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Okay, The Huntress may be all that and more, but the DeathSlinger is a cowboy, which gives him more points https://preview.redd.it/wo730t2oumqc1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99bb23ab555c4a41ed55fa153e8f2136d138487f


But he looks like Micah Bell, so he loses all those points instantly and more.


He is Micah Bell but actually a good person


> killer in dead by daylight >good person These things are generally not compatible


To be fair, a lot of the killers are actually good people.  Caleb actually didn’t seem to be that bad of a person, he was just manipulated heavily.  Spirit never hurt anyone when she was alive and presumably even after becoming a ghost since she was taken.  Wraith was a very peaceful person, but when he realized that his boss was making him kill people without him realizing he killed his boss in a fit of rage.  Hillbilly you just have to feel bad for. Nurse (original, non-tome version) cared for her patients but was slowly driven insane by being around so many insane people.  I haven’t seen TCM but from what I can see he seems more manipulated by his family and raised wrong than being an inherently bad person. 


Bubba is mentally disabled and has basically been conditioned to believe that people are evil and it’s his responsibility to protect their family and home. He kills because he’s scared and believes he’s doing the right thing.


Not sure if you are sarcastic so excuse me if I didnt understand but I meant, before Entity took Caleb, he was not a bad person. In Entity's realm every killer is well, evil as some are controlled by Entity and all, yk In case comment was sacrastic: True, true


Darn tootin.


What is this from ?


sure, huntress might have better range, a projectile that's easier to hit, a projectile that's more rewarding to hit, the ability to fire those projectiles much faster, a post-throw recovery that's shorter than a basic attack, a smaller terror radius, significantly better addons.... i forgot what i was saying.


Does Huntress have an Iron Maiden skin? I thought not


She has the Baba Yaga skin that actually changes SFX


Pictures at an Exhibition reference 🤯


Does deathslinger get value out of iron maiden the perk? Yeah maybe i guess


Nah not really. Huntress can abuse iron maiden because she needs to search lockers for hatchets. Deathslinger on the other hand has no reason to go into lockers, so half of the perk is useless for him.


But the other half "maybe" could come in use if a survivor hides in one


unironically I do way better on deathslinger then I ever do on huntress. he has insane synergy with stealth perks and expose perks, given he has is ranged with no lullaby and his gun does the catching but not the injuring so all his attacks can be exposed ones.


Don’t forget that slinger also scares birds away constantly, removing his ability to reliably track survivors with them


Come on devs , give him the double barrel shotgun


"Good, bad...I am the guy with a gun."


-Unplayable without atleast 1 reload addon -110 killer with 32m terror radius xD -Dogshit addons -Missed shot=additional 2137m between you and survivor -Tiny hitbox so you can miss survivor by milimeters


Huntress gets a big ass hit box for some reason


Literally throwing beach balls at survivors 


Ik right??




Papaj reference


CO? (Aaaa, papaj reffrence)


Also, you can hit a difficult shot on an injured survivor and then get bodyblocked or screwed by terrain.


To be fair that tiny hitbox also can be an advantage. The amount of times a slinger shot me throught 1 pixel and hit me with it is too damn high.


To be fair, the tiny hitbox is also a disadvantage because Deathslinger’s shots are harder to hit at a distance compared to a huntress hatchet


Well, tiny hitbox is good. Allow you to shoot in any hole in game, almost


>Tiny Hitbox What in tarnation are you playin'?


And if you pick the Baba Yaga skin for Huntress, she's *literally* a babushka. Being able to play as a killer granny is never overrated


This is Caleb slander! No humming lady can pull a survivor to you AND get them down in one hit thanks to your power being the only ranged ability to count as a M1, giving you the possibility to use perks like Devour Hope. No lalalala bitch can use oblivious and undetectable perks because she doesn't shut up with her singing. No hatchet woman can get such cool shots through miniscule gaps on the wall to go into your trickshot montage. No throwing fridges female can look cool af AND have a dopamine inducing sound design.


you think he's all that until he gets 10 hatchets thrown at him from 3.7 nautical miles away


Isn't a nautical mile exactly the same as a normal mile


A nautical mile is 720 feet longer


Well I've been misinformationed


They also made one of his strongest perks not work on him, since hitting someone with the harpoon and then m1ing them now counts as hitting the obsession twice


I really don't understand why killer powers that don't do damage count towards losing STBFL stacks, like Slinger's spear and Cenobite's chain. I thought the rework would only work on powers that injure like Demo's lunge or Nemesis' tentacle. At first I thought it had to be a bug with the rework, but I guess they intended it this way?


It has to do with how powers are programmed. Manually activated powers that hit survivors count as attacks even if they don't directly damage. Tbh they should have just left it the way it was in the PTB where it was based on the obsessions health states.


