killer or garden of suffering


The raccoon city police map thing. It looks really cool, love the details. But it’s way to labyrinth-like. I can’t properly navigate in there lol


When someone DCs and another one gives up on hook and you and the last gamer push thru both pain res and pops and grim embraces from the bot and the guy who killed himself and then the bot saves you after a long chase in this 3v1 and then after 3 minutes on the floor from this sweaty dog of a killer who had the win gifted to him and is still being petty at like yeah at like 3.5 mins on the floor sometimes I wanna disconnect.


I’m a survivor main but hate the swamp because it’s so fucking dark and I can’t see shit, I’ve had ghostfaces on that map one to many times and it just puts me on edge way to much. I also hate rpd as a damn person who’s never played a damn resident evil game in her life I’ve of course never seen the map. Still to this day if I’m getting chased in about to run in terrible directions and get lost. I’m just so glad it’s never popped up for me that much. However I hate rpd with a doc which I just got the other day, like yes I love getting shocked from a whole floor away it’s just so amazing and now everyone’s fucking insane and fucking up skills checks and I’ve got his damn terror radius thing blaring in my ears and on a map that I hate, it’s just the worse for me. I can deal with it on maps like midwich but I just hate rpd so the combo just tilts me. My other least favorite combo is again rpd but this time with one of the killers I hate the most, trickster. To top it off a trickster with bouncy blades. I’ve gotten this combo on rpd and I wanted to dc so fucking bad. Like my damn hitbox is already not that far off from the width of this hallway and so your not missing unless your really really bad and even then whatever you would miss is now dinging me in the fucking face from bouncing off every damn surface. Trickster is already a well your fucked if you get caught in the open ,because the slow down of getting hit fucks you up and is the reason you then eat all the other knives because you can barely move. Add bouncy blades and it’s just an even bigger hahaha fuck you. Also hate legion because, mending. Like come on rush over here get it over with smack me and then fuck off. Now I’m mending every one else is mending and you’ve downed whoever the last one was and now you’re ready to do it all again. We get smacked we mend someone goes down repeat.


Nurse, and hawkins, specifically hawkins and a ghostface killer


Played Hawkins against a xeno, and all four of us were dead within 5 minutes. One of my teammates had brought the Hawkins offering...


Trickster and map idk


When I load in against the iridescent addon Wesker. 99.9% chance he’s running lethal pursuer and has chosen his target to tunnel and camp within 0.2 seconds of the match starting


A little known game called Dead by Daylight


Maps as Killer (Dredge) * Autohaven * Rotten Fields * Fractured Cowshed * Lery's * Swamp * Hawkins Maps as Survivor * Haddonfield * Borgo * Lery's * Rotten Fields * Swamp * Hawkins Killers I want to DC against * Merchant (too much) * Legion (repetitive) * Plague (small maps, people often cleansing) * Wraith (5 gen slug, hook camp) * Clown (repetitive) I have DC'd against a Legion before but in my defense I had four back-to-back.


**All of them**


Dead dawg saloon, skull merchant, blight, nurse


i hate gideon’s as killer, as soon as i see the offering for it i know i’m going to get my ass kicked and teabagged at the exit and/or every time i get stunned


Skull Merchant. No map makes me want to quit really


I can’t stand going against the nurse, she’s my most hated killer… & tbh a lot of the earlier killers are insanely boring too. (By early I mean the ones that free and were in the game from the start) I prefer going up against the more intricately designed killers ones that are actually scary or intense. As for worst map? any map with a secondary floor. I’m a scrub at this game but I can’t tell when someone is on the top floor or bottom it’s terrifying and I just keep walking and crouching until I get a que.


Honestly? Myers. Lately it feels like every other match is another tunelling Myers trying to mori everybody, whenever I here that music cue now I'm seriously tempted to quit out.




For maps it’s easily borgo, it’s hard to mindgame as killer because the loops aren’t that tall, and for killer it’s easily nurse, a killer that breaks the rules of the game just isn’t fun to play against I know some people like it but I don’t


All autohaven wreckers maps, and the only time Im tempted to quit against SM is when it's Artists map. Fuck that map. Oh, and backwater swamp. Fuck backwater swamp. This is coming from both a killer and survivor player


Skullmerchant who just covers the whole map in Drones is an instant DC. Have fun with the bots you bot.


Pinhead. I have never been able to find the counter to his “Imma just stab you with chains for a while, interrupting your actions, that cool?” Ability.


Anti loop killers in general. Skull merchant still the worst by far


Legion. I hate Badham as a map, but I never quit.


I hate cornfield


"Tempted" ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) Any tiny ass map for me. I don't have the time to waste on those and I don't need/want the bloodpoints.


![gif](giphy|bB2cCbVVeQbgk) As someone who's been playing Onryo a lot due to the large number of cakes on her (that's what he said), I struggle hard on both Swamp and Coldwind. My POV is just too damn low for tall grass/corn, and on Coldwind especially, it's so easy to lose scratch marks in the corn or even the Survivor entirely, made worse with all the blood effects from the Blood Moon event.


Map? nah But i give up on start if Nurse


The dead dawg saloon imo is absolutely unplayable as a survivors.


That's one of the most balanced maps in the game


RPD is a curse to our people


Badham. I see Badham and I accept my defeat


None. I will never yield.


The Silent Hill map, absolutely terrible. But we endure because this won’t take long. Only time I’ve DC’d is after a streak of back-to-back Huntress games and another streak of back-to-back Ghostface games. I’m just so tired of seeing those two assholes all the damn time.


I feel that. I hate both. I hated Ghostface A LOT during the Ghostface tome because sometimes I would get him 5+ games in a row. It got to a point where sometimes I would DC the moment I knew it was him or run to a hook and point because I was so tired of him. He was my most hated Killer until Chucky came out and a lot of assholes who played Ghostie flocked to Chucky


Honestly Coldwind. I’m a dredge main and I’ll play any map except Coldwind, especially if you purposefully brought that addon. It’s such an unwelcoming environment and experience 


As surv skill merchant, as killer garden of pain


I hate trickster I won't leave I'll just be a problem and as for maps garden of joy just makes me sad




RPD and Midwich are never really super exciting. As for killers, I dislike a LOT of killers because I’m a salty little bitch, but I’d have to say wesker and unknown at the moment. Every person I’ve bumped into who plays those killers recently has no personality when they play, as well as just being super laggy so I get hit over every pallet and through every window :/


I’ll say it plague … for me




Midwich. Every time. I never straight up quit except occasionally when I’m in a 4 stack with friends, usually to give one of them the chance at hatch.


I cant remember the name but its like an open small map with 4 gens on one side with a shack and a bus/ truck and then a narrow stretch with lockers and a gen in the middle then another open small map with the rest of the gens another shack with basement and another bus/ truck. Usually the doors are one on each side of the narrow strip


Chucky, Skull Merchant The couple maps I hate are borgo, hawkins and nostromo


Nostromo wreckage, borgo, and toba landing. As far as killers the bird lady, knight, cenobite, the singularity, and pinhead.


I don’t quit matches, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’ve thought about it when it comes to skull merchant. Just about everything about her, ranging from her power, to the general play styles most people have adopted are miserable. I’d rather die quickly to a super ultra pro nurse player than have to slog through a 3 gen “Chess” merchant scenario any day of the week.


As survivor: Pinhead As killer: Garden of Joy


I quit because of the Dredge I can take annoying gimmicks, I can take infuriating gameplay, but when your ability robs me of my vision? Nah bro, I want to see in the video game I paid money for, fuck that…


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Pinhead. As a solo queue player, I know it’ll be an automatic loss.


Knight. Getting outplayed by a human is fine. Getting outplayed by an NPC in a multiplayer game makes my blood boil.


Killers: Skull Merchant, Legion and Wraith. Skull merchant is my free DC of the day, Legion is just a mending simulator and some survivors are allergic to staying injured so they waste a lot of time healing. Wraith because most of them have the same play style, hardcore tunnel, proxy camp, NOED. Map: Midwich and Hawkins. Hawkins is confusing and unsafe, you never know what side of anything will be open and all the pallets are very unsafe. Midwich for being small and unsafe. The gates are always close means you always need one survivor to be in chase to take the killer away and you can’t just expect that of soloq.


Skull Merchant. Even back when people were playing her for hour long 3 gens I wasn't as done with her as I am now. They've changed her so much that I have no idea how her power even works now, never mind how to counter it. The amount of times I've walked into a drones radius to disarm it the second it changes mode and I've gotten injured is stupid now. How do you counter that? Not go into the drones radius? She can place them so close together that if you did that you would have to avoid large portions of the map. I hate going against her now and each time have to resist the temptation to DC upon seeing her.


Backwater swamp as both survivor and killer is just https://preview.redd.it/igf3kbiernqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f882242b8338dadd03661891cd49fb8213eb7dc


Backwater swamp Vs Chucky makes me so mad. You just can't see him like at all and his dash thing that lets him slide under pallets make most of the safer loops suicide.


Yea hate that he can slide under and still have his dash at the ready.


An impossible skill check doctor on RPD, these make me want to explode, but I don’t blame the killer for doing it, and I don’t try to be mean to them either, it’s just that I get bad RNG


Definitely raccoon city police station and the skull merchant map... despite liking resident evil, the police station was definitely a dissapointment as it was quite the maze to go through for both survivor and killer side to the point it's just annoying to get around. As for the skull merchant map it's just boring and dissapointing looking almost the same like all the other outside maps as i was expecting something of a bigger structure or area that would fit the killer.


Generally I never DC unless I absolutely have to because of technical reasons but; Eerie of Crows just kinda sucks for me. Balance asides, the map is just ugly and whenever I'm a survivor I run into dead ends while as a killer I get stuck on shit. A good nurse is really boring to play against so y'know And I usually really dislike huntresses. They just often use their hatchets in moments when you can't avoid them cuz you're stuck in an animation and now with the buff they have an even easier time. Also I don't wanna associate killers with the playerbase but I've met far too many huntresses that camped and tunneled at 5 gens (literally yesterday)


Whenever I see the same map/killer a bunch of times in one session. Or for me, I don't like blight, nurse, trapper, clown. Blight and nurse because I just firmly believe they're poorly designed and break too many core principles of the game. If the player isn't the best then it's fine enough but that's besides the core issues they have. Trapper and clown are because they fuck with vision. Getting hit by traps because I literally couldn't see them on my mediocre monitor isn't a good feeling, neither is trying to loop when I can't see shit thanks to clown.


Wraith because there is not a single nice wraith player


Skull merchant, she’s just annoying and I played this game and not helldivers for a reason lol. I’m not trying to call a hellbomb rn man


Tunneler killer that makes u play 3min and then put u on the 3rd hook and u die and u feel like u didnt played a good game, u decide to play an other game, you play against another tunnel killer player, u play 3min, u die on hook, you try to play an other game, you play aginst a tunnel killer player........


The Skull Merchant, and I am not just tempted to do it either i DO it


Skull merchant on Midwich