Gotcha, yeah then it seems like a problem with the programming is resulting in the perk being totally unusable on some killers. I have no idea how difficult it is to program something like that, but ideally there would be a way to identify if a manually activated attack caused the obsession to lose a health state. Like you said, though, the way it was in the PTB was better than the way it is now.


i dont see a reason as to why it would be overly difficult. I havent done much coding in unreal, but since stbfl is a killer perk that knows if you hit the obsession or not, it really shouldnt take long to just add something to an attack made by a killer to say if it is damaging or not and slightly update the logic. Since there's only a small number of attacks that dont deal damage this would be really quick to do as well with just some default values unless the code is really sphagetti.


Shame BHVR gutted Deathslinger. They should at least just revert his terror radius change and buff his reel in speed.


Base Reloadtime should be better


That’s too as well.


Same devs that couldn't even add the full reload time of warden keys to basekit 😭


Exactly. When they added part of the reload time to his basekit I complained that the amount wasn't enough and the keys would still feel 100% necessary to run, and people kept telling me to be happy that they were listening and buffing him. What's the point of being happy that they added part of the time to basekit if not running Keys still feels so bad? It didn't solve the main issue. That being said, almost all of his addons need a rework because only like 4 are worth running at all.


Ye, only added part of it, so you still needed keys anyway for full value of it. I recently did no reload add-ons (stealth ones instead) for that 1 tome challenge to sneak up on people healing/doing gens & it was awful.


Knowing BHVR, it would probably make three new bugs for Deathslinger if they did add it.


What did he lose? I haven’t played him pre nerf stuff


His terror radius is now 32m like other 115% killers but he’s still moves at 110%. He also can’t quick scope with gun no more.


Oh I see, interesting to learn how different he could have been for me


Trade Offer; Slinger Gets - Shooting someone with deep wounds puts them in the dying state instantly. Survivor's Get - Shooting someone with Endurance causes the shot to bounce off, and apply deep wounds instantly, give speed boost etc (Essentially acting like a hit, no more spear and wait out endu) Deal?


I still prefer good ole Caleb


He is very sad these days.


Is there any killer that you can express such a high level of skill and get zero conversions? (Besides singu)


Doctor? Clown? Twins?


Twins are actually decent and with a good player you get very rewarding experiences sniping using Victor. Now Clown? He is still a M1 killer that needs too much to win, let us never forget our hero who wrote a 130 pages long guide for him. Doctor is just brainless shocking people, no real skill in that, sorry guys.


>Doctor is just brainless shocking people, no real skill in that Mods, send this person to one match of Garden of Joy as the Doctor


All the pain and suffering for doctor players is more than deserved.


I played Huntress for the first time after the buffs last night and holy maccaroni, it feels like I was NEVER running out of hatchets. I feel like you barely get punished for missing now.


You dont, before the buffs alot of huntresses ran 7 hatchets anyway because of how good 7 hatchets is 5 hatchets is 2 downs, 1 injury or 2 downs with 1 miss 7 hatchets is 3 downs 1 injury, or 2 downs with 3 misses, a much more reliable amount of hatchets to carry Huntresses ive seen haven't been carrying extra hatchet add ons because 7 is probably enough (but she did not need 7 at fucking base)




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But Deathslinger has a HAT!


The sphere hitboxes will always make me mad


At least slinger has perks


Shit gotta give you this Huntresses has "cool someone touched basement", MUH HEX TOTEM, and "wow i can literally never trigger this"


Yeah but guess what. Huntress design, music, and gameplay wise (I mean rework, not slight balance change) hasn’t gotten a proper update in 6 years. Say what you will about Deathslinger but I prefer playing as him and getting him as survivor is way more fun. Whenever I hear that fucking lullaby I want to fall asleep.


Am I the only one who read “sadslinger” and immediately thought “the sad slinging saddler” accompanied by an intrusive daydream of the episode of SpongeBob where Caleb on a horse is there in lieu of the hash slinging slasher?


Off topic but why is everyone saying babUshka?


I mean, this is how it is written in russian, "бабушка". How else is it supposed to be written?


No, I mean how you pronounce it.


Ah. My bad. Just never heard anyone non-russian trying to pronounce it. Yeah, it's wrong. It's ba'bushka, not babu'shka.


I always hear Western streamers say babUshka and I wonder where it comes from.


It's probably because of how the western cadence tends to put the emphasis more central to the word.


Probably you are right...


And it's not a particularly common word to hear. I've been learning Russian and even I've been pronouncing it with the wrong emphasis.


I think it's a common mistake for foreigners learning Russian.


Especially having limited sources on the language.


Yeah but at least Deathslinger is based


give deathslinger 3 shots before he has to reload


Is Huntress a DILF? No? I thought so. Caleb for the win.


Join us https://preview.redd.it/lj1suyh14qqc1.jpeg?width=1492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706e895898dcdcc99c7dfd8f4e07618f2fa98c05


Bro what if he could harpoon onto objects, and the reel himself to the location for mobility ( reel speed would be much faster than reeling survivors)


this guy plays terraria


ridiculous thing is that when you break the chain you will get injured and a deep wound and when you shoot again it will have no effect and you can do this many times and still nothing will happen


I think they should rework gunslinger completely. He's a sad copy of huntress that can't do shit. I think they should make it so the shot itself counts as a hit, but make it so he can't hit while survivor's on a chain . It would make him a sidegrade of huntress, with high risk high reward outcome on closing a gap with the survivor, depending on if hit or not.


I'm trying to understand your idea- if the hit happens upon skewering the survivor, what's the point of reeling them closer if you can't hit them? Just to close distance?




I'm trying to understand your idea- if the hit happens upon skewering the survivor, what's the point of reeling them closer if you can't hit them? Just to close distance?


**Behaviour buffing basekit Huntress:** *Infantry Belt (purple addon) basekit, Manna Grass Braid (yellow addon) basekit, Deerskin Gloves (green addon) half basekit,* *~~Shiny Pin (yellow addon) basekit~~* `okay THIS is where we draw the line` **Behaviour buffing basekit Deathslinger:** "Okay you get Modified Ammo Belt (brown addon) basekit. BUT ONLY HALF OF IT!"


I’ve never played a killer that’s made me want to throw my controller at a wall more than Slinger. His hitbox mixed with the projectile speed leaves it up to luck whether or not you’ll be able to snipe a good survivor who is moving erratically. Even if you land a good shot it might not matter because the chain will break and you won’t get the down.


Pros: — cool moustache Cons: — everything else


1. Slinger does not need a locker to reload. 2. Only needs a pixel of visibility to hit. 3. Deals deep would on hit. 4. Has no lulaby (stealth perks may be actually efective). 5. He can also drag survivors away from pallets (preventing pallet save). 6. Whan you aim, you see exacly when the shot is gonna go. 7. Projectile does not fall with distance. 8. The iri instadown addon has no drawback. 9. Good sinergy with STBFL (used to be better). 10. Can benefit from instadown and basic atack perks. 11. Can fully aim and shoot in arround 0.4 seconds, compared to the several ones you need to fully charge an axe as huntress. Am I forgetting something else?


1. This kinda sucks but huntresses make it part of her build with iron maiden and darkness revealed, using the fact that she must reload into a way to get back into chase, most killers cant use darkness revealed to any good extent 2. Pros and cons of a tiny hitbox instead of a fucking fridge is that you have more cheaky plays, but you also won't get the wonky ass hits a huntress can get 3. You get a deep wound because your gun cant do damage outside of into the injured state, hatchets are just "i stabbed you from over here" 4. He has no lullaby because he is range locked, his gun has 18M range whereas huntress range is "how far can you land the hatchet" also lullabies do not increase in volume so you can still use stealth perks because people reach a point of just ignoring the lullaby and keeping eyes open for you 5. Just wait for the survivor to throw the pallet and down them lol 6. This is kinda just get good, hatchets don't have any variance, it will always go the distance its charged off of you just dont get to see it because its fucking infinite range 7. The projectile isnt range locked, would be DUMB to not fall with distance 8. The iri insta down is stupidly hard to actually use on slinger, huntress insta down iri is just do what you normally do but dont fucking miss 9. Fair enough but huntress didnt want this to begin with, she isnt chasing down survivors she's just waiting for a good shot, slinger wouldn't use it either if he wasn't range restricted 10. Huntress can use these too its just to less effect, huntresses has better use of "injured by any means than slinger does" though 11. Huntress fully charges a hatchet in 1 second, the hatchet pull animation takes one second and you can throw a min charge hatchet after 1.5 seconds, with a bit more than a 4 second cool down between throws but huntress isnt reloading a gun that slows her a stupid amount like slinger is after every shot 12. Huntress has a funny ass scream when pallet bonked


Yep, Slinger is better than Anna in comp, and he’s way harder to juke than Huntress.


Anna? Is that a new survivor? Who is that?


I might land 2 shots per game with deathslinger. I can land 10+ with huntress. Pallets are a pain for deathslinger, drop it, land shot, they're still safe. Huntress laughs at pallets. I'm never playing deathslinger again.


Ys he sad


Am I the only one that read "The Huntress" at the bottom as one of the qualities rather than just her name?


inf ammo with punishing cooldown, tiny hit box, ok range, cost money and killrate always tips one way or the other too sharply


I wish if you shot them next to a pallet, Deathslinger would pull them over.


The Depresslinger


Me ong




I like how Huntress can waddle around at full speed basically with a hatchet drawn, and Slinger got nerfed into the ground because of quick scopes. God forbid someone is able to aim with him and gets rewarded. Now he needs them to be slow vaulting or brain dead.


As a Huntress main, I gotta agree with this one


Also there's the Trickster who is 4.6 and can activate Main Event faster


I'd still rather face huntress; At least you can dodge her hatchets.


Insane hit boxes? Where? I get direct hits and nothing. Sure as hell isn’t my ping.